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Probably, one of the most popular ways to reinvent yourself is changing your fashion style, people´s

outfit can say so much about themselves. That´s why the way we dress is a big deal nowadays.

Changing up your style can be an important to keeping your look in tune with where you are in your life
and to preventing you from looking older or (unflatteringly) younger than your true age. Fortunately,
renovating your style isn’t as intimidating as you may think.

Sometimes just wearing what you like instead of wearing what people want you to wear it´s better for

Changing up your overall style might cause mixed reactions between your family, friends and colleagues,
some may like it whereas others will hate it, but that shouldn’t stop you from looking the way you want.

Plastic surgery is a risky way to reinvent yourself and it´s becoming more and more popular with the
time passing by. Between 2014-2015, the cosmetic industry recorded 15.9 million procedures, which
was a 2% increase on the previous year. By the end of 2016, the industry had recorded a further
increase with over 17 million procedures performed. The popularity of plastic surgery procedures is
evidently growing, and it’s expected to be a global industry worth over £8.5 billion by 2022.

“Breaking your own mold can only make you stronger and more confident to reach higher levels in your
professional and personal life… in order to be more creative, you have to try new things, see things in a
new way, put pieces together in a new manner.” - Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo, therapist and author of
“Better than perfect”. You shouldn’t be afraid to try new things, in order to stand out you need to be
openminded about some things, you can grow your hair a little longer if you want, you can change the
way you behave with others if that’s good for everyone. Reinventing your life can be tough but not
impossible, if you set your mind on it you can become whoever you are and nobody but yourself can
stop you.

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