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Multiu tcrricolis linguas, coelestibus una.


des,gnated the
constitute the group commonly
Of the several languages which
by the descendants of Shem,
two have abvays
Shemitic Family, as those spoken
and the
and importance, namely, the Hebrew
held the foremost place of interest
their being the channel
Chaldee. This distinction is owing to the fact of
people of Israel
imparted directly to the chosen
which the Divine Revelation was
the coming of that Just
to show them the way of
salvation and prepare them for
successively bore
Prophets, and the Psalms,
One to whom the Law of Moses, the
Saviour of mankind.
their continuous witness as the
" Oracles of'^God" in their original form never relaxed
The study of the
had Been committed, but contmued
the favoured people to whom they
Gospel, it was preached to
jealously treasured when, on their rejection of the
the Scriptures transferred to
European language. Few, however,
the Gentiles, and
Church, were learned in the
among the doctors of the early Christian
Bible was the
ages the Old Testament of their
tongue; through the medieval
and the Latin Vulgate in the
^est of
Septuagint Greek Version in the East,
th.s among
Learning in the fifteenth century,
Europe, until, on the Revival of
Hebraists to
to be increased. Christian
other branches of knowledge began
Eminent among
to be issued in abundance.
flourish. Grammars and Lexicons
Buxtorfs, Simonis, and others,
who retained
lexicographers were Pagninus, the
Jews, according to
of words in vogue among the
the Etymological arrangement
derivation from their verbal roots.
Alphabetical arrangement ot
them the renowned Gesenius adopted the
was afforded to students, who often
Nouns and Particles, by which a great facility

experienced a difficulty in tracing their Eadical derivation. Other famous Hebraists,

as Lee and Fiirst, followed the Alphabetical example set by Gesenius, and the result
has been that in modern times the knowledge of Hebrew has greatly advanced, both

in Universities and Collegiate Schools, and also among those who, without the
advantage of professorial instruction, study for themselves.
A still further step, however, remained to be taken for the benefit of these. Not
only the derivation of Nouns, but the inflections of Verbs also, and the combination
of Particles, are often difficult to a beginner, and to such as for want of leisure

cannot acquire or afterwards retain for themselves the mastery of all the Hebrew forms
as they could wish. Accordingly, the Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon
has been compiled, in which every separate word of the Old Testament original, in
every variety of conformation, is exhibited in its Alphabetical place, accompanied
with a full grammatical Analysis of its composition, the indication of its root, and
its English meaning after the best authorities. The utility of such a work is obvious,

and can hardly be overrated. To augment its value, a complete Series of Paradigms,

both of Nouns and Verbs, with explanatory remarks, is prefixed.

Although the primary design of this Lexicon has been to supply the learner with
the utmost possible assistance, it is no less serviceable for permanent use by those
who have attained a scholarly proficiency in the study of the Hebrew and Chaldee






Section I. The Personal Pronoun (Tablb A) 9
The Separate Pronoun 10
IL The Verbal Suffix _ . . 10
m. Suffixes to the Noun in the Singular 12
IV. Suffixes to the Noun in the Plural . . 12
V. Suffixes attached to the Prefix Prepositions 7 and 3, the Conjunction 3, JlS (Sign
of the Accusative) and the Prepositions |P and D^ 13
Unusual Conjugations
Regular Verb
Kal, (Table B, p. 15)
IX. Niphal 20
X. Piel and Pual 21
XI. Hiphil and Hophal 22
xn. Hithpael 24
xrn. Verb Pe Guttural (Table C, p. 25) 26
XIV. Ayin Guttural (Table D, p. 25) 28
XV. Lamed Guttural (Table E, p. 26) 29
XVI. Regular Verb with Suffixes (Table F, p. 29) 30
xvn. —
Irregular Verbs Pe Nun . (Table G, p. 32) 33
xvm. Ayin doubled (Table H) 34
XIX. Pe Aleph (Table I) 39
XX. Pe Yod (Table K) 41
XXI. Ayin Vav (Table L, p. 44) 45
XXIL Ayin Yod ( Ditto ) 47
xxni. Lamed Aleph (Table M) 48
XXIV. Lamed He (Table N, p. 50) 51
XXV. Verbs doubly Anomalous 54
XXVI. Nouns derived from the Regular Verb 55
XXVII. Irregular Verbs 56
XXvm. The Vowel-changes of Nouns 57
XXIX. On the Declension of the Masculine Nouns in General (Tablb O, pp. 59, 60) 58
Section XXX. First Declension of the Masculines 61
XXXI. Second Declension of the Masculines . 62
XXXn. Third Declension of the Masculines ?3
XXXm. Fourth Declension of the Masculines 64
XXXrV. Fifth Declension of the Masculines 64
Sixth Declension of the Masculines
Seventh Declension of the Masculines
Eighth Declension of the IVIasculines
......... 65
Ninth Declension of the Masculines
Vowel-changes in the Formation of Feminine Nouns ...... 70
On the Declension of the Feminine Nouns in General
Tenth Declension, or the First of the Feminines
Eleventh Declension, or the Second of the Feminines


p. 60) . 73
XLin. Twelfth Declension, or the Third of the Feminines 74
XLIV. Thirteenth Declension, or the Fourth of the Feminines 75
XLV. Irregular Nouns .76
The Personal Pronoun (Table P) . . 78
XLVI. On the Suffixes to Nouns Singular and Plural 78
XLVII. On the Regular Verb (Table Q, p. 79) . 80
XLVin. Unfrequent Conjugations 80
Verbs with Gutturals
On the Regular Verb with Suffixes
Table T. Verbs Ajin doubled
.... (Table R, p. 81) .
LL On Verbs Pe Nun (Table S, p. 82) . . 83
Ln. On Verbs Pe Yod (and Pe Vav) . . . (Table U)
. . . . . 83
Verbs PeAleph
On Verbs Ayin Vav (and Ayin Yod)
On Verbs Lamed Aleph (and Lamed He)
.... (Table V)
(Table W, p. 85)
. .
. .


Verbs doubly Anomalous
Table X. Declension of Masculine and Feminine Nouns
First Declension of Masculines
.... 86
LVllI. Second Declension of Masculines 88
LIX. Third Declension of Masculines . 88
LX. Fourth Declension of Masculines 89
LXI. Fifth Declension of Masculines 89
LXII. Sixth Declension of Masculines 89
Seventh Declension of Masculines
Eighth Declension, or the First of Feminines
Ninth Declension, or the Second of Fenilninei,
....... 89
LX^I. Tenth Declension, or the Third of Feminines 89
LXVII. Eleventh Declension, or the i^owr^A of Feminines 89
LXVin. Irregular Nouns 90


Arrangement of the Words of the Entire Hebrew Scriptures, with parsing Analysis
and Lexicography . i. to dcclxxxiv



From what has been briefly stated in the Preface, it will sufficiently appear that this Work is

intended, not so much to teach the first principles of Hebrew Grammar, as to provide the Student
who has already begun to read a little (ever so little) with the means of making speedy and sure
after progress. Its object is to assist him in his practice of the Sacred Text, by enabling him to

apply the Eules he has learned, and may be learning ; and, by supplying him with the Analysis of

every single word in the entire language, under every form it can assume, it promises him exemp-
tion from the tedium and disappointment of uncertainty in his investigations.

Experience has shown that multitudes of Hebrew students, after having overcome the first

difficulties under the instruction of a living Teacher, abandon further study for lack of a Guide
through the yet untrodden intricacies of the Language. Our aim has been to provide a permanent
Instructor, to succeed the living Teacher in his function of solving the difficulties of the inquiring
Student ; and we have endeavoured neither to mislead by imperfect information, nor to disappoint

by suppressing the explanation of apparently trifling matters.

As an Analytical Lexicon, this work embraces especially the Etymology and Signifi-
cation of Words.

The following summary will exhibit the mode of treatment adopted :

The Etymology of Words.

I. The entire body of Words, contained in the Hebrew Scriptures, exactly as they are found
in the Text, have been thrown into Alphabetical order; so that each, accompanied by its
prefixes, suffixes, and under every modification of" form, may be immediately found by an
alphabetical reference.

11. Each word thus arranged is concisely and fully parsed^ its composition is explained, and its

simple form and root given.

III. Whenever the form of the word analysed agrees with the Tables ot Paradigms, a plain but
full statement of the nature of the word has been considered suffi.cient ; but where any
peculiar difficulty or irregularity exists, reference has also been made to the section of the

Grammatical Introduction in which the deviation is explained.

IV. To provide standards of inflexion and comparison, a complete series of Paradigms of the
Verbs, Pronouns, and Nouns, of both the Hebrew and Chaldee languages, has been

V. These Tables are accompanied with Explanations and Remarks, which account for every
deviation from the Tables, and comprise a collection of every single exceptional
CASE. In the body of the work, these Explanations are indicated by reference to their

VI. Every form that happens to occur but once in the Bible has its reference to the passage given
at the foot of the page. To this we have attended in the minutest difference of the forms,
in order to increase the references, so valuable to the beginner who has no Concordance
When, however, the form is especially peculiar, more than one reference is given.

*#* It is an interesting and important fact, that this collection of citations constitutes a Concordance
of more than three-fourths of the forms of the Language.

VII. The place of the Accent is throughout indicated by a pependicular line (,) under the tone-
syllable, except when the form is affected by a pausal accent, where (J is used to indicate
the tone-syllable ; while the absence of pausal accent and influence are marked with (^).

VIII. Kamets Hhattuph (8) is distinguished from the long Kamets (a) by this sign (»). But this

is used only in the forms analysed, in the leading forms of the derivatives under their
respective roots, and in those forms where its use requires particular notice.

The Signification or Lexicography of Words.

IX. A full explanation of the various meanings of the words will be found under their respective
Roots in their alphabetical place.

X. In preparing the Lexicography, Gesenius has been chiefly relied on for definitions; but the
works of Dr. Lee, Winer, Biesenthal. Fiirst, and others, have been compared throughout.

XI. In addition to the various significations of each root, a Synoptical List of all the words
derived from each is given, to aid the student in remembering the connection between the
root and its derivatives.









1. Mrst Person Singular. to be sounded rather according to the old form ^^-IH.

^33K is the ancient and full form, of which "'?^. is

Besides the Pentateuch, i^lH occurs also in 1 Ki.

an abbreviation, and from the latter are formed the 17.15; Job 31. 11 ; Is. 30.33.
suffixes attached to nouns, verbs, &:c.
4. First Person Plural.
2. Second Person Singular. •I^D^i?. is manifestly the plural of *?2^, with the

Instead of Dagesh forte in nPlwX, 1^^ (pi. DriN), the exchange of 3 for Pi, as -I^X is of ''3^.. The form -I^X,
kindred dialects have 3 before H (Chald. & Arab. from which the suffixes (-1^, -l^^, -l^— ) are derived, is
J^l^^), which, however, is not the original form, but n found only in Je. 42. 6, Khethib. The Masorites,
alone is the characteristic consonant.* however, did not recognize so unusual a form, and
J^^ without n occurs only in 1 Sa. 24. 19 ; Ps. 6. 4 ; instead of it put -l^riJ^?, which, indeed, some MSS.
Job 1. 10 ; Ec. 7. 22 ; Ne. 9. 6 ; it is, however, in each and editions have even as the reading of the text
place corrected in the Keri. The feminine form itself. Nevertheless, -IJi^ appears also in the Rab-
^J;i>« in Ju. 17. 2 ; 1 Ki. 14. 2 ; 2 Ki. 4. 16, 23 ; 8. 1 ;
binical. The abbreviated form -130^ is found only six
Je. 4. 30 ; Eze. 36. 13, was originally pronounced times, viz., Ge. 42. 11 ; Ex. 16. 7, 8 ; Nu. 32. 32;
^PIK (with the feminine designation ""t, probably from 2Sa. 17. 12; La. 3. 42.
ti^n she, properly thou she, comp. yPi?^!!) as in the
Syriac and the vulgar Arabic. The pointing with 5. Second Person Plural.
Sheva is agreeably to the Keri ^'^, because the Jewish DriN &J, iJrjK are blunted forms of Q-inx (Arab, antum,
critics, as it appears, did not recognise the form ^J?*?.
Chald. I'lnt?, a form which lies at tlie foundation of
The same final * appears likewise in the unfrequent some verbal inflexions, comp. the preterite with
form of the suffix ^Ptt, "'?^:T.
suffix), and P^^, the full final vowel giving place to

3. Third Person Singular. the obtuse sound of e, somewhat in the manner of

the third person (PD). ID^ is found only once, Eze.
The masculine Nin is of common gender in the
34. 31 (where another reading is \^^) and HjriN ;
Pentateuch, and signifies also she (which is expressed
(for which some MSS. have also HJriN) occurs only
by fr^'^n only eleven times, viz., Ge. 14.2; 20.5;
in Ge. 31.6; Eze. 13. 11, 20 34.17. ;
38.25; Le. 2.15; 11.39; 13. 10,21; 16. 31 21.9; ;

Nu. 5. 13). The punctuators, however, either from

6. Third Person Plural.
want of appreciating such an idiom, or for the sake
of distinction, whenever ^in stands in the text for t^n & ID are got from ^^'l^ and ^^^T in the same
^^*'^, give it the appropriate pointing of this form, manner as QFIX from HFIX. The n— in both forms
(Kin), and require it to be read ^^''n. It is, however, (H paragogic) has a demonstrative force.


1 . First Person Singular Kamets is found only In pause, e. g. Ex. 5. 22. For
Has this peculiarity, that the union vowel of the "Jt, the full form '^''t is found with theyw^. in 1 Ki.
form ''Pt is invariably Pattah, though in an open 2. 24, Kheth. For 'It see Ps. 118. 18 Ge. ; 30. 6 ;

syllable we expect Kamets, as in -IJ", 'li^"; but this with i\\efut. Job 7. 14 9. 34 '^- Je. 50. 44.
; ;

* Comp. Sansc. toa ; Egypt, enluh, fem. ento ; ancient and modern Pers. tu ; Greek rv {<xv) ; Germ, tu, du [Engl. thou\,

see Gesenius's Heb. Gram. § 33, note.

t Just as the separate suffixes stand for the nominative, so the inseparable, when appended to verbs, stand for the accu-

sative, and but rarely for the dative, as with intransitive verbs. Particles having the force of a verb, or where the
substantive verb must be supplied, take the verbal suffixes. As, '•JSn behold me I but on the contrary •133''6i«
he (is) not,

•13"liy he (is) yet, where the nominative is designated by the same suffix. The suffixes are but seldom employed with
prepositions. Comp. § 3, note.
] ;


2. Second Person Singular. lective sense (wars).'^' The Samaritan text indeed
has such a Chaldaism in De. 32. 3, where n:\n7K?
The pausal form for the masculine, "^T, commonly
stands for ^^nbi^b, and in Nu. 16. 13.
found with the verbs H""? & S"*? (Is. 30. 19 ; Je.

23. 37; Eze. 28. 15), is seldom attached to other

5. Third Person Plural.
verbs (Is. 55. 5 ; De. 28. 24, 45), but ^T is the more
usual form (Is. 43. 5 ; 44. 2 ; Ps. 30. 13) ;
the reverse, That the forms of ^^ belong exclusively to the
however, obtains Avhen appended to the partifcles. poetical style, may be seen from the examples in
Noldius, Concordd. Particul. ed. Tympe, pp. 438,
Unfrequent forms are, nD 1 Ki. 18. 44, and n3-
Ho. 4. 6 is probably pointed incor- 498, 563, 564. But comp. § 5. No. 2, note. In
Pr. 2. 11. ''Ii<P?P^
form of the suffix, which Ex. 15. 5, occurs •1^.^'??^. with which is found nowhere

rectly for "H'^DSpS, a Syriac

Codex Sam. (Ge. 22. 26.) else. This is, however, the common form in the
occurs a few times in the
the feminine is unusual with the Ethiopic.
The form ^7 for
For the suffix (fem.), D is frequently substituted
verb (Is. 54. 6), as is also ^T when appended to the ]

(prob. to prevent being mistaken for the para-

preterite, and "^7, the tone being thrown back (Is.
'Pr (as in the Syriac) are gogic Nun), so that the distinction between masc.
47. 10, comp. Is. 60. 7). ''?,

Psalms, comp. Ps. 137. 6. and fem. entirely ceases : e. g. !3-"ltJ'"|,3'.l and they drove
frequently found in the later
them (the daughters) aivai/, Ex. 2. 17; and

3. Third Person Singular. they tied them (the kine), 1 Sa. 6. 10, Comp. Ge.
T[l— occur frequently, and are most 26.15; Nu. 17. 3,4; Jos. 4. 8; Ho. 2. 14; Pr.6.21.
The forms -ISt,
Just the reverse is found in the word J^HVl*. Is. 48. 7,
common in pause, comp. Ps. 65. 10 Job 5. 27 41.
; ;

with and without epenth. 3) where | stands for D.

The two forms (viz.,

are found in immediate succession in Is. 26. 5,

casts her 6. The tone invariably rests on the" union vowel,
)nK ly n^'SitJ»i ns^^SK^l he casts her dotvn,
word ought, doubtless, or, in the absence of this, on the last syllable of
dovm to the earth. The first
the word. D5, \'2 and DH, in are excepted, and are
to conclude the first hemistich, though the accents
therefore called grave, the others light suffixes.
decide differently.
^7 is frequently Avritten Avithout Mappik, comp.
The and may take either
2. 3; nnipin Ex. 9. 18; nno^ Amos 1. 11
7. participles infinitives
nnpnni Ex.
latter passage). the verbal, or nominal suffixes. The participle is
(the best mode of explaining the
but slightly affected by their difference, as ^i^ he
n37 is ofcommon occurrence.
who created me. Job 32. 22, and V'S iny creator;
4. First Person Plural. V!;?"' Is. 47. 10, comp. Is. 28. 4. With the infinitive,

several MSS. and editions have ^^''t however, they effect a change in the signification.
In Is. 85. 7,

instead of -I^T.
E. g. ^^1\> my calling. Ps. 141. 1, Hi?? my visiting,

NJ. Je. 32. 5"; but *3J-)n> to slay me, Ex. 2. 14, '?ltIJ? to
For this suffix the Chaldee uses the form
help me, 1 Ch. 12. 17. In the first examples, the
Some discover such a Chaldaismin njSnipFI Ex. 1. 10,.
for IJi^^iPJ? {she befalls us). But nj here may be suffix denotes the genitive, in the latter the accusa-

regarded as the afFormative of the fut. 3 pers. pi. tive. A

single exception is found in Eze. 47. 7,

fem. agreeing with HDHpO, which foUows it, in a col- '•32'liJ'5 in my returning, for ''?-1ti'3.

nnnn, as agreeing with ^Hlpn (collect, expectatiom) of the

• In the same manner maybe explained in Job 17. 16,
preceding verse; in Is. 28. 3, n^Dp-JF), instead of agreeing with the subject rr0.,> agrees with the instrumental D.''??"!

(collect, her hands), comp. Ge. 27. 39 ; 31.8; Is. 18. 5, where
and so in Ju. 5. 26, njnSi^'n, agrees' with the accusative Pin^

the verb, instead of agreeing with the subject, agrees with the predicate. Moreover, HiO/'^n Ob. 13, may refer to the

people addressed there, in the feminine. Hence several grammarians and commentators have been induced to observe, that
the plural form of the future, H^'pbipFl, frequently stands for the singular Vwn, which, indeed, suits well the several passages.
. ;



1. When the First Person V is to be appended to '"^"7 is also found
without Mappik, as in Nu. 15. 28
a noun terminating in 't, one Yod is dropped, as (Job 31. 22): so that even i<7 is substituted for it
^^i my people, Zep. 2. 9, for ^I'l^ in Eze. 36. 5, N^ DHK (Edom, the whole of her)
has the tone, which it loses when the word fol-
^jT for nb.
lowing is either monosyllabic, or dissyllabic, having The forms -iriT and T\— are usually attached to
the tone on the first syllable (Milel) ; e. g. J?!^ ^nhx nouns ending in H-^, e. g. riK")D (sight) — -inxiD,
(thou art my sister) Ge. 12. 13 ; HFiy *nb2 Jos." ns-iD; niB' (field)—inib'; n^^ '(leaf)—in!?v ; and
14.11, comp. Ge. 20. 2, 5; 26.7,9; 49." 3; Je. so with yn, yiO for n^n, nynp (friend). With other
2.27; 31.9; 2Sa. 23. 17; Job 19.25; 20.2; words they are seldom used, as -inp.^Dp Ge. 1. 12,
Ps. 140. 7. comp. Ju. 19. 24 ; Na. 1. 13 Job 25. 3. ;

2. Second Person Singular. 4. First Person Plural.

Unfrequent forms: masc. ^353 (thy hand) Ps. The form ^'^— (like
the suff". of the verb) instead
139. 5, nD!?n (thy host) Ps. 10. 14, but see the of -IJ— , must be regarded as an exception, as Job
analysis of this form in the alphabetical order. Fem. 22. 20 ; Ru. 3. 2, comp. No. 2.
^'t Eze. 5. 12 ^7 (like the suffix of the verb) for

^-, Eze. 23.28; ^3- Je. 11. 15 ; Ps. 103. 3. 5. Second and Third Person Plural.
Anomalous and unfrequent forms are : 2 pers. ri33
3. Third Person Singular. Eze. 23. 48 (comp. Eze. 13. 20) ; 3 pers. masc ^Dt
The form H for 1 seems to belong to an older 2 Sa. 23. 6, for Dn-7 (whence contr. D7) ; fem. riyr\-
orthography. It is generally corrected in the Keri, 1 Ki. 7. 37; r\^- e. g. Hjb Ge. 42. 36; Pr, 31. 29';
as in Ge. 49. 11 (twice) Ex. 22. 26; Le. 23. 13;
; nJK3 Ru. 1. 19 Je. 8. 7 ; n3riii> Job 39. 2 ; r\yrih

2 Ki. 19. 23; 20.13;

2. 21 Eze. 20. 40.
but is not corrected in Je. Ge. 21. 29; HJ- Ge. 41. 21 ; \n and JD e. g.
Eze. 13. 17, inns Is. 3. 1


1. The which distinguishes these suffixes, is
^ 2. Although ''t, or the ' prefixed to these suffixes,
occasionally omitted in most of the persons e. g. ; is, doubtless, originally the plural termination of the
^ivH (similar to the pausal form of the singular) for masculine, they are yet regularly attached to the
T?'"^ %
ways, Ex. 33. 13 Ps. 119. 37; Jos. 1. 8;
•inj/T for -in^yn his friends. Job 42. 10
; feminine plural HI also ; as ^nipip my voices, ^*rii?ip
1 Sa. 30. 26 ; ;
thy voices. It is hence to be regarded as an exception,
•mn/fS for ^rvp^ his felicities, jn^^C ^^«*^ Pr. 29. 18 ;
when these suffixes are occasionally found appended
fat, Ge. 4.4; nT\))l their natio7is, Ge. 10. 5 nn3'»^ ; to ni without this ''
. As, '•n'ly my testimonies, Ps.
after their hinds, Ge. 1.21 IH^S? their hearts, Na. ;
132. 12 ;
^J;i30 thy strokes, De. 28. 59 ;
^nVDK thy
2. 8. This most frequent in
is suffixes of the 3 pers. sisters, Ex. 16. 52; Qnbx their fathers, Ex. 4. 5;
sing, masc, 1'*7, which is very often, and in all the Dnin'lX their signs, Ps. 74. 4 ;
Dn*n-Vy their pains, Ps.
copies alike, written I7, but the Keri almost always 16. 4; Dnhy their distresses, Ps. 34. 18.
substitutes the common form V7. The word HD!
{together, properly his unions) is alone excepted, in 3. These suffixes with ' are found, on the other
which the Keri has made no change, probably because hand, also with forms of the singular; as, ^"'n^njyi

I7 was not regarded as a suffix. 1"'"5D1 occurs only thy praise, Ps. 9. 15 ;
^*nN?b thy hatred, Eze. 35. 11
in Je.46. 12,21 49. 3. ; "?i:n'"IJ5 thy huilding, Eze. 16. 31 ; D^-rinTn your dis-

• The suflBixes appended to the noun properly stand for the genitive, as 'DID the horse of me, i. e. my horse. The pre-
posidons, being originally substantives, take likewise these suffixes with a few exceptions (as ^JPIHJ?, *3T[y5) comp. § 2, note.

persion, Eze. 6. 8. To these may be added 1''nEJ'''pn. 6. For the poetic form i?^''— comp. De. 32. 37 Job ,•

Le. 5. 24, as it has, at least, the signification of the 20.23; 22.2; 27.23; Ps. 11.7. Some of the older
singular, Ms fifth part. grammarians* observe, that this form stands occa-
sionally also for the singular. Kimchi (incorrectly)
4. Second Person Singular. assigns as a reason, that this form exhibits both cha
racteristics of the plural and of the singular. But
Yod in '^\- is furtive (like that in nj? for ry^),
though it cannot be denied that in the passages cited
and the original form "n*~ is found in the Syriac and
above (De. 32. 37 excepted) this suffix has reference
Chaldee. The feminine in these dialects is . .o/ .

to nouns singular, nevertheless, those noims being

*?!t, and so it is Hebrew, by a
likewise in the
collectives, do not lose their plural signification.
Syriacism, as in Ps. 103.3,4,5; 116.7, and in Kheth.
Another instance is in Ps. 11.7, where VO^JS as re-
2 Ki. 4. 3, 7. Tt Ec. 10. 17, is formed in imitation
ferring to nini may be regarded as a Pluralis majes-
of the singular "^It. The suffix in ^5?^5pD (her mes-
tatis. But were this form even to be admitted as
sengers) Nah. 2. 14, can hardly be accounted for;
strictly a singular, e. g. in Ps. 11. 7, we should then
other codices read n3— and ^9T'
have to suppose it a misuse arising from its frequent
occurrence in connection with collective nouns. The
5. Third Person Singular.
passages (Lu. 4; Jo. 19.27; Ac. 1. 20, from the
The poetic ^H^— is formed in imitation of the sin- Ethiopic version) cited by Lud. de Dieu (Crit. Sacra,
gular -in- e. g. Job 24. 23; Na. 2. 4.—^ni in ^^ib•1D:n p. 226, on Is. 53. 6), seem at all events to prove, that
Ps. 116. 12, is strictly a Chaldee form. For H^ is the suffix -I'^l, answering to the Hebrew 10*~, does
found ^*i7"7 in Eze. 41.15, comp. Chald. ^'^~ her. in the Ethiopic stand for the singular.f
Here we meet, finally, with an epenthetic 3, viz. in Other unfrequent forms are, HDn^— Eze. 40. 16,
n'3tV0 Is. 23. 11, for H^JVO her fortresses. r^,^^'- Eze. 1. 11 ; nOD^ Eze. 13. 20.


Suffixes attached to the Prefix Prepositions ? and 3, the Conjunction ?, riSI (Sign of

(a) 7 to, sign of the dative. (6) 3 in.

Sinz. Plur.

to me.

^7, in pause "Tf?

to thee.
S?, ()u? comp. r 2) to him. nn^, poet, mh
rl? to her. jn?


(e) ^O from (for which also JQp, properly, a part). (/) Cy with.

Sins Plur. Sill":. Plur.

1. c. *39P, poet. *5ip, ''3D from me. 13DP . from Its. ''1ZV with me. •13Dy with us.
m. "nSD, in pause "nJSD ")
"• yfrom thee. from yuu.
l I
j 1/OW.

m. .I5r5n nnpi- .in 5?^
.13!3p. Dnp, poet. Dn:p "l?3y icith him.
>from them.
f. n3^D /ro/n /jer. ^f^V with her.

I. On the Suffixes with ?. 3. Unfrequent forms are :— 2 pers. masc. HD? Ge.

1. Instead of i-' the form 5<^ is found several 27.37; fern. n3D^ Eze. 13. 18 (l?,^ does
times (according to the Masora on Nu. chap. 11, not occur at all). 10? Ru. 1. 13, is different from|n?,

21 times) in Kheth., e.g. Ex. 21. 8; Le. 11. 21; and signifies thei-efore, as in the Chaldee.
1 Sa. 2. 3, &c.
II. On the Suffixes with HN,

2. As regards the form '"27', grammarians main- 4. The forms in the paradigm are the usual ones ;

tain that it is also a singular, i. q. 'O, because it often unfrequent forms are :
—2pers.masc. '^?p'''* (in pause)
agrees with nouns singular. Those singulars, how- Ex. 29. 35, DDJ^lis? Jos. 23. 15, ^r\m Ge. 32. 1, Dnri'lK
ever, are all collectives, and can therefore not serve Eze. 23. 45 ; fern. igniK Eze. 23. 47, njniN Ex. 35*. 26.
as a proof. The examples are, Ge. 9.26 (where it
refers to DK', i. e. the descendants of Shem) ; Ps. 28. 8
III. On the Suffixes with IP.

(where it refers to the people of ver. 9, and hence 5. '3P [^from me) must not be confounded with
some copies read ISJ??) ; Ps. 73. 10 (also in reference "•IP where *
is paragogic.
to Dy) ; Is. 44. 15 (in reference to ^X and /DQ, which
may likewise be taken in a collective sense) and ; 6. -IS^P from Mm (for -1^1?? P), and -ISSp from us
finally Is. 53. 8. Though the subject of this (for -IJ^JSp) can only be distinguished by the context.
last chapter is throughout given in the singular, yet
the change to the plural form in ver. 8 is fully ac- The pronouns n?3n and n3n often retain their
counted for, when the servant of God (chap. 51. 13, fullform after the prepositions, as, n^n3 Ex. 36. 1
like 42. 1, and 49. 3, 6) is considered to stand col- Hab. 1. 16; n^ri3 Je. 36. 32 r\BPh Je. 14. 16; nsnp ;

lectively for the prophets, which to me seems quite Ec. 12. 12; Je. 10. 2; fem. n3n3 Le. 5. 22; Nu.
evident. Some copies have in Is. 44. 15 and 53. 8, 13. 19 ;
n3n3 Ge. 41. 19 ;
HSH^ Eze. 1. 5, 23 ; 42.
y>, which is an exegetical gloss. (Gesenius.)* 9 ;
n3np Le. 4. 2.

* But if there were even no other passage to establish the use of 10? in the singular, the passages Is. 53. 8, and
44. 15 alone might have been sufficient for this purpose : the former, where throughout the chapter only the singular appears;
and the latter, where the plural does not at all suit the sense, and the writer himself explains it in the same connection by
I/Jin ver. 17. Comp. Hengstenberg's «• Christology of the Old Testament," p. 523 of Prof. Keith's translation. In con-
firmation of this we may add the facts, that some copies do really read T? instead of ID? in both passages, and that the
form -IDI in the Ethiopic, answering to the Hebrew ID''—, is used in that version for the singular, as Gesenius himself
admits (comp. § 5. rem. 6). When we, moreover, consider that this poetic syllable, which never receives the tone as a
suffix, almost everywhere occurs in pause, or, which amounts to the same thing, stands with a word preceding the pause
fcomp. De. 32. 27 ; Ps. II. 7 ; Job 20. 23 ; and Lehrgeb. § 52, 4 anm. 1 in reference to Jos. 3. 9; De. 32. 37, comp. Is. 21. 14
Ps. 4. 3, comp. also below, § 24. rem. 5), its specific use, in the poetical books, appears to be, that it takes the place of
other forms, which must necessarily have the tone upon the ultimate, to suit the pause, the tendency of which is to throw
the tone back upon the penultimate. Thus ID? which occurs 55 times, is everywhere in pause, except three times (Ps. 66. 7;
119. 165 ; Job 24. 17) before the word in pause, most probably for 0117 or 17, which, the former with grave suffix and the
latter as a monosyllable, never can change the tone. Nor is it improbable that the D of iD7 in the singular is merely
epenthetic, as in ''31D3, comp. the poetical forms iD3, 103, ID?, as independent words formed from the prefixes 3, 3, p
and the syllable ID.
Sbct VI.] THE VERB. 15
— ; — —

others are analogous to Hiphil, and are formed by also is used of motion rapidly repeated, e. g. '^^fSV
the addition of prefix letters or syllables. To the to chirp, ^VPV *o tinkle, "I5"1| to gargle, FlVSy to flutter

former class, besides a Passive distinguished by the (from fj-iy to fy) ; reflex. P^/inn to roll oneself

more obscure vowels in the final syllable, belongs down.

also a reflective form with the prefix T)>} after the
analogy of Hithpael. With Hiph. are connected :

Those which are analogous to Piel, and which

follow it in their inflexion are :
5. Tiphel, as /PpR, with P\ prefixed ; e. g. ?ii^l^ to teach

one to walk, to lead, denom. from ?.3T a foot ; mnPl,

1. Poel; as hd)p, reflexive hd)pm, fut. ^pip^ part.
fut. n'lnri'! to emulate, Je. 12.5; 22. 15 (from n"in
?U)\>^, fut. pass. hD)p\. In the regular verb it

occurs very seldom. Examples are :

— "'pStJ'P my
to be ardent, eager).

judge, Job 9. 15 ; ^JRl?"}!^ / have appointed, 1 Sa.

6. Shaphel, as ?^p^ frequent in the Syriac ; e. g. SHpK'
21.3; K^nb' to take root. Is. 40. 24, denom. from
to bum, from 3n/>. In the Hebrew it is found only
^np root. In verbs VV it is far more frequent;
in the noun ri2nP^ Jtame.
e. g. /'Pin, 2210, JJin. Its signification is mostly
analogous to Piel.

Forms of which single examples occur :

2. Pilel, rulal, Hithpalel ; as ^jppi? and ^^Pj?, pass.

7?tP)?, reflexive P/Pi^nn (the last radical letter being 7. tipPi?, pass. tOppiP; as OSOnp scaled off, having the
repeated). In the regular verb, the following are the form of scales, Ex. 16. 14, from P]pn=PlB'n to peel,
only examples :—"p^Q? Eze. 28. 23, i. q. ^DJ to fall to scale.

^jnnSV it has consumed me, Ps. 119. 139, '•J-innrSV

Ps. 88. 17, which probably is to be read 'J-inriPV* 8- S^Pi^. as fl*T"!T Ps. 72. 6, a violent rain, from fl^T.

(from npV) they consume me (Dagesh in both in-

stances is euphonic) ; with guttural )3XB' to be at 9. /Pppp (the two first letters repeated) a passive, only

rest, jjyn to be green ; pass. P/PS^ to be withered.

t.:;t •'' Ps. 45. 3,' from
TT'D^Q* thou art fair, nQ\
It is more frequent in verbs )"V, where it takes the

place of Piel and Hithpael. 10. ^Pi^nS (frequent in the Rabbinic) a form com-
pounded of Niph. and Hiph., found in the eJAmples
3. Pealal, as 7P7Pi5 (the two last letters being re- •1"lp53 for •1"tDiri|) they permit themselves to be ad-

peated) used especially of slight motions repeated in monished, Eze. 23. 48; "1S33 De. 21. 8; MiriK'J

quick succession ; e. g. "iH^np to go about with quick Pr. 27. 15.t

motion, hence of the heart, to beat quick, to palpitate,

Ps. 38. 11, from "IPID to go about; pass. (Poalal) 11. bd\^p, in "l)fi:in to blow the trumpet, from "iVn-
"ip"ipn to ferment with violence, to make a rumbling The participle D^^^'HO occurs 1 Ch. 15. 24; 2 Ch.
sound, La. 1. 20. 5. 13 ; 7. 6 ; 13. 14 ; 29. 28 in Kheth., and is doubt-

less to be read D''")V^D^ '> but the Keri invariably

4. Pilpel, formed from a biliteral root by doiibling both rejects one V, pointing it either as Hiph. or Piel,

radical letters, as 320, 2030 ; !?-13, ^3^3. This Dnsn» or Dn-vnrD.

* The supposition that -inn stands for -inn may be founded upon the principle, that the feeble subordinate sound of
vocal Sheva often conforms to the following proper vowel of the syllable, e. g. DhO, LXX SoSo^i, Sodom ; Jlbpty XoKoiimv,
Solomon (Lehrg. § 14. Gram. § 10. 2).

t The form -PXilJ La. 4. 14, is supposed to be likewise a compound, viz. of Niph. and Pual (IPNJ? and •vXa), in which
form Gesenius discovers a passive of Niphal. Passives of Hithpael are: -npSrin for -njpSriri, Nu. 1.47 ; 2.33; X^pn for

KQtann, De. 24. 4 ; D33n Le. 13. 55, 56 \mn Is. 34. 6. Lehrg.
— ; . ;



The few verbs of this kind are formed after the the first syllable, as in the Chaldee).

analogy of Piel. The following are all the examples Fut. nanpin* he wUl devour it, Ps. 80. 14.

which occur : Pass. ti'DDT to become green, Job 33. 25.

Pret. TKnS he spread out, Job 26. 9 (with Pattahh under Part. b^lpD girded, 1 Ch. 15.27.


I. On the Pretekite of Kal. VFhm 1 Sa. 1.20, 'in^n^^f Ju. 13. 6, comp. Je. 2.27;
15. 10; Nu. 11.12; Jos.' 1. 15.+
The verbs oi middle
1. (as P^)*? retain this

Hholem in the 2nd and 1st persons, as '^7?^ ^«*^ «^^^?

2. In some instances the 3 pers. has (^) in the second
Ge. 30. 8 ; Ju. 8. 3 ; Ps. 40. 13 ; Fil)l, ^P)-))'^ thou wast,
syllable, although not in pause as, t3QK' he judged,
I was, afraid. Be. 28. 60 ; 9. 19 ;
''Pi:b\^ I am small,

1 Sa. 7. 17, ^T| he robbed, Eze. 18. 12,§::K' he erred,

Ge. 32.11; ''Pif\>l I lay snares, Je. 50. 24. This and
Le. 5. 18.
the usual form {middle A) are found together in Ge.
43. 14, ^J?5'3^ "^i^f T^? «* I ^^ bereaved, I am
3. Dt, the usual form
Third Person Feminine.
bereaved. In those cases, however, where (according
and Arabic, is some times used also in
in the Syriac
to rem. 7) the tone is shifted to the ultimate, viz. in
the Hebrew as, ^7}^ De. 32. 36. Another Aramaic

the 2nd pers. pi., before suffixes, and Vav conversive

termination is S^" in Eze. 31. 5.
of the preterite, Hholem is shortened to Kamets
An example with euphonic Dagesh, in pause, is
Hhatuph ; as I^P^t''- '"'^ ^^^^ shall be able, Ex. 18. 23,
r\rv3} (for nn^i) she dries up. Is. 41. 17.
Vri^3* Ps. 13. 5.'

The verbs middle E generally lose the sound (..^

4. Third Person Plural. The form S<-1 (with
in their inflexion, e. g. r?"?, riySH (like ^;?>i?, ^^\>), parag. usual the Arabic, found in the
and vowel appears again only
this original :
— Hebrew
as ^5-13^? Jos. 10. 24.

(a) in the 3 pers. sing, and pi. standing in pause,

It is but seldom that parag. ] is appended to the
as 1133 they are strong, 2 Sa. 1. 23 *^\^/\ she cleaves. ;
preterite; as, I'ly"]* De. 8. 3, 16. Examples with
Job 29. 10 •Ip^'n Job 41 15. Several verbs, properly
; .
euphonic Dagesh, in pause, are :
— •1?^n Ju. 5. 7 ; 1 Sa.
middle JE, have Pattahh in the 3 pers. when not in
2. 5 (where, however, MSS. vary) ;
-13)^3 Eze. 27. 19.
pause, and the E sound appears again only in pause;
e. g. n?!, pn-n, comp. \^^ Ex. 40. 35 Jos. 22. 19, in Besides the common
5. Second Person Singular.
pause ]^t De. 33. 12, 20 ; Ju. 5. 17 (comp. in Piel form 7\ for the masculine, the full form nri also occurs
'^l, in pause '''!!l).t e. g. nni33 Mai. 2. 14, HWpr Jos. 13. 1.
J (b) In forms with the tone on the ultimate, in 2 pers. fern. As Avas observed above (§ 1. rem. 2),
which case (.., is shortened into (..^ or(.,, as,
D^?^?^ that besides the pronoun ^^?, there occurs another
ye have asked, 1 Sa. 12. 13 ; 25. 5 ;
Cimy\ and thou form "'Jyl^? in Kheth., so it should be remembered in
shall succeed them in possession, De. 19. 1 ;
nJ|ltJ'"1''1 this afformative derived from it, there occurs, besides
De. 30. 5 ;
^'J?']^''. I have begotten thee, Ps. 2. 7 ri, also the form ^J? in Kheth., e. g. '•J^pS? Je. 31. 21,

• The common form of the 3 pers. pret. has, in the final syllable of the ground-form, either A [Pattahh), E {Tseri pure),

or {Hholem pure), — as "^bD to reign, f tDH to be sour, 72'' to be able, —which are found likewise in the irregular verb, e. g.
np (for nip) to die, I'lK (for I'lX) to be light, bright. For the sake of brevity, these are called, after the example of the
Arabic grammarians, verbs middle A, middle E, and middle 0. The two latter are usual in intransitive verbs, e. g. |i?.T to be

old, }bi5 to be small (Lehrg. § 66.3).

+ It is better, however, to view these as two different forms of the same verb, comp. the Lexicon.
X This shortening, however, into & may properly be from Pattahh, occasioned by the removal of the tone to the
next following syllable, comp. DST for Dp"!^, HD for 'X^'Q from 10, comp. especially § 11. rem. 1 ; so that there is no need
to suppose here a ground-form middle E, as T'KK', l^y, \?''

§ Nevertheless, Zakeph-katon may in this instance have the force of a pausal accent.
; ;


comp. Eze. 16. 13, which is to be read *n?!?n. In have compassion, Eze. 1 6. 5 ; HntJ'C? to anoint, Ex.

such instances the Keri has the note '' "i'J?l! (abundat 29. 29 ; n^nn^ to wash, Ex. 30. 18 ; nilj?'? to draw

'), and in thus rejecting

* the vowel points are suited near, Ex. 3G. 2 ; nN")pp, instead of which by Syriasm,

accordingly. riK'lp? to meet (i. e. against). Moreover, HXT to

De. 4. 10,' and nX3C
T ;

to hate, De. I. 27, occur

Second Person Plural Feminine.

6. Instead of construed as infinitives, but are besides, more usually
•Pi, is used in Am. 4. 3, corresponding to
the form njri verbal nouns. Forms lilce HDp'X, Hiptn, are pro-

a similar form of the pronoun, § 1. rem. 5. duced by the effect of the gutturals.

{h) With a preformative D, as in the Syriac and Chaldee,

7. In combination with the afformatives R, 'J?, -13 as K'ljp to drive, Eze. 3G. 5 ; XlpD to convoke, Nu.

the tone on the penultima, and the word is said to be

is 10.2; so likewise in some verbs of 3 " D, as KCJ'P for
Milel (above), but with the other afformatives the yDD *
Xb3p to carry, Nu. 4.24; to remove, De. 10. 1 1

tcme is on the ultimate, and the word is said to be (c) Other examples are VPl Hab. 3. 13, n"1EiN Ex. 28. 8.
Milra (below). The tone, however, is shifted, (a) by which may, however, be regarded as verbal nouns.*
conversive Vav of the preterite from the penultima to [d) E'in'^ Ezr. 10. 16, for EJ'TI is quite anomalous.
the ultimate (comp. § 18. rem. 1), e. g. pli^SI and thou (Gesenius, in his Thesaurus, is inclined to regard it as
shalt visit, Job 5. 24, '"piiPS'l Ex. 32. 34, except in an inf Piel. for ^^V\\ comp. -Vbl Pr. 26. 7, for -1^.)
pause, comp. however, De. 8. 6 (^) by the suffixes, ;

comp. the table of the verb with suffixes (c) by the ; III. On the Imperative of Kal.
pause in several of the persons from the ultimate to the A in the second syllable
11. The verbs which have
penxiltima, where the original vowel, if it has fallen
of the future retain the same also in the imperative
away, is likewise restored, as npp)5, -ITUiP, 'l^^?? ; J??^'?!?,
^'^'7 put on,
as 3??^ lie 4. 4
dozen, 2 Sa. 13. 5 ; Eze. ;

ha. the tone, however, remains fixed with the grave

1 Ki. 22. 30^bf ;Job 22. 20. be peaceable.
afformatives, as ^^^\^.
With parag. H— the form Vt^p becomes '^/P'^, the
form /"PP becomes i^/PP as, ^yP^ watch over (from ;

II. On the Infinitive or Kal.

)b^) Ps". 25. 20, nn?T remember (from nbt) 2 Ch.
8. There is but one form for the inf. ahs. which is 6. 42 n3?B' lie down, Ge. 39. 12, Hipp sell, Ge.

71Di5 (with Hholem impure). The Hholem is found

25. 31, nn-vil (with euphonic Dagesh) from "^V^ for
\\Titten either in full, or defectively (^^^i?); the former, iV? keep, Ps. 141. 3.t
however, is the original.

12. The form vPp, -I^PP is more directly derived

9. For the inf. constr. the usual form is 'J3jp (with
from 7PP than ^bp, and is chiefly found with im-
Hholem pure), besides which there is also an unusual peratives of the first form, e. g. V^?, "'??^, though
form %\>, as 3?^ to lie doivn, Ge. 34. 7 2 Ki. 14. 22 ;
also with those of the latter form. The form vPi^,
^Qf to be humbled, Pr. 16. 19 ; Ec. 12. 4. That they however, is comparatively unfrequent ; as, *?/9 f^^'ffn,
are strictly Segolate forms is seen from their inflexion 14; *ni|^ mak«
Ju. 9. 10, 12; n^V rejoice, 3.

( yPi^, ''??'?'), which perfectly agrees with the declen- bald. Mi. 1. 16 ; -"ISfO dratv, Eze. 32. 20 (but also
sion'of the Segolates (^Pp or "p^P ; ^PP or ^pp, ^^p.) •IDB'P Ex. 12. 21) ; with composite Sheva, *PDiJ use
comp. § 35. rem. 10. enchantment, 1 Sa. 28. 8, Keri. Segol is found only
with gutturals (§ 13. rem. 3).
10. The various infinitive forms, which occur as
In pause the long O or A returns again ; as, "It^b^
verbal nouns, will beenumerated farther on (§ 26). judge ye. Zee. 7. 9. Such forms, however, are found
Here belong only such as are really construed as in- also without pause, as Da. 9. 19, with which the fol-
finitives. They are :
— lowing may be classed :
nnyi. riDC^^— nT3"| tremble
(a) n?pp, n?pp and H^pp, as feminine forms from — strip thyself and make thee bare. Is. 32. 11, and
Vtap, "ppp ; e. g. nnnjV '» be lifted up, Zep. 3. 11 ; according to some, also "^li^n. [gird thyself) which
nXDtO? to become unclean, Le. 15. 32; rh^th to immediately follows in this passage.

* The infinitives of b and c, on account of their small number, must, in the Lexicon, be sought for among the nouns,
t The lengthened imperative or imp. parag. is, as may be seen from a comparison of the references given above, expressive
of tvish and entreaty ; and is often emphatic, as Dip stand up, HDIp up! (comp. rem. 13, and § 11. rem. 5).
. . .


In some instances Hholem has been retained in 14. In the forms in which, according to the para-
the inflexion according to Kheth. ; as HSinV try^ Ps. digm, Hholem is dropped, something of the O sound

26. 2, n3l7D rdgn^ Ju. 9. 8, "'OlDp use enchantment^ seems to have been expressed in the time when the
1 Sa. 28. 8, where the Keri has invariably cancelled 1. Hebrew was a living language. Thus the vowel of
the last syllable is constantly retained in the Arabic,
IV. Oir THE Future of Ka.l. and is lost only in the vulgar dialect. Traces of this
13. The Hholem in the second syllable of the are observable, (a) in the old mntres lectionis, which
future is almost exclusively confined to the transitive the Keri has cancelled : — n^lpJJ'XI and I tveighed,
verbs (middle A) while the verbs middle
; and E Ezr. 8. 25, HDipc^'K / will rest. Is. 18. 4, 1^1t^3* they
(*?Pi^, ?bi^) have regularly Pattahh in the future ; stumble, Pr. 4. 16 ;
(b) where the vowel remains and
e. g. ^11, fut. hl)\ to be great, "1??, fut. "1??^ to be is pointed •"!,
being considered shorter than i ; as
honowed; jb,^, fut. IPi?! to be small, "pb^, fut. h-^f\ ILJ-ISK': they shall judge, Ex. 18. 26, '^^1^ thou shalt
to be childless. In several verbs, however, this dif- pass on, Ru. 2. 8, DHI^S^n thoti shalt observe them, Pr.
ference of form exists only in the future, so that the 14. 3 ;
(c) in (^.^ which the punctuators have occa-
future stands for the transitive, and the future A sionally substituted for simple Sheva, e. g. n?i5j^^1

for the intransitive signification ; as "'^P to cut off, and ^9i??r*? iii the Keri of the passages quoted above,
to reap (Le. 25. 5 ; De. 24. 19, &r,c.), future A, to be cut, comp. Ezr. 8. 26; Je. 32. 9; n^tf^ / might kiss, 1 Ki.
i. e. tobe short (Ju. 10. 16 ; 16. 16) ; K'lH, future 0, 19. 20, Dn.DS Ho. 10. 10 comp. Is. 27. 3; 62. 2 ; ;

to cut, to plough, future A, to be dumb, (properly, to Eze. 35. 6.

be blunted)', ^?^, future 0, to subdue, Ex. 17. 13,
future A, to be subdued. Job 14. 10 ;
D"]P to overlay, 15. The vowel of the last syllable is regularly re-
cover, fut. A intrans. ver. 8. In a few instances the stored again in pause, with which it receives the tone.
difference in the signification is of another character; Pattahh is then lengthened into Kamets, e. g. ybipJ?,

c. g. "IT?* he shall cut {eat). Is. 9. 19, "1]^*. trop. he shall *c^3'?n, •inbV''

decide. Job 22. 28 ;

K'^n fut. 0, to saddle, fut. A and
O, to bind up. Job 5. 18; Eze. 34. 16; 3ny fut. 0, 16. For the 3 pers. pi. fem. n3"pbpn the form
to be surety for, '^^ fut. A, to be sweet. naptDp', is substituted, in three instances, to dis-

Very frequently both occur without any difference tinguish it from the 2 pers., viz. "^^"1^^! they shall
of signification; as T\1'p\ (Le. 26. 35) and na^'l arise. Da. 8. 22, comp. Ge. 30. 38 ; 1 Sa. 6. 12. The
(ver. 34) he shall rest ; ^lit?, future O (Ps. 7. 3 ; Ho. parag. H in Hp, both for the masc. and fem. is often
5. 14), and future A (Ge. 49. 27), to tear; TIJ fut. dropped, so that only I remain ; e. g. |^3n Ge. 33. 6.

(Nu. 6. 21 ; De. 12. 17, &c.), and fut. A (Ge. 28. 20, A anomaly is '^3''n|?ni, Eze.
single 16. 50, for
&c.), to vow; "^^h fut. 0, Ec. 10. 11, and fut. A, Pr. n3n33ri (comp. Verb Ain gutt.) where *"7 is inserted
23. 22, to bite ; "IJ? fut. O, Mai. 2. 15, fut. A, ver. 10, after the manner of verbs V'l? and TV
to be treacherous.

With parag. H, the form ^'t^i?^ becomes n?pipx. 17. To the forms ending in -1
or ""t a parag. \ is

This (so called) lengthened future (comp. note to often appended, most frequently at the end of a
rem. 1 1 ) is usually attached to the 1 pers. sing, and period, where the vowel of the second syllable is
pi., and is found in and all classes of the regular restored, though this vowel does not (as in No. 15)
irregular verbs, except in the passives, and has the receive the tone; e.g. inn> Ex. 15. 14, P^??'^
tone, wherever it is taken, by the afformatives and -1 De. 1. 17, comp. Ps. 104. 9, 22, 28, 29 Joel 3. 1 ; ;

"t, and hence affects in precisely the same manner Ex. 9. 29. For instances of this xvithout pause comp.
the final vowel of the ground-form, e. g. Kal HOOK'S;, Ru. 2.8,9; Ps. 4. 3 but the vowel is then more fre- ;

Piel npn3? Ps. 2. 3 but Hiph. HTStX* ; quently not restored, comp. Hab.3.7; Ps. 104.28, 29;
It is, however, sometimes found attached to other De. 8. 20 ; Ex. 4. 9.

persons, as the second and third, comp. Is. 5. 19 ;

Eze. 23. 20 Ps. 20. 4. The form n- is also some-

V. On the Infinitive, Imperfect, and Future
times found instead of n- as nsnipk 1 Sa. 28. 15, OF Kal.
^T^T. Ps. 20. 4. 18. Hholem of the inf, constr. and y?/^., being a

• The future para^. expresses excitement (in the sing., of oneself, in the pi., of one another), determination, wish, entreaty
Stc, e. g. nriDb'NI n'?"'3^{ let me be glad and rejoice I Ps. 31. 8 ; HD/J let us go I Ge. 22. 5 (comp. § 1 1. rem. 61.
. .

[Sect. IX.
pure vowel, most instances \vritten without 1
is in
thorn-husK De. 33. 16. IV^H ^2Qn who
The full form occui-s most frequently in pause changes the
or in rock, Ps. 114. 8, rm^^Z
the later books, comp. livprj Le. >2f^ ^ho dwells in heaven,
25. 5, Di^n^ Ps. 1 s. 123. nipx who binds
1, 135^
32. 9, li^:?J3l Is. 48. 8, ni^px'is. 44. 19. '
to the vine, Ge 49 11
IN-^,l'3ryZec. 11. 17. ' '

Before Makkeph, Hholem is changed into

Kamets- In its inflexion it differs in
hhatuph, asi—ITbm'p 2 Sa. 8. 10; Ps. nothing from the noun
XrEJ^-)"^ 78. 18, (comp. dec. 7), and by the same analogy
Je. 21. 2, n2-^2^r) Zee. 9. 2. is formed
Where 1 stands in the the feminine only that it must
text, it is cancelled in the Keri, be noticed, that
it remains so that femmine form nbop (with
only in the Kheth. gutt. Hi/pb') is here more
e. g. l^'blXJ^ Ru 4 6 Kh
frequent than H^pp,
(Keri 1^>?>), iHinD Eze. 24. 2 Kh.
(Keri ^^-nn3)* ' When the tone is thrown back on account of a
i^-airiDx Ho. 8. 12 Kh.
(Keri i^-nrax). '
word, with the tone on the penultima,
following it,
Segol is substituted in the final
VI. On the Participle of Kai,. syllable, as in
Is. 41. Dya Qb)n who smites the anvil.
19. ?t?ip is the regular participle of the verbs An unfrequent form is ^^PW upholding, Ps 16 5
middle A, like ^^P,. The Hholem
impure, and is for ^piri; fipr ^J?n behold I am
adding. Is. 29. 14 38. 5f
ought, therefore, to be written /m%; it is, ;

more frequently written defectively, not only
before The
an accession at the end, but even
in the ground
20. participles of the verbs middle
and E
do not form from the preterite; as N^Q he is
differ in
form, 7pp.
full, and full; ]^'1 he slept, and sleeping; IJ^
Like the noun, it often has parag. » he was
appended to afraid, and fearing. Where these forms do not occui
the construct state; as r\:D ^J3t^ i/^g
inhaUtant the of as participles, they are at least
verbal adjectives.]

1. Preterite. There is no positive proof for the ^Vr?, as the construct of fpin,
existence of preterites like ^PpJ, h\2pl, is chosen instead
corresponding ol finsn, probably for its
to ^Pi-^, -PD,^ of the Kal (comp. agreement of sound Auth
§ 8. rem. note), 1, in the following fl"nJri
addition to the form 7Pp?; for Dinra
Est. 8. 8, niPlp.
1 Ch. 5. 20, ^isn; Est. 9: 1, usually
regarded a's such 3. The infinitive, imperative, or
preterites, are properly infinitives abs. future, in those per-
sons which have no afformatives,
With regard to the tone and its changes, the when immediately
followed by a word of one syllable,
remarks already made upon Kal have the tone
(§ 8. rem. 7) are commonly dra^vn back to the penultima,
also applicable to Niphal. and the final
syllable having lost the tone receives
Segol instead
of Tseri as ."13 1^^\ Ec. 7. 26, n3 ^Si'3*

2. The first abs.
Eze 33 12
inf. (!p'^\>;), connects itself, nxT anan Ps. 102. i9,
in \h
form, with the preterite, to which
irij;?.i' Ge'25. 21- 2'ch'
bears the same
it 33. 13, X3 i!ox> 1 Ki. 8. 26, )h ipN> Is. 4. 3,nW p^n.'
relation as blt2,^
to and is
t^p,^, the only infinitive of Job 38. 24 ;
so in the i7if D^ inDH^ Job 34 22 -'in
this kind. Examples are— nn>3 warring, Ju. 11. 25, the imp. )3 onSn Ju. 9. 38. In some words, how-
flD?J /on^rmy Ge. 31. 30, hW^ asking for oneself ever, this form with the retracted
Sa. 20. 6, rbm tone has become
1 sending. Est. 3. 13. Examples for the usual one ; e. g. 1»^n Ex. 23. 21, and with con-
the second form are— ihsn Je. 32. 4, ^bxn Le. 7. 18, versive Vav, DH^n Nu.21.23; Jos. 24.9;
once SJ'-l'^K being inquired of Ju 9 39•
Eze. 14. 3, which is l Sa. 14.47; ^l.^ni Sa.4.2,10;
quite an Arabic form. 2Sa.2. 17; 2Ki. l4. 12.'
The construct form is but
seldom used instead of the absolute, lOt^n
e g 4. In a similar case, Pattahh
De. 4. 26. In Ps. 68. 3, ^iM^in ]^V ^I'^^ns as
is sometimes, thougli
smoke is but seldom, put for Tseri, as
driven away thou drivest (them) away, the form
Hi? ^IVn Job 18 4- it
is, however, more frequently found
"with distinctive

X., -' ^^-^^^ «^^^- ^ ^^«^- ^^^ '^^-^^ ta.e„

with s«;pHed.
2^:^.:7::[::^^:r'- ^ ^^
. u-.,,.
. ; ;


accents, e. g. ?P^!1 he was weaned, Ge. 21. 8 ;

SJ^DSM \mder the preformative, as VJ^^^ I swear, Ge. 21. 24,
he was refreshed, Ex. 3 1 . 1 7 ; "p^.! H is said, Ge . 1 .
9 K^n'=J5< Eze. 14.3, comp.Ge. 19.20; 1 Sa.20. 29; 27.1;

Nu. 21. 14; |p^5*l Jos. 2. 9, ^i^!'.). he beca7ne sick, Jobl. 15,16,17; Is. 1.24,&c.
2 Sa. 12. 15. In the 2 and 3 pers. pi. the form with
Pattahh is more common than that with Tseri, not 6. ^Vhen the prepositions |, 3 ?, are to be pre-
only in pause (as HjWn Zee. 14. 2, n^lDonri Is. 28. 3), fixed to the infinitive the H is frequently contracted,
and with gutturals or 1 (as n^np-m Is. 65. 17, HJOpsn but not so frequently as in the Hiphil e. g. 171^33 ;

Is. 35. 5), but even in the absence of either of these, for l'P^3n2 Pr. 24. 17. This contraction, however,
e. g. nJ>3Xn Je. 24. 2. is more usually with verbs of first guttural, as ^P^3
for 51t?V03 La. 2. 11, comp. Eze. 26. 15; Is. 1. 12, &c.
The fut. 1 pers. sing, has frequently also Hhirek


L On Piel. 4. The inf. imp. and fut.^ when followed by a
1. The pret. of Piel has frequently in the final Makkeph, or a word which has the tone on the
n3X 2 Ki. 21. 3; La. 2. 9;
peniJtima, take generally (,) in the final syllable,
syUable instead of (..,; e. g.
e, g. pt^rilll Is. 59. 13 Je. 9. 4 'h'^'^p. Ex. 13. 2
especially before a Makkeph and in the middle of a ; ; ;

period, whereas in the end of a period is preferred, '1/'"E^'l?5J Is. 40. 20 ; and so, moreover, with Vav con-
versive, e. g. ^1-i^l Jos. 24. 12.
e. g. nyT''!?i' he teaches wisdom, Ec. 12. 9, K-in-I3i'n-1
"T'ynTlX he delivered the city, Ec. 9. 15, comp. Eze. 33. 5, Instead of npptSi^Jyi the form also with Pattahh in
tj'pp iCJ'SJ "IHTJ X-ini he who is warned saves his life. the second syllable is found, as HJtJ'ISnJjl, Is. 13. 18.

See ^"nUs. 49. 21, and Wl Jos. 4. 14 ; Est. 3. 1. The following are examples with parag. ] — P3.?n'^

A few verbs, of which the following are all the Ps. 104. 10, l-I^Di; Is. 51. 5, comp. Kal § 8. rem. 17.
examples, have (..) in the final syllable — D3D1 and he
shall loash, Le. 13. 6, 34; 14. 8, 9, &c. (comp. D33
II. On Pual.
Ge. 49. 11 ; 2 Sa. 19. 25) 1|31 and he shall atone,

Le. 4. 20, 26, 31, &c. ;

13"^ he spoke, frequently l^-^ at 5. The less frequent form of Pual, with Kamets-
the end of a period. hhatuph instead of Kibbuts, is found in the following
A single instance of (.) in the first syUable in the —
examples ^"^¥9 dyed red, Na. 2. 4 ^"1?C^: ^''^ isjoined ;

manner of Aramaic and Arabic, found in Ge. 41.51,

is to thee, Ps. 94. 20 (beside 13n; Ec. 9. 4) n^3 he is ;

"131 D''rpx ""jl^J God makes me forget, which is occa- cut off, Eze. 16. 4 and in the regular syllables of

sioned by a play upon the name i^.^'^P some irregular verbs, as H'l'lki^ she is desolate, Na. 3. 7
(usually "11^, ^Tl^) "I?? they are at an end, Ps. ;

2. Infinitive. The distinguishing form of the inf. 72. 20, -ISS they are covered, Ps. 80. 11 ; Pr. 24. 31.
abs. is "lb! Ps. 118. 18, N3^ 1 Ki. 19. 10, NBT Ex. It merely an orthographical variation when

21. 19 ; and in the same relation is X^i 2 Sa. 12. 14. Shurek takes the place of Kibbuts, as "I?"!' in pause ,

The latter form, which resembles the 3 pers. pret., l.^-l'' Ju. 13. 8 18. 29 ; Job 5. .7 (Avhich may also be

is found also in Le. 14. 43 as an inf. constr. ]^?n "ini<; taken for Hophal, comp. nn^-in Eze. 16.4); nsit

after drawing out. Here, it is true, "l^i? or *3 may fornication is committed, Eze. 16. 34; /-JIXD spun,
be supplied, and inx taken as a conjunctive, after Eze. 27. 19 ;
rPpTi they were praised, Ps. 78. 63, comp.
one has draion out; see, however, the remarks on also Ec. 9. 12.
Hiph. § 11. rem. 4.

Somewhat more frequent are here the forms with 6. The participle of Pual occurs sometimes with-
the feminine termination — 'T^'pl to sing, Ps. 147. 1 ;
out the prefix 9 ; it is then distinguished, like the
nnipl to chasten, Le. 26. 18; "^l^lip'^.V thy justifying part, of Niph., by the Kamets only in the last syllable
(comp. § 8. rem. 10) Eze. 16. 52. as nph for ni?SD taken away, 2 Ki. 2. 10 ;
praised, Eze. 26. 1 7 ; |^'?05 ^^ '^"^ comforted. Is. 54. 1 1

3. An imperative with Pattahh in the final syllable nonn ^ not pitied. Ho. i. 6, 8 ;
^'%'\>:^' or n^ri?^ m-
is 3^3 Ps. 55. 10. snared, Ec. 9. 12 ;
tonb for t^nbJ? Eze. 21. 15, 16.

* This and the two next following examples are to be taken rather as preterites, in consequence of their having the tone
retracted to the penultima bv the pause accpnt. which is hardly to be met with in participles and ac^ectiveB.


III. In Geneeax. The absence of this Dagesh is sometimes in-

In those forms of Piel and Pual, which have
7. timated (a) by the lengthening of the preceding
Shcva under the radical letter, the characteristic vowel, e.g. ^\hr\\ for D|?.^n> 1 Ch. 23. 6; (Jb) by
Dagesh is often dropped ; e. g. nnp^' for nripK* she a Hhatuph under the letter which was to have
stretched out, Eze. 17. 7, "in^K' Ps. 74. 7; '^i/^J;! thou had the Dagesh, e. g. nnjpp for nrii?^ Ge. 2. 23,
shalt be sought, Eze. 26. 21 ; though in most instances comp. Ju. 16. 16.
it is inserted.


I. Ox HiPHIL. in this respect from the future, where /'"'Pi?* stands
1. The characteristic ''t impure of the final syllable for /'Ppn'. There are, however, some few excep-
is only retained in the 3 pers. preterite of Hiph, (in tions; e. g. T'Pt;'^ to destroy. Is. 23. 11 ; ri'3^^ to put

the participle also, but with some exceptions) so as an end to. Am. 8. 4 ; W{> to make lohite. Da. 11. 35 ;

not to have another form with Tseri. In the imp. %J2 Nu.5.22; nnx^^ to cause to languish, 1 Sa.2.33;
inf. and fut. there exists also a form with Tseri in the ife, "Vvb. to pay tithes, Ne. 10. 39 ; De. 26. 12,
final syllable, which however differs from the other comp. Ex. 13. 21 ; Ps. 78. 17, and in Kheth., as
in signification, as the following remarks will show. I'W'? 2 Sa. 18. 3, for which the Keri has I'ny.^ ; ^'h
Forms in the preterite deviating from the paradigm 2 Ki. 9. 15.

are, (a) (.., under

with H, e. g. "I^P/pn we are ashamed,
1 which is still more usual in verbs H"?,
Sa. 25. 7, 4. Infinitives not differing in form from the pj-e-

e.g. nx^n, nji^n, n-^^ri; {b) with K, as in the terite, are more frequent here than in Piel (§10.
Aramaic ""J??*??^ / have polluted. Is. 63. 3 (c) with
rem. 2); e. g. "^'^frs IJ? 2 Ki. 3. 25; T^^.O! ^.1'^^ W^^

Je. 50. 34 t^^^pni niDs h^^:\\ ;i:5-nin^' 31. 5.

(.) in the 2 and 3 pers., however only with suffix, as
; i.r is'.

•in^n^'^^i? 1 Sa. 1. 28., These examples may yet be doubted, as they can be
regarded as real preterites, and the prepositions
2. The absol. has generally Tseri with or before them as mere conjunctions (for 1^'^? iy,

without Yod; as DSi^'O to rise up early, Je. 7. 13, and "i^'^.

lyPf) there are, however, others which must

D^3^n Je. 44. 4, &c. ;

*l»^"n destroying. Is. 14. 23, be recognised as infinitives, e. g. Tl^ptJ'n De. 7. 24 ;

andTn^n Am. "^pr^ casting, Je. 22. 19; "I^PpH moreover n^ZIHTIX nriX after the scraping of the
9. 8;

burning incense, 1 Ki. 9. 25 T'lpV^n Ne. 7. 3 : \>'')yij:^

house, Le. 14. 43 (where the ending HI of the verb

H"? decides for the inf.)

De. 15. 14, &c.
A form with N, by Chaldaism, is D''3fNI Je. 25. 3.
As such may be taken 'iI'?.^N Ge. 41. 42, viz. as an inf. 5. In the imp. the leading form (7''Pipn) does not
abs. for the imperative, boio the knee, if regarded occur at all;* instead of employed the shortened
it are
according to Hebrew etymology. and lengthened forms, ^PpH and nj'-ppn (§ 8. rem. 13);
When followed by Makkeph the inf. takes Segol, e. g. IPf n make fat. Is. 6.10; 3K'pn attend. Job 33. 31

as n'33-^3n Pr. 24. 23 ; 28. 21. HTK^'ipn Ps. 5. 3 ; 1 7. 1 ; n.H*n prosper, 1 Ki. 22. 1 2, 1 5,

Unfrequent exceptions are, when the form with and nn^^VLl Ps. 118. 25 (nowhere 11^^*0) t23n hok. ;

Tseri occurs for the inf. constr., as 7n3n De. 32. 8, Job 35. 5', and np*3ri La. 1. 1 1 H.^n tell, 1 Sa. 25. 1 1 ;

comp. ch. 26. 12 ; Da. 11. 35, and the form with V ?"!13n separate. Is. 56. 3 ; HIl^K'pn hearken.

for the inf. abs. Jos. 7. 7. Before Makkeph (.., is changed into (,_.), as ^*3"J3tpn
Job 22. 21 ; Xr^.3n Ge. 15. 5.
3. When the prepositions ? , ? , ? are prefixed to
the inf. constr. generally no contraction takes place, 6. In the future, the more usual form is that with
and the form remains 7"'Ppn|, 7''Ppnp, &c., differing Tseri for the shortened future, and has in general the

* This remains, however, the ground-form whenever the suffixes are added, as ''3y,''pK'n Ps. 143. 8, and is analogous to the
forR)8 with the afformatives having a union vowel, as v'^pipH, -IP^Pipn
— ;;


signification of the subjunctive, similar to the length- for which 2 Ch. 5. 2 h'r\pl TK (doubtless to be rea.l

ened future (§ 8. rem. 13), with some modification ^'!?l?!) P.tni?1 and I shall 'lay hold, Is. 42. 6.

occasioned by the difference of person. It is found

(a) In the expression of command and wish e. g. ; 7. Before Makkeph this Tscri of the shortened
n:)3! marj be cut off, Ps. 12. 4 ; 109. 15 (comp. nnD^ future becomes Segol ; e. y. 13'P.IC]*1 and he laid hold
he ahull cut off, De. 12. 29 ; 19. 1 1 Ki. 14. 14) ; ; upon him, Ju. 19. 4 1?'5^.3!1 atid he drew near
; to him,
"ipi' mat/ he add, may he increase, Ge. 30. 24 ; Le. Ge. 27. 25 ; iW^?! and we told him, Ge. 43. 7. In
5.16,24; 27.31; Nu. 5. 7 ; 22.19; De. 1. 11 pause it occurs with Pattahh — 5i^l!l Ju. 6. 19. In
(comp. n*pV Jos. 23. 13 ; 2 Sa. 14. 10) ; S^^iJ^ let her the plural Tseri is sometimes entirely dropped, as is

bring forth (comp. N^V'lJ^ Is. 61. 11 ; Hag. 1.11); the case with the e of the final syllable in the
"ip.?: let him appoint, Ge. 41. 34 ; Est. 2. 3 (I^P?! Is. Aramaic — -"l^"!"!!! for 13^"ll!ll and they bent (the bow),
10. 28) ; ^Wl let him overtake, Ps. 7. 6 ; ^?xri Eze. 3. 3 Je. 9. 2 ;
-Ip?"!!! and they pursued, 1 Sa. 14. 22 ; 31. 2
^nin 1 Sa. 10. 8, &c.
(b) More usually in the expression of prohibition 8. In the participle the form with (,.) seldom occurs

with "PX ; e. g. IRp!? ^^ hide 7iot, Ps. 27. 9 ; 69. 18 ;

in the singular, see however "II^DP for I^J^P'? hiding, Is.
102. 3; 119.19 (comp. "I'JJlpn Ps. 13. 2; 44.25); 53. 3, and in the fem. nn3T0 Nu. 5. 15, nniD Est. 2. 20.
nn^^n %
destroy not, De. 9. 26; Ps. 57. 1, &c. Hence are the plurals Q''??nQ dreaming, Je. 29. 8,
"13pn ?S; shut not up, Ob. 14 ; >-fn deliver not, Ps. OniV?? helping, 2 Ch. 28. 23,"n'?^rtO lending {leaders).
119. 43 (comp. 1 Sa. 30. 8); ^^7\ ^^ let not fail. Zee. 3. 7, comp. the Chaldee r?^'7» Da. 3. 25; 4. 34.

