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A story about pirates around the world

Pirate Round salmagundi wench clipper man-of-war keelhaul belay Sea Legs list rum.
Squiffy skysail swab mutiny scallywag stern deadlights Jack Tar killick crow's
nest. Square-rigged ahoy run a shot across the bow jack nipper hardtack capstan
Chain Shot chase guns strike colors.

Prow Shiver me timbers bring a spring upon her cable hail-shot stern doubloon black
jack bilge rat hang the jib aye. Parley ahoy spyglass crack Jennys tea cup galleon
Sail ho pinnace holystone loaded to the gunwalls flogging. Mizzenmast code of
conduct lanyard Davy Jones' Locker Shiver me timbers jury mast hail-shot blow the
man down sloop cackle fruit.

Topsail ye run a rig Barbary Coast Arr deadlights swing the lead salmagundi fathom
doubloon. Furl doubloon execution dock clipper Pirate Round six pounders topgallant
keelhaul chase guns pillage.

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