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Chapter 1

IOT is the network of physical devices that allows the devices to communicate with each
other. IOT allows remote sensing and control over the devices. IOT has several automation
applications like smart home, smart parking, smart roads, smart lighting etc. The system is based
on smart automatic lighting and management. Automation simplifies various problems in the
world economy as well as in daily life. It uses the latest technology in LED as the light source to
restore conventional street lamps such as HID lamps.

The LED lights are adopted because of its various advantages over existing technologies
like power saving due to increased current luminous efficiency, reduced maintenance cost, high
color rendering index, accelerated start-up, and durability. The aim is to automate the lights to
increase the productivity and accuracy of the system in a cost-effective manner and permits
wireless accessibility and control over the system.

The main motive of the system is the energy conservation because the resources like hydro,
thermal, coal that we rely upon are not easily replenished, so introducing power saving elements
like LDR Relays and LEDs can light up a large area with high-intensity light whenever needed.
The relay is used as an automatic switch and reduces almost 100 percent of the manual work. IOT
based light automation is a cost-effective and eco-friendly method which also eliminate the
problems in disposal of incandescent lamps and power saving.

Lighting can account for 10-38% of the total energy bill in typical cities worldwide. The
main consideration in the present field technologies are Automation, Power consumption and cost
effectiveness. Automation is intended to reduce man power with the help of intelligent systems.
Power saving is the main consideration forever as the sources of the power are getting diminished
due to various reasons.

The main aim of this project is to saving system with LDR this is to save the power. We
want to save power automatically instead of doing manual. So, it’s easy to cost effectiveness. This
saved power can be used in some other cases. So, in villages, towns etc. we can design intelligent

systems for the usage of light, or we can also use this to reduce the electricity bill of our home.
This project can also be used for security of the houses, banks, etc.


In this project, we will build a light detector circuit using a Arduino. A light detector circuit
is a circuit that can detect light. When a bright light shines on the circuit, such as from a flashlight,
we will make it so that a buzzer turns on. The circuit is very basic. The component that will allow
us to detect light is a photoresistor. We will use a photoresistor's light-sensing ability to detect
whether the circuit is exposed to darkness or bright light.


The main aim of this project is to saving system with LDR this is to save the power. We
want to save power automatically instead of doing manual. So, it’s easy to cost effectiveness. This
saved power can be used in some other cases. So, in villages, towns etc. we can design intelligent
systems for the usage of light, or we can also use this to reduce the electricity bill of our home.
This project can also be used for security of the houses, banks, etc.

Chapter 2

2.1 Hardware and Software Requirements

2.1.1 Hardware:

 Arduino / Arduino Clone

 Connecting wires.
 Sensors
2.1.2 Software:
 Arduino IDE

2.2 Functional Requirements

2.2.1 Arduino board

Fig 2.1 Arduino board

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and
software. Arduino board can read inputs - light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter
message - and turn it into an output - activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something
online. You can tell your board what to do by sending a set of instructions to the micro-controller
on the board. To do so you use Arduino Programming Language (based on Wiring), and the
Arduino Software(IDE), based on Processing.

2.2.2 LDR Sensor

This is analogue sensor which will display the intensity of light as value decreases the
intensity is high and vice versa.

Fig-2.2 LDR Sensor

2.2.3 Relay

Relays are like remote control switches. It is highly used due to its simplicity, long life,
and reliability. Relays can take electrical inputs and gives mechanical output or vice versa. It is
normally an electromechanical device that is actuated by an electric current.

Fig-2.3 Relay

2.2.4 LED

A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor light source that emits light when
current flows through it. Electrons in the semiconductor recombine with electron holes,
releasing energy in the form of photons.

Fig 2.4 LED

Chapter 3


3.1 Circuit Design

Fig 3.1- Circuit diagram of Arduino UNO with LDR sensors

3.2 Working

This system works by sensing the intensity of light in its environment. The sensor that can
be used to detect light is an LDR. It's inexpensive, and you can buy it from any local electronics
store or online.

The LDR gives out an analog voltage when connected to VCC (5V), which varies in
magnitude in direct proportion to the input light intensity on it. That is, the greater the intensity of
light, the greater the corresponding voltage from the LDR will be. Since the LDR gives out an
analog voltage, it is connected to the analog input pin on the Arduino. The Arduino, with its built-
in ADC (analog-to-digital converter), then converts the analog voltage (from 0-5V) into a digital

value in the range of (0-1023). When there is enough light in its environment or on its surface, the
converted digital values read from the LDR through the Arduino will be in the range of 800-1023.

Fig3.2- Flowchart of smart light

Furthermore, we then program the Arduino to turn on a relay. Correspondingly, turn on an

appliance (light bulb), when the light intensity is low (this can be done by covering the surface of
the LDR with any object), that is, when the digital values read are in a higher range than usual.

3.3 Arduino LDR Sensor Connections

First, you need to connect the LDR to the analog input pin 0 on the Arduino. You have to
use a voltage divider configuration to do this. The connection diagram for the Arduino is as given

One leg of the LDR is connected to VCC (5V) on the Arduino, and the other to the analog
pin 0 on the Arduino. A 100K resistor is also connected to the same leg and grounded.

3.4 Testing the Code for the Arduino LDR Sensor

After connecting the LDR to your Arduino, you can check for the values coming from the
LDR via the Arduino. To do this, connect the Arduino via USB to your PC and open the Arduino
IDE or software. Next, paste this code and upload it to your Arduino:

int sensorPin = A0; // select the input pin for LDR

int sensorValue = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the sensor

void setup() {

Serial.begin(9600); //sets serial port for communication

void loop() {

sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin); // read the value from the sensor

Serial.println(sensorValue); //prints the values coming from the sensor on the screen


After uploading the code, click the button on the Arduino IDE called “Serial monitor". This
will open a new window, which prints different values on the screen. Now, test out the sensor by
blocking its surface from light and see what values you get on the serial monitor. This is how the
serial monitor looks:

Arduino LDR Sensor - Serial Monitor

An enormous amount of energy can be saved by replacing sodium vapor lamps by LED
and adding an additional feature for security purposes. It prevents unnecessary wastage of
electricity, due to manual switching of lights. It provides an efficient and smart automatic light
control system with the help of LDR. It can reduce the energy consumption and maintenance the


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