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Martha Mònica Ayala Castro

ID 601619

English II

Corporación Universitaria Minuto De Dios


Bogotá, D.C

Activity 8
This activity leads students into writing a short story using the past simple, present perfect simple and
continuous, but in a more creative way.
Send it in a PDF file.

Solve the following workshow according to the instructions given and send it to a

Activity 8

I have worked for a long time in a Construction Company, I had finished studying

Secretariado when I had started working in this company.

I had not worked there for a long time when I was promoted to the administrative department.

Since then this has been my place of work although we have changed our building on

different occasions

Every day I have gotten up early to get to the office on time, I have been transported in

trasmilenio every day, to be arriving at 7 am.

I have worked hard to keep my job.

I have also studied a lot to continue my psychology career. I have studied at my lunch hour,

during trips to the office etc. I have used the time very well

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