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Book · January 2018


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1 author:

Marco Bitetto
Nuova Universita Di Engegneria E Scienza. (518)703-9171


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By Dr. Marco Bitetto

No this is not a copy of a Tom Clancy spy
thriller nor is it a Clancy like spy thriller.

This story begins in early January 1991 and

is located in the old Eastern Uniform
factory second floor located on 49 street in
Astoria Queens. The time of this story
begins at 1:37 am. The protagonist of this
story is named Marco. His instruments of
his deed were rebuilt pc’s that were built
out of a collection of discarded pc’s and
each of these pc’s were networked
together using the Coherent version of
Berkeley Unix. The total number of
machines that were networked were
thirteen. These thirteen machines were
controlled from a single AT&T 605 Unix
windowing terminal that had an Echo
speech synthesizer attached to the serial
printer port of the terminal and would read
the screen every time the terminals print
screen key was hit.

Copyright © 2018
All Rights Reserved
THE HUNT FOR REDOCTOBER each of these pc’s were networked
together using the Coherent version
of Berkeley Unix. The total number of
Dr. Marco Bitetto machines that were networked were
thirteen. These thirteen machines
were controlled from a single AT&T
No this is not a copy of a Tom Clancy 605 Unix windowing terminal that had
spy thriller nor is it a Clancy like spy an Echo speech synthesizer attached
thriller. to the serial printer port of the
terminal and would read the screen
every time the terminals print screen
This story begins in early January key was hit.
1991 and is located in the old Eastern
Uniform factory second floor located
on 49 street in Astoria Queens. The The foe in this story is none other
time of this story begins at 1:37 am. t h a n t h e e n t i re U n i t e d S t a t e s
The protagonist of this story is named government. His target was the
Marco. His instruments of his deed Achillies heal of the Department of
were rebuilt pc’s that were built out of Defense’s DARPANET. Where, Marco
a collection of discarded pc’s and managed to create a trans computer

system security worm that migrated for each of the different hardware
i t s e l f a c ro s s m u l t i p l e d i ffe re n t based computers and also a list of
hardware based computers that ran operating system instructions to
multiple different operating systems. invoke compilers for the various
In each case the security worm different operating system based
program mutated itself and computers it infected. Most
recompiled a machine language importantly, this security violating
version of itself and multiplied copies worm was a fire and forget network
o f i t s e l f t h ro u g h o u t t h e e n t i re security threat that was activated.
DARPANET itself.

You may ask why did he do this?

This was Marco’s very first offensive
weapons experiment with a program
that could defeat any and all operating The answer is that both Social
system security measures to learn Security and the Department of Labor
and alter itself for each and every screwed him over.
different computer it infected. His
security worm was originally written in
GNU G++ and had as its basic He also constructed an equipment
component an extensive knowledge ordering program that learned by
base of machine language commands example and when he activated it, the
program gave him $100k worth of His attack was a comacozy attack
computer networking equipment, upon the American government and
modems and printers. Not to mention university itself. He had nothing to
supplies as well. loose, since he was soon to become

Altogether, he managed to creat half a

million dollars in damage through his During this time, officials at the
computer clug of rehabbed computers Department of Defense Computer
from the trash that friends had given Services division were going nuts
him. The Unix operating system that trying to stop the security worm from
he bought was only $120 and came on causing even more damage to the
ten mini-floppy disk. DARPANET itself.

All the modems that he used were If it were not for the administration of
Haze compatible and the laser the university complaining, Marco
printers he used all made use of the would have never been caught by the
post script programming language. Secret Service. In early 1992 and until
late 1993, the Secret Service was both
secretly watching the old Eastern
Uniform factory where Marco both
lived and worked out of and also the form of multiple layers of
rather amateurishly tapped his phone nonlinear equations that were used to
lines. The phone lines were very codify entire words. Both Marco and
obviously tapped by the very poor his fellow computer hackers at the
quality of reception that Marco was university were in constant
getting during every phone call. communication. Neither the Secret
Consequently, Marco adapted a Service nor the NSA code braking
spoken code system that baffled the division could brake the encrypted
Secret Service Agents and used this email communications. Still to this
spoken code for every phone day, the NSA is not able to brake the
conversation with fellow computer encrypted emails they have been
hackers. given by the Secret Service.

