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Income Taxes

Agnar Sandmo, Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway

Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Following a discussion of the nature of income taxation, the article reviews theory and evidence of the effects of the income
tax on individual behavior with respect to labor supply, saving, portfolio choice, and tax evasion. It also discusses the role of
the tax in income redistribution and the design of an optimal tax system that combines the concerns for economic efficiency
and distributive justice. It also reviews a number of recent proposals for tax reform in different countries.

In the eyes of the taxpayer, the income tax is the most visible economic incentives for the taxpayers as well as different
form of taxation and therefore also politically the most consequences for the after-tax distribution of income.
controversial. Controversies surround the issues of how the The income tax may be progressive, proportional, or
income tax affects individual behavior in areas such as labor regressive. A proportional tax is one where the average tax rate
supply, saving, home production, and tax evasion. Even more is constant; the proportion of income paid in tax is the same
controversial, obviously, is the use of the income tax to redis- for all levels of income. Note that this implies that the
tribute income, which raises the more normative question of marginal tax rate – the percentage tax paid out of a small
how progressive the income tax ought to be. increase in income – is also constant. In a progressive tax
system the average tax rate increases with income, and this
implies that the marginal rate is higher than the average rate.
The Nature of Income Taxation Finally, in a regressive tax system the average tax rate is
decreasing, with the marginal tax rate being lower than the
The income tax is the prime example of a direct tax; it is levied average rate.
directly on the incomes of the individual consumers in the Countries differ considerably both in their legal definitions
economy, and it can be designed to take account of the indi- of the tax base and in the degree of progressivity of their income
vidual circumstances of the taxpayer. In contrast, indirect taxes tax schedules. There is also significant variation between
are levied on anonymous market transactions and are paid at countries as regards the importance of taxes on income as
the same rate irrespective of the taxpayer’s income, number of a source of revenue. To illustrate, in 2010 according to official
children, age, health – to mention just a few of the taxpayer Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
characteristics that have over time been taken into account in statistics, the share of income taxes (as levied on all sources of
the design of the personal income tax. It is this tailoring of the income and inclusive of social security taxes) in total tax
tax to the individual’s ability to pay, which makes it a poten- revenue varied from about 45% in Chile, Mexico, and Israel to
tially important instrument for the redistribution of income around 70% in countries like Norway, Switzerland, and the
and for reducing differences in the standard of living among United States. Of course, these percentage shares are reflected in
individuals and families. a correspondingly high share of revenue from indirect taxes in
The definition of taxable income varies in the legal systems the former group of countries and a low share in the latter.
of different countries and over time. Labor income – wages
and salaries – forms the central element of the tax base. To this
is added income from capital in the form of interest, divi- The Income Tax and Economic Behavior:
dends, etc. However, income from capital is a more elusive Labor Supply
concept than income from labor. Thus, countries differ in the
extent to which capital gains are subject to taxation, and they How do variations in the income tax rate affect the labor supply
differ in the extent to which noncash income, such as the of individuals and households? The economic theory of labor
imputed income from owner-occupied housing, is subject to supply takes its point of departure from a model of a single
tax. Perhaps even more importantly, rules differ regarding the individual who faces certain market opportunities. In the
deductibility of negative capital income, such as interest simplest version of this model, the wage rate per hour worked
payment on mortgage loans. Tax laws also differ in the extent is constant, so that earnings are proportional to hours worked.
to which they allow the deduction of particular expenses, such In deciding how many hours to work, the individual takes
as the cost of travel to work, the cost of child care, trade union account both of the fact that higher earnings make it possible to
fees, etc. consume more, but that it also costs something in the form of
These differences in the tax base may reflect different less leisure. At the optimal number of hours worked, it must be
perceptions among policy makers of what is a just and fair tax the case that the subjective marginal value of leisure equals the
system; they may also reflect differences in the balance of real after-tax wage rate. For longer hours of work the subjective
political power among various special interests. What is clear is value of leisure is higher than the wage rate; at shorter hours it
that different legal definitions of the tax base create different is less.

