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Crissie Williamson

English 1101

Sharyn Hunter

March 25, 2016

School Uniforms

School uniforms should be worn in both private and public schools to help reduce bulling, theft,

and help kids stay more focused.

Boutelle, Marsha. "UNIFORMS: Are They AGood Fit?." Education Digest 73.6 (2008): 34-37.

Academic Search Complete. Web. 25 Mar. 2016.

Advantages of implementing school uniforms are, decreased cases of bulling, violence, theft, as

well as keeping kids more focused at school.

WILKINS, JULIA. "School Uniforms." Humanist 59.2 (1999): 19. Academic Search Complete.

Web. 25 Mar. 2016

The Long Beach school system in California may have had a reduction in cases of bullying and

theft, only because other factors such as officers patrolling the hallways, and increased parental

knowledge of the problem, were implemented at the same time.

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