In terms of his email communications During the entire time of the Secret
w i t h o t h e r h a c k e r s , t h e y w e re Service monitoring of his location,
facilitated by the use of a university Marco was fully able to intercept and
g u e s t a c c o u n t t h a t w a s f re e l y listen into all the communications of
available for use and all the emails his law enforcement agents via a $40
were sent and received in encrypted display model SONY DISKMAN
form. The encryption and decryption portable CD player that used a blank
system made use of chaos theory in CD and head phones. One of the
constant communications that these When Marco was finally apprehended,
agents would gave with one another is the Secret Service agents broke into
how can a blind man using a guide his second floor residence by front
dog do all this on his own? door, roof and windows. They broke
in with glocks fully ready to fire and
one of the agents was ready to kill his
In the latter part of 1993, one of the guide dog Lynx. Marco was able to
modems that Marco used was zapped stop this by telling the agent that Lynx
by an over voltage applied to the lines. was a guide dog and also the agent
This did not stop Marco, since he had say that Lynx was laying peacefully by
an aboundant number of back up high Marco’s side with his head cocked up
speed modems and he also had a and his tongue hanging out.
Hartford Steam Boiler insurance
policy for his entire computer network
that was for replacement of $100k of The head agent ordered the other
computer equipment. This insurance agents to log into all thirteen of
policy only cost him $500 for an entire Marco’s networked computers. After
year of coverage on his computer two hours of not being able to log into
network. the computers in the computer
network, the agents ripped all the
connecting wires to pieces and
carried all the computer equipment
out the door. The left Marco with only him pay for his rented housing. The
the original computers that he started employment was with a company
out with. called Trans X Software Associates
and Marco was employed as group
leader and system’s analyst for the
Within the following days, Marco was company. During his employment at
brought back and forth to the federal the company, he designed software
court house in down town Brooklyn systems that encrypted and decrypted
for his trial. At the end of the trial, he all electronic communications for an
was put on supervised release. international European company that
H o w e v e r, t h e d u m m i e s i n t h e used a heterogeneous computer
government failed to relies that Marco n e t w o r k o f d i ffe re n t c o m p u t e r
still faced eviction and homelessness. hardware and different computer
operating systems. He also
supervised the operations and
So Marco, on his own got the help of a maintenance of St. John’s university
store front church Pasteur to help him NOVEL computer network.
connect with a Westchester county Consequently, Marco was rewarded
Pasteur and secure temporary living financially quite well.
arrangements for Marco and even
with the help of one of the church
deacons secure employment to help
However, the federal probation one of the other inmates. After all the
department was not very happy that agenda of the meeting was over and
they could not locate Marco any done with, the officials opened a
longer. So when they started looking questions and answer session. Marco
for him and found him in Westchester was the very first inmate to open his
county, they promptly arrested him mouth during this questions and
and put him momentarily in the county answer session. He boldly informed
jail and then moved him to the federal the officials that he was both blind and
detention center in down town needed special accommodations
Brooklyn. He stated in the federal under the Americans with Disabilities
detention center over a year and as a federal law. He further stated that he
result his criminal conviction sentence needed a sight cane and one of the
was only seven months. head detention facility officials
promptly ordered another official to
bring me a sight cane. Consequently,
Within the first day at the federal before the end of the meeting Marco
Brooklyn detention center, there was a was handed a six foot long fiberglass
general meeting between the white cane to use as a sight cane.
detention center officials and the Marco then used the sight cane to
inmates. All the inmates had to navigate back to his dorm style bed
attend. Marco managed to get and locker location.
assistance walking to the meeting by
private prison to private prison and
kept in bull pens during this entire
Marco was detained at this facility for
time. He was fed bologna sandwiches
over a year. Occasionally, Marco was
that had green moldy bread. Marco
taken out of the facility to wait in the
routinely discarded the green moldy
federal court house bull pen. Marco
bread and ate the bologna itself. He
willingly went on these court rides to
was bounced from these facilities to
get out of the detention center on a
other facilities on a daily basis.
regular basis.
Federal corrections officials frequently
term this type of action as Diesel
Therapy and it’s used to brake
At one point, Marco challenged the
prisoners and make them more
detention officials in the hall way of
controllable. However, in Marco’s
the center. This caused him to end up
case, it failed entirely and made him
in solitary confinement for two weeks
form a vendetta against the very
and also made him a very highly
prison officials he was ultimately
respected person among the other
placed with in Lexington Kentucky.