744 International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Volume 11
Income Taxes 745

Now consider what happens if the marginal tax rate participation rate tends to be more sensitive to taxation than
increases. Two effects can be identified. First, since the reward that of men.
to labor at the margin falls, there is an incentive to work less; How is one to interpret the result that the labor supply of
this is called the substitution effect. Second, since the tax women is more elastic than that of men? The most natural
increase means that the taxpayer is less well off than before, his explanation is that in most data sets, women tend to be the
marginal valuation of leisure falls; this is what is known as the secondary breadwinners in the family; they tend to work
income effect, which in itself tends to increase work effort. shorter hours and have lower earnings than their male partners.
Clearly, the two effects pull in opposite direction, so that it is Variations in family labor supply in response to tax changes
not possible to formulate any clear-cut hypothesis about the will, therefore, most naturally take the form of adjustments in
connection between the marginal tax rate and labor supply. the hours of work and labor force participation by women.
A common objection to this theory is that there are in fact In the theoretical framework sketched above, leisure was
few individuals who are able to choose their hours of work implicitly defined as the amount of time not spent working in
freely, and that the theory, therefore, tends to focus attention the labor market. But as a matter of fact people spend a lot of
on a problem of little importance. In the short run this is time in household work; studies of time use tend to show that
certainly true for a large number of employees. However, the household work takes up about as much time on the average as
theory can be interpreted in a number of different ways to make work in the labor market. The substitution effect of higher taxes
it applicable to many more aspects of labor supply. Consider, in favor of leisure is accordingly also in favor of household
for example, a young worker who is entering the labor force work; in other words, the income tax ‘subsidizes’ labor used in
and considering different job opportunities. Some jobs are household production.
offering long hours and high earnings, while others promise The tax rates that are relevant for the theoretical and
more leisure time at the cost of lower earnings. The occupa- empirical study of labor supply are most naturally considered
tional choice between job alternatives can in fact be modeled in to be simply the statutory rates of the tax law. However, in
a way that is formally similar to the hours of work model, and some contexts it is necessary to take a broader view. Suppose
the substitution and income effects of taxation emerge in this that an individual or household receives a transfer, in cash or in
setting as well. The same is true of models of the choice of kind, which is income contingent; in order to qualify for it,
retirement age; a tax increase decreases the reward to a further one’s income must not exceed a certain limit. Imagine now that
extension of one’s working life and creates an incentive to the income of a particular household increases from some-
earlier retirement (the substitution effect), but it also makes it where below this limit to somewhere above. This increase is
necessary to work longer than before to achieve a given stan- subject to the statutory rate of tax, which in the case of a low-
dard of living during retirement (the income effect). income household, can be supposed to be relatively low. But
The consideration of retirement raises the more general in addition the household loses its transfer, and this loss is in
issue of labor force participation. For some people, taxation economic terms exactly like a tax increase. The combined effect
may influence their decision on whether or not to participate in of the statutory rate and the loss of the transfer payment results
the labor market. Income from labor, provided that they decide in an effective tax rate, which could be much higher and might
to work, will be compared to the income that they can count on even exceed 100%, thus creating a powerful disincentive to
if they do not work. Alternative sources of income may be work among low-income families, often referred to as
income from capital, earnings by family members, income a ‘poverty trap.’ This is not just a theoretical possibility but has
derived from black market work or other illegal activities as been identified as an empirical fact in the tax and transfer
well as social assistance and other forms of public support. The systems in a number of countries. Clearly, it is very important
tax rate that is relevant for the participation decision is not so to consider the interaction between tax and transfer systems in
much the marginal as the average rate. The crucial point is how order to avoid unintended and unfortunate consequences of
much income from labor will be reduced by the total amount their combined effects.
of tax paid on this income.
