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Q. Many students have to study subject which they do not like.

Some people think this is a

complete waste of time . Do you agree or disagree?

It is considered by some people that teaching students certain subjects without their liking is a
wastage of time . I disagree with the notion , because i consider this practice is rather
constructive and produces fruitful results in the academic careers and lives of the students.

People against the idea of forcibly offering certain subjects to the students have various
arguments .They believe that this puts unnecessary burden on the children . Nowadays, with
immensely congested school schedules , the increased subjects that the students do not prefer
raises stress and makes them less productive. As a result, due to their inability to focus on the
subjects properly , their academic performances takes hits. Moreover ,another concern is that
the students that are taught in compulsion ought to be reluctant in learning and may even
become disinterested. This further declines their chances of opting these subjects later on in
life , which , had they not been forced to do so in the start , might have ended up in them
choosing those subjects as their future career options.

On the other hand , the crucial impact these subjects have on our professional and day to day
lives is irrefutable. Firstly , many of the school going children have no ideas about their future
jobs or likings .It is only after they are given exposure of the various subjects , that they are able
to explore their abilities and understand their temperament. For instance , I always wanted to be
an engineer , until I was taught biology in school , that led me to choose medicine as a
profession . Furthermore , certain courses prove vital in our day to day functioning and dealings.
Math is one such example , disliked by a large amount of school going children , but it serves a
crucial role in our everyday tasks .Imagine the dilemma our future generations would have to
face , if only mathematicians knew how to count or to do basic mathematical calculations.

In conclusion, although teaching disliked courses might be cumbersome to the students at large ,
the advantages it offers and the impracticality omitting them cannot be overlooked

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