Once he was placed in the FMC

After a bit over a year at the detention
Lexington prison’s infirmary section,
center, Marco was bounced from
he began to get acquainted with the
other prisoners. The prisoners were all the prisoners free telephone calls
either members of the group of to anywhere in the nation. He
bootleggers or anti-government militia suddenly gained the deep respect and
members. admiration of all the prisoners in the
facility. By the second month, Marco
was being educated by one of the
During his very first week at the head members of the Minute Men
prison, Marco became aquatinted with anti-government militia members on
the bar code reading ATM style how to take ownership of all assets of
commissary accounting computer towns and states. Upon showing
network. By the end of the week, mastery of the laws that permitted
Marco had hacked into the ATM this, he was granted honorary militia
NOVEL based computer network and member status.
reprogrammed it to have an account
that grew exponentially. As a result,
he was able to buy numerous items At one point, Marco had washed all
from the commissary on a weekly his clothes together in the prison
basis. He even was residing in the wash machine and the result was that
Park Avenue part of the infirmary all his clothes turned titty pink in color.
prison section. By the third week, This resulted in all the prisoners and
Marco reprogrammed the pay as you Marco also getting a fantastic gut
go prisoner telephone system to give busting laughter out of this. Marco
was the only blind computer hacker in Upon he release, he was given seven
the prison facility. This fact gave him hundred dollars that came from his
instant attention among all the prison prison commissary account and sent
officials. Marco would routinely to the Brooklyn Army for homeless
retaliate against the prison officials in based housing. During his attempt to
a passive aggressive fashioned and enter the Brooklyn Army, he was
the end result was that the officials mugged and his entire seven hundred
did not know how to react to Marco. dollars was stolen by a shelter drug
During this time, he even converted to addict. He was taken to a local
Islam as his official faith. hospital and tended to for his wounds.
Right next to him was the very drug
addict that assaulted him and this
By the seventh month, he was forced drug addict was pulling all types of
to go to release program reorientation stick to get narcodic pain killers to
classes. In these classes all the satisfy his drug addiction. The
attending prisoners were told that emergency room doctors and nurses
they could get assistance from the knowing this, simply ignored the
federal and state agencies for the screams of the drug addict.
disabled as a result of them being
socially disabled. This was a total
crock of shit and Marco was the only Upon release from the emergency
truly disabled person in the class. ward, Marco walked over to the
nearest mosque and asked for
assistance, The Imam then permitted
Independent Living for the Disabled
Marco to sleep in the mosque and one
had fortunate disabled people that
of the other Muslim members of the
were getting food stamp benefits and
mosque then helped Marco by giving
routinely eat Chinese food from the
him food and assisting him to meet
corner Chinese fast food take out.
with the parole office meeting that he
Every one else was forced to eat the
had to go to in person. Marco met
slop that was served.
with the head of the parole office and
they spoke and the head of the parole
office saw to it that Marco was placed
This homeless shelter for the disabled
in the Cavellier hotel as a stop gap
routinely abused and mistreated its
measure and that his assigned parole
disabled residents. Once instance
officer Vinny boy (a lazy and arrogant
that came to mind was when Marco
person) made sure that Marco was
had to go to a regular parole meeting
housed in Independent Living for the
and the homeless shelter refused to
Disabled. He lived here for nine
save him a meal. Consequently,
months. The food that this
Marco yanked out of the wall the
government funded nonprofit fed its
telephone switch board and thereby
residence a pig would reject. That’s
disabled the Medicaid billing terminal
how bad the food was.
that was being used by this nonprofit
to provide the disabled with mental given any meals whatsoever. Only a
health services. The result was that friend of his named Antonia gave him
they called the police and the police some Chinese food to eat for the
were trying to reason with Marco and entire time period of his stay in the
encourage him to leave the shelter lobby of the homeless shelter.
peaceably. Each time Marco repeated
that he was a federal ex-convict and
could only obey the orders of his Upon the return of Vinny, Marco’s
assigned parole officer. As a result, assigned parole officer, he was
the police left and Marco remained in ordered to appear in court before
the lobby of the homeless shelter to judge Ira Glasser at the federal court
the shaggrin of the staff and house in down town Brooklyn. With
management of the homeless shelter. the help of Antonia a wheel chair
However, the head of the homeless bound woman that recently was given
shelter promptly sent a fax to the New an apartment to live in, Marco went to
York City Department of Homeless the federal court house with Antonia
Services that blocked Marco from and a great deal of difficulty. The
coming back into the homeless subway station they entered was
shelter and promptly assigned his bed wheel chair accessible, but, the
to a newly arrived homeless person. subway station that they had to exit
He had to then sleep on a chair in the was not. Hence, he bounced Antonia
lobby for several nights and was not up the stairs step by step until he
reached the top of the stairs and machine learning systems as part of
exited by the gate to the subway near his doctoral research and was
the token booth. Upon their on time awarded his doctoral degree before
arrival at the court room, he was met he was incarcerated and became
by a rather nasty gay federal subsequently homeless.
defenders lawyer that threaten him
with life time imprisonment in a
psychiatric prison. Upon their entry Eventually, Marco was put into an SRO
into judge Glassers court room, the (Single Room Ocuppancy) and
judge hear both sides and ruled that eventually was placed into a
the government had spent enough government subsidized apartment of
money dealing with Marco Bitetto and his own in the Strivers Row part of
now he was the problem of the state black Harlem.
and should leave the court room as
quickly as possible. At which point,
both he and Antonia left the court
room for Antonia’s apartment in the
Grenich Village part of Manhattan.