A number of attempts have been made to estimate models
of labor supply and taxation using econometric methods. Since The Income Tax and Economic Behavior: Saving
the nature of the data sets employed in these studies differs and Portfolio Choice
considerably, one might expect that the results would be highly
specific with respect to the country, the time, and the nature of The base on which the income tax is levied includes income
the industry to which the data pertain. This is true to some from capital as well as from labor. A simple extension of the
extent, but there are also some general results that characterize theoretical framework so far is to imagine that the individual
a large number of studies. One is that the labor supply of lives in two periods, and that he saves some of his labor income
women tends to be more elastic with respect to tax changes in the first period. This will then become available – with
than that of men. When women’s marginal tax rates go up, they interest added – in the second period. Interest income is subject
tend to work significantly less, whereas for men one typically to tax. What happens to saving when the tax rate increases?
finds very small effects. Attempts have also been made to As in the labor supply case, we can identify a substitution
follow the theoretical model and estimate the substitution and and an income effect of an increase in the marginal tax rate.
income effects separately. One then frequently finds that the When the tax rate goes up, the after-tax interest rate falls and
reason the total effect for men is small is not that both effects there is an incentive to save less; this is the substitution effect.
are insignificant, but rather while each is of substantial On the other hand, the lower the net-of-tax interest is, the more
magnitude, they tend to cancel each other. Moreover, women’s it is necessary to save in order to achieve a given level of future
746 Income Taxes

consumption, and this is the income effect. The substitution a tax on individual consumers. In fact, some economists have
and income effects clearly work in opposite directions. But we suggested that it might be a good idea to abolish the tax on
also need to take account of the fact that some people are not corporations and instead collect all income from corporations
net savers in the first part of their life. Instead they borrow with at the hands of the individual stockholders. But abolishing the
the loan to be repaid with interest in the later part of their life tax on corporations might not be a politically popular issue,
cycle. If the interest on the loan is tax deductible, a higher rate and in addition there are some real economic arguments why it
of tax provides an incentive to borrow more, i.e., to save less. should be preserved. One is that collecting the tax at the
This, again, is the substitution effect. But now the lower interest corporate level helps to reduce incentives for tax avoidance and
rate makes it possible to borrow more than before without evasion; another is that it is an efficient way to collect some tax
having to reduce future consumption; thus the income effect revenue from foreign owners of domestic companies who are
on saving for a borrower is negative, not positive. Since some not subject to the domestic tax on personal income.
people are borrowers and some lenders, the income effect for In the theoretical literature there is a further argument in
all consumers together might not be very significant and the favor of the corporate income tax. Assume that corporations
substitution effect would tend to dominate. Empirical studies maximize profits and that markets are efficient. Then it would
also tend to show that there is in fact a negative tax effect on be desirable to have taxes that do not lead to any distortions of
saving, although the magnitude is not always very strong. production and investment decisions in corporations. But if
This picture of tax effects on saving seems to assume that all corporations are subject to a (say) 40% tax on profits, the
saving takes the effect of lending or borrowing in some kind of decisions that would maximize profits in the absence of tax are
homogeneous asset. In reality, of course, people hold a port- obviously the same as would maximize 40% of profits. Hence
folio of assets (housing, bank deposits, mortgage debt, shares, the corporate income tax is neutral; it collects revenue for the
etc.,), and the income tax can therefore be expected to influence government without leading to any distortions of decisions
not only the aggregate amount of saving but also the compo- at the firm level and leaves the efficient market outcome
sition of the savings portfolio. This is particularly so since the unaffected.