Est. 6. 10 (comp. Pr. 1. 14) ; tDHFI '?X look not, 1 Sa.

16.7; \Q'^;i^^ let him not trust, Sohld.Zl; '\nvb\^let 9. The tone in Hiph. differs from that of the rest
him not Ex. 16. 19 see also Pr. 30. 10 Ob. 12.
leave, ; ; of the conjugations, inasmuch as it does not rest
(c) Less frequently with a preceding it, expressive 1. upon the afFormatives -1
and V in the pret., imp. and
of the conjunction that, in order that, as in Ju. 14. 15, fut. In the pret. however, they receive the tone by
entice thy husband •'13/'"n.|M. that he declare to us, and conversive Vav; n^'*'^^ni. and she shall divide,Yj\. 26. 33,
so Job 11. 6 ; 12. 7 ; Je. 42. 3 ; ^Tl that he deliver, but is retained in '^Tr'^1 ^"^ ^^^ ^^^^-i 2 Sa. 17. 17
1 Sa. 7. 3.
(d) With a negation, e. g. *]pri"N? she shall not II. On Hophai,.
continue, Ge. 4. 12, comp. Job 40. 32 (27); ^^^ ih 10. Besides theform with Kamets-Hhatuph given
De. 18. 16; Ho. 9. 15 inin ^X thou shall not have
; in the paradigm, there is another with Kibbuts
the pre-eminence, Ge. 49. 4; see also Is. 13. 20. equally frequent, and often in one and the same
(e) After conversive Vav ; the first person, how- verb, e. g. 'H/f n he is cast. Da. 8. 11, Pi^^P^ Is. 14. 19,

ever, is excepted, which generally retains the form 'Pi^hfn Ps. 22. 'll, fut. i?^'^ Is. 34.3," Eze. 16. 5,
with *T ; e. g. T'P^^^J and I destroyed. Am. 2. 9 part, ^^f O 2 Sa. 20. 21 ; aSK'n to be laid, Eze. 32. 32,
T^?'^! and I cast,' Zee. 11. 13 n*5t<) and I told. ; imp. n^^tJ'n ver. 19; IppH to be appointed, Je. 6. 6,
Is. 48. 5; T^0J?1 and I made king, 1 Sa. 12. 1; TnpNJ part. Dni?P'? 2Ch. 34. 10 ; lOpn to be burned, Le. 6. 16,
and I hid, Eze. 39. 23, 24. It is likewise so pointed part. I^pji Mal.1.11.
when * is omitted in the text li^V^J and I enriched. —
Zee. 11.5; K?nxi and I hid, 1 Ki." 18. 13 ; ^V^J and 11. The i)f. abs. is distinguished by {..^ in the final
I delivered, Jos. 24. 10 ; Ju. 6. 9 ; 1 Sa. 10. 18. syllable, e.g. /"Pl^n to be sivaddled, Eze. 16.4; ^.|n

Exceptions where /PP! is used for the -^\d\n future Jos. 9. 24. Of the inf. constr. as given in the
(or preseni), are only found with the poets, e. g. ^?.P1 paradigm, there happens to occur no example in the
he casts. Job 15. 3327. 22 "1^20* he causes to rain
; ; regular verb.
Job 20. 23; Ps. 11.6; see also Job 18. 9 ; 34.29
37.4; 40.9,19; Ps.25. 9; 2 Sa. 22. 14; 1 Sa.2. 10 1 2. Of the participle there occurs, in Eze. 46. 22,

Mi. 3. 4. Also with somewhat later authors, e. g. the uncontracted form niyypnp for niyypD. This
''.?"!! he shall make to cleave, De. 28. 21 '^^1* he shall ; form occurs likewise in the fut. of the verbs ^'Q, as
lead, De. 28. 36 ; ^DPl T? then he assembled, 1 Ki. 8. 1, n-jin». for nni* (comp. § 20. rem. 10^.


L The preterite, as in Piel, has frequently also changes: — (a) when the first radical of the verb is a

Pattahh in the final syllable, e. g. PiDJ^in show

to sibilant (D, X, tJ*) it changes place with Jl, as IDFfPr}

oneself courageous, 2 Ch. 13. 7 ; 15. 8. This vowel for nSC'nn, ^aripn for "paprin ; V causes, more-

occurs also in the future and imperative, as D2nri', over, a change of H into the more nearly related \2,

he thinks himself wise, Ec. 7. 16 ; Jiyj^H delight thy- as p-^mn for plPlVn ; {b) before 1, T, t2 & H it is

self Ps. 37. 4 ;

tJ''!!i'?rin sanctify thyself, Jos. 3. 5, assimilated, e. g. IS^n from "^21, -IS-Tn from flDT

comp. 1 Ki. 20. 22. In pause these forms take Ka- Is. 1. 16, "intSn, D^Fin ; sometimes also before 3 &
mets, as pret. *JJ^r>'? he girded himself, Ps. 93. 1 ; 3, as NllSn, elsewhere S33rin ; |r,3n for |3i3nn.
fut. %'^^\ he mourns, Eze. 7. 12, 27, QJ^J^! it sparkles,

Pr. 23. 31. 4. Forms followed by Makkeph are D3""^?nriri :

Noah walked, Ge. 6. 9; ih^chvr^''. the snow hides itself
2. The preterite with conversive Vav has some- Job 6. 16 withparag. t, JI^^lIJ;!:! they walk, Ps. 12. 9

times Hhirek instead of Pattahh in the penultima (comp. Kal fut. § 8. rem. 17) with parag. H, nspni^N ;

which has lost the tone, as ''J^?^1i'2rin'l ''Jp^lirini, I will I will walk, Ps. 119. 45 (comp. Kal § 8. rem. 13).
show myself great and holy, Eze. 38. 23 DFl^'l^^ni. ;

and ye shall show yourself holy, Le. 11. 44 20. 7, ;

5. In forms, in which the middle radical has Sheva,
comp. in Kal the form ^"^1"]^', (§ 8. rem. 1 b). so that Dagesh may be dropped (§ 10. rem. 7), this
latter is sometimes compensated by lengthening (.,
3. The S}Tiac form with HK occurs in 2 Ch. 20. 35, into as -nipsrin for -npsrin, Ju. 20. 15, and from
"l3nJ|lSI foi 1?npn he joined himself. habit of the punctuator, also in the sing. "li?.SDt (for

Note. The U of the syllable T)n suflFers the following npsn*.) Ju. 21. 9.*

* Some have adopted here another corrugation /tiSJjnn.





2. In the verbs ^'3 the inf. constr. takes (...) under 15. 9, 12, and especially when the leading form has
the first letter, as ^-^^ especially with the prefixes, composite Sheva but with the afformatives and

mS3, ms^ to seize, ^I'DXa, PlbX^ to collect. Is. 17. 5; suffixes, simple Sheva is introduced, as ^^0!, but
2Ki. 5. 7 ^3^^ Ge. 24. 33, and ^3^??^^ Nu.26. 10.
•"i:i'?n: 1 Ki. 13. 13, "in;:'2ri! Ho. 6. 1 i'aq!Dc."24. 6, ;

AVith simple Sheva lb^^ (for tbs^) fo hind, Ps. pl'-i^^ri: Job 24.3; p%^, pi. -Ip^n! Jos. 14. 5; so
105.22. With the feminine termination: — n?O^X also "ife, pi. nyy:; ibj^!,'but n^fyw^, n-j?y;.
to become guilty, Le. 5. 26, '"l^Q^ ^'^ ^'"^i I^e. 10. 12 ;

11. 22 '"liJTD, whence ini^jn? when he gained strength, 6. Since the punctuation (..,.), (. ., is considered

2Ch. 12. 1 ; 26. 16. shorter than (.,..,._.), ^...), the former is sometimes used
where the form is augmented by afformatives, suf-

3. Imperative. In the verbs ^<"S the first letter

fixes, &c., while the leading form has the latter

takes as itx yird on. Job 38. 3, THN lay hold, Ex.
punctuation. E. g. ^bs;; (to collect), but -ISPX!, ''SipXF),

and so with suffix IDX; (to bind), with

4. 4, PlbX co/7ec^ Nu. 21. 16; 3nx tore, Ho. 3. 1.
; suff. ^^IP^I,
•in-npx: &c. ipn.; (to ivmit), pi. •'ni?n! Ps. 34. 1 1 Eze.
The rest of the persons have generally the regular ; ;

form, only in a few instances Segol is retained, e. g.

4. 17. According to the same principle we find
•1"l3i;i: (to blush), Ps. 35. 4,26, in pause -lisn: Ps. 34.
nspS, collect, Nu. 11. 16, r\:^'l}, order. Job 33. 5, ^W^ 6;
make hare. Is. 47. 2, Avhich more especially happens Job 6. 20 -l^an::, in pause -l^sn.J (comp. rem. on

when the second radical is likewise a guttural, "I^.Q?? Niph. and Hiph.).
Ps. 31. 24, ITHN: Ca. 2. 15, ^THX Ru. 3. 15.
II. On Niphal.
4. The form of the future exhibited in the para- 7. Preterite. Besides the form exhibited in the
digm is that of the verbs fut. 0, as Q?ri^ to dream, paradigm there is another with simple Sheva, as
"^^y.! to serve, "13^2 to pass over, "^Vl to set in order.
DL"^3 (to he guilty), "1*^11.5 (to he glorified). The
The verbs yw^. A take Segol under the preformatives, shorter (..,.) is introduced only with the augmenta-
as mourn, to he strong, tion at the end of the participle, as ^(V.). hid, Ec.
to [^^[y!. "^H^l to tremble,
^^y.) to be siveet. Less frequently do verbs fut. 12. 14, but on the contrary, n»py3 Na. 3. 11, and
occur with Segol, as ^DX]; to collect, ^'C^nj to make bare,
D^p^yj Ps. 26. 4 ; so nnnnj icaste, Eze. 30. 7 ; a

and once in pause Job 10. 20 (elsewhere

''^Q! ''"10.'). single exception is Xl^}- terrible, Ps. 89. 8. A few
Both futures, like ^bi^2 &c ptn*, are found in one and infinitives absol. formed according to the preterite

the same verb (with or without a difference of sig- (§ 9. rem. 1) have likewise this a, as "^ISLJ^.f

nification), as in ^'?n to bind, K'^n to be weak, V}-^n to

8. The future is once written /wZ/y nb;;'>n for ^'^B.
cut, X^n to delight iii,
3:!V (§ 8. rem. 18). Moreover, In a few instances Segol found in-
Ex. 35. 31. is
vQ! to go, "^ZlIFi {grassari) for ^2\}^ (comp. rem. 12) stead of Tseri, e. g. i' (for annn-i, n.nnii) Eze.
Ex. 23; Ps. 73.9.
26. 15, and so likewise in a few earlier editions in
Examples with afformatives are : — 3"in2, •lil'in^,
Eze. 43. 18; Job 19. 7.
^V;^^ {to kill), ^b^l^ -issn: (to turn) ;
pjn;, -ipm;
11.n.:, -I^in^ (to tremble). III. On HlPHlL AND HoriiAL.
9. The forms with and (..,.)
(....,..) in the preterite,
Other verbs have very constantly simple Sheva
and future, as exhibited
in the infinitive, imperative
under the guttural but in the same relation as
in the paradigm, are as regular here as in the non-

mentioned above. This is most frequently the case guttural verb the forms with (..) and .^ to which (.

with n, as "I5n* (for *liq!) to gird on, "pbn! to pity, only that here
they correspond ; occurs also the
y^^l to think ; ^"Hr'.J to cease, D?n) to be wise. The form with simple Sheva, as ""'Pnn, fut. 1''pn! shall
persons with afformatives remain quite regular, as
cause to want ; T'SD'? causing shame.
llfni, •v'lD!. Less frequently are both forms found
in the same verb, e. g. 3ns^ Pr. 3. 12, and ^^^?.* Pr. 10. In the jorc^mto, the punctuation is remarkably

• Pattahh is found here (as the shorter form, comp. rem. 6) because the tone is forcibly thrown forward, CJ'Nn ?bN3.
For the same reason they wrote Dri"lOX not Dri"!DX.
t There are, however, preterites as well as i)articiples (in the leading form) of verbs ri"? and K"? which have this ,, ^

as Wy;. Ps. 38 7; Is. 21. 3; rhvi Nu. 9. 21; 10. 11; HSy? Is. 53. 7; ^n\3y3 Ps. 119. 107 nbyj Le. 7. 9; -ibj?? Le.'lS.'sO, ;

but also nnb'yj Nu. 15. 24 ; nXi'm Ge. 31. 27 ; Dnan:" Jos. 2. 16.

affected by the conversive Vav, since the tone con- n^J^n. Comp. in Kal '^^DPl for V\}3 (§ 13. rem. 4).
nected with it changes („.,„, into the shorter (..,.,. Ex. 9. 23 ; Ps. 73. 9 ; but— Note, on the contrary,
E. g. ''I!iP?.nn / ^lave devoted, 1 Sa. 15. 20; ^?P"DDD"! (.,.,.,;,
is put for (.,,..) in -linx; (Piel for nnN) Ju. 5. 28 ;

and I shall devote, Nu. 21. 2 ; Mi. 4. 13 ; npiannni •IPn.! Ge. 30. 39 ; 'J^ip.nfPs. 51. 73.
1 Sa. 15. 18, DPiP"Dnni 1 Sa. 15. 3 ;
nnpyn thou hast
appointed, Ne. 6. 7 ; Ps. 31. 9 ; J?"]PJ?111. and thou shalt IV. In General.
appoint, Nu. 3. 6 ; 8. 13 ; 27. 19 ; Eze. 29. 7 ; ''^7,?J?,0 13. A few verbs H "7 with Pe guttural differ from
I caused to pass, Zee. 3. 4 ; ^n'^iyni. and I shall cause to the above inasmuch as their H & n are not at all
pass, Je. 15. 14 ; Pil7V.}3\ Ex. 13^ 12 Le. 25. 9 Nu.
; ; treated as gutturals, viz. H^n to be (except the pret.,
27.7; Eze. 5.1; 'J!l^,?^5i^ Ex. 16.32; ^J:i^3>5nUs.49.26; see rem. 1), fut. ^iy}\, with prepositions n'r^l?, Niph.
'^VW & '^V^J^i &c. The like change is effected H'n? ; so also H^n to live, pret. Dp^^rTl Eze. 37. 5, 6,
by the conversive Vav even in the 3rd person, comp. inf. nr^p, imp. with copulative Vav -Vni, fut. iTH*.
V}.^}^ he hearkened, De. 1. 45, and rj^Ol and he shall Only in a few examples the guttural character is re-
hearken, Ps. 77. 2.* tained (viz. when the guttural begins the word), as
nrn, n'-n Eze. 21. 15. The same analogy is ob-
11. Of Hophal only a few instances occur with served in the apocopated future "ID^ ,
jrifl (otherwise
simple and composite Sheva under the guttural, as n.3D!) & in?!.
^snn, fut. nnnj, part. loyn.
1 4. The letter "l as first radical comes within this
12. In depart, of Hiph, is sometimes changed (.,..,..) anomaly only in the inf. and fut. of Niph., e. g.
into (-.,..), and in Hoph. (^. ,^) into i-fT), prolonging the ^??7* ^^ ** seen. The unusual form with Pattahh
short vowel which was sustained by Metheg, e. g. under the preformative is found only in the apoco-
^'W.p. (elsewhere Pl-i3Un) Jos. 7. 7 ; nj;j;n Hab. 1.15 pated fut. i<1il, and in Hiph. 'nj^in^ Na. 3. 5, with
(elsewhere nbifn) ; rij'yh Na. 2. 8, and that often, for conversive Vav, otherwise '"l^lQ & nS"]n.



1. In Piel, Pual and Hithpael, Dagesh forte of the denies him, her. Job 8. 18; Le. 5. 22, comp. t^n3
middle radical letter is lost, but in the greater num- Le. 5. 21, na l^n^\ Ho. 9. 2, but EJ'npPlI Ge. 18. 1.5;

ber of examples, particularly before H, n & V, the "IV ^"1)^1 ^hall the adversary reproach, Ps. 74. 10, but

preceding vowel remains short, and the guttural has finmi 2 Sa. 21. 21.
Dagesh forte implicitum, or Dagesh forte implied, e. g. (6) After conversive Vav, as DOIX "^^3)1 ai\d he blessed

Piel Jnj to lead, QHJ to comfort, 1^1 to destroy, inf. them, Ge. i. 22, 28 ; 2. 3 ; 5.2 (without a tone syl-

PDV to mock, fut. "int?^. to cleanse, part, "inpp ; Pual lable following it) ; ^1^,), and he drove away, Ex.
rOT to be washed; Hithpa. -Iin^sn. Before « the 10. 11 ; De. 33. 27, &c. ; inS JT^j^M and he scared
vowel is commonly prolonged (but comp. f^??, f^51, him, Ge. 39. 4 ; ini") DJ?Eiriri1 and his spirit teas
Pu. -IKT Job 33. 21), and always before n. troubled. Da. 2. 1. The , . is, however, retained in
both these cases, especially in the latter, e. g. |KDM
2. In Pi. and Hiph. the tone is sometimes drawn and he refused, Ge. 48. 19 ; Nu. 20. 21, ")nOM and
back to the penultima, and Tseri of the final syllable he made haste, Ge. 18. 6, 7.
is shortened to Segol, viz. : —
(a) When a monosyllabic word, or one with the tone
3. In the Hithpa., when the second radical takes
on the penultima follows, e. g. DK' T\'yyh to minister Kamets on account of the pause, the preceding syllable
there, De. 17. 12 (otherwise TT^h) ; -IJa, '•3 pPl)'^ takes (..^ instead of (., or ^^y E. g. -nnGn cleanse your-
to mock me or us, Ge. 39. 14, 17 ; 33, "'3 K'na he selves, Nu. 8. 7 ; 'J?Pn.3n Eze. 5. 13.

* As an exception of this rule must be regarded DH^nn (for Dri.^nn) Ju. 8. 19.


1. In the inf. and/w^. of Niphal, and in t\ie pret., inf. y^k Hab. 1. 13 ; Nu. 4. 20, comp. J?).? La. 2. 8

mf and fut. of Piel, the form with ^.j is employed n)^' Ex. 5. 2 ; 7. 14, and o)^ chap. 7. 27 ; 9. 2
at the beginning and in the middle of a period (with fut. Vf2\ Hab. 3. 9; Ps. 78. 15; Ge. ,22. 3, comp
conjunctive accent), that with (..) and furtive Pattahh ^1\^.?.] Eze. 13. 11 ; 2 Ki. 8. 12 ; n)^^^ & J^i) Le. 14. 9
is used at the end of a period (with distinctive ac- JD?ti; 2 Sa. 20. 20, comp. Vji^^, Is. 19. 3.

cent). E. g. Niph. V}}n 2 Ch. 33. 23, but on the

contrary Pi^an^ Eze. 30. 16 fut. V^f. Nu. 27. 4 ; 36. 4
; 2. The participle of Niphal must be supposed to

comp. yn|: chap. 36. 3 Vpf. Na. 1.14, biit V^f. Le.
; admit of another form like U2Ph which loses (..)
11. 37 ;Be. 21. 4. Piel pret. nns Job 30. 11, and before an accession at the end (comp. dec. 7) hence ;

nriS chap. 12. 18 ; V'jii 2 Ch. 34. 7, and yjji ver. 4 ;

in^3 2 Sa. 14. 13, D?n"^: Ne. 1. 9 (comp. § 23. rem. 6).

; ;;



I. On the Preterite oe Kal. 5. Second Person Feminine. All the forms ex-

Third Person Masculine. In the verbs middle E hibited in the paradigm assume the ground-form

rem. 1) this characteristic vowel remains also ''^/Pi?, so that the suffix has no union-vowel, 't is
(§ 8.
often written defectively, as '^nir! thoti hast borne me,
before the suffix, as "^?^^? De. 7. 13; 15. 16; 23. 6,

from 2\\^ Q?'?^ Le. 16. 4 ^'^W De. 24. 3. Je. 15. 10 comp. Ca. 4. 9; 1 Sa."l9. 17. The form
; ;

^?Pi?,however, occurs also with suffixes which have

the union-vowel, as-l^n*]^'. thou Itast brought us forth,
2. Third Person Feminine. The form J^/^i? desig-
Je. 2. 27 Jos. 2. 17 Ca. 5. 9 (for (., in the final
nating the fevi. has a twofold peculiarity — (a) it

comp. § 8. rem. 1 b).


takes the suffixes which form a syllable by them-

selves '^, -irj, n, -IJ, DD, |3) without a union-vowel,
with the 6. All the persons of the plural follow one rule, as
though itself ends with a consonant ;

indeed takes the union-vowel, all the verbal forms end here alike in -1,and the
rest of the suffixes it

drawn back to the penultima, so that

suffixes have therefore no union-vowel. These are
but the tone is

D— frequently written defectively, as •in3^"]"n 1 Ch. 13.

they appear in the shortened form '^— , ,
\—. E. g. 3,
which, of course, is immaterial.
•nnnriiit she loves thee, Ru. 4. 15 ; '^PJ??''^ it has per-
verted thee, Is. 47. 10; 000"]^ she hums them, Is.

47. 14; 0?)/?^. it consumes them. Ho. 2. 14; Qn,?^|

II. On the Infinitive or Kai..
she had stolen thmyi, Ge. 31.32; On^^V? it observes 7. The shortened form P^i? is found most fre-

them, Ps. 119. 129 ;

DnxyD it befell them, Ex. 18. 8; quently before the suffixes D? h. I9, ^?r?^. your eating,
but on the contrary Voj;i|p.jy. Ps. 73. 6. Ge. 3. 5, i^?")?^. yoxirsaying, Mai. 1.7; somewhat
less frequent are forms like °?1?V ^^- 27. 4 D^'^'^i? ;

3. In the suffix of the third person a kind of con- Le. 23. 22. The same inconstancy is found before
traction takes place, which may be compared with the sufi". T, e. g. T)4V ^% passing over, De. 29. 11 ;

the form -13" for '''^?T, viz. -inj^— contr. Wt, and "^VP^ thy hearing, 2 Ki. 22. 19 ; but also T^^V, Ob. 1 1
nn— contracted from \}^~. In the masculine both ^^?i? Ge. 2. 17. There is also a form ^IVi?. Le. 23. 22,
occur, the and uncontracted form, as
contracted which agrees with D3"iyi^ in the same verse.
•lni|l29| she shows him, Pr. 31. 12; -in?^^ she weaned

him, 1 Sa. 1. 24; -inn^ni? Is. 59. 16, comp. Ge. 8. When the middle letter is a guttural it takes
37. 20 1 Sa. 18. 28, and'w?3| Job 21. 18, comp.
; (^.) instead of simple Sheva, e. g. ^T}^ m,y choosing,
Ru. 4. 15. With the suffix of the feminine only the Eze. 20. 5 ; D?vl^ their loving. Ho. 9. 10 ; and in the
contracted form exists, nriTH^^ Je. 49. 24 Is. 34. 17. ; 2 pers., Kamets-Hhatuph, as Q?P«9 Is. 30. 12, and
For ''JJ^r, -l^ri- '^^T the pause exhibits ''Jn— &c., so also (with "i) D?^";^ De. 20. 2.'
e. g. '3n^?« Ps. 69. 10; "HN^?? Nu. 20. 14;' ^n"]^*

Ca. 8. 5 (where ^0^50 in the first member of the 9. An anomalous form, otherwise found with
sentence is so pointed for the sake of consonance). guttural (comp. § 13. rem. 12) is D^^5¥b for
D5J<V^ Ge. 32. 20. In the same way some ex-
4. The Second Person Masculine assumes in all plain *the form MpK'ia for QJPf'l Am. 5. 11
cases the form ^PPi?, wherefore the suffix has no this, however, may be regarded as a form of Poel
union-vowel, except with the suffix of the 1 and 8 (§ 6. No. 1).
pers. sing,masc, where sometimes w??!? appears as
the ground-form, and so to it is attached the suffix The inf. ^Qi? assumes with suffix the form
(*?T, 1) by its union-vowel. Hence ''^^I'pn thou ^Pi? (comp. § 35. rem. 10), also h^\>, with 03 only
searchest me, Ps. 139. 1 ; ''?Bi?!D. thou hast overcome the form 7Pi7 is used. As ""nri? my opening, Eze.
me, Je. 20. 7 (elsewhere, however, ""^^^It Ps. 22. 2) 37. 13 D^P? their cleaving. Am. 1. 13 i^pb*^ to hinder
; ;

1Pl?Dt<. thou gatherest him, 2 Ki. 5, 6, comp. Nu. him. Zee. 3. 1 "^Vp. thy stampitig, Eze. 25- 6; QJ^JhS

23.27; Ps. 89. 44; Hab. 1. 12 (elsewhere also to be gracious to you, Is. 30. 18. With the middle
inP"lS3 Eze. 43. 20). guttviral ioy?? to drive him on, Ju. 13. 25.
; —

III. On the Imperative of Kai,. he passes over it, Je. 5. 22 ; -injlSIS^. he will bless him.,

11. Examples are — "n?! remember me, Je. 15. 15; Ps. 72. 15, comp. De. 32. 10 ; Ex! 15. 2. This J is

inQ"jT pursue him, Ps. 34. 15 ; 05^?? write them, Pr. for themost part assimilated to the suffix, and hence
(with euphonic Dagesh) preserve them, the separate form of the suffixes with epenthetic
3. 3 ;
Pr. 4. 13, or (in the other form of the suffix) like
Nun in the paradigm.
nnm Is. 30. 8.

When a guttural happens to be in the final syl- 14. By a Syriacism, the suffixes are sometimes

vowel of the final syllable is retained and attached, without a union-vowel, to the form I'l/'Pi?!
lable, the
lengthened to Kamets, as ^?J?'?^ hear me, Ge. 23. 11 with the paragogic Nun. E. g. *??^'"^|T. they shall call

nsjfn'f hear it. Job 5. 27 n^HK hve her,^ Pr. 4. 6. me, Pr. 1. 28 ;
^??-15<V?'. ibid. ; '^}^ni^\ 'they shall praise

'^'hm ask me. thee,Ps. 63. 4; "^3'innB'> they shall serve thee, Is. 60. 7,
Plur'. 71^9^ hear me, Ge. 23. 8 ;

Is. 45. 11. 10; -inn^yi it shall pass it, Je. 5. 22; i^ns^^. they shall
take him, Pr. 5. 22 Of ^V?- f^^^ ^^all find her, Je.

IV. On the Futuke of Kal. 2. 24. With union-vowel occurs *?3-1K?T. they

A rem. 13), to which crush me. Job 19. 2, for which Athias's bible reads
12. The verbs future (§ 8.
''2>"IN|)1*. more consistently with analogy.
belong all those with 2nd and 3rd radical guttural,
retain this A-sound in the sing, and pi., and besides,
lengthen Pattahh to Kamets ; e. g. ^?^|?^. he will V. On Piel and Hiphil with Suffix.
clothe me. Job 29. 14; Ex. 29. 30, comp. Ca.
DK^a^^. 15. Examples of Piel are Pret. ^V|i? he gathers
5. 3 ;
n333^^. De. 28. 30; '^VW- Ex. 6. 12; ^??^^?J thee, De. 30. 3 ; "^^l? he blesses thee, De. 2. 7. Inf.
Ge. 29. 32, comp. also Job 22. 27 ; Je. 42. 5. Plur. D^^J^l your jntying. Is. 30. 18 ;
Q5'i^')2 your spreading
)mh^r. theyjyoUute him. Job 3. 5 ; '^^V'^\ Is. 62. 5 ;
out. Is. 1. 15; DSIinK' your destroying, Eze. 5. 16.
•inXVOt Job 20. 8, &CC. An example, where this is Put. "lySi^^. he will gather thee, De. 30. 4 ; '^^^^^? / will
not the case, is "^IrJP^J and I shod thee, Eze. 16. 10. pollute thee, Eze. 28. 16 ; ''I?P>5 Iioill gather thee, 2 Ki.
Afew examples are already given above (§ 8. rem. 14) 22. 20; D3V»>«iil / will strengthen you. Job 16. 5.
in which there are some traces left of the 0-sound, Part, ^yp'^'iyq ivho sanctifies you, Ex. 31. 13.
either by (,.) or , in the final syllable before suffix.
The same is observed in Poel, e. g. ^pjpTl}^ / will
extol thee. Is. 25. 1.
13. Besides the union-vowel, there is another In a few instances Tseri has been retained, even
mode of connecting the suffix with the verbal form, before \ as ^n^??'«, Iioill send thee, Ge. 31. 27; ^D^K'D
by means of an inserted 3 or the syllable 3—, 3—, 3—, Je. 28. 16 ; ^13?^? she will honour thee, Pr. 4. 8.

commonly called epenthetic Nun. It is found only

with the future before the suffix of the singular, and 16. The only example, in which tlie form of Tsen
usually in pause. E. g. "'J^'i??''. he will honour me, is asisumed in Hiph. before suffix (by a Syriacism) is

Ps. 50. 23 ; '^'m^ I will pluck thee, Je. 22.24; -inp-l.^J?: •13"?.^V! for •131:K'V! he will enrich him, 1 Sa. 17. 25.*

• Here, however, must be added ^"13*1 for ^1"*|*1 De, 32, 7; Dpy.K'^ for DSg^B'' Is. .3,5. 4.



I. On Kal. and can only be distinguished by the context. E. g.
nn? {to descend), Niph. in Ps. 38. 3, and Piel in Ps.
1. In some instances both the full,
Inf, cotiscr.
18. 35 65. 11 Di^^ {to be avenged) Niph. in 1 Sa.
regular, and the defective forms are found in one
; ;

14. 24, and Piel in 2 Ki. 9. 7 Je. 51. 36 and so

; ;
and the same verb, in others the irregular only are
in use. E. g. V.ii to touch, Ge. 20. 6, with suff. iy^3 «f? {to be borne) comp. Ex. 25. 28, and 1 Ki. 9. 11.
Le. 15. 23, but also nvj 2 Sa. 14. 10; yb? to plant.
With regard to '^^} Is. 3. 5, it is doubtful whether it is
nyp Ec. 2 |h3 Ge. Piel or Niph., since the construction admits of either.
Is. 51. 16 ; Je. 1. 10, but also 3. ;

38. 9 ; Nu. 20. 21, along with T\F\ for nJFl . Examples
without the defective forms are l^jl to preserve, Pr. — 5. The only example of an inf. absol. is ^153 Ju.

20. 39.
2. 8, V33 to fade, Is. 34. 4 Qp3 to avenge, Eze. 24. 8 ; ;

25. 12. An example of the inf. Avith suff. is IR^I

III. On Hiphil and Hophal.
Ge. 33. 3.
6. In a very few instances only is 3 retained in

2. In the imp. the defective form has Pattahh as Hiphil, as ^^npn^ to pour out, Eze. 22. 20 ; ^??^ to

well as Tseri and Hholem, comp. ^i 2 Sa. 1. 15 cause to fall, Nu.

22 with gutturals, as D-i*?}??!!
5. ;

'm Ge. 19. 9 ; 'm Ru. 2. 14 ;

•It^'il Jos. 3. 9 ; 1 Sa. and they shod them, 2 Ch. 28. 15, ''^?n?n / have given
14. 38. Other examples are—'??' put off, Ex. 3. 5 ;
for an inherita7ice, Je. 3. 18.

|n give, Ge. 14. 21.

These forms frequently take parag. H, and then 7. In Hophal, the form with Kibbuts is general,

the vowel is lost e. g. '"IJJil give ; nK^| draio near, &c.

and the only exception is -"Ipl^pn they were drawn away,
(comp. § rem. 11). 8. Ju. 20. 31.
Examples of the fuU regular form are — tJ'tDJ leave,
Pr. 17. 14; -"ni? vow ye, Ps. 76. 12; -lytp? plant ye, IV. In General.
2 Ki. 19. 29. 8. The anomalies of the verbs |"S are also in part
exhibited in the verb nj2? , in which ? is treated like
3. Future. Examples of the full regular form occur the Nun of these verbs. Hence imp. Hj? (seldom
even in verbs not Ayin-guttural,^' but invariably only Hi?"?, as Ex. 29. 1), nnp, ^np, -inp (seldom 'nf? , as
when the contracted form is likewise found in use ;
1 ki. 17. 11); fut. np:.; inf. abs. O'lpS, constr. nnp
as lb'53ri Is. 58. 3, and '^^\ De. 15. 2 {to oppress); (once nnp 2 Ki. 12. 9), with suff. 'PlDi'2; Hoph.fut.

«l'"^Jri Ps. 68. 3, and ^'^\ Ps. 1. 4 {to drive); "ib?^. Je. r^P.\; but Niph. always like npp?.
3. '5, and lb^. Ps. 103. 9 {to preserve); 'TiT. Ps 78. 7 ;
Some of the old grammarians (as Buxtorf Thes.
140. 2 ; 61.8, and l-'^: {to preserve) ; 3?^! Job 40. 24, Gramm. p. 154) derive •'lyJJIJ they are broken out,
and '^'?\ Le. 24. 11 {to bore through). (spoken of the teeth). Job 4. 10, from Vn^, and com-
The vowel Pattahh in the final syllable is found bine it with niypipo. The Nun, however, in this
only in a few other verbs besides tJ'33 of the paradigm; word is perfectly certain, so that VriJ is the same as
e. g.Vr! De. 28. 40, P^\ Ge. 41. 40 ; the future 0, Y^^, and the verb with Lamed is to be rejected.
however, occurs most frequently. Future occurs E
only in the verb IHJ. 9. The verb 103 {to give) has this peculiarity, that
the final Nun is likewise assimilated, at least so in
11. On Niphat,.
the pret. and inf. of Kal. Hence PlD^ , '•FiriJ , DPiriJ

4. Since Piel has sometimes also Pattahh in the inf. rin for nan with suff.
, ^F\n , &c. nriri 2 Sa. 22. 44,
second syllable (§ 10. rem. 1), it follows that the pret. is by aphseresis for nflfiJ of the parallel passage,
of Niph. and Piel are occasionally similar in form. Ps. 18. 44.

* Most of the verbs Ayin-guttural are perfectly regular, as |*X3*;



Examples, in which the geminate letter is a guttural, another with Pattahh, ^1 roll, Ps. 119. 22; with
— ''0''"!?^ and I curse, Mai. 2. 2; '•niriB' I ivas bowed parag. H, a,s TV^ (for n"!]*?) curse, Nu. 22. 6."'

down, Ps. 35. 14; -inv they are bright. La. 4. 7 (the Before suffixes the tone is shifted to the aiTorm-
two last with dag. forte implied, comp. § 14. rem. 1). ative, and the vowel before dagesh is shortened
When conversive Vav is prefixed to the preterite, from Hhohim to Kamets-hhatuph e. ; g. n-l?D cast

the tone is shifted from the penultima to the ultimate her up, Je. 50. 26 but sometimes ;
also with-
(comp. § 8. rem. 7); e. g. •I'^DI and they shall be quick, out suffix, e. g. \T| shear, Je. 7. 29 ; ''3T shout.
Hab. 1.8; n^ll. and she icill be great. Is. 6. 12. The Zee. 2. 14; -I?"! Is. 44. 23; Je. 31. 7; \5n keep a

tone is, however, also found upon the ultimate with- festival, Na. 2. 1.

out any apparent cause ; as -13"] Ps. 3. 2 ;

-I?!? Je. 4. 13 ;
Before parag. H the tone remains, hence HJ-IU b(
•13T Job 15. 15 ;
•1>'1 Is. 38. 14 ;
^7\U Ps. 73. 9 ;
-131 Ps. strong, Ps. 68. 29. iJ?i? curse him, Nu. 23. 13, has
55. 22 ;
•inB' Hab. 3. 6, and in the first ^Jerson, ''n'l^ epenthetic Nun before the suffixes.
Ps. 116. 6 ; ^nim Is. 44. 16 ; 'nSip De. 32. 41.
5. When the future receives conversive Vav, the
2. Hholem of the and Jiit. (3D, 3D^, //*/"., imp. tone drawn back to the penultima, and Hholem is

answering to Vt3p Pbp'' from which they originated),

, changed into Kamets-hhatuph, ^-IM and he shaved,
being a pure vowel, is written defectively. There Job 1. 20, 3D*1 and he compassed, Ju. 11. 18, DH*!
are, however, some few exceptions, especially in the and he troubled, Ex. 14. 24 but iri pause Dn*l 2 Sa. ;

later orthography ; e. g. inf. TiD? to plunder. Est. 22. 15 Keri. (The form here is precisely the same
3.13 ; 8. 11 ; imp. hSi Ps. 37. 5 (comp. ^i Ps. 22. 9), as in the verbs 1''!?).

D'n be silent, stand still, Jos. 10. 12 ; Ps. 37. 7 ;

''^'n The same change of Hholem takes place, when
Ps. 62. 6; li^* bi?id together, Is. 8. 16; 'i^'V gather, the tone is shifted to the afibrmatives at the addi-
Zep. 2. 1 ; fut. Tiyj he becomes powerful. Da. 11. 12; tion of suffixes, e. g. 'I^Sn' may he be gracious unto us,
•"•"^lij they gather themselves together, Ps. 94. 21 ;
Ps. 67. 2 : 123. 2 ; -in-ianJH ye shall solemnize it, Ex.
713*1 and he gave fodder, Ju. 19. 21 Khethib, (Keri 12. 14 ;
D;iILv^. he shall destroy them, Pr. 11. 3 Keri ; or
^3»1). Kibbuts is chosen instead, e.g. ^3^»'. Ge. 27. 12;
^3n*_, -IHSn^ he will be gracious to thee, him, Nu. 6. 25;
The common form of the
3. inf., 3D, is shortened Is. 27. 11.
before Makkeph into "3D, e. g. '11 to shotit. Job 38. 7; In '^)V'\ he ivill be gracious unto thee, there is a

with sufF. like IpHIl tvhen he established, Pr. 8. 27. transposition of the vowels, for ^?n*
Other verbs have the form 3p (according to 33ip),
e. g. "^^ tobow down, Je. 5. 26 T]p to lay to the ground, ; 6. The future A (comp. § 8. rem. 13) of these
Is. 45. 1 ; with sufF. D5K'3 because they have erred, verbs, which are often mistaken for an anomalous
Ge. 6. 3 ;
D"}?^ to select them, Ec. 3. 18 ;
'l^n (from ^H) form of Niph., has Tseri under the preformative.
his shining, Job 29. 3. The examples which occur of these are iP.". it is —
A form with the fem. designation (comp. § 8. bitter. Is. 24. 9 (from TH^) ^\l^\ and I am despised, ;

rem. 10) is n;[?n to break (from Wl) Is. 24. 19, used Ge. 16. 5 bp.FI ver. 4 '\^\>\ from ^^i? Dn.l it is hot,
; ; ;

as an inf. absol. Here belong doubtless also the forms De. 19. 6; Eze. 24. 11; lOn''. Ho. 7. 7 (from DOH),
niDK' to lay loaste, Eze. 36. 3 ;
niSH to be gracious, Ps. along with Dn^ Is. 44. 16 DP^X / am blameless, Ps. ;

77. 10; ^ni?n m,y being wounded, Ps. 77. 11 ;^pi^! my 19. 14 (along with DW^, of a different signification)
thinking, Ps.'17. 3 ; all of which, according to their with Yod as a mater lectionis, which, however, is
occurrence, must be taken as infinitives of the verbs omitted in several MSS.
DOB*, ]3n, ?2n, DOT, and can only be regarded as As future A, with Kamets under the preformative,

original plurals, after the form '^K', fem. nSE'. may be regarded *in^ it is sharpened, Pr. 27. 17 (*in^

in the second member is to be taken as a Chaldaizing

4. Besides the form 3fa of the imp., there is fut. of Hiph. for 11?! comp. rem. 14).

* This view grounded upon the supposition that the Kamets under N of the form HIX in the last verse is lengthened

from Pattahh. The form vTIlp^, however, which is found in the same chapter, ver. 17, being an analogous form (from 33p),
l)roves this vowel to be Kamets-hhatuph, shortened from Hholem on account of the loss of the accent before Makkeph. It is

also to be observed that the form T\1p has unnecessarily been derived by some from 3i53, for n3p3 = n3p3.
— :


IL On Niphal. daizing forms referred to below (rem. 14). The latter

7. Besides tlie usual form with Pattahh in the seems the most suitable explanation, (a) because that
second syllable, as exhibited in the paradigm, there Chaldaizing formation is found in all the conjuga-

are two others to be met with throughout the whole tions besides Niphal, and were probably not wanting
of this conjugation, with Tseri and Hholem (like in this because the doubling of the last radical
; (5)
before the afFormativesis omitted in these as well as
in the Chaldaizing forms referred to below.

Examples with Tseri :

Pret. 7p.3 it is a light thing, 2 Ki. 20. 10; Is. 49. 6 9. The future 1 pers. ^35< / boto doion, Mi. 6. 6,
(along with Pj^j 2 Ki.3. 18). D03 it faints, Ps.22. 15 ;
stands for ^?N comp. § 9. rem. 5.
n3p3 she is turned, Eze. 26. 2.

Inf. DDH to melt, Ps. 68. 3, ^Pin to be polluted, Eze. III. HiPHII,.
20. 9, 14 ; with suflF. S^i^m Le. 21. 1.5. 10. Instead of Tseri, in the final syllable of Hiphil,
Fut. /'Piri she is polluted, Le. 2 1 9, which, however,
. may the vowel Pattahh is frequently found throughout the

also be taken as a fut. of Hiph., she begins. whole of this conjugation, not only when one radical
Part. Dp3 dissolved, refuse, 1 Sa. 15. 9. happens to be a guttural, as in "ipn he has embittered.
Job 27.2; 'n'DD he has intimidated, Job 23. 16; inf.
Examples with Hholem: — "l?n ^<' cleanse, Je. 4. 11, and in pause, as THH he cuts

Pret. -Ipji they are rolled together.

of, Is. 18. 5,f but even in the absence of these acci-
Is. 34. 4, -"l-TIW they
dents, as pret. PID he stamped small, 2 Ki. 23. 15
are cut off, Na. 1. 12; -VDJ they are spoiled, Am. 3. 11;
^i5D he made light. Is. 8. 23 ; -IBPD they intimidated,
P")3 he is broken, Eze. 29. 7; -ItSpJ they loathe them-
De. 1. 28, -lapn 1 Sa. 5. 10 ;
-llSE^n Je. 10. 25 ; 2 Sa.
selves, Eze. 6. 9.
20. 18 ; inf. PID to beat in pieces, 2 Ch. 34. 7; part.
Inf. abs. twice in Is. 24. 3, riSPl tiani.
f nxn pbn pUH
^yo«Aaf?my, Eze. 31.3.
the land shall be emptied and spoiled.

Imp. -IS'iri rise up, Nu. 17. 10.

11. In the future the accent is drawn back to the
Fut. p~lPl thou art broken, Eze. 29. 7 ; ''^ilPi thou shalt
penultima, on account of which Tseri is shortened to
be cut off, Je. 48. 2 (along with -IST 1 Sa. 2. 9} ;
Segol, (a) after conversive Vav, as ^'3*1 and he rolled
•1ST <Aey are raised up, Eze. 10. 17.
down, Ge. 29. 10; "^IDJI and he covered. Job 38. 8;
Note. Since the fut. of Kal may likewise have dag.
(b) before a monosyllabic word, as % "^DJ Ps. 91. 4.
"With gutturals Pattahh used instead of Segol,
forte in the first radical (according to the analogy of
the Chaldee, see rem. 14), and since the last syllable as i^"1>;; he straitens him, 1 Ki. 8. 37; "IVP ^^ De. 2. 9.
may in both conjugations have either the vowel A or E, An example with suffix is ''?3p*. Eze. 47. 2.

it follows that in some forms it may become doubtful

as to whether they are to be taken as Kal or Niphal. IV. In General.
Thus, for instance, Ur\\ has been taken as the fut. of 12. The verbs VV are closely related to the verbs
Niphal ; but this and its plural -IMI differ in signi-
l^y, as appears from the similarity in their conjuga-
fication from -IDri*, which latter is undoubtedly
tions, which are parallel throughout. In form the
Niphal, so that the former must be taken as Kal.
verb V"V is generally shorter than the other (comp.

In the preterite and participle there occurs,

Q-lpJ and 3DJ, D"'pn and 3pn). In some cases they
have precisely the same form, as in the fut. convers.
besides the usual form with Kamets under the pre-
formative, another with Hhirek and Tseri, especially
of Kal and Hiphil, in Hophal, &c. On account of
this relation they have sometimes borrowed forms
when the first be a guttural,
radical happens to
from each other. Thus, for instance,
as was profaned (from 7?n) |np he is pitied
/D^ he ;

(from |Jn), These forms may be explained in a (a)

\ y
Kal inf.,' "l-uij
for "ih"? to search out,' Ec. 9.
1. With
twofold manner either that the usual form of
; suffix ip-ina for ipna Pr. S. 29. Fut. |-1T he shouts

Niphal, ?Pip3 , is here at the foundation, so that ?n3 for I'T Pr. 29. 6 ;
^Sj he breaks, for p^ Is. 42. 4.

stands for ??D? , like 3p3 , for 32D3 , or they are Chal- (b) Hiph. inf. flP'^nn* for ^tpm thy ceasing,^la.33. 1.

t This last only assumes the form as if from TW, but is to be derived from T'O q. v.
* The' forms, however, as ^P''nn, Dp.n^» |D''0'. find their analogy in nouns in which, instead of sharpening the syllable
— — ;


Fut. fo'' ^ ^^^^ *'*^'" small, 2 Sa. formatives in which the Dagesh is wanting in the
Di?.''"!^.* ^i?."!^

22.43; W^l Je. 49. 20, and D''tJ'3 Nu. 21.30, he, she second radical, as -IpT., -"ipl^^, -Ipl!.

shall lay waste (for which comp. rem. 14), from Examples in the Hebrew are :

nOt^' pni* and she broke, Ju. 9. 53 }n''n^. he

Kal fut. 2b\ and DDJ (from 220); rh\, pi. -lOT. (from
terrifies them, for \r\r\\*, Hab. 2. 17. This is fre-
Ki. 9. 8, but pi.
DIO'I) ; d^\ shall be established, 1

quently the case in the Chald. e. g. V?'']}^ Aph. of {to bow down)
HJZ^f Ps. 40. 16; so 'ip\, pi. •nj?';

hhv Ca. 2. 5. Targ. Examples of fut. A are—lOn"; Ps. 102.28;

from nii^.
•I^D* Job 24. 24 ; Ps. 37. 2 ;
with Kibbuts in the
13. Besides the contracted defective forms hitherto final syllable, DPlH Eze. 24. 11 (comp. the forms with
treated xipon, there are also found, especially in cer- •I in the regular verb, § 8. rem. 14).
tain conjugations and tenses, others which are quite Niph. pret. ^n3 he is polluted, Eze. 25. 3 ;
"1113 he is

regular, as: burned, Ps. 69. 4 ; 102.4 (but also "im Je. 6. 29),

Kal pret. •1??'^ they languish. Is. 19. 6, also •1?'^ Job pi. -linJ Ca. 1.6; nriJ he is broken, terrified, Mai. 2.5;

28.4; -iV^j they roll, Ge. 29. 3, 8, but ^Jl'l^S Jos.5.9; Fi:m thou art to be pitied, Je. 22. 23. Part. DnW
••npOT I devise. Zee. 8. 14, 15, and 'nifST Ps. 17. 3. cursed, Mai. 3. 9 ; CJ^n^ inflamed. Is. 57.5 (without

Thus it is with H^ to plunder, TTO to measure, Tl^ Dagesh as in -IDJ^I above).

to spoil, 72^ to rob, &c. Hiph. fut. 2Bt\ Ex. 13. 18 ; DFin Job. 22. 3 ; PHI Nu.

Inf. 3bp Nu. 21.4, and ID De. 2. 3, so TT|, lif; with 30. 3 ; and ^HS shall be profaned (with Dag. forte impl.

suff. DD^jn your pitying. Is. 30. 18. in n) to distinguish it from PH^, bu^ to begin; pi.

Imp. ''3p.:n (nice ''32PP) ''«^^ mercy upon me, Ps. 9. 14, •inSfl and they destroyed, De. 1.44, with suff. DinB.'l

elsewhere ^33n Ps. 4. 2 ; 6. 3 ; •ITlK' spoil ye, Je. Nu. 14. 45 ; -laDM.t Ju. 18. 23 ; 1 Sa. 5. 8.§

49.28, for I'lK^. Hophal r\^\ Is. 24. 12, with Shurek 3D'l"' Is. 28. 27 ;

Fut. pn''. he will have mercy. Am. 5. 15. With suflF.

n^rV Ho. 10. 14 ; imn Is. 33. 1 ; D^H Le. 26. 34

Qll^l 1^^ ^f^<^^^ ^°^^ ^^'^^y ^^- ^- ^' ^^^ *'^° ^1^\ (Dagesh is here incorrectly omitted in several copies)

Pr. 11.3. pi. -latSnt Job 4. 20 ; Je. 46. 5.

Hiph. pret. |''3in, fut. y^y^ {to shout) is nowhere found

written defectively ; "'rUZinn'l and I break, Je. 49. 37 15. We
have seen from the preceding examples,
(but also ninnn thou hast broken. Is. 9. 3). Inf.
that in the future of the Chaldee form the Dagesh
niO^n laying waste. Mi. 6. 13. Part. n''O^D of the third radical, together with the preceding
astonished, Eze. 3. 15. vowel, is omitted before aff'ormatives. Of the same
omission in the Hebrew form there are unquestion-
V. Chaldaisms. able examples :

14. In a great number of these verbs the vowel of
Kal fut. rhl^ Ge. 11. 7, let us confound, for nph3
the preformative in Kal, Niphal, Hiphil, and Hophal . T :iT T

773, with parag. H) ; -IDr Ge. 11. 6, they will devise,

is a short instead of a long vowel, and Dag. forte is
for -IDP (from DDT).
inserted in the next (first radical) letter. This forma-
Niph. pret. HlDi for ilBDJ she turned round, Eze.41.7;
tion is general in the Chaldee, as Peal fut. P^'; for
np^^l for nplli and she shall be made empty, ls.l9. 3;
for ?X (from PP"^J Aph. pret. P?.&? for ?1^ Heb.
; , 't :iT :
- 't T

fut. n?D'^3 for riD'i!? (1 pers. pi. with parag. H)

?"}.<}, fut. PT. for P^^ That this Dagesh in the first
Je. 8. 14, let us peiish. This last, however, is best
radical a compensation for the one omitted in the
taken as Kal fut. (see No. 14), and let us be quiet.X
second radical, is evident from the forms with af-

by Dagesh forte in the final consonant, the vowel is prolonged by the insertion of a vowel letter, as D''3niD 1 Ch. 21. 23, for
Ji'irSp, &c.— pHI may be thus pointed only to
distinguish it from p.PlI
n''3-)''ID 2 Sa. 24. 22, ^h''^ and K^J^'S, Vm'\> and
Hiph. of *,>-n.
retained Dagesh in the lengthened form.
t The forms marked with t are tiie only examples in which the geminates have
Hiph. ni'pnn thou hast begun, De. 3. 24 2. 31 HIFinn thou
§ Here may also be added as examples for pret. and inf. of
; ;

hast broken. Is. 9. 3 ; inf. D^nn their beginning, Ge. 11. 6, in which Pattahh under the preformative seems to indicate a Dag.
forte implicit.
In other examples the vowel
examples given above both the Dagesh and the preceding vowel are omitted.
: In the
retained, and even prolonged by the pause, as -Ipn; for Job 19. 23; -ID^;. 1 Sa. 2. 9. m\ for -ir^^.t; HMJ ihe lives, Ex. 1. 16
— ;


16. In the Chaldee, both the epenthetic 1 and ''7 Hiph. fut. -n^titDFl 2 Ki. 3. 19, ye shall mar, for

in those forms in which the Hebrew has them, and "in''33J]l from D33 Syr. and Arab, to injure;

The part. T'Kpp for "l^ip^ causing pain, Eze

the Dagesh in the last radical, are omitted.
28. 24, feni. nnxpO Le. 13. 51, 52. A similat
like formation is also found in the Hebrew, by way
example is the noun DvN^ Job 40. 21, for
of exception, especially in those forms which have Q''??^ shades, shady trees.
likewise the Chaldaism of No. 14. E. g.
But this is unnecessary, since all these forms may he
Kal pret. -ISpFl we are consumed, Ps. 64. 7, for -IJIDF)
derived immediately from roots H"]}, as DN?D, 1NI3,
fut. n3>VJil they tingle, Je. 19.3; njpM they consume
1N?3, ^SV, as Icindred roots of DDO, 233, &c
away. Zee. 14. 12. The two last, however, may be

Niph. pret. FOr}^ (Dag. forte impl.) thou art polluted, 18. In the Piel, Pual, and Hithpael these verbs
Eze. 22. 16 ; ^3113 thou art to be pitied, Je. 22. 23. are without anj' contraction. There is, however,
one form which seems to be inflected like the
instead of the epenthetic 1 there is (.. , put in 13'^K'^
Chaldee, Ithpeel or Ittaphal, viz. "l?riri 2 Sa. 22. 27,
Mi. 2. 4, for •l^nK'p we are destroyed.
thou showest thyself pure, for "llSHFl of the parallel
passage in Ps. 18. 27. In the Chaldee, the Ithpeel
In the Aramaic, the verbs I? "I? borrow several
(passive of Kal) would be
1?J|15<, fut. "1?!^!, Ittaphal
forms from the verbs K"y. An example of this
(passive of Hiphil) "i^^?^, precisely like the above
kind in the Hebrew is "^1??:?^ (as it ought to be
form.* This shorter form seems to be chosen fol
pointed) those that spoil thee, Je. 30. 16, in Kherhib
the sake of harmony with the immediately pre-
for '^^DDe'.
ceding D^nn Ps. 18. 26. A more difficult form is

Note. Other examples referred to in the Lehrgebaude

?3riri ver. 27, which, according to the context, must
,(§ 103, 17) and by other grammarians are necessarily be derived from ^D^. This difficulty
Niph. fut. DX^; it melts, for DD?3*, Job 7. 5 ; pi. can only be solved by supposing that -'SJDriJ;! (contr.
•1DSD\ P8.^58. 8. ?3rin) is a transposition for ?ri3rin.

for n*n. Some of the like forms, however, occur without being in pause, as nTJ?n for HTJ/n Pr. 7. 13 ; D''t?n3 Is. .57. 5, for

earn -, comp. also T\)i;'\7\ Ps. 71. 23, for n33nn (to avoid the concurrence of four Nuns), and njiyri Ru. 1.13, for n^SJiyri.
* i. e. only as regards the preformatives PIR ; but as regards the second syllable, "13riFl must then be supposed to stand
for 'SPiri, comp. ^|?^n^ for ^ip,|n^ § 12. rem. 5.


. ; ' —

and here the peculiar form. Examples are Tl**'' — •inB'ni and she baked it, 1 Sa. 28. 24; K?n for r\2m
Job 3. 3, and *15N* Job 20. 7 n?Nn De. 22. 3, ; she is willing, Pr. 1. 10.

comp. nnxn job 8. 13; Ps. 1. 6; ^^ii^ Ge. 2. 16,

comp. ''S^^ ver. 17, and so constantly I^N^ and II. On the Inf. and Imp. of Kal.
I^K''. The form with Tseri appears also in the 6. In the inf. X is quiescent only in the frequent
plural, where this vowel is again introduced on form IDN^ for "1^^?? , but is otherwise moveable, as
account of the pause ; e.g. wN* De. 18. 1,8, comp. ibSS De. 10 ; 'nbX3 Jos. 6. 8. In the imp. the
n^DSI. that I may eat, Ge. 27. 4. Aramaic punctuation is often introduced, as -ISS? for
•"ISS Ex. 16. 23 ;
-VriN! for -VflK Is. 21. 12 ; 56. 9, 13
2. With conversive Vav, the tone is drawn back
to the penultima, e. g. 7?N*1 and he ate, Ge. 25. 34; III. On the Pret. of Niphal.
31. 15 ;
"I^N*! and he spoke (where Tseri of the final 7. The only example is THNJ he has taken posses-
syllable is shortened to Segol). But the tone is sion of, Jos. 22. 9, along with the part, Tnw held^
retained, Ge. 22. 13.

(a) Where the word stands at the end of a period,

IV. On Hiphil and HoPHAr.
hence with a distinctive accent ; e. g. 7?8<*1 Ge.
8. In the inf., imp., dundt-fut. of Hiphil, ^ is some>^
27. 25, nDK'l Ge. 14. 19 Ex. 2. 14.
times quiescent after Hholem, Tseri, and Kamets,
(6) In the first person e. g. "Ip'SI Ge. 20. 13 24. 39
; ; ;
and then it is altogether omitted.
73X1 Ge. 27. 33. This is precisely the case with
Inf. ^"iDn for ^*3Nn to eat, Eze. 21. 33.
the verbs Vy in the first person.
Imp. -Vnn for VriXn bring (from nnX), Is. 21. 14:
The tone may, moreover, be drawn back on account Je. 12. 9.

of a monosyllabic word following it ; e. g. 21* *!?!>**

Fut. (a) with Hholem, as ^OIK I feed. Ho. 11. 4,
Job 3. 3. niVN for nn'-V'S (comp. § II. rem. 7) = nTV^^
make treasures, Ne. 13. 13 ; m^IlS / will destroy,
3. Examples, in which N becomes quiescent in Je. 46. 8 ; ?JQp'S 1 Sa. 15. 6 ; "iriM 2 Sa. 20. 5.
Tseri, are — ^nXFl she shall come. Mi. 4. 8 ; 2nS< / In the Chaid. and Syr. this is the usual form, e. g,

will love, Pr. 8. 17 (along with 3nK, Mai. 1. 2); Pp'lN ; so in the Hebrew 1 is likewise sometimes
Nn?.l and he came, De. 33. 21 (for r\n^\ from nnsi);
substituted for K.
'^Xd for 'h\y^7\ (from ^VA) she goes awatj.-» In nx»1 {b) "With Kamets, as 7'i^\\ he separated, Nu. 11.25,
and he came. Is. 41. 25, the i< is indeed quiescent
jnX for pmX / hearken. Job 32. 11; 3n»1 for nnS'l
after Pattahh, but it is only so on account of being
and he set an ambush, 1 Sa. 15. 5.
apocopated for "^^X*, and properly stands for J^^ll,
Part. fTD for J''TXO hearkening, Pr. 17.4.
and the vowel already in the syllable is retained.
9. In Hophal "l^p'V Eze. 42. 5, stands for -l^pK)
4. Both forms (viz. the one in which i* is quies- they are cut become shorter. In the Chal-
off, i. e.

cent, and the other in which it is moveable) are —

dee of Daniel as the Targums have no Hophal
found also in one and the same verb as TPINDI and ;
there occurs a Hophal in the form 1?-in Da. 7. 11.
it takes hold, De. 32. 41, also thKn HSpK Mi. 4. 6 ;

^ph. 2 Sa. 6. 1 ;
^^7\ Ps. 104. 29, but also P1D^?.;
V. On Piex.
3ni? and ^nX (comp. rem. 3), An also ^nxj. There are a few anomalous forms in Piel in
example with a full Hholem is ''pl^^D (do I which t< is not quiescent, but entirely dropped with
eat?) Ps. 50.13; several MSS., however, have it its preceding Sheva, so that the preformative takes
without 1 its place in the punctuation : viz. ''?!?tJ!ll and thou
girdest me, 2 Sa. 22. 40, for ""n?^^! in the parallel
5. 8< which is regularly omitted in the first pers. passage, Ps. 18. 40 ^"J3S1 for ^1i^?^1 and I destroy

fut., is also omitted in the following instances, thee, Eze. 28. 16 ;

I^Q^p' for ^'i^k^'q our teacher. Job
l-lip* for ^nON* Ps. 139. 20; >r\^7\ 2 Sa. 19. 14; 35. 11 ; %l for^nN'l shall pitch his tent, Is. 13. 20.

* The Tseri, however, in these forms is not the original vowel of the preformative, but is introduced in consequence of
a contraction from the form in which X is moveable, so Dnsn
» ••
for nnSiJn.
V v: V
*^ "iovh
for '^b^</','
• —
for DN"I?n'?.
• v:v



(a) Verbs originally VQ, which in the Arabic are written some verbs, y^inn, nsinn, n-^inn, from yT, n?j, ht.
with 1 in the ground-form, e. g. IT, Arab, lb), ly^, Arab. {b) Verbs originally '"'S, which are the same in the Arabic.

Til . In the Hebrew, the radical Vav appears only in the In the Hiphil the original Yod is retained quiescent in Tseri,
conjugations Niphal, Hiphil, and Hophal, but so that in the as 2'*p*n, ?v''n» P^?^0. rP'TJ. and is but seldom moveable,
pret. and part, of Niphal it becomes quiescent in Hholem, e. g. bi^'ip'jD who use the right hand, 1 Ch. 12. 2; •ITK'^i '^^
and in the Hophal in Shurek, as 3^13 for 2'^"]^. 2'>P')n for are upright, Pr. 4. 2.5 ; comp. "IK'^H Ps. 5. 9, Keri.

2''mn, 2mr] for 2mn. in the inf., imp. and future of (c) A few verbs, the Yod of which is assimilated like J in
Niphal, the Vav remains a consonant, and the inflexion is verbs l"a, e. g. VT^ Hiph. ^'••^•1.

regular, as SK'-IH, 3^V ; and so likewise in the Hithpael of

On the first class or verbs originally "I'S. to bear, 2 Ki. 19. 3 ;
HIT to go down, Ge. 46. 3.

With suflix the form r\2f is used, as *n?tJ^, '^"1"! (from

I. Kal. J^'J'?.). With guttural the latter takes the form ^~::^
1. In t]\Q fat. imp. and inf. constr. of Kal there is instead of ^~:^ ; e. g. nyn . Examples for the full

a twofold form. About half the number of these form of the infinitive with the feminine termination
verbs have t\\Qfut. E. Hence fut. H??'!'!, contracted are, ^^2\ to become dry, Ge. 8. 7 ; ^^'^\ to be able,

^5?*?., but written, without exception, defectively SK'.I; Nu. 14. 16 (comp. § 8. rem. 1). With prepositions
imp. 2^ (by aphceresis) for 2t\ ; inf. T\2f for r\2^\ are, IIDv to lay the foundation, Is. 51.16; Nl? to

(with the fern, termination T\—, to distinguish it from fear, for UT^ 1 Sa. 18. 29.
the imp. The other half have fut. A, and retain The defective imperative has frequently parag. H,
Yod quiescent in Hhirek, as ^y\, imp. ^T., inf. Tb'. as ni") go down, Ge. 45. 9 ;
HDp go ; instead of which
to lay the foundation. Is. 51. 16; ^3* to be dry, Is. also ^^ Nu. 23. 13 Ju. 19. 13 ; ; once r\)r\._ Pr. 24. 14,
27. 11. To the first mode of inflexion belong, for for n^"!], comp. § 8. rem. 11.

instance, y?) to bear ; "^Pj to go ; ^"i^ to go out ; "l^lj to

(JO down; 3^J to sit. 4. The future ^K'.l has, in some cases, the accent
Those of the latter class take Pattahh instead of drawn back to the penultima, when the final syllable
Tseri in the final syllable when it has guttural or *1
takes Segol instead of 7seri,
c. g. yT, imp. yi, inf. nyi (from V1\ to know) ;
nn, (a) Before monosyllabic ivords, or immediately pre-
pi. -nn give (from nnj) ;
"1|?:. Ps. 72. 14 (from '^\>\ to be ceding another tone-syllable, e. g. 7"^?^ let me go,
precious) ;
"IP*., however, in Is. 10. 16, is an instance Ca. 4. 6 ;
^^'2f;. he dwells therein. Job 22. 8 ; ^^ ^^^
with Pattahh where the syllable does not contain a fire descends, 2 Ki. 1. 10, 12.
guttural. (b) After conversive Vav, as ^^.".1, 1^*.l, 3K^»1.

The tone, however, is in this case retained (1) in

2. In some verbs the full forms occur along with the first person, as '^]^\, ip.i?J, '^f^\, and (2) in
the defective, as HP"! De. 32. 22, and '^\>\. Is. 10. 16 pause, as 2^^\.
(from "t|?t to burn) ; -V^. 1 Sa. 18. 30, and 'V:'.. Ps. 72. 14 Pattahh instead of Tseri is found in this defective
(from "iiT, to be precious); imp. K'!! 1 Ki. 21. 15, K'l form, as noticed above (rem. 1), only by concurrence
De. 24, 31, but also ti'T., in pause with H parag.
2. with a guttural, and besides also in pause e. g. ;

\?!'.!l and he went,

De. 33. 23 PV 2 Ki. 4. 41, and \>'i\ Eze. 24. 3 V!'.'l and he disappears. Job
r\fy. ;
27. 21 ;

(from PV^ to pour out) T]'! Ju. 5. 13, and frequently

; Ge.'24. 61 ; 25. 34 ; Nu. 12. 9, &c.

T! (from T?^ to go down).

II. Niphal.
A full form with Tseri is exhibited in li^V. Ps.
72. 14, and nD^^^il I will go. Mi. 1. 8. 5. In the pret. und part, there are a few examples

The form ^y\ is frequently ^vritten defectively, but where 1 is quiescent in Shurek, as \3-1J Zep. 3. 18,
this is not an essential difi'erence e. g. ^^7*- 1 ; Sa, and niJ-IS mourning. La. 1.4; -llp-l^ (with euphonic
18.12; -INn*. (with Metheg) 2Ki. 17. 28; ^2\ Job Dagesh) they were born, 1 Ch. 3. 5 20. 8. ;

8. 12, pi. -I^?! Job 12. 15.

6. In two instances moveable ^ occurs instead of

3. The inf. of Kal, without the radical Yod, has moveable 1 and that in verbs which are undoubtedly

very seldom the masculine form like y?. to know. Job V'D, viz. nn» he shall be shot through, Ex. 19. 13, and
32. 6, 10, or the feminine termination H— , like iTl^ ^n»l and he waited, Ge. 8. 12 (pret. hm, Hiph. ?^nin).
1. — ;. ;,


7. The fut. 1 pers. takes here hivariably Hhireh On the second class or verbs properly *'S.

under the preformative, as "'.?!}'? (not 1.?i^) Job. 3. 3, 14. The number of the verbs really belonging to
comp. Pr. 30. 9 Eze. 20. 5 ; ; 2 Sa. 22. 4 ; Ps. 18. 4 this class is very limited. They are properly only
119. 117; Je. 17.4; 1 Ki. 19. 10. the verbs ^PJ, ??*, P?' "IV^ Along with these some

single forms occur of real V Q , and vice versa ; viz.

X>*'^n bring forth, Ge. 8. 17, Kcri, for Khethib NVin
8. The only deviation to be met with in Piel is, (which is the common form) ; QTP,^ / loill chastise
that in a few examples the radical Yod is dropped them. Ho. 7. 12 (along with Niph. Ip'lJ and the noun

after the preformative, and the latter adopts its Ip-IO) ; '3'''?>n bring, Ex. 2. 9 (elsewhere always "H'^yin)

punctuation, as is the case in verbs i^'S (§ 19. n^in Ps. 5. 9 Khethib, but •II^k':: Pr. 4. 25 ; and
rem. 10) : as -inK'^M. for •'in?J'|::^l and he dries it up, Up^n Na. 3. 8, for '?P'n.
Na. 1. 14 ; •"l\'l for -n:!! and theij threw. La. 3. 5, 3 ;

n|»land he afflicted. La. 3. 33 ; Dlf !1 2 Ch. 32. 30, 15. Some forms Hiphil are sometimes
of the
khethib for D?.f:!l. written defectively; ^Vk), TPD for n^p^n, pp^n.
e. g.

