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Lesson 2

cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) = restoring a person's breath and circulation

cast = a hard bandage that is wrapped around a broken bone to keep it in place
chemotherapy = type of treatment used on cancer patients
chickenpox = a virus commonly contracted by children, characterized by itchy spots all over
the body
coroner = a person who determines the cause of death after a person dies
critical condition = requiring immediate and constant medical attention
crutches = objects that people with injured legs or feet use to help them walk
cyst = a sac in the body-tissue filled with fluid (sometimes diseased)
deaf = unable to hear
deficiency = a lack of something necessary for one's health
dehydrated = in need of water
dementia = loss of mental capacity
diabetes = type of disease typically involving insulin deficiency
disease = a medical disorder that is harmful to a person's health
dislocated = when a bone is temporarily separated from its joint
emergency = a medical problem that needs immediate attention
ER (emergency room) = the hospital room used for treating patients with immediate and life-
threatening injuries
false negative = a test that incorrectly comes back negative
family history = medical background of a person's family members
fever noun = higher than normal body temperature
feverish adjective
fracture noun = broken or cracked bone
fractured adjective

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