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Josh Josefczyk

English 1201-507

Profesor Barnes

20 January 2019

Should College Athletes Be Paid?

When first trying to come up with a topic for this research paper I was influenced in a

couple ways. That day I was watching ESPN and I saw a segment regarding the issue which

really brought the it to my attention. The segment was bringing up all of the issues of scandals by

schools paying players to come to their college. Some people think that they should already pay

athletes because of all of these scandals. Right after seeing that segment I knew I had my

research topic. I have also had many arguments and discussions with friends as to why this

would ruin college athletics. My interest in sports also intrigued me to use this topic as well.

I have a strong opinion about this topic because I play and watch sports all the time. I

know a lot about college athletics and have some college basketball and football teams that I am

a fan of. I have also witnessed many scandals regarding the paying of players that I have tried to

sway my opinion. I think this is a good topic that will have a lot of information to use as

evidence from because this is one of the most asked about questions in all of sports. I think

this topic has valid arguments for both sides also especially if you are a college athlete yourself.

I believe this topic is very crucial to the future of sports depending on what ends up

happening in the next 50 years. This will effect a lot of things in the sports world and will
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influence countless other things. I already know a lot about this topic because of how much I

love to follow college sports. Watching sports news stations have really helped me obtain a lot of

information on this topic that I would not know if I did not watch a lot of sports.

I still need to learn a lot about my topic. I need to learn about specific events that

happened to influence this topic being brought up. I also need to learn about the revenue that the

NCAA makes off of college athletes to use for evidence. I am sure I can find all of this

information on various websites. These will be verified websites like NCAA and ESPN.

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