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Haley Baker


English 1201

7 March 2019

The Online Casebook

My research question is: What are the leading reasons on why people leave animals at

shelters and how it affects the animal. Do holidays contribute to this?

Bershadker, Matthew. “Pet Statistics.” ASPCA, 31 Dec. 2017,


Matthew Bershadker is the president of the ASPCA, the ASPCA is a worldwide animal shelter

who strives to help every animal possible. They describe themselves as the animal’s voice. In

Matthews’s article he gives many statistics over the numbers of animals who enter shelters each

year. His article also gives the number of how many leave the shelter. I plan to use this article to

help my claim in a bigger aspect. I will be able to describe how large the number of animals in

shelters really are. The number is very large, you won’t expect it. I plan to incorporate this into

either my body paragraphs or my introduction.

Gates, Carolyn M, et al. “Post-Adoption Problem Behaviors in Adolescent and Adult Dogs

Rehomed through a New Zealand Animal Shelter.” Sinclair College Off-Campus

Authentication Form, MDPI, 1 June 2018, eds-a-ebscohost-


I found this article in the Sinclair library on EBSCO. This article is written by Carolyn Gates and

is based out of Zealand. I chose this article because it describes the behavior of some dogs once

they are adapted. Not all animals leave without memories. This article also gives out statistics of

animals who have postpartum. It also provides graphs and charts to show increasing results. I

plan to use this article to describe postpartum in animals.

Kellogg, Cecily. “Interview with Anne Hogan, Humane Society of the US.” FIGO, Humane

Society, 26 July 2017,

us. Accessed 19 Feb. 2019.

Cecily Kellogg constructed and interview with Anne Hogan. Anne Hogan is an employee at the

Humane Society of the US. Kellogg asked questions to get the background of the shelter. She

asked questions such as how does it feel to work with the animals and have an shelter animals

have an effect on her life. Reading this article gave me an idea of how people who work at

shelters feel. It gives you an inside of what it takes to work at one. It talks about how she was

endured with a hard time and a rescue dog really made her feel at ease with her problem. Not

only are they helping the animals but they are helping the workers too. All animals give people

an emotion stand point. Can we ever thank them enough? I might decide to use this article as part

of my introduction to describe the impact animals have on people.

Larson, Darlene. “Why Are Dogs Given Up?” Petfinder, NCPPSP,


Darlene Larson’s article was similar to Nicole Pajer’s. The difference between the articles is that

Larson’s article contains characteristics of people who drop animals off. It also provides

information on why cats are dropped off as well. I plan to keep my paper focused on dogs but it

widens your horizons when seeing the difference on why each breed is dropped off. I plan to use

this article to help with describing the characteristics of the people whom drop animals off, I

figured it would be neat to see what these people are made of. I also plan to use this article to

find more reasons on why they are left to help widen my horizons to understand their actions


Mithers, Carol. “Are We Loving Shelter Dogs to Death?” The New York Times,

I found this article on The New York Times webpage, it is written by Carol Mithers. I chose this

article because my research paper is about why animals are left in shelters. Most animals adopted

from shelters meet their forever homes, but this article puts a spin on things. Many believe the

animals meet their forever home but some end back up in the shelter or worse. This article gives

the truth on overpopulation. It gives a saddening story of a Pitbull that was adapted that was

found dead. I plan to use this article as an eye opener, not all people are qualified to own


Pajer, Nicole. “Reasons Dogs End up in Shelters.” Cesar's Way, 8 Dec. 2015,


Ceaser is a well-known dog trainer that travels the world to help people with troubled dogs. He

also does programs where he helps animal shelters. He is also known for his great knowledge

over dogs. I found this article on Ceaser’s website, it explains in depth on why animals are left in

the shelters. Nicole Pajer, explains why animals are left, such as lack of training. Her article also

gives alternative ways that doesn’t involve shelters. I plan to use this website to get the real

reason why animals are left. I will use this information in my body paragraphs.

Ramos, Miriam, and Cassandra Howard. “Animal Shelters.” Carnegie, Andrew | Learning to


This article was written by Cassandra Howard, however she used some information from Miriam

Ramos. Which is why Ramos’s name comes first. Their article involves the true definition of

what an animal shelter actually is. They describe the true meaning of shelters and why they are a

nonprofit organization. They use many key terms such as history and the importance of a shelter.

They also have definitions to several topics such as euthanasia and animal overpopulation. I plan

to use this website for part of my introduction, I want to explain the true purpose of a shelter.

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