income tax law in many countries does not provide for the However, this picture is very much simplified. The main
taxation of different asset returns at a uniform rate. While reason for this is that the tax definition of corporate income is
interest on bank deposits is often taxed at the statutory rate, in several respects different from the theoretical concept of
interest on some types of bonds may be tax exempt, capital profits. One important source of deviation between the two lies
gains may be tax free provided one has held the stock for in the treatment of real capital depreciation. The real depreci-
a sufficiently long time, and the returns from collector’s assets ation of a piece of machinery or a building or another type of
like art, antique furniture, rare books, and stamps are usually capital equipment during a year is part of the costs of the
not taxed at all. Empirical studies also seem to indicate that corporation, and in order for the corporate income tax to be
portfolio composition is indeed very sensitive to tax effects. neutral, real capital depreciation should count as part of the
In the academic literature there is one type of tax effect on costs in arriving at a definition of taxable income that corre-
portfolio choice which has received special attention by sponds to true profits. But a corporation may employ thou-
economic theorists. Some assets are relatively safe in the sense sands of different types of real capital, and it is not possible for
that their return can be predicted with a high degree of the tax authorities to allow for the deductibility of true depre-
certainty; others are more risky. Could the income tax be ex- ciation for all of these. Instead they typically allow standard
pected to change the balance between safe and risky assets in depreciation rates for large groups of capital assets such as
savers’ portfolios? Suppose that there is full loss offset, so that machines, buildings, transportation equipment, and so on. But
any negative returns on risky assets can be deducted against this means that for some types of capital the corporation is
other income. Then one can deduce, basically from the allowed to deduct less than the true depreciation, for others
assumption that the individual saver is averse to risk, that an more. In its interaction with the tax depreciation rules the
increase in the rate of income tax will induce him to invest corporate income tax in fact works as a selective tax on some
more in the risky asset than before. The explanation is that types of capital equipment and as a subsidy on others. Similar
although the government takes a share of his expected return, it issues may arise regarding interest deductibility, stock valua-
also shares in the risk, thereby protecting him from the tion, and capital gains both on real and financial assets. It is,
full consequences of low or negative returns. This theoretical therefore, not surprising that empirical studies, e.g., Jorgenson
insight has had a considerable influence on the way that and Yun (1991), tend to show that there are substantial
economists view the bias of investment incentives related to the tax effects on production and investment decisions in
income tax, but the hypothesis is not an easy one to test on corporations.
empirical data. The major reason for this is, as argued above,
that there are so many other tax incentive effects on portfolio
composition that the risk substitution effect becomes very hard Income Tax Evasion
to trace.
Tax evasion is an illegal activity, which aims to hide taxable
income from the view of the tax authorities. It should be
The Corporate Income Tax distinguished from tax avoidance, which consists in trying to
reduce one’s taxable income by exploiting the tax law while
All income ultimately accrues to private individuals, so that the staying inside its boundaries. While the distinction between
tax on corporate income or profits is in the last instance also the two may sometimes be unclear, there are at least a large
Income Taxes 747

number of cases that definitely belong in the evasion category; most common interpretation of this principle is that the tax
these are sometimes referred to as the hidden or black should be progressive. This raises the question of whether the
economy. income tax in fact has led to a situation where posttax or
Tax evasion is a risky activity. By holding back information disposable income is more evenly distributed than pretax or
from the tax authorities, there is always a risk of being factor income. In most empirical studies the answer to this
discovered, in which case one typically faces a penalty rate on question is an affirmative one, although the estimated magni-
the unreported income. The gain on a dollar of unreported tude of the redistributive effect varies substantially. A general
income, i.e., the regular rate of income tax, must be balanced feature of empirical studies is that the redistributive effect
against the probable loss, which is the probability of detection is smaller than the formal progressivity of the income tax
times the penalty rate of tax. When the regular income tax rate schedule would lead one to expect, and the main reason for this
goes up the gain increases, and this tends to encourage evasion is the role played by exemptions or tax credits. As an example,
e.g., in the form of work in the hidden economy. Theory seems suppose that mortgage interest payments are fully deductible
to support the common concern that the high-tax level and that their share of gross income tends to increase with
encourages cheating and dishonesty. However, this should not income. Then, as gross income increases, taxable income
lead us to expect that high-tax countries necessarily have more increases less than disposable income in percentage terms, and
tax evasion than countries with lower tax levels. The extent of this mitigates the increase in the effective average tax rate. The
evasion depends not only on the level of income taxation, but importance of this effect has been well documented in
also on a number of additional social and economic factors, a number of studies, such as Wagstaff et al. (1999).