There is an uncontracted form also of this class in

IV. HiPHII, AND HOPHAL. Is. 52. 5, where ^^''Vk\\ stands for •I'p^S'V. they howl

9. The apocopated form of the future, 3^1', has (comp. rem. 10).
the tone dra^vn back to the penvdtima, and the final A
few forms of Hiph. fut. have occasioned much
syllable takes Segol (comp. rem. 4) difiiculty to grammarians, viz. ^QV. for ^"'PV. Job
(a) Be/ore another tone-syllable, as nj?? FlDl"J he shall 24. 21; >k^ Is. 15. 2; 16. 7; ^^'h:\ Ho. 7. 14; ^^^^K^

add knowledge, Pr. 1.5. Je. 48. 31, and constantly so in this verb (excepting
(b) After conversive Vav, as '%^\\ and he led, Ex. '^?V"'*? Mi. 1.8), to which another example of Kal fut.
14. 21 ; l^'VM. and he begat, Ge. 5. 3 4. 6 but not ; ; is added, viz. yi?. he knows, for yT Ps. 138. 6. The
in the first person, as "H^.i^J Le. 26. 13. The tone- oldest grammarians regard * as changed from the
less helping Se^ol is omitted, and even Sheva put characteristic H , so that ^V.1! stands for ''70'! This .

instead, in ^ipil|>^5< add not, Pr. 30. 6, for i^DW (comp. seems of all others the best explanation, only that it

the nominal form Pf p for ^f?). does not suit VXI , which cannot be Hiphil.

10. Almost peculiar to these verbs is the uncon- On the third class, or vei-bs '"S, ivhose Yod is

which H assimilated.
tracted form of the Hiph. fut. in is retained:
as, V.V'^r^\ he will save, 1 Sa. 17. 47; Ps. 116. 6; 16. Yod in these verbs does not remain quiestienl,
'Tll'T'. he shall praise, Ne. 11. 17; -isnini^. I shall praise but is assimilated like 3 in the verbs I "2. Some
him, Ps. 28. 7 (comp. § 11. rem. 12). verbs belong exclusively to this class ; e. g. VV,
Hiph. y'Vn, Hoph. fut. y-V\, derivative V'VP n^J, ;

11. Vav may also be omitted, as "n^'l 2 Ki. 6. 19 ; Hiph. ri''Vn Others have two forms one in which
. ;

25. 20. Yod is assimilated, and another in which it is quies-

cent; c. g. PVJ, fut. p-'i»! he shall pour, Le. 14. 26, and
12. In Hophal Vi)r\ appears in Le. 4. 23 for y'l'in PV^!1 1 Ki. 22. 35, Hoph. part. p->'0 Job 11. 15; IV^
fut. -"inn-y^. he fashions it. Is. 44. 12; Ti->*6« Je. 1. 5
V. HiTHPAEL. Keri, but also l^^*!.
13. The only deviating form in Hithp. is ^VDD The same assimilation takes place in some Chaldee
Ex. 2. 4, for 3¥!n^ and she placed herself. The verbs, e. g. "?.?% fut. ^'. ; VT, fut. PT. ; but so that
omission of the radical Yod here is analagous Dagesh is again resolved in Nun, as V'^\ for W..
to the cases in Piel (rem. 8), and the omission
of the first radical K in the Chaldee ; e. g. "IQ^I^ 17. The future of the verbs '"Q is only to be
for "i?iKnK met with in this class, as p-^l, '^^\, ">&',.
, . — ;

Sect XXI. J


I. Pret. and Part, of Kal. rule). Those, however, with -1
have regularly 1 in

1. We class these two forms together, on ac- the inf. abs., and apocopated fut. and imp.
count of their similarity in these verbs.
4. Examples of the inf. abs. are
— "1-13^ 113 dwelling
form of the paradigm, in which the pret. is middle
he shall dwell. Is. 54. 15 niD dying ye
A (DJi^, contr. Di^), is very seldom written in full. ;
t-in-IDJjl shall

Examples, however, are — die, Ge. 3. 4 '"ID-Ip^ Dip arising they shall arise, Je.
Q^?i^ he arises. Ho. 10. 14; ;

part. D^JpX^ despising, Eze. 28. 24, 26 fem. Ti'W^m

44. 29 ;
ni3 Est. 9. 16, &c. Here belongs likewise the
Eze. 16. 57; and in the adjective, as t3S? secretly, adv. 1iy properly repeating.

Ju. 4. 21 ; ^^1 poor, Pr. 10. 4 ; 13. 23. Here must

be referred the form ^li<3 Ps. 22. 17, which, according I There are also some examples of the imp. with

to the present punctuation, seems to stand for D"'"!^?.?

Kibbuts, as OD die, De. 32. 50 ^> Dp get thee up, Jos. ;

with a slight change of the vowels, for 'l^?.? in 7. 10; 2^ return, Ex. 4. 19 p.. run, 2 Ki. 4. 26.
or. , ;

both cases from 1"I3 Two codices read 1"li<3 in the. ,

This form is certainly to be regarded as an apocopated
preterite, for -IIB .* imperative, and not as accidently written defectively,
since Kibbuts is found also in the future besides

2. C, which
In the intransitive verbs middle E and the form with defective Hholem (comp. rem. 7),

in the regular verb and part,have likewise the pret. Lengthened imperatives are nO-1p, nS-IJJ' (comp.
alike (§ 8. rem. 20), the latter are formed like HD § 8. rem. 11).

(for n^O from niO), I'lN (from liX). Examples are:—

6. In one verb alone the preformatives of the
Pret. nn)p she died, Ex. 7. 21 ;• -iriD Ex. 4. 19, 2 pers.
future have Tseri, viz. SJ'I^.I (for ^1?*), strictly after
nnO Eze. 28.8; DRK'S Mai. 3. 20, from K'lQ, 3
the form Vopt.
pers. pret. K'S; ^1, 2 and 1 pers. RK'a, -131^3 thou

art, we are, ashamed; ~\'\)^, pi. -mX they are en-

7. The apocopated future is Dp*, very seldom Dp*^
lightened, 1 Sa. 14. 29; -lib they are good, Nu. 24. 5;
or in full DIPJ; e. g. nbPl may she die, Nu. 23. 10
•"nt they are estranged, Ps. 58. 4 (also 'nT), they
Ju. 16. 30 ; nb'J let him return, Ju. 7. 3 ;
DT let him
are pressed out. Is. 1. 6. 1X2 Je. 27. 18 is the only
be exalted, 2 Sa. 22. 47 ; Sb'J 7X let him not return,
example in this verb, elsewhere always -1X3.
Ps. 74. 21 ; r\m that he may die, 1 Ki. 21. 10.
Part. "IJf waking, Ca. 5. 2 ; CO? lodging, Ne. 13. 21;
Examples of the ftdl orthography (I^lpJ) are very
and written in full D"'")"'^ stranger, 2 Ch. 2. 16. With
frequent in the verb D-IH, besides which there are
0, WDSp arising, 2Ki. 16. 7 (also n»Pj5); D^EJ'ia D1V*1
also single instances found in other verbs, as
being ashamed, Eze. 32. 30.
and he fasted, 1 Ki. 21. 27; 31Dni and she melted
The part. fem. nOj^ is distinguished from the pret. away. Am. moreover a few times in Khethib,
9. 5 ;

3 pers. fem. HDj? by thf) tone. where, in the Keri, Vav is cancelled, as ^rPT^l and she
kneaded, 2 Sa. 13. 8; IIK'M and he returned, Eze.
II. Inf., Imp. and Ftjt. of Kal. 18. 28. In both these last instances we are doubt-
3. In some verbs the 1 of the inf., constr., imp. less to sound it 1 and not ^
diixdifut. is always quiescent in Hholem, as "li&? to be
light, i<"l3 to come, K'la to he ashamed ; in all the rest 8. When the tone of the apocopated future is

it is Shurek only, like D-1p.

quiescent in Both drawn back to the penultima, Hholem is shortened
forms are found also in one and the same verb, as to Kamets-hhatuph, Di?!"^. This takes place
K'-n to thresh, imp. '•^'n Mi. 4. 13 ; inf. t^io to totter, Ps. (a) Before monosyllabic words, as Dj^^^ Job

46.3, fut. WOJ . D-in to spare, has a double fut. Dinj and 22. 28 ; frequently with Makkeph (which otherwise
Dinj ; the latter, however, seems everywhere to be is not usual in the like combination) ; e. g. ^J"^?!'
the apocopated future (but written in full contrary to 2 Sa. 19. 38; Da. 9. 16; «™ri 1 Ki. 17.21.

This is likewise the reading of the Masora on Nu. 24. 9 ; comp. Prof. Lee's Heb. Lex. under "1-12.



(b) After cunversive Fav, as ^i^'^l, J^^'l- I^^ with suff. n^npq Ho. 2. 5 ; ^3?n we prepare, 2 Ch.
pause, however, the tone remains on the ultimate, 29. 19, besides l^'irDn 1 Ch. 29. 16.
as nb'l, Di?>l,comp. Ge. 11. 28, 32, with ch. 5. 5, 8. There is, on the other hand, epenthetic ''—
The first person of the future forms another excep- of i in the fut. n3»^nJ? for (The r^:^^•^r^I^ Mi. 2. 12.*
tion, which generally retains the full form after con- change of from 'Dl? is occasioned by the shifting

versive Vav (§ 11. rem. 6); e.g. D'lp>it1 2 Ch. 6.10; of the tone, comp. the pret. ^lilp^'?q, '•nip^pn, but
Ne. 2. 12; 4.8; Da. 8. 27. imp. '"'^Pi^.n).

9. When the first or last letter of the mono- 14. Less important deviations from the paradigm
syllabic root is a guttural or 1, the apocopated future are :

with conversive Vav may take Pattahh in the final (a) Forms like nicnq (for ni»nq) Nu. 31. 28,
syllable ; and he turned aside, Ru. 4. 1
e. g. "IDJ,! ;
especially before suifix inbpq 2 Ki. 9. 2 (comp. 1 Ki.
1V4 ^"^^^ ^* wring ed out, Ju. 6. 38 n3*1 and he rested, ; 8.34; Ex. 19.23; Ca. 3. 4 Keri) ; and written/M%
Ex. 10. 14 ^y*l and he became weary, Ju. 4. 21.
Dnn*5?'q 2 Ch. 6. 25. (b) With Seyol instead of
Pattahh lUxder the preformatives, as 0''^''^? 1 Ki.
10. For \h.efut. 2 and 3 pers. pi., the form given 8. 18; niB'^nn Ps. 44. 8; ^nW^pn Ps. 139. 18;' comp.

in the paradigm (nj^JO-lpFl) is the usual one ; e. g. also rem. 24.

nj^n-ltj'ri Eze. 16. 55, comp. Is. 54. 10 ; 60. 8 ; Zee.
1.17; 13. 7; there occurs, however, also a form like 15. Of the inf. there once occurs a Chaldee form with
]i^7\ besides nyi-ltJ'JH in Eze. 16. 55, and n3N3r) the fem. termination, viz. •^SJq (with impure Kamets)
Est. 4. 4; 1 Sa. 10. 17 in Keri. for T?C Is. 30. 28 (cQmp. r]y^r\^ Da. 5. 20), from ^-li.

III. NiPHAL. 16. In the imp. the shortened and lengthened

In the preterite occurs the form "liy.? for "HVil
11. form Dpn , '"ip''(5n have wholly supplanted the regular
(according to 'i^pJ) Zee. 2. 17, which corresponds to formD^"?n,t
the Kal fut. 5J'i3^ (comp. rem. 6). This, however,
maybe comparedwith the form ?iS3 and referred to 17. The apocopated future has the form DpJ. Ex-
the Chaldee or Rabbinic punctuation of rem. 24. amples are, D^JI that he take up, Nu. 17. 2; "ipj let

him take away, Job 9. 34; "ipM. that he may remove,

12. The 1 is sometimes retained in those forms Ex. 10. 17; Nu. 21. 7. As the poetic future and pre-
in which, according to the paradigm, it is to be sent, ^yj Da. 11. 25; YPl Job 38. 24; ny 1 Sa. 2. 10.
changed to -1
on account of the accession at the end.
Thus Dnivb? (for DriW-ID?) ye are dispersed, Eze. 18. When the tone is drawn back, the final syl-

11.17; 20. 41; Dpb}?? Eze. 20. 43. The -1

is, on lable takes Segol instead of Tseri, as (after a nega-
the other hand, inserted contrary to the paradigm in tion) 3^p"?!!? turn not away, 1 Ki. 2. 20, or after
the inf. ^^'^r\'^ Is. 25. 10, and part. D*?33 Ex. 14. 3 conversive Vav, ^"l^jl, ^^,11 &c. The 1 pers,, however,
(comp. § 32. rem. 5). forms an exception here as in Kal (rem. 8), as
2'm) Ne. 2. 20; 6. 4; n^V^I vers. 13, 15, besides
IV. HiPHii,. nj?N1 Je. 32. 10; D*i?K1 Am. 2. 11.

13. Preterite. Besides the forms with epenthetic 1

there are others without it, after the form JJiPi?n 19. When one of the letters is a guttural or T the final
(ri^lpipn) ; e. g. FlWn thou Uftest up, Ex. 20. 25, Kal (rem. 9), and the con-
syllable takes Pattahh, as in

besides '•nis^Jq Job 31. 21 ;

^n«3n (according to text must decide between Kal and Hiphil, as 10*1 and
^nxv^n) Ge. 27. 12, besides *ni«?q Eze. 38. 16 he removed, Ge. 8.13; n2*l and he gave rest, Jos. 21 42. .

(comp. Je. 25. 13) 'Fh^\\ J cast, Je. 16. 13.

; The i

is especially omitted in verbs ri"? and V^ before the

afFormatives with n and 3, as HPipn, ""ripn, pi. DFipq, 20. In the Hithpal the final syllable has some-

* The form nS— for HV— is found also in nsniorj Zee. 13. 19, n3)f"IDri Zee. 1. 17, but not in all MSS. and editions

(comp. § 24. rem. 6).

+ This, however, remains the ground-form whenever the suffixes are added, as ICPH Je. 23. 20; 30. 24; comp. § 1 1. rem. .">.
. ;


times also Pattahh, as in the Hithpa. of the regular fut. "linj to be white; Vl^, fut. V\V. to die; m"), fut.

verb (§12. rem. 1), and hence Kamets in pause, as nn to be wide, Pu. nnp my, ; fut. niV! to cry; ^IV.,

pret. |3i3nn Is. 1. 3; nODipJ^O Job 20. 27; imp. Pi. ^hV. to act perversely ; "llj^, Pi. "!)y to blind; and
^VVr\T),r} Ps. 60. 10; fut. 3ji»r»n Ps. 107. 26, comp. several others which are also H'?, as Hin, njn, ni3,
Ps'. 119. 158; 139. 21; 58. 8. ni^ , nji? &c.

21. The form ^^|WJ1 he has prepared its. Job 31. 15, 24. The verbs Ti? have also this in common with
stands for -IS^n)!' (from Ipb^) the first Nun being the verbs VV (§ 18. rem. 14) that some forms take
compensated for by Dagesh, and 1 having lost the Dagesh forte in the first radical letter like the verbs
tone is shortened to -1
(comp. Niph. QipJ, 2 pers. T'S, and the preformative takes a short vowel instead
nio-lpa). The omission of Dagesh in the J of the of the long, which is more usual in the Chaldee and
suffix seems to be designed for avoiding the con- Rabbinic; e. g. D^?*i'0, "*?>! Ex. 16. 7, 8; Nu. 14. 27
currence of too many Nuns. (from to murmur)
|-1'' -ITv! they depart (from Tl?)

n^Dn, rr*!!)^, JT'DD, along with ri''pn, JT'DJ {to stimu-

VI. In Genebax. late) Niph. ?i?33 he was circumcised, Ge. 17. 26, 27

22. On account of the intimate relation between 34. 22 (from ^-lO) with gutt. "liV^ Zee 2. 17 (comp.

verbs TJ? and V'V (see above § 18. rem. 12), some rem. 11). In the same way may be explained
of the former class borrow forms from the latter, as ^nh^VLl Is. 41. 25; *nnyn Je. 11. 7 (with Dagesh
Kal pret. T? he despised for T3 (from M3), Zee. 4. 10 ; forte implicit) for ^nf^n. Here belong, more-
n^ he besmeared, for nD, Is. 44. 18. over, some forms of verbs Pe guttural with
Dagesh forte implicit, as Kal fut. t^nni for ^n7\\
23. The verbs whose middle radical is a moveable and she hastened (from €m) Job 31. 5; ^TA. ^V.K^'X
Vav are, in respect to this letter, quite regular. 1 Sa. 15. 19, and 14. 32 Keri, from t3"iy or t^'V to

They are, however, comparatively few. E. g. ">!n, rush upon.


1 In the preterite some verbs have both the forms takes Segol (o) before a monosyllabic word, as
exhibited in the paradigm, as ^nira Da. 9. 2 ; nri;i3 )b in; Ju. 6. 31, 32; (5) after "?«, as t^J? ^K 2 Sa.
Ps. 139. 2 n'nn thou contmdest. Job 33. 13 nn^T
; ; 17. 16; (c) with conversive Vav, as O"^,'!, 13*1.

La. 3. 58 ;DIVI they fish them, Je. 16. 16. The par- Pattahh occurs instead of Tseri {a) on accoimt of
ticiple exhibits here also two forms, as |3 middle A, a guttural, as npj he may smell, 1 Sa. 26. 19 ;
(i) in

and D*3^ middle E, Ne. 13. 21 (comp. § 21. rem. 2). pause, as feri-^K Ju. 19. 20 ;
]hn Job 17. 2.

2. Examples of the mf. abs. are — 3*^ striving, Ju.

11. 25; Job 40. 2; nb putting. Is. 22. 7; also 3n 4. T*]} pottage (properly sodden), Ge. 26. 29,
Je. 50. 34. from T't, is the only example in which Yod is

retained in Niphal. (There is at least no trace of

3. Examples of the apocopated fut. are — (a) 31J let a root \T3=in).
him plead, 1 Sa. 24. 16; D5?'J may he give, 1 Sa. 2. 20;
hy may he rejoice, Ps. 13. 6; 3n; "?« Ho. 4. 4. III. HiPHIL.

(5) \2.\\ that he may observe, Je. 9. 11 ; Ho. 14. 10. 5. The /iit. of Hiph. can be distinguished from
(c) As a positive future of poesy, as DK'J he shall the fut. of Kal by the signification only; e. g. V^l he
put. Job 33. 11 : 24. 25; Ps. 107. 33 (comp. § 11. understands ; Hiph. D.?''?^? he gives them understand-
rem. 6). With the retracted tone the final syllable ing. Job 32. 8.
.. ; — ;


33. 11. There are also examples where i< is omitted, IV. In General.
'nyo Nu. 11. 11 ; ^nV: Job 1. 21 'rh^ Job 32. 18. ;
8. In addition to the anomalous forms exhibited

above there are others, the irregularity of which

2. Forms of the infinitive deviating from the
consists in assuming forms of verbs H"?. The S^"P
paradigm are— (a) like HNT., nXDH, HNO^, also
and H"? of the Hebrew form but one class in the
nxnpV* by Syriacism for mi]?^ (constr. of nN-)i?) The Syriac has K only, and the Chaldee
(5) hiih^ for r\p^ (after n^3*.)" Le. 12. 4
nNlj? fo ;
has i* and H promiscuously forming but one class.
m^, Ju. S. 1 nk'j^ to hate, Pr. 8. 13 (c) nix'f b to
In the Hebrew this is either peculiar to certain verbs,
carry, Eze. 17. 9, for n^K'O.
and the two exist as distinct verbs J^"? and H"?, and
N is omitted in it^q Ge. 20. 6.
as such occupy separate places in the Lexicon, e. g.
^"^i^ and nij? to meet,
i^'S and n?S to be distinguished,
3. In the imperative there is an anomalous form, ^'^ there occur some isolated
&c., or in the real
INI'^/ear ye, Ps. 34. 10 (comp. -IKSli Niph. Eze. 47. 8),
forms which borrow either the punctuation only or
where ^^ is passed over in the pronunciation. The
the inflexion altogether from H"?comp. the follow- ;

pimctuators have given to this word the character of

ing remarks.
'T? probably to distinguish it from -l*^")! thei/ shall see.
A striking anomaly is presented in n^Xn-l H^^y ffo 9. Examples of such verbs, where 65 is retained, and
out and see, Ca. 3. 11, where the first word stands for
only the punctuation of H" 7 is adopted, are ''^^v^ 1
njS^, comp. the fut. n3\S'^n Eze. 23. 49. The epen-
have refrained, Ps. 119. 101 ;
part. K^b, sm Ec.
thetic *7 is as anomalous here as it is in the regular
7. 26 ; 8. 12 ; Piel K^P he accomplished, Je. 51. 34 ;
verb § 8. rem. 16, only that here it is chosen for
i«3'=} Ps. 143. 3 ; ^n^SI / heal, 2 Ki. 2. 21 ; fut. N^r^
the sake of consonance with '"'^''§1
he sivallows. Job 39. 24 ; inf. niN^D 2 Ch. 36. 21
riN^p Ex. 31.5; Hithp. niS23J;ipn Eze. 13. 17 ; Hiph.
4. The part. fern, is commonly, by contraction,

nXVb, seldom with the Syriac punctuation nxyb

«^?n Is. 28. 29 ; De. 28. 59 ;
nnXIDn she concealed
(with n parag.), Jos. 6. 17.
for n{<Vb, Ca. 8. 10; 1 Ki. 10. 22; and defective
nvv De. 28. 57.
10. In the following examples there is, on the
In the masculine a Syriac punctuation is intro-
Q^xph for D^XtpH sinners, 1 Sa. 14. 33 DXna contrary, the punctuation of K"' retained, and H
duced in ;

only is adopted. Kal imp. HB"! for KB") heal, Ps.

for Q«13 Ne. 6. 8.
60. 4 ;
np? for NW ^m , Ps. 4.'
7. Niph. inf. abs.

II. NiPHAI,. naw Je. 49. 10, constr. ninn to hide oneself, 1 Ki.

5. In a few instances ^ is omitted, as DpPP? ye 22.25; np-jn Je. 19. 11. Piel nfe he shall Jill,

are polluted, Le. 11. 43 0^131^3 ye have hid yourself, Jobs. 21.

Jos. 2. 16. In the 3 pers. fem. the same kind of

contraction is found as in Kal (rem. 1), as riNpSJ 11. Finally, forms which are entirely inflected
Ps. 118. 23 De. 30. 11 HKOp? Nu. 5. 20 after n"!?_npy thou art thirsty, Ru. 2. 9 ;
-1^0 for
; nsl??)3f ;
•1K^» they are full, Eze. 28. 16; -l^? for -"isb 1 Sa.
Eze. 23. 30.
6. 10 ;
N-1tJ*3 Ps. 139. 20 (with parag. « § 8. rem. 4),
6. In the participle there are traces of a form like for -"ibi, >i\(m; fut. nj^Snn Jobs. 18; part. fem.
K>:P3, viz. in the plurals D*KV»3 Est. 1.5; 4. 16; ^V^ for r\f\ nxyl Ec. lb.' 5 pass. MK'J Ps. 32. 1. ;

D^SDtp? Eze. 20. 30 ;

D^K|iri.3 Jos.' 10. 17 (comp. § 15. Niph. n*?? thou hast prophesied, Je. 26. 9 -"li'PP? ive ;

rem. 2, and dec. 7). are polluted. Job 18. 3 ; nriS*l3 Je. 51.9 ; fut. (perhaps)
•IV©^ they are found, Ps. 73. io ;
K-lbS'. Je. 10. 5 (with
ni. HiPHii,. parag. ^). PieMST,, Je. 8. 11. Hithp. 0^2300 1 Sa.
7. Anomalous forms are ^P^n 2 Ki. 13. 6 ; inf. 10. 6 ;
ni33nn l Sa.'lO. 6. Hiph. fin^VP" 2 Sa. 3. 8
*pno Je. 32. 35, for «'pn.n , K^prin part. n3i?D for K*3pp Eze. 8. 3.

Comp. D'Kpn for D'NOn rem. 4. t This, however, must be taken as a participle, corap. rem. 4.
. — ; . ;



I. Kal. r. 6). The verb HNI has the two forms. X")\ t5"1F),

1 Instead of the pret . 3 fern. >^t)?^ there occurs S^ril, and with conv. Vav also X"l*1 (the latter with

an Aramaic form like ri?5 properly for J^'f,!,"^' after Pattahh on account of "1)

the form n?tpp, comp. § 8. rem. 3, and § 23. rem. 1, (d) Examples of verbs which are Pe guttural as well as

hence ^^^ brings forth, Le. Lamed He K'yH , JV'I, and in pause tHS / see (from
'"1^<|, J^f I) ; ©• g- ^^V :

25. 21. The like inflexion is found in Hiphil and ntn).

XT'".Job 23. 9 ;
' 7n*1
and he was sick,' 2 Ki. 1. 2

Hophal (see rem. 14). (from n?PI). Sometimes, however, the punctuation
of the first syllable is not afifected by the guttural,
2. Theassumes also the form i?|, which
inf. abs. as in*1 and it was kindled (from iTin), \n\\ and he
prohably stands for 1?| (galov) with the radical 1 encamped, ^^M and he rejoiced.

(properly from the root l^S *), and hence is derived (e)
^ ^
The verbs iTTI to be,'
and HTI
to live,' which would
the form H'!?^ for rip| constr. st. E. g. i^"^ seeing, properly have in the fut. apoc. Tl^ ''U\, change these
Ge. 26. 28; '"133
weeping. Is. 30. 19. As the inf. forms into ^"^^ and "•n*. (like the derivative ''jSl for ^"IQ

constr. occurs also,though seldom, a form like Hip § 27. V). Another example is ''^F\. De. 32. 18 (in
to buy, Pr. 16. 16 rVi^V, Ge. 50. 20 iX") Ge. 48. 11
; ; pause for "'B'ri, comp. § 35. r. 14), if directly derived

and, on the other hand, as the inf. abs. the form from n^^. A perfectly Syriac form is N-IH*. Ec. 11. 3,
ninB? Is. 22. 13; niN") is. 42. 20 Keri. Another for r\)r\\, ap. •in'', (from Hin to be).

inf. constr. is ^1^^^ to see, Eze. 28. 17 (like '^'^[^6,

4. In the part. act. the fern, frequently assumes
comp. § 8. rem. 10, and § 13. rem 2).
the form of n*7ia, evidently from a masc. 713 for
^^Sia* (after the form "^^pio, see § 8. r. 19). E. g.
3. The apocope of ^e future occasions the following
nii)Q fruitful, Ps. 128. 3; n»3'l3 weeping. La. 1. 16;
changes :

n>aW watching, Pr. 31. 27; n»p'in making a noise,

fa) The first radical letter most commonly receives the
Pr. 7. 11 ;
pi. rii*niK coming, future things. Is. 41. 23.
auxiliary vowel Segol, or, when the middle radical is a
(This is not to be confounded with the form n^ia of
guttural, Pattahh, e.g. 7^^^ for 73^ ; V^l\ and he looked
rem. 5.)
(from T\V^), niO*1 ami he destroyed (from nPID).
The part. pass, is sometimes without \ as -IK'^ for
(6) The Hhirek of the preformative is also sometimes
''Vif^ (properly for vVeJ']!^,with moveable Vav*) made,
lengthened into Tseri (because it is brought into an
Job 41. 25; -12^ for VIQ^ Job 15. 22; hence the
open syllable) the two forms, however, are commonly in the
pi. fem. nVlt03 Is^ 3. 16; nvibj^ 1 Sa. 25. 18,
found in one and the same verb, as |Q*1 and he turned it is n'VtD?, ni»B^
Khethib ; in the Keri, however,
himself, Ex. 2. 12 ; but in the 1 & 2 pers. \^^^) De.
the form 'Oi, as it appears, was not recognised by
9. 15 ;
De. 2. 1 ; JDR
De. 9. 27; nT
and l"l>1
'•!'- the Masorites.
he was multiplied, but also 2')P\\ ; the latter form

occurs in ynn, ynni Ge. 21. 14; Pr. 7. 25 (from

5. The original ** is sometimes retained and
"VPI) ; i^?Pl Job 17. 7 (from n^^^) ; n^pl) Ge. 47. 13 usually preceded by (^j before the afformatives be-
(from nn^). ginning with a vowel, especially where, for any reason,
(c) In both these cases Segol is sometimes omitted, emphasis rests upon the word, as in pause, or before
especially when the middle letter is an aspirate, as pause, and before Nun parag. of the future. Pret. 13 -VDn
SIK'*! and he took captive, Nu. 21. 1 ; JjlS*! and he theg take refuge in him, De. 32. 37 ; before pause,
persuaded. Job 31. 27 ; "il?'!, ^301 and he, she wept; n^pn Ps. 57. 2; VOa Ps. 73. 2; imp. I-VV?'?"^*?

•^I'l Nu. 24. 19; W^, ^X Pr. 7. 25 (comp. § 11. •VnX •inB' -V^a is. 2L 12 ; Fut. -V^f* Job 12. 6 ; V.^^f.

* The verbs n'?, like those ol '"D, properly embrace two different classes of the irregular verbs, viz. *"? and 1*7, which
in Arabic are perfectly distinguished from each other, being actually written with *•
and 1. But in Hebrew the original ^ and 1
have passed over into a feeble il, in all those forms which end with the third radical, and which hence appear as verbs t\"7,
«.* 165 for '•^3, rh^ for 1^^ (Ges. Gram. § H)


De. 8. 13; 1^."!?. Ps- 36. 9; in pause, jW^. Ps. 78. 44, The apocope occurs also in the imp. of Piel and
l-VDHJ Ps. 36. 8 ; comp. Is. 26. 11 ; 41. 5 ; Job 3. 25, Hithp., as on for HDn he silent, Am. 6. 10; ^non
with n parag. 1^1^]!^^ I mourn, Ps. 77. 4. Part. HJtpj? feign thyself sick, 2 Sa. 13. 5 ; with ">
as the second
covered, Ca. 1. 7. radical "lajpn (for rv^lT^T] = H^l') De. 2. 24.

6. A variation from the form '^^''J'^ri is nSSflPl 13. Examples where the original* has been re-
Mi. 7. 10, nMV^n Ju. 5. 29, the termination of which tained (comp. rem. 5) imp. Iv'i!* prop, draw off,
: i. e.

must not be confounded with the suffix of the same take away, Pr. 26. 7. Put. ""pvpn]? Is. 40. 25;
form. Comp. § 21. rem. 13. irorpD^ they cover them, Ex. 15. 5 ; "^ivi^ by transp. for
"nJA":^ I u)ill water thee. Is. 16. 9.

7. The ^T, ^T of the second syllable is but seldom

written defectively, e. g. T\\r\ for n^M 2 Sa. 15. 33;
^ri?| 1 Ki. 8. 44; nib^J?]? job 5. 12. 14. In the pret. the forms rivJH and riv-l'!' are
about equally common ; before suffixes the latter is
II. NlPHAL. used as being somewhat shorter than the other.
8. In the pret. occurs also the form -13 V?? (instead For the 3 pers. fem. there occurs also the Aramaic
of •"I3\'??3) 1 Sa. 14. 8; n^-pj Qe. 24. 8. In pause is form of n— (as in Kal), e. g. nyiH, Le. 26. 34
•1*t33 Nu. 24. 6, comp. rem. 5. ns^n Eze. 24. 12. Hoph. rbir^ Je. *13. 19.

9. An anomalous form of the inf. abs. is ni??3 15. The Tseri of the inf. abs. is the regular vowel
2 Sa. 6. 20; D^jpnn nns nh)) ni^an? Ut. as uncovering (as n?^n), to this corresponds the inf. abs. of Hoph.,
uncovers himself one of the vain fellows ; where the as T\'^P\} Le. 19. 20 (comp. rem. 20).
second inf. is to be regarded as pleonastic, and this The verb HZIT to be much or many, has three forms
form is probably chosen to agree in sound with the of the infinitive, viz. n3"in mtich (used adverbially),
termination of the preceding rii''|n, comp. also "^^lO used when the inf. is pleonastic, and nia'in the
rem. 2. inf. constr.

Another inf. abs., with the termination H— (which

occurs also in Hiph.), is *^^V'}. to hide oneself, Je. 16. Thefut. apoc. either remains a monosyllabic
49. 10, instead of nam. like 'X)). that he may have dominion over. Is. 41. 2 ;

may he enlarge, Ge. 9. 27, or it takes the helping

10. The apocope of the future occasions here no vowel as in ?.3! for which, however, is invariably
further changes, e. and I was persuaded,
g. J^S^J substituted the form (comp. § 35. No. 1), as

Je. 20. 7; "Ij??! and he met, Nu. 23. 16. There is, ^3*.l 2 Ki. 18. 11; "l.a.J he makes fruitfid, Ps. 105. 24.
however, m\ Ps. 109. 13; n»?l Ge. 7. 23, for n»» Examples with gutturals yn*1 he made to err, 2 Ch.:

(from nriD). 33. 9 non ^K Ne. 13. 14 when the first radical is
; ;

a guttural, "like ^1?!, ^)i^.\ Eze. 14. 7 ; Nu. 23. 2. The

III. PlEL. latter forms can be distinguished from the^^. Kal
11. In the jorg^. the second syllable has Hhireh in only by the context.
the greater number of examples, as ''n"'-li?, ^O'®"'!,

which is therefore adopted in the paradigm. 17. The imp. apoc. has invariably the auxiliary
vowel, hence ^^.H increase, for ^'IH ; ^^H let alone, for
12. Thefut. apoc. loses the Dagesh forte of the ^"jH, ns-in De. 9. 14; ^Vr\ for H^JfD, Ex. 33. 12.
second radical, e. g. "IVjl and he commanded ; '\\>\ let
him look for. Job 3. 9. Hithp. ?3Jp?l and he un- 18. In the Aramaic the preterite (as in all conju-
covered himself, Ge. 9. 21. In but few instances the gations) terminates in ''t, the fut. in *t. The form
vowel is lengthened, as inji, and lie made marhs^ with ""t is found also in the Hebrew with the pret.

1 Sa. 21. 14; l^ri? he desires, Ps. 46. 12. and future. Pret. yHH for nSnn he made sick,

* This seems the only way of accounting for this form, if derived from n?'^. Prof. Lee, who takes it as the pret. of Kal,

does not sufficiently account for the form ; for we should then expect -17"^. Gesenius has finally declared himself in favour

of the Rabbinir opinion, that •Vp'n stands for -I??"]!, comp. his Man. and Thes. under 7?'^.


Is. 53. 10; pi. I^PP!? they caused to faint, Jos. 14. 8 22. 22 ; imp. nb 1 Sa. 3. 12 2 Ch. 24. 10; ^3n
(which is quite Aramaic, comp. 1"'P"] Da. 3. 21 ; Vn^H Ho. 6. 9 ; fut. n^5Jp Le. 18. 7. Hiph. (comp. rem.
Da. 5. 3). Fut. *3?ni Je. 3. 6 ; ^OPFl Je. 1 8. 23, for 15). Hoph. n-nanLe. 19. 20.
nnpri (masc).
VI. FoEMs WITH Suffixes.
V. Akamaisms.
21. The annexing of the suffixes to the verbs n*7
In the same manner as the verbs ^'^ have
19. occasions various changes, viz.: —
occasionally some forms inflected after the analogy
(a) In all the forms which end in n, the 11 is dropped
of IT? (§ 23. rem. 8 11), so it happens, viceversd, — with the preceding vowel. E. g. ^^^JJ he answered me,
that the latter borrow forms from the former, though
Ps. 118. 5 ; "^IV ^^ ^'^^ commanded thee, De. 6. I7;t
not so frequently, according to the following divi-
sion :
— ?[3j5

20. 2.
he has bought
Piel "^"y^, for '?1^5K /
thee, De. 32. 6
; fut.


Ex. 33. 3

(a) The H is retained and the punctuation alone of

'•30 for ''3D Ezr. 7.
(comp. Chald. 25). Hiph. '^Vr\
X'S is adopted, e. g. Kal fut. H^B'K / will have
Ne. 9. 18; seldom fut. like '?jrini he shall take thee
respect to, for n!|?i?^X, Ps. 119. 117; n^DR for
away, Ps. 52. 7.
n5?Dn 1 Ki. 17. 14, comp. Da. 10. 14. Niph. part,
(6) Very seldom does ''— take the place of n— H— , , as
n^nj DV, for n!?n3 a grievous day, Is. 17. 11,*
•in^»r! revive it, Hab. 3. 2; •li';'!!'; Ho. 6. 2; ''3^3n
and defective "lini^ we come, Je. 3. 22.
smite me, 1 Ki. 20. 35 ; Dn''iitQN (Hiph. fut. from
ib) The 5^ is adopted and the punctuation of H"? is re-
nXS) De. 32. 26, perhaps also Dri"'t2i3 Is. 42. 5, in
tained, e. g. Kal pret. '•nSV'T. ^ delight, Eze. 43. 27 ;
which may be regarded
reference to Jehovah, as a
fut. ^}^\ it is changed, La. 4. 1 ; X^ri^l he became
sick, 2 Ch. 16. 12; inf. i<b>3 for HK'J, to forget, Je.
(c) The pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. takes invariably the form
23. 39. Piel ^?3L^^ 2 Ki. 25. 29. Pual K3B^) Ec. 8. 1.
rhi. E. g. '•pnb:^ Job 33. 4 ; Job 42. 5 ;

Comp. also D'*S")bn -IK")*! and the archers shot, 2 Sa.

^jnS3 Ps.44. 16 -10^3 for-inn^3 Zee. 5.4; nFl-l^

11. 24. Dnpyn

Ru. 3. 6 ; Jos. 2. 6.
(c) The consonant and the vowels of X"? are adopted,

as D-IS^n they hanged them., 2 Sa. 21. 12 ; NnS^ for VII. PiLEL (comp. § 6. No. 2).
rrnS^ ^^ ^ fruitful. Ho. 13. 15. (But here we may
22. This conjugation with its reflexion occurs in
suppose roots is?Pi and K"13 i. q. n7Pi and iTlQ,
three verbs H"?, where the third radical, which the
comp. Gesenius' Manuale.)
conjugation requires to be doubled, appears under
the form ni, as
20. In the Aramaic, where the verbs ^"^ and n»?
nS3 (to be comely) in Kal not used, Pil. HIKi, con-
flow into one another, both classes terminate, in the
tracted HIK), pi. -11X3 Ca. 1.5; 2. 14. Deriv. adj.
fut. and part, of all the conjugations, in the Syriac
in i^T, in the Chald. in *t. As intimations of this
nn^, in Kal not used, Pil. part. TlB^p. \"in^P archers,
mode of formation Ave are to regard those forms of
H— and Ge. 21. 16.
the inf , imp. and fut. in , less frequently ^^t
*7", which are found in Hebrew also. Inf. H^.n Eze. nnK* ?o &ot» down (usual in Kal and Hiph.), Pil HinB',

21. 15. Imp. Kin be thou, Job 37. 6. Fut. H'-.^in hence Hithpal. HinPlB'n (comp. § 9 & 12. rem. 3), fut.

i<5n for nnXD ninriK'^ apoc. •

"ny'J for inJ^lki'J (analogous with ''n\
Je. 17. 17 ; ihou wilt, Pr. 1. 10 ;

for nnx?.! he came, De. 33. 21. Piel inf. nsj? Ex. for ^n.^). Inf. Chald. n^1jriE>n 2 Ki. 5. 18.

* Unless we prefer to take n^Hi (with Gesenius, comp. his Manuale) as a substantive, and render day of possession, i. e.

day of harvest.
t The form '^— for the masc. thy, which is seldom found with other verbs (§ 2. rem. 2), is here somewhat more usual, e. g.

r\2V Is. 30. 19 ; Je. 23. 37.

— ;


[Sect. XXV.


1. Such is the designation of verbs
which have nSN {to bake) Kal imp. -ISN (for
two radical letters affected by the anomalies -IDS § 19. rem. 6) Ex
which 16. 23; -inahl (for-inS^ni
are exhibited in the paradigms of § 19.'r. 5) 1 Sa.28 -^4
irregular verbs. id) Verbs »"& and N"b, as
These verbs exhibit no new changes and
even in ;

cases where two anomalies might occur, KV: (^0 S-o out) kal inf. flKX (for DNV, comp.
usage must § 23.
rem. 4) imp. XS, Hiph.
teach whether the verb is actuaUy subject ; X^ifi'"!.
to both (e) Verbs *"S and H'^:
or but one of them, or, as it sometimes happens,
to neither.
HT {to throw, Hiph. <o con/ew) Piel fut. ."i-^Jj

(for n.^n
Thus from TIJ [to flee) are formed nM^ Na. 3. § 20. rem. 8) La. 3. 53. Hiph. fut"
7; nnv. with suff
Ttl! Ge. 3L 40 (after the
analogy of verb fS) Hiph' •
?j-7iK Ps. 35. 18; ^init<
ps. 30. 13,
Tin (after rV); Hoph. ISn, but fut. and n retained ^-inin^ (§ 20. remV'lo).
11? (after I'Q).'
Thus the verbs and
m; (fo opprm) Kal fut. with
J" 2 YVl, as 1-1 J, «-13,
are irregu-
suff. DJ»J Ps. 74. g.
lar only in respect to the middle radical Hiph. njin fut. with suff. >[iy\7\ De.'23. 17 •
letter, not
in respect to the Nun. •q?3iO Is. 49. 26.

ne; (to 6e/air) Kal fut, apoc. P)\>1 (fr. ns^?) Eze.
2. The
following are examples of doubly ano- 31. 7. Unusual conj. Pu. n»S?S» Ps. 45. 3, see
malous verbs, and of difficult forms derived § 6. No. 9.
them : rn\ {to throw, Hiph. to show, instruct)
Kal imp. -n^
inf. n'T, niT; fut. with suff. DTJ
(a) Verbs fS and N"^, as Nu. 21. 30'
Hiph. nnin; inf. nhin;
Nb: {to hear, carry) Kal imp. N^ ; inf. constr.
fut. nVv, apoc. ii>i

mf (for nm), also nm, with suff. ''nm-,

2 Ki. 13. 17. with
7, 8; -laTl* Ps.
suff. ^nin Ps. 45. 5; Job 12'

25. 12.
fut. m\, nabn (for ri^mn) ru. i. h.

(/) Verbs I'v'andN'^, as

XK'J (to deceive) Hiph. fut. ^^2 (for N^B**) Ps. 55. 16
Nia {to come) Kal pret. K3, pi. -13X3
Keri. 1 Sa. 25. 8 ;

inf. Xi3 fut. Xb^, once b^'l Ki.12.12 Kheth!

(6) Verbs !"& and H"!? :
: 1

Hiph. X^nn, 2 pers. riX3n';

npj {to bow, incline) Kal fut. ni2\, apoc. D* Zep.
fut. X»3^. 1 pers.

2. 12; fern. Qn Ps. 4. 5, 27;

nx for X^3X 1 Ki. 21. 29 ; Mi. 1. 15 imp. X^3n
Hiph. imp. HtSn, ;

once *3n Ru. 3. 15.

apoc. nn Ps. 17. 6; fut. Ha?, apoc. L5»l 2 Sa.
X-13 Hiph. X»jn {to withhold, refuse) fut. »:»
19. 15; 1 pers. t3X Job 23. U ; DX1 Je. 15. 6;
for X'J"

2 pers. m h^ Ps. 27. 9 ; with suff. r\t2>.

Ps. 141. 5.

One verb V"V and *'T is

n33 {to smite) Hiph. nSH ; inf. 7113 PI ; imp. nSH,
*:n = n;n {to live) only in the
apoc.ljn Ex. 8. 12; fut. nS?, apoc. t]? Ho. 14. 6;
pret. H, in such con-
nection where it cannot be the
1 pers. ^N1 Ex. 9. 15, with adj. »n {living), e.g.
suff. 13? 2 Sa. 14. 6;
Ge. 5. 5; 11. 12, 14 25.
nSS? Ps. 121. 6. ; 7.

m {to sprinkle) Kal fut. apoc. T? Is. 63. 3; T?1 2 Ki.

9. 33. Hiph. fut. apoc. T*1 Le. 8. 11, 30.
Rem. A few other anomalies must be mentioned

(c) Verbs N'B and H"^,

here, which are occasioned by the verbs 1"^ and ri"^,
of which ] and n are assimUated with
nriK (<o come) Kal pret. -IJnX the afformatives'
Je. 3. 22 ; imp.
Such are: -13^ Ju. 19. 13, for IJJ^ (from
•rnX (for -rnx, -inx, § 19. rem. 6, & § 24. rem. 5) |-1^) from ;
f1-1» {to die) r\m, •Pip
Is. 21.12; 56.9;
thou diest, I die, Eze. 28. 8 for
fut. Nfl'l (for nnN»1. § 19. rem. nnriD, Ge. 19.19. Pii. ^rinio l p^t to death,
3) De.33. 21; apoc. DN*! (for r\T\^l\, nK»1 § 19.
2 Sa. 1. Hiph. nPipn, ^Jipn thou puttest, he put,
rem. 3). Hiph. imp, rnn (forVJIKni, § 19. rem. 8)
to death, with suff. Vn^Oq 1
Is. 21.14.
Sa. 17. 35, Avith the
mater lexionis in Kheth., for Vripn
n^N {to swear) Hiph. Keri.
fut. ap. ^K>1 (from n^N>, §24.
Finally, theanomaly of the verb t!?,
rem. 3) viz. 1^;, inf
1 Sa. 14. 24. •
n^7, contracted TO \ Sa. 4. 19.
— —


We distinguish here 6. g. 053 apt to butt, X^D sinner (different from i^l?'"

sinning), "^^l thief; so of occupation, trades, e. g.

I. Forms originally Participles, and Participial Nouns,
nat? cook, ^y) (for tJ^n) smith. Here, again, the
from Kal.
feminine often takes the abstract signification, as
\. ?^\),fem. n7^p the most simple participial form nS^n for ns^n) sinfulness, sin. Such intensitive
of verbs middle A
(comp. § 8. r. 1) ; in use as a parti-
forms are also the three following.
ciple only in verbs 1"^ (e. g. Dj? for Dli?). It is most
freqiiently employed as an adjective expressing quality, 7. />"'t3i5 and >1t3i5, of which forms are most adjec-
as 23 n wise, K^'in new, lijj precious, "'K'* straight, '23 tives in the Chaldee, p'^'^V righteous, "T*?^ strong, I'l^n

foolish. It occurs, however, also as an infinitive form compassionate. In Hebrew from intransitive verbs
(No. 12). alone.

2. ^^P,,fem. ^i^\>, seldom njipp. Part, of verbs 8. ?it3p, as "liB^. censurer, TI3K' one drunken, 113-I
middle J? (§ 8. r. 1), is likewise the form of adjectives strong one, hero ; rarely in a passive sense, ^>^\ born,
of quaUty, e. g. |i?T old, old man, 5^3^ dry. The Tseri 31*X proper name {persecuted).
issometimes immutable, and the form is then related
to No. 5, e. g. ??i^ mourning (in other dialects '''3^), 9. 7t3p indicates very great intensity, often exces-

fern. n^TS that which is plundered. sive, so as to become a fault and a defect e. g. Hip., ;

bald-headed, D^K dumb, Ifiy blind, nB3 lame, ^"3. deaf

3. 7^5 and 'ItDj^ (with Hholem immutable), fem. The abstract signification is found in the feminine,
npbp, Part, of verbs middle 0; e. g. 13^ fearing, ^p\ as rilW blindness.
fowler ; then frequently as an adjective, even when
no preterite with Hholem is found, as ''1"t| great, II. Forms which were originally infinitives of Kal. "^
Pinn/ar, p'"lK'5;=pK'y oppressor (comp. No. 21). 10. 7t?P, ???P, ^i^P (with mutable vowels) the sim-
plest forms of the infinitive, of which the first and
4. "pOip, h^\>,fem.rh\^\>, n^pp, the usual parti-
last areemployed in the verb (§ 8. rem. 9). They
cipial form of transitive verbs e. g. 2)K enemy, P)y^
seldom occur as nominal forms, e. g. "i?^ man, 1>?f
suckling, hence of the instrument by which the action
ornament, pHV laughter. Instead of these, the three
is performed, as ^IT^ a cutting instrument, a tool. A
feminine with collective signification is nni'S caravan.

11. '91^?., ''9'r-' vi?' called Segolate forms, are the

5. and ^*P^ passive participles of Kal, the
/ItSi? "p^O), "l?P
more frequent; e. g.."?!^!? hing (for ^^» ,

latter (Chaldaizing) form employed rather as a sub- These have

(for IQp) booh, trnj5 (for
f IP) holiness.
stantive, like the Greek verbals in t6s, e. g. >1D^ syllable, and the
the characteristic vowel in the first
imprisoned, D'lK'^ anointed, 1^t?S prisoner, D^^9 ^^^ When the
auxiliary vowel Segol in the second.
second or third radical letter is a guttural, Pattahh
In intransitive verbs, also with an active significa-
is used instead of Segol, as V% seed, nV3 eternity,
tion, as "i^VV small, DIVJ^ strong. Some words of this
PyS work. Examples of feminines f^??^ queen, :

form indicate the time of the action, as "fVi^ time of

•^^ll/ea^, 0"5?V. help, ^990 wisdom.
harvest, K'^")n time of ploughing. The feminines and as feminines the abstract the
In masculines as well is
the plurals are apt to take the abstract signification, prevailing signification, and is the original one even
as ny-IK'^ deliverance {the being delivered), CtiJn the act in cases where the concrete occurs e. g. "Sj?© and ;

of embalming. n3??5 prop, royalty ;f "iy3 a youth (prop, the season of

youth, comp. in Eng. youth and a youth) 1^3 brutish ;

6. ^tSi? (Arab. '^^5) with Kamets immutable in (prop, brutishness) . For the abstract in such cases
the Arabic, the usual intensive form of the participle, another form is employed, as niSTip royalty, "tyll

hence in the Hebrew expresses what is habitual, youth.

• All these forms are found, mutatis mutandis, in the Arabic as infinitives, or the so called nomina actionis.

t As there is a tendency to employ abstract terms for names of offices, e k. nPIS governor (prop, office of governor, comp.

the English lordsttip).



12. ^C5i?, like No. 1, and h^\>., fern, n^^ip, often 18. 19. From Piel and Hiph. ; e. g. ri"5^1P snuffers,

from verbs middle E, with the abstract signification, '^"jPtP pruning -knife.
e. g. ^V") hunger, QK'X guilt, along with the concretes
20. From Poel, as ^JJllH, signet-ring, prop, that
of the form No. 2 (^T] hungry, DtJ'K guilty), very
which seals.
frequent in the feminine, as njPlV righteoiisness.
21. From Pil. ^^\>,fem. rh^\>; and 22. "p^pp for
13. ^9i? (for ^K^P), ^Pi?, (for ^^PP), ^^tpp, "pitip,
the most part adjectives of colour, as fem. nKJlijI m^
with an immutable vowel between the second and
7-1t3iP , red, |3y.T green.
third radical, as 203 book, 3^?? pain, ?''?ip way, D1?D
''•I^T habitation; sometimes also with prosthetic
23. ''^^PP, VtO^Pp, adjectives with a diminutive
Aleph as 2TD>< (prop, deception), deceitful stream, i. e.
signification, as D'^P'3^ reddish, "in'iriK' blackish; hence
in a contemptuous sense (like miser, misellus), as
whose waters fail in the summer n")?lX brood. The ;

^DQpX collected rabble (with the passive form, for

corresponding feminines will suggest themselves
but the forms n?^pp n>1tDjp coincide with the ,

feminines of No. 5.
IV. Infinitives of the derived conjugations.

14. ''9i?^5 the Chaldee form of the infinitive, e. g. 24. From Niph., as Dv-I^?? struggles.

^"^f^ judgment. Related forms are ^'"IO|P song, ""?nP

25. Piel, like )*3j dispersion, more frequently
desire. "^^PPP kingdom, ri"T3^p wages.
Dip.-''? booty,
in the fem., as HK^j?? request, with Kamets tmwMtoWe.
This form indicates, not only the action itself, but
also often the place of the action, as n3|l? altar, '^1']'? 26. ^-"llSp, and 27. "Plt^pn, ^^PpPI, likewise in-

a place of driving, i. e. to which cattle are driven, finitives of Piel (the latter very common in the
whence a desert. Arabic) ; e. g. \>^^V\ folding of the hands, P-IO:?!? benefit,

"n'"'!?!!' mantle.
15. P^Pp, t7'?i?» ^^d other similar forms with the
28. From Hiph., like n"l3tK rememhrance-offering,
terminations |i &, \~, which are generally appended n-iyo^n annunciation (with Kamets immutable), an
to the Segolates, as P3'^!^ reckoning (from 3f D), |2"li5
Aramaic infinitive.
offering (immediately from ^'I'p) ; but there are also
forms like piST remembrance. 29. From Hithpa. EJ'ninn register.

30. From Poe/, like r^hh\r\ folly, and 31. like ^'iJ^^p
16. "With the feminine termination Ti-I appended
smoke, the latter form common in Arabic.
to the Segolate form, e. g. ri-IK?") healing. In the
Syriac this is the usual termination of the infinitive. 82. From P^7., n'^a>? a j9m«% o«, and 33, Pl'ia>?5

The ri is properly the sign of the feminine, and the adultery.

masculine form would be l^^^l (like *1?5?, nn^j;). 34. nipnp? opening, inf. of No. 23.

III. Participles of the derived conjugations. 35. ^PpKJ, e. g. nnn^K^ /ame (comp. § 7. No. 6).

17. From Niph. ^^\>) , as niS^W wonders. 36. Quadriliterals, hke DJ??D focif*^.


The formation of these is perfectly analagous to nsap overthrow; of Hiph. 28. '"'?'V'^
that of the regular verb, and whatever is difierently The noun Vy? knowledge from V^J ; comp. § 20. 16.
modified is caused merely by the peculiar structure
of these verbs. "We shall therefore follow the pre- II. From Verbs VV.
ceding order, and exhibit such verbs and forms only —
From the part, of Kal 1. QR upright (like ^^i?)
in which the irregularity has been of some important more frequently with Pattahh (to indicate the sharpen-
influence. ing of the syllable), ?1 abject, 3"] much, fem. n?"n,

n?J!l. 2. ryofat. From the inf. 10. 11. T3 booty, jH

I. Feom Verbs V^. favour, pn law, fem. n?p word, ni?n law. 14. TJ?p
Connected with the infinitive of Kal 14. I^P gift. fastness 3PP ^Aa^ which surrounds anything, fem.


n>>jp roll. The form 2P» sometimes, by retraction Some lose n— , as 1J? sign, for njri. 4. n^l seer, fem.
of the tone, becomes a Segolate form, as I??!? bitter- n^iy burnt-offering. 5. ''•'ID|I covering, ^?J jowre, "31!

ness, "HI?? timidity (from '^?1). 22. ^\P\> contemned, jooor. Originally infinitives : 11. the Segolates in
nV3iy ««'>^e£; (a collateral form of Pilpel). 27. Hjirup different forms, not often with H retained, as n33 o
with the Segolate form also DDFl
praise, n?Dri prayer, weeping, nj?T friend, ntn, HN") vision, revelation, com-
a melting away (from Dpa), ph mas^ (from 15"^ to monly without it, as J?^ (for '^^'!!), or with the original
shout). From the unfrequent conjugation Pilpel *or 1, which then becomes quiescent in Hhirek

(§ 6. No. 4), '?l'?l Wiee/, from ^>| to roll. (comp. on ''"??

§ 24. rem. 3), e. g. '''^^
fruit, vn sick-

ness, -ina waste, and in the niasc. seldom moveable, as

III. Fkom Verbs 1"Q and '"S.
l^ii^. end, but always in the fem. HlJi^ humility, HMi)
The participial forms arc regular. Forms originally garland. 13. inp winter, ^^K' fem. n*ri^ « drinking,
infinitives are — 10. 3^"!!, fem. ny"1, nj^l knowledge, nVJt? fem. nap (for nt^jp, nN30) joa?-^, ni^'q the midst, n-in^'
counsel. 13. I'lD for "I'lD) c?imn. 14. 5<-li?D /ear, captivity. 14. Hipp possessions, ^^1'? appearance;
JJ'il'iO snare, ^'J^)'^ birth, "IDIJ^ punishment ; and from fem. '11 VP command. Apocopated form ?yp for n^y.p.
a verb properly ""'£>, 3D^)D ^Ae 5es^. 27. ^K'in inha- 15. 1^3i? tvealth, i^^"^ destruction. 27. JT'J^ri structure,
bitant, nn^in generation, 1^'^ ^^e 6-o?^M. n-iaiPl J;-ooc?, also perh. I.?Pl (for HJ^FI) «ifme<;. 28.
^K'K'^esfoc^e, for nS^K from HDK'.
IV. From Verbs VV and ^"P.

Participles: 1. "^1 foreign. 2. "1.5 stranger, HIJ/ a VI. From Doubly Anomalous Verbs.
witness, testimony. 3. 21t3 yooc?, H^ltD z^jAa^ ^* ^oo«?.

11. the different Segolate forms, as rijD

We exhibit only some cases of special difficulty :

Infinitives :
From J"Q and K"^, T\'^ for DXb, from NK'3.
(/(?aM, and T\)'^ house, 7lp ro^ce, s^mV, and in the

2. From ""'Q and H"?, min precept, law, IlSto «g7i,

fem. n^iy, n^3. 14. ni3!D, fem. nni^p resit, Dip»
perh. from HQ'' but see the analysis.
p^rtc«, also tiikJ'P o«r (from tD-IK'). 27. HJ-nJ^ m. ;

3. FromS''y andn"'?,n?J' Nu.24. 17, from HXK' for n«£?'.

telligence, nniyjjl testimony, I^P^ continuance. 28.
nnjn rest.
4. From YV and n"7, ''^?

island, from Hit?
<o dji)d/.' for

*1J< nix si^n, for Dli? from HIX 1p cord, from

Rem. a 1 in one of these nouns is not sufficient war-
; ;

rant to limit its derivation to VV, nor is *•

sufficient i^JP. ^^ chamber, for iri from Hlj^ <o dtije//, ''\l

to limit it lo '"'y, since each of these classes some- people, from ni5.
times borrow forms from the other, e. g. HJIiri The root is also often obscured by contraction of
from r?. Nun, Daleth, He, e. g. 03 wine-press, for DJi,
T\}V (from ;r) ; 5)X anger, for flpN ; r\k
V. From Verbs H"?. coulter, for TTIN ; IT for VHT (from nnt)
Participles: 2. HB^/aiV, H^jJ hard, fem. ns*, ilB'i?. brightness.


1 . The consideration of the cases of the noun does genitive, produces numerous changes in its form, and
not belong to this part of Hebrew Grammar,f but thus originates another species of declension. The
to the syntax, because the cases do not at all affect theory of this peculiar, but important, system of
the inflexion of the noun, as they are merely indicated inflexion can be displayed conspicuously only by a
by prepositions without any change of the form of full exhibition of paradigms, inasmuch as the term
the word itself. On the contrary, the connection of declension is used in Hebrew Grammar, with a
the noun with suffixes — with the feminine, dual and meaning differing considerably from that it bears in
plural terminations —or with a noun following in the the Grammar of the Greek and Latin languages. J

* The adjective entirely agrees in form with the substantive, so that in treating of the declension of nouns, adjectives are
+ This work having especially the etymology of words alone for its object.

+ In these latter, the term declension (kAiVis) properly denotes the variation of the ground-form by cases [casus, Trraio-ei?).

We may, however, be permitted to retain the term declension, though it does not properly express the mode of inflexion of
Hebrew nouns just as the term conjugation is employed, though not in its ordinary sense (Gesen. Gram. 78. 2).
: — ;


These vowel-changes are caused (a) by a noun In this case both vowels, if mutable, are dropped, as
following in the genitive {b) by the suffixes (c) by ; ;
Oyn '^'}2'1 words of the people ; D^'•^3'^ your words,

the dual and plural terminations to which is added, ; Dn"'"i;i"'| their words.

again, the effect of a genitive following, or suffix. (c) When the suffix begins with a consonant without a
union-vowel, and forms a syllable by itself, as the
2. The tone in all these cases is moved forward suffixes of the singular, as ^, DD, |5. QD» ID» Il7
more or less, or even thrown upon the following
(more commonly Q— ^ ]— ). Of
word. We here distinguish three cases, viz.: — light suffix, and regularly affects the
these the first is

tone in just the


(a) When the tone is moved forward only one place. same manner, as '•— , 1, e. g. "^D"^, ^")3'1, ^3j5T.
This is the case when the appendage to the noun is
The others are grave suffixes, and have more effect in
either monosyllabic, or at least has the tone on the shortening the vowels, as DSTl"?, &c. A similar
penultima, and likewise begins with a vowel. Such are effect is seen in the constr. st. of the singular number,
(1) the terminations for the plural and dual (D'— as D-n'^^ -11"^ n;|n (from -i^n).
; -ivD.
D)— ; ni) ; (2) the light suffixes for the singular The application of these three cases to the different forms
nouns Ot; ^-; "Htj \'^^-> ^T' ^-' -1^-: °7. of the masculine noun is exhibited in the nine para-
ID—); (3) the light suffixes for the plural nouns digms of the Masculines given below, to which also
C-; T-, T-; i""-. •1^''-, n^-; •U"'-; iD^-). the necessary explanations are subjoined. For the
In this case, generally, only one of two mutable vowels sake of brevity, we will use the terms first, second,
in the noun is dropped, e. g. from "ll"! — D*")It''I, third, &c. declension.
''"]3'^ , ^~I3''| ; in a few forms the second only is dropped,

e. g. 3.''X — 0""?^^, or the ground-form of the word, 3. In the formation of the Feminine from the
which, in the leading form, has undergone some Masculine, by appending the termination n— the ,

change, appears again, as from ^?D (for 'UpP) same change of vowels isintroduced as in No. 2 (o),
since the toneis moved forward in the very same pro-
(b) When the tone is moved forward two places, as in the portion as shown there. The vowel-change is some-
plural constr. St., and when the grave suffixes are what different when the second feminine termination
appended to the plural (D?^— ,
]y— ^^''7". ID*"")- n— is appended. Both will be shown in § 39.



1 . The following paradigms exhibit — of each noun 2. According to the nine paradigms of the mas-
— the absolute and construct state in the sing., plur., culines alluded to, are also declined those feminine
and dual, and the singular and plural forms with and common nouns which are without a distinctive
light and grave suffixes. To render this subject feminine termination, 159 stone, 3^.n sword;
e. g.

easier, it should be noticed that except that in most cases they take in the plural the
ending Hi which remains unchanged in the constr.
, st.

(a) The shortening of the vowels is the same in the dual and before suffixes.
and the plural, except in the sixth declension, where
the dual is more shortened than the plural, e. g. pi. 3. The changes of the vowels generally affect the
D^D^P, but du. whTl- two last syllables, and in a very few instances only
(6) In the plural, light suffixes are, without exception, the third from the end is affected (comp. § 31. r. 3),
attached to the absolute, and grave suffixes to the Changes of consonants occur in the ninth declension
constr. state, e. g. D^"}?1, ''"l?'^ ; n?"!, DDnn"n. alone.

Ci- n." c" c Ch ch c>- cf c>- nt-- C'

>1L J^: >oi Vi-- >*: >*• >>:• ci- "3 '^'
r- r'- r>- r- n> ^ n:.

Cl-G e\- &: »• -m-


f\L •«
a r-'3 T" rr T" '^'- a
cJ-2 £1-
a^fl '-' n.a ti a- *^ §

Jr!-^ *r:. r: f?- ^: tr- ir- •-•. W 1? s^s

.S»" .£»•• .S»" .S»"
Qi*- Sl^ Sii. P\;- »
.Si" .SjI-.
C .& C C-- C-
C:- CL CL C: JiLgi, ^,:

a " a

s Ci" Ci- c" cr Ci cr
n. ni- n> nn n- ni-
Ci o" If o D Q- Q Q Q O-
rc-rii- ft --rj.« QtS" G-
. a .a-g a Q- Q Q^ Ql Ql • 13: >»t. 5 5?L
£ £:- £ £•- £'- £:_ £:
y ' ^ ' ' ri:. ^,. a c'l
a' a ^ a" Cl

rii n^ Hi n>- n- ni-
O n g n n-- n-
n-- n.
' .ci-o .CI- dt cit CI" cit CI" cit
n:. f,
Pv "g SA' J=\^" SAi- ^=^> p\>.' rv J^*-'
i '
a- a n:.
F"- Q p— p— p— r-" r- r- jt- n
I— nt
g n- rii
rii. rl>-
g i- C- i~"
a" a
o a' >irf^

Q'-a:n- n- n- n- n- n n- ••

• S fl *" *"' r
' i~ r-
-^ •?- ^;; -g. ri •?-
•- II
Q: C Q" Q" Q Q Q • • •• Q"
t— ^.3 2 5— >l:- 5l' i^-- >» >!'
^ -^ J3

o fflt- •p d" fii" la- CI" la- m- a- ^.. «

n;- g pj. Ci; ri;- c- cl- ci^ cs:- n--" •§
w r e r F^ r- r- r=- r'- f-= J^r £
Q -
a f,
n:.. ' '
h> a I

^ '>^ ^ ^- ^' ^' ^" ^" ^" Qs-'S^'

a- g a- 0-- Q Q. Ql Ql Q: a-s §

^ 1 p-t r-L r-- |r- |rf jr- |r>- jr-

a ri.
' a ' ' n:.

1— f—- r--

O- ^ D- Q Q- Q O Q Q- .;:. 9
S 5 S
a S
5. 5-. Si Oi S: 9'-
e '
a=^ & ' ' n, I

r *^.S)H .£»•• .Sic .S»'

r'-'S t~i J-- J — .S»>-
.S»" ,Ejh
j-L j-L
*= S '^ ' fl^ a ' ' n:-

>< <

n-S H- '- n^ ?;' 5^- ^'- ^!


r^ r r-- f- i=-- p-l r-!-


r-L2 r>- r> r' r' r' r' r>

s n "§ n nt^
n- n--
- "
.8 2 n:.
i^ a


.tZ--^ C^ a- tZ>- C" IT:- C;- C'

fi- -g Ci. 1=^- Hi;- Ih^ »iv- lilr n^

55l 55- %• %•
5J 55- 55- 55- S '^^
a Q- Q- - Q-
Q Q- Q Q- ^l
g=^ E c El E: a^
a-g a- hi h'" eL sL hi h'= glig g:
" ' fl'- a ' ' n:. f,- S

Q- Q- Q- Q- Q- Q- Q-
O pi:s Pit Pi" riL n- m- n- n-

cr^ c p- cr c- n- n c-
3^E E E'-p
.%. ^ .55. .35- .35- .SS- .35- .35- .35- D--^ Q-
n'g n rii. n- n^ n: riL n: £. « £..

*S»: "s *&: *2>.. 'Si. *£>: '&•• *£»• 'Si-

a- 1 a" Q-- G" Q- D- £3 Q-
5 ' g-E E p-'p

**=» %
~ ^
: ;

bkct. xxjx:.] FIRST DECLENSION. 61


1. In this declension the noun itself undergoes no change immutable (§ 25. No. 6) ; but with regard to forms like 3X3
of vowels before the suffixes, and stands, as an indeclinable, pain, ^~\B horseman, it can be known only from the existing
merely for comparison with the others. It is, however, im- inflexions (as, constr. state '3N3, "'E?'12) that they stand for

portant to know the various forms which are thus inde- 3"'X3, ti'lS, since there are also words of the like forms in
clinable. which the vowels are pure, and therefore mutable.

2. To this paradigm belong all nouns whose vowels are 4. Hence, of the classes of verbal nouns (of § 20), the
immutable,* e. g. (according to the note given below. No. 1) following belong to this declension
Ty city, Sip voice, t^n^ garment, ynt arm; (No. 2) DJ?, (a) Of the derivatives from the regular verb, the forms of
part, of D-"!p, arising, "111, part, of 115, stranger, "IJ (for TJ) No. 6. iim sinner, 1113 (for "IHSI) potter, JJ^IS (for K'SIS)
lamp, 3ri3(3X03) book; (No. 3) "li3| hero,\>'^yi righteous, horseman, jisn compassionate, p'lV righteous ; 8. 1133 hero
niD^P \ingdom, "|V3X poor, n^n'^O destruction ; (No. 4) 13. 3n3 book, 3X3 pain (though the forms bpp, VtOp, occur
JJ'IS for &''\B horseman. also with pure vowels, and are inflected according to dec. 6.

§ 3.5. rem. 10) ; 14. "ibTQ song, ^'•13^0 garment ; 15. flLJ^B'

3. The vowels and , occasion here peculiar difficulty, government, \)')Dr} want ; 16. n-IPIlS border, &c. ; 19. fTn^D
as it often cannot be determined, at first sight, whether they destruction; 26.' p-13n a folding, yjlIT (for y-IIT herbs; 27.
are pure or impure, or whether a Dagesh is omitted in the
form (comp. note No. 2). There is, however, no difficulty (6) Of the derivatives from the irregular verbs (of § 27),
in forms like Dp, 15, as soon as we are aware of their II. 16. niSp tabernacle; 27. S-l'PJ^.ri action; IV. 13.110,
derivation from D"lp, "IIS, from which it becomes evident that "piS; 14. "I'lJi'^P; 28. C^'lTn ; V.'l. Dj? ; 2. 15; 3. 5. 8 ;

they stand for QXP,"I\5 (§ 21. rem. IJ ; in "pSp. "ptpp, the VIII. 13. nn?:', n'<2f, nao; is. jVyi; la. h>hi (note.
general formation of nouns that is impure, and therefore with Kamets impure).