The total irony of the story is that

Marco both used his designed
THE DORK Like most computer hackers, Marlo
has both a laptop Unix computer and
a tablet Unix computer that he
Dr. Marco Bitetto regularly programs in MAXYMA, C++
and Common LISP alike.

It was summer of 2025 in the

northeastern part of North America. Marlo’s computers all talk, since he
The Barlow family was in their rural has a severe vision problem. Also all
one family home in the town of of his computers are wirelessly
Eastmont that is located in the New connected to the World Wide Web via
England area of North America. This a DSL modem.
town is a typical working class town.

Marlo has a large mut dog called

Mr. Barlow, Marlo’s father is a factory Bucky. Bucky is a one year old pound
foreman at the Leigh High engine rescued dog that learns tricks very
factory. Ms. Barlow, Marlo’s mother is fast and loves to both be around
a typical house wife and caring Marlo and sleep with Marlo. Marlo
mother with only one child, Marlo also loves being around Bucky and
himself. sleeping with Bucky.

Also Marlo has an extensive ebook When home Marlo does the front and
collection of twentieth century classic backyard lawns and loves to play with
science fiction that dates back to the Bucky in the wooden picket fenced off
era of Hugo Gernsbach. backyard. When they become tired
Marlo sits on the picnic table in the
backyard and Bucky lays along side
Marlo wears two sets of glasses, one where Marlo sits.
very thick set is for his distance and
the other even thicker set is for his
reading. He even takes out the garbage from
the alley way and rolls the plastic
garbage bins to the curb for the
He also has an electric library account weekly trash pick up.
in the largest city public library of the
area located in Buffalo.
All in all, Marlo has a very typical and
normal life for a nerd that is.
He will start high school in September
But, this is all about to change when
of this year and will be wearing is
he enters Eastmont high school.
usual dress shirt, bow tie, dress pants
There the other students will do evil
and dress shoes.

things to him, poke fun at him and Marlo will also befriend other nerds
stay away from him. that are being viewed as dorks by the
other students. The best two friends
of which are Hugo and Heinrich.
Marlo’s parents constantly stress that
he must get the highest grades
possible to win the Eastmont college Marlo and his friends will meet and go
scholarship. This scholarship is only over each other’s houses on a regular
awarded to the highest grade earning basis.
student in Eastmont high school.

