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St Catherine's College Colegio de Santa Catalina A2 Spanish English-Spanish Translation Practice Mrs Moore Section A - Translation Try and complete as many translations as possible before the exam. 1. come to the Spain every year with my brother. This year, we took a windsurfing course. It was great because we learned something new every time we were going in the sea. The teachers had a lot of experience, they knew how to teach the basic techniques and make you feel confident. Every morning, when I put my wetsuit on, | used to smile as | knew that I was lucky to be on the course. My brother and | both think that it was an unbelievable experience. 2. You have to be more careful about what you what when you are young. You can eat meat, but you must eat less fatty meat, like chicken. You must eat lots of fruit and vegetables every day, too. You mustn't drink aleohol in order to impress your friends. You can drink something non-alcoholic like cola, or water, If you smoke a lot of cannabis, it can have harmful effects. You can have memory problem, difficulty concentrating, or suffer from depression. 3. Since a young age, my sister and | have wanted to own a restaurant but when we were at school, our parents used to say: “first, you must gain some experience”. Therefore, we had to find small jobs in the kitchens of a restaurant. After her A-Level, my sister trained as a chef, whereas | studied business at university. Three years later, | saw an ad in the newspaper and we both got a job as apprentice chef and manager. Thanks to the financial help from our parents, we were able to buy the restaurant from the owners who had been the victims of a fire. The restaurant is very successful and last year, we bought a second restaurant. 4. What's important to me on holiday is relaxation. Normally we go to the seaside, in Spain, with my family. | like to get up late, then | relax on the beach, we sunbathe, sometimes | swim a bit. When I'm on holiday | prefer to rest as much as possible. I remember once, when we went to Italy, we visited a lot of monuments and we walked a lot. At the end of the day, | fell and I hurt my foot. Moreover, I'm not interested in history, so | got irritated 5. In the future many things will be better. As far as health is concerned, we will be able to cure serious illnesses like cancer and AIDS. Moreover, we will improve the education of people in the developing world so they will have more opportunities. And thanks to the progress of technology, more people will work from home. But in years to come there will be more unemployment. | will do my best and try to find a well-paid job but it won't be easy. We will have to protect the environment too; otherwise we will see more floods and hurricanes. 6. According to the research of the organisation “Barométre Jeunes de Médiametrie”, the majority of young people know about blogs. But girls are more attracted by blogs than boys. Three out of ten young person aged 11-20 often use instant messaging, whereas the youngest tend to use the net to chat. They connect to the net almost every day to do so. 7. Cannabis: worse than cigarettes Smoking three joints is the equivalent of smoking a packet of cigarettes, with the same risks for the heart or cancers. This is what shows the results of a test for the magazine 60 millions de consommateurs. Cannabis is the illegal drug the most consumed in France and makes people inhale seven times more tar and carbon monoxide than cigarettes. 8. In the world today, the concept of exclusive love, to stay faithful to only one partner for your Whole life isn’t the norm anymore. En France, about one marriage out of two ends in divorce and the number of people getting married decreases every year. However, teenagers claim they still believe in love. Even if they don't all want to get married, the majority hope to find a partner for life. This seems to coincide with the figures according to which one in ten couples, around 5 million French, prefer living together to marriage. 9. In the 21* century, people want to live as much as possible without going out of home. They take the lft instead of the stairs, the bus or the car instead of walking or riding a bike everywhere. You can even do your shopping sat in front of your computer. The situation is even more worrying that it is now recommended that people do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. You must add to this at least one or two hours of sport a week. This is important if you want to avoid the problems of obesity, diabetes and heart problems. 10. Too many children don't have breakfast before going to school; this is a factor that contributes to obesity. If you don’t have breakfast, you will tend to snack. If parents encouraged

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