I.That Kamets is impure, and therefore immu- 2. Of the form 7it3p there occurs also an example
table, in the form ^tSp is sufficiently evident from a
, which changes Hholem, viz. IISV (a small bird, spar-

comparison with the Arab. ^^^P, and also from row), pi. DnsV Le. 14. 4, 49 ; Ec. 9. 12; Is. 31. 5.
many examples where it remains unchanged in the Here, however, the plural appears to be derived from
declension, e. g. '^??3n Am. 9. 10, comp. D.?^'!!?^^ their a sing. fern. niSV, Hholem of which is pure, comp.
husbandmen. Is. 61. 5. The punctuators, however, lltD,-^, fem. nibp with suff. ^Plltpp (§ 39. No. 4 d), as

have sometimes from neglect shortened this Kamets. in "T^JV, comp. rem. 1.

E. g. niiD^X \i1 Judge of the widows, Ps. 68. 6, K^"jn

smiih, constr. state ^in Ex. 28. 11 Is. 44. 12, 13, ; 3. x^s regards the forms of No. 15 (of § 26), we
Kn3, constr, state ^1^ Eze. 26. 10. Moreover, might reasonably expect the Kamets to be impure
1X-1V (which even in the Hebrew is written Jull), m in 13"!i^, in?.^, since in the Arabic they assume
pi. constr. ^"!1X?V. This plural, however, must doubt- the form like l*^?")!^. The punctuators, how-
less be derived from a feminine HIXI V with the pi. , ever, have seldom attended to it, and have
termination D^t (comp. ri?'3'^
pi. W72^'), according usually shortened that Kamets. E. g. jl^tj constr. ,

to the 4th declension of the feminines. n?^ destruction. Est. 8. 6; \rhf Nu. 4. 7; \T}'i>

* Immutable vowels are: 1. Those in which their homogeneous

" vowel is quiescent, as X—; '— ; 1, -1, e.g.
" C^X"I, ?3'n,
» T ••
T T •

TpS, ?lp, 7-13T. These are sometimes written defectively, which, however, is not an essential shortening.
2. Those which must originally have been written in full, but from which the vowel letter has been omitted ; hence called
impure {vocalis impurce). E. g. ^~\ for K'XI, HK'Q for n^K'D, viu'p for ni?ip, P3T for >13t. Whether a vowel is thus made
impure, can be known only from etymology, flexion, and comparison of the kindred dialects. The cases are noticed in the
grammars and lexicons.
3. A short vowel in a sharpened syllable followed by Dagesh forte, as 335, "1135 ; also a short vowel in a compound syllable,

when another such syllable immediately follows, e. g. niD^P, |V3X, Vp^ip, 13ip.
4. Vowels after which a Dagesh forte has been omitted on account of a guttural. E. g. K'ln for JJ'in, D^HX for D^RX,

;; ;


Le. 2. 1 ; Dn'331i? Le. 7. 38 (but where several MSB. copies); d)Zf, pi. D'piSf Eze. 23. 10; jiopO, pi
have Q0'i??ii5)- D^i'^Otp!?, but constr. *3^pD Is. 45. 3, comp. § 32.
rem. 5.
4. Among the indeclinables here, there are yet a
few with i in the final syllable, which they change 5. Several forms which belong here will be
to ' before suffixes and in the plural. E. g. "rtDniD noticed also among the exceptions of the following
ivant, pi. ^'•"^IDnp Pr. 24. 34 (according to some declension.


1. To this declension belong all nouns which have a pure (a) In the constr. state and before the grave suffixes of the
changeable Kamets in their final syllable, and are either mono- singular ,^^ is changed into , ,;
syllabic or have their preceding vowels immutable. E. g. (6) This is altogether dropped in the constr. state, and
1* hand, pSTI palace, 7D*0 little water, "IViX treasure, ID-ID before the grave svffixes in the plural.
cliastisement, HD^D custody, &c., comp. § 26. Nos. 14, 20 ;

§ 27. III. 14, 27. Here belong also the plurals, D"'CJ'3 women, 3. There are nouns which resemble in form the above ex-
D*P* dai/s, the particle ?V above, constr. state ?J? upon, pi. amples, but which have an impure Kamets in their final syl-
constr. %, with suif. vhv, DS^Sy. lable, and therefore do not belong to this declension, comp.
§ 30. No. 4. Other exceptions are contained in the following
2. The vowel-change consists simply in this, that remarks.

1. Certain nouns of the form ^^i?^ have Kamets 3. With T becomes D5T (for DD"?:,)
the suffix 03,
impure in their final syllable, especially derivatives Ge. 9. 2 ;
becomes D^?"^ Gre. 9. 5 (because the
from the irregular verbs. E. g. Dnnay.D their forms (...) and (. .) are shorter than (. . , comp.
works. Job 34. 25 ;
D"3.9 ''V^P plantings of a vine- 1^?>< for '^^?t? nb for np). An instance of regular

yard, Mi. 1. 6 ; *??? ''^')''''^

possessions of my heart. formation before 03 ' though terminating with N
Job 17. 11, Ob. 17; WV^ jfip
comp.' DWniO (comp. rem. W2^^yt2fear of you. Is. 8. 13.
1), is

gift of a man, Pr. 18. 18. This is especially The form like D'Npt33, D^K^nJ is doubtless the
*he case in the derivatives from verbs ^5'/ (where plural of a Niph. part, with (.., in the final syllable,
'- seems to have some hold upon the vowel from K993 , K2ri3 comp. § 23. rem. 6.

Kamets), as '^"JPP assemblies, Le. 23. 2, 4, 37

^SyiO goings out,' Ps. 65. 9; Cn^S^io Nu. 33. 2, 4. For HD^D with suff. inp^p, pi. WryQlD see be-
and so ^Kf^V shoots. Is. 48. 19. Comp. Is. 61. 9; low § 37. rem. 7.
Job 21. 8."
Kamets is, moreover, immutable in SB'in inhabi- 5. The few words with Pattahh in the ultimate,
tant, whence ""^^iJ^ 1 Ki. 17. 1, to which there is a preceded by an immutable syllable (comp. § 30. No. 2.
corresponding form in the Arabic ^N^pri. note), follow the analogy of this declension in their
inflexion, as far as regards the suffixes and the plural.
In the word ^\ Kamets has been retained even
2. They are, Vt'^^fnger, with suff". iV^VS, pi. niyavx

before Makkeph, e. g. always np^iri'DJ salt-sea V2r%four, pi! ^'VV^^ forty ; n^dualDH.B' breasts;
QJ sea Chinereth, i. e. Genesareth ; except in the ^513 helmet, pi, CV^IS. The latter noun is written
combination I'lD'Dl sea of reeds. (Notwithstanding with the tone on the ultimate, y,?12, in Eze. 27. 10 ;

the constancy of this punctuation, no ground can be but y?13 in 1 Sa. 17. 5; Is. 59. 17, according to
assigned for the difference.) There are, moreover, which it is a Segolate form written, by way of excep-
found in the constr. st. the forms D^IS porch, portico, tion, with a full Hholem. The first form, however,
Eze. 40. 7 ; D|nS word. Est. 1. 20, without changing is favoured by the fact that ^ is retained in the plural,
Kamets. which is inconsistent with the Segolate forms.
; ;



1. This declension embraces Jiil nouns which have an im- 2. The vowel-change here consists in this, that Kamets (or
mutable vowel in the final syllable, and mutable Kamets or Tseri) of the penultima is dropped in all the forms, except the
Tseii in the penultima, as ^^'?3, or some other syllables may absol. state of the singular. In the forms like Jl v3, piST,

precede, as jV?3. Of the derivatives from the regular verb Dagesh of the middle radical is likewise dropped, and the first
(§ 26) belong' here those of No. 3. C^'ilj^ holy, h)li great two syllables are combined into one, as jIvS), pi3T. An-
No. 5. D-"1^*I^ mighty, l^pQ officer; No. 13. fuyi famine, other combination of the letters is effected in |inS, with
jmj^ (for liH^) pledge, jllST remembrance. Of the deriva- suflF.ijinS, with guttural pni^l, constr. fnyi (for [njf"!).

tives from the irregular verbs (§ 27), from N"3, as "lUX

girdle, J-10S faithfulness; from V'l/ No. 14. DIpD place; 3. Here also are to be distinguished nouns which resemble
No. 27. Tpn continuance ; moreover, the participles of Hiphil, the above forms, but which have impure Kamets, and as such
as D''i3D, 1T», yhD. From il'!? No. 15. flDn multitude, do not belong here, as 11^3 (for n*"']3) fugitive, ^iiy (for

)V?| roll. The primitives and denominatives follow the same }>ny) tyrant, piPl (for Y''-'^D) diligent (according to § 26.
analogy. No.7),
and the derivatives of n"? of the form nVi,• n-ltn,' the
Kamets of which is likewise impure.

1. Of the forms VuSi^, b-IDj? , ^^Pi5 (§ 26. Nos. 3 & 4) state, as vJ'V? D-UN Is. 1. 3; D.^VP pOX Pr. 7. 16;
there are some few words in which Kamets is im- *!? niSK 1 Sa. 2. 18 ; but, in the plural, where the
pure. E. g. ^'^t charioteer, pi. Q'^'^^ Ex. 14. 7, shorter ^..j is to b<; introduced, the Syriacism is no

with suff. 'M^^'hf, V^'b^ 2 Ki. 15. 25; Ex. 15. 4 ; longer employed ; hence D^pl^N cribs. Job 39. 9
VJ\2f week, pi. D'V^?', W^K' Da. 9. 24, 25, with suff. Dn•1D^? bands, Ju.l5.l4; alson'':m^Jaithful,Fa.3l.24*
DD^niyaB' Nu. 28. 26 (though also TV\V2^ Je. 5. 24
Eze. 45. 21), and in the Gentilic nouns ^^^l, ''T?? 5. In several nouns of the form i^ipp, especially

Nu. 26. 12, 29 comp. 2 Sa. 20. 26, instead of which

such as are derived from verbs I'V, Hs changed to
we would expect '?''P% ''T?P.
' in the shortening, E. g. nup rest, pi. D^mjp;
d)i^Jlight, with suff. *PUP; I'lyp habitation, pi. D^3-iyp;
2. With regard to some words with middle gut- lijp/ear, pi. DniJO ; "ll^ib, with suff. "Tl-IVp, as there
tural, the punctuators seem to have disagreed among exists no ground-form with Kibbuts for any of these
themselves, as to whether they belong to the form forms. This is moreover the case in the adj. piriD
"^^Pj^ or ^'Pi^, i. e. whether Kamets is to be changed of which the pi. is D''p-ina (comp. § 39. No. 3. r. 1).
or not. Hence inconsistencies like the following
n'<n'''\2 fugitives. Is. 43. 14 (from 0^2) ; but, on the 6. Among the derivatives from 1'y there are a few
contrary, H^n^l? Is. 15. 5 ; D^ID eunuch, constr. state of the form 11V7 (from P?) in which Kamets is short-
Dnp Go. 37. 36, pi. D^P^lp 2 Ki. 9. 32, constr. state ened, contrary to analogy (comp. § 30. Nos. 2 & 3),
'pnp Est. 2. 21, and ^pnp Ge. 40. 7, with suff. VOnp as inj arrogance, constr. P"!! Ob. 3, with suff. '^I^nT

Ge. 40. 2 ; Tl? violent, constr. state V'"5? Is. 35. 9, 1 Sa. 17. 28 ; ]}^yjoi/, constr. I'W Ps. 51. 14, from
but pi. D^V'IB Je. 7. 11 ; 'Tm Da. 11. 14, T'\ or "t-IT and t^-IEJ' . The vowel-change here gives
them the character of derivatives from (as it were)
3. Some nouns of the form JT13T , when shortened,
take Segol instead of Hhirek. Thus, fVTn vision,

constr. state iV!nJob33. 15, pi. ni:vm Job 4. 13 ;

pby 7. In some few instances Hholem of the form
tenth deal (dry measure), pi. D*?"1*^V. Ex. 29. 40 ; Le. ''it^i^ No. 3) is treated as a. pure vowel, and is
(§ 26.
14. 10. This is doubtless the effect of the first shortened to Kamets-hhatuph, as n.pN'K'p^ these three,
letterwhich is a guttural (§ 35. rem. 6), though li^-^'J? Ex. 21. 11 ;
-^74 Ps. 145. 8; Na. 1.3 Keri; ~inD Job
has the constr. state fnyy and jbK'n the pi. niJUf n. , 1 7.9 Pr. 22, 1 1 Keri. Still more striking is the kind

of shortening in Q??PD Eze. 5. 7, for M^bn your noise.

4. In the forms like liTK, D12S where, on account Comp. also "1P?I? Ex. 30. 23, from P03p cinnamon.
of K, Tseri stands, by Syriacism, for (...;) (comp. § 19.
r. 6), it is retained also in the constr. state, because 8. pip contention, (from j^l or pi) has the pi.
the uame cause continues to exist here as in the abs. '

°^5nP with moveable Vav, comp. § 35. rem. 13.

• Como § 13. rem. 2, note : also rem. 7 and *» 5**
; ;. ,



1. This declension embraces nouns of two syllables, either (6) in the constr. st. sing., and before the sufBx D?
with Kamets pure in both, or Tseri pure in the first and (t) of the final syllable is changed to {-)
(c) in the plural, Kamets is altogether dropped in the
Kamets in the second. Here belong only the derivatives from
constr. St. and before the grave suffixes, and the two
the regular verb (§ 26. Nos. 1 & 2), as QHT gold, 33T tail,
Shevas, now coming to stand under the first two
"ISB' strong drink, and with gutturals, DK'X guilt, 2V1 famine, combined
radicals (3"^), are in one syllable by Hhirek,
]}2'C^ satiety, IJ/B' hair, 22V[ duster of grapes. with a guttural by Pattahh, hence nn"1, 'ODH, "•lyg'.
E.g. "lay dust, pi. constr. nhQj; 13j; afflicted,' pL
constr. MJy, &c.
'i. The vowel-change in this declension consists in this, that

(a) Kamets or Tseri of the first syllable is always 3. For some exceptions *^ like K'ln
smith,' K'lB horseman, see
TT '

dropped, except in the ground-form § 30. No. 4, also rem. 1.

1. In the pi. constr. there is Pattahh found under the constr. st. the (.^, in which &* is quiescent, as S^sy
the first radical, even where there is no guttural, host, constr. N?y ; N^V thirst, constr. KDy
e. g. ^33 tvinff, du. constr. ''3?? ; 33T tail, pi. constr.
nnpT; vh^ rib, pi. constr. nSv^'i. On the contrary, 3. For a few nouns of this class (?^fj and ^pp.), the
Hhirek is found also under guttural instead oi Pattahh, Segolate form is used in the constr. st.and hefore
as '^m from PPJ? '??V grapes, De.
deep, Is. 33. 19, ;
suffixes (comp. dec. 5). E. g. IK^J? smoke, constr. \^*V.

32. 32 (with euphonic Dagesh for ^??V) ^?.tO strong, ;

and ]fV.; ^IXU branch, with suff. DJS^J? Eze. 36. 8;

Kze. 2. 4; 3.7, from pm.

Vh-i rib, constr. V^V and V^V (Milel),' with suff. ^V^V.
The case is reversed in "i^n chamber, with suff.
2. This class of nouns derived from *<'? retain in i"l7ri, but constr. "nn (as if from "110).


2. This declension embraces nouns of two syllables, which expected in the constr. st., occurs but very seldom (see,
have Tseri pure in the final, and Kamets in the preceding however, |37 white, Ge. 49. 12; ?2^ mourning, Ps. 3.5. 14),
syllable, hence chiefly derivations of the' regular verb only of and instead of it the forms like either that of jpT or 5103 are
No. 2 (§ 26). The two forms exhibited in the paradigm differ used. According to the latter form are inflected, Till constr. ,

only with respect to the first radical when a guttural. T7_5 ivall ; Tjl^ constr. TJ^^^ hip ; ?_T5, constr. 7T3 robbery, any
thing taken by violence; '^^, constr. ^"IjSt long; to the first

2. This declension is vei7 similar to the preceding, as regards belong TrC, constr. 10* peg, pin ; Tip, constr. "I^p short, &c.
the vowel-change, and is properly a mere variation of the same. Both forms appear in T33 heavy, constr. 13? Ex. 4. 10, and
in this the Tseri of the final syllable is treated like final Kamets *733 Is. 1.4; p")}! uncircumcised, constr. 7iy_ Ex. 6. 12,30
in the foregoing, except that the form ?Dp, which might be and bny Eze. 44. 9.

1. The nouns of this form derived from N"? retain delighting, *VBq Ps. 40. 15 ; 70. 3.
Tseri in the constr. st., e g. X*??, ^«.^0 ; «pt3, S<Dtp ;

(§ 33. rem. 2); this,

^'?' however, not confined
*^X» is 3. 73*^ (grassy placeJ remains entirely unchanged
to forms with N merely, comp. |V mire, constr. ])!'. in the pr. names D^tSK'n ^3X Ju. 7. 22, nVinD b3N
Ps. 6y. 3 apy hesl, constr. npy Ge. 25. 26
Hsj ; 11. 33, &c.; comp. also D^OK'^^ t|ri3 Is. 11. 14.'

pujing out, constr. HD* Ps. 27. 12; finally, ^W^^ve,

constr. K'pq. 4. Hhirek under the first radical when a guttural,
like '3pJ^ in paradigm c, is a mere exception ; it occurs
2. Some nouns retain Tseri in the pi. constr. st., in Ca. and with euphonic Dagesh, ^3py Ge.49. 17;
1. 8,

e. g. t^^ sleeping, constr. ''J\^] Da. 12. 2 ; 7i?^5 mourning, Ju. 5. 22; for the like Dagesh, comp. DSn-^y Is. 58. 3,
\b^? Is. 61. 3 ; W'^ jogfuOnrDf Ps. 35. 26 (but also from 3X;y, (This, however, may be derived from
VW Is. 24. 7) ; ^'^if forgetful', 'n^f Pg. 9. 18 ; r?n 3VV. in the sense of labour.')
— — ; . ;



1. This declension embraces the large class of nouns de- the exception of niJD P^n, in which 1 and * become
nominated Segolate forms, i. e. those dissyllabic nouns which quiescent.
have the tone and characteristic vowels in the first, and an
(6) Before the suffixes the original monosyllabic form is
auxiliary Segol (with guttural Pattahh) in the second syllable.
introduced, which they have in the Arabic ("ilpD,
The characteristic vowel may be either A, E, or O ; hence the
"IDD or "IBD, ^l]^). hence "S^D, nSD, &c. This
following forms :

is likewise the case in the constr. st. of the plural

(a) From the regular verb, like "^712 for "^70, ISD, K^lf? and dual.
(b) with gutturals, like "V.}, H^p., h}lB; (c) from the verb V'V,
like n)J2, hin, or IIK^ for "11^ (§ 27. IV) ; {<!) from verbs (c) The plural is not formed immediately from the

H"^, like nX, ^n^, ^^n (§ 27. V). They are closely related Segolate form of the singular, but from the kindred

to the forms like l^if.'Ql^^, hb\) (§ 26. No. 10), which in form "^/"P, "ISp, K^np or K'lp , which they have in

the Aramaean occupy the place of the Hebrew Segolates. the Aramaean, hence b''3/'P, D''"1Sp, so that Pattahh,
which in this case would stand in an open syllable,
2. The peculiarity in their inflexion is as follows :
is changed into Kamets, like HK^ dual D)!^ (§ 31,
(a) In the constr. st. the form remains unchanged, with rem. 5).

I. On the fokm ^^^ (& 'V,'^). the ground-form being ?^P. not ''Pi?. , are the fol-
lowing *133 garment, 1^3 belly, "^^3 knee, J?T3 stem,
1. form of two Segols, like "y^ the
In the ,

first generally stands for Pattahh C^?'?), and this ^^}. rain, E5'^5 something pounded, ''.J^
banner, \^'%

again for the monosyllabic 'n?P The latter form is .

fat, n2T sacrifice, H^p slaughter, "10.^. string, ^5?^

the Arabic, which the Arabian usually pronounces C07ifinem,ent, ^\>2 doctrine, JnD bridle, V}). stroke, pT;

melk, and the vulgar even mel'k. The Hebrew language ring, V^). planting, "1^3 eagle, '^). twilight, "^5? carcase,

exhibits this original form in the word ^^5 a valley, '=l?f district, >'pQ image, \>1^. righteousness, HD^ sprout,

and the proper name "^"!>i! Ge. 46. 21 Nu. 26. 40. 3"?.ii?. midst, "l^P. conspiracy, ^DT chariot, IpT bridle,

The Greek translators of the Old Testament have also ^^V?: flcifne,
"Ip,^ falsehood, ^^^ sun. In others this
.sometimes expressed this form in the same way, e. g. characteristic of the word becomes apparent in its

?1.^ Aqu. & Symm. icapv Job 42. 14; bnn aps Is. 17. 9.
change to the feminine, e. g. y?,.| fem. "^J^?! hill.

With Segol in the first syllable are inflected 1?n

2. In a few words only the original a, as (.j & life-time, 333 (with '"I parag. i^??,?.) south, 1.33 before,
appears already in the ground-form, viz., (a) in the ''vir progeny.
nouns which have a guttural for their second radical,
as ^y;, -lya, hv.l; ib) in the derivatives from 1"]?, as 4. Sometimes both forms (like ""SpP and ^1^1?) are
^^9 1 ''''P ; ip) iri the contracted forms like Pl^? from found with one ground-form like -'i^i^. , e. g. 1?^. child,

«1.3« wrath, ^'^ from n3| ; (d) in the word Hf??, but hence ^i}\ Is. 57. 4, and 'i}l Ho.l". 2 (fern.' n-^^!)
only with the article (for ^1.??) 5 (^) in pause, as "Tin chamber, with sufl". "'"lin, but with H parag. iT^'^n,
"^Q-, I^"!?, and with paragogic n, nyiS to the ground. pi. constr ^IID; 73n vanity, with sufl". Y?i!7, but
pi. constr. v-pn ?3n band, pi. v?n, but with pref, 2

There is, however, a considerable number of

3. always ''!??n3 Is. 5. 18; Job 36. 8. So likewise in
nouns of this form, in which, seemingly, the first the change to the feminine, as SJ'^I lamb, fem. HK'a?
Segol does not stand for Pattahh or Kamets, but for and nb33
Tsert, as Trh, for Trh,, n^np for n^pp. These,
though similar to the preceding in the ground-form, 5. When the third radical is a guttural, the point-
are nevertheless inflected like the form ">Sp (to which ing is like that of VIT. seed, nns door, y?p rock, npS
they originally belong) with Hhirek, seldom Segol, in passover, when the second is a guttural, like that of
the first syllable. An example of this kind is pre- ly^ (parad. d). The cases, however, are but rare
sented in the paradigm "i^ij^.. where the punctuation is not aflfected by the guttural,
Nouns inflected in this manner with Ilhirek, e. g. DHT" bread Pn^ (but also PD^) wrnnb. In the
;; —
word '7\5V?? her merchants, Is. 23. 8, from jP?? , the without the influence of a guttural, as ^^^S -^^
Slieva coming, in the plural, to stand under 3 is 13. 14, from 3tpi^ destruction; the usual form, how-
combined into one syllable with the Sheva under 3 ever, is like ^^'I.I^, l^?^*]l^. (The same form ia

(for C'.5V?|)- Vm stands for '}V.p^ Canaanite, which found under the infinitive, § 16. rem. 7 — 9.)
latter is a merchant in general.
used for
Nouns "ly,? are often found with simple
of the form 9. The plural Avith Hhateph-Kamets under the
Sheva, in those combinations where the latter exhibits first letter is found (besides
Q''?^7i?: of the parad.)

a composite Sheva, as ""IV! for ny.! from "i^! wood, only in ^''P'^n months, from ^IJ}, and ninnx ways,

forest (comp. § 13. rem. 5).

from nix, but everywhere else with simple Sheva
(like in the plural of "q^^, "iQp) as IR^, Dn,^? ;

II. On the fokm "iBp (& riV3). mornings; p.5, niJ^a threshing-floors ; ^?9' ^"'??P
6. The nouns of the form IS? (seldom m the
thickets; rO|?i Q'V^i? handfuls; h)}^ , U'h^f hollow
hands; "IQ3, D''")Q| cyprus flowers; np'"l, D"'noi spears;
monosyllabic form like "^"13, ^PD) are all inflected
CJn"), ^V^"] genista ; ?y'S, DvJ^? actions; and so pro-
according to the paradigm, e. g. inp covering, t22K'
rod, vow ; those, however, with the first radical
bably Cl^? idol-priests, from an obsolete "1^3*.
guttural, take nearly all of them Segol instead of
Kamets-Hhatuph (instead of Hhateph-Kamets)
Hhirek in the first syllable, as 15,^ pinion, with suff".
under the first radical occurs in D"'B'"1^ (shorashim)
h^N, 3^n/a^, \hr\ part, r?.D delight, Dnp net, 1?^ and Q^?^"7i7, (so usually with the article, but without
country on the other side, help,
it, D"'^li?., according to the paradigm).
/.JJi? calf, "^1)^.. flock, "l.tS?.

valuation. There are, however, some few with The noun ?n'S (tent) has by Syriacism pi. Qvp^

guttural which retain Hliireh, as li^n searching, \>f^V.. for n^i'n^^, Avhence v^n'x, ^>^n'K for v^n>?, ^^bnx, but
valley, pi. constr. *l!}I?n , *i?.py . The noun 1?^^.! salvation again, 'hr\^, °?\'?C1'$; '^^'^ also makes vrinnx'/DnhnK.

has both forms, 2 Sa. 22. 36, and ^yf^ Ps. 85. 8.
m?\ IQS thumb, has for its plural fliynil, so that, in-

N^D sin, has in the pi. constr. %'^^^ 2 Ki. 10. 29 stead of ''9P , the parallel form 7^\> is used.
Am. 9. 10, with sufF. D?'i?9q Is. 1. 18, where (^j is
retained on account of i* (comp. § 30. rem. 1).
IV. On the Forms ^tpp, h\^p. , ^Dp.

10. The Chaldee has, instead of the forms "=I?P,

7. Some few Segolates of the forms V"}}., ny3, have "l^P, the corresponding forms "^PP, "H^P, 'n?.P, with
their constr. state like VIT Nu. 11. 7, as V7^ seven, the vowel between the last two radicals. Examples
and yK*JR nine, constr. 3/?^ and V^T^, so likewise in of this kind are found also in the Hebrew, which
the proper name •liVVK'J (for -in J VK'*) salvation of the agree with the Segolates in the inflexion they are, :

Lord. The same analogy follows I^H chamber, in however, of too rare occurrence for a paradigm and
the constr. state IID. general rule to be given for them. They are :

^?'^ honey, Avith suff". V'^^. ;

I?! i. q. 131 man ; D3K'
III. On the Form K'np (& ^ys). shoulder, in pause D^K' Ps. 21. 13, with suff". ''PPK',
8. The form E>>'l'p takes sometimes Kibbuts in the with n parag. n03K' (fo Shechem) Ho. 6. 9 ; "IN?
inflexion before suffix, as ^^D thicket, i3?D Is. 4. 7, cistern, pi. ni"1X| , constr. ^'I^?! ; *1?<? head-dress, pi.
Ps. 150. 2 (alsoi^ia), X^P, handful. CI*??, constr. '''?^p (also, on the contrary, ^^y^B
^J.5 greatness,''h'^\
Eze. 24. 23) ; ^?q ran%, Eze. 1.2; 12. 8 K^N3 i7^1 ;

Those with the middle letter guttural like ^ys sot;o2<r, with suff". Wn| Joel 2. 20.
take sometimes, though not often, simple Sheva Here belong also the inflnitives of Kal of the form
under the guttural, as it^i^l his stink, Joel ii. 20 ''Pi?, '"'^17,
for the inflexion of which see § 16. rem.
ISHT his breadth, Ex. 25. 10. In some instances the 7—10.
vowels tt; are put instead of -;r^, as i?y.3 for i^'ys For I^K' quails, pi. D"')?^, see below, rem. 16.
his work. Is. 1. 31 ; '">^'Pl his visage. Is. 52. 14, for
nsn 1 Sa. 28. 14.
V. On the Forms riip, n''T.

With the suffix "'I the form becomes ^f^3 Is. 45. 9 ; 11. Of the form flJD are the following nouns : —
Hab. 3. 2, l^gg {thy tent), Ps. 61. 5, and even so |.)N adversity, with suff". 'JIN, pi. D^i'lN ; "niP) mt<^s<.

* Hence it is, that some have in the pi. constr. the form ''^Ip instead of '?J'*7i^, viz. "^30, pi. D'*33D, '330; Dp\^, pi
constr. nini?K*, so that there is no necessity to suppose other ground-forms, like "JJ^D, T\\^-
., , :;


and the monosyllabic Examples in which the first radical is a guttural

constr. ^ij^, with suff. ^?in ;

NIK* nothingjiess. The only instance without the "•^n necklace ;'ly ornament, with suff. iny ; vy. pes-

contraction is "^jy, constr. ^.IV., with suiF. i'?]y Eze. tle; with the middle guttural, ''^ jaw -bone, vi\^ suff.
18. 26; 33. 13. The plurals D^niD, D>31S (not D^nip, ''\'rh Job 40. 26; ^'jj?. La. 1. 2.

Q'?5?>which one would naturally expect here comp.

, ;

15. Examples of the plural, according to the para-

W:h^ nnao) are the only instances which occur of
the digm n« lion, pi. 0^:1^?, n^nx^ n|l hid, pi. D^n|
this form, which properly is a contraction of

^nV gazelle, pi. DV?V 2 Sa. 2. 18; 'ns simple, pi.

shortened form D^niO, D>31^? (rem. 16).
D^^nS . On account, however, of the preceding cha-
12. Of the form T\)\ are, "j!,^ ram, 7.7 night, ^.7 racteristic Kamets, the third radical ' is often changed
''— before
hunting. few others have *t instead of into K. Hence "hn, pi. D"'5<^n necklaces; *?'?, p].

suffix, e.g. -^'yifoal, nVy Ge.49.11; n^^ thorns, D'*KIlp, nixilp lions, lionesses ; and'^V, ^D^ take, besides

Is. 10. 17 ; ^.".^ night, pi. nib^^, but derivative T\'h'h the form exhibited in the paradigm, also that of D^fr^^V '

The plural generally contracted, as in the para-

is 1 Ch. 12. 8, and niS3V Ca. 2. 7, Q*«ri$ Pr. 1. 4.*

digm. There are, however, some instances with The dual f^.^IiPf, as given in the paradigm, cor-

moveaUe Yod in the plural, as nh^n forces, ni3;y responds to the form of the plural, though the greater
fountains (from T.y, but dual ^IVV), ^'HV, foals. Here shortening, as DJin? ^.''..Q? would have been expected
, .

belongs also i<U, pi- ^'^^l) Khethib (see under the here.
irreg. nouns, § 45). Compare the following remark. The interchange of ' and ** is doubtless the reason
why Kamets remains immutable in V."}^ Ge. 27. 9, 16,
been noticed, § 27. No. 11, of
13. It has already and 28 (instead of V.ll V.n^) they resem-
V.n^ Is. 30. ,

the verbs ry, that nouns of the form Vlp, >"lp,J'P ble the form ^^^^. (see rem. 6). For the form DD*D?
may likewise be originally Segolate forms, for ?Jp your cheeks. Ho. 11. 4, an abs. D^H? must be sup-
^.JP.. As such they are inflected, at least in the plural, posed, like Y? D Y? (see irreg. nouns, § 45).

hke the Segolates, so that ^ and ^ may again become

moveable. E. g. "I'ltT, pi. oni^ oxen ;
nin thorn, pi.
VII. In General.
cmn 2 Ch. 33. 11, and D'mq" 1 Sa. 13. 6 ;
nn, pi.
16. Some few plurals of this class deviate from
U'l^r^ pots; PIK', pi. D^PJ?' streets.
the general formation in this, that in the abs. state
and before light suffixes the greater shortening is
VI. On the Forms ''"la, ''%,.
introduced, which otherwise is used only in the
14. For the origin of this form see § 27. No. 11, constr. state. Such are, Dn^y twenty (not D''1*^y.,
of the verbs H"^, Nouns of this form may also be from "l^'J{. ten) D^y^K* seventy (from V^^ seven) ;

properly divided into three classes, likewise distin- WV^T\ ninety (from V^7\ nine) C^P? pistacia-nuts ;

guished by the sounds A, E, and 0, e. g. ^S?., ^O?,

(comp. the Arab. 0tp3) ; D^B'^P^S concubines (from
*^n, in pause 'Q? C^n). '^^ ^^'ith sufF. 'n»?, *:nb,
nS, E^'J^B); nM."?b quails (from iV^.l^f ); "iiy^ his buckets,
'^Vn, in the plural and dual D^l^:' °-rC(', °'.VC1. Nu. 24. 7 (from 'h% for V^?j ^n;ps<, VnipN, -in-ltyN

Those of the second class have almost always Hhirek thine, his happiness (i. e. happiness to thee, him) ;

before suffixes which begin with a vowel, and Segol V3S3K hv at a suitable season, Pr. 25. 11 ; CPpt?' syca-
before ^ ; e. g. n?, i'l? Le. 19. 23 ; Ps. 1. 3 ; flHS more trees, Q*??"!!) ebony. The singulars "l^^, \^^,
Ho. 14. 9 ^3'^ captivity, V?B' De. 21. 10 ^J^C' ju.
; ;
Oi?^,t 1?"^ are merely supposed forms, and do not
5. 12; 'IP rebellion, D^P Ne. 9. 17; ^p» De.'si. 27, really occur.
and so "1 De. 23. 25 1^^^ My quiver, Ge.
v.3 ;7iy vessel, ;

27. 3. Before the suffixes D? I? DH |n the ground- , , , , 17. In the pi. constr. a euphonic Dagesh is often
form usually remains unchanged, as Q'!}"'!? Am. 9. 14; inserted in the letter which has Sheva, e. g. (a) of
'[^"^^ Je. 29. 28; 03*3^ Nu. 31. 19 (otherwise Ons the form U^p there is '\?^>n for 'P.^D ; (b) of the form
tns.' D^K'), comp. however D^ni Eze. 36. 8. iSp there 'are nn'fV, *W ;
(c) of the form ^'i^>,

• In a similar manner may be accounted for the plurals D"'{<"in mandrakes, mX>1/' winding stairs, viz. probably from lost
singulars 'in, Aramaean adjective termination '— hence 'll^ signifies properly pertaining to lore, from
'Vl?, with the ,

l-'\*1=*li''l loiie. The plural which was to have been D'H-H is become D'X'II'T, similar to the Chaldce 'P*lp, emph. HXDlp
t In the Mishna (tract. Kilaim. No 8, ed. Surenh.) is found the sing. nDpC


v3D, also in which Dagesh is omitted and
r\)r\\)^ 18. The paragogic H effects no further change in th«
compensated by composite Sheva under the following form of these words than that the auxiliary Segol be-
letter, comp. nh;3 and rih|3, -in^f^^NJill and -invWril, comes Sheva. Hence Vl^., n^nx (rem. 2); DID and
'?})l for ';}V; comp. also nilDX, B'bpn, pn^^, which Oil"?., '"I'?1i;?. tou-ards the east; ^nV?, n^^^« into the tent;
forms are to be regarded as if they had euphonic H-^ 5 "^^li to the threshing-floor, ]^i. 4. 2 nn^p death,
; ^h
Dagesh in syllaba brevi (Lehrg. § 15. 4, lit. c). night, from njO, 7*2. D3^' becomes HOpK' (rem. 10).


1. To nouns which have Tseri pure
this declension belong (a) Most of the words of this class do not change at
in their final and are either monosyllabic or have
syllable, all in the constr. state of the singular, e. g. DK',
their preceding vowels immutable. It accordingly embraces 3."''X, in others Tseri is changed into Pattahh, e. g.
participles in Kal (§ 26. No. 4) ; those in Piel and Hithpael, n3Tp, narp.
and other words of a similar form, e. g. jHS priest, yy^ {b) In all the forms, other than the ground-form of the
raven (also the Chaldee THK' witness. Job 16. 19); to which
singular, the vowel of the final syllable is entirely
must be added of the verbal nouns from the regular verb
lost, except the monosyllabic words which retain
(§ 26) No. 9. bj2ii>; No. 14. the forms nSpp, t^tDpO;
Tseri in the plural abs. e. g. n'lDCJ'.
No. 25. /t3i2 ; and the primitives of the like forms, as XDS
throne, b\?JO staff, or pluriliterals, as Nouns 'c) In the singular, where two Shevas would occur to-
J/'1."]QV /'""f-
gether before the suffixes '^, DD, jD, they are com-
derived from verbs ""'Q, as I^ID time; and those from verbs
n"?, as )3 son. The verbal nouns, however, of No. 19 do bined into one syllable by Hhirek, e. g. ^3'X.

not belong to this declension, e. g. /'rtpD, pi. QvllpD.

2. This declension is characterised by the following peculiarities For the numerous deviations see the remarks.

1. The words in which <..) is changed to (.) are, nouns take Segol, as D3p|P yoiw staff. Ex, 12. 11 ;

besides the one given in the paradigm, "^^'^p tenth, ^^.). thou art (as a particle belongs also to this declen-
ISDp lamentation, St.P staff (constr. ^WP Ge. 30. 37, sion) I35p'^ your fire. Is. 50. 1 1
; (with gutturals
and ''i'.P Je. 1. 11), and in participles of Kal and they take Pattahh, as ^?n« 2 Ch. 20. 7; "^^p Ex.
Piel of the verbs with guttural, e. g. VP^ Le. 11. 7, 23. 5) ; on the contrary, however, with Sheva is

and without guttural in HIXJ^ IZlV* of corrupt counsel, ^>^P? 2 16; Ps. 45. 7
Sa. 7. 89. 5; 93. 2 (for ;

De. 32. 28. 1^?ip?, comp. § 10. r. 7, not ^5<?3, from XE)3); others
It is, moreover, to be observed, that some nouns have immutable Tseri, as ^P?.3S thy girdle. Is. 22. 21.
of the form ^Pi^P have for their constr. state ^'tPipP Changes of (..) into (.,) occur only in the words |3
e. g. nJ^?'? hey, constr. HFIDD j l*31??j0^ace of lying down, constr. |3 son, six times, the form "QK' from Q??' T\yj. ;

constr. i*3"ip ;
"la'^O matrix, constr. "^^-I? ;
nT.-]!? cry, time, constr. ny,but also "ny Le. 15. 25 Hag. 1. 2. ;

constr. npD ; nn^g destruction, constr. nn'f » ;

stay, constr. \V,^'Q this last, however, may be re- 4. In the plural abs. all the monosyllabic words

which actually occurs. retain Tseri, e.g. fV. toood, pi. abs. Q^VV., constr. *VJ?.;
ferred to the ground -form iy?^*9
yn knowledge, pi. D''y'!l ; du. DjnT hand-mill. There
2. Some monosyllabic words retain Tseri in the sin- are, however, several plurisyllabic nouns which follow
gular before the light suffixes, e. g. IH back, ^15 Ls. 50. 6; the same analogy, e. g. Q"'K^?CJ', D''J?3"1 descendants of
^•111. Is. 38.
17; n ^l^ood, 'W, ^y« ; V.l knoicledge, the third, fourth generation ; mripitJ* desolations. Da.
^I??. Job 33. 6, 10 ; V^. companion, friend, also thought, 9. 26 and quadrilitexals, Q'sVpy bats, C")!?? blind-

Those monosylla- ness, Cpl"!? parks, CP.^PS! girdles. V'\ friend, D'VP
*J;t Ps. 139. 2 ; ^5?^ Le. 19. 18.
bic words are, of course, excepted which from the na- intestines, retain Tseri even before the grave suffixes ;

ture of their derivation have Tseri impure, e. g. the D3^yi Ps. 28. 3 Dn^«P Eze. 7. 19 (but also 'W).

participles ofV'J?, as HD dead,^^. straiigcr, ^^ God These examples are better regarded as so many irre-

(from "?•)«). gularities than ybrma dagessanda, according to which

VCl is to be supposed to stand for nyn, n^n ; D;yp for

3. Before the suffixes ^, 03 » l? some of these q:sp.

— ,


5. of these nouns is followed also in

The analogy 6. There are a few nouns ending with Hholem
several nouns which have Pattahh in the final sylla- pure, in which this vowel is dropped like Tseri in

ble, and are derived from verbs n"?, or, at least, this declension, as "^P"]!^ cronm of tlie head, with suff.
they assume a similar form, and are consequently of npii?; ^2f\^ cluster,^!, n'h'^f^-, "laV 5«-</, pi. constr.
the same origin as the form i? ^^ They are "I? , . ^TI^.V though the two last may be derived from a fern.

srni, with suff. n? Pr. 31. 2 (from n-)3=S"33) ;

jT, pi. n^^K'N, nn>V (according to § 30. rem. 2). In the
D^JT kind; D'HO men, from a lost singular HD, same manner the punctuators have inflected the ori-
Ethiopic riD (with the sixth vowel) man, husband. ginal plural niCIl heights, viz. Q''D^-? , ^D^j? (bamothim,
Here is to be noticed also other nouns with Pat- bamothai).
tahh, in which this vowel is substituted for Tseri on
account of a guttural, e. g. ^5311 (for I^?3n Niph. inf.), 7. '^^ is without vowel-cliange, prob. for 7?''Pl

with sufF. 'ly^in 2 Ch. 12. 12. from /"?*.


1. This declension embraces nouns which double the final which the geminate terminates the word,* e. g. DFl»
consonant whenever a sufFormative is added at the end, e. g. n"]. No. 10. |a, |n, \>r\, no.h. npn, tyo, jsD.and
"y sea, pi. D^D^ DX mother, pi. niQS.
; This reduplication the primitives which follow the same analogy, D* sea,
lies doubtless already in the character of the ground-form D* K'N fare, ia roof.

itself, only that, according to a rule of Hebrew orthography, (b) Many contracted forms in which i is assimilated in
no such reduplication is to be expressed at the end of the the final letter. E. g. f)N (for f\2Vi, 5]3N) wrath, with
word* suff. ^SX; n? (for n33) daughter, with suff. ^ri2 ;

nri (for nJFI) to give',' ''<m; nCX (fornjpX) truth,

2. According
D to the original
a form with Dagesh, the forms
">npX; •^n''(Arab. "IDH) palate,' '''in ; TJ? (Ar'ab. TW
mentioned above would have had short vowels (3*, EX, ?3), goat,' pi mV.
but having lost the sharpening, they are changed into long Derivatives from the regular verb 2G)
(c) (§ of the
vowels, D'', DSl, ?3.t When the sharpening is now again
following forms : No. 1. n^J? idol, pi. C^VV, ''3Vy.
introduced, by an accession at the end, the long vowel is again
|tpi^ small, fem. HSpp. No.'s. "p-nn nettle, pi. D''^~in;
shortened, viz., Kamets into Pattahh, Tseri into Hhirek, Hholem No^ na^ sabbath, with suff. ^R25^'. No.
6. 10. \t\
(and Shureh) into Kihbuts. Pattahh is either retained or time, n^? juice, 33t^K window -lattice, ''3P^'X dark-
attenuated to Hhirek. HOn^
ness. No. 14. "^tiTip darkness, loveliness, DJlb'p
In the conslr. st. of the singular, the vowel-change depends
height, \G€"Q 'fatness, flllEJ'P^ 'destruction, fOND
upon the general character of the form, e. g. DJ?, constr. Dy strength, &c. No. 20. jDiS wheel. No. 21. DHN red,
(according to the second declension), but on the contrary DN, pi. D''?p1X; np3 spotted, pi. D^'^pJ. No. 22. |3NB'
constr. D4< (according to the seventh declension).
quiet, pl."'D''33Xt?'. No. 34. p32, pi. D^Si^a summits.
If the word is of more than one syllable, the penultimate vowel as 3"lpy scorpion,
Finally, several quadriliterals, pi.
conforms to the principles which regulate the vowel-changes, ttnn magician, pi. D*»p")n |n: axe,
D^3"]i?y; ;

as }2iS pi. D''3Sii<, ^5^2 pi. D''^5b3, where the first syllable
with suff. ''3n^' Primitives of the forms mentioned
is immutable (according to the second declension), l)ut on the 7^3 camel,
are, JDK^ coney, 3"liD threshing instrument,
other hand ?^| pi. D^^S , constr. ''PlOil (according to the pi. wViya.
fourth declension).

4. Here also are to be noticed other derivatives from

3. This reduplication of the final radical is found, however, irregular verbs of the following forms : (a) like '•jy afflicted,
in nouns of the most heterogeneous forms ; and whether or pi. D^»3j;., for "i^^y (after the form "p^tpf?) ;
[b) ''X island,
not a noun is to be inflected according to the scheme men- pi. C^K; '•y heap', yA. D''*y, for M.^it. *iy. (the geminate Yod
tioned above, can seldom be known from the ground-form, properly stands for ''1) ; IJ^ cord, with suff. D-lf? (from Hip,
though its etymology will generally decide. Etymology refers lip, properly for 1p). Finally, several patronymic and gentilic
to this declension the following classes of nouns :
nouns terminating 'in V. as ''1/, pi. W^h ,
'•&'-13, pi. U^^mii
(a) All the derivatives of the verbs V"V (§ 27. II), in (on the contrary niH^. has the pi. D"'n'in* Jews).

* Comp. PlX anger for CIS, (aff) fl3S:, 1V?1 for "IV!'1 (y'tzavv) &c.

t Comp. -TJ-IS for 'Jl'n?, Tl"13 for ^^3, ^"izi for ^"^.3, ?3^. for 'pjV
X In others, where the geminate stands in the middle, as il'?3p, ppH, the reduplication has already been effected on account
of the terminations H— , |1.
; — .


1. Some nouns of the form DS take Pattahh before instances may be ascribed to a mere inconsistency of
the accession, as I? pedestal, with suff, 133 (from 5|) the punctuators. E. g. HS jjloughshare, whence
ny time, with suff. ^JJIJ?, but with H parag. nrij^ at this inx, D>ns 1 Sa. 13. 20, 21 (in several MSS. even
time, now. in>X, D^n^K), but also n>m is. 2. 4; Joel 4. 10;
Q'3nyp dainties, Je. 51. 34, and C)\31J^0 Pr. 29. 17;
2. The nouns of the form ^T] generally have
Ge. 49. 20, comp. nisnyp Job 38. 31 0^333 ho- ;

Makheph in the constr. st., and thence Kamets- nourable, Nu. 22. 15, with suff. Qrin.4l33 Ps. 149. 8,
hhatuph for their vowel, e. g. 73 all, "?3 3T mtillifude,
but also ^?3p3 Is. 23. 8, 9 Pr. 8. 24 ; n^'5333 Na.

"37; i^ strength, "Tj;.

3. 10; ^^'iS/x-Miyw^^yJe^t/ (also pr, name), with suff. 'l^P"!3
Before the suffixes which begin with a vowel,
2 Ki. 19. 23, but gentile noun '^P")? 1 Sa. 30. 5; 2 Sa.
Kamets-hhatuph occurs though but seldom, as also,
23. 35. Especially fluctuating in the inflexion is
^•rV Ex. 15. 2; Ps. 118. 14; but more frequently
^T in the patronymic and gentilic nouns, as '"Jin'., pi.
before the suffixes T, D3, J3, as ^W Ex. 15. 13; DH-inj andD'Hin*.
Ps. 21. 2 (also "IfV Ps. 63. 3), where, however,
In some cases the signification is affected by this
Kibhuts is not unfrequent, e. g. Q?f3. difference of inflexion, ^'''^ip.. Jobnaked (from Cl"i"iJ^),

Instead of Kibbuts, Shurek plene is sometimes

22. 6, and D^pnj;. wise. Job 5. 12 ; so also the par-
found, as -WIV Ps. 81. 2, comp. § 10. rem. 5.
riN, whence "'rilN me, and '^5< with me.

3. According to paradigm *T3 (lett. e) are in-

6. The noun *n living, life, from *in is inflected in the
flected, ^P threshold, pi. CQp; flQ morsel, pi. D^J^S;
same manner, e. g. pi. D''*.n, fem. n*ri, with this dif-
tS «jooi7, 7|?5 wheel, 31"!^ threshing instrument, T\UJ'ear;
ference, that it is contracted in the constr. state of
3pO c/iWn, with suff. i3pJp. D^ni» 1 Ch. 21. 23, is
the singular to ""D. So also *1 sufficient, constr. *"!!,
written in full for 0^ni» from ni».
with suff. ''71 i'"^.
Nouns having /Se^o^ in the final syllable follow
the same analogy, 7n3 , i?t"|3 \)p} , &c. All others
7. When the geminate letter is a guttural or 1, the
with Pattahh retain this vowel in the inflexion.
omission of the Dagesh is compensated by lengthen
4. Some of the derivatives from V'H , with the ing the preceding vowel. E. g. ~k' jm^ice, with suff.

preformative ^ (from No. 14) do not shorten Kamets nb (fornb»), pi. onb, but with grave suff. 03-1^,

under O, e. g. fV^ Jbrtress, pi. ^''-JP'? ; "^DD coloring, There are, however, a few exceptions as regards T,
constr. "HPO 1?0 shield, with suff. ^330, pi. D^330. e. g. "n?]^ thrj navel, Eze. 16. 4, from "^ . Others

have the so called Dageshforte implicit., e. g. Afresh

5. Some few nouns are, in different passages, in- pi. n'rh (for D^nS); m brother, pi. D^nX; nD3p,
flected either with or without Dagesh, which in some with suff. inD?p, pi. D^npsp,


1. This declension comprises derivatives from verbs H"? 2. The first syllable is treated according to the nature of

(§ 27. V) which terminate in H— , as No. 2. riQJ beautiful; its form ; H— , however, undergoes the following changes :

No. 4. nt?1 seer; No. 11. T\'i\)' end; nj?"] fiiend; No. 14.
nX*1D appearance; from Pilel n.\N3 comely 24. rem. 22)
(a) In the constr. state of the singular it becomes H—
(§ ;

finally, the primitives analogous to the above, as n^t!' field. (6) Before any of the afformatives it is entirely dropped.

1. The original termination ^t for which H— is of the word. Thus, with suff. "''B3D (sing, thy
substituted* is often restored, and affects the inflexion covering, which might also be expressed by 'iPP'p),

* As n73.* prop, for '23% HKID for 'S"ip. comp. HIK', poet. '*lb*, Gesen. gram. § 42. 2 ; comp. also above, § 24. r. •» &, 5


Is. T.?i?P Is. 30. 23

14. 11 : T^yp (almost uni- ;
only an apparent dual, but a plural in fact, on ac-

versally,though erroneously, taken for the plural), Ca. count of the final *, like which makes the plural

2. 14 VN-ip, Dn^N"]0 Da. 1. 15

; Eze. 1. 5. In the ;
D?ia (not C^lil), V pi. D^P, which latter has likewise
plural D^:nbp from' nnD?p for *n»P Pual part., Is. the dual form, comp. Lehrg. p. 537.
25. 6 (Ges. Gram. § QO.'q).
3. In a few instances H— is retained even before a
2. To be referred the
this declension is properly to genitive, e. g. "^^pn T^^"), friend of the king, 1 Ki. 4. 5;
plural 0)^^ (from a singular ''^^ comp. rem. 1), , ir\3.^} n^^T:^ double destruction, Je. 17. 18.
constr. V^, with suff. The form U'.Tp^ is TW -


1. A substantive or adjective feminine is formed from its Decl.

corresponding masculine, by appending either of the two ter-

minations n—
and n-- eutturals T\—).
(with ='
VI ^ -I '
Where the one
or the other termination is used, and how the masculine is

thereby modified, especially with respect to the vowels, has

alieady become evident from the examples given in § 26
and 27, being everywhere accompanied by the correspond-
ing feminine forms ; a closer consideration, however, of
the general analogy of this formation is still necessary in

this place.

The termination H— is more general than D— (0—),


since, in most cases, the latter occurs only in connection with

the other, and is commonly used for the constr. state, because
n with Pattahh or Segol affords a convenient transition to the
following word. E. g. nD/>pp and DS^PP kingdom, iinSC'Q
and nriBK'P family, HTIO^X and nnb^X night-watch, the
latter invariably as the constr. state. With the participles,

however, and certain infinitives, the termination D— is, on the

contrary, more commonly in use, e. g. HptDp is more frequent

than n?pp, n"!? more frequent than m^- In I'ke manner
the feminine of nouns terminating in "•— is seldom H*— , but
frequently H*— (for H''— ). The latter termination, however,
is very seldom appended to words which have a quiescent
letter, especially *— , -1, in the final syllable, e. g. p^'IV,

3. The termination H— appended to. a masculine noun

affects the tone of the word, and consequently its vowel, in
the same manner as the light suffixes beginning with a vowel
(§ 28. No. 21). The following are examples of the formation
of feminines in the several declensions :

On Declension 3. I changed in the feminine into -1
(comp. § 32. rem. 5).
I . In some few words i of the final syllable is [
E. g. pinp siveet, fern. 7\\>^T\'Q
|'"17p lodging, fern.
. . —
n>i^P; n):DrestJem. nmap; DI^D/^^A^,
fem. npijp in declensions 2 and 7, as DniH fem. Dpnin, ?t3'p fem.
-^^^6 foriress, fem. nilXO. n?|Pp. The final vowel is also affected in several ways, viz.:
(a) Kamets and Pattahh are both changed to Segol
(like "n^p for ^I^IO, "^"O), e. g. jyt^O staff, fem.
2. An example of Kamets pure in the first syllable
is nni^l Je. 3. 7, 10, comp. § 32. rem. 1.
(6) I'seri is retained in some words, in others it is

changed to Segol, e. g. K'lOn five, fem. flK'pn ; T\l

On Declensions 4 & 5. wall fem. T\'T\l ; inf. *1J? to bear, fem. ITl?.

3. The forms 7tpi"?. and ?Pi^ have sometimes femi-

(c) n—employed when a word ends with a guttural,

changes the preceding Kamets or Tseri to Pattahh, as

nines which seem to be derived from Segolate forms,
y*]"lD fem. nyilD acquaintance ; yn fem. nyi
which, from their close relation, is quite natural.
knowledge; nrii ''es', riPlK' (perhaps from masculines
E. g. ?«:, fem. rhv^. (not nbi;^J wild goat, IJ^:, fem.
^h W)-
nj];v ostrich:
V'r, fem. nS"): thigh :^ "^P fem. m^K' , (d) In the few examples which admit of this ter-
mination, though they have an immutable vowel
(N— ^— , , 1, -1) in the final syllable (comp. No. 2),
On Declension 7. this vowel is exchanged for its corresponding mutable

4. Tsen* of the final syllable is even more fre-

one, as K'''«, fem. TW^ (for HK'^S) ; 13"'^^, fem.

quently retained here than in the accession of the nt?W imperious, Eze. 16. 30; ^''PpD, fem. H^PpC
suffixes (§ 36. rem. 4). As wood, fem. nvj; (col- (§ 11. rem. 8) ; "yil^ master, fem. IT^IJI (but also

lect.) ; IV.^P stay, fem. njyK'D ; especially so with nT3il); tJ'ia shame, fem. n^2 (with suff. ^nK'S) •

the participles, as iTlJa treacherous, Je. 3. 8, 11 ;

nn?V K'i^K), fem. ng^'pL*', n^^H? and riB'TO trass; n-J-lbcrK

bearing. Is. 21. 3; nnpi watching, Ca. 1. 6; nn"lb and ^'^b5^'^? night-watch (from a masc. I-IDK'X; in

rebellious. Ho. 4. 16; n?>1T despised, La. 1. 11; H^DK

npwri however, in Le. 5. 21, -I has remained un-
changed, and so in the pr. name DDiniri 2 Ki. 25. 23
m<%, Is. 30. 30 (but also nb'i« De. 4. 24) ; H-Jp

Je. 40. 8.
burning. Is. 34. 9 (but n")P ch. 30. 33); noob' (/eso-
The like feminines most probably existed from INIV
Zojf^, Is. 54. 1 ; ni^i^b' eager, Ps. 107. 9 ; Piel nJ'aK'O and "IIS^, H^i^.^V. ^I'^V" which accounts for
miscarrying, Ex. 23. 26; HS^DJ^ sorceress, Ex. 22. 17; the plurals ''IN-'IV, D^nSV § 30. rem. 1 & 2. This gives
"T^iP.IP dancing, Na. 3. 2; Hithp. n"n33jpp y'et'^mny a rise to another three Segolate forms for the declen-
stranger, 1 Ki. 14. 5, 6. sion of the feminines, like ^^D, "IDD, ^"ip, viz.

Tb^\>, riK^N. nL''3.

4. The penultimate vowel is affected in the same manner When the word terminates in a quiescent vowel-letter,
(No. 3) when the feminine termination 71— (n— ) is employed, the Segol, as a toneless vowel, is entirely dropped,
e. g. n"1tpy., ITIlSy, crown (from masc. Itpj)) ; "Ij^J? barren, fem. hence nS^H sin, for mm (from KJ2nj, Jinny for
riTj^I? ; IZin companion, fem. ri^5D « b'^* remains immutable

I. On the Termination n— solving the reduplication. E. g. n»3X'lD Ru. 4. 5,
1. This termination is not generally appended to and n^nSlin 2 Ch. 24. 26, a MoaUtish ivoman ; njSnN^
masculine nouns of the eighth declension which have Syrian woman 1 Ch. 7. 14, and n''P^J< in the Syrian
the final letter doubled, but where this does take language, 2 Ki. 18. 26 r\\^'hf Is. 15. 5, and n'^hv^ ;

place, the reduplication of the last radical is omitted. third; and in like manner the cardinal numeral?
E. g. D"npi5<^ reddish, pi. D^pipiX^ Le. 14. 37, but HK'pn and HK^Oq Jive, r\f^ and T\fp six-X

fem. ri'?;3'?l5< Le. 13. 19 ; ^bp>i'? scales, 1 Sa. 17. 5,

but fem. sing. riK'i"5)fi? whence the plural nib^p'^i2 Eze.
, 2. Where the Hebrew has the Segolate termina-
29. 4. The same analogy exists in the feminines tion (..,._.)
the Aramaean has usually .,, as "=1?^, "=I?P. (..

of the and ordinals ter-

patronymics, gentilics, The like Syriacism is found here in the feminine ter-
minating in ^T, which are inflected H*— and T\''— by , mination, as nsb for nsib to hear; nm)^ for nXflD

* In this word, however, there appears to be a twofold derivation, viz. HIlT (with suff. inSl^, du. D^riDT) from "^l^; and
nS"!^ (whence du. ^ri3"l^) from the Segolate form "J]T, the constr. of "J]"!''

f For other remarks in this section see above, after No. 3.

t This accounts for the plural termination HI*— used for the nouns of H^— as iinZiy pi. n^*13y), namely, an orgina!
form of n'— must likewise be supposed as the ground-form, comp. Ges. Lehrg. § 124. 3.
. ;. . . : ;


gift ; riS Vb for T^'^P finding invariably, as , it appears, pended, as when the termination n— is appended,
when the last radical is ^^ which affords the explanation for the vowel-changea
of § 26. Nos. 15, 16, &ic.
3. The reverse of the inflexion just mentioned is

that of the Arabic, which has (..) instead of ,„,„, as 5. Finally, it is to be observed that, since there are
'H/'P for "n^^. A similar form in the Hebrew is T^'tt not masculines extant for every feminine, it is often
heariny, for Trh) Ge. 16. 11 ; Ju. 13. 5. doubtful to which class a certain feminine be is to
referred. Thus, for instance, there is an entire want
n. In General. of masculine forms corresponding to the feminines
4. The vowels are shortened in the same manner of m ; there can, however, be no doubt that they
when the formative syllables ^t, P, It, ^'^ are ap- must have ended in "1


The declension of these nouns is much nioie simple than grave suffixes, both being appended to the constr. state. The
that of the masculines, since the addition of the feminine inflexion of the feminine nouns is best exhibited in four
termination has already occasioned a shortening of the vowels. declensions (comp. the note to the following section)
In the plural no distinction is made between the light and


FEMININES.* (Table 0.)
1. This declension, like the first of the masculines, has no 2. After what has been said, it is hardly necessary to point
vowel-change, and is inserted merely for the sake of com- out the nouns belonging to this declension, viz. the feminines
parison. terminating in H— from the masc. dee. 3. nVni, 7. nPpp,
8. nm, n-^2, n^n.


FEMININES. (Table 0.)
1. To this declension belong those nouns which have a sion of the masculines, whether the vowel is Kamets or Tseri.

pu'-e Kamels or Tseri before the feminine termination D— When Sheva precedes the terminations H— H— , , as in para-
Such are the following derivatives from the regular verb digm c, the two Shevas of the shortened form (nj^lV) ^''^

(§ 26), the feminine forms of Nos. 1. as Twl'^ foolish, H^DSn combined in one syllable, nj^TV*
wise; 2. HJIl? brick; 4. ri3y)n abomination; 12. HDi^J
vengeance; 14.' HS^pj? kingdom, nn-^O pillar; 17. nj<"?2ii 3. The following are regular exceptions, in which , . and ,

wonder ; also the following derivatives from the regular verbs are immutable, either as being impure vowels, or as standing
(§ 27) are, e g. from V'Q, Nos. 10. HVy counsel, nOPI wrath in sharpened syllables with Dagesh, syllaba dagessanda —
14. n^*yiD counsel; from T]"7, Nos. 2. HQ* fair; 11. n"l3 pit; Of the derivatives from the regular verb (§ 26), the feminine
1 2. n ?3 destruction ; consequently the feminine forms from forms of Nos. 6. n^T dry land; 13. nDK^H (for. nD''^n)
dec. 2, 4, 5, 9. darkness, and several others ; HK'jPS request, nVX3 reproach,f
(for HK^'^S) exposition
^ / T T--*
28. n"l3TX
' also from
2. This inflexion is analogous to that of the second declen- J^Q, as rO'ir] deliverance, n"l3n a knowing; and so all the

* Gesenius gives two separate tables one for the masculines, consisting of nine declensions, and another for the feminines,

consisting of four. For the sake of convenience, we have given both in one table, making together thirteen declensions
here, however, in the explanations, where they must necessarily be kept distinct, we have in this manner contrived to point
out both orders.
+ ^V^5?. with Dagesh forte implicit, for ni&?5» Pattahh is changed to Segol before the guttural with Kanu;is, comp. HN
h 45, also § 37. rem. 7 and § 14. rem. 3.
.. —
feminines whose geminate letter is a guttural, on account of so also derivatives from I'J? and ^'V (whose Kamets and
which it cannot be doubled, and are therefore preceded by , , Tseri are invariably impure), as Nos. I. n~)T strange, T]D2
or , ; e. g. (§ 27) Nos. 1. !Tiy enemy (from "1^), nj^T evil height; 2. ITiy witness; and finally, derivatives from K"/),
(from yi), mS pure (from ^^) ; 2. m3 rumination (from No. 2. nXPP full, nj<pp unclean
*n|) ; 14. niSp curse (from "»1X), iTjaO a saM) (from Tia) ;

I. On the fokm with n— i^???dead body, whence 'n<?? > ^^^ constr. n?33 , with
1. Forms of parad. c, Avhen their first or second Le. 5. 2; De. 21. 3 ; n^XK' request, whence
suff. inJi^J

letter is a guttural, take in the shortened form either ^nJ'Kf 1 Sa. 1. 27, and 'rh^^ Job 6. 8; rrni wall,

,.) or (...)•, e. g. i^^^n wise, pi. c. niopn ; np2J?. waggon, pi. nnna i Sa. 24. 4, but pi. with suff.' vnmi
with suff. in^jy; '"ii^Jjr. cry, constr. nQVl. Ps. 89. 41.

III. In Genekal.
2. In a small number of derivatives from H"?
Kamets of the penultima is immutable, as >^^^^ travail 5. Several nouns of both the foregoing forms
(from HN^), vh]}}^ aqueduct (from nj)!?), nJjK oath, with take in the constr. st., and before sufiixes, the
suflf. *n^K, inVs Ge. 24. 41 De. 29. 11 ; n:^ portion, ; secondary Segolate form ri— , n— , a case similar to
whence ^'pijO Est. 2. 9 (but sing, constr. n^p that of the masculines (§ 34. No. 2), as the foUowmg
Je. 13. 25); ^ir^ pregnant, whence ^'r\^1n 2 Ki. 15. 16; examples show :

Dn^ni-in 2 Ki. 8. 12 (but sing, constr. niQ Je. 20. 17);

naj fair, with suff. 'npj Ca. 2. 10, 13 (elsewhere nappp kingdom, constr. flD^PP, with suff. TO^pD
constr. ns*, pi. riio*.). nnaB'p/am%
n3Kj?p work
3. An irregularity similar to the preceding is found
in the word "T^Vi? dish, of which the pi. constr. is

nnyip, and yet with suff. vnhVJp.

II. On the form with n—

4. By far the greater number of this class of
nouns retain the Tseri and but few
in the inflexion,
occur with mutable Tseri besides those given in No. 1 of
this section, viz., nnE^N. outpourinp, pi. constr. JIH^X;
non^ jleld, pi. constr.' 1T1ID7K' ; npn? cattle, constr.
npna, pi. nion?; comp. also rh^f, with suff. 'rhm.
With immutable Tseri are, ^15^ something lost,

•^/.tl robbery, npSJ? darkness, ^5"?.? jaoo^, n33| something

^}^^Jig: from (§ 26)

stolen, rrr^V^gall, nQ")!f burning,

No. 14. nDSrip overthrow, ^^h1^ plague, &;c.

With some nouns both the contracted and un-
contracted forms are foimd to consist together, as
; ,


There are a few words which deviate from the as n?)y wickedness, with H parag. HOpV Job 5. 16,

paradigm, in having their middle Vav moveable pi. ni^iy Ps. 58. 3 ; 64. 7 ; n;it) garland, pi. Ti\h

in the ground-form, but quiescent in the shortening 1 Ki. 7. 29, 30, 36.


FEMININES. (Table 0.)
1. To this declension belong the feminines formed by the vowel preceding the final Segol (or Pattahh) is

addition of the feminine termination 71— or 11— (§ 39. Nos. dropped even in the absolute state; the form 71—,
2 & 3). They are properly Segolate forms, and as such cor- however, either leaves some trace behind in the vowel
respond in the inflexion to the masculine Segolates. as nVaK', pi. W?!^, as in the paradigm, or
is entirely dropped, as flhshi, pi. 0173 73.
2. Their inflexion is,

(a) In the singular, in every respect the same as that of These vowels are invariably pure and mutable, viz. ,„,, , ,

the masculines. There is, therefore, no change of (—) pure. The entire rejection of these vowels in the in-
vowels in the constr. state, and before the sufiixes flexion will be easier understood, if it is borne in mind that
Segol of the penultima is changed to Paltahh (and the terminations —— , ase also elsewhere interchanged
^, _^j,
Hhirek), Tseri to Hhirek, Hholem pure to Kamets-
with ^..j, (...^, —, (comp. § 26. Nos. 10 & II, & § 35. rem.
hkatuph, like in ^^O C?!]!..). "l^.P. tJ'^i?.
10). Here also may be adduced as an instance, TIKK'O
{b) In the plural there exists this peculiarity, that the for nmD, pi. 711K*^0.

I. On the Sing, with Sufpix. to § 26. No. 9) we must suppose them derived from
masc. "i|.N, "^IS, 3-^D (for which comp. r\2'iQ). There
1. According to the paradigm, the form ending
in 71— takes, before suffixes, in some words, Pattahh occurs, moreover, 'ijl^K' my dwelling. Ps. 23. 6, which
in others, Hhirek. This, however, is not merely elsewhere is 'Ji'^K', comp, Ps. 27. 4.

arbitrary, but depends upon the origin of the form.