Marlo will of cause have to get driven

Like the typical heterosexual twelve to high school by his mom. His mom
year old boy, Marlo will find a girl drives both his father and him to their
friend in high school that is also a respective destinations.
nerd and viewed as a dork by all the
Finally, the day of torture has arrived.
other students. Together they will
It’s the first day of classes at
help each other through the tough
Eastmont high school. Marlo’s mom
periods of high school and eventually
drops him off in front of the high
Becky will marry Marlo and start a
school and he starts to enter the high
family in town.
school at 7:45 AM just like all the
other students of the high school. All Finally, after ninety minutes, all the
the students enter the auditorium students have been assigned to their
through the large open doors before home room classes.
them. The auditorium is located to the
left of the central entrance of the high
school. Once in the home room class, each
student is presented with a computer
printout of their classes in a day and
Within the cavernous auditorium are time fashioned.
the teachers for each year’s classes
and the principle. When all the
students are sitting down then the Marlo gets his computer printout and
principle starts to announce the quickly makes order of it using his
students that are going to be in the fountain pen that is located in his front
classes of the given teachers. left shirt pocket that is right next to
his reading glasses located in his right
Marlo gets to be called first and is
front shirt pocket.
a s s i g n e d t o M r. B u c k m i s t e r ’s
freshman home room class. He also makes a mental note that he
is in the drafting class, intermediate
algebra class, physical science class,

English class, and social studies class With his ID in hand, Marlo places it in
class as well. his front left shirt pocket next to his
fountain pen and he knows that noting
will stain it since it is laminated with a
During lunch period, he introduces plastic laminate.
himself to the high schools library. A
library that has absolutely no physical
books but a vast collection of ebooks After he received his photo ID card,
that are read on tablet computers that Marlo left the high school at 3 PM to
are equipped with print enlargement meet his mom in front of the school
and text to speech capability. He also and get driven home.
learns that he must submit his school
ID card to borrow any of these. This is
something that the school has not Once home, Marlo began to read his
issued yet and will issue before the class assignments from the
end of the day. downloaded text based ebooks that
each class gave. He then made notes
in his tablet’s note taking word
After he and the other students are processing app and continued to
told to go to the cavernous auditorium finish is home work.
for their high school student ID’s.

After he finished his home work, it All the family agreed that the dinner
was dinner time and the entire family was fabulous. Even Bucky, the family
sat down to eat dinner. At the dinner dog’s nose was working overtime on
table each family member discussed this one as well.
how their day went.

It was finally Marlo’s turn, he told

Marlo’s father said that they got a new everyone at the dinning room table
type of automated machine for the that things were going okay sort of
engine factory and he and the other and he got his high school photo ID
workers were getting trained on how today. Then he picked out his ID from
to use this new machine. his left front shirt pocket and showed
both his parents the new photo ID of
Marlo’s mother said that she got a
After they all finished dinner, Marlo
new casserole recipe from the nearest
went to the bathroom and then went
neighbor and she tried out the recipe
to his bedroom with Bucky the dog.
on their dinner that they were eating
The two of them went onto the bed
and Marlo got his tablet computer and
began to read some new science

fic t i o n s t o r i e s f ro m h i s e b o o k Suddenly, at 6:45 AM Marlo’s talking
collection. clock started to ring. It’s alarm plays
the “Yellow Rose of Texas” as an
alarm to wake up by.
He read the science fiction stories by
having the tablet read aloud to him
each and every work of the science Marlo then got up along with Bucky
fiction stories. and he went into the shower with his
clean close waiting for him in the
bathroom. The bathroom was a
After Marlo read four stories from his standard size bathroom and had a
new science fiction collection ebook, zitsbath within it with plastic shower
he got up and placed his tablet curtains hanging from a shower rod.
computer back into the charger and The bathroom was colored with white
deactivated the text to speech and sky blue tiles and the toilet was
interface and also closed the ebook white and raised off the floor. The
reading app as well. Then he went sink had a wooden cabinet below it
back to bed and laid next to his that was painted sky blue. The towel
cuddle bear Bucky and the two of was hanging from the towel rack and
them fell asleep together. his clothes were on the top of the
toilet bowl cover. His cloths consisted
of tweed colored dress socks, his
navy blue dress pants, a plaid colored Then he let Bucky back into the house
short sleeve dress shirt and a marone and Bucky promptly sat by the front
pre-set bow tie. His shoes were on door to say goodby to Marlo. Marlo
the bathroom floor between the toilet finished his breakfast and then went
and the sink and in his right shoe was to the front door and petted Bucky on
a shoe horn that he would use to get the head and said to him I will be
his shinny black dress shoes on with. home soon again. Then he went
His shoes were secured to his feet by outside and into the running car that
a buckle. his mother was in and they drove off
after he shut the car door.

