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Studio 1: Writing Process

So, I guess I start by procrastinating. I really don’t hate writing, I hate the process of writing. I
wish I could sit down and write a whole masterpiece in one sitting. Sadly, that doesn’t happen for
anyone. As it happened with this studio writing, I laid in bed a little too long without my laptop,
distracted myself with meaningless videos on YouTube, and even called my mom on her way home from
work so I didn’t have to start writing this. It is something that happens with most of my writing, unless I
have a whole lab report due in 4 hours, then I know I must bust something out. When I typically start
writing, I like to listen to piano music or something that soothes my mind and helps me concentrate. I
rarely know where to start writing so I write out some of my thoughts and let the words ‘pour out of my
mind’. That makes the most sense to me because it is easier to write once there is something else on the

I always tell myself I am not going to wait until the last minute to start the assignment and yet
here I am at 5:08 in the afternoon, writing this studio the day it is due. I must say that even though I
procrastinated writing this, I completed the reading assignments before attempting to begin this. After I
distract myself and procrastinate for a while, I begin to think about where I need to start. Once I have a
starting point, I then review the rubric or assignment to write down and think about what all needs to be
included in the paper. Once I have parameters for myself, everything is much easier, and it does not take
long at all to write a half-decent paper for an assignment. I then have a roommate or classmate review it
and tell me what needs to be better. I review it to make corrections before finally turning it in. I have
come to realize that writing in a setting where I know no one else is going to see it a lot less stressful and
beneficial to myself which is why I don’t mind writing first drafts. No one is going to see it so it doesn’t
matter just how terrible it is.

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