If the masculine from which it is derived terminates 2. Of the form (._.,..) the shortening is constantly
in (^) or (.), as is the case with most of them, the Hhirek, e.g. 71^K, ''7\f^.
Pattahh appears in the inflexion of the feminine
but if the masculine terminates in (..) or Vi the 3. The forms 71—— and H— — , which have com-
feminine takes Hhirek (comp. § 35. rem. 3). Thus monly (.) and (.) in the shortening, occur also with
the following are inflected :
— Segol, but almost exclusively before the suffix, ^
With Pattahh, e. g. n^?^? custody (from 1»^P), e. g. W^? thy wife,^ Ps. 128. 3 ; otherwise, W«,
'rnppD ;
rhy. door (from />!), comp. the examples iJ^fK ; and even ^ri^N Ge. 6. 18; Am. 7. 17; 7inaq
given in § 42. rem. 5). companion, ^J?15n Mai. 2. 14; ^iDn^, ^ri??n2 Lc
With Hhirek, all the infinitives of the verbs '"2, 19. 19 ; 25. 7 ;"
but also Nu. 32. 26 Ne. 9. 37.
-I^Pipnil ;

e. g. nnK' to dwell (masc. SK'), with suff". '7\^P ; niT to So, finally, 71D? to go, with aU the suffixes, *^?7»
descend (masc. *T!1), ^n"]T ; Tin? to bear, *R"!? ; in the ^ns^, inaV, U7\:h.
same manner ^I'^.^l mistress (masc. 1''?f'),
with suff".
'T\-yi\ ;
n|-5rp nurse (masc. p^3^0), ini5?»'; nST pitch 4. The form 71—, besides its inflexion given in tlie
(masc. Chald. «!!, «?.t), '^^] ;
riJDS^ contracted 71»« paradigm, is in certain words also inflected with
thrust (masc. \Q^), with sufl". Wpj?. ; II? contr. from Kibbuts. Here, hoAvever, like in rem. 1, reference
7133 daughter (masc. I?), with suS". W? for W^3. must be made to the origin of the form, viz. where
There are, comparatively, but few examples in the masculine has originally 1, the feminine takes
which the punctuation does not conform to the Kamets-hhatuph ; but Kibbuts when the masculine
origin of the form. Such are, e. g. ^l^ji' sprout has E. g. TIB'S shame (from B'ia), with sufl". 'nB'a ;

(masc. p3V), 'Wpai^ and so 7113N letter, 7\hvA folly, Th'h\ skull (as 'if from ^^^S, with sufl*. *J!1^|^3 ; n^bf
^ vi»^ pillar, which have Pattahh, though (according three (from t^'i'rE'), with' sufl". DJ^^^f
but nB'nj

brass (masc. comp. the other form HE'-'inj), with
5J'"in3, the original masculine appears again in full. Such
and so O^lp'^!? wuffes, njlp^D measure,
sufF. ^J?K^n^ ; are : —
ninls chapiter (from inis), pi. n'nnb ; njpstco
ndfHD division, may be derived from forms like knife (as if from ^?^,P), pi. n'l^DXO nnsin reproof, ;

niSBS-D. An exception is ^Flifn? La. 3. 7. pi. ninDW from nnsin) nvk'O ring, pi. nii?2p.
(as if ;

(as if from H^Ilt?) nns^p family, pi. nins^D


IL On the Foem of the Plukal. rii^,?PP, pi. niy^SpP carvec? et^orA ; ^Iprp nurse, pi
5. The characteristic of the inflexion of the plural, nip^rp (as if from nip^yp) ; nK'nqp^ pi. nitJ^nnp
which is the rejection of the vowel preceding the ploughshares. A few, however, of the form H— occur
final syllable, may be seen in numerous examples, likewise with the pi. ni— , e. g.nnhK^y Astarte, pi.
as nnjx, pi. nin^K leUers.- r)p,y\\ pi. nipfr sjjrouts; nhn^^J? ; nnV? (/mM^/A^ pi. nn-^?. 'tHus the plurals
np^np, pi. nippno divisions; ri^^'?!, pi. riPiipJ skulls; ni3P"|X palaces, niP^^X clusters, should probably be
and with (^.) Q'lS.V birds (from a fem. nVsV). Several derived from singulars ri^PI^ , ^.j'SipN , though only
nouns, however, of this class, borrow their plural the masculines tiO"]fr?, PIS^J^N occur.

from the coexisting fem. form n— n— , (though this Here belongs, moreover, nx^n sin, for ri^f^n^ pi.

form does not actually occur), so that the vowel of


There are several anomalous forms of inflexion nS, brother, constr. 'HS with sufif. "^nX, mX, D^TIK, plur

chiefly occurring in singleexamples only, or, at the constr. ^nX, DiP^nX . All these forms follow the analogy

most, in very few. Most of these irregularities of of verbs i^"?, as if nX stood for nnX, from nnX, comp.
inflexion consist in the derivation of the constr. state, the preceding 2X. But the plur. abs. is D'HX with
or of the plural, not from the absolute state of the Dag. forte implicit, (comp. § 37. r. 7), as if from nnX ;

singular, but from another wholly diff'erent form. hence ^HX, '^^nX ri'-nX, &c. But VHX, ''nX for VHX,
These irregularities require the more attention, 'nX, where Segol takes the place of Pattahh before
because, as in all languages, the words which they the guttural PI with Kamets (PI), comp. pTPin for
affect are those inmost common use. And though nrnn,
T-» tj'ns for
TV ^n:^,
most of these nouns are primitives, they neverthe-
less follow the analogy of verbal nouns without even nnX, one (forTnX, with Dag. forte implicit., comp. the pre-

their roots occurring as verbs. They follow here in ceding nX), constr. state *inX, fem. nnX for JlinX,
alphabetical order : ri"inX, in pause TTTIX (for DPIX comp. VnX above).

In one instance, Eze. 33. 30, it takes the form ^^ by

3N, father, for n5X ; as if from ilSX (like a derivative from
aphaeresis. PI. masc. D'^^X as if from ^^X or IHX.
a verb n"? § 27. V. No. 2) ; constr. state *3X (like a

Segolate form from H"^ No. 11) ; with light suff. '•aX, mnX, sister (contr. lor DinX from a masculine for -inX,

'?I''3S, ^nS. •12''nN, with grave suff. D3''2K, Dn''2X, comp. niVn § 27. V. No. 13, & § 24. rem. 2). Plur.

(from 3N). Plur. nilUNI (with fem. termination). only with suff. ^nVnX, VflVriX (from a sing. H^HX,

fem. of ^nX), also "^^ninX (as if from a sing. HnX

The regular form of the constr. state, viz. 3K, occurs fem. from HX, HPIX).
only in Ge. 17. 4, 5, in order to bring in the ety-
"inX, «no<Aer, fem. rrinX {with Dag. forte implicit.); but plur.
mology of DmSX, as in the Uke cases rare forms
DnnX, n'nnX, as if from a form "IPIX (after dec. V).
are often introduced. This form occurs also besides
in several proper names, e. g. "1.33S, DI/^IIX. The K''*X man, a softened form from K^iX ; in the plural it has

Chald. and Arab, form "I3^j» is found, according to very seldom D''K'^X, the usual form being D''EJ'3X

Khethib, in the proper name ^?a-13K 1 Sa. 25. 18. (from K'JX) constr. ''Kbx.* Comp. HK'X.

* This is true as far as the use of these forms is concerned ; but it seems more natural to class together D*K'"'X with K^'X,
H'P^jX with tJ'iJX; so that there remains the only one irregularity, that the plural of Cr.3X is used for K'iJX. This is the
order we have followed in this work, and have accordingly adopted two roots ti'JX, and tJ'^X, the latter being secondary, and
softened from the former. Under K>JX we have put HK^X for HK'^X, plur. D^K'D. Under K^^X we have put n^X for n^-X
(§ 39. 4. d).

H ninDK., niiipX. D'P plur. water, constr. state ^p, and also ^P''P, with suff.
nOS maid-servant, plur. (with inserted)
SVp^p. The last two are regular plural forms from U%l
Comp. in Chaldee jrinS fathers.
regarded as a singular, like n^2.

,nC^S woman (for HB^aK fem. from K'SS), plur. '•t^J by

aphaeresis for D''E'3K. For JIK'K see tlie note under n3p portion (from n3p), for nS3p, whence plur. 01X30 and
^^ above. nV3p (both with ^^^

n"? house, constr. n*"?, plur. D*ri2, with light suff. Vri2,
This inflexion is best accounted for in the following man-
butwith grave suff.D3''ri3, nrj'm (with Metheg) The
derived from
ner : —the form n3p=nS3p is derived from a masc.
word doubtful. It is usually
root of this is
Wp, which stands for ""30 (after the form 203 § 26.
nU, to pass the night, and the plur. CJ^Il for 'D''7)T)3,
Hence nX3p for JT'Sp, n.;3p. Whence the
No. 13).
from a sing. nn3 (after the form n^3 from C^i3). Or
plural, but not immediately from the form O— , but
rC? is supposed to be a softened form from 033 (like
44. rem. 5, as the
from nN3p, nj3p, according to §

K^'N for tJ'JN} derived from n33 <o 6ui/d plur. D^OS
termination O— would lose the preceding long vowel,
(bottim) for D''P133 from another sing. 032 .
For this

plural form comp. § 35. rem. 16.

TJ? city, plur. Ci'^y^V. (according to § 35. rem. 12), only Ju.

10. 4, elsewhere D^"!I?. This might indeed be taken as

}3 son (for n33 from n33), constr. state "|3, seldom |2, once
'•32 a contraction from DH^^J? ; but better from "W^ = 1'V,
••32, and finally 132. With sufif. ^3^, "q^Il ;
which still occurs in the proper names, e. g. 2N1D "IJ/.
from |2, for 033), constr. state "'3?.
(as if

^02 (for with distinctive accent and with the article DJJ, people.
n3 daughter (for 032, fem. from ;2), with suff. Dj;,

^032), plur. ni32 (from the sing. n32 comp. D^32 sons, plur. D^py, but also by Aramaism "PJOJ?, *pOi; (as

pi. of |2), constr. state 71132. if from a Segolate form OPJ^).

N^3 valley. The Khethib niS''a, 2 Ki. 2. 16, ought,

»| fully, na mouth (prop, for PIXS, comp. ilb), constr. state '<B (for

doubtless, to be pointed niX^S , which is the regular plural (my mouth), VS, &c. Plur
••KS), with suff. ^B ^''S,

(§ 35. rem. 12) ; but it is often transposed JIVS^. 01*2. Fem. iTB from 11*2.
D''S, also

n stepfather, Mvith suff. T'^n, and niDH stepmother, comp.

nnS g-owmor, for nriQ (with Dag. forte implicit), comp.
nS brother, mPlX sister.
under PIS), plur. ninB,with suff. n''ninS, but constr.

state niinS, like the Chald. NniHB.

ni' </-»y, with suff. ''pr, dual D\'DV . D^PJ by Chal-
"ip^ and poet. The sing, with suff. is DPS Ne. 5. 14, as if from PIS.
daism ]^p* (as if from D* for HDJ) constr.

lyih head (for K'S?! Segolate form), plur. D'K'N") (for DW"))
Dv3 (as from 73, n^3). once with suff. V^ih.
*T>3 vessel, plur. if

11X33, 71X33 No. 4), plur. HK^ sheep or goat, for H^b' (like HS), constr. state TVff, witt
n33 associate, prop, for (§ 39. I

with suff. Vrii33. As if from ni33, comp. 1130. ' suff. VSJ' and -liTb.

Since the Biblical Chaldee occupies only a few would not only be incomplete, but they would like-

chapters, viz. Ezr. 4. 8; 18; 7. 12—26; Da.

6. wise, in a measure, misrepresent its true Chaldee
2. 4— 7. 21 Je. 10. 11, it needs hardly to be noticed,
; character, because this portion is so replete with
that but an exceedingly small number of examples Hebraisms. We give, accordingly, the paradigms
can be found in the Bible itself applicable to the as they are found in Winer's Chaldee Grammar
Chaldee paradigms. But it must be remarked, that but confine our remarks to the occurrences of the
were we, agreeably to the purpose of this work, to Biblical portion.
form paradigms for the Biblical portion alone, they




1. com. N3S, n3N ..../. »3-, »3 . . . me.

2. com. nri3S, ri3!St, r»N . . thou. ^-'^ •

2./. T7' V' T- 3
j m. K-in . he. n-, n'-Cn/ni) Mm.
she. n-,
. . . her.


1. com. K2n3S, WH? N3; N3- . . us.

m. ]m:ii, |-inN . . ) P3. . .

r? •

m. J-13S, |-13n, pDH, i?3n 1-13: I-13T.

they. them.
/. rsN. r.3i7 . . .
r5; 1,^
Sect. XLVL] THE REGULAR VERB. [Chald. 79

(especially such as are originally plural nouns) and and his concubines. Da. 5. 2 ;
]"in;^13|i their companies,

to signs of cases, ?, ^, n:, &c. ; as, '^,'h, nnj. ,

pn^l^^?, pnrip^no Ezr. 4. 17 ;

4. The suffix '^''7 frequently appears abbreviated

II. On the Suffix xo Nouns Plukal.
\T ; e. g. •^J'rVl Da. 5. 10, comp. Da. 2. 29.
3. These suffixes are regularly appended, how-
ever, only to plurals masculine. Feminines fre- 5. Prepositions, which are originally plural nouns,
quently take the singular sufF. ''t, i^T, &.c. E. g. take the suffixes of plur. nouns ; e. g. ''^"Ji?, ""O^^li?,

f=»n?1! his sides ; Da. 2. 32 ;

nn:n.^-1 , Hfl^jlC^' his wives




L Forms with (..) often take (., instead ; e. g. e. g. KJ????^ we asked, Ezr. 5. 9 •Ip/'p thei/ went up, ;

(a) Part. act. of Peal, nilJ Da. 4. 10, 20 ; "p?* Da. Ezr. 4. 12. The 3 pers. sing. fern, also retains its
3. 17 ; 4. 34. vowel, as nptSil it ceased, Ezr. 4. 24.
(b) Pret. of Ithpeel. -l^'ninX Da. 3. 28. {b) The future has also in the final syllable
(c) Pret. of Pael. ^lS^p_ Da. 3. 22, "^l^ Da. 2. 19.
instead of (.. ), as t^3?JJl thou shalt be clothed, Da. 5. 16.
{(l) The pari. pass, sometimes, though seldom, appears in

a contracted form, like ?PiP, as /'pR Da. 7. 25. 7. Ithpeel. The preformative sometimes takes
n^ instead of n^?, Da. 7. 15. The final syllable
2. Preterite. Instead of the afformative ^ for the
takes (.) instead of (..),
p^Jjll^Jjl Da. 2. 44, comp. No. 1.
2 pers. masc, sometimes appears JJl, by a Hebraism,
e. g. nyi* Da. 5.22; PiWl, Da. 6. 13, 14 Pael Pin?^;
8. Pael. As in Hebrew, Dagesh forte is some-
Da. 5. 13 ; and even the full form nn^Tq Da. 2. 41. times omitted when the middle radical has Sheva,
comp. § 10. rem. 7.
3. Future. The 3 pers. pi. masc. takes sometimes
the termination -1
instead of W as •1t3''nj Ezr. 4. 12. 9. Aphel. Hiphil (and pass., Hoph.) sometimes
takes the place of Aphel in the Biblical Chaldee
In those conjugations in which N is preforma-
comp. No. 4.
tive, n is generally used instead in the Biblical
Chaldee. E. g.. Mpeel, •1Vn-jj;in Da. 3. 28, for -IVni^N 10. Ittaphal. The place of this conjugation, which
(comp. No. 1) Ithpael, -n^JJjin JJzr. 7. 15
; Aphel, ;
occurs very seldom anywhere, is supplied in the
•IPPD Da. 5. 29 so in the fut. and part., even after
Biblical Chaldee, by Hophal. E. g. Ezr. 4. 15 ;

the characteristic prefix, as ^Sf D* Da. 7. 24; P^TD? Da. 4. 33 ; 7. 11. There occurs, however, one form
Ezr. 6, 10. Comp. also note to Table T. of this conjugation, usually taken for Ithpeel, viz.
PIJp* Da. 4. 9, fut. of I-1T ; but comp. § 54. rem. 3.
5. Infinitive. TheChaldee has every-
where ^~~ instead of ^~r7 of ^^^^ Targums, a ter- III. Personal Inflexion of the Participle
mination of all infinitives excepting Peal. E. g. Peil.
ninin Da. 2. 12 (Aph. of nnsil) rhx^P. ver. 14 nni'53 ; ;
11. In the Biblical Chaldee a kind of Preterite
Ezr. 7. 14 nnii^n Da. 6. 5. Once, however, occurs
passive tense is in use, formed by appending the
KJJK'n^ Ezr. 6. 12. afFormatives .of the Preterite to the participle Peil.
It takes the place of Ithpeel.*
II. On the several Conjugations.
6. Peal, (a) Some verbs, especially such as are
3 m. Zf. 2 m. 2/ 1 c.

Sing. ^^t?i? n^'Pi"? Nri', ph'Dp pi^^pi? nS^pp

intransitive, take (..,, (.), or even 't as the charac-
teristic vowel of the preterite ; e. g. t^i?3 to he evU, Plur. •i^''Pi? K^'Pi? ]'i^'?V\? \^^VP ^f?V\?
35<P to he good, 3n^. to sit, Ti'li^V. to think. These vowels E. g. i^^^'m Da. 5. 27, r\2>r\\ ver. 28 ; comp. ver. 30 ;

remain in those persons, where (.) is usually retained; 7. 4; 6."ll': -ITni Ezr. 5. 14.


As in Hebrew, there are here certain unfrequent (c) Shaphel and hhtaphal ; e. g. ?.<'3K' Ezr. 4. 12;
conjugations, some of which are confined to par- h^^n^) Ezr. 4. 13; N^VT Ezr. 6.'
15, is Shaphel

ticular classes of irregular verbs.

from ky\
(a) Poel and Itkpoal, especially in verbs V"V ; the cha- [d) Altogether peculiar is the verb 3*rti' (3\t"'K') Da.
racteristics are the same as in the Hebrew. E. g. 3. 28. Fut. yr^\ ver. 17. Inf. T^IV^ ibid. Part.
pbniDp Ezr. 6. 3. amp Da. 6. 28.
Passive n'^fRK^K ^in theTargum
(h) P'alel' and Ithpalel in verbs V'J? ; e. g. Dpi") Da. Ge. 32. 30.
4. 34 ; DOhnn (for 'nX) Da. 5. 23.

* In the Targums both participles are inflected by the addition of pronominal fragments, which forms there the present
tens*; fts S3?t5p / slay, \^'y>'''^\> I am slain.



1. The gutturals (K, n, n, y, and in part 1) pre<- n3C'>. ithpaal nspi^s. Aphel ns??'^, n^spx, 1st
sent the same peculiarities as in Hebrew. It will be pers. nnips.
sufficient, therefore, to give examples of the most
important forms. Rem. 1. Verbs Lamed guttural have the pret. 3 pers. sing.

fem. sometimes terminatm^ in with the tone on

2. Verbs Pe guttural. Peal pret. n?J? f. nnpy 1 c. the penultima, of which there is no example in the

^W-; imp. 1?y, n?y; inf. ^ino, nayp (comp. Bible (comp. Targ. JTipK Ge. 30. 16), though there
§ 13. rem. 1, 2, 3, 4)'; fut. litq^V^V.U^ 139. 4); are some without gutt., as JTIDX Da. 5. 10; n"|lT5nN
Da. 2. 45; T\\>/\T\ Da. 2. 34, '45' (from pp^),
participles inj; , n^3J? . Ithpeel niiynS j n3J?J?K . Pael
pret. nay; fut. "I3y;! Ithpaal "^^im Aphel -pret.
2. Instead of nypK' (1 pers. com.) Da. 5. 14, Buxtorf,
n?y^x, ipnx, nnriX; fut. fi^^n;, Dsri:; part. fii?ri». and him Dr. Fiirst, in his Concordance, give
the form VtV.^^ Da. 5. 16, but we cannot tell on
3. Verbs Ayin guttural. Peal pret. ID? imp. 103;
; what authority.
inf. inap; fut. tn?^; part, tna, ^ns. /%eeZ jnariN,
3. When the first radical takes a composite Sheva, verbs
rn?riK. Pae^trnn. Aphel \n^^ I
K"D and n'D have (...^, as -nDij; Da. 2. 9; verbs

4. F<9?-5s Lamed guttural.

Peal pret. HSB' rin3K> ,
n'S and ya take generally ,_.j.

imp. n^f, '•n?ip; fut. n^f\, rb^\\ part. n?y, H^DK'. 4. Forms like ppnn Da. 7. 22, belong not to Aphel
Ithpeel nsrif S^ fem. nn?i;iK'K." Pae/ pret. HSC'; fut. but to Hiphel, and are Hebraisms.


An epenthetic 3 is frequently inserted between the Biblical Chaldee examples are only found with the
verb and the suffix. This occurs as the prevailing future. Once the union- vov4^el is (..) instead of (.),
usage in the fut. and imp., less frequently in the p:!3^N5^* Ezr. 7. 21.

pret., and still less frequently in the inf. In the




1 . Some verbs of this class are inflected regularly, 5. 15, for nnK, probably to distinguish it from
e. g. tPl^n Ezr. 7. 20 ;
in?> Da. 2. 16 ; p^}^ Ezr. 5. 14. the 1st pers. fut.
This is especially the case when the second radical
is a guttural, of which, in the Bible, we have the 2. In the Targums, the verb ]X!i\ takes (..) in the
only example in Hophal of nnj, viz. On^n Da. 5. 20. future as its characteristic 15^ Ex. 25. 16.
vowel, e. g.

But this verb is defective throughout Aphel, as rinri Instead of this, the Biblical Chaldee exhibits the
Ezr. 6. 5 ; TDHDO Ezr. 6. (with Daff. forte impl.
1 full form jPl^n, l-in:: Ezr. 4. 13 ; 7. 20. Once (with
comp. § 14. rem. 1); but the imp. is ^^^? Ezr. Makkeph) iPl^^. Da. 2. 16.


84 Chald.] VERBS AY IN VAV— AYIN YOD. 1 Sect. LIV.
Sect. LIV.] VERBS AYIN VAV— AYIN YOD. [Chald. 85

times *r is used, as D^?.^ Da, 3. 2, 3, 5, 7 ; 6. 2, pret. np^i?.a Da. 3. 18 ; fut. fipn Da. 2. 44 ; for n*PJ!>,

comp. Da. S. 18, and in the 1st pars, with (,) under •Ita^nj Ezr. 4. 12; part. DnD Da. 5. 19.

the last radical, n»''i?.q Da. 3. 14-

6. Examples of verbs inflected like '"V are only D"!

Hebraisms. Da. 5. 20, which, however, may be the part. Peil

Hebraisms, besides the constant use of H
5. for K, pret., comp. No. 2, and § 47. rem. 11. Imp. 'i^V
Me:— Peal pret. WOK' Da. 3. 10, for Jyip?'. ^joM Ezr. 4. 21 ;
part. pass. QT Da. 3. 29 ; 4. 3, &c.


1. Pret. The 3 pers. sing. fern. Peal appears in 't in '''}pT}] Da. 5. 12. The 3 pers. pi. takes also
sometimes in the full orthography, as ^SpD Da. 2. 35. the termination p instead of P, as P'^yn*. Da. 7. 26.
It takes, however, also (.) instead of ^^), as niQ Da.
2. 35 nt?p Da. 4. 19. The 2 pers. sing. masc. is also
; 3. The injinitive of Peal takes sometimes the

written yM%, terminating in H— as >^^]V![ Da. 2. 41. , termination X~, in the Biblical Chaldee, as N^-'S^
Instead of *t in the 1 pers. stuff, there is *t in H'^V Da. 7. 19; more usually ^- , as n^'??P^ Ezr. 5.9;
Da. 7. 19. The 3 masc. sometimes follows the and in" the other conjugations *^1~ , e. g. Da.
analogy of the other derived conjugations (Ithpe., 2. 10; 5. 2.

Pa., &c.), as Vm Da. 3. 21. An example with

prosthetic N is ^flf X Da. 5. 3, 4. 4. Part. Peil. In some instances the first radical
takes composite Sheva, though a non- guttural, as
2. Future. The 3 pers. sinff. masc. terminates also 'Jl._
Ezr. 4. 18, 23; '% Da. 2. 30, and ^^3 ver. 19.


1. t'B and K'"? :— »'?'^ Imp. W Ezr. 5. 15. plur. Vn;n Da. 5. 3 ; (comp. inf. njn^n Da. 5. 2).
Altogether peculiar are the anomalies of Hophal,
2. K'S and «""?: — KHi*,KTK Pea/ m/ . 3 pers. fem. T\\jyT\ Da. 6. 18; 3 pers. plur. masc.
«np Da. 3. 2; mp Da. 3.19, by sjTicope for •vn^n Da. 3. 13.
«n«?, &c. ; Pa/-^. pass. ry)}A Da. 3. 22; by Sy-

riacism for HtX (comp. § 53. rem. 1). Aphel, 3. *'B and K'V. Only NT, Aph. Part, i^linip

pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. *n|D Da. 5. 13; 3 pers. Da. 2. 23, andNliO 6. 11.
In the Biblical Chaldee H is promiscuously used instead of S, comp. § 46. rem. 4. & § 54. rem 5.
— —


This declension includes all nouns, which have all their [b) Those which have , . in their final syllable; as 3t3
Towels immutable. It comprehends, good, 335 thief. There are, however, a few of those which
(a) Nouns which have >— , *— , i or -1 before their final change . to ,, compare the following remark.
consonant, e. g. pT judgment, DV day, J'1^^5 furnace.

Nouns with ,
, in the ultimate are chiefly of six classes :
(6) Nouns of the form ^^ip. e.g. "iSiX, iniy. They
have a twofold inflexion :

(1) Nouns derived from W, e.g. Tl, hp (Heb. IH,

(a) The first three of these classes retain , , in all

the inflexions, and consequently belong regularly to

Declension 1.
C2) Nouns of the form ITp}, D^iJ' (Heb. Oi^K*) ;

(fc) Nouns of the fourth, fifth, and sixth classes some-

(3) Nouns of the form 7\^\>_ (Arab. ?Xt2i5, and also in times take , instead of , in the constr. sing.;
the Heb. with , impure) ; and before the sufiixes, jID and \\T\. Elsewhere , ^

is retained. The punctuation of these nouns is,

(4) Nouns like b\^\> (also in the Heb. with impure). however, variable ; and as they present no other
irregularity, they may better be regarded as excep-

(5) Nouns which have the formative ending |— , e. g. tions from Declension 1, than as forming a separate
3115 (Arab. jSmi?). declension.


The second declension embraces nouns with final , or ization of the Chaldee ; as |*p"!S Da. 5. 25 ; |n^n
, either monosyllabic, as H^, DK*, or having the preceding for {riK'n (plur. fern, of nK^H) Ezr. 6. 9.

vowels immutable, as D^V, h^\>, VT^., nSPP. These

2. To this paradigm belongs also ^HS, emph. st.
vowels are dropped before suffixes beginning with a vowel.

Rem. 1. The forms like |''^p? for p^Pi5, pi. of ^t?!? 3. Before JIS and \\7\, monosyllables, as in Hebrew,
(part, act.), must be attributed to the variable vocal- take or . ; e.g. Jinpi, pST


This declension embraces all nouns which, cor- (6) The form CHp either follows the analogy of the
Hebrew, as NSpPl Da. 2. 37, or takes as K*7>n3
respond to the Segolate forms in the Hebrew, They , ,,

Ezr. 5. 8.
may either be written with two vowels (the second
of which is always considered an auxiliary vowel), (c) In the form n^3, the * often remains moveable in

?n (almost exclusively in the Biblical Chal- the inflexion, as \3;'y Da. 7. 8 ;

'•3."'y Da. 4. 31 ; &«ri''3
as ^yQ , Cl

Ezr. 5. 3 ; nn^3 Da. 5. 23. "

dee), nj5 (tJ^^P ; or with only one vowel between the

They are {d) The forms T]??? and ISD, in the course of inflexion,
Jasttwo consonants, as "^2P , "i^P. inflected,
usually take ,, ,, or rarely ,, under their first
however, for the most part, as in Hebrew ; except,
, , ,


(a) In the plural absol. the forms T]?© and IDD become, Nouns having gutturals for their first or second
as they do in most other inflexions "^?D and "ISD. radical, naturally take j.^, as D^tp, ^"OVp , *'?;(, Spy.
, ,



The fourtVi declension, comprehends those nouns the end receives then, (.) or (_). To this declension
in which the vowel of the final syllable falls away in belong the participles of Ithpeel.
the course of inflexion, and the third consonant from


The fifth declension embraces those nouns which responding short vowels. In some noims (.j be-
double the final consonant when they receive any comes (.), as ^i?i, rj'li'4 Da. 7. 9.
accession. They are mostly monosyllables derived Rem. ?3 has in the emph. st. K?b, &c. with the tone
from verbs V"V. The long vowels (..) and 1 are on the penultima (Da. 2. 40) ; but with suff. pnp3
changed in the course of inflexion into the cor- Da. 2. 38; 7. 19.


The sixth declension includes nouns, participles, suffix throughout the singular, and thus becomes
and derived from verbs K"? (H"?) and
infinitives, moveable ; in forms like *?? '•J?'! a short vowel is

terminating in N- (n-\ ^-, V, ^", e. g. ^^Si , i6i pronounced under the first radical. The termination
*??, ^???, ^^fr*??. The general rule is, that * appears sometimes contracted into
V.T of the plural absol. is
in the course of declension, as the third radical, dis- |~. In the constr. and emph. plur. no trace of the
placing t< in forms like ^.?3 . That * is joined to the radical * remains.


Here belong nouns which terminate in the forma- a consequence, (.) is here changed into j^^. (5) The
tive syllable *t (*^t). They are mostly gentilic or plur. emph. terminates in 't, agreeing in form with
patronymic nouns, or ordinal numerals. They all have the construct.
this in common, (a) that in the course of infiexion Exceptions from h : N^.f^ ? Da. 2. 5 ; N.-'.risn Da.
their final * is changed into K, which is likewise 3. 2, 3 ;
Nn-in^ Da. 3. 8 ; Ezr. 4. 12, 23 ; 5. I, 5.
moveable, and commences the following syllable. As


This declension includes all invariable feminines, with only one consonant ; as K^? ,
^VJ? , ^I'l^l , K?3P
i.e. all nouns with the feminine terminations, i*~, •nn. -iTJD. n-ira. ^3i».
^7, V, and the final syllable of which commences


This declension embraces all those feminines the these. The supplied vowel is HMrek or Pattalih
final syllable of which commences with two conson- (the latter with gutturals) more rarely Segol ;
; e. g.
ants, as Ns'?y lip ; *?pys a robe ; -l^? purity. sa'^, Nn?ib, Nioj?, Nnpx, Kon, snpn.
Nouns in N— to avoid, in the emph. and suff".
(a) , (b) The forms in "•—
and are regular in the sin-

states,two consonants with sheva under each in im- gular (like Dec. VIII). In the plural, as becomes
mediate succession, as ^nsb', KnppiX, &c., a short necessary, they also take a supplied vowel, Hhirek
vowel must necessarily be supplied for the first of or Pattahh.



This declension includes all feminines in i<' (de- this consonant takes the supplied vowel Hhirek (for
rived from N'?) which have a consonant without a the cause stated in the preceding section), so that *

vowel immediately preceding this termination, as becomes quiescent in it.

^^y|. ^^rJ'f. In the sing. emph. and suff. states,


Here belong feminines in HS— derived from mas- Rem. When feminine nouns are formed from mascu-
culines in '•"T (Dec. VII). In the emphatic state and lines by adding the terminations N— , -1 or ^— , the

before suffixes, i* is changed in moveable \ though changes in the ground-form are precisely the same

ordinal numerals take also V or ''t; e. g. Xriy.''31, as those which appear in the emph. state of mascu-
i^n^mp. (but NnT?1
Da. 7. 19). In the plural abso'l. lines. E. g. U^^V, Nlp^i'i:; ; 71^)?, i<3^D and H-D^D ;

and constr. the usual forms are l^?"]??, ^l^'?'?'^*


Zl'^ father, with suff. ''3N, but also "SinS, \n"l3X (from -nx and nn.^5 (comp. Dec. Ill, c), but plur. with suff.

as if from R. niK comp. Heb. 3S § 45. rem). Plur. jn^rin from \<Pi2. (comp. Heb. T\\^ § 45).

with suflf. ^nnis, »TTT-: t^innas

•TT-;' "nnnns, TITTT-; from the abs. N^33 prophet, emph. state nN*n3 (for nS'-n?, NXn?). Plur.

|n2S (as if from a sing. Kn3N). emph. N*N*I13 with K in otio, for X**I13 (as if from an
absolute p*33).
nX brother, plur. with suflf. ^^Hi? Ezr. 7. 18, by Hebraism
Dy people, emph. state XtSy, but pi. emph. N*ppy (comp.
(comp. n« § 45), for '^"'ns, from ^^^5='l^^? R. nns.
Heb. D^ § 45).
^bi{, K'JK man, emph.
TV:' " v: * state ^m^,
T T v;
T T -:
but also KB'IJS
t v;
K'XT head, emph. state HK'K'I, with suff. HK' ^7.. Plur.
Khethib (as if from K'WX). Plur. (by Hebraism) D''B'3^{.
|''&'Nn, but with suff. DHK^Xn (as if from JJ'Nn).
nX, nnS Uon, plur. emph. NnV.IK, from the absolute }r*1N!
DK' name, but with suff. HD^ (from W^, comp. Dec. II).

(as if from a sing. -VIK, comp. Dec. VIII). Plur. constr. HnOB', with suff. DhnnnEJ* (as if from

^% house, emph. Kn^3, nn^.3, constr. JT'S, with suff. "'ri''| sriDK').

•?|n-TK« Pielfut.lpers.s.["l-TSS],sufr.2s.m.(§16.r.l5) ntK ?)i''lN {father of exultation, i. e. exulting, ?)i i. q,

TIdSj^X "I Piel fut. 1 pers. sing. [fl^X], suff. 2 pers. 7*1) fem I. wife of David ; before of Nabal II,

sing. masc. (§ 16. rem. 15); \ before ^..^

. P|?N sister of David, called also 73''?^i compare 1 Ch.

«}''P^{K Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . pN 2. 16 with 2 Sa. 17. 25.

D5"if?3'sN Piel fut. 1 s.

[f !?i|tS], suff. 2 pi. ra. (§ 16.r. 15) j^DX |T3X {father of the judge, see \X) masc. chief of

«P]b>jtK Kal fut. 1 pers. sing fpH. the tribe of Benjamin.

/ikK Kal fut. 1 pers. sing "nX VT*3iii {father of knowledge, i. e. knowing, R. J?!')

"ijnXK Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing "TlX masc. a son of Midian.

n*!3K, •"in'ZlX (whose father is the Lard, see n')
^X "i masc. irreg. (§ 45) — I. father — II. forefather, name of several persons, especially — I. of the second
ancestor III. author, inventor IV. father, as an son of Samuel II. of a king of Judah, son of Reho-
honorary appellation to priests and prophets in
boam, called also D*3K, compare 2 Ch. 13. i with
the character of teachers Hence, V. an adviser. 1 Ki. 14. 31. — III. of the wife of Hezron, 1 Ch. 2. 24.

Ge. 45. 8. Wn^^X {whose father is He, viz. God) masc. a son of
n5< Ch. masc. irreg. (§ 68), i. q. Heb. 3X father.
Proper names compounded with 3N, 3S, •IHS, *3X : n-in''2X {father of glory, "l-IH i.q. IIH) m. 1 Ch.8.3.

^^J-nX Khethib, 1 Sa, 25. 18, for the usual '?M''2X (perhaps for ^^HinX) fem I. wife of

^!3'3« q. V. Rehoboam II. wife of Abishur, 1 Ch. 2. 29.

^3X fem. mother of Hezekiah, also called n*!lN, ?jn''2X {father of valour, i. e. valiant) masc. — I. a

compare 2 Ki. 18. 2 wi:h 2 Ch. 29. i. Levite II. a Gadite III. father of Esther.

pn!?J?"^a5< {father of strength, i. e. strong, n^y 3-1t3"'3X {father of goodness) masc. a Benjaminite,

collated with the Arab, to be strong) masc. one of 1 Ch.8. II.

David's heroes, called also 7X''3X, compare 2 Sa. btS^IlK {fathei of dew) fem. wife of David.

23.31 with I Ch. 11.32. '?J<0''3K {father of fatness, hi^D Arab, to be fat)

7S''ZIX {father of strength, i.e. strong) masc I. masc. a son of Joktan.

grandfather of Saul, called also "13, compare 1 Sa. '^70''3K {father of the king) masc I. name of

9. I with 1 Ch. 9. 39 II. one of David's heroes, several Philistine kings. — II. son of Gideon III.

compare the preceding. 1 Ch. 18. 16, for "^^D'-nX 2 Sa. 8. 17.

PlDX^SX {father of gathering, i.e. gatherer) masc. 3'T3''Z1X {noble father, see Z1"J3) masc. name of several
a Korahite, called also f]D''ZlSI, compare Ex. 6. 24 men, especially — I. of a son of Jesse II. of a son
with 1 Ch. 6. 8. of Saul.

Mi. 2. 12.

VnX-li< II
Cyj''?^?. (father of pleasantness) m. father of Barak. earing of the barley took place, beginning with
"1?.''?^. {father of light) masc. Saul's commander- new moon of April.
in-chief; elsewliere 13IIX. ^••nx
y pr. name masc. defect, for 7j3''3X q. v. I 2X
IJ^.."'?^. {father of help) masc I. son of Gllead.
— Patronymic 'Itll^n ^nX. An abridged form is xnanx 1. pr. name of a Persian eunuch. Est. i. 10.

Nu. 26. 30, and patronymic ^'^Ty''^5 II.
fut. niX''— I. to stray, wander, be lost II. to perish,
one of David's heroes.
const, with ? and ]0 of the person. Piel I. to cause
DTnX. Ql from mi) masc
{father of height,

one of the conspirators again?t Moses, Nu. 16. i.

to stray, to disperse — II. to cause topensh, to destroy.

— Hiph. T'nxn fut. once, HTnX (q. v.) causat. of

II. son of Hiel restorer of Jericho, 1 Ki. 16.34.
Kal i. q. Piel.
i^''^^. {father of error, R. i^f) fem. a concubine
TS^ Chald. to perish. Aph. to destroy. Hoph,
of David.
to be destroyed.
J?-1EJ'^25< {father of prosperity, R. J/K'^ or }})^)

masc — I. a Benjaminite, son of Bela II. a son of

111^ masc. destruction, ruin.
^^2X. fem. dec. 10 — I. something
Nu. 24. 20, 24.

lost II. i. q.
Phinehas, 1 Ch. 5.30.
fnnX. Pr. 27. 20. Khethib.

the posterity of Judah.

{father of song, l-l^i' i. q. I^K^) a man of
jn?^. masc — I. destruction II. place of de-
struction, abyss.
''^^'•IN [father of gift, compai-e ''^) masc. a brother
)^?^. V}^^ masc. destruction, ruin. Est.8.6; 9.5.
of Joab, also called ''^2^, 2 Sa. 10. 10; 1 Ch. 2. 16.
lax "1
Kal preter. 3 pers. sing. masc. (com-
Di p^*"!!}* {father of peace) masc. father-in-law of nnx
nnx '\j pare § 8. rem. 2) . . .

Rehoboam, called also DlpEJ'IlK, compare 1 Ki. 15.2

with 2 Ch. II. 20.
"iri^2N; {father of abundance) masc. a son of

id. infin.
infin. absolute

Piel infin. construct used for the absolute


Abimelech the priest.
*12X J''\ Piel pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. (§ 10. rem. 1) l^X
y.^^ {father of light) masc. Saul's commander- «-n3X construct of the following (§ 36. rem. 1) . 13X
in-chief, also called "I5''3X q. v.
Kal part. act. sing. masc. dec. 7 b. . 13X
Qpl?^ {father of a great multitude, lit. father *Vnx noun masc. sing. . . . . . I^x
great of (i. e. as to) multitude, for DH 3"] IN see Kal preter. 3 pers. sing. fem. for iTjnX . *73X
Dn, R. nori) masc. the Father and founder of the
'npx 1. Kb. nnax^ (q.v.), k. jnnx (q.v.); \ hd. ^..^
Hebrews, called D"T,nX (father of height) before
noun fem. sing. dec. 10. . . . 12X
the covenant by circumcision, Ge. 17. 5.
N mnx IT ; IT
') Kal preter. 3 pers. sing. fem. . . *73X
^V^?^ (father of peace) masc. third son *-mx
of David, famous for his rebelUon against his
\ id. preter. 3 pers. pi. (§ 8. rem. 7) I l^X
'1 noun masc. sing.; \ before .. . . 13X
"UK id. construct state 2X Kal DiaX'
. . , .
•"nn'a'x part. act. fem., pi. of dec. 13 a nnx
i<aS 1 defect, for K''3N (q. v.) . . . Xn "n^''px 1 Hiph. fut. 1 pers. s. with parag.ri; If.-lconv. 713
NhX "") Kal fut. 1 pers. sing.; 1 for O conversive N12 contr. from RiaXX] Piel fut. 1 pers. smg.

*nKZlSl id. with paragogic H . . . . i<l3 naXXJ suff. 2 pers. sing, m.; 1 f. -1 conv. n3X
•DNnX \ defect, for DX-^nN (q. v.) xn /-pnx Kal
. . . inf., suflF. 2 pers. sing. m. (§ 16. rem. 7) 13X
*^nnx id. id. in pause for [^"JIIX] . . 13X
^j5{< in the Heb. not used Chald. Pa. 32X to bear fruit. •DD-inx id., suff. 2 pers. masc.
"= ='^
pi. . . . *73X
3X masc. dec. 8h, greenness, verdure. 703 H *3X
^1 for [^'•'=|?S] Hiph. fut. 1 pers. s.; \i. •] conv. ^13
green herbs of tlie valley. Ca. 6. 'Dniix
1 1. Kal infin., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . . 13X
nX Ch. fruit, with n2X
resolved in

Nun, (compare
masc. green ears of com.
suflf. P12:X for

§ 52. rem. 2) Da. 4. 9.

Dag. forte

"Dlix Pielpret.3p.s.m.n2X)suff.3pl,m.(§16.r.l5)
1. noun masc. sing. .... Tnx

month of green ears, viz. the month in which the "•max

Kal preter. I pers. pi. (§ 8. rem. 7) nax

Ge.17.5. ' De. 12. 2. « De. 32. 28. * Je. 48. SB. Ezr.8. 24.
Ju. 15. 1. • De.7.20. « Nu. 24. 20, 24. ' Pr. 15. 11.
Ete, 30. 28. / Je. 51. 55. * Pr.27.20. -"Je.SO.e.

ni55< noun fern, sing., construct of iTiaX dec. 10 IIN DrfriUN* "'1 id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc; 1 id. , . aX
•n"T5^? Kal preter. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . . HQX Vpnt^ id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . . 2{<
*ril5i< id. preter. 2 pers. suig. fem. 138< fl'^rinj? 2 pers. sing. masc.
. . id., suff. . . . 3X
'FinaS Piel preter. 2 pers. sing. masc. ^HX D^'inUS."'^!
. . . id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc; \ before .. .
•IJ^nUJ", '1 id., suff. 1 pers. pi.; 1 id.

^^^ preter.
. , .
1 pers. sing. (§ 8. rem. 7) . [ inX

•:y-T J J
'1 id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. (§ 4. rem. 2) ; 1 id. 3N
'^Jjl'iai^ Piel preter. 1 pers. sing. . . . 13X "l!"*?^ ^^ *'^^- pers. sing. [fna«], suff. 2 p. sing.
^ m. \r\2
/•JrliaN 1 id.; ace. shifted to ult. by couv. 1 . nnX ""r?? 'J
^^ ^^^^' P^rs. sing.; for -1 conv. 1 1 . "in3
DFl'inN. 1 Kal preter. 2 pers. pi. mas^ conv. ias< n^niS;
; 1 foi 1 id. with paragogic H . , . . -)n3
D|5"]3N 1 Piel preter. 2 pers. pi. masc. . 13K
'^^' ^"ff- 3 pers. sing. masc. (§ 16. rem. 12) "1112

n^^ fut. nSK'' to he willing, inclined, desirous. Is fol- ni}^ Root not used, whence Hpn^ fem. only Eze. 21. 20,
lowed by an infin. with or without pref. b.
^Ip ^D?!;^ threatening of the sword, i. e. the
nasi masc. reed, bulrush, Hl^ rii*JN vessels of
threatening sword. Prof. Lee, resting, remainin":
reed, probably the papyrus, only Job 9. 26.
3X masc. desire, Job 34. 36, according to the \ Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 8. rem. 15) nD3
i Targum.
r T
n. m. s., suff. 1 pers. sing, from [2X] dec. 2 a. n3N
'n{< poverty, misery, only Pr. 23. 29.
7? '1, n. m. s., suff. p. s. from 3X

1 irr. (§ 45) 2i<
P*^^ adj. dec.l b prop, wishing, desiring, hence
Kh.for N*3X
— I. poor, needy — II, miserable, wretched.
Ch. n. m. s.,
suff. 1

p. s.
1 pers. sing. (§ 25, 2f.)

from [2X] irr. (§ 68)

^ njVZlS^ fem.

desire, only Ec. 12. 5. ') n. masc. sing., construct of 3NI irr. (§ 45)
noun masc. sing. n3X also pr. name fem., and in compos, as,
Niph. fut. 1 pers. sing. ^n3
. . . . nr^n ^n>^ (see it^^^jj!), and pn^j? ns? nx
Ch. n. m. pi., suff. 1 p. s. fr. [IN] irr, G8) ^N'
(§ ^1 Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing.; 1 for -1 conv. '
. NU
Ch. id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . 3X
r T
) id. with paragogic H (Kh. ^^<''3K), Keri
T IT T IT -;
Ch. id., suff. 1 pers. pi. . . . , 3K «^?? (q- V.) . . \" . NU
•inx Kal pret. 3 pers. pi. , . . n2X
id., suff. 2 pers, sing, masc . , . X13
"1. ') Kal fut. 1 pers. sing.; 1 for •
1 conv. . KU pr. name masc , . . _ 3^^
Kal pret. 3 pers. pi. for -UX (§ 8. rem. 4) HiX
Hiph. fut. 1 s., suff. 3 p. pi. m.; for •
1 conv. Nil
Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, with paragogic H . Nin id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem.
Kh. ^:>injj5, K. h^l^-l^^ (q. V.) . 3N
. id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . Nin
Ch. n. m. s., suff. 3 p. s. m. fr. [nX] irr. (§ 68) 3N 5lDX''nX 1 pr. name masc; 1 before
noun masc. sing, (after the form 'pitDp) n3X
. noun masc. sins
Ch.n.m.s.,suff.2 p. s. m. from [2S] irr. (§ 68) nx
Kal part. pass. sing. masc. pr. name fem.; \ before 3K
. . .
^1 _. . . >

1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. .013
. . ,
id. by contraction 3j;
noun masc. sing. dec. 3 b. .
, .
Hiph. fut. 1 pers.s. with paragogic H (§ 19.r.8) 13^
Kal part. pass, masc, pi. of D-inX dec. 3 a. DIN
I IT . -;> J?"I''riS1 pr. name masc. 2N'
noun masc. sing., sufiF. 2 pera. sing. masc. for /'I. n.m.s.,suff. 3 p. sing. f. from aX irr. (§ 45) nx
[^p'] from D-nX dec.3b. . . D3X pr. name masc. or (l Ch.
P 2. 24) fem. .

Kal fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. DU n. m. s., suff. 3 p. sing. m. from 3S irr. (§ 45) 3N
Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§21. rem. 6) t^n
. .
IT- -:
masc, K-irr-nX & ;i masc, l-l.T-aXI masc
id. with paragogic H . . . . J*^i3 /'^n''3X fem., pr. names .

n. m. with pi. fem, term, from 3X nx

irr. (§ 45) DD''2X ^') noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc.
'1 id., construct state; before 2X
1 _. . . from 3X irreg. (§ 45) ; ) before

id., suff. 3 pers. pi. fem.

, ,^
[ id., suff. 1 pers. sing. • 1 before ^..^ . \. nx
vnx '1 id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . 2N
« Nu.21.20. ' .Tp. l.'i. 7. ' Da. 2. as. "Da. 5.2.
* Eie. 26. »1 Ki.5.3. '2Ch,32. 13. y Job ,34. 36. Ca. 8. 2.
17. / Kze. 6. 3. * Ezr. 4. K. • Pr. 15. 17. -
» ' Jc.4fi.8.
Ps.9. 6. Job 39. !). " Je. 19. 4. " Da. 5. 13.
' g Jot) 9. 26. ' Ezr. 5. 12. r ts. 63. 6. • Is. 14. 2J.
' Zee. 10. ICl / Nu. 12. 1'3.
*E».4. Ps. 81. 8. • Jo». 24.
16. * Job 23. 15. -18.28.12. ''''Je.44.2I.
8. *Ge.43.3^.

n2r:2«-ivn^5 IV



id. pi.,
masc. sing. dec. lb.
construct state .... . . . H^N
D^IVP {mournmg
near Jordan, Ge. 50. 11.
of Egypt) pr. name of a place

id. pi., suff.

'1 id. pi.,

3 pers. sing. fern.

absolute state .... . . HQN

?5X m. dec. 6b

Root not used.

(§ 35. r. 6)

Arab, to be
mowning, lamentation.

moist, sc with the

pr. name masc, or (2 Ch. ii. i8) fem. , > 3X
moisture of grass ; hence Syr. b2.\ grass.

") Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . ^l^i PZl^ grassy place, meadow, 1 Sa. 6. 18, where
\ id. with paragogic H . . . D33 the Sept. and Syr. express jit?, comp. iw. 14, 15.

masc, 7tD"'li< fem., pr. names . . . 3X Hence the following pr. names I. "IT'S /IIX
""1 n. m. s., suff. 2 p. s. m. from 3X irr. (§ 45) 3K n3y?5 Abel near Beth Maacha, a city in the north

id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. . . . 3N of Palestine, eastward of Jordan, not far from
id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. . . . 3i? Antilibanus, in the tribe of Manasseh, called also

'1 id., suff. 2 pers. pi. fem.; 1 before , , . 2X D)P"73i<, comp. 1 Ki. 15. 20 with 2 Ch. 16. 4,

pr. name masc, see •liT'ZlN . . . 3N and perhaps simply p"!^ 1 Sa. 6. 18, see above.

Kal part, masc, pi. of [^5^{] dec 9 a. . n2N II. D''J3t;>'n ?3t< {Acacia-meadow) a place in the
'T|??3"'?^. ai^c' '1
names masc. . 3S land of Moab, Nu. ^t,. 49. — III. D''P"13 73N
Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . . ^3 [meadow of vineyards) a village of the Ammon-
'1 pr. name masc; \ before ,_.-, . . 3^^ ites on the other side of Jordan, Ju. 11.33

T !• T '^"l. ']j Kalfut. Ip.s.withparag.H; 1 for -1 conv. I''l IV. n^inp ?2K {meadow of dancing) a village

n. m. s., suff. 1 pers. pi. from 3>5 irr. (§ 45) 2K in the land of Issachar, the birth-place of the

construct of the following . . . ^3^? prophet Elisha.

adj. masc, pi. of l^SNI dec. lb. . HDX 7^3iX {chief of the camels, coll. with the Arab.)
id. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . HDS pr. name of an Ishmaellte who had the charge of
1J''nX, PlpJlNI (see ^iDS'-nX) pr.

Hiph. fut. Ipers. sing,

....with paragogic H
names masc.
David's camels,

adv. ...... 1 Ch. 27.30.



noun masc.
name masc
masc. sing. dec. lb.
sing., constr. of ["fllS]
.... dec. 3 a.
h2^ adj. masc. sing, dec 5 c.
also pr.

jT-a '^?,

(§ 34. 2,

composition as D^tSK^H 'N

& rem. 2),

T^; - " t'

adj. m. pi., suff. Ipers. sing.from"l''3i|l dec lb. *13X ""1 noun masc. sing. dec. 6. (§ 35. rem. 6)
id. pi., construct state . . . "12S pr. name of a place (?!1X) with local H . bx
id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. "13N Kal pret. 3 sing. fem.

. . .

id. pi., suff.

id. pi.,

'1 masc,
absolute state
2 pers. sing. masc.

JtJ'''nN & '1

fem., J?-1tJ>''2X &

'1 id. pret.

adj. pi.

1 Hiph.
3 pers.
fem. from

fut. Ising.

with paragogic H
masc, "l-IK^^DN & ^1 masc, ]W''^^. & '1 adj. m., pi. of ^nS 5c (§ 34, 2 & r. 2) ^nX

• r T
masc, DvJi'"'3K masc,

id. pret.
pret. 1 pers. sing.

2 pers. pi. masc





n.m.s.,suff.2 p.s.from

id., suff. 3 pers. pi.

^n« dec. 6. (§ 35. r. 6) ^3K
masc . 73X . .

Piel fut. 1 pers. sing. (§• 15. rem. 1) vhi

') pr. name masc . . . . 3i<

"^13^^ Hith. only mJS* com. (mostly fem.) with i33X dec. 6a a
\f^ n-1N5 -IDatiin^l they
Is. 9. 1 7, shall suff. I.

roll or swell up in the mounting up of smoke, stone, generally ; n'7.b5'n j^X the common stone of

'nsnst '1, ^1 Kal. fut. 1 pers. sing.; 1 for -1 conv. . n23 the field ; HJ J^^ "^ stone which may be thrown
y with the hand; "TIS |5X hailstones; K'X '':3X
7jX *"
] fut. 72ii.^^ to mourn ; with 7^_ of the pers. shining-stones ; j^Xn 2? obdurate heart II.

mournedover. Wiph.tocausetomourn. Hithp.i.q.Kal. precious stone, gem, also fully, T\'\\>\ |3X III.

?3X adj. dec. 5c (§ 34, 2 & r. 2), mourning. 72X rock, Ge. 49. 24. — IV. weight; pXI jSX diverse

•Is. 29. 19.

— —
weights; D''D "'J25< weights of (i. e. carried in) the ^p!3J^ masc. dec. 4 c.—/ne dust, different to 1QJJ thick
bag. — V. plummet. Is. 34. ii. -inh ""JIX stones of and heavy dust. Niph. dcnom. to wrestle, prop.

desolations ; i. e. minutely measured off for desola- to dust each other by wrestling, Ge. 32. 25, 26.

tion VI. pr. names ; a. /.tXH |3N {stone of de- np3X fem. only in the construct Dj^IlN (§ 42.
parture), a stone not far from Jerusalem, Sa. 20. 19. rem. powder, aromatic powder, Ca.

1), 3. 6.

b. n^n-TH |3Sl {smooth stone, coll. with Chald. and fpnX id. construct state p3X
Arab.) a stone near Jerusalem, I Ki. i. 9. c. "ITJ? ]2^ ''DiT.nX id., suff. 3 pi. masc p2X
(stone of help), a stone set up by Samuel.
OJ5.5X Piel fut. 1 pers. sing "ipn
I5X Chald. emph. XJ?i? dec. Ea a stone.
K'i?nK "1 Piel fut. 1 pers. sing.; 1 for -1 conv. •
wax 2 Ki. 5. 12. Kheth. in Keri HJOX q. v.
"'^lH?^' id- with Mak. (§ 10. rem. 4) . . . SJ'pa
|3'K masc. only in dual. DJJHiX I. potter's wheel,
n|^p5X "^1 id. with parag. H (§ 10. r. 7)0 for -1 conv. EJ'pn
Je. 18.3 II. Ex. I. 16. where it is doubtful what
i'-inJi'p5X 1 id. with suff. 3 pers. sing, masc; 1 id. . ^p2
it refers to ; according to Kimchi, the seat or stool
^•13]^pnK id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . i^p2
of a woman in labour.

• •A.T

] noun com.
3 a; for

1J2N) dec. 6 a.
see letter 1. .

"Jlp.llS; noun fem.
(§ 42. rem. 1)
sing., constr. of

.... [np!2X] dec. lie.


N33S "I Chald. n. m. s. emph. of |nX dec. 3 a. (§ 59) pK *! jX Kal, not used, in the deriv. to be strong. Hiph. to

nais Kh., n^m k. (q. v.) . . . . px fij, soar. Job 39. 26.
npnS "\, '1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. ; \ for •)_ conv. . nJ3 IpX m. dec. 3 a the mighty one, spoken of God.
n33X "1 Niph. fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 10. rem. 5) . n:3 I^SX adj. dec. 1 b I. strong, mighty, brave;

'''132X noun com. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. n^ ''-)^2^ stout-hearted; \^2 ''1^2^ strong ones {i.e.

from pX dec. 6a . . . . pX bulls) of Bashan II. nobles, princes; D''y^^ TSX

tans "I noun, masc. sing. dec. lb. (§ 36. No. 1) . \2:2 chief of the shepherds.


id. pi.,

id., suff.

noun com.
2 pers. sing. masc.

absolute state

pi. construct from

.... pX

dec. 6a.
. ^22
pX noun masc.
~\2^ masc. icing -feather, pinion.

mSS fem. with

..... suff. irT12X (no pi. absolute) id.

"IIX sing.

n\33K id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. fern. . . pN *m3X noun fem. sing, (no pi. absolute) . . I^N
fDn^J^X pK
id. pi., suff.

id. pi., suff.

''1 id. pi., suff.

3 pers.

3 pers. sing. masc.


2 pers. sing, fem.;

masc. .










name masc.
pi., suff.
1 pers. sing.;

3 pers.

for -I conv.

from nniN (q. v.)

. T\'\2

D'nX *'Ud. pi., absolute state; lid. . . pX 'nndx kal fut. l pers. sing, for [HniX] . . m2
'qanX Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (n32X), suff., 2 pers. /•inn"''l3X 1 Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. suff. 3 pers. sing,
sing. fem. (§ 24. rem. 21) . . 1133 masc. ; 1 for • 1 conv. m2

id., suff.

pr. name masc.

3 pers. sing. fem. (§
.... 2. rem. 3) . nil
s"\ Piel fut.

noun masc. formed

for 'Jjnnn
1 pers. sing.;

Hiph. inf
like t23IlX;
1^ for -1 conv.

or a Syriasm

to feed, or fatten cattle. 'nD"l3X

Piel fut. 1 pers. s.
with parag.
1 ^ H ; 1 bef. ,
, "Iin
IT :iT

D-nX (by Syriasm for D-IIX) masc. COnX, masc;

N a crib or stall in which animals aie fed.
pi. * -inSiaX



suff. 3 pers.
1 before , , .
1 for

D-13Sp masc. dec. 1 b, barn, granary, Je. 50. 26. ""TDIIX "'ll id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. (§ 16. rem,
"NJ?3X Chald. Peal fut. 1 pers. sing. R. KJ?3 see Jl^nnX »jl|l5 & 13. § 2. rem. 3) ; 1 before

J 'nj^aVliSt n. f., pi. of [nyj from K-Uyg] & K prosth. pnapiaX "\_ id. id. (§ 2. rem. 2) ; Hd. 1"in

fas' 1 for f3K (perhaps tin, i.q. Chald. K^2X) pr. ?D3"I3X
I" :iT -:
''1 id., suff.
I- '
3 ^
pers. pi.
masc. ; 1 id. .

n.of a city in the tribe of Issachar, Jos. 19. 20. D1Z1X '*[ pr. n. masc. see Dn"l3X . 2X
}V3K {labour, i.q. Chald. |y3-1X) pr. n. of a judge 'innnx n. f. s., suff. 3 p. s. m. fr. nnnx (no pi. abs.) "inx
of Israel, Ju. 12. 8, 10. 'nCi'ilX defect for nirilX (q. V.) ' . . . ^U
• lch.21.22.
Q-j^_^^;3X VI

") (see"'K^''3X), Di^t^aX "1, oV^nX "I pr.n.m. 3N

- -: \ Piel fut. 1 p.s. with parag. H; 1 before , for 1
IT :

for ni2N noun masc. with pi. fem. term, from

3K irreg. (§ 45) IN

id., suff. 1 pers. sing. 1 3N

*'1 id., suff. 3 pars. pi. masc. ; 1 bef. , ,

id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. .

1 id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. ; 1 before .

'1 id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. ; 1 id.

'1 id., suff. 1 pers. pi. ; 1 id. .

id., suflF. 3 pers. pi. masc. (§ 4, rem. 2) .

I" T
{fugitive coll. with the Arab.) pr. name masc.
2 Sam. 23. II.

Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, for ['?K?N] .

id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. (§ 16. rem. 12)

in pause for [^n^XJX] Chaldaism for ['•n^t^JH]
• :vT : V
Hiph. pret. 1 pers. sing.

pr. name of Anialekitish kings. 3iX Arab.
to hum.
gent, name of Haman.

Heb. not used. Chald. to bind together.

n'^3K fem. dec. 10 I. bands, knots, Is. 58.

II. bundle, bunch, Ex. 12. 22 III. band of

troop, 2 Sam. 2. 25. — IV. vault of heaven, Am,
^1 defect, for T-ilS (q.v.)

fem., pi. of rT^JK dec. 10

fut. 1 pers. sing.

1 pers. sing.
.... .

1_ Piel fut. 1 pers. sing, with parag. H ; ) bef. , _,

\ id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. ; 5 id.

Piel fut. 1 pers. s. for [jnjX] (§ 15. rem. 1)

1 Kal fut. 1 pers.
O :
' T
1 for • 1

noun fem. sing., construct of rT^JN dec. 10

1 id. with suff. 3 pers. sing, masc; 1 before

a nut. Cant. 6. 11. Arab. TlJ, Syr. KtiJ.

vt: V

> Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. . . S

Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. ....



fut. 1

name masc.
pers. sing.

pers. sing,
..... with parag. H
'1 Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. ; 1 for -1 conv.

'1 id. with paragogic H . . .

id. with sufF. 3 pers. sing. masc. (§ 2. rem. 3)

Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, with parag. H


VII Dn^^-^t^^iJ^

"^1^^. *',! Piel fut. 1 pers. sing.; 1 id. . . lJ^^J T'lX adj. masc. sing. dec. 1 b. -nx
'DtJ'lJX id., suff. 3 pers. pi. raasc. . . . Ji'lJ "ITIX id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . mx
'^•13B'"13X "1 id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. ; ^
" before , , C'lJ n^^lX '"I id. pL, construct state -nx
IV :iT **: t" V ./

"TllllX '1 noun fern. sing. dec. 13 a. . . 13X i'Dn''"|l.'''nX "1 id. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. "nx
viv • :

XnnaX Chald. noun fern, sing., emph. of K^jIX dec. 9. "Ijt^ -1"'T''nX id. pL, suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. -nx
/ Dn'n"l5X, suflF. 3, ITia^ii dec. 13a. ~I25< "
T'T*?^ ^^- P'-» suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. -nx
'IX 1 noun raasc. sing. dec. la. . . . 11X Dn^x 1
^ ^^" P^"' ^bsolut^ state •nx
n*15^ Kal not used, Hiph. to languish, faint, 1 Sa. 2. ^$.
with Mak. for [3.^*]X] pers. sing
"J.W^. Piel. fut. 1

OXIS? Kal fut. 1 pers. sing 3i<T

^''^1^ pr- n. of a son of Haman, Est. 9.8. As a Pers
7K3"JN 1 (mtradeo/Go(^, coll. -with the Arab.; or finger
name Gesenius conjectures, heart or eagle.
of God, Chald. XJ/^nX finger) pr. name of

a son of Ishmael, Gen. 25. 13.

|_U"NJ to be red, rudely Pu. part, made, or dyed red
'p''3'lS Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. pm Hiph. to be red. Is. i. 18 Hithp. to be red, spark-
'^1] Piel fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 10. rem. 4); ling, Prov. 23. 31.
*P, 121
\ for 1 cop., 1 for • 1 conversive .
D1X masc. (has no pi. number) — I. a man, human
X ''11
' 1
im being irrespective of sex; more frequently collect.

> id. with paragogic H 1, 1 id. . i-

minx ;

men, for which also is used DTX ""^B sons of man ; |3

"TIN Heb. not used, i. q. ITH Arab, to befall any one, as mX son of man, i. e. weak and mortal man ; XIS
a misfortune.
wild ass of
a man,' i. e. a wild man,' Ge. 16. 12:'

IIX pr. name of an Edomite, 1 Ki. 11. 17;

in the construct (without change of vowels) D1X
called also Tin ver. 14.
?^*p3 a man of worthlessness, Prov. 6. 12 II. a

nX pr. name masc. Ez. 8. 17. man, not a woman, i. q. kJ^"'X, Eccl. 7. 28 III. pr.

name — (a.) of the first man, 1 Ch. i. i. — [b.) of a

" nilX

pr. n.

name masc.
masc. Ez.


pers. sing, contr. for [ni"i!nX]

59 ; called JIIX, Neh. 7.

city near Jordan.

DhX, D'nX adj. pi. D''?3"[X dec. 8c. (§37. Nos.




'1 pr.


name masc.
3 pers. masc.

of a man
..... or nation;






§ 26. No. 23.

r v:
red, ruddy, or

a reddish brown,

of the elder sonof Isaac,«

1 v: IV V (v:) ^

/m% Ge. 25. 30, usually called Edomite, collect.

-DhX 1 written for DIX (q. V.) . . DIX ICi'J? II.

D^phX gent, noun masc, pi. of ''PHX from DHX mX Edomites; fully DIX '•33, D'IX fl? ; also as the

noun masc. sing. dec. 3 a.

name of the country Idumea. Gent. n. ^P"IX
I^IX . . . (11
Edomite, fem. JT'piX Edomitish woman, pi. ni'DlX
fnX pr. name masc. . . . . ITX
jnX noun masc. sing., comp. § 39. No. 4. rem. 1, note.
construct of j'nX dec. 3 a. \n
"^^nX id. pi. spoken only of God, elsewhere ^JIX (q.v.) JIT
DYX masc. a ruby, or cornelian. Sept. Vulg.

rnn'-iinX n. m.
id. pi,


name masc.

3 pers.
3 pers. sing. fem.

pi. m. fr. jilX dec. 3 a.

. . jH

4. rem.
fem. nDipiX,
1), adj. reddish,

§ 26. No. 23.
(§ 39.

id. pi.


absolute state

of a place

. . . .

riDlX fem.
land II.

land, region, country

of a city in the tribe of Naphtali, Jos. 19. 36.

(§ 42. rem. 1) I.

III. pr.

nnV« defect, for nhlX noun fem. pi. . . TlX niDlX pr. name of a city destroyed with Sodom
'"•nnX id. with sufiF. 1 pers. pi. . . . 1"IX and Gomorrah.
T'n'nX id. with suff. 2 pers. s. masc. . . TlX •piX {human) pr. name of a city in the tribe of

Dn^lX Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. mj Naphtali, Jos. 19. ^^.

Chald. adv. then,' at that time; »!.-..»
flXS id.; *:iDnX, *3bnX adj. red-haired.

jnX IP since that time. XriDlX

IT- :
pr. n. of
a Persian nobleman.' Est. i. 14.

' Jii.2.3.
; —
^^nin^^-D^i< VIII
ni (for nnj?) m.dec.2a I. blood; n'^'b]}, !?5X pr. name masc, . . . . . TIN
to eat (flesh) with the blood; ipZ 0*1 innocent blood; Kheth. for VpV^ (q. v.) .
but D"! 6/oo(i of the innocent II. blood-shed, noun masc.
^i?J pi. constr. from [H.SI] dec. Ga. . HN
blood-guiltiness ; D*l 17 px he is not guilty of blood; noun pi. the Lord, spoken of God, different
IT -;
in the plural, D''P'=T )"'j; ,^'<Vi bloody man, city from '•JIN with
pi. suff. (q. v.) in
i3 ^^* blood is upon him, is guilty of his own contracted for CJIKI]
"'''^''J 1. id.
blood III. blood of grapes, wine. noun m. pL, suff. 1 pers. s. from jn&? dec. 3 a. in
DT,!?? "1 noun masc. sing., also pr. name . . DIN id. pi. construct state ; 1 bef. in
th^ adj. m. s.,pl. CrsnX dec.Sc. (§ 37. Nos. 2&3) m^ "1
id. s.,suff. 1 pers. s., with pref. for [''J1X1] ;"|

«DMK Kal also pr. name in compos, as pn"''j'lX &c.J

1^ fut. I pers. s. (§ 18. r. 14) ; 1 for A conv. DfOT )j


noun masc.
rh^ nay

masc. sing. (§ 39. 4. rem.


..... . .



D^X Ht^I^


m. pL,
pi., suff.

& '1
3 pers.

3 pers.
s. fem.

s. f.

names masc.
fr. [pN]
dec. 6a.

dec. 3 a.
nmpns; np^pnx mx


pause for
of the following

Tlto^.pnS. adj.fem.sing.from D'npiS m. (§39.4. rem

.... (q. V.) . .




'^1, suff. 3 pers.

noun masc.
pi., suff. 3 pers.

pi., suff.


3 pers. sing. masc. from

[jl^?] dec. 6a.

}hX dec. 3 a.

nipni^ ',1 noun fern. sing. dec. lie. (§ 42. rem. 1),
[|nN] dec. 6a. ; 1 before
^..^ PN
also pr. name ; 1 before , . . . DIK n. m. pi., suff. 3 pers. s. m. from 'HN dec. 3 a. in

Plel fut.




pers. sing.

of a place

DhX m.
.... mX
(§ 39.

. .

3. parad.)
id., suff.

id., suff.

id., suff.
2 pers. sing. masc.

2 pers. sing. fem.

2 pers. pi. masc.

/nD"^S contr. for [n»ins:], Hithp. fut. 1 pers. sing. nOT noun masc, pi. of [pX] dec. 6 a. . ps



noun fem.

masc. sing.
3 pers.


absolute from
..... . .

T T -;


He. D1X

'it •
-: '
noun masc,
'1 id.

D"l''3nX"l pr.
IT • -:r

suff. 1

names masc.
pers. pi.
dec. 3 a.

; 1 before .
'•jp'lX T_ pr. name of a place ; 1 before , , . . D1i< n. m. s., suff. 1 pers. pi. from {HX dec. 3 a. in
'P"IS gent, noun masc. from d)!^ . . DIK
Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. ; 1 for -1 conv.
D^lpiN dec. 8.

.... Qis
id. pi. . . . . .

D'-piX see D''P1X D^yp n^J? 1 Kb. yiN q. v., K. nj^nX (q. v.) .

D''13*1S adj.masc, pi. of DhS dec.Sc. (§37.Nos.2&3) DHX *'1

1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, with paragogic

n*P'"I^ gent, noun fem., pi. of JTiphX (§ 39. No. 4. 'Y{'\) H; 1 for .3 conv.

'''JD'lNI 1

masc. sing.
from ''dlVs masc. (q. v.)

.... . . DIN
D1J4 'Di?nN

, '1^ id.

suff. 2 p.

pers. sing.
s. m.
(§ 1 6. r.

2) ;

3 pers,
1 id


*rinpiN noun fem.


f. s., constr. of

name masc.
sing., suflf.
..... dec. lie. (§ 42.

3 pers. sing. fem. from

r. 1) D"IX
n^. Niph.
pi. masc.

(§ 18. rem. 11)

become glorious, Ex. 15.


6, 11. —Hiph.


make honourable, glorioles, Is. 42. 21.

npnx dec. lie. (§ 42. rem. 1)
OnnN pr. name of a city of Judah, 2 Chr. 1 1. 9.
^np"lt? id., sufif. 3 pers. sing. masc. ma Its etymology is uncertain. Gesenius, two princes 01
^riD^fr^ id., suflF. 1 pers. sing. .

\\ two mounds; others derive it from 'Vi'^, two dwellings.

-j^jllwj. ,.
Md., sufF. 2 pers. sing. masc. T''^X adj. m.dec lb. I. great, mighty. — II. noble,

DSnpiX id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc.

excellent ; hence — III. prince.

