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Name: _____________________ Block: ______

Sea Star Pre-Lab

Starfish Dissection Questions: (use notes and online)

1. What phylum and class does the sea star belong to?

2. What type of habitat does the sea star belong to?

3. What do sea stars eat?

4. Why are they referred to as benthic?

5. Where does water enter a sea star and where does it leave?

6. What type of skeleton does a sea star have?

7. What bony plates make up a sea star’s skeleton?

8. What is the function of the pyloric caeca?

9. What does the water vascular system consist of? What is it used for?

10. How does regeneration occur in starfish?

11. What is the eyespot? Where is it located?

12. How can the sex of a starfish be determined? (look up online)

13. Where is the stomach located? What can the sea star do with its stomach when feeding?

14. Describe the feeding and digestive process in sea stars.

15. Describe respiration and gas exchange in starfish.

16. How do sea stars move?

17. What preys on sea stars? (look up online)

18. Why are sea stars ecologically important? (look up online)

Figure 1 – Aboral Surface: Label (and draw in if necessary) the madreporite, the spines, central disc, and eyespots

Figure 2 – Oral Surface: Label the mouth, ambulacral groove, and tube feet.

Digestive & Reproductive Systems Water Vascular System

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