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I volunteer as much as I can helping with our local community meal.

This community
meal was developed by a few local business owners wanting to give back to our community.
They come together to donate time, food, supplies, warm and their own services our own local
families in need. This meal not only houses a space for many families to get dinner but also
offers delivery service to those who cannot get to the location for a meal. The meal was first
started in 2015 and has been supplying meals once a month up to 6 times a year. The goal is to
ultimately provide not only a free hot meal every single month but try to supply those in need
with further food and supplies and services.

A few weeks prior to the event we walk around several neighborhoods handing out flyers
letting families know when the upcoming meal will be. Due to our crazy schedule my family and
I often volunteer handing out flyers for the meal. I really like this opportunity to brightening
someone's day handing them a flyer and letting them know that a free meal is coming soon. It is
also nice to have the opportunity to meet others within our community. Some share their stories
about a past loved one, or a friendship that started due to one of the events. Community members
start to look forward to this diner not only for the food, but they have a place to socialize and
meet others.

This meal truly is a community event. Many people volunteer their time to help gather
the food needed for the meal, cook, set up, serve, and clean. Many volunteers the use of their
own vehicles to deliver meals to families that don’t have a way to the location where the meal is
held. Our own high school students volunteer their time as well for help in any way. Local
businesses donate food to supply the meal. Members of our community come together to make
centerpieces for the tables that are not only beautiful but functional as well. We give these pieces
to those that need it most. In the past they have created baskets of school supplies, cleaning
supplies, flowers and many more. The last event we collected coats, gloves, hats and scarfs to
hand out to those that needed them.

This experience really does make you realize how many of our friends, neighbors and
school mates are truly in need in our area. There have been many times that my kids tell me that
a child that comes to the event goes to their school. It makes us all realize how much this meal is
The people that come to the meal are so incredibly grateful for a hot meal and good
conversation. The event has grown so much that we are currently looking for a larger space to
support more families. This event shows me that I should not take a single thing for granted. No
matter how horrible our lives seem, there's most likely someone else out there that has it worse. I
need to try to do the most I can to help others. There is always something we can do to help
someone with any kind of need.

I love feeling as if my family and I can make a difference in our community. Without the
help from all the volunteers and donations this event would not be possible. I am grateful and
proud of the community I live in.
Actual photos from previous and current community meals.
Example of community meal flyers.

For more information and photos please click on the following link:

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