"Vl^ pr. name of a Benjaminite, 1 Chr. 8. 3. see

Dnp'TX id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. DIN
also TIN "iVn
•'IJnp']N'''*'1 id., sufi-. 1 pers. pi. . DIN
TlX the twelfth month of the Hebrew year,

beginning with the new moon of March, and ending

masc. in pause pX dec. 6 a I. base of a column. with that of April. The etymology is uncertain,
II. trop. foundation, Job 38. 6. Chald. id. Ezr. 6. 15.

•Job 31. 84. 'LcW. 19. • Le. 13. 24 43. g I-a. 4. 7. « 1 Sa. 17. 42. ' Pr. 30. 10. '
1 Sa. 16. 16. pGe. 18.21. Ex. 33. 13, IT
»Le.l3.42.49. •'Le. 14.37. /Is. 14. 13. » Ps. 49. 13. *Am.5.2. " De. 10. 17. '
Ru. 4. 4. fJe. 11.18. 2 Sa. 22. 13.
*»Nu. 19.2. •'''Ge. 47. 18, 19. /^Ne. 13. 10.
']^nnnx-mvS IX

— —
lljSI masc.
ness, splendour. Zee. 11. 13.

nn^S fern,

cloak, mantle, Mi. 2. 8.

suff. SK)"^^ dec. 13 a.— I. cloak,

II. great- *3nS
'"3 ns;


fut, I

imp. sing. masc.

id. fut.

. s. in

pers. sing.
pause for [3nN]
; 1 for •! conv.
(§ 19. r. 3)

mantle. — II. magnificence. 3ni< '1 id. part. act. sing. masc. dec. 7 b. . 3nN
l*'nT5")"lK Chald. chief judges. Da. 3. 2,3. From n3nX ""[ (prop. inf. § 8. rem. 10. & 13. rem. 2) noun
inX greatness, and |^")T3 part, of "ITJl q. v. fem. only in the sing. (§ 26. No. 11) . 3nX
"=12^11^ {splendour of the king, contracted from rI3nt|l Kal pret. 3 pers. sing masc. (3nX),sutf. 3 pers,
•^i?^n "lis*) pr. n.— I. of an idol, 2 Ki. 17.31.— II. sing. fem. (§ 16. rem. 1) . . . 3nS
of a son of Sennacherib, 2 Ki, 19. 37.

TTK- pr. name masc.

IT '^
..... "IIN


1 id. fut. 1
s. m. (3nS),suff.3p.
pers. sing. (3n"i<),
s.f. (§ 16. r. 11)

sufif. 3 pers. sing.



name of a month
noun masc. sing.





IIX •13ns
id. pret.
masc. (§ 16. rem. 12)
3 pers. pi.

; 1 for -I .

iT-:iT ;
ChaW. n. masc. pi.
from i.
dec. 2 b. ")*!« id. pret. 3 pers. s. (3ntit), suff. 3 pers. s.

rmS pr. name of a place ["rnX] with parag. H . "nX ?-"13n5<


id. imp. pi. masc. (§ 8. rem. 12)


i- 3rIN
,,, \ .

*^"TI1?? Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (comp. § 8. rem. 18) ^Tt y v:iv : > J

N'^iniNI Chald. adv. quickly, diligently, Ezr. 7. 23.

'Un'X 1 id. part. act. s. m. (3nV<) suff. 3 s. m. dec. 7 b. 3nX
n"15< Chald. n. m. pi. constr. from Hl^Jdec. 2 a. "113 ^•13nX id. pret. 3 p. pi. (s. SHK), suff. 2 p. s. m. . 3nX
"^DD^ll^ Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing., sufF. 2 pers. pi. masc. "1*11 "D-13nX id. id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . . 3nS
''D311X 1 Kal fut. 1 pers. s. ["^""TIS;] , sufif. 3 pers. pi. m. "]!! *3nK id. part. act. pi. m., suff. 1 pers. s. dec. 7 b. . 3nX
*D''y3*inX \darics,'2i Persian gold coin, see also'ltoSlI "'3nb5 '1 id. id. pi., construct state . . . 3nN
"Dnix for Dn>"^S, adj. m., pi. of T''li<! dec. lb, . "nS '•IinX id. id. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing. . . . 3nN
WhU Kh. n'3ns 3nx



name, see DT-JIX
name masc,
name of a place for
.... nx .

. ,




""1 Kal
*"1 id., suff.
q. v..

part. act. pi. m., suff. 3 pers.

3 pers. sing. masc.

k. ''3n;5< (q. v.)

s. f. dec. 7 b.



B'n'jX Kal fut. 1 pers. sing ^Ti ^''3nX id., suff 2 pers. sing. masc. . . 3nS
lyy^Vi Niph. fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 10. rem. 5) . K^IT '''Jjnni* id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. for ['^''3'] , 3nS
/nK^'inX ) Kal fut. 1 pers. s. (pT}^) with parag. H . tJ'Tl D^nS noun masc, pi. of [3nN] dec. 6d. . 3nS
*-13_^")1X id. with sufF. 3 pers. sing. masc. (§ 2, rem. 3) ^Tl ''D*3nS Kal part. act. pi. masc, from 3nK dec 7b. . 3ni^
^3nK *'1 id. preter. 3 pers. sing. masc. (3nS), suff,
noun fem. sinsr. dec. 13 a.
nTiK 2 pers. sing. m. (§ 16. r. 1) ; 1 for \ conv, 3nX
ini'^NI id., sufF. 3 pers. sing. masc. ^"^iliriX id. part. act. sing. masc. (3ni<), suff. 2 pers.

'Dn'I'^X id., suflf. 3 pers. pi. masc. sing, masc, dec. 7b. (§ 36. rem. 3) . 3nX
s^D3ni< *'1 id. fut, 1 pers. s. (3nX), suff. 3 pers. pi.

[SJ^ni^] to thresh, once. Is. 28. 28. masc. ; 1

for -1
~ conv. . . . 3nX
n3nX "1 n. fem. sing., construct of n3nX (q. v.) . 3riX
irti^, inx fut. nnx>, 3ns\ i pers. 3nK, nnx— i. to 'n3n^. Kal part. pass. sing, fem., construct of n3-inX
love, with the ace, rarely with 7 and 3; part. 3ni< dec. 10, from 3-inX masc. . . 3nX
friend. — II. to love to do anything, followed by an *n3nX id. part. act. sing., fem. of 3nX , . 3nX
infin. with 7. —Niph. part, lovely, amiable, 2 Sa. i . 23. Pl3nX id. preter. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . 3nX
— Pi. part, a lover. n3nX "I id. id., ace. shifted by conv. \ (§ 8. rem. 7) 3nX
nriK masc. only pi. D"'2nX. — I. amours, loves. ri3nX id. preter. 2 pers. sing. fem. . . 3nX
Ho. 8. 9. — II. loveliness, Pr. 5. 19. '•inn3riX id. pret. 3 pers. s. f., suff. 3 p. s. m. (§ 16. r, 1) 3nX
3ns m. only pi. D''3ni< amours, loves, Pr. 7. 18. >n3nN n. f. s. with suff. 1 pers. s. from n3nX (q. v.) SHK
— r fem. — I,
n3nS '
infin. of the verb 3nN
- T
e. ° ••n3nx 1 1
IT _ .
"^ VKal preter. 1 pers. sing, (§ 8. rem. 7) V 3nX
nin* DK'TIK n3nX7 to love the name of the
Lord. — II. subst. love, beloved. — III. adv. delight- "• "•n3n'X id. part.act.s.f. (n3nX) with parag. \ dec. 13 a. 3nX
fully, Ca. 3. 10. "^"•riSHX id, pret, 1 pers. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. 3nX

• Da. 8. 2, 3.

" TininX
Kal preter.
n. f. s., suflF.
1 pers. sing.,

2 pers. s.

m. from
2 pers. sing. fern.

HnnX (q. v.)


n ?nX

noun masc.
name fem, .....
sing., suff.

3 pers. sing. masc. from

• . SnX
^1 1*-*

*"np3n'K Kal pret. 3 p. s. f., suff. 2 p. s. f. (§ 16. r. 2) nnS "PHX (§ 35. rem. 9) . . . . ^nx
DpinS n. f. s., suflf. 3 pers. pi. m. from nnnS (q. v.) nnS vHX id., with suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . PHX
•"DflnriK '") Kal preter. 2 pers. pi. masc; 1 before 3nK ni^rix 1 noun pi. fem. see C^HX
'•13r)3nX id. preter. 2 pers. sing, masc, suff. 1 pers. pi. 3nX vnX n. masc. pi., constr. from pn'X (§ 35. rem. 9) ^HX
/^jrianX id. with suAF. l pers. sing. . . . SHX *^nX id. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing. . . . ?nX
niriV^ Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 13. rem. 5) . H^H '""•pnX id. pi., suff. 1 pers. sing, (note X) . . ^HX
inX 1 pr. name of a son of Simeon, Ge, 46. 10. ^iU^'pnX
m., n2''hnii
IT • t: QD

f., HDl^'pnX
IT T t; X 1'
f., pr. n.
^ m. ^HX
The etymology is uncertain ; coll. with the DHvnX ""I noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. from
Samar. portion. According to Gesenius, ^riX (§ 35. rem. 9) . . , ^nX
union, IHX
- T
i. q.
- T
•^''^^nX id. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. (note X) . ^HX
*1-"inX (by Syr. for 1-1 HX) pr. name of a p D3vnX id. pi., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. . . ^HX
judge in Israel. 'DyHX masc. pi. and nPHX fem. pi. lign-aloes, or
aloes wood, a perfumed wood.
Hmw interj. expressive of grief, ah ! alas ! D"'|?riX '1. noun masc, pi. of ^HX, dec. 6. (note X,

'^^D'!? pr. name of a country and a river. Ezr.8. 21,31. § 35. rem. 9) . . . . . ^nX



part. p. sing. masc.

fem. (§ 38. No. 3. dec. 3) dec. 10.

name masc. ....

. .


id. sing., suff.

Piel fut.

n. ra. s.,

2 pers. sing. masc. for

pers. sing.

2 pers.

s. f. from ^HX (q. v.)


'•"13'linN Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. "•iyU^. ^^ fwt. 1 pers. sing. . . . . "l!?ri

masc. (§ 20. rem. 10. § 25. No. 2e) . m^ !?^^rix Piel fut. 1 pers. sing ^^n
*PI3y']inXChald. Aph. fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. '"l7?nX."»^l id. with parag. H ; ^ for ^, (§ 10. rem. 7) ^/D
sing. masc. (§ 47. rem. 4, compare 53. 1) ^T* !J1^.?D^. id., suff. 2 pers, sing. masc. for [^^.^inX]

"•nX i. q. n*X where I Ho. 13. 10. Others take it (§ 2. rem. 3. and 16. rem. 15) . . ^^n
as an interj. expressive of derision, ha ! ""•liPPriX id. with suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . ^^n
*nX '^1 apocopated for the following (§ 24. r. 3) H^H 'npnX 1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing nOH
iTHX '\, '1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing.; 1 for -I conv. . iTTl '.T»nX \ id. (§ 24. rem. 5) . . . . HOH
'^D^^X \ Hlph. fut. l pers. sing, with paragogic H DIH "JjSriX Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 13. rem. 5) , . -jSn
'iinX Kal fut. 1 pers. sing Jin
/MSN i. q. ??n, only Hiph. to shine. Job 25. 5. See also 'HJinX \ id. with paragogic H (§ 13. rem. 4) . . i')n

the following article.

masc. dec. with suff. '•^HX, ^5'?!!$ (§ 35.


fully for

^^' ^^^- ^ P^^^-

1 pers. sing
(q. V.)
s- m.; 1

for conv. ilH

"I 6, r. 8),
with n paragogic HPHX, pi. Dvi^'^ (rem. 9)
pnX '"[ pr. name of the brother of Moses, and the

I. tent, tabernacle, dwelling. — \\. pr. name of a son first high-priest.

of Zerubbabel. 1 Ch. 3. 20. D'"inX Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . DIH

?nX topitchatent,toliveintents. Pielid.Is. 13.20. iX conj — I. or, either; IX—iX whether — or

(her tent, for n?nX, see § 3. rem. 3) an alle-
IT OD ^T t: X ' •'
II. or else III. if, but if; libj; IX D''P^

gorical name given to Samaria by Ezekiel, 23. 4, sq. some days, if it were perhaps ten, i. e. about

name ten days.

^i?yj]^ {tsnt of (his) father) pr. of an
artificer employed in the work of the tabernacle. bX-IX \ pr. name of a man. Ezr. 10. 34. Simonis,

nSvHX {my tent (is) in her, T]2 for rI3, see strength of God, for ?X >1X ; Gesenius,

§ 3. rem. 3) an allegorical name given to Jerusalem perhaps will of God, for ?X IX see R. HIX.

by Ezekiel, 23. 4.

npriynX {tent of the high place) pr. name of a J^li^ Root not used; whence, 3iX Ti'lSIX 1.

wife of Esau. Ge. 36. 2, 14. leathern bottle, Job 32. 19. — II. a spini of dtvino'

« 2 3a. I. %. '' ne. 10. 19. «-Ne. 13.26, * Da. 5. 17.

* Bu.4.1.-.. ' Mai. 1 2. » De.21.15.
'Am. 4, 5, / Ju. 14. 1& ' Pg.28.7.
XI b^1N-^^rin^^c

tion, or necromancy III. necromancer, one who ^X masc. (for MX) pi. D''>S (§ 37. No. 4) haUt-
calls up spirits to learn of them the future. able earth or land, coast, sea-coast, island. See also
n3X {water skim) pr. name of a station of the *S< R. mX II.

Israelites in the wilderness. ^IXp masc. only, pi. D"'*lSp desires. Ps. 140. 9.

noun masc. sing. dec. la.. . . 31N ni,Xn fem. dec. 10. — I. desire, appetite, lust, — II.

Kal part. act. sing. masc. dec. 7 b. . . "13X object of desire, a delight.

pr. name masc. . . . .

'. 72J5
Root not used. Arab, howl.

.... 72'' to
Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc.

Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. ^2'' *1K I. wailing. — II. interj. wo! alas! expressive

[for "pn-IX] Hoph. fut. 1 pers. sing. , hi''

of grief. — III. ho ! expressive of threatening.

^2"^ n^^iX id. alas I Ps. 120. 5.

n. masc. sing., construct of 72' dec. 2 b. ,

^N masc. (for '•'IX) — I. jackal, only in the plural,

Root not used ; Arab I. to bend, to turn, to sur-

C^X — II. inteij. wo! alas! S? ""X wo to Aim,

round. — II. to be strong. n*X fem. — I. the name of a bird of prey, Sept.

*1X masc. dec. 1 a., mist, vapour, the exhalations

and Vulg. vulture ; kite. — II. pr. name of a man.

arising from, and surrounding, the earth.

a wooden poker, for turning

///.nix Root not used ; supposed to signifj', to mark,
l-IN masc. dec. 1 a.,
describe with a mark.
or stirring the fire, Is. 7.4; hence, a fire-brand.
r\)1'\ii pi. fem. dec. 10, causes, (prop, turnings,
nix (for njS) com. dec. 1 a., pi. niflX— I.
compare bbi, HBD, Eng. circumstances), HHiX ?y
mark, memorial, warning. — II. sign, portent, miracle.

for the causes, i. e. on account of; ^ri'niS Py on

nX Chald. masc. id.

my account. *mx Piel preter. 3 pers. sing. masc. . mx

T^N m. dec. 1 a., straifness, calamity, destruction. Kal part. act. sing. masc. dec. 7 b. . nnx


masc. dec. la

in excess of excess,

*iy eiien to excess,

I. might, power, excess;


e. very exceed-

*1J? till (it

n-ix pr.

name masc.
(Kh. n^-iniX
of a man. Ne. 3.25.

K. n^''niX Hiph,
MX Arab.

fut, l pers. s.

to excess, exceedingly

ISp I'ii'O very exceedingly; TXp 2'Civerygood;

II. adv. exceed-
parag. in form from

fut. 1 pers. sing.

?n\ in sense fr.

"t^^P t^^pj he is very present ;'Mi'0

noun masc.
'') Hiph. fut.
sing. dec. la.

1 pers. sing. (§ 25.

'^'IT} go down quickly.

No. 2e)


with paragogic H

name masc.

Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing.
'1 Kal part. act. sing. masc. dec. 7 b. . n^x

id. with paragogic H . . , yi^ vT : I

id. pi., suff. 1 pers. sing. n^x

id., sufF. 2 pers. sing. masc. .
id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. yn> id. pi., construct state n^x
/"I|Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. (nn'lX), suff. 2 p.
id. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing. . a*x
sing. masc. (§ 25. No. 2e. & § 2. r. 3)
id. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. n^x

id., sufT. 3 pers. sing, masc, (§ 2. rem. 3) .

id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. n^x
Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 20. rem. 7); 1 before ' IV
id. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. n-x
• ^1 : I

gutt. for •) conversive 9'Tib^ix id. id. (Kh. T-n^iX) ; K. '?IlflX (q. v, n^x
<nnix noun pi. fem. from the form n'li<] id. pi., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. n^x
id. pi., absolute state . n^x
Kal, not used. Arab, to bend, inflect, also turn id. pi., suff. 1 pers. pi. 2*X
aside, take lodgings, dwell. Pi. to desire, to long for. id. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . n^x
— —
IX masc.

fem. dec. 10

II. to

Pr. 31.4.
take for a dwelling.

I. desire,
longing II. lust.
id., sing., suff.


'1 noun masc.

..... 1

pers. pi.

dec. 1 a. ; also pr

"•IK {desire) pr. name of a king of Midian. in compos. "Jl*1"ip 'X; 1 before ..„ ^ix

• Je. 31. 9.
Dnn5:"i5<-D^SnK XII nSix-D^Snx
'\ n. masc, pi. of ?''"lX dec. 1 a. ; 1 id. ^1K ?">{< masc. dec. la. — I. the mighty, noble. — U,
Piel preter.

id. with suflf.

1 pers. sing., sufF. 3 pers. sing. fern,

2 pers. sing. masc. for [^'H'] .

applied to

terebinth, &c.
strong trees, as the oak, the pine, at
Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. D?''^ pr. name of a station of the Israelites in

the wilderness.
id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc.
P?^t^ (oak). — I. pr. name of several men. — II. of
[for b''?XX] Hiph, fut. 1 pers. s. (§ 19. r. 8) "pax a city in the tribe of Dan.

Kal part. act. sing. masc. dec. 7 b. . ni?*N, ro'^a pr. name of a sea-coast town in

Hoph. fut. 1 pers. sing. h2>
D?"'X only pi. D^7f)?"'X, niS/X vestibules, porticos.

Kal part. act. fem. for [n?3"lX]

P*K Chald. masc. dec. I., tree.

T iV.: I
id. pi. m., sufF. 3 pers. s. f. from 72)^ dec. 7 b.
bVi masc. dec. la. — I. strong, mighty man, hero. —
Niph. fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 20. rem. 7) ; Milel
IT" II. power, '']''
7N7 ^^. it is in the power of my hand.
before monos. for n?-"lN]
— III. God, the Mighty One. — IV. a supposititious god,

an idol.

Sl^? Root not used ; i. q. 7i<"' to be foolish. nvN, •1^v^? {my God is the Lord), pr. name of

/"•IX masc. dec. la., a fool, by implication an the celebrated prophet, Elijah, during the reign of

impious wicked person, Ahab, king of Israel, and likewise of two other

adj. /oo/w/t, Zee. ii. 15. but obscure persons.

c I?!?

^"lip /""IK pr. name of a king of Babylon, suc- bis? {to God, sc. dedicated), pr. name masc
cessor of Nebuchadnezzar. See ^l"ip the name Nu. 3. 24.

of a Babylonian idol ; the fool of Merodach, perhaps K7X (i. q. n?^ terebinth), pr. name masc.
so called by the Jews by way of opprobrium for, 1 Ki.4. 18.

the wise of Merodach. ^7^? fem.

IT ••
— I. terebinth. — pr.
II. '^ name of one of

nSlN f. with sufF. ^PlpJX dec. 13 a., folly, impiety. the dukes of Idumea. — III. of a king of Israel, sori

of Baasha, and others.

7^^5 & 7''X Root not used ;^Arab.— I. to be the first,

I'vX masc. dec. lb. — I. oak, others, terebnith. —
chief. — II. to be strong.
II. pr. name masc. Ge. 46. 14.

?W masc. dec. la. — I. prince, chief, 2 Ki. 24. 15. ,.. ..

Kh. V-1J{, K. v''X noun masc. pi. construct

Kh. — II. body, Ps. 73.4. from ^-IX or ^•'X ^1«

•P'lX pr. name of a river flowing by Susa in pr. name of a river, for [v-1N] ^1N
Persia, Da. 8. 2. See also analyt. order. (compounded of •'li<='lX,and v i.q. N7 compare
D7-"l>?, D7X masc, pi. D''t3?X. — I. vestibule, porch. v17) adv. — I. if not, unless. — II. perhaps,

— II. pr. name of a man. Note. — Some editions peradventure.

have also the form D?5<.

?^N masc.
* I-

mem; over doors or windows.

dec. 6h. — I. ram. — II. a certain oma-
for [v''1??.] adj. masc. sing.

fut. 1 pers. sing.

fut. 1 pers. sing.

.... . ^1K

?*J< com. a stag, hart, or deer, also fem. hind. 1 id. with paragogic H . , . .

n?*X fem. dec. 1 1 a., hind or female deer. id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc.
n?*X fem. id. "l^t^'^ ri2*X Und of the morning, def. for Ll'h''% n. masc, pi. of ^''IX. dec la.

in the heading of

of the Psalm.

P?*N[ {belonging
Ps. 22, to designate the subject

to deer, deer-field), pr. name of pcma.



apoc. for

name masc.
m. s., sufF.
"ij y'15<

3 pers.
(q. v.)


m. from
1 for •

[?-1K] dec.

1 a. hx
a city in the tribe of Dan, and another in the tribe '1 noun masc. sing., pi. c ''^pX dec. 8 a. .

of Zebulun. '1 (compounded of •1X=iX, and a7 Arab, not)


masc. strength, force, Ps. 88. 5. adv. prop, whether not, i. q. but perhaps, but.

n-ITJjt fem. id., Ps. 22. 20. '\ n. fem. sing. dec. 13 a. (see the following) 71K

Pr. 1. 7. « Is. 2B. 9. ' Ps. 50. 21. g Ho. 11. 4. « Job 3. 2. 'Zee. 11. 15. ' 2 Ki. 6. 19, • Je. 31. 9. P Ps. 7i. i.
Ps. 132. U. ' Job 13. 15. / Ps. iO. 8. * Kc. 5. 10. * 2 Ki. 24. 15. 'Is. 66. 9.
— — ;;

Dnn:iix-in':>"ix XIII Dnr l!i1N-D^V )H

Wp-IK n. f. s., suff. 3 pers. s. m. from n>1S dec. 13 a. 71N 131N '1 pr. name of a place . . . pS

id., suff.



name masc.
1 pers..

1 pers.

O »
for -I- conversive
«'i3iN "I n.

noun masc.

Kh. nVjiS, K. nVJX,

s. from

flN, or ])^,

from pX, dec. la.

fern., pi.
(q. v.) .

of H^jiN
. pS
I- IT t:' • ' ^ T*
ID'IS id. part. act. sing. masc. dec. 7 b.. . "IDX (participial form lilce n*pin) or il^JX . n3N
'mpiN id. fut. 1 pers. sing, with paragogic H . IDS D'-JiN noun masc, pi. of pX dec. la. . . . pS
noun masc, pi. of pX dec. 6g. . . pi{
•J "IN' KS Heb. not used, in the derivatives. — I. to be no- id. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. . . pS


thing, to be light, easy. II. to be strong. * nm id. sing., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . . px


vanity. —
II. idol,
dec. 61i.

idols ;


n''3 house

of idols

s., suff.

name masc.
3 pers.

pi. m. from pK dec. la. pN
rij?p3 valley of idols.


workers of iniquity.
— IV.
""np wicked
Am. 1.5.

adversity, calamity, sorrow.

; ]\ii


pr. name masc.

ap. for the preceding

1 pers. sing. .... . . .


pK masc. dec. 1 a. I. power, stra^gth, vigour, 1^ Niph. fut. 1 pers. s. (§ 20. r. 7) ;

for •
1 conv. ID'
pNn JT'tyST beginning of strength, i. e. first-born. Niph. fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 20. rem. 7) . 1J?'

— wealth,
II. — riches. III. pr. name masc. Nu. 16. i. TD-IN pr. name of a country rich in gold, the situa-

—IV. pX & }X (sun), Heliopolis, an Egyptian city. tion of which is not known,
131X {strong, for pJIN) pr. name of a city in TSiN pr. name of a region . nsN
Benjamin. id. with paragogic H
Q^Mi (id.) pr. name of a man. noun masc. sing. pi. Wi^' dec 8.

pIX (id.) pr. name of a son of Judah. laiN 4 ,j (§ 37. No. 2) .


|*K masc. dec. 6i., construct ^S. — I. nothingness, id. pL, construct state

Is. 40. 23. — II. as an adv. not, including the idea of id. pi., suft". 3 pers. pi. masc.
the subst. verb to be (compare tJ'.l) ; EJ'"'K pS there id. pi., absolute state IDX
is no man, "iniQ pX there was none interpreting defect, for "T'SiX (q. v.) "IDN
PX D'JN there was no man, ]\^'2b there is no
he2rt ; SiS ? P>? it is not to enter, i. e. none dare [_^•l^sJ I. to be narrow. Jos. 17. 15. — II. trans, to press
enter ; "ijllj?. pX there is no comparing, i. e. can- on, to urge. — III. to urge oneself, to hasten ; const.
not be compared ; nDIXp, "13"^ pX nothing; px with IP to hasten away. Je. 17. 16. Hiph. to press

73 nothing at all. — III. If a personal pronoun is on, urge, const, with 3.

the subject of the proposition, the particle takes the ?-NVi>« 1 defect, for N^V^^ (q- v.) , . . N>:*
verbal suffixes, '•33''^? / am, or was not, shall not be,
•nX^iX ^1 Kh. nx/lN Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. R. N^i'';

^3''N, -"larj?, nap^K, &c.— IV, when followed by K. ni.vx (q. v.) . . . .nix
the dative, w pX there is not to me, i. e. / have not, N''V1X "1 Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing.;
for -I conv. . N!{'
Dn? pN they have not. —V. Combined with pre- nN''ViN id. with paragogic H . . . . NV
positions ; J''K3 (a) without, {b) before there was, *DS''Viij5 \ id. with suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. ; ) for •) . ^T

Ps. 73. 2
Pr. 8.

there should be no, &c.;

24 ;

pNI3 (a) as nothing,

him who has not,

(a) so as not to be, ptjtp




noun masc.

construct state

Hiph. fut.
sing., dec. 2 b.

pers. sing, with paragogic n, for
. . . "IVN

SCJ'i* so that there shall be no inhabitants^ Is. 5. 9; [n^V^X] (§ 19.r.8. &§ ll.r. 7); for-1 "1!fX
Je. 34. 22. (6) because there is not ; DJD \''i(,'Q for ^IViX noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. from
want of water, Is. 50. 2. n^'iX dec. 2 b -):»*x
pXi. q. pj?. ISa. 21.9. "nhviX 1 id. pi., absolute state . . . l^k'S*

D''3Kri masc. pi., vanity, falsehood, Ez. 24. 12. nnviX '\ id. pi., construct state . . . IVN
|1N '1, '1 n. m. s. dec. 6g ; also pr. n.;"l see lett. 1 JIN ''^"•nilVi^ id. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . "IVN
'PX '1 noun masc. sing. dec. 1 a; also pr. n. m. . pX 'DnhVii^ id. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . . 1VN

P». 38. 6. d Job 40. IB. /Pr. 11. 7;—

Ps. 42. 10. ' 2 Ch. 8. 18.
Ho. 13. 8.
niiTt<-n"i^iwS XIV *ni«-m!f"ix

"n'"iyiS noun m. with pi. f. term, from lyiS dec. 2 b. "I^*i< '"••inp.ix n. m. s. suff. 3 pers. s. masc. from TIX dec. 1 a "IIX

»n'»n'lVi^ id. pi., sufF. 3 pers. sing. fern. . . "IVX nix "'I id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. mx
''"?l''n'lV'l55 1. id- Pl-. suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . "I^K "•nix Kal pret. 3 pers. pl. (§21. rem. 2) mx
''ypSa Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . "Ip'' ''•'nix fully for nX Kal imp. pl. masc. nx
""»nix Kal imp. sing. fem. (§21. rem. 2) nx
mi< (§21. rem. 2) to become light, to shine, to be en- ?nix noun m. s., sufF. 1 pers. s. from TlX dec. 1 a. nix
lightened, and impers. it is light. Niph. to become nix '1, PXn-IX pr. names masc. nix
aright. Part, glorious. Hiph. — I. to give light, to nnix 1 Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. nn'
'mlighten, illuminuLe. Meton. to cheer, enliven, id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. nT
const, with ^X, by, 2, !?,nX; 'S "?« D''3S) TXH id., suff. 3 pers. pl. masc. nn'
to cause one's face to shine upon any one, to be '!*")'"? '1, -inmx pr. names masc. nix
propitious to him. — II. to kindle. •••?in-ix 1 noun masc. pl., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. from

^iX masc. dec. 1a— I. light, lightning, luminary. "liX dec. la. nix
— II. Meton. prosperity. — III. knowledge. •Dnix noun masc, pl. of ~I1X dec. la. nix
mx m, dec. 1 a— I. fire.— II. light ; K'X T-IX tlie '^j'nix Hiph. fut. I pers. sing,

light of fire ; CSriHI DHXri light, i.e. revelation "DK^nix id., suff. 3 pers. pl. masc.
and truth, the Urim and Thummim worn by the noun masc. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc.
high-priest. — III. pr. name masc. 1 Ch. 11.35. from IIX dec. la.

IV. pr. name of a city in Chaldea, fully Wlb^ n"lX 1 Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. (iTTIIX), sufi". 2 pers.

Ur of the Chaldeans, the native place of Abraham. sing. masc. (§ 25. No. 2e. § 24. rem. 21) HT
nniX fem. dec. 10.— I. light, Ps. 139. 12.— II. noun masc. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. from

prosperity. Est. 8. 16. — III. herbs. "nix dec. la nix

•"I-IX (shining) pr. name of several men. Dnix id., suff. 3 pers. pl. masc. nix
/X^l-IX {light of God) pr. n. of two different men. "Ej'nix Niph. fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 20. rem. 7) Bh'
iT'l-IX (light of the Lord) pr. name — I. of the * -lac^-iix 1 Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing.

husband of Bath-sheba, afterwards the wife of David. masc. (§ 2. rem. 3) . . . k^n'

— II. of a priest in the time of Ahaz and Isaiah. 'n'"iix noun pl. fem. from HIIX or "IIX nix
•in*"j-1X (id.) pr. name of a prophet, contemporaiy ''t13''0X Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing., sufif. 2 pers. s. masc.
with Jeremiah. Je. 26. 20. sq. yitJ^ix Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. yK''

T'X^ {he shall enlighten) pr. name.- — I. of a son 'H^-'^iX 1 id., with paragogic H ; "I for •

of Manasseh, Nu. 32.41. — II. of a judge of Israel, /"Tj:i;.''K'ix id., suflf. 2 pers. sing. fem. . V^
Ju. 10. 3. —Patronym. "'1''X^, 2 Sa. 20. 26. — III. ^D:j;;p'ix id., suff. 3 pers. pl. masc.
Est. 2. 5. *"l Niph. fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 20. rem. 7) for
"liXO masc. dec. 3 a, pl. Dnxp, nhxp.— I. [J/^^-IX] (§ 15. rem. 1) . . .

light, luminary, the sun, the moon ; "11X1311 fTVlJp '

^'^^^^ 1 id. with paragogic H for [HJ^t^JX] .

the candlestick in the tabernacle. — II. the candlestick. *1^1X Kh. IK'iX, K. nt^^X Hiph. or Piel fut. 1 p. s.

Ex. 25.6.
miXO fem. only construct JTI-IXD a hole,' Tui^ or 71-In. Niph. to consent, to agree to any one.
' -
IT : :

viper's den. Is. 11.8. nix noun fem. sing., construct of [H-IX] dec. 10. HIX

/'I, s"\ Kal pret, 3 pers. sing. masc. (§21. rem. nix noun com. sing. dec. la., . . HIX
2) ; 1 see lett. 1 , . . . "IIX nn-IX Piel pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. . . . HIX
nix '1,*'1 noun masc. sing. dec. la; 1 id. . "IIX nniX '1 as if [niX] with suff. 3 pers. sing, fem., see

rtK noun masc. sing. dec. la; also pr. name . 11 nx sign of the accus. (§5. parad.) . nX
'") Kal part. act. sing. masc. dec. 7 b. . 31X DnniX id., suff. 3 pers. pl. masc. . . . nX
1 Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing., suflf. 2 pers. sing. m. IT" '"jnniX id., suflf. 3 pers. pl. fem. . . . nX
noun fem. sing. . . . . . 11X mix id., suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . . nX
mix Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . nT" mix '1 id., suflf. 1 pers. sing. . . . nX

• Je.iil.lS. « Ge. 44. 3. ' Ezr.8.31. " Job 37. 3. ' De.33.8. ' Ps. 43. 3. 4 Nu.
14. 12. / 2 Ki. 6. 27. * Is. 45. 2.
» Je.50. 37. / 1 Su. 29. 10. * 1 Sa. 30. 15. • 1 Sa. 14. 2 • Ps. 13(5. 7. y Ps. 32. 8. 'Is. 26. 19. g Ho. 1. 7. ' Eze.23.45.
' Je. 15. 13. g Pr. 4. 18. ' Est. 8. 16. *> Ju.5.23. « Ex. 34. 24. • Is. 60.1. Ho. 12. 10.
'' * Je. 17. 14. "Fit 13.47.
* Is. 13. 13. « U.5.ii0. "Job 35. 3. f P».27.1. Jos. 13. 6. • Pr. 30. 9. • Ju. 10. 12. * P».U9. 117. ""'Is, uU. 1.
— 1

n1JT^{-n^nvs XV n1JTN-n'^^i"l^<

•n'n^5< Piel pret. 1 pers. sing [»nMN],suff. 3 p. s. f. n1^^ 'h^i^ to go away, to depart, Pu. part. 7T-1Xp for >TSp
*n'ni5< Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing in'' something spun, Talm. HK/TN weaver,
^rnX as if [DIX] with suflf. 2 pers. sing, masc, see ?Ti5 Chald. id. to go away, to depait
nX sign of the accus. (§ 5. parad.) . DN ?.TX departure, see |3N1

id., suflf.

2 pers. sing. masc.

id., suflf.
2 pers. sing, fem., or

2 pers. pi. masc.

.... .

in pause

?T-"IS pr. name masc. Ge.

Chald. Peal pret. 3 pers. sing. masc.

10. 27.

Chald. Peal imp. sing. masc. with Mak. for

Dn'lK ') id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc . . . nx
[!?TS by Syr. for "pTN]
'njniK id., sufif. 3 pers. pi. fem. (§ 5. rem. 4) . n^«
\ Kal part. act. sing. masc.
•IJniS ') id., suflf. 1 pers. pi DK
nhiX noun masc, pi.
1^ Niph. fut. 1 pers.


(§ 20. r.7)

(q. v.)

1 for -1 conv.

1 a. .

Chald'. Peal 3 pers. pi.

Kal pret. 3 pers. pi.

Chald. Peal preter. 1

pers. sing.
/DphiN id., suflf. 3 pers. pi. masc. (§ 4. rem. 2) HIX
Kal preter. 3 pers. fem. sing. ; Milel before
TN ') adv. then, at that time, referring either to

past or future time.

then, hence I.
from ancient
Ti<'|P prop,

times, from
Piel fut.

for [n'?TS=n^TS

pers. sing.

8. rem. 3]- .


— II. from the time, since. ) > id. with paragogic H ; \ before IDT
*TK adv. then, at that time, Ps. 124. 3, 4, 5 *'1 ~1 id., sufif. 2 pers. sing. masc. (§ 16. rem.
15, and § 2. rem. 3) \ id.
IT -:
Chald. to kindle. ;

ZlT^{ Root not used, whence

I- T _ _
Kal not used. Hiph. denom. of jTN, to give ear,
3UX, ytH masc. hyssop.
to listen, to attend, const, with ?, ?X, '^V., ^V.,-

* nJlTX
""STS (perh.

Piel fut,
fut. 1

pers. sing.

pers. sing
dwarf) pr.

name, masc. 1 Ch. 11. 37.

II. Kal not used.

JTX masc.
Pi. to

dec. 5 c,
weigh, trop.

a kind
to consider,

of instrument


^^2lT^? '"l id. with paragogic H . . . . PliT weapon, only De. 23. 14, Chald. JTK to be armed.
IT : V
name masc. for ''3TK
J- :•
. . 3TK U'X fem. dec. 6 c,' the ear, '3 ^3T{<3 in the ears,»
: 'v I
•• T : : :

\ e. in the hearing of any one.

["1T^{] Chald. to go away, depart, only Da. 2. 5, 8, N'TTX
*'l]^ {hearing well) pr. name masc. Nu. 26. 16.
part. f. for XHTX from ITS masc. (§ 67 rem.)
iT'JTX (whom the Lord hears) pr. n. m. Ne. lo. 10.
«'nTS Chald. see the preced. R.
Ch. Peal part, pass.s.m.
"1 noun masc. sing. ...
(§ 56. No. 2. § 23. r. 8) XiN
I Ch. 7. 24.

j-T5< pr. name

of a city built by Sherah,

summits of Tabor) pr.

i. e.
"^-ITX Kal part. pass. sing. masc. . . . "ITX
"'1 noun masc. name of a city, Jos. 19. 34.
IITN sing. ITK
JTX adv TS n''JT^2 (whom the Lord hears) pr. name of two

•pm for [|''T{<«] Hiph. fut. I pers. sing. (§ 19.r.8) JTX

diflferent men.

T'ST^J Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . "IST

•in''|lTX^ (id.) pr. name masc. 2 Ki. 25. 23, ceJled

''Tlpm Kheth id., K. nbtX Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. IDT W^T''*, n'-jr Je.
t:~: t:-;
40.8; ^

« nySTK Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing, with parag. H . "I3T

DJJT^'^ dual (of jTND dec. 7 b) balances, a balance

"13TN; rem. 18); PJTN'O Chald. id. only emph, iOJTNrDn, Da. 5. 27
",J|Kal fut, 1 pers. sing. (§ 8.
) ] IDT
•-I|m J
for .3 conv 1 Piel pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. ITS
mSTK id. with paragogic H . "1 noun fem. sing. dec. 6 c, JTN
'T]3T5< id., suflf. 2 pers. sing. masc. pr. name, see ri'lKK' J;TS ITS
••SnaTK id., suflf. 2 pers. sing. fem. (§ 2. rem. 2) . -IDT Kh. iam q. v., K. '•JTS (q. v.) JTN
•IS^IlTS id., suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc. -13 r 'IJTS n. fem. s., suflf. 3 pers. s. m. from jTK dec. 6c,

T.T -
IT :
n. f. s.,
sufif. 3 pers.
^ 8. f. from m'T dec. 10. "13 T pr. name, see 112^1 n'lJTX

• Ps. 132. 14.

« —
T^x-^jT^< XVT

PP''3tK "] noun fern, dual, suff. 1 pers. sing, from"] 3SnS {brother of the father) pr. name — I. of a

"•org "I
|TK dec. Gc. . .
.J king of Israel. — II. of a false prophet, Je. 29. 21,

id. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing. . called 2ns V. 22.

' Dn*3TK
\ id. dual,


name masc.
noun fern, dual, suff.
construct state

3 pers. pi. masc. from

ITN masc.


{brother of the wise \2

2. 29.

{brother of water) pr.

from ^S)

name m. 1


4. 2.

]m dec. 6 c ITS ^nS {brother, comp. ''DS) pr. name of a man.

'\ id. dual, suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . DS''nS {brother of the mother, uncle DX i. q. DS)
• IV : ®
'1 id. dual, suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. ITS pr. name of a man.

n*nS {friend of the Lord) pr. name of several
fem? |TK
. > id. dual, suff. 2 pers. sing,
men, —
especially I. of a priest in the time of Saul,

] Sa. 14.3,18. — II. of a prophet in the time of Jero-

!• id. dual, absolute state . ITS
boam, called also in''nX

for [^3TX] noun masc. smg., suff. 2 pers. sing. 1-in''nS {friend of the Jews, for n-IH* ""nS) pr,

masc. from []Jii] dec. 5 c. JTK name masc. Nu. 34. 27.

defect, for ^""iTK q. v., or in pause for the foil, VnS {brotherly, for JVPIS) pr. name of several

noun f. s., suff. 2 p. s. m. from |tS, dec. 6 c. ITS men.

id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. \m in''nS {brother of u7iion, for ^^U) ^nX) pr. name
id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. masc. 1 Ch. 8. 7.
IV : :

it: ®

suff. 3 pers.
fut. 1 pers. sing.

Kal fut. 1


pers. sing. (§ 8. rem. 15) ;

I'ltS^nS {brother of goodness) pr.

*l-1?''nS {brother of Lud) pr. name

name of several

of the father

'if 1 for '1 conversive . of Jehoshaphat.

nilD''nK {father of death) pr. namem. 1 Ch. 6. 10.

mi I.

to bind, g^ii'd

trop. of strength.
about, spoken of a girdle, a garment,

— II. to gird up, spoken of the

'^7P''nX {brother of the king) pr.
])riest and friend of David put to death by Saul.
name — I. of a

loins. Niph. to be girded. Pi. to gird, with a double II. of a high-priest in the time of David.
) ace. of the person, and of the girdle. Hithp. to gird ICnS {the brother's likeness, |J3 root j-ID) pr.

oneself. name — 1. one of the Anakims. — II. 1 Ch. 9. 1 7.

"lim (Syriacism for "I'lTS) m.— I. girdle, belt.—

{brother of anger) pr. name masc—I.
II. fetters. 1 Sa. 14. 50. — II. son of Zadok the high-priest in

"ITK Kal imp. sing. masc. with Mak. for [~TS] the time of David.

(§ 8. rem. 18) -irs pnS {brotherly) pr. name masc. 1 Ch. 7. 19.

^^JTIX {noble or liberal brother) pr. name masc.

Piel fut.

"I Kal fut.
1 pers. sing, for [ITnTS]

pret. 3 pers. pi.

pers. sing. [rTITS], suff. 3 pers.

-IIS 1 Ki. 4. 14.

DKJ^nN {brother of pleasantness) pr. name fem.


pi. masc. (§ 24. rem. 21) ; 1 for -1 conv. — I. of a wife of Saul, 1 Sa. 14. 50. — II. of a wife

nj?"iTs Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, with paragogic H y-it of David, comp. 1 Sa. 25. 43.
Tt :: V

"••y-lTX 1 noun fem. sing., suff. 1 pers. s. from J;1"lt^'

^DD'nS {brother of support) pr. name of a man.

dec. lb.. y-iT "lTJ?,''nS {brother of help) pr. name — I. of a chief

'DS?nm 1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. [VTX], suff. Supers. of the tribe of Dan. — II. of an ally of David,

pi. masc. (§ 16. rem. 12) J?1T 1 Ch. 12.3.

Dp^nS {the rising brother. Dp part, of D*1p) pr.

^^{ ^'1 5
tj (§
— I. brother. — II. relative, name of a man.
IT :

kinsman. — III. countryman. — IV. friend. —V. fellow, D").*nN {exalted brother D"1 part, of Dll) pr. name
used both of persons and things ; VHS 7K C^^S masc. Nu. 26. 38. Patronym. ''P"]"'nX ibid.

one towards another. VTD^ {unfortunate brother, i. e. unfortunate) pr.

nS Chald. brother, Ezr. 7. i8. name of a chief of the tribe of Naphtali.

"2Ch.7.15. « Zee. 7.11. ' Eze. 23. 25, f De. 23. 14. • Nu.23.8. ' Je. 15. 7. » Job 81. 22. P Pr. 17. 17. t Ec. 4. 8.
» Mi. 7. 16. «' Kze. 16. 12. / Eze. 24. 26. * Ps. 45. 11. *lSa.2.4. -Job 81. 8. • Zee. 10. 9. PP Fg. 92. 12. ?7Ps. 130.2.
— — —
inx-MN* XVII InwX-''iI^<

^^t^'''^^i! {brother of the morning) pr. name masc. III. ^1 Py nyZlK' in seven /imes more. —IV.
I Ch. 7. 10. at the same time, together.

"Iky''ni5 (brother of the singer, "IJJ' part, of T'K') nnx *'1 id. coastruct state . . . . "inn
pr. name masc. 1 Ki. 4. 6. id. pi., absolute state . . . „ .

?2h"'n>? (brother of folly) pr. name of a courtier Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, for [VinS] (§ 13. r. .5) hin
of David and conspirator with Absalom. 1 id. with paragogic H (§ 13. rem. 5) hn
mnX fem. brotherhood.' Zee. 11. 14.
"inx grass, reeds, bulrushes, an Egyptian word. //
iT-:r ^
fem. irreg. (§ 45).
— III. countrywoman, Nu.25.
— I. sister. — II.


— IV. an n-ins
Ch. Pael
fut. 1 pers. sing.

name, masc. .... ma



— ^V.

fellow, of persons

to another.
and things, PX' HCJ'X
"nninx Kal

Piel fut.

fut. 1

pers. sing, with paragogic

pers. sing.

part. p. sing. masc. dec. 3 a.

.... H "nn
^nx interj. expressive of grief, ah! alas! id. pi. absolute state. *Eze. 41. 6, 6. rnx
nX m., only pi. D'n'X, a kind of howling 1 pr. name, masc; 1 before , , nns

apocopated for TPIX

"I pr,
Is. 13.

name masc.

..... IflN

Chald. noun fem. sing., constr. of [n''"inK]

dec. 8 a.

~l Piel fut. 1 pers. sing. [nillS] sufiF. 2 pers.



for [X''3riX] Hiph. fut.


.... fut. 1

pers. sing.

pers. sing.
; 1


^p-ins pr.

J sing.

name masc.
masc. (§ 2. rem. 3) ;
for •
1 conv,
X ns
^1 ;
fut. I pers. sing. . . . . bin


name masc.
1 pers. sing,

pers. sing.

.... .
with paragogic i\ .


ns nins

'1 noun masc.
an adv.
fem. sing, contr. for [O'lnS]
sing. dec. 3 a., used also as

irr. (§ 45)
Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 13. rem. 4, 5) ninx "I id. construct state; 1- before , ^ . na
1- (-:)
id. with paragogic H . . , nnins id., suflF. 3 pers. sing. fem. nx
1 id., suflF. 2 pers. sing. fem. ; 1 for -I conv. K'ln "^inins
- ) noun fem. sing., sufiF. 1 pers. s. from [ninS]
i-T :

dec 10 (§ 43. rem. 3) . . . mn

'j irr. constr. iHi^; nnX and in pause nnX fem.
n. f. pi., suff. 1 pers. s.; Kh. ""riinx as if from

(§ 45). — I. one. — II. first, only in the enumerating

a sing. [nnS], K. ""nrg^? as if from [n^IlK]

of time, where the cardined stands for the ordinal, see ninSI irr. § 45 . nx
id. sing., suflF. 1 pers. sing. . nx
nnX the first year. — III. some one, any one ; inX i''^l id. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. as if from a

Dyn VnXJD ^^X one of histrethren,

one of the people, sing. [nnX] ; \ before , nx
inX pS, N? no one. Hence— IV. as the indef. art., •'1 id. sing., suflF. 2 pers. sing. fem. ; 1 id. nx
inX 7JX a mm, inX X^Z13 a prophet, a certain pro- "^nins id. sing., suflT. 2 pers. sing. masc. nx
phet. —
V. nnx'nnx one-anotiwr; ^j'^x inx £J>^X anins id. sing., sufiF. 3 pers. pi. masc. nx
n^PP inX one man /rom each tribe. V. ^^J«t^. — ' -lanins
,..-. id. sing., sufiF. 1 pers pi. . . . nx
nnX3 as one, together, at once. VI. fem. TinX, —
nnX^ one time, once; (a) nnX3 at once. PI. — 1 fut. TnX^ and T'nX\ — I. to seize, construed with
DnnX the same; (b) joined into one; (c) a few. ace. and 3. — II. to take, catch, in hunting. — III.

ins Hithpa. to unite oneself, Eze. 21. 21.

to hold, const, with 3 ; 3in ""jriX holding the sward.

*l-inX (wnion) pr. name masc, called also ^HX,


to join. —V. to shut up, close. Ne. 7.3.
VI. to cover, overlay. 1 Ki. 6. 10. VII. to draw
comp. 1 Ch. 8. 6, with Ge. 46. 21.

nx (apocopated for inX)

out by lot. Niph. — I. to be caught. Ec. 9. 12.
one. Eze. 18. 10.
II. to be held. Ge. 22. 13. III. to take or have
in Eze. 33. 30, by Chaldaism for im one. possesion. Pi. to shut up. Job 26. 9. Iloph. to
in Ch. emph. SIQ, nin.— I. one.— II. first.— be joined, fastened.

'Ete.e.U; ' Ge. 3. 10. /Job 34. ,"51. I

Eze. 16. 10,
ft 21. 30. " 1 Ki. 18. 13.
Job 8. 11.
g Eze. 84. 16. * Ge. 37. 9.
'Eze. 18. 10 ' Job 16.4. * 2 Sa. 19. 27. ' Job 16. 6.
•inx-tnti XVIII

TnX (possessor) pr. name — I. of a king of Judah. 0,5r^in?i; id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. . . . tnx
— II. of another person, compare 1 Ch. 8.35. "
^r]J!j}^ Kal preter. 3 pers. sing, fem., suff. 3 pers. pi.

n-tnK fem. dec. 10, possession. masc. (§ 16. rem. 2) . . . ' TPIN

'^D*? pr- name masc. Ne. 11. 13, called iTlTn^ m Dn|nX '1 noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. from
1 Ch.9. 13. n-mx dec. 10 mii
'"!t-^D^.. "I^JID^. (whom the Lord holds) pr. name * '•JriTntj; Kal preter. 3 pers. sing, fem., suff. 1 pers. sing. tTMi
— I. of a son of Ahab king of Israel. — II. of a son
of Joram king of Judah. nnX Root not used ; Arab, to be warm, hot.

D-TnX (their possession) pr. name ra. 1 Ch. 4. 6. nS< masc. fire-pot or pan, for warming rooms.
D-THN (possession) pr. name masc. Ge. 26. 26. Jer. 36. 22, 23.

•rns ninX pr. name masc. Ch. 8. 4, for which

~ VT Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, for [THX] apoc. for 1 v, 7,

n»n^.— Patronym. TlhS.


ntriN, nrns;


name masc.
Tni< ''xpnN Kal
"•nX pr.

fut. 1
name masc.
pers. sing. ....
2 Sa. 23.9, 28.

Ge. 46. 21.

^ ThK "l id. imp. sing. masc. ; 1 before , . THX defect, for nitOTIS (q. v.) . . . HN
rnx ' '1 id. peirt. pass. sing. masc. dec. 3 a.. . tH^ for [DbnX] Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. . . DOn

id. part. act. sing.


id. fut. 1

preter. 3 pers. sing. fem.

pers. sing.
'^ °

• 1 conv.


T/IX -

3 pers. sing. fem.

noun masc. pi., suff.

Piel fut.

....1 pers. sing., suff.

pers. sing, [for ^FIK],

IT-: IT 1-

J'') noun fem. sing. dec. 10 ; 1 before , . tnX from riN irr. (§ 45)
s^'1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing.; 1 for •
1 conv. HTn id. pi., construct state . . . .

"I Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, with parag. H ; 1 id. THX id. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing. .

id. preter. 3 pers. pi. . rnx / '\ id. sing., construct state. ; also pr. n. m. nx
id. imp. pi. masc. (§ 8. rem. 12) ; "] in pause for ^HS (§ 45)


id. preter.

pr. name masc.

1 before

3 pers.
, ,


..... suff.


pers. sing.




name masc.
name masc.
noun fem., pi. of
see HinS
.... [XTHX] dec. 8 a. .

construct from T-inX 3a; '1 Piel fut. pers. sing. i for
Kal part. p. pi. dec. 1 ; 1 .

Milel before penacute, (i'ln) . . TPIX r IV -

noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. [for

id. imp. sing. fem. (§13. rem. 3, & § 8. r. 12) THN n^nS] from m Irr. (§ 45)

- it: -:
(T -: •..
^^ names masc. . . THX Ht'^^-
"I pr.
r ^
name masc. ; 1
- before ...

Kal preter. 3 pers. sing, masc, suff. 1 pers. sing. THIS n-nx noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. from

1 Hiph. fut. I pers. sing., ap. for [p^TIlS;] nS irr. (§45)

Piel fut.

id., suff.
(§ 11. rem. 6)
1 pers. sing.

3 pers. sing. masc.


.... .



IV :

r T

noun masc.


1 pers. sing.

sing., suff. 3 pers. sing.

masc. from
'\ noun fem. sing., construct of H-T' dec. 1 ;
"1. ^-liTTlX pr. names masc. nx
1 before ^..^
THN '1 noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. from
1 pr. name msisc. ; 1 id. . . . THX nX irr. (§ 45) ; \ before ^..^
. nx
Kal part. act. s. fem., from. TPli^ m.(§ 8. r. 19) ^UH id. sing., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. nx
Kal preter. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . TPIX ''i''P?"
'1 id. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. nx

IT •.. -:
id. preter.

noun fem.
3 pers. sing,

sing., suff.

dec. 10
f., suff.

3 pers. sing. masc. from

3 pers. sing. f. THX


noun fem.
id. pi.,

name masc.

pi., suff.
3 pers.


2 pers. sing.
m. [for


as if
§ 45]


Kal preter. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pei"s. sing. m. THX [n^nfc<] see ninX Irreg. (§ 45, for suff. see

) noun fem. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. from § 4. rem. 2) nx

i' :iT\ -;

T ••. -:
dec. 10;' 1
before ,.,
( :)
. . THN "in^HK, 2-"ltp''nX & '1 pr. names masc. nx

' Job 23. 9.


XIX "in«-Tnw^5

?J>nX '1 noun masc. pi., sufif. 2 pers. sing. masc.[for -'R.?DX.
Piel fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 10. rem. 4) .

TJ^RS] from nS; irreg. (§ 45) nx "p.^nx

id. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. nx npVnx id. with paragogic H . . . . phn
^l^nX .

'"^^nS id. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. for ["r^nX § 45] nx 'D^.pnx id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. phn
•nTlS id. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. nx ^Dnpnx ) Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. [nbnX], suff. 3 pers.

Tj^nX Chald. noun masc. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. pi. masc. (§ 13. rem. 5), 1 for -1 conv.

[from nX § 68] .
nx ^ipnx ] Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§13. rem. 5) -^

D5''n^> '1 noun masc. pi., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. from "ipbnx -:}} J
nX irreg. (§ 45); 1 bef. . nx [xnpnx] pr. name Ecbatana, the metropolis of Me-

D5''nX id. sing., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. nx

/fnx Kal
dia, Ezr. 6. 2.

fut. 1 pers. sing. .... pn


D^nX'w'l noun m.
def. for 'is,

pr. name masc.


pi. for

[D^RX] from
1 pers. s. with parag.

nX irr. (§ 45)
H ^n^


name masc.
fut. 1 pers. sing.

.... . • . . non
for [ID'] Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 13. rem. 5) non
''D^nX noun masc, pi. of [HX] dec. 1 a, see HX interj.
^l^snx in pause for [fS'], and
nijp^nx 1, •^^p'-nx & '\. \i2^m^ & ;i, yv.'QV^. and Y^n
rsnx Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 13. rem. 4, 5) .

ryccnx & "I, rnx, mrnx nx

A-ibrix ) Kal fut. 1 pers. s. (§ 13. r. 5) ; 1 for ') conv,
^3^nX noun masc. pi., suff. 1 pers. pi. [for -I^WX]

''1 id. sing.,
nX irreg. (§

with suff.
1 pers. pi.

Piel fut.



pers. sing.

pers. sing.

3 pers. sing. masc.

.... . . . ,

Dyj''nx, 'ncD''nx,

• T -;'
'i' 'IT


names masc.

pers. sing,
'it •

with paragogic n
p • ":

to stay, tarry, Ge. 32. 5. Pi. — I. to retard, hinder. —
n. intrans. to stay long, to linger, constr. with 7j?.
"injJ'''nX 1 pr. name masc. ; 1
" before , . • nx
• VT • -: I"
' K'li
nnX I. adj. irr. (§ 45) another; D^nX D^Pl'^X
f n3C>''nX Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. [Ci'^HX], suff. 3 pers.
other i. e. strange gods ; JTIllX njSi' next year. —
sing. fem. (§ 2. rem. 3) . . .

II. pr. name masc. 1 Ch. 7. 12.

1 pr.
name. masc. ; 1
before ,
. • nx
IT •_ I-
"inX I. prep, behind, after ; 'S "IPIX 1]j?n to go
'DnTl^nX'"! noun fem. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. as if
after, to follow any one ; TCO)) "inXD from behind,
from [n^nX] see JTinX irreg. (§ 45) nx
*Vn^nX id. with suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. nx
i. e. from following the ewes. — II, of time, after,

7\h'^Ti n''"in'nn 'X after these things.— 111. adv. of

'vSh'TlX name masc. before nx
"\ pr.

for [no?'], Kal fut.

; 1

l pers.


with parag. H Dsn

time, afterwards, then. —IV. conj. after that, and
inX id.— PI.,
fully "lEi'X construct ""'inX, with suff.
'?nX Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. ^^n
nnX, OannX, &c.— I. the hinder pari, 2 Sa. 2. 23.
»^nX id.; Dag.impl. [for!?RX], Ch.form (§ 18.r. 14) hbn — II. prep, of place, after, behind any one. — III. of



gutt. for



of a place


pers. sing. ; 1 before



from going
after, after

^IQX, afterwards.— lY. ^inXD //om



|D *")nXO
''"inX after

after, i.e.


iH^* ''''2D.X adv. expressive of wish, that I nnX !?X, hv. after, behind.

^bnX for vPIX pr. name masc. and fem. "inX Chald. id. only in the phrase n^l ^linX after
VT - : J-- : '^

^^nX*«'"l Piel fut. 1 pers. sing.; 1 for 1 ^^n this. Da. 2. 29, 45, and with suff. 7. 24.

"1?.c'DX 1 id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. ; 1 for -1 conv. ^^n

linX masc. dec. 3 a. — I. the hinder side, back pari.

—II. the west.— III. adv. "linX2, "linX^, "linXD

nDPnX ) noun masc. sing. [D/HX] with paragogic H
behind; linX? hereafter.
'iTSpnX 1 Piel fut. 1 pers. sing, with parag. H;
for '1 ybn pinX adj. — I. hinder; hence, western. — 11. fol-

•in^pnX id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . yhn lowing, future, pi. D^il"inX posterity. — III. last, com-
"Jjy^nX 1 id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. (§ 2. rem. 3);"j pare Is. 44. 6; fem. HJinx, niinxs, ninnx^
'^^^nX 1J
1 for -1 conv J
last, the last.

• J..S.2.1S.
*^^^n^x-nr1^c XX Dnn^-nnte
ninX {after the brother, for n>jl'inNl) pr. name ^|nnt< Chald., Keri p/ adj. sing. masc. . . "inX
masc. 1 Ch. 8. i. "
•13''p.nK prep., pl. with suff. 1 pers. pl. from inX . lilX
^n"iriX {behind the wall) pr. name m. 1 Ch. 4. 8. t^nrii? Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . &T^
'inX Chald. adi.
> fem. another, n''"inX ?") noun fem. sing. dec. lb . . "inX
t: I" £ .

P'^^^? Chald. adj. last, preceded b.v "I^, at last. nn'^nnX '\ id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. . , iriN
Da. 4. 5. Kheth. iri'i'ini^ '1 id., suff. 3 pers. sing, masc . . "UIN
n''~inN fem. dec. lb.
V —.r
— I. the last, or uttermost '''n''inX id., suff. 1 pers. sing. . . . nnx
part.Vs. 139. 9. — II. the latter time, D''P*n rinnS '^^'''ID'!? 1 id-, suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . . inS
the latter clays, T\^^^ H'^ni? the end of the year. — '^nnnX \ id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. . . "inX
III. posterity. id-, suff. 2 pers. pl. fem. •^^^<
"15ri''7Df? i . . .

nnnX Chald. fem. i. q. Hebr. No. II.

•^DO'^inK y"\ id., suff. 3 pers. pl. masc. . . "IPIX
Chald. masc. another. '^ipnnS id., suff. 3 pers. pl. fem. . . . "inX
JT'S'ini? adv. backwards. "-ijnnris id., suff. 1 pers. pl nns
'1 [for 1PIX] adv. and prep. -inx |ing '1 Chald. adj. masc. sing. . . . "inj?

pr. name masc. ins D"'3'"in5!? adj. masc, pl. of pinS;, dec. lb . . "inN
'1 adj. masc. sing, irr., pl. DHilX (§ 45) n''3"]nX adv., a fem. form from a masc. CJIinX] . "IPIN

for [inX] Piel pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. ^K'lnS for [K'n'] Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. . C'lH

for nn!f?S] Kal fut. 1 pers. s. (§ 19. r. 3) inX ninS adj. fem. sing, from inS masc. (q. v.) . IPIS
•^nnK^nK \ Plel fut. l pers. sing, with parag. n ; \ for \ 2^T\

I Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 13. rem. 9) lin
- [jQI'lJB'nN] only in the pl., chief satraps, officers of the
I* :

nnx 1 Kheth for K. innX (q. v.) . . nHN Persian court, Chald. id.

for [-nnX] Piel pret. 3 pers. pl. (§ 13. r. 12) inS '''iS'l'^K^nX id. pl., construct state.

p-irix f) adj. masc. sing. dec. lb. . . "inS S*3*S"11K'nS ;i Chald. id. pl., emph. st. ; 1 before
I -:r
nnnx adj. fem., pl. of JTiriK, from IIIN masc. irr. nK'nK Kal fut. 1 pers. sing nc'n

(§45) Ji'illB'nS, C'll.ti'nK pr. name of several kings of Persia

nnns 1, ?n'inii» pr. names masc. -ins and Media.

}prep., pl. with suff. 1 pers. sing, from"! '•^ib^HK Kal fut. 1 pers, s. (§ 13. r.5) ; 1 for 1 conv.
ins /"•SlbriS with Mak. rem. 18)
"inx id. (§ 8.
'1 id. pl., construct state -ins K'nC'DN Kh. for K'll.K'nX q. v.

noun masc.

id. pl.,
from ninXT
pl., suff.

dec. 3 a

construct state

pers. sing, for ['"IHK]

["'iriK'nS] only with the est.,

[pRB'nK] only in the

word of Persian
pl. CpO', m.of Persian
mules. Est. 8. lo, 14, a


*'1 Chald. adj. f. s. by apocope for [Hnnt?] "IPIK npK '1. [for nnnX=ri'^nS] card, num., fem. of
' .'

Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . 2"in '^m (§ 45)

. . . . nns
nnns "1 prep., pl. with suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. from ^nnX Chald. Aph. imp. sing. masc. (§ 51. No. 1) finj

"ins ins nnK [for nnX] in pause for nPIS f. of im (§ 45) in^x
id., suff. 3 p. pl. masc. . . . int? nnnijl noun fem. sing, with suff. 3 pers. sing. fem.

noun masc.

prep., pl.
pinx] dec. 3 a

pl., suff.

suff. 3 pers. pl.

3 pers. pl. masc. from

fem. from IPli? "IPIN

nn&? MrinS Kal
from nint«

with paragogic

pers. sing. [firiN

(§ 45)



18. rem. 6]

. HX

Chald. id., suff. 3 pers. pl. masc. . . IPIS innK "1 noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.

IT-: I-
'1 Heb. id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. "inX from ninS irr. (§ 45) \ before ^..^
. HX
""[ id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. . . "lilS '•n'nX *'l id. with suff. 1 pers. sing. ; 1 id. . PIN

"[ id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . IPIX '^rinS Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. [nilK], suff. 2 pers.

id., suff. 2 pers. pl. masc. . . . inX sing. masc. (§ 18. rem. 11) . . nnn
adj. masc, pl. of "IPIS irr. (§ 45) . . iriK CnnK noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. pl. masc. from

"inns id. with Chald. term "iriN ninX irr. (§45) . . . . HK

Ge. 34. 19. • Ju. 5. 28. ' Ex. 26. 12. " Eze. 16. 34. Nu. 23. 10.
» He. 32. 5. / Job 19. 25. * Da. 7. 20. «Job 31. 10.
'2Ki. 19. 24. ^ Is. 43. 10. '
2 Ch. H. 20. pDa.4.5.
" Is. 37. 25. ^ Ex. 33. 23. Da. 7. 24. ? Ec. 10. 13.
— . !

l^i-'x-Dnnj^ XXI

•DhnS 1^ Kal fut. 1 p. s. (§ 13. r. 5); J

for -1 conv. Dfin with suff. nSfX where art thou ? i*NI where is he?
SjnnX n. f. s., suff. 1 pers. pi. from TYlTMi. irr. (§ 45) nX D^X where are they ? With adverbs and pronouns,
nhinX 1^ Kal fut.

for '1 conv.


pers. sing. (§ 13. rem. 5) ; 1

'•X which? what? where? whither? n-TO *X
? from what
Je. 5. 7.
? nNTP *N on what
—With parag. H, n*X where?
account ?

'') ^P'*""*" ^v^ (^-^O; J

for -1 conv. HDi
"l^^ ) \ '^''X (for the next HS^Nt q. v.) how ? Also as
/OX adv DtOX an exclamation of grief, how !

n3''X (from 'X, and n3 i. q. HS so) where?

nbN masc. — I. blackthorn; rhamnus paliurus of Linn. how ? As an exclamation of grief, ah, how
II. pr. name of a place beyond Jordan, Ge. 50. lo, 1 1 T\'2''^ where ? 2 Ki. 6. i.^, where Keri has i3'*N

Kal fut. 1 pers, sing. [yspX] with paragogic nDD''X how? compare n33.
>v.T : V
n for [np' § 8. rem. 15] . . J?2t: PX adv. of interrog. (where ?) only in the form

Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 25. 2 b). . HDJ J^Xp whence ?

•innx Piel (dag. forte impl. § 14. r. 1) fut. 1 pers. s. "IHtS nS''X where ? how ? comp. HS.
-••"inpx 1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, for [IH' § 8. rem. 15] nHJJ JK (contr. from \\^) where? |Xp whence? 2 Ki.
masc. a kind of Egyptian thread, or linen, 5.25. in Kheth; \^'^]l until when? how long?
Prov. 7. 16. The word is probably of Job 8. 2. With parag. H, PIJX whither? where?

Egyptian origin. n:X ny

TT- hoiv long ? n^SI n:X Uther and
^ TTTVT thither,'

Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 17. rem. 3) . 1£3: 1 Ki. 2. 36, 42.

IjoX Root not used

; Arab, to utter a frentle sound, to

i. q.
noun masc.
No. 4. a)


or interj.

sing., pi. D''*S, dec. 8.

Job 22. 30. Hence the

(§ 37,


tON masc. pi. D''tilX dec. 8e. — -I. necromancer, name ni33"'N {inglorious, others where

only Is. 19.3. — II. gentleness, softness, hence adv. is the glory, i. q. ^il^"*X) I Sa. 4. 20,

gently, slowly, 1 Ki. 21.27, and with pref. £3X7, compare also b^.f^-
DS? ; ''\2isp at my ease, convenience.

'^^•"PS for [Jlh'] Hiph. fut. 1 p. s., suff. 2 p. s. m. ^1t2 m'] to hate, to be an enemy, Ex. 23. 22. Part. 3^iN
as a subst. dec. 7 b, adversary, enemy. Fem.
[Dpijjl] to shut, to close, Hiph. id. Ps. 58. 5. riT^S id.

Dt5*X Kal part. act. sing. masc. . . . Dt2X n3''X fem. dec. 10, enmity.

"KtSDX 1 Piel fut. I pers. sing.;

*^ 1 for •^ conv. . N0J2 31*X {persecuted) pr. name. Job, the patriarch.
I" " -; IT "^ ' T
nirpnX Kal part. p. fem., pi. of [Hait^X] dec. 10 . nt2X Kal part. act. sing. masc. dec. 7 b. . . 3^{<

«D''pbx id. masc, pi. of [D-1t2S] dec. 3a" . . D'lON "'1 noun fem. sing. dec. 10. . . . Q^N
••"injppX 1^ Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. [jbpS], suff. 3 pers. Kal part. act. sing, masc, sufF. 3 pers. sing.
sing. masc. ; 1 for •] conv. . . . |0t3 masc. from 3.\X dec. 7 b. . . . 2»X
'DQ3PK Piel fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. fj^tO
vT : I
id. pL, sufF. 1 pers. sing
»Dj;pX Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . OyO (

^V\m for [ST^PX] Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. . . fltO: ''1 id. pi., construct state .

id. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing,

[^bNI] tut. npxri, to shut, to dose, Ps. 69. 16. id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem.

ItOX {lame ?) pr. name masc. id. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. .