After fully getting dressed and

combing his short black hair, Marlo Within five minutes they were in front
went down stairs to feed Bucky his of the high school. The high school
dog and then let him out into the was actually only a half hours walk
backyard. After that Marlo sat at the from Marlo’s home. A walk that he
dinning room table and had his most would frequently do during the spring
favorite breakfast, scrambled eggs, time of school.
turkey sausage and buttered toast
with a nice cup of hot chocolate to top
it off. Marlo then opened the car door of the
emerald green sports utility vehicle
and exited the car. He then closed the a very simple machine using the
door and he and his back pack went software tools that they learned about
into the school building. today.

Once inside the school, he ran up the Next, he went to mathematics class at
four flights of stairs to his home room the sound of the bell and he learned
that was located at the opposite end about more intermediate algebra. He
of the hallway. also lear ned to use the freely
downloaded school software called
MAXYMA to check his mathematics
Once there, he said hello to Hugo, homework.
Becky, Heinrich and Mr. Bucklemister
himself. All returned the amiable
salutation. Then at the sound of the next bell,
Marlo went to physical science class
Today, his first class of the day was
and learned about the atom and the
drafting and he was learning to use
quantum model of the atom. His
the CAD/CAM program that was freely
home work assignment was to read
downloaded to his tablet computer.
more from the physics text ebook for
Mr. Hucklebuckle the drafting teacher
high schoolers that was downloaded
gave everyone an assignment to draw
onto his tablet.
do his term paper on space propulsion
systems. She then said okay and
At the sound of the fourth bell, he ran
write it down on her tablet computer
to his social studies class and learned
that she later uploaded to the high
about European history. He was also
school’s Unix computer network.
given the home work assignment to
read more about European history. In
social studies class they even saw a
Upon the three o’clock bell that told
holochron movie of the formation of
the end of the high school learning
the Roman Empire.
day, all the students were released
Finally, at the sound of the final bell, from their final classes of the day.
Marlo ran to his English class where
he was being taught how to write term
papers. In the class, Ms. This routine of events went on for the
Broomsworth referred to the ebook on entire high school calendar year.
how to write term papers quite often
and gave the students an assignment
to write a term paper on any topic Upon summer brake, Marlo worked at
they desired. When going around the Mr. Buckmister’s electronics shop
class to write down the topics of each where he was the computer
of the students, she finally cam to programmer and computer repair
Marlo and he stated that he wanted to technician alike.
Each of them eat from a brown paper
bag lunch that their mom’s had made
At Mr. Buckmister’s shop Marlo
for them. Hugo worked at the dry
earned an entire seventeen dollars an
cleaners store, Heinrich at the auto
hour. At this time that was minimum
parts store and Becky at the local
Dollar Tree store.
Marlo was saving his earnings at the
local Schweppers savings bank in
town. Everyone in the bank knew Each of them saved their earnings at
Marlo and would eagerly greet him the local Scheppers Savings bank.
every time he came into the bank to Where they were earning five percent
deposite his earnings. interest on their savings accounts.

During lunch time, Marlo would meet Weekly, they would all go together
with Becky, Hugo and Heinrich and during lunch brake to the bank and
they would discuss what they were deposit their weekly pay checks and
going to do together on the then they would return to their places
weekends. of work.

