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Teaching Style Audio Lingual Methods for Students With Special Needs
Hani Novitasari
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


Aside from being individual beings, humans are social beings who always live in
groups, community and cannot live individuals, or they need each other. That means humans
need to interact with each other, in groups or individuals. If humans live without the help of
others, everything will certainly not go smoothly as we hoped it would be and our goals will
be difficult to achieve. Humans as social beings are very closely related in everyday life. And
to be able to communicate, one must be able to communicate. communication is an activity
that involves individuals with individuals themselves and individuals with groups.
Communication is done by using symbols either in the form of writing, or verbally. The
communication is said to be successful if the meaning of the message we want to convey to
others can be conveyed well and there is no communication breakdown. This tool used for
communication is called language, language as a medium for communicating with others.
Language is obtained by everyone since the baby, the environment is what determines what
language the baby will learn first.

To be able to learn the language that is used to communicate with others, humans
will use their sense tools to absorb the input or acquisition of the language. When someone
gets voice input for example, they will use the ear as a tool to listen to the sound. So that later
they can hear, then mimic the sound or the word and say it by mouth. Likewise, by conveying
the message of the writing we read, we will say it through the sound produced by our mouth.
The second example is, when we learn to write, the first step is, we use their eyes to capture
the object of the writing. Then after the object is received by the nerves of our brain, then we
can write it on paper. Such is the picture of someone when they learn, including learning
languages, sensory devices such as being the main aspect when someone wants to learn
anything including learning languages. But as we see, humans are not perfect. There are
people who are born with complete limbs and function normally, and some have limbs but
not all parts of the body function perfectly. Then how do those who have five senses that are
complete but not functioning properly or commonly referred to as people with special needs.
When they want to learn languages, their limitations make it difficult for them. Everyone
understands that people who have limitations can also contribute to learning. Many people
still don't understand how the right method can be used as learning methods for this kind of
thing. Their shortcomings seemed to cover their interest in learning further, this would also
make the child's learning motivation less. With these problems, researchers observe
alternative ways that can be used by people with special needs to be able to learn something
including learning languages with phenomena found around them, then observing how they
learn is associated with the principle of teaching style named Audio Lingual Method.

The purpose of this learning is to explain how Audio Lingual work as a teaching style
can be suitable to be applied or applied to students with special needs. Teaching style itself
can be interpreted as a varied learning style, which is applied in a reliable learning process.
Audio Lingual Methods is a method of learning that is done by focusing on the right
moments to find points that can and because they are familiar with these things, which can be
done in the same way with automatic response and without thinking long.


The method is the product of the three historical circumstances. For its views on
language, it drew on the work of American linguists such as Leonard Bloomfield. The prime
concern of the American linguists in the early decades of the 20th century has been to all the
indigenous languages spoken in the US. However, because of the trained native teachers who
would provide a theoretical description of native languages, linguists have to rely on
observation. For the same reason, a strong focus on oral language was developed.
At the same time, behaviourist psychologists such as B.F. Skinner were forming the
belief that all behaviour (including language) was learnt through repetition and positive or
negative reinforcement. The third factor was the outbreak of World War II, which created the
need to post large number of American servicemen all over the world. It was, therefore,
necessary to provide these soldiers with at least basic verbal communication skills.
Unsurprisingly, the new method relied on the prevailing scientific methods of the time,
observation and repetition, which were also admirably suited to teaching en masse. Because
of the influence of the military, early versions of the audio-lingualism came to be known as
the army method or Audio Lingual Method.
Audio-Lingual Method is a method for teaching foreign languages based on
behaviorist theory, the development of oral skills developed by expertise, which is supported
by the use of repetition and reinforcement. New vocabulary and structural patterns are
learned through imitation and repetition. All drill such as repetition, backward build-up,
chain, substitution, transformation, and question and answer that is used on the pattern that
exists in the dialog. Then, successful students responses are positively strengthened.
Grammar was introduced from the examples given, but explicit grammar rules were not
provided. Through Audio Lingual Methods, cultural information also contextualized in
dialogue, and is presented by the teacher, reading and writing work on students based on the
oral work they did before.
Audio Lingual Methods has eight techniques that can be used to deliver learning
material. First, Dialog Memorization. Memorization dialogue is a short conversation between
two people usually used to start a new lesson. Usually, students take on the role of one person
in dialogue and the teacher in another. After students learn the person's line, they change
roles and memorize other people's parts. In the Audio-Lingual Method, sentence patterns and
grammar points are included in the dialog. Second, Backward build-up (expansion) drill. This
exercise is used when the contents of the dialogue give problems to students and the teacher
breaks the contents of the dialogue into several parts. Then the teacher starts with the section
at the end of the sentence, after which the students understand and review section by section
until they are able to repeat the entire line. Third, Repetition Drill. In this Repetition Drill,

