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Garrett Coil

English 1201
Professor Pedrotti
19 January 2019
Steroids in Sports
Something that lead me to become interested in writing about this topic is January is the time of year

where Major League Baseball elects former players, five years removed from their playing day, into the

National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. A question that comes up every year around the month of January

is should players that take steroids be allowed to join the hall of fame. My interest for this topic grew as my

love for sports grew.

A fact I know about this topic is it’s debated more with baseball than any other sport. This topic has had

hour long specials on television that I have watched. By watching those, I have learned of different viewpoints

that have helped me become more educated on this topic. My feelings toward this topic is I believe players that

took performance-enhancing drugs should not be allowed to be elected into the hall of fame. By allowing

players that took that kind of drugs into the hall of fame, it lets future players think it is ok to do whatever to get

an advantage and not be punished for it.

I believe although it is wrong for players to take performance-enhancing drugs, I believe that players

that are suspected to have taken steroids will one day get elected into the National Baseball Hall of Fame. My

thought about this topic before doing research is drugs are wrong. Drugs are not supposed to used in sports. I

am hoping to learn the information that is necessary to complete this assignment. I will begin my research

through the library and the internet.

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