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FILESYS Integrated File System

Select one of the following:

1. Directory commands
2. Object commands
3. Security commands

Command Description
ADDLNK Add Link.
ADDMFS Add Mounted File System.
CHGAUD Change Auditing Value.
CHGAUT Change Authority.
CHGCURDIR Change Current Directory.
CHGNFSEXP Change Network
CHGOWN Change Owner.
CHGPGP Change Primary Group.
CHKIN Check.
CHKOUT Check Out.
CPY Copy.
CPYFRMSTMF Copy from Stream File.
CPYTOSTMF Copy to Stream File.
CRTDIR Create Directory.
CVTRPCSRC Convert RPC Source.
DSPAUT Display Authority.
DSPCURDIR Display Current Directory.
DSPLNK Display Object Links.
DSPF Display Stream File.
DSPMFSINF Display Mounted File System Information.
EDTF Edit Stream File.
ENDNFSSVR End Network File System Server.
ENDRPCBIND End RPC Binder Daemon.
MOV Move Moves an object to a different directory
RLSIFSLCK Release Integrated File System Locks.
RMVDIR Remove Directory from the system
RMVLNK Remove Link Removes the link to an object
RMVMFS Remove Mounted File System. Removes exported,
RNM Rename an object in a directory
RPCBIND Start RPC Binder Daemon.
RST Restore Copies an object or group of objects from a backup
device to the system
RTVCURDIR Retrieve Current Directory Retrieves the name of the
current directory and puts it into a specified variable (used in CL
SAV Save Copies an object or group of objects from the system to a
backup device
STRNFSSVR Start Network File System Server. Starts one or all of the
NFS daemons on the server and client.
WRKAUT Work with Authority Shows a list of users and their
authorities and provides options for adding a user, changing a user
authority, or removing a user
WRKLNK Work with Object Links Shows a list of objects in a directory
and provides options for performing actions on the objects
WRKOBJOWN1 Work with Objects by Owner Shows a list of objects
owned by a user profile and provides options for performing actions on
the objects
WRKOBJPGP1 Work with Objects by Primary Group Shows a list of
objects controlled by a primary group and provides options for
performing actions on the objects

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