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Anna Lewis

English 112

Professor Thomas

16 January 2019

Psychology behind eating disorders

I have seen friends and family suffer from eating disorders. I have also seen people judge

my close ones for doing this. Eating disorders are so much more than eating a lot or eating not

enough. I want to learn more behind how people come to do this, why they do this, and how can

it be psychologically solved. I myself am also very interested in nutrition as well as psychology

so I feel I will really enjoy furthering my knowledge on this subject. I want to prove that eating

disorders are not only a medical disease, but as a psychiatric disorder.

I feel strongly towards this topic. I feel like there is a lot of psychology behind what we

eat. This topic is also emotionally influential as I have had first hand experience of people going

through these disorders. Although I have not done research on this topic, I think it will be very

interesting to learn about. It will also be beneficial to learn more about it. I Believe there is so

much behind our eating habits. I also believe everyone should be educated on it so you know

how to handle this when it comes to family and even yourself. I know some about the kinds of

eating disorders and what they each entail.

There is still a lot to learn about this topic. I need to learn about why people suffer from

this. I need to learn about why our brains cause us to see food as an enemy. Two very important

research questions I need to answer in my paper are “ Why are eating disorders a medical disease

and a psychiatric disorder?” and “Why do people suffer from eating disorders?’.

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