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In 2017 I applied for the Occupational Therapy program at JATC.

I opened the crisp

white envelope and pulled out a meticulously worded, white paper. It read that I was accepted
into the program. I was electrified, but I soon started to overthink everything, as I always do .
“What if I had no friends?” “What if the class is too much for me to manage?””What if...?”
The first day of senior year finally came. I started my day at my home high school
continuously checking the round black clock for the dreaded 10:40 ( the time I would climb onto
the big yellow bus and head over to my new classes).
When we got there, we were shown to the lunchroom. We winded down stairs and
around multiple grey bricked corners. The campus was oddly quiet, but I enjoyed the
opportunity to be able to hear my own thoughts.
After lunch I went to my new class and sat by myself. Much to my surprise, I was invited
over to a table that had an extra seat. I awkwardly got out of my squeaky green chair, and
picked up my bright pink backpack, and headed over to the table of unfamiliar faces. We each
introduced ourselves while playing a corny game to break the ice. We laughed as we chatted
about awkward subjects we brought up to try and get to know one another. Strong friendships
were born on the very first day of school. I had worried about nothing.
The people in my class now talk freely about everything with each other, it was because
of this significant day where we all decided to step out of our comfort zones. I learned that I am
braver than I think, and that I can do new things and be successful with them.

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