"1£2X adj. prop, shut up, bound, impotent, "IpX '1 id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. 3''X
IT : I

'\yQ\ "I' having his right hand bound, i. e. being id. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . a*x
left-handed. '•vt: 1

id. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem.

t^'"1pN Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . CJ-^.D '•J- : I

id. pi., (Kh. ''T'll^'X), suff. 2 pers. sing,
1' : I

L NJ construct 'X (§ 37. rem. G) adv. of interrog. where? K. ^n^X (q. v.') . . . . n*N

• Je. 32. 10.

iid^-d::^^^ XXII ^{.{-DJ^a^K

'1 id. pi., suff. 1 pers. pi. . . .
3^K |i^»x


of a place

of a man
or place . .
"^ja^K id. s., suff. 2 p. s. m. in pause for TJlfK (q.v.)
noun fem., pi. of nS*X dec. 10. (§ 42. rem. 5) ^1X

*TIjl^'K id. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. . a'-x

ni!?^x pr. name of a place . . . . /1X
"iJll^.X id. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc.
noun fem. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing, from [nix]
"•IJIl^K id. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing. .

dec. lb ^1X
'^y^ Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, for [KO'] (§ 8. rem. 15)
"T n. m. pi. constr. fr. S>X dec. 6 h., or "is^X '?1X
ni''X noun fem. sing, construct of HI' dec. 10.
" ^i^.:x Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 20. rem. 15) . ^!?'




1 (§ 8.

1 pers.

rem. 7)
sing. fem.



with pa-
T r


noun masc,
fut. 1 pers. sing, with parag.

pi. of 7^X dec. 6h.

. ?/*

ragogic rem. 19) "n3^''X Kal

.... n
(§ 9. . 3''X fut. 1 pers. sing, with parag. . .
IT 1":

/J?yX Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, for [J?y] (§ 8. rem. 15) pr. name of a place ?1X
n^K s') noun masc. sing. dec. la. . UN '1 defect, for "'^"•X (q. v.) . . . hx
id., suff.

id., suff.

id., suflF.
3 pers. sing. masc.

1 pers. sing.

2 pers. sing. masc. for

.... n^^N] .


noun masc.
of a place (D/'''X) with loc

pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.

n . ?1X

from dS"'X dec. 8a. for [VS^' § 4. rem. 1] !?1X

'51''^. 1 i<l-» s^ff- 2 pers. pi. masc. 11X name masc.
pr. see }i?''X . . . PIX
DT'SI id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . nix
Chald. noun masc. sing. dec. lb. . . pIX
*n*S noun fem. sing.; also pr. name masc. nix
xj'p^x Chald. id., emph. st blX
n'S "I interrog. adv. [''X], with paragogic H con- ITT I*

pr. name of a place (|i>^X) with loc. n . ?1X
""X (q. V.) . ^x
>J i*N '1. id., suflf. 3 pers. sing. m. dec. 8d. (§ 37. r. C) ^x noun fem. sing, construct of n7*X ; but as

'm 42. rem. 5) ^1X

abs. Je. 14. s
Kb. VS q. v., K. n»K (q. v.) . ^x (§ . .

ni^S '1 pr. name masc. 3''X

pr. name of a place, see n'l/'''X . . 71X
73T"'K "] pr. n. f. {non-inhabited) comp. ^N & R. 73^)
Root not used ; Chald. Pa. to terrify.
pJirX '\j pr. n. f. the wife of Ahab king of Israel.
adj. terrible,' fem. n»''X
..-: T
Piel (dag. f. impl. § 14. r. 1) fut. 1 pers. s.

n ?n'[K with paragogic H bn^
or D^X masc pi.
T r D''13''X.
. ..
— I. terror,» dread.



fut. 1 pers. sing.

; 1 for "1

— II. idols, Je. 50. 38. — III. pr. name of the original

inhabitants of Moab.
'nZl"'^''N '1 id. with paragogic H .

nD''X fem. dec. 10, terror, dread.

\'N P'\ construct of the following nix
D»X interrog. adv. [*X], suff. 3 pers. pi. masc.



noun masc,
interrog. adv.


[^X], suff.
of 'N dec.8. (§ 37. No. 4a)

2 pers. sing. masc.

IT -

(§ 37.

rem. 6)

.... . . *X
np''X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. D''X

. . .
dec. 8d. (§ 37. rem. 6) . "•x
•'"ns:x adj. fem. sing, from D^X masc. (§ 39. No. 3) D''X
HD'X interrog. adv. •ix
«-niD^x 1 noun fem., pi. of nD^X dec. 10.

"hb^a id. Kh. n3'»K, K. b*N "X
^njip^x 1 Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing, with paragogic n
n3p''N ''1 interrog. adv. "X
*np"'x noun fem. sing.,
o ' construct of n?D*X
" dec. 10 T
'7*X noun masc. sing. dec. lb.. ^1X
*nnp''X id. with paragogic n . n^x
'1, '1


noun masc.
noun masc.
construct state

sing. dec. 6 h;

.... .
1 see lett.

. .
1 ^1X
id., suff.

1 id., suff.
1 pers. sing.

2 pers. sing. masc.

. . . , D^X
id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. n-'x
'nT>*K noun fem. sing. (§ 42. rem. 5) !?1X 'IT (prim, subst.) used as an adv. ; for
'] px
°1^^S '1 Kh. for [V^''X § 4. rem. 1], noun masc. see lett. 1 . . .
pi., suH. 3 pers. smg. m. from ?^X dec. fih. IX 1 adv. i. q. I^X . nx
•De. 28.53. /Job 9. 29. '.Te.37. 19. »Ge. 3.9. « Ps. 88. 5. 'Ge.Sl. 38. 24, 26, 29, 31, / Ca. 6. 4, 10. * Ex. 15. 16.
»Zep.3.15. *Jobl8.12. "Job30.26. ••
2 Ki. 6. 13. ' Ge. 49. 21. * Mi. 1.8. 33,34,36. rPs.55.5. •'
Job 13. 21.
'Ps. 1()2. 12. *Pr.27. 10. "66.32. 13. • Est. 8. 6. *P8.22.20. "Mi. 1.8. <'D.i.4.7. *Ge. 13.9. "Jos. 2.9.
<Ex.23.22. < Pr. 1.27. 'Ge.32.10. 'Deu.14.5. «Is.60.7. ' Eze. 40. 21,22, < Hub. 1.7. <Pr.20.a. •lSa.21.9.
'Mi.7.8,10. *Job28.7. f Est. 10. 1. «Pg.72.10. «=2Sa.l9.10. cris.61.3. «Je.48.31.
— ;

XXIII nn:)j<-tD:)^n\N:
'1 adv., prop, construct of ]^S dec. 6h. Y^l n? |iK>''X the pupil of the eye.— 11. Metaph.
*'\ id. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. the middle, followed by n?v, '5]tJ'n midnight, midsi

'"I id. sing., sufF. 2 pers. sing. masc. of darkness.

1 id sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. fern. ns n^X fem. dec. 13 b. — I. woman; female (of

id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. . animals,) Ge. 7. 2. II. wife ; 3X r\^^ father's
IV :

r "I

id., suff. 3 pers.

(verbal) suff. 3 pers. sing. fem.

pi. masc. wife,

a stepmother.
q. V.
It is used as the construct of

'1 id., (verbal) suff. 3 pers. s. m. or 1 pers. pi nx jinti'X (womanish) pr. name m. 1 Ch. 4. ii, 12.


id., (verbal) suff.

fut. 1 pers. sing, for [i5i^&?

fut. 1
1 pers. sing.

pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. pi.

§ 8. rem. 15]

'\ id.

name masc.
noun masc.

sing., suff.
3 pers. sing. fem.

3 pers. sing. masc.

. . t^^X


(§ 20. rem. 14) .

ID' from C'''X dec. 1 a. (but see § 45) . tJ'''X

pers. sing, ID''

Piel fut. 1 1 pr. name masc, see ''^\ . . . HK'*
contr. for "ITV^HX (q. v.) n^< noun masc.
sing., suff. 1 pers. sing, from
pers. sing, with paragogic H YV


id., suff.

2 pers. sing. masc.

2 pers. sing. fem. .

(§ 16. rem. 12) TV D''!2>''X

id. pi.,

id. sing., suff.


absolute state
1 a. (but see

2 pers. sing. fem.

.... § 45) .





*'l fem. dec. 10, an Ephah, a corn measure. "•nob'x Kal fut. 1 pers. s. with parag. H, Kh. HOb^X
"1 interrog. adv. . . . . . •'N
R. Qb\ K. nO-bX R. D''b see *.
"I noun fem. sing., construct of nQ''Sl dec. 10, tl"'X

Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 8.

Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 8. rem. 15) JE>>*
j for [Y\^!!Vi]

rem. 15) ; 1 for A conv. /'H^g'^X 1 id. with parag. H, for [HJK'^XI § 8. rem.
\ NT'S Kal

"I fut. 1 pers. sing. ;
for -1 conv.
J 15] ; 1

'•I3N7X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. (§ 2. rem. 3) Piel fut. 1 pers. sing.
Kal fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing, fem,
»"'mn"'X Chald. the following with suff. 3 pers. s. m.
(§ 2. rem. 3) . . . .
"•n-x Chald. i. q. Heb. K^.^, there is ; with the suff.

of the pi. "^""n^X thou art; •'Hin^X he is;

tJ'^X""'^ "\ masc. dec. la. — 1. man, Lat. inr, with refer- XJIT'X we are; p3"'ri''X ye are. Hence
ence to strength; hence as denoting sex, a male, of the two following names,
the human species or brutes. — II. Misband. — III. Tl'-X pr. name of a man, 1 Ch. 11.31, for which
man, as opposed to God, to animals, Lat. homo. — •riX, 2 Sa. 23. 29.

^ ' IV. used before other nouns to denote the qualities (there is a God) pr. name of a man, Pr. 30. 1.

or qualifications of men ; HOS K'"'K a faithful Chald. adv. CO^X) with suff. 2 pfers. pi. m.
man ;
man ; nDPIpD

a wicked
B'^X a warrior.

each, ei'ery one

man ; "IXR

^^^ a
1!J'"'X tJ'''X

'Dn^x Kal

"injT'X '1

rem. 6]
pr. name masc.
1 pers.

sing., for [DJIX, §


IT T r

one; E'"'X1 B'''X each and every one.

only occurs three times, more frequently

see ti'lJX (comp. § 45.)
Plur. D^K'^X

is D''t^3X,

'1 adj.

also pr.

Chald. adv.
name ....
or subst. masc. sing, (no vowel change)

(''ri'>X) with suff. 1 pers. pi.


{J>^X denom. Hithpal. C^g'ixnn to show oneself ) noun masc, pi. of IJT'X (no vowel change) in>
a man. Is. 46. 8. '1 adv. — I. only; D^SH "^X only this once;

nt^STJ^^X {man of shame) pr. name of a son of ^IKTI "^X darkness only ; i. e. nothing but
Saul ; also called ^yaC'X (man of Baal.) darkness.— II. only, but. — III. only now,

lini^^X [man of glory) pr. name of a man, jv^t now. — IV. surely, certainly.

1 Ch. 7. 18. "\ Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing., ap. for n3X
}1tJ'''X masc. prop,

small image of a person as seen in the eye.

dimin. the little man, the
— I. n33X
(§ 25.

Piel fut. 1
No. 2 b)
pers. sing.

.... -I. conv.

• p». 73. 5. <'Ho.7.12. *lKi.l.l2 *Ge.l5.8. "»Ju.l2.3. • Ps. 13. 4. f Da. 2. 11. • Pa. 19. 14. • Job 12. 19.
« P». 59. 14. • 1 Ki. 12.11, 14. *Ge.41.21. 'lKi.20.20. "P8.4.9. P Pa. 3. 6. ' Da. S. 14,15. < Da. 3. 18. 'Ex. 9. 1.5.
• Job s, a. / Ph. 32. 8. ' Job 9. 35. "Job 4. 7. «• Est. 1 . 8.
nn3x-i:3Dx XXIV 1S:)^^-i^:5«
*'1 Niph. fut. 1 pers. sing. . 123 ri)''3N fern. id.

1. id., (Kh. 133X), K. nn23^ (q. v.) n33 '?,?^P

masc. dec. 2h, food; ^3Nn fV. fruit-tree;
1 Piel fut. 1 pers. sing, with parag. H; Iforl n33 7^^?^ jNV flock of (i. e. slaughtered for) food.
Niph. fut. 1 pers. sing, with parag. H (§'1 rh^^jp fem. pi. ni^3XD (§ 44. rem. 5) a knife.
10. rem. .5), 2 Sa. 6. 22. both for eating and slaughtering.
^: IT • )
1. Piel fut. I pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. n?'3KD fem. food, trop. for tire. Is. 9. 4, 18.

masc; 1 for "I n33 rhbjp n^SSIp 1 Ki.s.2S,

id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . 133 *'1"l Kal pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. (§ 8. "1

1 pr. name of a city, Ge. 10. 10 ; supposed V3« 'ij rem. 7) .

. . .
13 N

to signify /orfress, i. q. ^3^?, l^))} to
1 Piel fut. 1 pers. sing., ap. for n?3S; "I

bind, to strengthen.

"1^ «•"!

^') Hiph.
for )_ conv.
fut. 1

pers. sing. (§ 25. No. 2 b);


•)_ conv.
inf. abs. .... n73

.... constr. (§ 8. rem. 18)

id. inf.
'1 id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . n33
Kal inf. absolute >3N ') imp. sing. masc.
id. (§ 8. rem. 18);
'1, id. imp. sing. masc. ; 1 bef. ^3^<
1 before
"1.J ^...^

) Kh.
Piel fut. 1
pers. sing.

absolute, K. -I^SS (q.v.)

3T3 73«

« 1*,
id. fut. 1 pers. sing. (§

1 for -1 conv. .

r. 1) ;|

. \


"I pr.
masc. sing.
name of a place ....
93K »"l id.

noun masc.
part. act. sing. masc. dec.

sing. dec. 6 c.

. 73K
id. wi<^h loc.


masc. sing.
with the

adj. term.
..... "•_. .
Pual part. sing. masc. for

\ pr.

name masc.
fut. 1 pers. sing.
Prov. 30.
§ 10. r. 6] ^3X

. . . J<P3
noun.fem. sing., formed from the preceding It3
"1 in pause for n73X q.v. (§ 8. rem. 7) ^3N
Piel (dag. f. impl. § 14. r. l) fut. 1 pers. sing. *7n3
) Kal pret. 3 pers. sing, masc, suff. 3 pers.
1 Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. ; 1 for -J conv. nn3
sing. fem. ; 1 for 1 conv. . . . P3K
Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing.
IV- -:
'1 Piel fut. 1 pers. sing. ; 1 for ^ . . n^3
id. with paiagogic H . . . ,
n^3K "I Kal pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. . . 73X
Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. 13J IT ; IT




with parag.

of a king of the Philistines.

1 pers. sing.
; 1 for

•) conv.

§ 25. No. 2),

. 13J

IT :

: oj
Chald. Peal part. act. sing. fem. from [?3N;]

const. (§ 8. rem. 10) . .

suif. 2 pers. sing. masc. (§ 2. rem. 2) n33 ''n!?3K 1 id. imp. sing. masc. with paragogic H
(§ 8. rem. 11) ^3X
hox (§ 19. rem. I. and 2.) — I. to eat, to eat up, const, n^3s id. part, act., fem. of ^3X (§ 8. rem. 19) ^3N
with ace, 3, ?, ]D. — II. to devour, to consume, »nf?3'K
VT : 1
p'), ''1 1 id. fut. 1 pers. sing, with parag.] .

const, with 3. — III. to enjoy, const, with 3. —IV. 'n^3K

TV" 1 J n(§19.r. 1); Jfor-lconv.J

D''|?''nX -vSi^ the columns occupied, Eze. 42. 5. 1 id. pret. 3 pers. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing.
Niph. to be eaten ; also to be fit for food. Pi. to masc. ; 1 for 1 conv. . . . 73X
consume, Job 20. 26. Pu. to be consumed. Hiph. id. imp. pi. masc, suff. 3 pers. sing, masc,
— I. to give to eat, to feed. — II. to cause to consume, [for .in-I^^S] . . . . bN
Eze. 21.33. Hoph. (§ 19. rem. 9.) i^3S "1 id. pret. 3 pers. sing, masc, suff. 3 pers.
T -:

^3K Ch. (§ 53.) id., comp. pp. sing. masc. ; 1 for \ conv. . . . T'3N

?3i< masc. dec. 6 c. — I. an eating, the act of in pause for vSK q. v. (§ 8. rem. 7) . ?3K
eating. — II. food. y') Ch. Peal pret. 3 pers. pi. masc; 1 bef. ^3N
n?3&? fem. food, meat. •1^3 X '1 Kal pret. 3 pers. pi. masc. . . ?3K

• Le. 10. 3. /Ps.91.15. ' Is. 37. 30. » 1 Ch. 22. 5. ' De. 12. 23. ' Is. 44. 19. * Eze. 19. 14. "Ge.27. 19. » Ex. 16. 25.
* Is. 49. 5. * Je. 40. 15. "'Je. 15. 18. ' Ne. 6. 12. J-Ge.S. 11. << Ge. 8. 12, 13. * Ho. 11.6. • De. 12. 20. ' 2 Sa. 9. 10.
^ Hag. 1.8. * Ne. 13.23, " Pr. 27. 4. » 2 Sa. 2. 22. ' Am. 7.12. ' Ec. 4. 5. * ne. 14.21. I'Ge. 27.25. « Eze. 22. 25.
' Ps.86. 12. Is. 57. 17. » Job 27. 11. ' Ge. 27. 10. " Job 31. 17. / F.x. 3. 2. ' T):i. 7. 7, 19. 9 Eze. 3. 3. " Da. 6. 25,
Kx. 14. 4, 17. * 1 Sa. 28. 22. P Zee. 11. 8. Eze. 43. 8. » Ge. 27. 33. /rPs.40. 10. •'1 Sa.1.9. ' Ge.27. 4. r Da. 3. 8.

-1SD^5 XXV nn:D^<-•^nr)^?

I :

id. imp. pi. masc. (§ 8. rem. 12) ^3N
/%>DN id. pret.

(§ 8.
2 pers. sing. fem. Kh.

rem. 5) .... "-n', K. ri^3N

id. inf.; or noun masc. with suff. 3 pers. sing.
'/ id. pret. 1 pers. sing. (§ 8. rem. 7) . ?3S
masc. from ?5'K dec. 6 c. . ^3X
Pual pret. 3 pers. pi. masc. id. pret. 3 pers. sing, f., suff. 2 pers. sing. m. ?3S
1 Kal imp. pi. masc, suff. 3 pers. sing. fern. ~ IT T ~:
1 id. id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc; J for 1 conv. b^H
•'') id. pret.

masc. ;

Chald. Peal imp. sing. fem.

3 pers.

for 1 conv.
pi. with
.... suff. 3 pers. pi.

• R.T T -;
'1 id.

id. pret.
pret. 2 pers. pi.

3 pers.

sing, fem., suff.

; 1 id.

1 pers. sing.
. 73N

[for ^jn^i
^'\ Kal part. act. pi. constr. masc. from 75'^ adv . |13
I" : I

dec. 7 b ^3X Piel fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . HJD

V^3N IT : I
^') id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.
- Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. (HSSt § 2.5, No. 2 b),

^3K 3 pers. sing. masc. n33

id. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. suff. . . .

"1 *J^\33K Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . i?J3

id. pi., abs. St.
Piel fut. 1 pers. sing. (n33K), suff. 2 pers.
Kal inf. with suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. from
sing. masc. (§ 24. rem. 21) . . ri33
^35? ^3X
""I Piel fut. 1 pers. sing.; 1 for -1 conv. nD3
Piel fut. 1 pers. sing. (n.p5^). suff. 2 pers.
1 id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. (§ 24. rem.
sing. masc. (§ 24. rem. 21a. & § 10. r. 7)
21) ; Hd nD3
for '^y, noun masc. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing.
id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . nD3
masc. from ^3^ 6c

^^^- .
Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc Dy3
Pilpel fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 6. No. 4) Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. Dy3
1 id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. ; "I for 'I conv.

Kal inf., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. (§ 16. r. 7) ^3K to bow down, cogn. ^33, hence to compel, Pr.i6.26.

noun masc. sing, with suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. S]3K masc. i. q. f)3 the palm of the hand, only
IT ; X

? 1, ''l^
from ?5'^ dec.

pi. masc.
Piel fut.

(§ 24. r.
6 c.


pers.s. (H.^'SX), suff.3 pers.

1 for 1, 1 for ) n^3


noun masc.
'S3K, Job ^3.
1 pers. sing.

sing, with

suff. 1 pers. sing.



\ id.
"1 Kal fut.

; 1


pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. pi.

pi., suff. 3 pers. sing.

n-iS3N* — id.
from [flpS]
Piel fut.

with paragogic H
1 pers. sing.
dec. 6a.

.... .




IT :

masc. ; 1 for 1

•I" T -^
id. pret. 3 pers. sing, masc, suff. (Kh. -13, Root not used; Arab, to dig; whence 13 i< masc.
K. lb (§ 30. rem. ploughman, husbandman.

: r T
id. pret.

1 pers. pi. or sing,

pers. pi. ... .


1 Kal fut. 1 pers. s.,


suff. 3 pers. s. fem. with

id. pret. 3 pers. sing, masc, suff. 1 pers. sing. euph. dag. for [H"}.?^] ; ^ for -1 conv. . m3
Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . n"l3
T : ^T T
[ id. pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. (§ 8. rem. 7) 73K
id.; Kh. niT, K. TIT with Mak. (§ 8. r. 18) HID

id. id. ace shifted by conv. ^3S

noun masc. pi., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. from
1 ;
\ (§ 8. r. 7) •

|3X dec lb "ISN

r T \ id. pret. 2 pers. sing. fem. ^3^5
: :
DnsN id. pi., absolute state . . . "13K
WT "'1 Hiph. pers. sing. for conv.
id. part. act. sing. fem. , ^3K fut. 1 ; 1 -T. . 1113
1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. [yi3>?] with parag.
id. pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. with suff. 3 n id
; 1 j;i3
••inn'p3x pers. sing. masc. n'i3K '1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . ni3

• Is. 55. 1. g Le. 19. 8. "Ge.50.21. « Je. 15. 16. « Ge. 3. 11, / Eze, 16. 13. ' 18.45.4, » De, 82. 21. ' Ho, 8. 2.
" Le. 10. 12. » Je.30. 16. • 1 Ki. 18. 13. • 1 Ki. 17. 12. » Pr. 23. 8. g Eze. 28. 18. "•Je.46.8. ' Eze. 16. 43, > Jos. 9, 7.
' Je.50.7. • Am. 6. 4. f Ge. S. 5. ' Je. 51. 34. ' Ru. 2. 14. * P8.69.
)0. " Eze. 16. 8. • Mic, 6. 6, • Is. 61, 5.
' Ob. 1. 18. * Ge. 2. U- 1 Ex. 32. 10. y 2 Sa. 19. 43, " Is. 30. 27. ' Job 32. 21, 22. ' Eze. 16. 10. 'Job 33. 7, 1 Ch. 17. 8.
' Da. 7. 5. Ex.S.'i. S.
' 2 Sa. 22. :i9. • Ge. 31. 40. Eze. 15, 5, ' Ps. 81. 15, p Eze. 32. 7. • Exr. 9. 5.
/ Da. 11. 26. ••1*6.25,37. • Ho. 13. 8.

^n'7«-nnn^j^ ^^xvi n^x-nnnjx

•nJTIpK 1 Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing, with parag. H; — II. applied to false gods, or idols. — III. ajiplied to

1 for '3 conv. . , . . 7113 angels, Ps.8.6. D''n?iit in the sense of the singular,






1 pers. sing. (n'"13NI) with parag.

of a place

1 pers. sing.,
.... for [DDK §

spoken of God,

Ge. 20. 13; 1


the singular very rarely in the plural

followed by the verb or adj.

Sa. 17. 26; 2 Sa. 7. 23.

; comp.

rem. 141; "I for -I conv. . . . 71713 rbii_ Chald. masc. dec. 1 a, God.
-* T

''nriaX '1, "1 Kal fut. l pers. sing.; 1 id. , . 3113

'nnnpK id.,suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. (§ 8. r. 14, & § 2. r.3) 3713 r.rhi
I. M
75j5 denom. of ?X (R. PIS) prop, to invoke God. — I. to

Jr-31FI3>? Kh. 2)P\', K. "30 Kal. fut. 1 pers. sing. swear. — 11. to curse, Ju. 17.2. — III. to howl, cogn.

(§ 8. rem. 18.) . . . . 3713 ??'', ?7X. Hiph. to cause to sivear.

, n7N fem. dec. 10. with suff. ''Vh^. — I. oath, es-

S^5 (only 1 Ch. 20. 8. elsewhere ?Xn) and H ?X pron.

pecially a covenant made by an oath.— II. impre-

pi. com., these, used as the pi. of IIT and 71NT.

lA cation, curse, cursing; iw^y\ T\)}'1'^ an oath of

Chald. id.
imprecation, i.e. joined with cursing; TOVO iTTI

and -^.^X Chald. id.

to be for a curse ; D^X? |ri3 to give over unto
'1 noun m. s. dec. la., or def. of "?''X (qv.) ?1X
cursing ; iK>33 n?K3 PIX^? to wish a curse for
his soul.
'\ adv. of negation . . . . ?7X
'\ more frequently "7X, prop, constr. of ?i^
HyNn fem. dec. 10, curse. La. a. 6^.

(following the analogy of Hv, as if for n?X comp. ?N (with tseri pure) and y??. ^^ composition

with the following pr. names i. q. ?K God, R. P-IK.

§ 27, V. § 36. rem. 2, 3, 4, hence) pi. constr. \^S,
T^/X (whom God loves, R. H-H) pr. name masc.
with suff. '•^S, ^J-^X, r^N, Dn*^X.. once DH^'pN:,
Nu. II. 26, 27.
poet, i>3^?^?, prep, expressing, in general, motion
i^}phvi (whom God calls, XJ?T Arab, to call), pr.
or direction towards any thing, whether physically
name masc. Ge. 25.4.
or intellectually, but also a state of rest attained
^3|7^il (whom God has given) pr. name masc.
to, equivalent to ?J^. — I. to, sign of the dative
pn?X (whom God favours) name
case, like 7. — II. to, towards. — III. about, concern-
pr. of one of

David's heroes.
ing. —IV. for, on account of. —V. in, into. —VI. 3Nv?$ {God name
denoting rest, at, on, near; among; through, by. — is his father) pr. of several

VII. with other particles force sometimes

men, especially — I. of a chief of the tribe of Ze-

entirely lost, ''"inX-'pK


behind me; ^

bulun. — II. of a brother of David.

7X''7K {God is his strength) pr. name of several

without; '•'1''
7inH"7X under my hand, Sa. 21.5;

|p-'?X out Job 5.5.

men, especially — I. of a hero of David. — II. of a chief
of the tribe of Manasseh. — III. of a chief of the
pr. name masc. . . . . . ?1X
tribe of Benjamin.
Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . p? nnSv5< (to whom God comes) pr. name masc.
Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . C37 1 Ch. 25.4, called ver. 27 nOvX (Simonis, la-

1 id., suflF. 2 pers. sing, fem.; 1 for -I conv. ^^3? mentation from n?X).

»n3B>3^X Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. [{^S/X], suff. 3 pers.

TlyX (whom God loves, comp. TT/Nt) pr. name
of a chief of Benjamin, Nu. 34. 21.
sing. fem. (§ 16. rem. 12, & § 2. rem. 3) SJ>3^
yivt? (whom God knows) pr. name of several
r T V
noun masc.
sing. . . . 2^33
men, especially of a son of David, 2 Sa. 5. 16, for
•"'1 noun pi. masc, see D''|1P7^.
which Vyh:}2, 1 Ch. 14. 7.
"'1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. ; 1 for -1 conv . w*'
•invNt {God is He, i. e. the Lord) pr. name
it: V '
t;Tt V :
names masc. . . . n?X masc, see the following.

N-IHyX (id.) pr. name of several men, especially

Root not used ; Arab, to worship, to adore. of one of Job's friends, written also -invX.
rivK masc. dec. 1; sing, and pi. (D"'npX). — I. XSrivS? {God will hide (protect) him) pr. name
God, th§ true God, especially with the art. D''npNn. of one of David's heroes, 2 Sa. 23. 32.

2 Sa. 7. 9. ''De.9.21. • Je.82. 10. g Ho. 8. 12. ' Eze. 16. 10. '2Ch.9.10
> Is. 55. 8. •I
De. 10. 2. / Je. 31. 33. * P». 51. 9. *Ca.5.3. «Eze. 40. 48.

•»n^w^{-nS5< XXVII

S)*l'nvN {Gvd is his recompense ^ir\ Arab, to DJ?5?^ {God is his delight) pr. name masc.
recompense) pr. name masc. 1 Ki. 4. 3. 1 Ch. 11.46.

^7?? vX {God is his king) pr. name of the father- IDJpXl (whom God has given, 1. e. given of God)

in-law of Ruth. pr. name masc. — I. of the grandfather of King

PjO vK (whom God has added) pr. name masc. Jehoiakim. — II. Ezr. 8. 16.

I. of a chief of the tribe of Gad.— II. Nu. 3. 24. IJ??^ (apoc. for iTlJ^/!?? Q- '^'•)
name masc.
1 Ch. 7.21.
"iTJ^v?!? (^"'^ 's his help) pr. name of several

men, especially — I. of a servant of Abraham. — II.

mypS (whom God adorns) pr. name masc.
1 Ch. 7. 20.
of the second son of Moses.
^J-iypX {God my strength or praise, for ^-IJ?'
^5"'J?V?il i^°'^ is "'^"^ ^y^' i- ^- directs me) pr.
R. TTJ?) pr. name masc. 1 Ch. 12. 5.
name masc. 1 Ch. 8. 20.
(whom God name
DJ? vK {God's people) pr. name masc. — I. 2 Sa.
lTJ??t<» helpeth) pr. of various

.11.3, for which hit.'^'O^. I Ch.3.5.— II. 2 Sa.23.34.
KpypSl, n?y?X {God ascending) pr. name of a
TQv?? (^'^^ 'S strength, or precious, R. TTQ) pr.
town in the tribe of Reuben.
name masc. — I. of a son of Esau. — II. of a friend
{God has done it I) pr. name of various
of Job.
?QY^. (whom God judges, R. ??Q) pr. name
?y§7X {God of recompense, comp. 7^2, n?J)Q)
maiic. 1 Ch. 11.35.
pr. name of a man.
•inbSvS (whom God distinguishes) pr. name
n^ppS (whom God created) pr. name of various
masc. Ch. 15. 18, 21.
men, especially — I. of a son of Korah. — II. of the
t3|?a''^K, tabs^X; {God is his deliverance) pr.
father of Samuel.
name of various men.
lym^K {God of posterity, see "iVin R. ih'') pr.
l-IVvK {God is his rock) pr. name masc.
name of a city.
jSXvS, jDVpX (whom God protects) pr. name NpnSs, ni^ri^S {God of worship, NpH Arab, to

masc. fear) pr. name of a city in the tribe of Dan.

Kp'^pX {God's congregation, comp. C3JJvi<, Xp (pripNI {God is its establishment) pr. name of a
for Nnp Chald. to congregate) pr. name masc. city in the tribe of Judah, Jos. 15. 59.
2 Sa. 23. 25.

D^pV^ {God establishes him) pr. name masc.

11. nS^X Arab, to be stout, fat, cogn. >1X.
I. of a prefect of the palace under King Hezekiah.
n vK fem. the large tail of the eastern sheep.
— II. of a king of Judah, afterwards changed to
rhaT noun nha
O'lP^int.— III. Ne. 12.41.

y5^V^. {God is her oath) pr. name fem. Ex.6. 23.


1 T
fem. sing. dec. 10. (§ 42. rem. 2)

infin. absolute

Chald. Kh. n.^X, K. hvi pron. demon,

J^ltJ'yN {God is his salvation) pr. name of a son r*

of David. ') noun fem. sing. ; also proper name masc.

3''K' v^ {God will restore) pr. name of various Chald. noun masc. sing. dec. la.

men. '1 pron. demon, pi. com. gen.

" V I"
yiDCJ'ySt (whom God hears) pr. name masc. — I.
noun masc. sing. dec. la.
of a son of David. — II. of a son of Ammihud, a
- 1 v:

Chald. n. m. s., emph. of rlbx dec.

chief of Ephraim. — III. of the grandfather of Ishmael }
1 a;"!

who slew Gedaliah, comp, 2 Ki. 25. 25. — IV. of a ITT
pref. contr. [for KH^jSil] .

Chald. id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.

priest in the time of Jehoshaphat, 2 Ch. 17.8.
V. 1 Ch. 2.41. Chald. id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc.

V^^h^. {God is his salvation, for V^l '^K) pr. Chald. id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc, D by
I •:iTv:
name masc. prophet and successor of Elijah. Hebraism for |

DCB'vSI (whom God judges) pr. name masc. Chald. id., suff. 1 pers. sing,
r T v:

2 Ch. 23. I. in pause for TI pK .(q. v.) . . .

Exe.6. 13; Ho. 4. 18. 'Da. 3. 28,29. /Da. 6. 23.

XXVIII v^^{-^n^i<

^rha "I id. contracted [for 'Nil .

id. pi. with suff. 1 pers. sing.

*n?S "I noun m. pi., suflf. 1 pers. s. from HI ?ii|]

^nSx dec. la; with pref. contr. [for 'XI]

1 Kh. ?-"l7X, K ^vX noun masc. sing. dec. 1 a;
1 before (•••:)

V > id. pi., construct state ; with pref. id. »"[ noun masc. sing. dec. lb; also pr. name
^n?x '1.j
masc. ^^x

. .

IT - IT v:
Chald. noun masc. pi.
from n?X
T v:
'1 noun masc. sing. dec. lb; also pr. name m. bix
dec. la.
noun masc. pi. construct from ppS dec. 1 b. ^^x
n''nP&?. noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. fern, from
,.. ,..
noun masc. pi. construct from f\?^ dec. 1 b. •pix
ni!?Ndec. la
noun masc. pi. absolute from p?X dec. 1 b. ^^x
Dn"'n?S 1 id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc; with pref.
rha lb.,


id., suff.

3 pers.

pi. fern. . .

noun masc.
id. pi.,

id. sing., suff.

sing. dec.

construct state

1 pers. sing.

Vn?N ") id., suff. 3 pers. sing, masc; with pref. "|

id. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc . C|^X

'Vn$K IT
) con. [for 'XIJ
^ V:!'.-"
. .
id. pi., suff. 1 pers. pi. . . . ei^x
^^n/X id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc.

•n"""!^!* I
^^' ^"^' ^ V^^^- sing. fern.
1 T


pr. name masc. ..... n^x

^jnSx '1. id. id. ; contracted [for 'XJ]


id., suff.,

id., suff.
Kh. T'n'

2 pers. pi. masc.

q. v., K, D^^' (q. v.) .

r: V



name masc.
be corrupt, in a moral sense.

1 pers. sing. ....

.... n^x


1 id. pi.,

id., suff.

3 pers. pi.
absolute state; with pref. contr

masc. ^
I prep. (?X) with pi. suff. 1 pers. sing. bx

id. pi., construct state ^x

'r T %•;
Chald. noun masc. pi. abs.
from HpN
T V;
dec. 1 a
^« noun masc. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing from ?X
•13"'n7X 1 noun m. pi., suff. 1 pers. pi. from rii^X


Chald. noun
dec I a ;

with pref. contr. [for 'K1]

sing., suff. 2 pers. sing,


Kal imp. sing. fem.

defect, for

V'l^ adv.

masc. from rl7K dec. la.. ^x^^s & ;i, nnx^^x, it^x, vvh^ & '\

/fl3n^N Chald. id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. .

pr. names masc. ; 1 before , . n^x
^Dbn^X Chald. id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc, D by prep. pX) with pi. suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. . !?x
Hebraism for |
-invX & '1 pr. names masc. ^1X
IT' IT- I" : \


id., suff.
pi. masc.
3 pers.
for '\^N, prep. (^K), with pi. suff. 3 pers.

pi. fem. I- "^ 1 :: V

'\, X-in Y??.

{towards the Lord

& ',1 pr. names masc.
are mine eyes,
; 1 before

,„ , n^x

mn*. R. nin) contr. ''2])yb^ pr. name of

*K3n7X Chald. noun masc. sing., suff. 1 pers. pi. from various men.
n^X dec. la °'1 prep. (7X) with pi. suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. ^x
6n 1 Chald. i.q. -nX «ee/ ieAoZd/ noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. from
•1?S 1 conj. (contr. from -l/'DX) though, la
tf, •p^X dec.

""h^ Kh., for K. vhvi (q. v.) bx T 1" '• !*•

noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. from

IPX '1 Kh. id. ; noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing, b]^ dec. 6h. (§ 4. rem. 6) ^'X

masc. from ?^K dec 6 h. . prep. (?X) with pi. suff. 3 pers. pi. fem. ^x
rli?X""5, noun masc. sing. dec. la; 1 before ,., . '''I id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. Vx

• Je. 10. n. •il Ki.1.47. g Ezr. 7. 17, 18. * Da. 3. 17. » Ps. 143. 10. ? Is. 44. 14.
• Ju.2.3. « De. 32. 37. * Le. 17. 8. ' Eze. 40. 29, 33. • Ps. 145. 1.
• 2 Sa. 7. 23. / Da. 2. 47. ' Ex. 1.19. "Job 24. 12. Pje. 14. 14.
" lio. 4. 13. //P». 144. 14. "D(;.29. 20. """ Ilo. 10. 4.
if^hi^-'y^^'hii XXIX ^^:S^<-"•nS^{

"!1 •
N?, as K'ln.''. ?N Ae will not be silent, Ps. 50. 3.

V pr. name masc, see "'3^J?inyK.
— III. once before a pret. interrogatively, I Sa.

27. 10.
P]1inv?i> pr. names masc.
!?S Chald. i. q. Heb. No. II.
'1 prep. (?S) with pi. suff. 2 pers. sing. masc.
n^N fem. terebinth, others, an oak, Jos. 24. 26.

id. witli suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. p?X masc. dec. lb. — I. an oak. — II. pr. name
masc, 1 Ch. 4. 37.
2 pers. masc.
id., suff. pi. . . .

PI7K masc. — I. i. q. ^y^!?, vanity, Je. 14. 14.

*_'1 n. masc. pi. construct from 7vX dec. la.
Kheth. — II. Elul, the sixth month of the
Hebrew year, answering nearly to our Septem-
id. pi., absolute state
ber, Ne. 6. 15. Its etymology is uncertain.

noun masc, pi. of ^ N or 7''X dec. 6 h. or 1 a. ?vX masc. dec. la. — I. adj. nought, vain, hence,

pi. idols — II. vanity.

prep. (?N) with pi. suff. 3 pers. pi. masc.


name masc.
fut. 1 pers. sing.
R. Jv see


inter), expressive

{the king's
of grief,

oak for "^JDn ?N, comp. fem.

wo I alas I

• r T

Chald. pron. demon, pi. com. gen. n ?N) pr. name of a place in the tribe of Asher,
Jos. 19. 26.
prep. (?SI) with pi. suff. 1 pers. pi. .

def. for 7 v^. noun masc sing., dec. 1 a. . P?N

itt; v'
interj ^^H

toSD''^K & ;i, "i-ix''^{<, )s>"*bK, Np^^N;,

Q''!?^^?. I'5^"'r'^. (fem.), pr, names masc.

Kal not used, in the deriv. to bind. Niph. — I. to

be dumb. — II. to be silent. Pi, to bind, as

pr. name of a region
IT ' :•:
sheaves, Ge. 37. 7.

I- t: V
& "1,
'itt r v:
& 'i,
w'ba &
it • v:
iv D?N masc. silence, Ps. 58. 2 ; is there indeed silence
J03ti*vX pr. names masc. (when) ye ought to decree justice (though con-
IT T ! v; ^

Kal preter. 2 pers. sing. fem. trary to the accents), Ps. 56. i ; correctly
!• T

) Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 20. rem Gesenius, the silent dove among strangers, desig-

nating the subject of the Psalm.

& ')\
' '
for -1 conv.
D?X masc, dec. 7 b, adj, dumb.
id. Milel before monos.


HDPX. fem. dec. 10. pi. D^- & UV, a sheaf of com,
Chald. pron. demon, pi.
]u?^ masc. adj. forsaken, widowed, Je. 51. 5.
Kal fut. 1 pers. sing.
1D7K masc. widowhood. Is. 47. 9.


Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, with paragogic H . 1^' nJDpK fem. dec. lib. — I. a widow. — II. desolate

places. Is. 13. 22.


2 pers
[for "h^;\

sing. masc.

.... (bx) with pi. suff.

n-13?D7K fem. dec. 3 a,' widowhood.
^itDpK some one, a certain one, always joined with

^S^^^ Root not used,

II. to howl,
in the deriv.

cogn. ?2\


to be nothing.

to be strong,

noun masc

masc. sing, dec. 7 b,

.... D?K
cogn. ^-IX. . .

7X prop, subst. nothing, Job 24. 25. —Adv.— I. abs.

*'1 not in all copies, for D>1X (q. v.) , 71X
nay ! not so ! ""rijll 7N nay, or not so, my '\ accord, to some copies D7X for ch'iii (q.v.) ?1X
daughters! — II. conj. that not ; especially before pi. almug-trees, a kind of precious wood, by
the future, to express prohibition and dehorta- some supposed to be the red sandal-wood.
NV* 7K man go

; B'''X

let me

not be ashamed

but rarely like

; 7Si

It is also

fut. 1 pers. sing. ....

found by transposition D^S-1J1?X.

' Is. 45. 14. ' 1a>. 26 1. « Ju. 17.2. y2Sa, 12.28. * Is. 38. 10. ' Job 13. 4. * Eze. 40. 9. ' Job 17. 10. « P«. 118. 71.
U. 31. 7. ' Job 19. 10.

Dt^ XXX 'mhi^-nif^hii

"m^Sx Piel fut. 1 pers. sing, with parag. n . . ^D? Hiph. denora. from f)7Si, to bring forth thousands.

*mp'?S 1 Kalfut. 1 pers. sing. ("I?3^iJ) with parag. 71 Toh f]-1^X adj. — tame,
masc. dec. lb. I. gentle,

''5'l?2i?i5 Piel fut. 1 pers. sing., sufF. 2 pers. pi. masc. "lu?
Je. II. 19. — familiar, II. — friend. III. ox, bullock,

3 pers. pi. masc. HJ^?

Ps. 144. — IV. head of a family or
14. tribe.

'•apX. —
''Dn^/iil id., suff. . .
f|?X masc. 6a. with dec. suff. I. thou-
OJSPX ) noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. (§ 4.
sand; Pl^X nX?jD a hundred thousand; D''a?K f^/X
rem. 1) from [D^^X] dec.Sa. . . blX a thousand thousands; n^l") ""apX thousands oj

IT - ;
name of a son of Joktan.
myriads. — II. family, as a subdivision of a tribe.

/ni?3^X ) n. m. with pi. fem. term, from D7''X; dec. 8 a. 7)^ III. pi. oxen, comp. f]-1?K. — IV. pr. name of a

from D>1N ?1N city, Jos. x8. 28.

^^w?ii 1 noun masc. pi.
dec. 8a.
I"- i\ :

^^J^., ^b.^. (by Hebraism, Da. 7. 10.) Chald.

*D''J3?X noun fem. with pi. masc. term, from mS^JJ
masc. dec. 3 a. thousand.
dec. 10. D7K
Chald. noun masc. sing. dec. 3 a. . . 5l?X


1 pr.

pi. of D.^S dec. 7 b.

of a place ....
. .


"I, "'y
noun m.
sing. dec. 6 a.

; 1 see lett. 1
(with sufl".^


masc. sing.

noun masc.
noun fem.

sing. dec. 11a.

.... . .
IT ;
Chald. noun m. sing., emph. of ^2X, dec. 3a.

noun masc, pi. constr. from 5|7X dec. 6 a. .


IT - : :

id. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing. . . . fpH

ni3D^« "1 id. pi., absolute state . . . CPU
- noun masc. pi. constr. from t^-I^X dec. 1 b. . f)?S
"• n-ljp^i? noun fem. sing., constr. of [H-IJO'] dec. 3 c. D?N I" \
noun masc. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. from
- id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. . . . chu
IT : :
^b^ (q.v.)
•inbp^X noun fem. pi., suff. (K. VH', § 4. rem. 1)
"1 id. pi. absolute state: 1 before , ,

3 pers. sing. masc. from H^JD' dec. 1 1 a. D7N

noun masc, pi. of ^l-lpX dec. lb..
pn"'rii:p^N id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. . . . D^ts

Vnijp^X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . tDH noun masc;., dual of f)?K dec. 6a.
y'^^ribp^K pers. sing. masc. D?K

1 id., suff. -2 . .

Chald. by Hebraism for Keri ;"•£)' pi. of fl^N

'tJjn-liP/X noun fem. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. from
(q.v.) ^ba

VnJp^X 1

masc. sing.

defect for
dec. 3 a

..... (q. v.)
wt : V
1 for tO^I' (see

pr. names masc.

.... ^V^^^ & ^V.pW

Pi. to urge, press, Ju. 16. 16.

'riCTK noun fem. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing, from
[HD^X] dec. 10 ta^bs
•itt: V
"[ pr. name masc. see jaVvX . . . n^X
'Vnb?X id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. cha D-lpSx Pr. 30. 31. i?3y DIppX "^^p a king against whom
«D!)''rib7X id. pi., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. there is no rising up (from .X not, and D-1p).

Most of the moderns, a king with whom is the

'I?X Chald. elsewhere |\?X pron. demon, pi. com.
people, i. e. surrounded by his people, (?X the
DJ?3^X for Dyy & |p3^X pr. names masc. rha
Arab. art. and D-lp Arab, people). Prof. Lee, a
"1D?X pr. name of a city, Ge. 14. i, 9.
king (having) piwision with him (coll. with the
yjy,7X Kal fut. 1 pers. sing

Tt: V
HK'J^T'X pr.
itt: •/:' r v :

names masc.
it*!-: v '
!••?: v'
i"^: v '
Arab. Dp!?).

"1 Piel
fut. 1 pers. sing.

fut. 1 pers. sing,

with parag. H (§10.

it': --;

7^{J fut. fli'XPI

In the deriv. and prim,

(§ 13. rem. 5),
to learn,

only Pr, 22. 25.

oneself, to become

rem. 7)
pr. name masc.
; 1 for 1. .

Elkoshite, spoken of the prophet

.... . . .


familiar; to join together, to associate. Pi. to teach. Nahum, from a place K^p/X, Na. 1. 1.

—H ,

-tihn XXXI ^^DK-n'^tt^^^

X Root not used, whence -n^i^ .

fem. irr. (§ 45) a maid-servant, handmaid
C'-I^K (according to the Tahiiud, a crowd of nDX"t2
T T V '

people) pr. name of a station in the wilderness, nSX "[ noun fem. sing. dec. 10. . . . DN
Nu. 33. 13. nSX '\ noun fem. sing., sufF. 3 pers. sing. fem.

nf^Y^. pr- name of a region situated on the from Dijt dec. 8 b. . . . . DX

Mediterranean, «-n»X Chald. noun fem. sing., pi. emph. N»»i< DDK
noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. from ''ninpj? noun fem. pi., constr. of niniON' from nOX,

rha dec. 10. (§ 42. rem. 2)^ irr. (§ 45) . . .

. . HDK
T T ^

1 pr. name of a place '^nhpX 1 id., suff. 1 pers. sing. . . . HDN

noun fem. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing, from HpSi *n''nhlbtil i id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. . . HDK
r T IT
DH'^nhnX 1 id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . . . HlOX
dec. 10. (§ 42. rem. 2) . . .

'VnhpK 1 id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . JlDX

pr. name of a place "'D3''rihpS; 1. id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. . . . PlDK
1I 1t^^? '\ noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.
1 pr. name of a place
from D^< dec. 8 b. . . . DX
DiS)K Niph. fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . . £31D
fem. dec. 8b. — I. mother. — grandmother.—
II. III. "pDK noun masc. sing., also pr. name . . }0K
— IV. nietaph. of a nation,
mother-city or metropolis.

also of the earth.

(i. e. head) of the way,

Job i. —V.

i. e.
DN mother
a place

whence two



Kal part.
noun fem.
of the preceding

p. pi.
sing. dec.

.... 10;

masc. constr. from [J-1DX]

1 before ,., . JDN

ways diverge. dec. 3a. . . . jDN

fem. dec. 10. — I. the fore-arm, cubitus, D^3-1DN id. pi. abs. ; or noun masc, pi. of [I-IONI]
prop, the mother of the arm; whence — II. a cubit, a
dec. 3b pN
measure: n?3X2 y2"li< four by the cubit, i. e. four •rj3-10t^. noun fem. sing., constr. of n3' dec. 10. . J?ON
cubits. — III. mother-city, or metropolis, 2 Sa. 8. 1.
'ina-IDX '[1 id., suff. 3 pers. sing, masc; \ before {DN
IV. basis or pedestal. Is. 6. 4. —V. pr. name of a
"•riJ-DpN ^1 id., suff. 1 pers. sing.; 1 id. . .
hill, 2 Sa. 2.24.
^llI.jlA' > id., suff. 2 pers. sing, masc; '1 before }DX
ni2Nl Chald. fem. pi. fJSS, a cubit.

,. ,

DK '\ mostly "DN. — I. conj. if, supposing, that; DK pox pr. name masc. |*0X
DX whether —or; DK in swearing is properly con- "liON Kal inf. abs ION
ditional, if, as in 1 Sa. 3. 17, God do so to thee, niOX "1. noun fem., pi. of nOX dec. 10. . DN
and mbre so, if thou, &c.; but the form of impre- n-lOX Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. . , . niD
cation is elsewhere omitted, and it is conveniently iTiibx Kh. niox q.v., K. nixD (q.v.) . . nxo
rendered by a negation, not, and i^? DX by an 'DiOX noun fem., pi. of HOX dec. 10. . . DDK
affirmative. — II. though, although. — III. adv. when, " nri-lOX Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, with parag. H . . HIO
referring either to time past or future ; DX 1^^ / nnpX »") Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. , . . nPID
DK "IK'X ny till when, till that. — lY. surely, truly. — «-13npX id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . . nnO
V. interrog. i.q. H if? whether? DX— DX, D«— ''DVnpX ''1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing.
whether — or ? and without interrog. in an indirect masc. (§ 16. rem. 12) ;
for -1 conv. . |*nO
inquiry.—VI. DSH i.q. N^Pn isnot?—VU. ^h'm "l^ppX Hiph. fut, 1 pers. sing. . . . "lOO
if not, unless,

Kal fut. I
compare also No.

pers. sing. .... 1.


1 n.
name masc,
fem. sing.,

1 pers.

sing, from


id., suff.

for -1 conv. ....

2 pers. sing. masc. (§ 2. rem. 2);

DK7D S*pN Chald. noun

dec 8b
fern, with

....pi. (emph.) masc.




Piel fut. I pers. sing.


pers. sing., sufF.

2 pers.


/^"•OS noun masc
term, from

from [D''X or D^N]

T \

with suff. 2 pers. sing. masc.

. .


« Em. 17. 16. • Ex. 21. 38. ' Job 19. 15 •De. 12. 12. PPr. 28. 20. • Pa. 100. 5. '2C11.6. 13. " Ge. 46. 30. <>Ps. 18. 39.
• Eze. 17. 19. / Le. 25. 44, * Na. 2. 8. > Pr. 8. 30. ? 2 Sa. 20. 19. » Ps. 98. 3. a Eze. 42. 16. » De. 9. 14. • 2 Sa. 22. S9.
« Ho. 4. 6. !t Da. 3. 29. ' Ge. 20. 17 ' Ps. 119. 75, 138. • Is. 33. 6. » Pa. 89. 25. •Nu.25.15. ' £x. 32. 33, ''Ps.8S.lC.
• Ho. 11. 8. i 2 Sa. 6. 20,
— —
^t2^-rh'm xxxn [Dk-dS^^dx

IT • -;


pers. sing. [7''P5<], suff. 3 pers.

Dp{< {union
Judah, Jos. 15. 26.
?) r. name of a city in tlie tribe of

noun masc.
also pr.

Chald. noun fem., with


abs. def. for D"'P"'X

pi. masc. term, from

(q. v.) ;

nJSX fem.
masc. dec. 8c.

nr^ik Chald. pi.

IT \

dec. 10. people, nation,

q. n?3K, Ps. 117.

- T


adj. masc. sing. ....

*D|3K noun fem.
D« dec. 8b.
sing., suff.

3 pers.
pi. masc. from
. . DS
noun masc.

fut. 1 pers. sing. .... IIDH

m'i I. to stay, to support. La. 4. 5. II. to nurse, to


fut. 1
1 pers. sing.

pers. sing. .... . . . K*1?D








be borne. Is. 60. 4.

nursing -father,
be firm,

true, faithful.

II. to

be firm,
id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc.
established, sure. — III. to be true, faithful. Hiph.
id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fern. — I. to trust, confide, believe in, rely upon, const,
' '1"1
noun fern, sing., suff. 2 pers. sing.
with 3, 7. — 11. for PP""?! to turn to the right.

yips* *"ij masc. from D^? dec. 8b. .

Is. 30. 21.
"I id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. . DX JPX Chedd. Aph. to confide in ; part. pass, true,

id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. .

id., suff. 2 pers. pi. fem. DM jIDS masc. — I. Pr. 8. 30, foster-child. Prof.

Lee, constant, unwearying. Others, artificer. —

to languish, to be sick, Eze. 1 6. 30. Pul. (§ 6. II. for jlDH multitude, Je. 52. 15. — III. pr. name
No. 2) to languish, to droop, to waste away. of various persons, especially of a king of
^bpS adj. masc. /ee6/e, only pi. D^^^lOX Ne 3.34. Amon
v^- Judah. of Ne. 7. 59, is also called ''PK
??PK adj. masc. languishing, wasting, Ps. 6.3. Ezr. 2. 57. — IV. pr. name of an Egyptian idol,

""1 Piel fut. I pers. sing.; 1 for 1 Je.46. 25.

|-10S masc. (by Syriasm for \^12ii), faithfulness,
it: IT •

(§ 9.

rem. 5)
1 pers. sing, with

. ... paragogic

N^D truth, T)e.s2. 20.

HMDX fem. dec. 10.

PL D^jpX
— I.

Ex. 17. 12.
'•ins^px X Piel fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. IT v: »

masc. (§ 10. rem. 7) ; 1 for 1 . i6D

— II. truth, Is. ^^. 6. — III. faithfulness.

pj-'PS (faithful) pr. name i. q. fupS q. v.

Kal part. p. sing. fem. from [/-IDN] masc. .

ipK masc. artificer, Ca. 7.2.

Kal fut. pers. sing.


IpX masc. — I. ti-uth. Is. 65. 16. — II. adv. Amen,

Piel fut. 1 pers. sing. ; 1 for 1
so be it.

Niph. fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 9. rem. 5)

I" T "
IP'X masc. truth, faithfulness. Is. 25. i.

IT : IT •
"'1 id. with paragogic H ;
for -1 conversive njpX fem. — I. covenant, Ne. 10. 1. — II. fixed

i' : V - -:
Piel fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. allowance, Ne. 11.23. — II. pr. name of a river

and the region near Damascus.

Hiph. fut. i pers. sing.

.... for conversive

1 1 •
,. . - ; 1

Kal fut. 1 pers. sing.

IT : I
fem. a beam,' lintel, 2 Ki. 18. 16.

}Pulal prater. 3 pers. sing, mtisc.; adj

njpj? fem. — I. education, nursing. Est. 2. 20.

II. adv. truly, indeed. ,

No. 2)
Ps. 6. 3, (§ 6.
fljpSI (faithful) pr. name. — I. the eldest son of

David, called j'lrpS 2 Sa. 13. 20.— II. 1 Ch.4.20. ,

I id. preter. 3 pers. sing. fem. (§ 8. rem. 7) 7Dii
DJpX, D3pS adv. verily, truly, indeed, '3 D3pX

id. preter. 3 pers. pi. . . . ?DN

4 true tliat, it is true that.

npX fem. (for n.jpX) with suff. inpX (§ 37,

No. 3). — I. firmness, stability. — II. faithfulness,

uD^S Root not used, Arab, to be related, cogn. Dpy. fidelity. — III. truth, as opposed to falsehood.

• Ps.n8.10,ll,12. ''Ho. 4. 7. «•! Ki.2.8. * Ge. 37. 10. » Eze. 96. 2. J Eze. 20. 33. « 1 Sa. 27. 1. jrl Sa.ja.l. "Ho. 4. 3.
'Job 20. 25. 'Job 2.3. 12. * 1 Sa. 19. 17. ' Eze. 16.45. « Ps.81. 11. ' Job 29. 12. • Job 1. 15. •lKi.l.&. * Ho. 2.7.
< Is. 17. 6. 'De. 33.89. * Pr.28,25, "Ex. 31. 3. p Eze. 16. 80. • Is. 46. 4. ' Je. 39. 18. «>Je.l4.2.
XXXIIl im-uh'^^
*r)pS {veracious), pr. name of the father of the Y^aD masc only pi. c. *-^pxp powers, forces.

Job 36.

prophet Jonah. 19.

JO'^n {faithful for \f?''T\D) pr. name of two Piel imp. sing. masc. Y^a
different men. "1 defect, for YPa (q. v.) .
iO-inp {faithful), pr. name of a Persian eunuch. Y^a 1/1 Kal imp. sing, masc (§ 8. rem. 1 1 & ]

Est. I. ID. 12) ; 1 before

^Ij ^...^

noun masc. smg.



name masc.
and adv.

.... .




1 Piel fut. 3 pers. sing,

noun masc.
") Kal fat.

pers. sing.;

1 for -I conv.
defect, for [|-"IJ3S] noun masc. sing. dec. .3 b. pa "•inx)'pN ) id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . NXi^
Ka! part. act. sing. masc. dec. 7 b. pa '^s;ips
'. id., suff. 2 pers. sing, masc; 1 for •) conv. NXO

naps noun
noun masc.
^'1 noun

fern, sing.; also pr.

fern. sing.




. pa

noun fem.
1 Piel imp.

m. (I'PS), suff. 3 pers. s. m.

flips pr. name masc. . . . . . pa *-ivps [for -IVpS] Piel imp. pi. masc . . Y^a
f";i)3px Kal part. act. pi.

fem. from

noun masc,
dec. 7 b.

2 pers. sing.


: IT

preter. 3 pers. pi.

name masc.
pi. masc. ....
. . . VIOS
pi. of |PS dec. 3 b. Y^^
Dips HtVo^
adv. from jp's with the term. D.. pa ,. I pr. name masc ; 1 before . . . |*10^


pr. name masc. pa « T'nvps Piel pret. 1 pers. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. m. |*DN
* "I Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. ; 1 for •
1 conv. adj. masc, pi. of {foa'] dec. 8c. (§ 37. No. 2)
f DN
'in'aos noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. from 'i^ma
Piel pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. {§ 8. rem. 5) yoy
nj-IOS dec 10 pa T : I- •

-SriitD's Kal part. act. sing, fem., (n3p'S') suflF. 3 pers.

sing. masc. dec. 13 a. (§ 8. rem. 19) pa fut. *1PS\ IpS*!, with conjunctive accent "ipS

nppS Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. riDiD (§ 19. rem. 2 & I.) — I. to say, declare, (differ-

[foriy; § 8. rem. 15], Kal fut. 1 pers. ent from '13'n to speak) mostly followed by the
Vr: V
sing words spoken, constr. with ba, / before the
person to or of whom any thing is said, and

ONJ to be strong, courageous. Pi. — I. to strengthen, rarely with an ace comp. Ge. 43.27, De. 1.39,
make strong; to encourage. — II. to repair, restore. Ps. 139.20. — II. to command. — III. to think, either

— III. to harden, spoken of the heart. Miph. to followed by 3.73, 37p or not. Niph. — I. to be
strengthen, confirm. Hithp. to strengthen one-self, said, constr. with /S, ? ; impers. it is said, on
to take courage. dit. — II. to be called, constr. with p. Hiph. to

Ypa adj. strong, powerful. cause to say, promise, De. 26. 17, 18. Hithp. to

Ypa {strong) pr. name of the father of the speak of oneself, to boast oneself, Ps. 94. 4.

prophet Isaiah. n»K Chald. (§ 53. No. 1. & § 49. rem. 1.)— I.
}*bS adj. masc, only pi. D'^VP^? (§ 32. rem. 5), to say. — II. to command.
active, fleet, or vigorous. lipa masc, English version, bough, branch.

Y^a masc. strength. Job 17.9. Others, top, summit, lit. something prominent,
IT - fem.
id. Zee 12. ^
5. manifest ; or simply from the idea of height,

'SpK {strong) pr. name masc. supposed to be contained in the root. Prof.

n*VpS (whom the Lord strengthens) pr. name Lee, the pod which contains the fruit of the
of several men, especially, — I. of a king of Judah, palm tree.

also called "injVpX. — II. of an idolatrous priest. "MDa

V I"
masc. dec. 6 b. — I. word,' discourse. — II.

Am. 7. 10, sq. appointment, declaration, Job 20. 29.

• Ca.7.2.
tr1i&<-nD« XXXIV ^ni;!:x-'i22K

mpX & mpS fem. dec. 12 b. word, saying, 'nnoN id. pi., construct state . . . ION

"1??X Chald. only pi. ]'<'^m lambs.

"T^J* {loquacious, others, tall, comp. T'PX) pr.


; ; V ^1

Kal fut.

) conversive
id., suff.

3 pers.
pers. sing, with parag.

pi. masc; ) id.

H ; 1


name of two different men. noN noun masc. pi., suff. 1 pers. sing, from]
— —
"ipS m.
matter. Job 22. 28.
I. word, saying, discourse. II. thing,

'''Pi gent,
[-ION] dec 6b.

noun masc. .... . . .



of a man.

gent, noun

tall, comp. I^DX)

collect. Amorites,
pr. noun masc.

Kal imp.
name masc.
sing. fem.


from [ION] dec. 6 b. ION

a Canaanitish people. Simonis conjectures its noN Kal inf., sufif. 1 pers. sing. . . . "ION

signification to be mountaineer, comp. TON. nnoN

T T IV -:
noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. from

"'"ipN {eloquent) pr. name of two different men.

["ION] dec 6b ION
HtIP^' 'U
rT'ipX, in''"lDX (whom the Lord promised) '
> pr. name masc. ; 1 before , , . . ION
pr. name of several men, especially of two high-
ITT -;
noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. from
[ION] dec 6b "ION
10X?D masc. only constr. "IDXJD edicts command.
oDSnON id., sufif. 2 pers. pi. masc. . . . "ION
10N0 Chald. masc. id.
id. pi., absolute state "ION
. , .

Kal })ret. 3 pers. sing. masc. (compare" '1 Kal part. act. masc, pi. of ION dec. 7 b. *10N
inN .

ION 4,j § 8. rem. 7) . '1 Chald. Peal part. act. masc, pi. of "HON

*113X '1 Chald. Peal part. act. sing. masc. dec. 2 a. dec. 2a. (§ 49. No. 4) . , . "ION
(§ 49. No. 4) -)ON '''1
Chald. noun masc, pi. of [ION] dec. 2 b. "ION
"1^^ '1 Ch. id. pret. 3 pers. sing, masc; 1 before "lOX 'tIION Kal inf., sufif. 2 pers. sing, masc, (§ 16. r. 7) "ION
OttS Kh. nnX q. v., K. nnX (q. V.) . . ION id., sufif. 2 pers. sing. fem. . . . ION
nbN Kal inf. abs "ION id., sufif. 2 pers. pi. masc. comp. "^"^0N . ION
»-nON id. inf. constr., with Mak. for "ibS (§ 8. r. 18) ION •^3ipN Chald. Peal pret. 1 pers. pi. (§ 49. No. 2) "ION
op v:
id. imp.
'^ ^ masc. with Mak. for
sing. ibN
•i^ipN "1 Kal pret. 1 pers. pi. . . . ION
(§ 8. rem. 13) .1.
before ^...^
. . ION ^snoN '1 pr. name of a king, of Shinar in the time

of Abraham, Ge. 14. i, 9.

Chald. Peal imp. sing. masc. (§ 49. No. 2) "IDN
»in>* (
'>>p?< Piel fut. 1 pers. sing, [for "("^ON] . . "110
1- v: J


constr. or imp. sing. masc.

name masc.
Kal fut. 1
o (§

19. rem.
. "ION


> Kal

id. id.
pret. 2 pers. sing.

; ace. shifted by conv.


(§ 8. r. 7)

(§ 8. rem. 7)

I- ;' it'
' ^ 2 & I)•*
; 1
for -1 conv. . . . ION j?>ip?
'1 id. pret. 2 pers. sing. fem. . . . ^0N

ION noun masc.

nnON Kal pret.

id. part. act. sing.


3 pers. sing. fem.

masc. dec. 7 b.


Chald. Peal pret.

1 Chald.

No. 2.
id. pret.

and rem.
1 pers. sing. (§ 49.

3 pers. sing. fem.

1) ; 1 before
No. 2) "ION



\, '];

id. fut.


Chald. Peal pret. 3 pers.


pfers. sing,

with parag. H

masc. (§49. No. 2) "ION



noun fem.
Kal part.
id. id. pi. dec.
sing, constr. of

act. sing. fem. (§ 8.

rem. 19)
dec. 12 b.

nON "I Kal pret. 3 pers. pi. . . . ION MmoN
t: V
noun fem. sing., sufif. 3 pers. sing. masc.
i-llpN Chald. Peal imp. pi. masc. (§ 49. No. 2) . "ION [from n-JON] ION
M"ipN noun masc. sing., sufif. 3 pers. sing. masc. ""imoN
noun: •
fem. sing., sufif. 3 pers. sing. masc. from

from [ION] dec. 6 b. . . . "ION [n-JON] dec 12 b. . . . nON

•nON '1 Kal imp. pi. masc. . . . ")0N »'»pnoN
Kal pret. 1 pers. sing. (§ 8. rem. 7) . "ION
'nnON noun fem., pi. i.f [H^JON] dec. 12 b. . . nON

• 1 Sa. 13. jy.


crii.s-'TinDx XXXV ^•ax-12:^5

*JjnipS '1 Kal pret. I pers. s. ; ace. shifted by conv. 1 fX pr. name for JIX {IX

(§ 8. rem. 7) X3X {anna, with double accent except Ps. 1 18. 25.

'nipK noun fern, sing., suff. 1 pers. sing, from before a penacute) interj. of entreaty, /

[iTJpS] dec. 12 b pray, &c. ; also written ilSX.

XJX Ch. pers. pron. sing. com. /, also written n3X

_'•/•,. y id., suflf. 2 pers. sing. masc.
"n23X "1 Ch. [for n3X] , n. m. s.with suff. 3 p. s. m.
•'^n'lpK id., suflF. 2 pers. sing. fern. . irDX from 3X dec. 5 b. (comp. § 52. rem. 2) 33X
Dn"1DK '1 Kal pret. 2 pers. pi. masc. ; 1 for conv. 1 yy^:X 1 Chald. Peal fut. 1 pers. sing, [for J?1X]

*JJ'OX "1 prop, past night — I. adv. last night, yes- (§ 52. rem. 2) . . . . VT
terday. — U. night, darkness, Job ^o. ^.

) Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. [K'-HOX], suff. 2 /. mourn.

'f^p^, ^^J^^J to sigh, to

pers. sing. masc. ; 1 for .

n*3X fem. mourning, sorrow,
'DDK^pK Kal fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc.
n;\3Xn fem. id.

'^b^pX Kal fut. 1 pers, sing.

Dy''pX {mourning of the people) pr. name masc.
.TipX for n-IDK, Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, (compare
) 1 Ch. 7. 19.
§ 28. rem. 7) mo

*npNI noun fem.

sing., constr.

of the preceding

noun fem. sing., contr.

.... of n?3Sl dec. 10.

[for H^pSJ, with

//. ^i^s
Kal not used, Arab,
Pi. to cause

to meet
come, or happen, Ex. 21.13.
; to be in good time. "="

to befall any one. Hithp. to seek occasion against

suff. inpX (§ 37. No. 3) . *. pa

any one, const, with 7, 2 Ki. 5. 7.
nnOX noun fem.
3 pers. sing. fem. from
sing., suff.
"•IlX, masc. ship, collect, ships, a fleet.
nOK irr. (§ 45) HON
n'3X fem. dec. 10. a ship.
iriDX "I id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. ; 1 before , ,
no« IT- t:

n>jiX fem. id. 2 Ch. 8. 18. Kheth.

'inpX '1 noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. it- I

n3Xri fem. dec. 10. sexual impulse, Je. 2. 24.

from np.N (q. v.) ; 1 id. ,

*in?DX 1 noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.

n3Xn fem. occasion, cause, Ju. 14.4.

from nD''H dec. 10. TV7P riJXri {approach to Shiloh) pr. name of
T •'

'nnnpX noun fem. sing. dec. 13 a. nnn place in Ephraim, Jos. 16. 6.

"nrmox id., pi nno nHX

it it
i. q.
^ X3X
^ *
v.)^ X3X
innripNI id. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. nriD nJX '1, '1, interrog. adv. (|X) with parag. H
"Dp'nnPipS id. pi., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. nno 1 see lett. 1 *X
^ynnriON id. pi., suff. l pers. pi. . . . nno mX
IT -:
Chald. for X3X
T -: ^^ v.)
(q. -'
. . . X3X


noun fem.
IDS irr.

name masc.


45) ....
suff. 1 pers. sing, from
adv. (|X) with parag.

Piel pret. 3 pers. sing. masc.

Kal fut. 1 pers. sing.




2 pers

. n3X

D*n?3X '1 noun fem., dual of n^S dec. lO. sing. masc. (§ 16. rem. 12) . . 3 Hi
'•irnbX n. fem. pi., suff. 1 pers. pi. from DSI dec. 8 b. DX 13X 1 Kal pret. 3 pers. pi n3X
^n?DX '1 1 noun fem. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc.T i3X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.

nOK npx pX
Jinnx' 'ij irr. (§ 45) ; 1 bef.
. j from or |JX dec. I. or 6g. . . |1X
^npX 1 noun fem. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing, masc, i3'X 1 pr. name of a place . . . . pX
'^V^DK '1
J from nnX (q. v.) ; 1 id. . ^-ini^X ] Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. m. ni3

noun fem.

dec. 8b.

pi., suff.

masc. sing, by apoc. [for JT'jripX]

3 pers. pi masc. from



fut. 1 pers. sing.