Students will be asked to repeat the teacher's model as accurately and quickly as possible
until the student understands and can imitate a conversation correctly and correctly. The
Fourth is Chain Drill. Here, the teacher starts by greeting certain students, or asking questions
to him. The student responds, then the teacher will ask the question back to the student sitting
next to him. The first student asks questions about the second student and the chain continues
on to the other students. Fifth, Single-slot substitution drill. The technique is, the teacher will
convey a line of dialogue. Next, the teacher says a word or phrase called a sign. Students
must repeat one line of dialogue that the teacher has given them, then replace it to where it
should be. Sixth, Multiple-slot substitution drill. This drill is similar to the single-slot
substitution drill. The teacher gives cue phrases, and it fits into different slots in the dialogue
line. Then students must recognize what part of speech each cue is, where it fits into the
sentence to make any other changes, such as subject-verb agreements, they then say the line.
The seventh is Transformation Drill, the teacher gives students a certain sentence pattern,
active sentences for example, students are asked to change this sentence into a passive
sentence or another sentence. And last but not least is Question and Answer Drill. In this part,
students must answer teacher questions very quickly. This technique gives students practice
with question patterns.
Actually this method can be applied to students in secondary school through high
school, this method is good for teaching speaking and speaking. This method does not discuss
vocabulary but rather the structure and grammar. Every learning method must have its own
advantages. And the advantages of these Audio Lingual Methods are, students will not only
be active in class but make the classroom more attractive and alive, speaking and listening
skills are drilled more, so that pronunciation is more controlled.

Before we connect Audio Lingual Methods with people with special needs, so what
are people with special needs? Special needs is any of various difficulties such as a physical,
emotional, behavioral, or learning disability or impairment that causes individuals to require
additional services or accommodations such as in education or in daily activities


Then the researcher raised the story of a child named Dika, a student who studied at
the SLB bench in the city of Kebumen, Central Java. A blind person who still has a high
learning spirit to be able to understand the things around him and even interested in learning a
Foreign Language, namely English. Actually, Dika is a normal child in mental terms. In a
sense, the shortcomings are only in the eyes which can not see, otherwise it is normal. Dika
was forced to attend high school because she was always refused when trying to enroll in
public schools. In learning English, he uses the Audio Lingual method. Then the researcher
raised the story of a child named Dika, a student who studied at the SLB bench in the city of
Kebumen, Central Java. A blind person who still has a high learning spirit to be able to
understand the things around him and even interested in learning a Foreign Language, namely

Actually, Dika is a normal child in mental terms. In a sense, the shortcomings are only
in the eyes which can not see, otherwise it is normal. Dika was forced to attend high school
because she was always refused when trying to enroll in public schools. In learning English,
he uses the Audio Lingual method. At present, it is linked to the 5th grade elementary school

in the SLB. In the learning process at the SLB, the teacher does not yet understand the
concept of learning by using the audio lingual method. Even the audio lingual method is
recognized by the teacher. So that at school, teachers at the SLB only follow old school
learning methods that have long been applied. They only rely on lecture learning methods
and teach blind students to read braille letters. But interestingly did not run out of reason. His
enthusiasm for speaking English made him have the desire to continue to explore his abilities.
Dika did not master the English language in a complex way, he began by increasing the
vocabulary he knew then began to learn phrases, and also sentences that were easy to
understand or simple. Dika learning is developed by itself using music boxes as a tool to
record sounds that contain. From this case, the author analyzes that the method used by Dika
to learn languages is Audiolingual Methods, precisely Repetition Drill.

