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Client: XX

Session Date: XX
Session Time: XX

S – Came into the clinic energetic and ready to have fun. Remained engaged and interactive with a lot of
energy throughout the session. Was very attentive and cooperated for each activity. Demonstrated his best
behavior when sitting on my lap.

O – Worked on requesting items in a given activity using a picture exchange system and verbal carrier
phrase (“I want”…). Correctly req. items with min. verbal prompting with 93% acc. Accurately answered
story comp. questions using a picture exchange system with 100% acc. Worked on prod. of final /p/, /b/,
and /m/ in CVC words. Acc. produced the final consonant of the target words with 98% accuracy.

A – Increased freq. of appropriately requesting items using a picture exchange system and verbal carrier
phrase (“I want..”) from 89% to 93% from last session because of his focused attention on the activities.
Increased accuracy for prod. of final /p/, /b/ and /m/ in CVC words from 97% to 98% from last session.
Remained at 100% accuracy for answering story comp. questions using a picture exchange system.

P – Continue requesting items using a picture exchange system and carrier phrase “I want”. Continue
using picture exchange to ask story comp. questions. Continue working on prod. of final /p/, /b/, and /m/
by incorporating therapy techniques and reminding client of the target sound prior to beginning the
activity. Will also work on decreasing the amount of praise given to my client and will incorporate a
variety of praise rather than continuously using “good job”.

_________________________________ _________________________________________
Graduate Clinician Date Clinical Educator Date

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