such as the level of tax enforcement and efficiency of tax From a theoretical point of view one would expect that the
collection as well as the general attitude among taxpayers progressivity of the tax system would have an effect on pretax
toward government and the public sector. All of these factors incomes. The markets for at least some occupations would react
are likely to vary considerably among countries. to high marginal tax rates by increasing gross incomes; this is
Theoretical hypotheses in this area are particularly hard to the problem of tax incidence. Since the gross incomes that
confront with empirical data; in the nature of things, there are would have existed had there been no income tax or a purely
no official statistics for the hidden economy, and survey proportional tax, are unobservable, this observation makes it
research faces some special difficulties in making individuals much more difficult to study the redistributive impact of the
answer questions truthfully. A number of the empirical studies income tax. In this connection it is interesting to observe that
that have been made uses very indirect methods, like deducing countries with a high degree of pretax inequality also tend to be
the size of the hidden economy from the public’s holding of the ones with high posttax inequality, and moreover that the
cash, and the reliability of this kind of approach is highly redistributive impact of the income tax is high in some coun-
disputed; see e.g., Cowell (1990). More standard approaches tries, which have a low degree of inequality in pretax incomes
tend to yield estimates which indicate that the hidden economy (Wagstaff et al., 1999). However, it is not clear whether this
has a volume of 2–10% of the gross national product of the means that the incidence problem is in fact of little importance
official economy. Many studies also indicate that evasion is or whether there is some other explanation. If public opinion is
higher for self-employed than for salaried employees. This is in dominated by egalitarian social and political values, these may
good accordance with the theory, for wages and salaries are be reflected not only the progressivity of the tax system, but also
usually reported directly by employers, so the probability of in the structure of pretax earnings.
evasion being detected is much higher for employees than for
the self-employed, implying that evasion is a less risky gamble
for the latter. The Income Tax, Economic Efficiency,
It should be added that the emphasis on rational risk-taking and the Equality–Efficiency Trade-Off
behavior as an explanation of tax evasion does not imply that
in the economist’s view of the world all taxpayers are The income tax has always been under attacks from critics for
completely amoral, reporting their income truthfully only leading to distortions of economic incentives and consequently
when a cost–benefit calculation has shown them that evasion to inefficient social outcomes. The criticism has been especially
does not pay. There are strong indications that many taxpayers focused on the distortion of work incentives, which leads to
report their true income even when underreporting could easily incentives to work less than would be desirable from a social
go undetected, and at least part of the explanation for this are point of view. As pointed out in Section The Income Tax and
likely to be found in peoples’ moral aversion to lying about Economic Behavior: Labor Supply above, there is clear evidence
their true income. However, it remains a fact that a large for such an effect in the case of women, while for men the net
number of people do engage in tax evasion activities, and these effect tends to be very small. However, in considering the effi-
are likely to consider the risk-taking aspects of their activities in ciency loss from income taxation, it is the substitution effects,
a manner which is rational, given their preferences and atti- and not the total effects, that should concern us. The reason is
tudes to risk. For further discussion see e.g., Sandmo (2012). that the income effects would always be present, whatever the
form of the tax system (and given the amount of revenue to be
collected). The substitution effects are the direct consequences
The Income Tax and the Redistribution of Income of the distortion of wages as efficient market prices, and if our
sole concern is with efficiency, we should attempt to design the
It is widely accepted in most countries that the income tax tax system in such a way as to make the substitution effects as
should take account of the taxpayer’s ability to pay, and the small as possible. Similar concerns are relevant in judging the
748 Income Taxes

effects of income taxation on saving and investment behavior. main motivation behind this version of the income tax has
The taxation of interest income might lead consumers to save been to reduce the opportunities for tax arbitrage with respect
less and to invest in the assets or industries with the most to capital income, thereby leading to a system, which is argu-
favorable tax rules rather than in those with the highest rates of ably both more efficient and more equitable.