So what is the relationship between the case which is experienced by Dika with
teaching style or the audio lingual method itself? As we know that the teaching technique
through Audio Lingual is focused on repetition drill. Audio Lingual Method was based
onstructural linguistics and behavioral psychology. In other words the way acquires the
sentence patterns of target language is repetition of dialogues about everyday situation that
are imitated to make the response automatic. In the process of repeated repetition, we will get
used to hearing the language structure that is listened to and practicing, so that we will also
understand the structure of words in language, using appropriate verbs, for example by using
past verbs if we want to say something that has happened in the past and so on, then how to
use the correct article, we can all get it spontaneously by following the Lingual Audio
learning method.

In the process of repetition, we use appropriate verbs, for example by using past
verbs if we want to say then, how to use the correct article, we can spontaneously by
following the Lingual Audio learning method. Then it is associated with cases that use music
boxes as a medium that helps him understand English because his eyes do not function
normally so he cannot observe directly how the teaching and learning process is like students
in general, whether by reading or writing. But with the help of this music box, he can still
develop his English skills. Because the material is already available in the music box, dika
can repeat or play back the recorded sound at any time until he can understand a condition of
a conversation. Then Dika tends to focus on pronunciation of words and sentence patterns
that repeat intensively. Including rules for language usage, new vocab, use of articles,
pronunciation and so on. Dika claimed to have many types of recordings in her music box,
her mother was the one who was most passionate in helping to support the development of
the Dika process in learning languages. His mother helped to find new learning material for
Dika. The type of recording that is the most in his music box is reading stories, hear the
conversation in English.

So, how's the way to learn English through the Audio Lingual Methods? Dika usually
listens to dialogues between two people, the tape will be played repeatedly, he do the dialog
memorization, and then he starts to mimic conversations for the conversation he hears
through his music box. Listening to the record repeatedly will make Dika able to understand
the dialogue along with the grammar structure or grammar. And the thing that often happens

when someone is familiar with the structure is, he will give a spontaneous response in
accordance with the correct grammar when he gets a question using English. His great
willingness to learn the language was what brought him at that point. Even though both of his
eyes were not functioning, he could still study even without seeing. Hearing can be used as an
alternative for learning languages.


That is how the Audio Lingual Style is applied to help developing language skills of
people with special needs. Dika's music box will help her understand the concepts or rules of
the correct language by using repetition drill techniques. The concept of understanding the
grammar system by repeating many times so that Dika will feel familiar with the structure of
the sentence and become understanding. When you understand, then Dika has got a positive
input into his brain, namely understanding of a concept. It is this understanding that will
make him give an answer spontaneously or spontaneously reaction correctly and precisely
according to the existing grammar when he was asked about something using English. This
proves that Audio Lingual Methods can not only be used in school institutions for normal
children but also can be applied to students with special needs so that they can still develop
their English language skills.


Born with a normal physical condition may be the desire of all people with special
needs, they want to be able to live their normal lives without difficulty learning. Like blind
people whose eyes don't function normally, they can use their other sensory devices. The
Audio Lingual Method can help students with special needs especially blind students to
continue to develop their language skills. However, teachers in special schools have not
understood the existence of this method that can help blind students. It is better to empower
teachers to provide knowledge for teachers to handle all their students, and also tell them that
there is a method called Audio Lingual Methods which can help realize blind children to
learn languages, one of which is through the music box media. This method should be better
known and deepened by the teacher to be applied. That way, there will no longer be
discouraged students who are discourage them from learning languages because Audio
Lingual Methods have answered the problem.


Artini, Sri. 2013. Audio Lingual Method.

lingual-method/ (accessed on Tuesday, December 26, 2018, 21.45 WIB)

Kecen. 2014. The Audio-Lingual Method.

audio-lingual-method/ (accesed on Tuesday, December 26, 2018, 22.00)

Krisna, Mira. Audio-Lingual Method.

lingual-method/ (accesed on Tuesday, December 26, 2018, 22.21)

Wikipedia. 2018. Audio-lingual method.

(accesed on Friday, January 04, 2019, 12.34)

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