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Near the mountains, which people said were magical, a man named Rip Van Walking lived
in a village. When he left with his dog, the children greeted him. Rip did not like to do
anything and she liked to sit with her dog. think, when the men of the village asked for help
on their farms that Rip accepted, instead, with the women it was different, they asked for
help, he said no. Rip never went to work on his farm, he decided to do the work on the
farms of his neighbors. Rip had two children named Rip and Judith, the young Rip liked to
wear the old clothes of his father, his wife, Mrs. Van Winkle, he said he was a lazy guy and
that Rip did not care and that angered her even more. One day Rip calls his dog Wolf to
go for a walk in the mountains. Arriving at one of the mountains Rip with his dog Wolf sit
on the mountain to observe the Hudson River, Rip silk tells that it is already a little Later,
they lie down and tell Wolf to come back home with my wife. When they were going down
the mountain, Rip noticed a very strange man, so Rip asked the strange man to see him
better, Rip saw that the strange man was fat and he is already an old man so Rip helps the
stranger to take his barrel, after a while Rip with the stranger and his dog realize that there
were some men who were playing so the stranger decides to give them a drink from his
barrel and when the men decide to play again Rip takes a drink of the barrel drink, Rip
begins to drink more, in which Rip begins to feel tired and his eyes begin to close while
Wolf watched him. When Rip wakes up, the first thing he asks is where Wolf is, so Rip
gets up and goes home when he walks. Silly, he realizes that everything is different and
begins to worry. When he gets home, Rip Silly realizes how bad his house is. without
windows and wonders where my wife and my children are and when this is asked he
touches his face and silk account of the big beard he had, Rip ran to an inn where maybe
he could find his family but he realizes that he is no longer an inn does not know a person
of his surroundings and nobody knows Rip Van Winkle but someone says, look is Rip Van
Winkle next to an arvol and Rip is surprised how they recognize that person but nobody
knows who he was.

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