return. A more radical proposal for reform is the adoption of a so-
However, efficiency is not the only standard by which to called flat tax. There are several versions of this, but one that
judge the income tax. As demonstrated in the progressive was proposed by Hall and Rabushka (1995) and has been
structure of the income tax in most countries, one of the goals much discussed in the United States involves imposing
of income taxation is to redistribute income from the rich to a constant marginal tax rate on all income above a certain
the poor, and the gains on the side of redistribution must be set exemption level. Although the name of the tax indicates that
against the cost of a less efficient allocation of resources. This is the major point in its favor is the simplification of the tax
a recurrent problem in the design of economic policy; there is structure, probably its more important features are the elimi-
a need to choose a trade-off between equality and efficiency. nation of a large number of deductions and a more uniform
However, if more equality is a real goal of economic policy, it taxation of income from capital. In this, it is in line with the
should presumably be worth some cost in terms of less general trends in the reforms of the 1980s and 1990s.
economic efficiency in order to achieve it. These ideas have Another reform, whose intellectual history goes back a long
been formalized in the theory of optimal income taxation as time and which was much discussed during the late 1970s and
first formulated by Mirrlees (1971). This theory attempts to early 1980s was the possible adoption of an expenditure tax
show how the optimal schedule of income taxation – in (Meade Committee, 1978; Kay and King, 1990). Although the
particular, the taxation of income from labor – depends both expenditure tax is often seen as an alternative to the income tax,
on the efficiency cost, as measured by the elasticity of labor it may also be regarded as simply a particular form of income
supply, and by the social attitude to inequality. On the one taxation. Briefly, an expenditure tax is an income tax with full
hand, the more elastic labor supply is with respect to the deduction for all saving, but with negative saving being added
marginal tax rate, the lower should the tax rates be. On the to income. What is taxed is accordingly expenditure or
other hand, the more pronounced society’s taste for equality is, consumption, not income. There are two main claims for the
the stronger is the case for a progressive tax schedule. Clearly, expenditure tax. First, since differences in the standard of living
what economic theory can contribute to this issue is not to between persons are primarily related to their consumption,
produce exact numbers, but to help establish a logically not income, consumption is the more logical base on which to
consistent way of thinking about a complex issue that involves level a progressive tax. Second, the treatment of saving and
both economics and ethics (Sandmo, 1999). By varying the dissaving leads to a more uniform and, therefore, more efficient
assumptions made about value judgments, the structure of taxation of capital income. Although neither the expenditure
labor supply and the distribution of earnings, the theoretical tax nor the flat tax have so far achieved any direct political
analysis helps to clarify how conclusions about the desirable success, the political and economic debates over these
form of income taxation can be derived from a consistent proposals may indirectly have had considerable influence on
framework of economic analysis. the reforms that were actually adopted in the following years.
A recent ambitious attempt at the analysis of tax reform is
the Mirrlees Review in the United Kingdom. Its final report
Proposals for Tax Reform (Mirrlees Review, 2011) proposes a series of reforms of the UK
tax system, including a more transparent and coherent schedule
A number of proposals have been advanced for basic reform of of progressive income taxation with rates that reflect the
the income tax system, frequently motivated by the desire to available evidence on behavioral responses to taxation. The
improve the terms of the equality–efficiency trade-off. For report is based on a collection of research articles by an inter-
example, is it possible to achieve the same degree of redistri- national group of leading experts on the economics of taxation,
bution at a lower efficiency cost? Tax reforms in a number of including several that have a direct bearing on the design of
Western countries during the last couple of decades have tried the income tax (Mirrlees Review, 2010). In its discussion of the
to move in this direction by decreasing the formal degree of relationship between the results of economic research and the
progressivity in the tax system, while at the same time elimi- design of policy, the report is of interest to economists and
nating many of the deductions and exemptions that had policy makers everywhere, not just in the United Kingdom.