One day, Marlo, Becky, Hugo and His new set of sophomore classes
Heinrich decided to hack into their were trigonometry, asian studies,
high schools online unix network and English, chemistry and study skills.
alter their grades from B’s to A+’s. As usual Marlo did his best and
They all knew that the ideal person for always score a B in his course.
this job was Marlo and his unix
This to continued until the end of the
workstation. So they did this just
school year. At which point, Marlo
before the return back to Eastmont
started his usual summer job and did
high school. No one outside of these
his usual summer things. He however,
four students knew about this and no
began to seriously court Becky and he
one would ever find out.
was preparing to give her his high
school ring when he ultimately go it
during junior ring night at Eastmont
Then the day of the reopening of the
high school.
high school and the commencement
of classes, each of them was assigned Marlo continued to hack into the
to the same new home room for Eastmont online Unix computer and
sophomore year of high school. Their change his, Becky’s, Hugo’s and
new home room teacher was none Heinrich’s grades to all A+’S.
other than Ms. Hargwart.

None of these four were ever afraid of Marlo was assigned to calculus I,
getting caught hacking into the physics, English, American History
Eastmont Unix online computer and civics classes. As usual, he
network, because they all knew that scored B’s in all these classes and did
Marlo was a master computer hacker all the home work assignments.
and knew significantly more than the
systems administrator Mr. Harlsworth
about how to defeat security Periodically, Marlo, Becky, Hugo and
measures without leaving a trace. Heinrich would meet in the library of
the town after school.

When Eastmont high school finally

opened for classes, all for of these They would discuss the various
friends were in their junior year of high classes that they had and what they
school. learned in a very quiet manner. After
about an hour of this, they would
In junior year of high school the four
leave the library and head to their
friends were all assigned to the home
homes getting ready to do their
room of Mr. Essenmister. He too was
respective home work assignments
a very nice and encouraging teacher.
and get ready for another day at high
Mr. Essenmister also taught calculus I.

At the end of the school year, Marlo Marlo this time was assigned to
and his friends began their summer calculus II, biology, world history,
jobs and did their summer things. English and public speaking. As usual
They all knew that this was senior he scored a B in all of his classes. In
year and that they probably would not English class he was told he had to do
see each other for years to come. a term paper and he told Ms.
Hempersmith that his term paper
would be one Hilbert State Space
As usual, Marlo hacked into the Analysis of Quantum Fluctuations.
Eastmont high school online Unix She agreed that was an acceptable
computer and again changed the topic and wrote it down on her tablet
grades of him and his friends Becky, computer.
Hugo and Heinrich to A+’s. He did this
just before the beginning of the school
year. He continually got excellent B grades
in all of his courses and again the
This time Marlo and his friends Becky,
school year came to an end for one
Hugo and Heinrich were all assigned
final time.
to Mr. Hembershmitds senior home
room class. Again, as usual, Marlo and his friends
Becky, Hugo, and Heinrich got their
summer jobs and were doing their
usual summer things. These four grades were uploaded to the high
friends even met from time to time to schools computer network.
talk about their future plans.

Ultimately, the final act of alteration

Then just before the beginning of the was needed to be done by Marlo, he
high school year, Marlo hacked into and his friends grades were altered
t h e h i g h s c h o o l ’s o n l i n e U n i x from B’s to A+’s for the last and final
computer network and changed all time.
the B grades of himself, Becky, Hugo
a n d H e i n r i c h i n t o A + ’s o n t h e
computer networks student grades Finally, graduation day came and the
database. three friends of Marlo met up in the
Eastmont high school cavernous
auditorium and all sat together next to
Marlo knew that he would have to do their families. When the hour came,
it once again for a final time and hack the graduation ceremonies started
into the high schools computer and the four friends were called up to
network and change the grades of the stage of the auditorium to get their
himself and his three friends from B’s Eastmont scholarship checks. They
to A+’s. He would do this two weeks were then asked what they were going
before graduation and just after final to major in and where they would
attend. Heinrich was asked first and
he said he was going to major in
mechanical engineering at MIT. Then
Hugo was asked next and he said that
he would major in chemistry at SUNY
Stoney Brook. When Becky was
asked, she said that she was majoring
in mathematics at Cornell University.
Marlo was next asked the same
question and he stated that he was
majoring in computer science at
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. At
the end all four friends received a full
round of applause.


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