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REVISED AND ENLARGED EDITION WITH 212 ILLUSTRATIVE CHARTS (iit) PREFACE This Book is based on Indian Nadi System, adopting Scriptures of Tamil Nadu, containing 212 practical charts, delineated for reference and guidance of according persons; and the readers who may adopt this system are requested to study them several times for getting accurate predictions. The hidden treasure of Astrology perticularly through Nadi System is something extraordinary and invaluable and even for non-believers of Astrology, this subject can be of great help when once they experience through proper channels. This squirrel work may be of great use to our beloved readers, Author R.G. Rao Bangalore \v} Si. No. CONTENTS: PAGE NO. wo sp oe 15. 16. 17. NADI SYTEM OF TRANSIT AND ITS EFFECTS... METHODS OF CALCULATION BASED ON ASCENDANT AND ITS IMPORTANCE .. 8 FEW PALM LINES AND ITS CAUSATIVE PLANETS......... 5 RETROGRESSION OF PLANETS AND ITS EFFECTS... RETRO-DIRECT (RUJU) MOTION . STATIONARY (STILL) (STAMBHANA) METHOD OF JUDGEMENT OF PLANETARY EFFECTS WHEN MORE THAN ONE PLANET IS LOCATED IN A ZODIACAL SIGN (RASHI) IN BIRTH CHART.......... PLANETARY INTERCHANGE (MUTUAL EXCHANGE) .... 13 INTERCHANGE BY PERSUATION W000. 14 GAIN OF WOMAN'S LOVE THROUGH FRIENDS INDICATION OF MOTHER'S DEATH OR NATIVE'S CHART... STEALING OFFICE MONEY/JAIL PUNISHMENT .... LOVER LEAVING AWAY AND CROSSING OCEAN TO A DISTANT PLACE BROTHER DIED IN A WELL, BUT SISTER ESCAPES IN ACCIDENT .. RULES OF JUDGEMENT (FOR PREDICTIONS) - ‘A AND 'B' LIST WITH EXAMPLE CHARTS. cree WD SPECIAL EFFECTS OF EXALTED PLANETS, CONSIDERATION ON EXPERIMENTAL BASIS ............... 36 EFFECTS OF PLANETARY COMBUSTIONS .., METHOD OF MAKING PREDICTIONS AT PARTICULAR INTERVALS OF TIME ON THE BASIS OF PLANETARY TRANSITS IN A NATIVE'S BIRTH CHART.. . . 65

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