contributed to a lower degree of effective progressivity. Income tax reform and design is an area where economic
Studies of the American (Auerbach and Slemrod, 1997) and analysis and research can make – and indeed has made –
Scandinavian (Agell et al., 1996; Sørensen, 1998) reforms of significant contributions to policy formation.
the 1980s and 1990s, do in fact conclude that their overall
effects have been to leave the redistributive effects of the tax
system virtually unaffected, while removing many of the tax Conclusion
distortions both in labor and capital markets. The Scandina-
vian countries were pioneers in introducing the principle of Among all forms of taxation, the income tax has traditionally
dual income taxation whereby labor income is taxed at been the one that has been most surrounded by political
progressive rates while income from capital is taxed at a flat rate controversy. To the individual taxpayer, the tax is much more
(the same for personal and corporate income), which is visible than other forms of taxation, and it is one that more
considerably lower than the marginal tax on labor income. The obviously affects his own economic situation. To the academic
Income Taxes 749

economist, the income tax provides a fascinating area of Cowell, Frank A., 1990. Cheating the Government. MIT Press, Cambridge,
application of his theoretical and empirical tools of analysis Massachusetts.
Hall, Robert E., Rabushka, Alvin, 1995. The Flat Tax, second ed. Hoover Institution
and it also gives him the opportunity to contribute to the
Press, Stanford, CA.
public debate about tax policy. The trade-off between efficiency Jorgenson, Dale W., Yun, Kun-Young, 1991. Tax Reform and the Cost of Capital.
and equity concerns, which is basic to many aspects of Oxford University Press, Oxford.
economic policy, is nowhere more prominent than in the Kay, John A., King, Mervyn A., 1990. The British Tax System, fifth ed. Oxford
design of the income tax. The question of what weights one University Press, Oxford.
Meade Committee, 1978. The Structure and Reform of Direct Taxation. Allen & Unwin
should assign to the benefits of redistribution versus the costs for Institute for Fiscal Studies, London.
in efficiency is ultimately one that must be decided by the Mirrlees, James A., 1971. An exploration in the theory of optimum income taxation.
political system. What the economist can contribute to the Review of Economic Studies 38, 175–208.
political debate is a framework for systematic analysis and Mirrlees Review, 2010. Dimensions of Tax Design. Oxford University Press for Institute
for Fiscal Studies, Oxford.
a sense of the empirical magnitudes involved both as regards
Mirrlees Review, 2011. Tax by Design. Oxford University Press for Institute for Fiscal
incentives and redistribution. Studies, Oxford.
Sandmo, Agnar, 1999. Asymmetric information and public economics: the Mirrlees-
See also: Corporate Taxation; Income Distribution and Vickrey Nobel Prize. Journal of Economic Perspectives 13, 165–180.
Sandmo, Agnar, 2012. An evasive topic: theorizing about the hidden economy.
Inequality: Measurement Issues; Income Inequality; Inequality,
International Tax and Public Finance 19, 5–24.
Social; Informal and Underground Economics. Sørensen, Peter B. (Ed.), 1998. Tax Policy in the Nordic Countries. Macmillan, London.
Wagstaff, Adam, van Doorslaer, Eddy, van den Burg, Hattem, et al., 1999. Redis-
tributive effect, progressivity and differential tax treatment: personal income taxes
in twelve OECD countries. Journal of Public Economics 72, 73–98.

Agell, Jonas, Englund, Peter, Södersten, Jan, 1996. Tax reform of the century – the
Swedish experiment. National Tax Journal 49, 643–664.
Auerbach, Alan J., Slemrod, Joel, 1997. The economic effects of the Tax Reform Act
of 1986. Journal of Economic Literature 35, 589–632.

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