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 A state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority the
city's descent into anarchy
 A societal state without government or law
 Lack of obedience to authority

Anarchy featured political meaning

 Anarnism, cluster of doctrines and attitudes centered on the beliefs that government is both
harmful and unnecessary.
 Derived from the Greek root (anarchos) meaning " without authority " anarchism, anarchist and
anarchy are used to express both approval and disapproval.

Anarchy history

 Anarchism is a political philosophy that advocates stateless societies often defined as self
governed voluntary institutions, but that severals authors have defined as more specific
institutions based on free associations.

Anarchist Extremism as Domestic Terrorism

 While most people who hold anarchist beliefs prefer to create change through legal ; non-
violent, methods, there are those who believe change must come through violent act.

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