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Sarah Eversole

Prof. Robinson

English 1201

20 January 2019

Is There a True Separation Between Church and State?

I chose this topic to write about for my research paper because it is something that has

always interested me. Whenever I see things in the news that can be related to this topic, it

always peaks my interests. The main reason why I want to know more about this topic is just

through my own curiosity. I want to see what intense research can uncover about this topic for

me. Sometimes seeing things related to this topic can make me angry, due to the fact that

whenever it does come up, it’s showing how there is no separation between church and state.

However, I do believe that research could change my mind on this, and I am very open to it.

Whenever I think of this topic, I think that no, there is not a true separation between church and

state in our country. I believe that more thorough research would help me to develop more on my

beliefs on this issue. I believe that in some areas of our country there is no separation, but it

others there may be. Whatever the case, if there is an area in our country with this separation, it

needs to be changed. I don’t know much on this topic other than what I’ve heard about or read

about. What I do know is that there are problems in our country related to this topic and those

problems need to be resolved. During my research I am hoping to learn basically everything I

can on this topic. Such where there are problems, where there aren’t, or if there even truly are

any problems. I believe my first step in finding these answers is to read a lot of scholarly articles

written about it. One of my research questions is, where, if there is anywhere, do we have
problems with this issue in our country? Another research question I have is, why do we have

this problem?

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