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Shatto 1

Nathan Shatto

Emily Kretzer

English 1201.920

27 January 2019

Research Proposal

Every day we use energy to do the basic task. We use it to power our cars, house and we

have grown accustomed to it. I remember when I was in 3rd or 4th-grade science class when I

first learned about the different types of renewable energy and nonrenewable energy. This had

fascinated me at the time and help start my love for since class.

When I had eventually entered high school I had learned about how we are starting to run

out of nonrenewable energy, which we have depended on to power our cars and house for years.

Then I start to see what was going on and how that we may be completely out of nonremovable

energy in the next few years and how the fact that there is not a huge push to get people to try to

change this fact. Though there has been some attempt to find other ways of energy for example

Tesla. Tesla is a good example because he is finding and making a better way to power our cars

than using oil which has inspired other company to do the same. That had sown progress toward

a goal that would bet suit humanity.

I still fell angry though over how we choose to use or nonrenewable energy and the fact

that little has been done to stop this from happing. I have talked to my father about this subject

several times before what has helped me come up with how I think that we should handle this

problem. My father had explained to me that when he was in school that he had once written a

paper over a similar topic, and he had talked me thought on what he knew about that topic.

Thanks to my father it had helped figure out what I may need to research this topic. This has to
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lead me to think that there are better ways to produce the energy we need instead of using the

nonrenewable options.

I am very interested t look at different type of renewable energy as a possible solution for

the problem of running out of energy once the nonrenewable energy is gone. I also hope to find

if there are any that could be put in to place now, instead of latter.

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