Chald. pron. pers.

fut. 1 pers. sing,

pi. msisc. they,

with parag.




MnpnbSjl 1 Pilel fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing, '"il^.^X [Kh. '!i:i<2, [K. "-^i*], Kal or Hiph.fut. 1 pers.

interrog. adv.
; 1 for 1.

..... nio
sing., suff.

Kal part. pass.

2 pers. sing. masc.

sing. masc. .




•Is. 29. 4, 4.
. —

gjDx-gyiiiwX XXXVI 2^'i^<-^^ii^

l^13S noun masc. sing., pi. C^Jt* irr. (comp. ^^ii to urge, compel, only part. D3X, Est. 1.8.
§ 45) ; also pr, name . . . K^JX D3X Chald. to trouble, only part. D3X, Da. 4. 6.
•NB'bK Chald. Kh. N^IJK as if from E7I3X, K.
Piel fut. 1 pers. sing. . . HDJ

Xt^•3^| q. V. (§68) . . '

•nnDax Piel fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc.



Kal part. pass.

conv. ......
fut. 1 pers. sing,

sing. fem.
with parag. H;

from dJS masc.

1 for


'•13B3X id.,

(§ 2.

rem. 2)
3 pers. sing. masc.

fut. 1 pers. sing., suff.


2 pers. sing. fem.


(§ 16. rem. 12); 1 for •

1 conv. . hv^
n^K. Niph. to sigh, const, with 711, IP- \ Niph. fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 9. rem. 5) . *1J?3

nmX fem. dec. lie. suflF. ^nmX (§ 42. rem. 1)

sighing, sigh. to breathe through the nose, snort; hence to be

'^nriiX 1 noun fem, sing. dec. lie. (§ 42. rem. 1); angry, construed with 3. Hithp. to be or become

1 before
. mx angry.

''•inroX 1 Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. m. Pinj f)3X Chald. masc. dec. 3 a. face, comp. f)X
DnSSI Niph. fut. 1 pers. sing, . . . DPIJ nD3X fem. an unclean bird, according to

'•qpniX /'^l Piel (§ 14. rem. 1) fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. Bochart, a species of eagle.

2 pers. sing. fem. ; 1 for 1 . . DHJ ejX (for fl3X = f|3X) masc. with suff. '•SX dec. 8d.

»D5pn3K id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. (§ 16. rem. 15) DTO (§ 37. No. 3).— i. nose.—II. anger, CjX ^^3,
Wn3X 1 PjX B'^X an angry man. Dual DJSX. — I. the

nostrils. — II. meton. face, countenance; DJBX

'nSnJNI Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. nV^X the face to the ground; ^SX? at the face

(§24. rem. 21) . . . . HW of, before. — III. two persons, C^BX nnX n3D a
•IjriJX pers. pron. 1 pi. com. we, by aphseresis portion of two persons, i. e. a double portion.

•i3mx ;ij •ijni IV. anger; 'X "^IX slow to anger, 'X "l^p quick

mn^X 1_ pr. name of a city belonging to the tribe to anger, impatient.

of Issachar, Jos. 19. 19. *niS|lX Chald. noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing.
*nnn3X noun fem. sing. (nPliX) with paragogic H masc. from [fJiX] dec. 3 a. . . . C)3X
dec. lie. (§ 42. rem. I) . . . nJX r»B3X KaJ pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . PjSX
T i-T:

••nnaX "l. id., suff. l pers. sing. , . . HJX nsix \ id. ; ace. shifted by conv. "I (§ 8. rem. 7) ^3X
JT - : IT

"''ri"n|lX id. pi., suff. 1 pers. sing. . . . n3X 'H^xax Niph. fut. 1 p. sing, with parag. H (§ 9. r. 5) ?if)
^JX 1
" ,. >pers. pron. 1 pers. sing. com. /, i. q. ^33X
'3X fut. piXI to groan. Niph. to moan, lament.
r —.
-: I- J
*3X "'1 (vo-onee'), noun masc. sing.; 1 before , , ni53X fem. construct n)2?X (§ 42. rem. 1). — I.

for 1 njx a groaning, lamentation. — II. a kind of lizard^,

iT'JX 1 noun fem. sing. ; 1 before , ^ . HiX Le. II. 30.

n'3X noun fem. HJX
° dec. 10.

sing. . . .
vnpix noun fem. sing., dec. construct flj^JX
IT' t: 1 1 1 c.
'iTT -:
ni>3X "I (vo-oniy-') id. pi. ; 1 before , , for 1 . HJX (§ 42. rem. 1) p3X
ypaX Chald. fem. of |-13X (q.v.) Piel fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing.
""nbX noun


name masc.
fem., pi. of

pers. sing, with paragogic

dec. 10. .
PI .


IT '; IT
masc. (§ 24. rem. 21.
Niph. fut.

rem. 5)
pers. sing, with paragogic
§ 2. rem. 3) .


(§ 9.

nipjx noun fem. sing., constr. of npJX decile.

masc. — I. lead. — II. plummet. Am. 7. 7, 8. (§ 42. rem. 1) . . . . pJX
^33X '1 pers. pron. 1 pers. sing. com. /, whence the
shorter form '•3X. only in part. pass. — I. incurable, mortal. — II. trop.

grievous, sorrowful, of pain, of a day ; malignant,

jJSJi. Hithpo. to complain, murmur. of the human heart.

Da. 4. 13, 14.

— .

5)DN*- -mi^ XXXVII S^DK-^IJi^

{J'bX masc. (see CX § 45). — I, ma7i, mankind. 'n231DX 1_ Pilel fut. 1 pers. sing, with paragogic H ;

— II. the common people. — PI. D''^Ji«>, construct 1 for 1 nno

'E'pX, with sufF. "'^JX, men, commonly used for noun masc. smg. , . . . -|1D

D'K'^N the plural of
grandson of Adam.

\' 68)J man, mankind.

K'3N,' Ei'JX Chald. masc.irr. (§
III. pr. name masc.
noun masc.



pers, sing.

.... .
, .

. .
. .

IT v: I- v:

HK^X f. irr. (§ 45) pi. Wm.—l. woman, female; -I-1DX Kal part. p. sing. masc. dec. 3 a. , IDX
—^}^.^ nt^X a concubine; HJOPX nCJ'N a widow. Kh. n;1DX id. pi. constr., K. '•TDX (q, v.) IDX
II. wife.— III. every one; ninX—'S, H-iyv-'X noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. from

one-another, Comp. also nti'X under ^''ii. l-IDX dec. 3 b -IDX

) defect, for CJ'-'IJX (q. v.) DniDX id. pi. abs. (Ec.7.26) ; or pi. of "1-1DX (q. v.) "iDX

""ll Chald, noun masc. sing. (§ fig) ;

•TJ''pX Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. IW
1 before Cl''pX defect, for 'IX, Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing.

Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing., suff, 3 pers. pi. m. f\)D

Chald. id., emph. state B'JX
. . .
"1 & «') Hiph. fut. 1 pers. s.; 1 for O conv. TID
Niph. fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . NK'J noun masc. sing. dec. 3 a. "IDX

noun masc. pi., suff. 1 pers. sing, [as if from '"I noun masc. sing. ; also pr. name masc. IDX
5i'JX],see EJ'"13X (& EJ'''X § 45) . . EJ'JX 1 Hiph. fut. I pers. sing, with paragogic H niD
'1 id. pi., construct state . . . K'JX noun masc. pi. construct from T'DX dec. 3 a. IDX
id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. fern. . . . tJ*3X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. -)DX

1 id. with suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . . EJ'JX 'U^p^p^" id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. -IDX

id. pL, suff. 3 pers. pi. fem. . . JJ'JX nn.'ipx id. pi., absolute state -)DX

id, pi., suff. 3 pers. sing, m.; 1 before CJ'JX 1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, ["^-"IDX], suff, 2 pers.
«'! id. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. ; 1 id. ^3X sing. fem. : 1 for •
1 conv TID

I id. pi., absolute state, Chald. Da. 4. 14. tJ'JX *m^DX

- it: -:
1_ Piel fut. 1 pers. sing, with paragogic H ;

id. pi., suff. 1 pers. pi. . . . , EJ'JX 1 for 1

II Kheth. nnJX Chald. pers. pron. 2 pers. «-m^px "1

Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. ; Kh. "Oi'ppX
J s. masc. thou. For Z comp. § 1. r. 2. '\\ (§ 8. rem. 18) .
'1 r : V
jWpX Chald. pi, of the preceding, you, ye,

Da. 2.8. DDwS masc. only in the pi. '?|^DDX thy storehouses,
nPlX (for nri^X but compare § 1, rem. 2)
Pr. 3. 10, compare De. 28. 8.
thou, in pause HflX.
n3pX {thorn-bush, compare HpD) pr. name masc,
nX thou, {., in Kh. ''m, read '•riX (§ 1. r. 2)
Ezr, 2. 50.
Dr)X you, ye, fem. jFIX, with parag. H, njJ^X.
"1S3DX pr. name of an Assyrian general, Ezr. 4. 10.
r- «

1 Piel fut. 1 p. s., suff. 3 p. s. fem.; 1 for 1 nr\2
n3DX pr. name of the wife of Joseph, daughter of
Piel fut.

'1 pr. name masc.

*1Pilelfut.lp.8. with parag.
1 pers. sing.

.... ri; Ibef.,.. *Ps.26.6.


1- : IT

the priest Potiphar.

tian by Gesenius it

with the Egyp-
belonging to

Neith, the Minerva of the Egyptians.

Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . .730
"•niiibx Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 8. rem. 18) . 13D 'DiyOX
i"^:iT" 1 Piel fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. pi. m,,

by Syriasm for 'DX (compare § 19, rem. 6) "lyD

not used, coll. with the Arab. HTX to be hurt,'

injured, and trans, to hurt, injure. N/ ^P^? } — I. to collect, to gather, to assemble, const, with

XDX {injurious) pr. name. — I. of a king of 7X, 7]l to designate the person or place to or in
Judah, son of Abijam, grandson of Rehoboara. which. — II. to take, or, receive to oneself. — III. to

II. 1 Ch.9. 16. take in, to draw back, as the hand. —IV, to take

|1DX masc. hurt, injury, mischief. away ; hence, to destroy. —V, to gather in, or up,

Da. 6. 8, 13. ''1 Sa.'JS. 12, gl Sa.28. 1, * Ju.20.6.

Da. 2. JO. • Jos, 10. 2. * Je.44. 1!».
Is. 33. 10. / lize. 16. 45. « Ezr. 7. 25.
ijn^yx-g]Di^ XXXVIII n"lD^<-e]D^

as the rear does an army. Niph. pass, of Kal "nnsps Piel fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem.

No. I. II. IV. constr. with h^.h, "pj?. Pi.— I. i.q. (§ 2. rem. 3) naD
Kal No. I. Is.62.9. — II. to receive, as a guest, Ju. 19. Kal pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . ^IDS
15. 18. — III. i. q. Kal No. V. —Pu. to be gathered. '1 id. ; ace. shifted by conv. "I (§ 8. rem. 7) ^IDS
Hithp. to be gathered together, Deut. 33. 5. snaps pr. name of a son of Haman, Est. 9. 7.

f)DS {collector) pr. name of several men, espe- yHFipps ) Kal pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. (§ 8. r. 5. & 7/ ^iDS
cially of a Levite and chief singer of David. insps 1. id. with suff. 3 pers. sing, m.; 1 for ) conv ^QH
PI'DX only in pi. Q''^D^i| (§ 37. No. 3c) stores, "-naps'
id. pret. 1 pers. sing. (§ 8. rem. 7) tlDS
storehouses. ^naps

masc. dec. 6 c. ingathering, harvest of fruits.
masc. id. Ex. 23. 16;
l^Qp^!> fem. gathering, collection. Is. 24. 22.
34. 22.
1*- : IT

id. ;

ace. shifted

1 pers. sing.
by conv.
.... 1 (§ 8. rem. 7) »1DS

riBpS fem. assembly, a council, Ec. 12. 11. I. to bind. — II. to put in bonds, to fetter; part.

PlpSpK masc. mixed multitude, Nu. 1 1 . 4. IIDS captive, prisoner. — III. to bind, tie, fasten to

C)DS ') pr. name masc. PlDK any thing, const, with 3,7; whence, to harness a

«5|pK Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing., ap. for T'DX 511D chariot, with ace— IV. wh: bv. IDS IpS to bind

PIDNI Kal inf. abs eiDX an oath upon oneself, i. e. bind oneself by an oath.

f)bS id. imp. sing. masc. . eiDS Niph. to be bound, Ju. 16. 6, 13 ; to be imprisoned.

tip's Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. ap. for »]''piX Pu. to be reduced to bondage.

P|PS noun masc. sing. tlDS* T'pS masc. dec. 3 a, captive, prisoner.

tip's defect for Ci"'p1S Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. "^•pS masc. I. id. — II. pr. name liiasc.

tlpN ) Pual pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. tlDK IDS m. dec. 2 b, obligation, or vow of abstinence.

'ITlSpX Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, with parag. H nsD IDS masc. dec. 1 a, id.

•nSpS noun fem. sing. flDN "IDS Chald. dec. 1 a, an interdict. Da. 6.8, 13. sq.

'nSpS Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. .

n-lpS masc. dec. 3b, bond, fetter ; "l-IDSH n""?

*nDDX Niph. fut. 1 pers. sing prison,

•/^"riDpS Kal imp. sing. masc. with parag. H (§ 13.r.3) t]DS 1-1DS Chald. masc. dec. 1 a, id.




(§ 19.

Hiph.fut.1 pers.sing.
pers. sing.

rem. 4) ....

with parag.

with parag.

n"]ptD (for n"}bS?5) bond, obligation, Ez. 20. 37,

"IpiO (for "IpS'O) masc. dec. 7

bands, bonds, fetters.
b, pi. DV & ^I'l,



pret. 3 pers. plur.

Pual pret. 3 pers.

pi. masc.
.... .
. .





De. 10.6, and fTlpiO Nu. 33. 30. {bands)

of a station of the Israelites in the wil-

'rtBpX noun fem., pi. of [nSpN] dec. 10. . . tlDN pr. name masc. for ")''pS . . . "IDS
*''DpN Kal part. p. pi. construct masc. fr. [tl-IDN] nps Kal inf. abs .IDS


id. fut. 1
dec. 3 a

imp. sing. fem.

pers.sing. L^p'S] suff. 2 pers.sing.
.... flDN
pr. name

noun masc.
of a king

sing. dec. lb.

of Assyria, son

. .

masc. (§ 19. rem. 4) . . . tlDN Chald. id. construct state . . . IDS
"^SpS id. part. act. sing. masc. with suff. 2 pers. '"ip^. Kal imp. sing. masc. . . . ")DS
sing. masc. from tlpN dec. 7 b. . . ^DH IDS noun masc. sing. dec. 2 b. . . . IDS
•DSp'S id. id. with suflf. 3 pers. pi. masc. . . tjDS /snos
ITT v:
^'\ Chald. noun masc. sing., emph. of "IDS
PlSpS ?'1. Piel fut. 1 pers. sing. ; 1 for 1 . . "ISD dec. lb; .1.
before , „, . . . "IDS

'mSpN ']
''"I Kal pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. . . ")DS
TTBB« ^^' ^^^ P^^^S- n 1 id. . . "IDD
^ '"nnps Kal fut.

»"i ;
1 pers. sing, with parag. il for iTI^DS "lID
/t: - —. I- J
'"ISpSl Kal fut. 1 pers. sing., suif. 3 pers. pi. masc. "IDD *pnDS 1 noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem.

S3"lBpS Ch. adv. diZi°-en%, comp. Ez.5. 8; 6.8; 7.17. from [IDS] dec. 1. (§ 30. No. 3) 1 bef. ^...^

•Zep.1.2,3. •lSa.27.1. 'Ec.l2. 11. "2Ki.22.20;& »Ps. 118.17. « Ps. 145. 6.

» Mi. 1.8. /Nu. 11.16. *Eze. 34. 29. 2C11.34. 28. 'Job 15. 17.
' Ir. 24. 22. y Mi . 4. fi. 'Je. 10. 17. • Ps. 39. 7. • Ps. 66. 16.
•'De. 32.23. *2Sa.l2.8. "ISa. 15.6. P Ps. 22. 18. « Ps. 139. 18.
li-n^yi^j-nnDx XXXIX i:i^syyiy-g]D?^

' ifT v:
1 id. pi.,
sufF. 3 pers.
' " fern, for
sing. rflDX
T VT v:
-lOX 1, *") id. with paragogic H ; 1 id. . niy

•lips Kal imp. pi. masc. Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. [for7''yiX] . ^y^
*-TlDX 1 Pual pret. 3 pers. pi. masc. (comp. § 8."1 Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing, with parag. H niy
'•npX I
rem. 7) . . . . j 1 Kal (De. lo. 3) or Hiph. (Nu. 23.4) fut.
''^I'llDX 1 Kal pret. 3 pers. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing.
pers. sing. ap. for n?J?SI or HpyX
1 (§ 24.
masc. ; 1 for 1 .
rem. 3 & for conv.
15) ; 1 •])

'n'npX id. part. p. fern., pi. of [Hn^DS] dec. 10. IDX Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing.

.... id. rh]}

'1 ; 1 .

/^")p'^< id. part. act. sing. m. with parag. "•

(§ 8. r. 19)
Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. rhv
^ n''"lDX '1 noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. fern, from
fully, for nr^yX q. v. (§ 8. rem. 14) r^y
-IpX dec. 1 a. (§ 30. No. 3)
*T'?yK Kal fut. pers. (§ 13. r. 5) for conv. 6v
1 1 s. ; "I -1
*D1DX Kal pret. 3 pers. sing, masc, suff. 3 pers.

pi. masc. -IDX nr^y^«

T iTJllV
id. with parag. H in pause [for HTpyX] 6v
'D^pX 1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc.
'"'1 Hipb. fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 13. rem. 9) chv
(§ 20. rem. 16. & § 8. rem. 14) -ID' Hipb. fut. 1 pers. sing. (HpyX), suff. 2 pers.


1 Kal

1 id. pret.

; 1


2 pers. pi.
1 conv.

pers. plur., suff. 3 pers. sing,

1 id.




(§ 24.

pers. sing.
rem. 21)
pers. sing, with paragogic

; 1 for -1 conv.


TPlpX"""! Hiph.
7 inDX

with parag. n


pers. sing.;

pers. sing.

for -1


. "ino
"inD •npyK

with parag.

(§ 8.

the following with

rem. 15)
H in

3 pers.


^ IPlpX "I {star, Pers. sitareh) pr. name fern, foster- 1 Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. ; 1 for -1 conv. iDy
daughter of Mordecai, afterwards wife of 1 id. with parag. H ; 1 id. . noy
Ahasuerus and queen of Persia. ) Kal fut. 1 p.s., ap.for myX (§ 24. r. 3) ; ] id. n:v
/'yX ''1 Chald. masc. dec. 1. i. q. Heb. f*J?
wood. Kal fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. n:y
'KljJK Chald. id., emph. st.
Kal fut. 1 pers sing. njy
•*7bl?K Kal fut. 1 pers.
1 •.".If

'finnj^X id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. Nipb. fut. 1 pers. sing. n3y
•nbyk Kb. Kal fut. 1 p. s. R. 13^; K. "ibyS (q.v.) ) with X quiescent [for HSyXI] Piel fut. 1 p.s. n^y



A conv.
fut. 1
1 pers. sing.

pers. sing.
(§ 8. rem. 18) ;
) Kal
Piel fut.



pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.


p. s.
suff. 2 p.

s. fem. (§ 24.
suff. 2 p.


I n^v
"ihj^X '1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. ; 1 for -1 conv. *'1j (§ 24. rem. 21. & § 2. rem. 3) .

""l id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. .

" ^^' ^'^^^ parag. H (§ 8. rem. 15); id.

nn-i»j< I J id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. (§ 2. rem. 3) njy
1V_^ 1 ap. for TV^ (q. v.) . . . Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 13. rem. 5) i^y
'"niiWv IT
^^' ^"*- ^ pers. sing. [iT^yX], suff. 2 pers. Kal fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. my
sing. fem. (§ 24. rem. 21); 1 for •) conv. Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 8. rem. 18) .




sing., suff. 2 pers. sing.

fut. 1

pers. sing,
'"-yK, Kal or Hiph.

with parag. H
fut. 1 pers. Kal

fut. 1

with parag.
ap. for the following (§ 24.
pers. sing., (§ 8. rem. 18)

H ... rem. 3)
*2TJ?X Kal fut. 1 pers. sing '1 , '1 , Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. ; 1 for •] conv. nbv
nnjVX, '''I id. with parag. H ,
""I id., suff. 2 pers. sing, masc nby
id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. (§ 2. rem. 3) nb'y

1 with quiescent X and def. [for T'E^'y^l] Hiph

'D3Tyj< id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . . "iK^y

•^*7*J?X ") Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing.; 1 for ') conv. Piel fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. X'y
•Nu.30.8. ' .lol) 3fi. 13.
» I«.2<2..1.
In. 22. 3.
E«e. 3. 25.
'Ue.49. 11.
/Nu.30. R. 15.

XL Ss«-*n^nyx
"TWyN Hiph. fut, 1 pers. sing. (§ 13. rem. 9) -iny }adv. now, then , KIBX MJX where now ?
t]K 1 noun masc. sing. dec. 8 d. contr. [for 'X *P, no who, what then? 'K n3^
PIK '1
']j i fl?N § 37. No. 3] . come on now I 'X |3 DX if then it be so

5|K '1 conj. also, moreoiier, indeed, yea; *3 f)X (a) 'X -lyn know then !

how much more, how much less* (6) yea '\ noun masc. sing. Ex. 28. 4.
more, yea furthermore; "I^X "'3
Pl>? [H]
Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, with parag. H . pa
is it even so, that (God) has said? Ge. 3. i.
VT : V
Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 8. rem. 15)
!)« 1 Chald. also, Da. 6. 2.?.

DHiSQi? Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. [nt«QK], suflF. 3 pers. " '\ noun masc. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing, from

pi. masc. (§ 24. rem. 21) . . . HNQ PJ^ (q.v.) dec.8d C13K
ONQK Piel fut. 1 pers. sing. . . "1X3 id. du., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. C13N

''ViZi^ Kal fut. 1 pers. sing yjS Vax id. du., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. C13N

'DK'iQX Kal fut. 1 pers. sing., sufF. 3 pers. pi. masc. K'JQ Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. ma
. ,. ..
pr. name masc. I Sa. 9. i. PISX perhaps i. q.

r^i3«] to gird on, put on, const, with 7 of the person and ri-IQ to breathe.

3 of the thing. I
IV - noun masc. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. from
"lIDKj nbt< masc. — I. ephod, especially that of fjX (q.v.) dec. 8d tl3wX

the high-priest, a kind of short coat without sleeves Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing.

girded on over all the garments. — II. perhaps an adj. fem. pi., from p^DN] masc. ^3N
idol dressed in an ephod. — III. pr. name masc. noun masc, du. of Pjt^ (q.v.) dec. 8d;
name masc. ':]
Nu. 34.
IT \-:


dec. 10. — I. a t-

a vestment in which idols were dressed,

on of the id., suff.

"1 Hiph.
also pr.

1 pers. pi. ... .

. P)3N

ephod. II. fut. 1 pers. sing.; 1 for -J conv P3

Is. 30. 22. '1 id., suff. 3 pers. pi. ; 1 for 1
name p3X

If. V
noun m.
id., suff.
fut. 1
s., defect for

pers. sing.

3 pers. pi. masc. (§ 24. rem. 21)

.... mQ
; also pr. name IDX



of a place, see pSijt

and constr. from

(subst.) pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.

p''Dt< dec. 3a p3X


noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. from id. id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. p3K
nnSNI] dec. 6a pQ id. id. pi., absolute state p3N
1 Kal pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. ; ace. shifted Hiph. fut. I pers., as if from T-IB, see "IIB
IT : - IT

to ult. by conv. (§ 8. rem. 7) . . HDN ) Kal pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. ; ace. shifted
) IT • II

noun fem. sing., constr. of [HT] dec. 10. HSX to ult. by conv. 1 (§ 8. rem. 7) n3N
id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . ^SX • !• T
id. pret. 1 pers. sing. nax
I T \-:
noun masc. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing, masc
""] to bake; part. nSN dec. 9 a. baker. Niph. to from fjN; (q.v.) dec. 8d. .

be baked. id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. . P13K

^Q^<D masc. a baking, somethin<r baked, Le. 2. 4.

D''3''3ri masc. pi. bakings, baked pieces, Le. 6. 14. Root not used, Arab, to set, go down, as the sun.
I" T
^"•3K adj., f. n^*3X, late, as to growth, Ex. 9.32.
IT -
noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. from
/3K adj. masc. dark, obscure. Am. 5. 20.
Pit? (q.v.) dec. 8d f]:S

Kal part. act. sing. masc. dec. 9 a. . . HSK nb3X fem. darkness, thick darkness.

HSS Y ?3'X masc. thick darkness; trop. misfortune.

i3K- "I noun

id., suff.

) id. pret.
3 pers.

3 pers.



sing., suff.
... .

3 pers. sing. masc.

. .

DQX 73X0.

n vB^^ great
masc. darkness, Jos. 24.
darkness, comp. of the preceding

Kal imp.
from CJX (q.v.)

§ 19. rem. 6]
pi. masc. by
dec. 8d. .

Syriacism [for •IQK

. . fl^N



rT*, lit.

masc. sing.
fut. 1 p. s. (§
darkness of the Lord, Je. 2.31.

r. 3) ; 1 for-1 conv.

• Ex. 8. 5.
— ; —
XLI nsx-n^ny^^

noun masc.
'1 noun

fern. sing. dec.

.... 10 ; \ before . ^y2x
noun masc. smg.
Kal fut. 1 pers. sing.

IT • -; ^

1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, with parag. n (§ 8

rem. to surround, encompass.
'^] l.'j) ; \ for -1 •
it : V

it: - -:
1 Piei fut. 1 p. s. [D^iSS] with parag. H ; 1 for 1 d'pQ r "-issx Kal preter. 3 pers. pi. e)aK

1 id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. ; 1 id. . L272

j> id. with sufif. I pers. sing. -fias
'1 pr. name masc. . . • z/'S J

1 noun fern, sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc.

Kal not used, coll. with the Arab, the ideas of
from n^QX dec. 10; lid. '?DX
motion and force, or strength, ai^e ascribed to it.
C3X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.

from fix (q. V.) dec. 8d. .

Hithp. prop, to put force upon oneself. — I. to re-

strain oneself. — II. to constrain oneself to act,

I Sa. 13. 12.
Root not used, prob. cogn. with H^S), to turn,

pas {fortress) pr. name. — I. of a town in the

tribe of Asher, also called p^aS comp. Jos. 19.30

|QiX & |QiX masc. dec. 8. pi. D''3aiN, a wheel

|2S masc. season, comp. HQ-lpri; only VJSN (for

with Ju. 1.31. — II. of a city in the tribe of Issachar.

VJSX § 35. rem. 16) Pr. z^.ii.

npaS {fortress) pr. name of a town in the

mountains of Judah,
m J
ap. for

q.v. (§ 24. rem. 3) ; ) for -J

p^aS masc. dec. 3a.
Jos. 15. 53.

— I. adj. mighty, eminent.

Job 12. 21. — II. the boss of a shield. Job 41. 7.


*V3QX noun masc.

noun masc.
1 Kal fut. 1
sing, constr. dec. 8.

pers. sing.

pi., suff.
3 pers. sing. masc. from
(§37. No. 2) |DS
III. brook,

brook or stream, a cliannel

torrent; also applied to the

; hence, — IV.
bed of a
a tube, spoken of the bones of the Behemoth.
[JDS] dec. 6c. (§ 35. rem. 16) . . JSX
'\ pr. name of a place . pas
D3X to cease, fail, have an end. P'Y] Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 8. rem. U
Dps masc. dec. 6a. — I. end, extremity. — II. 9-^p3s J
1 for '1 conversive

dual DJp2X two extremities, i. e. the soles or ankles nipas. '1 pr. name of a place ; 1 before , , . pas
of the feet, Eze. 47. 3. — III. adv. (a) no more Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 8. rem. 18) npa
none besides, and so with paragogic Yod ""DSS ;
'nipas Kal fut. 1 pers sing. npa
(6) not, D3S3 without ; (c) nothing ; DDND
non ;
Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. npa
of nothing DQX3 for nothing (d) nothing but,
; ;
'Ci"'ipas 1. defect, for D''P''aS (q. v.) paK
only *3 DDK prop, only that, except, unless.

D'?3'n DDS pr. name of a town in the tribe of Root not used, Arab, to be light, fleet.
Judah, 1 Sa.17.1, for which W^l D3 1 Ch.11.13. naS masc. — I. ashes. — II. anything worthless.
noun m. s., (pi. c. ^DDN) dec. 6 a. (also
"laS masc. a kind of head-band, turban, from

j as an adv.) and , pr. name in W'^'\ DQX j "laS i. q. "laj? to cotter. According to others it is


id. pi.,
noun masc.
as an adv.

construct state

(DQX dec. 6 a) with parag.

. . .

by transposition

{double fruitfulness,

the signification of n*l3, comp. Ge. 41.52; Ht,.

ISS a tiara, crown,
double fruit, with

id. dual, absolute state [for D^DDS] . . DQX 13. 15.) — I. pr. name of the second son of Joseph.

'9dsx 1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. ; 1 for • 1 conv. DQ

— II. of the tribe descended from him, afterwards

the chief tribe of the kingdom of Israel.

yS5|{ Root not used, prob. cogn with HSSl, nySl to nnas, nnnas {fertility, comp. onaS) pr.

breathe; whence name. — I. of a city in the tribe of Judah, called

ySX masc. breath, nothingness, vanity. Is. 41. 24. also Bethlehem.— II. i. q. DnaS, Ps. n2. 6.—III.
'nj?DS Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . nj?B of the wife of Caleb.

« Ex, 10. 22.

niDN-'nsx XLII

''plGK gent. noun. — I. an Ephrathite. — II. an 1 Chald. noun f. pi. emph. of ySXK dec. 2 a. V^)i
Ephraimite, comp. mSS No. II. /•nyiiVS! ) noun f. pi., suff. 1 p. pi. from ya^X (q. v.'* ynV
name i\nyiv5< «") id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.
"t"'Q1X pr. of a place celebrated for its gold. . . y3i*

°1BX Hiph. fut. 1 pars. sing. . . , ")"I3

"Tinyivx id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . . y3V
"1SK '1 noun masc. sing. ; for 1 see letter 1 . ")SN Hiph. fut. 1 pers sing. . . . p*lV
VI T ^ ' T

^bnaS Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 8. rem. 18) . C'lS ''P.1V?

I Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 8. rem. 15) pTi
*imDN noun masc. pi., suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc.

(§ 4. rem. 1) from [nhsSI] dec. 1 b. . ms 1, apoc. for the following . . . n"l!f

Piel fut. HIV

.... 1^ 1 pers. sing. ; 1 for -1 .
'TT'nipSI id. pi. with sufF. 3 pers. sing. fein. . ITIQ
with pause without epenth. &
id. suff., in 3 ~)
'DTIIpSl id. pi., absolute state PIIQ

/JVISN noun masc. sing. HID {;: with suff. in pause with 3 epenth., for :


pr. name of a man and a country . ~DK "dWx


Piel fut.
2 p.

pers. sing.

s. m.
(§ 24. r. 2

pers. sing. (n-IV^)) suff. 3 pers.

1 . & § 2. r. 2) n)^
N^_D"1QX Chald. pr. name of a people D1S
Spp^QX Chald. pr. name of a people DID
sing. masc. (§ 24. r. 21. & § 2. r. 3) ; 1 for 1 n'\'i

K''3nD1DS 1 Chald. pr. name of a people before D"ia

Kh. '^>1^N from H-IV ; K. "?J>^N Kal fut.
i"T :-:--: r •^ t- t-
» -1 ,
(-.) ,

«-j;nQX Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . yiQ 1 pers. sing., suff. 2 pers. s. m. (§ 20. r. 16) ")!»*''

"K'nBX *;) Kal fut. 1 pers. sing.; 1 for •

1 conv. . bnS T r
- Hiph. fut. 1 p. s. with parag. H (§ 20. r. 16) 3i**

*nB'")SX id. with paragogic H id. b~lQ "1 Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. ; 1 for -1 conv. . ?V3
\ ;
. .


IT ; V
r pr.
name of a place and a

noun from the preceding




noun fem.

noun masc.
of the preceding
sing. dec. 10.

constr. of [?''-V^] dec. lb.
. . . ?^N
CnnSX id. pi. absolute 1DK noun masc, pi. constr. of [7''V^] dec. 3 a. /'i'N
n3t?''K'DSI Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing., sufif. 3 pers. sing. f. tiK'S
Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 2 pers. smg. masc. 7VJ
"Tl^j^Zi^ Kal fut. 1 pers. s. with parag. H (§ 8 r. 14) ybs Kal part. masc, yMi
act. pi. of fH dec. la. .

"nSN 1^ Niph. fut. 1 pers. sing. ap. [for nHSN Hiph. with parag. H
) fut. 1 p. s. (§ 20. r, 16) yX^
§ 24. rem. 10]; 1 for •) conv. • . nOQ Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. Dl^
"HFlBi? Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 8. rem. 15) ;
I nns
nripN P'lj 1 for •) conversive

'DJDS^il [for nn'] Piel fut. 1 pers sing. (§ 15. r. 1) riDD

I. to hold back, withhold, const, with JD. — II. to

reserve, const, with 7 Niph. to be contracted, Eze.

TinnSX Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, with paragogic H . nnS .

Dn3K 1 Chald. adv. at last, Ezr. 4. 1^.

42. 6. —Hiph. to withhold, const, with |p, Nu. 11.25.
?^XS masc. dec. 3a. prop. adj. set aside, select;
•lariDS Piel fut. 1 pers. s., suff. 3 p. s. m. (§ 2. r. 3) nriQ
|*S '1 Kal pret. 3 pers. sing, m.; or part. dec. la. pS secluded. — I. nobleman, Ex. 24. 1 1 .
— II. remote part.
Is. 41.9.
NVK '[1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. ; 1 for 1 conv. . NV*
masc dec. lb. pi. C-. and Dl, juncture,
nSV^? '1. & "'1 id. with paragogic H ; 1 id. . K^f* /'••V!;?

joint ; Dn** v''-V^ "'^ wrists, which others take

fl3VX '1 pr. name.— I. Ge.4. 16.— II. 1 Ch, 7. 7.

^ to be the armpits, taking 12 for the whole arm.

J?3VX noun fem. sing., comp. dec. 2 b. (§ 31. r, 5) ynX
7VK {noble, see /''V'^) pr- name — of a man, in

lySV^ id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . J?3V
"nijjaVX id. pi., absolute state J?3V pause ?V^ •
— II- of ^ town near Jerussdem, Zee. 14. 5.
V ri'iyaVX ) id. pi., construct state . . . y3^ 7VX masc. dec. 6. (§ 35. rem. 6). — I. the side. —
**nij?ilV« id. pi., suff. 1 pers. pi VIV II. prep, by, near.

DD''ri%VK ] id. pi., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. . ynV •IHy^S (whom the Lord has reserved) pr. name

Chald. noun of dec. 2 a. yiV masc. 2 Ch. 34. 8.

*I3;2yK fern., pi. y^V^ .

'n;y3VX 1 Chald. id. pi., construct state . . y3V

I pr. name of a man and of a place h'Si
TliiyK i noun fem., pi. of V^'iVi (q. v.) . . yn^
• .Tu. 2. 1.
n:ipx-'?^N* XLIII ^iD^^-"^S5^{

\ defect for 'p''->*X (q. v.) . . . Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . . npj



(prim, a subst.) prep. dec. 6. (§ 35. rem. 6)


3 pers. sing. fem.

1 pers. sing. .

. . .
Piel fut.

Piel fut.

fut. 1 pers. sing.

pers. sing.

p. s.
with parag. D [for nXilpX]
prep., suff. 3 pers. sing. niasc. from 7VS (q.v.)
], '), Kal fut. 1 s. with parag. H ; 1 for •
1 conv. PP
id., suff. 1 pers. sing.
""^^ip^. Piel fut. 1 pers. sing, id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. PP
id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. (§ 2. rem. 2) Y2P
pr. name masc. . . . . .
2)?3p5<' ' '1 , "I * , id., suff. p. pi. m.
3 '^'^ ; "I for 1 ,
for •")
conv. fip
-'it' ' - :'t
prep., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. from ?VN; (q. v.) '0>'2pK Kal. fut. suff. 3 p. pi. m.
1 1 p. s., ; 1 id. .
Kal pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. Niph. fut. 1 pers. sing. •)2p
T : r T

id. pret. 1 pers. sing.

1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, with parag. H nnp
• : I" T

) id. id.; ace. shifted by conv. 1 (§8. rem. 7) b'iii "O^ips 1 id., suff. 3 pers. sing, fem.; 1 for -1 conv. nnp

pr. name masc.


pers. sing.

pers. sing.
1 Ch. 2. 15, 25.

. . . .


noun masc.

1 p.


s. [for

pers. sing.

§ 14. r. 18]

"I for -1 conv.

; 1 id.

*'"l id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. .
'Dinps id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. • lip
myvx *'1 noun fem. sing., pi. T])!}}' 'Q|!1P^. Piel fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . uip

fut. 1 pers. sing.

id.withparag.n, in pause [for npj^; §8.r.l5]

Piel fut. 1 pers. sing.


; 1 for

1 .
. . pyv
'K^iilP^il Piel fut.

1 m. a

fut. 1 pers. sing.

pers. sing.

sort of wild goat or gazelle, De. 14.5.

.... B'lp

Pilpel (§ 6. No. 4) fut. 1 pers. sing. .

^1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 17. rem. 3. & § 8.

rem. 18) : 1 for -I conv. .

Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 20. r. 1 6. § 8. r. 18) pV ^'1, "'1, Piel fut. 1
^ s.;'
p. 1 fori, 1 for -1 conv. nip
^njp^- [-' it' - :' t

Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, . . . . t31p

to lay up, treasure up, Niph. pass. Is. 23. 18.

') Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. ; 1 for •) conv. . Dip
[_ l^^^J
Hiph. to ajjpoint as treasurer, Ne. 13. 13. n»-ipx
T T 'l
'"1 id. with parag. H . . . . Dip

n)fiS masc. dec. 2b. pi. nhviS.— I. store, trea- ''Dpip^l Pilel fut. 1 pers. sing. DIP

sure. — II. store-house, treasury. 'm Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 8. rem. 15.
1VS {treasure) pr. name masc. Ge. "1, ").] § 17. rem. 8) ; 1 for -1 conv.
36. 21,30. :' it'-*

n-yS Kal fut. 1 pers. sing.

/nnpxV it':
«'!, '''1, id. with parag. H (for iinpS comp.
§ 10. rem. 7) ; 1 id npb
id. with parag. H (§8. rem. 15) •inn|"?x ) id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. (§ 16. rem. 12) nph
/T V
; ;

id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. (§ 16. rem. 12) nph

•nVX Kal pret. 3 pers. pi

n*1*1V8< noun masc. with pi. (abs.) fem. term, from

lid.,suff.3 (§ 16.r.l2); 1 for-l. conv. nph
T/"li<dec.2b '^ipp^ Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. fpp
'""I Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing.; 1 for -1 conv. . Dip
nilVV? "! id. pi., construct state
"'10*pN 1 Piel fut. 1 pers. sing, with parag. n[for
"'p^Vi ) Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. ("I'lfX), suff. 2 pers.

masc. (R. "IV § 20.

n'O'^pH'] ; 1 id Dip
sing. r. 16) or .

Chald. Aph.pret. 3 pers. s., suff. 3 pers. s. m. Dip



: V

id. id.

id., suff.

(§ 8.
3 pers.

fut. 1 pers. sing

*^ " fem.

rem. 14) ... .


1 Kal

fut. 1 p. s.
1 pers. sing.

(§ 18.

r. 6);

1 for

-1 conv.

••ISanyyi 1 id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. ••ci|?^P^. JPielfut.lp.s.,§10.r.7); lid.
DnTll^'S 1 noun masc. with pi. fem. term, and suff.

Dps 1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, for D-1pX ,(but comp.

3 pers. pi. masc. from IViX dec. 2 b. § 21. rem. 7) ; 1 id. Dip
•^riVN Kal pret. I pers. sing. n.3p^ "I Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. ;
id. . n3p

• Pr.7.12. *2Sa.22.41. P la. 44. 8. r 18.27.3. /Mi. 4. 6. 'Ge.48.7. « Le. 10. 3. <i
Is. 44. 26. ' Eze. 17. 22.
« I>.44. 19. • Nu.31.50. » 15.44. 3. " Is. 1.25. i' 2 Sa.3. 21. » Ge. 24. 48. 'Job 5. 3. ' Ho. 13. 11. "•Am. 2. 11.
' Qe, 27. 36. *2Sa. 1.10. ' Ps. 119. 69. " Ju.7.4. * Is. 54. 7. p Is.iM.12. y Job 17. 14. / Is. 56. 12. « Ps. 119. 106.
• Ec. 2. 10. ' Job ly. 7. • Ps. 119. 145. » Pr. 8. 21. ' Zee. 10.8. !Eze.31.15. ' Ps. 52. 11. g Ge. 18. 5. • Da. .3. 1.
' Nu. 11.17. '"Ps.77.2. ' Ps. 119. 34, 115, ' Je. 17. 16. * Ne. 13. 11. • Eze. 32. 8. < Ps. 69. 21. * Zee. U. 13. p Pr. 23. 85.
/ P«. 101.5,8. • Mi. 7. 7. » 18.42.6; 49.8. ''Nii.2;i.8. ' Ezr.8. 1.5. • Mi. 0.6. * Pa. 95. 10. 2 Ki. 6. 13. f Ge. 16. 5.
/P».18.41. • 18.38.14. ' P«. 119. 83. -"Ru. 1.17. ' Ex. 29. 44. ' 2 Sa. 17. 1. * log. 7. 21. • Ne. 13. 26.
j-i-ls. 43.5.
n'^x-D^5^ip^< XLIV J^K-DN^Jp.^

"DN'jJPX Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing., sufF. 3 pers. pi. masc. K3p
1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, for [ppX, but comp.
§ 21. rem. 7]; 1 for •) conv.

Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 8. rem. 18) pivp

'1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. ; 1 for O conv. . Nip

Chald. Peal fut. 1 pers. sing. .

t': V
'1 Kal fut. with parag. H ; 1 for O conv.
id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. (§ 2. rem. 3)

Kal fut. 1 p. s. (§ 8. r. 13) ; for -I conv,


Piel fut. 1 p. s., sufF. 3 p. s. m. (§ 2. r. 3.)

Niph. fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 10. rem. 5) .

1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 8. rem.

"1 & '"'if 15) ; 1 for -1 conv.

id., suff. 3 pers. sing. f. (§ 10. r. 5. § 2. r. 3)

Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing.

1 pr. name masc. : 1 before , . .

) ap. for nX"]K (q. V.) § 24. r. 10; 1 for •)

conversive . . . . .

\ & '1 ap. for nX-]X (q.v.) § 24. r. 3c; 1 id.

•'1 Niph. fut. 1 pers. sing. .

IV Tl"

1 kh. nsnsi q. v., K. Nnx (q. v.) .

'"I & "I Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. ; 1 for • 1 conv.

,.. . - 1 Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing.

masc. (§ 24. rem. 21)

"'1 id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc.
Kal fut. 1 pers. s., sufif. 2 p. s. m. (§ 2. r. 3)

1 id., suff. 2 ^
pers. s. f. ; 1 for •
1 conv. .
n '
noun masc.
1 pr.

noun masc.
name masc.

compound of

.... suff.

3 pers.
& 7X1

pi. m.
Kal fut. 1 p. s., suff. 3 p. pi. m. (§ 24. r. 21)
Hiph. fut. 1 p. s., suff. 3 p. 8. m. (§ 24. r. 21)
*'1 Kal fut. 1 p. s., suflF. 3 p. s. m. (§ 24. r. 21)
nnx-n:iix XLV nn^^-D^^^JD^«

pr. name of a region

purple, i.q. |0|"1X, only 2 Ch.2.6,

.... and Chald.
7X")X contr. from the preceding, a hero, only
suff. D)'5i«^X, Is. 33. 7.

emph. NSI^IS Da. 5. 7, 16, 29. vX'lS {hero) pr. name masc. Ge. 46. 16.

•nipX Kal part. act. pi. f. from ani* m. (§ 8. r. 19) i"lK "^V^X {lion-like, the syllable *]X being an adj.

*r5")NI Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, [for U' § 8. rem, 15] m term, in the Pers., Gesenius) pr. name — I. a king

'T^nS Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing TJI of Ellasar, Ge. 14. i, 9. — II. a Chaldean, Da. 2. 14.

n\:ii(. ""l Kal part. act. masc, pi. of iniK dec. 7 b. ni< *p'*"}X {lion-like, Pers. KD, ilD like) pr. name
'j;\|")S Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. . - . yn of a son of Haman, Est. 9.9.

nj/'5"iK id. with parag. H . . . . J?i1

Kal imp. sing, masc, ["IX] with parag. H [for

}D3"1S '1 purple, reddish purple, both of the colour iT^K § 18, rem. 4] . . . TIN
/j itself and clothes dyed with purple. The 1 Chald. lo, behold ! Da. 7. 2, 5, 6, 7, 13.

etymology is uncertain. »nW Kal pret. 3 pers. pi. (§21. rem, 2) . . 11X
'nlst Kal imp. pi. m. from [IN] sing., comp. HIX *1"1N

n lis Root not used, perhaps i. q. TTJ^ to Jlee; in the '1 pr. name of a place . . . ITi
Chald. NTlX mushroom. Whence ) gent, noun from lilX , . . TIN
"n^X {mushroom ?) pr. name of a son or grand- 1 Kal pret. 3 pers. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. ITlN

Benjamin, Ge. 46. 21; Nu. 26. 40. called
Ch.8.3, Gent.
(Jlight, or perhaps
n. "''^IX;.

i. q. ^iiy wild ass) pr.

noun fem.


Kb., for
sing. dec. 10.

pers. sing.

D'-pnX K., see

.... mx .




name masc. Nu. 26. 17. Gent. n. ''^l"l^i> Ge. 46. 16. [for 'i"inX] Hithpal fut. 1 pers. s. (§ 21, r. 20) DH
jn")N {fugitive) pr. name masc. 1 Ch. 2. 18. }Pilel fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing."|

""Tl^ {strong, coll. with the Pers.) pr. name of masc. (§ 2, rem. 3) . .
a son of Haman, Est. 9. 9. '1 noun com ..constr. of t1"lS dec.3a; "I bef. , . HIN
Nrn''"1X (id.) pr. name of a son of Haman, pr. name masc, , . . . pS
Est. 9. 8. Kal fut. 1 p. s. (2 Sa. 22. 30, perh. R. |*^1) }*n
TlK '1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. ; 1 for -1 conv. . TT' ?ny-nx *") id. with paragogic H . , . }*n
/miN id. with paragogic H . . . . Tl' Kh.DVnSKalfut.withsuff.R.f^Xn (§ 18.r. 12)

sfjn'iK Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 8. rem. 18) . ?lTl K, D^nX pT
mX mx mN


name masc.

1 pers. sing.

with paragogic H
for nnj<
.... .





id. id.

id. part. p. sing. masc. dec. 3 a.. . "1"IN

nnnx id. id. pi. masc. , . . . TIN
Lnnij|lj I. to pull, or pluck off, Ps. 80. 13. — II. to gather, *nm" ') noun fem., pi. of [HJ'IN] q, v. . . HIN
Ca.s.i. id, pi., construct state . . . n"lN

S<^X {lion, comp. nX) pr. name masc. lCh.7.38. '1 Kal pret. 1 pers. sing, [for 'Hl^N] ; ace.

nnx (for nns, fem. of nS, pi. abs. nnS for shifted by conv, ) (§ 8, rem, 7) . . TIN
ni"5S, constr. ^li^^? comp. dec. 12c) and n''"}N, T !• IT
id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. , . . TIN
fem. a stall, a stable.

P")K com. dec. 3 a. — I. ark, chest. — II. coffin, to be firm, fast, only in part. pass. Eze. 27. 24.

Ge. 50. 26. T'lN masc. dec, 6 a, (pi. c. '•HN) cedar.

^'IK masc. dec. 6. pi. D'')")^ and nVlS, lion. nt^N fem. cedar wainscot, Zep. 2. 14.

*^^7}^ i- q- ^'}^» "with parag. H a lion. Vrh (built of cedar for ThXD) pr. name of a
n*")}? Chald. id. irr. comp. § 68. town in Palestine, Ju. 5. 23.

^N''^K masc. prop, a lion of God, hence — I. a nx

"'It noun masc. sing., (pi. c. \nN § 35.")

name masc.
applied also to the altar of burnt-offering,

Eze. 43. 15, 16. and Jerusalem,

Ezr. 8. 16.
Is. 29. i, 2. — II. pr.

vis noun

noun fem,



2) dec. 6a; for

constr, from T^N dec. 6a.

1 see lett.


2Ki,ffl. 7.
pnx-VT*nx XLVl

VTIX id. pi., suft". 3 peis. sing. masc. . . TIX Tj''nmx id., suflf. 2 pers. sing. masc. (X § 35. rem. 9) mX
"^*.n^ ^^- P^-» ^^ff- - P^''*- s'^iS- masc. . . T"1X '•nnm'x
MT T ® :
Chald. id. pl. with suflf. 2 pers. a. m. dec. 3e. mX
D^n^ *',! id- pl-. absolute state; 1 before . nS noun masc. sing. dec. 61. (§ 35. rem 14) . mX
«n»JT^. ^1
Kal part. pass. pl. of [tnX] dec. 3a; 1 id. T1X nx pr. name masc. for """IIX . . . TiX
noun masc. sing, compound of nX & PX . DIX
'nix I
to go, to be on the way. Job 34. 8 ; part. n"1S a "') Kal fut. 1 pers. sing.; 1 for •) conv. nn
way-farer, traveller, 3n
n^N {wanderer) pr. name masc.


id. with parag.
fut. 1 pers. sing.
; 1 id. . . .



n"1!|5 com. dec. 6 c.
nin^Ni, by Syr. UnuijA (§35.rem.
way, road, path. —

nilTIS constr. and with

manner, mode. —
III. poet.
xmnx T tT • -;


name masc.
name masc.
n-.-ix q. v., K.
..... mX
nx (q. v.) . .

for Q'ljS traveller, Job 31. 32. "I n.m.s.,from nX with parag. H (§35.r. 14) mX
nnX Chald. id. dec. 3 c. pl. |n"lK. Piel fut. 1 pers. s. [HnX from pret. iin, like
nn"lS fern. dec. 10. a company of travellers, a D*iP from D-1p] with suff. 3 rad.
p. s. f.,

caravan. n changed comp. HIXT from HXl.

to 1, Or
nn'IN — — nn
.... mXmX
fern. dec. 10. I. appointed portion. II. it stand by transp. for "^."'.nX (§ 24.r. 13)
portion, generally, Pr. 15. 17.

pr. name masc. ..... mx

•sjinx '1 pr. name masc.
ninx n. masc. with pl. fem. term, from nX (q. v.)


noun fem.
noun com.
under the Root
sing. dec. 6. pl.

sing. dec. 10.

.... mX nimX, more

. . . ITIK
«n'nx noun fem., pl. of [HnX] dec. 10.
IT tit: -

St. from
noun masc. with
nnX irr.

(§ 68)
fem. term., emph.

. .

. mX


s., sutf.

absolute state
3 pers.

fem., pl. of [nn"li<] dec. 10.

.... mxmS
s. m. from fTlX (q. v.)

niK *i]nx
Hiph. fut.

Chald. Peal part. pass. sing.

noun masc,
1 pers. sing.

pl. of nX dec. 61.




mX Dnx


'1 noun com.

sufF. 3 pers.
pl. constr.

2 pers. sing. masc. (N § 35.

pl. masc. (X
from ITIK

(q. v.)

r. 9)


mx "•isvnx

Hiph. fut.

name masc.

p. s.
pers. sing.

. . . Dn
id. sing., sufT. 1 pers. sing. . . . mX Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . p)")

Kal part. act. masc, pl. of riTX' dec. 7 b. llIX 'Dpnx id., suff. 3 pers. pl. masc. . . . p)"!

Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . pm Kal pret. 1 pers. sing. . . . mx
[for ^n'] noun com. sing., sufF. 2 pers. sing.
masc. from fTlS dec. 6 c. (more under R.) mX to be or become long, spoken of boughs (Eze. 31.
Piel fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 14. rem. l) . Dm and of time; D''P*n DK^ i? -laiX he had been there
Kal fut. 1 pers. s. [Q'mX], suflf. 2 pers. s. m. Dm a long time. Hiph. — I. to make long, to prolong,
Piel fut. 1 p. s., suflf. 3 p. s. m. (§ 14. r. 1) Dm '? *lp^. ^nxri to prolong one's life.— 11. to defer,
"'1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. ; 1 for •) conv. |*m 1BX "^inxri to defer one's anger, to be patient. —
) id., suflf. 2 pers. sing.fem. (§ 16.r. 12) ; 1 id. }^m III. intrans. to be long, 1 Ki. 8. 8 ; VD^ -ISnxn
noun fem. sing, constr. of [nil'] dec. 10. . mx his days are long, i. e. lives long.
"nnnW noun fem. sing., constr. of [niT] dec. 10. mx 1]nX Chald. only part. pass, meet, Jit, Ezr. 4. 14.
»innn-iK 1 Chald. noun com. pl. [tn^X], suflf. 3 pers. TfjX masc. adj. only fem. n3")X (§ 39. No. 3.
sing, masc, comp. Heb. n~X . . mX dec. 8. & § 26. III. No. 22) long, of space and time.
1 noun fem. sing., suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc. •^"IX masc. — I. length, Eze. 17. 3, I^Xn "^"IX
from nmX dec. 10; 1 before . . mX length of wing for the concrete long-winged. — II.
'innix noun com., pl., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. from slowness, tardiness, D*2X "TJ^lX slowness of anger,
nnX q. V. (X § 35. rem. 9) . . mX i. e. forbearance, Je. 15. 15, elsewhere in this phrase
id., suff. 1 pers. sing, [for ^rimX] . . mX and nn ^IX (slowness of spirit) for the concrete
!» "I IV
id., sufif. 3 pers. pl. masc. . . . mX patient, long-suffering, spoken of God or men.—
Je. 22. 7. « Je.40.5. Ps.2o.4. "Ps. 18. 2. P Eze. 16. 9. '
Pr. 2. 15. ' Pa. 55. 3. •2Ch.9.25. Je. 49. 19.
Is. 9. 9. / Ps.119.9. * Je.9.1. Je.31.20. Da.

Rze. 27. 24. g Is. 21. 13.

« 4. 34. Da. 5. 23. y La. 3. 10. * 1 Ki. 10. 30. « Ps. 18. 43.
' P8.44. 19. '
P». 73. 13. >•
Pr. 23. 25. •Ne.13.25. • la. 16. 9. « Ezr. 4. 14. 'Ca.5.1.
•Job 31. 8. *Pr.a.a9. "Ju.5.6. "66.37.25.
yiK-"]iN* XLVII
III. pr. name of a city of Babylonia, Ge. lo. lo.
}ipiX masc. pi. constr. ni2P"1N [as if from
Gent, noun ''3"!5<.
nJblX 44. rem. 5], castle, palace.
^^.t^ masc. dec. 6 c. length, of time and space "•JblSt (palastine) pr. name of a son of Saul,
D)3X '^'i'^ forbearance, comp. '?]"1N. 2 Sa. 21. 8.
N3-}X; & nS-lN; Chald, fern, length, duration,
pp")N noun masc.
*'l sing, (q. v.) . . . QIN
Da. 4. 24 7. 12.

^tpIN gent, noun from D"IX . . . D1X
nS-IIX, rtDlX fern. dec. 10. (prop, prolonga- D"'S")N id. pi. absolute D"1N
tion) a repairing, restoring, healing.
n^pnS adv. fromthegentilicn.''?|i"2i«! (§39.No.4.r.l) D"IS
M3"1i< Chald. gent, noun from 'tJ'IN; q. v. pi.
'•in30p'-j5< 1 Pilel fut. 1 pers. sing, with epenth. i (§16.
,^13"1N Kheth, '•N13-}X K. (§ 63) Ezr. 4. 9.
r. 13) and suff. 3 pers. sing, masc; 1 for 1 D17
"1 noun masc. sing.; also pr. name of a place "IIN ^''^9":'^ noun masc. with pi. fem. term, const, [as if

'1 noun masc. sing. dec. 6 c. . . . "j~lX from n:bnX § 44. r. 5] see |iD")Si .

1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . 231 n^niJpiX id. with suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. DIN
1 Chald. noun fem.
masc. from [X1-13")N] dec. 8 a.
sing., suff. 3 pers. sing, '"n?nij)p"lN


id., suff. 2 pers. sing.

name masc.
noun masc. with fem. term, and
..... fem. for ^^p'

suff. 3 pers.
Chald. noun fem. sinf
sing. fem. from |b"!^ (q. v.)
nans defect, for n2-1"lX, noun fem. sing. dec. 10. "1"*riJP"lSI 5 id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . DIN
nanW adj. fem, sing. fr. ['^"IS] masc. (§37. No. 3 "DppiX 1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. [Cb"}S], suff.
& § 39. rem. 3. dec. 8) . , , -]-)j{ 3 pers. pi. masc. DDT
IT :o
n. m. s., suff. 3 pers. s. f. from "TjlX dec. 6 c. "TIN


'\ n.
prct. 3 pers. pi.

m. s., suff.
. .

3 pers. s.m.from IJlX dec. 6 c.

. . -]-|X

m Root not used, Arab,
j^^^ {wild goat, Syriac
to be active, nimble.

NJIX id.) pr. n. of a man.

Chald. gent, noun pi. Kh. (more under R.) "]^X
I"1N masc. — I. a kind of tree, supj^osed to be the
Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. 231 mountain ash, Vulg. pi7ius. Is. 44. 14, Its con-

noun fem.
s., suff. 3 p. pi. m. from 1]"1.N dec. 6 c ins nexion with the Root is uncertain. — II. pr. name
sing., constr. of nailN dec. 10.
masc. 1 Ch. 2. 25.
^1 id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. ; 1 before
•' : IT \-:
i-.) Ip^^^ {nimble) pr. name masc. 1 Ch. 3.21,
|J"1S (id.) pr. name of a Jebusite, on the site of
D1X Root not used, i. 4. D-Tl, CD"J, i3N"J, &c. to be whose threshing-floor Solomon built the temple,
high, whence 1 Ch. 21. 15; 2 Ch.3. 1.

fip-1"l?$ (.iofty) pr. name of a city near Sichem, '1^1"]^ pr- name, stands for JJIX in 2 Sa. 24. 20,
Ju. 9. 41, called niO'll 2 Ki. 23. 36. which
sq. is called in v. 16, HJliX Kheth., inr. 18,
DIN, constr. DlS. (high) pr. name. — I. son of iTH^. Kheth.
Kamuel and grandson of Nahor, Ge. 22. 21, but ]'1JA 1 pr. name masc. ; 1 before
according to chap. 10. 22, he was a son of Shem.
}"1S. noun masc- sing, constr. of |'nX dec. 3 a. niN
II. 1 Ch. 7. 34.— III. Aramea, Syria, the whole 'JIX noun masc.
'1 sing. ; also pr, name .

region between Phenicia, the Taurus, and

I'igris [n33"1N] f.hare; only with theart. Le. ii.6; De.14.17.
Palestine ; the principal part is, pb'lO'^ DIX Syria JUIN pr. name of a river p-1
of Damascus, the territory of and round Damascus;
iTJlX pr. name masc, K. HJIIN PN
21^. Syria of the two Mesopo-

Q^IO.^ rivers, i. e.
Piel fut.
*',! 1 pers. sing.
tamia, also called Dni«t )1S plain of Syria, and i31N
||y - .
name masc. * • . •
DIX r]!^ field of Syria.
'inX [for ]>)'] Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. .

^^1^. gent, noun Aramean, Syrian, fem. n*?3"lX

pi. d^dSx.


(formed of the preceding, see § 3S.




'\ pr.
name of a river, for

name masc. .... fWIK .

4. rem. l) adv. in the language of Syria, in Syriac.
^"^l^. Chald. only in the emph. st. NJJ")N (dec. 3 a) .—I.

• 2 Sa.a9. 27. « Da. 4. 24. • Ge. 26. 8. «^2Ch.3. U. ' U.58.8. ' Ex. 15. 2. Am. 6. 8. P
' Oa. 7. 12. / Ho. iO. lU * Je. 8. 22.

Is. 44. 14. ' Job 29. 18.

* Je. 80. 18. "Am.S. U, Is, 63. 3. f Ps.59. 17. "Pt.lS. IS.
onisj^v^-ynx xLviii ^:s^N-vn^<

the earth, i. q. Heb. |*^X. — II. adv. low, inferior, DVIX id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . . . ]'"15C

Da. 2. 39. 'U'pJA Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (H^nX), suff. 3 pers.
IT'J^IS; Chald. fern. (prop, constr. of ''V1X, pi. masc. (§ 24. rem. 21) . . . HN'"!

comp. dec. 8b) the bottom. Da. 6. 25. •IJ^nX "'1 noun f. s., suff. 1 p. pi. from pX doc. 6 a. pX
ynX Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 18. rem. II) . yj?")

"xynx Chald. Kh. Kj;"}S, K. ynx adv. . . ynx p'lX Chald. only emph. st. Xi?"]^ (dec. 3 a) Je. 10. u.
the earth.
KjnX *'"l Chald. nounf. s.emph. of [J?1S] dec.3a. J/IK
2^1 'DJ^i^nX Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. suff. 3 pers.
OV.i^ Kal fut. 1 pers. sing [J?i?"lSI],

•^Jil^ ''',!l Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. ; 1 for -1 conv. . nyn pi. masc. (§ 16. rem. 12) , . ypn
'na^nSI id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. (§ 24. rem. 21) nyi /

/XanijS 1 Niph. fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . NST L I |XJ to curse, execrate, Niph. to be cursed, Mai. 3.9.

Na")X e') Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . i<31

Pi. — I. to curse, Ge. 5. 29. — II. to bring on a curse,

*-TnNS"lX 1 id., suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . . X2T Nu. 5. 18, 19. sq. Hoph. to be cursed, Nu. 22. 6.

mXD fem. dec. 0. curse, execration.

••^XSnX id., suflf. 2 pers. sing. fem. . . . NQ"!
nS'lNt '1 pr. name of a region *7S"I i'm'lX Piel pret. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. ")"1X

nsSx Hiph. fut. 1 p. s., sufiF. 3 p. s. f. (§ 24. r. 21) n2"l tD1"lX ") pr. name of a province in Armenia, upon

*n3"lSI Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 23. rem. 10) . N31 t3"l"lK
whose mountains the ark of Noah rested.
I- T -;

'tISIK Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. [na"1X], suff. 2 pers. 'nnS Kal part. act. ra., pi. c. from [TTX] dec. 7 b. "nX
sing. masc. (§ 24. rem. 21) . . nSI "T'.Tl^ *'\ id. pl., suff. 2 pers. s. m. ("T. anom. for ")) inX
TK'pSnS "I pr. name of the third son of Shem.

"••laanX Hiph. fut. l pers. sing. [ilBIX], suflf. 3 pers. 2/ jss. Pi. to betroth; the price paid for a w'fe is put with

sing. masc. (§ 24. rem. 21, & § 2. rem. 3) HST 3. Pu. to be betrothed.

fem. rarely masc. dec. Ga. with the art. ("'l.i^fn.

t/ l^^
Root not used,' Arab, to desire.
I- _

with suff. ""VIS.—I. the earth, opp. to D]12p.— ntJ'lX fem. desire, request, Ps. 21.3.

II. earth, land, opposed to W. — III. land, ground. '^EJ'IX Piel pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. (§ 10. rem. 1)

—IV. land, country. PI. mVIX lands, countries, nbllK Pual pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. [for '"^"IX] .

especially Gentile countries. V^l^ Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, [for J?K>"1X § 8. rem. 15]

i^V")K pr.

noun fem.
name of a man,

sing. dec. 6a. (§ 35.

see lett. 1
1 Ki. 16.9.

rem. 2)
. .


\ noun fem.
Piel pret.

1 id., suff.

pers. sing.

2 pers. sing. masc.


.... ma
before .

'1J J J
Kal fut. 1 p. s. (perhaps from Y'i^^ § 18. r. 12) fl") ^mS noun m., with pl. f. term, from IIX dec. 1 a. nix
pr. name masc. . . . . . ]^")X xnK'K'nnnx "it
i Artaxerxes pr. name of several Per-
> noun f. s. with parag. H dec. 6 a. |^"1X
sian kings.
^ (f'^Nt),
xnbj^nnnx I

id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. . . . |*"IX

Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, with parag. H for nV-1"l&? }*1"1 u/kS 1 com. dec. 8 b. I. fire ; used of lightning, of
i'\ Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . nS"1 the sun, and trop. of anger. — II. shining brightness,


id. pi.

id. pi.
f. s.,

absolute state

constr. state
suff. 3 p. s.

....m. from

.... ym
dec. 6 a. |*1K

Na. 2.

Ez. 28. 14, 16.


B^X Chald. emph. XEJ'X,

''JIX stones of fire, glittering gems,

id. Da. 7. 11.

Niph. fut. 1 pers. sing, [for HV' § 15. rem. 1] HVI ntJ'X, only in Kheth. DHB^X (») Je.6.29.
noun f. s., suff. 1 pers. s. from y^i^ dec. 6 a. }*"li< ntpX masc. dec. 9 a. an offering made by fire.
I. a burnt-offering. — II. incense-offering.
id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. , . ^"IX
SJ'X i. q. ti'* there is, there are, comp. Ch. JT'X.
''1 id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. . . |*"1X ''XEJ'X Chald. noun masc. sing. emph. of tJ'X dec. 5 b. K'X
id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. . . . ^IN Xb^X '\, '), Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. ;
for -1 conv. Xbj

•Da. 2. 39.
N "'1 Kal fut. 1 p.s. (•^•1t^^<), suff. 3 p.s.m.; ) for"! IT'D'N Kal fut. 1 pers. smg. . . . n^C

pr. name masc.
fut. I pers. sing.

.... . . . . nrt


id., suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc.

suff. 2 pers. sing. masc.

; 1 for


, n''K'


fut. 1

pers. sing.

pers. sing.

2 pers. sing. fem.

.... ; 1 for •


tonb' s'^T\^b^_


suff. 2 pers. sing.

[for "^btj § 35. r. 2] m.




Le. 21. 20.

. . T\''b


1 id., suff. ; 1 •
1 fut. l pers. sing, [for § 8. rem. IG]
'nn''nK's* id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. • : nm ("133^X1 id. with paragogic n 33^^
7\3b^ pr. name of a place, see hbbVi . . h^b
Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 8. rem. 15) pnb
ViaipX ''] n.m.,pl. ntobX, ni"??', & -b^ (§ 44. r. 5) !?3b
\ Kal fut. I pers. sing. [pni^N], suff. 3 pers. *p3bN; "1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 8. rem. 18) . pb
pi. masc. (§ 16. rem. 12) nsbS Kal fut. I pers. sing n2b
Piel fut. 1 pers. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. '" nnSK'X id. with paragogic H . . . . U^b
(§ 14. rem. 1. & § 2. rem. 2) "^nsbX id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. (§ 16. rem. 12) . 113^
1 Kal fut. I pers. sing. ; 1 for •
1 conv. V\Db " np'^SC'SI Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. with, paragogic il 72b
I" •
noun masc, pi. constr. from ny'X dec. 9a. Tjp^SK'X id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . 73^
*'1 Chald. n. m., pi. emph. from [K'K] dec. 5 c.
/'D^SC'N; byChaldaism for CSbn (q.v.) § II. rem. 2. 03^
IT- ••.

n''3bS Hiph. fut. pers. sing 13^

r T
"\ & '1 Hiph. fut. 1 pers. s. ; "I for -1 conv. 2W 1

'hpb^ Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . b^b

1 & "\ id. with paragogic H ; 1 id.
r T
hbiy^ noun masc. sing., pi. ntebs, n'^3' & 'b^
id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. (§ 3. r. 2)
t\v • ~: "J
44. rem. 5) also pr. name masc. ?3K'
nic' (§ ; .

1. j 3 for 1
'•1^!?3bK Chald., Kh.-l'?V3bS [for •I'p^SribK] Ishtaph.,
id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. (§ 2 rem. 3) . 2\b
K. 'hb'^b Shaph., pret. 3 p. pi", m. (§ 4S. 1) ^^3
id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. niB'
TlPSbN noun pi. fem., as if from DySbX (comp.
Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing.
dec. 13. § 44. rem. 5) see hbb'v^ . h^b
\ id., suft'. 3 pers. pi. masc. :m "H^n^SbN id. with suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. . . ^3^
'O'lK'N' Kal fut. 1 pers. sing.
*D3^N noun com. sing., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. from
nn'-b'K '1 id. with paragogic H . n'b
bN dec. 8 b. (§ 36. rem. 3) . . bH
"1. & '1 Kal fut. 1 p. s.; 1 for ); R. D^b see n\b
J'"|3CJ'N; Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, for |3' (§ 8. rem. 18) . ]2b
pr. name of an idol of the city of Hamath,
IT • -:
'n33b5< 1. Piel fut. 1 pers. s. with parag. H; 1 for \ pb
2 Ki. 17.30.
•niSK'N It Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, with psuragogic n|
"'1 & ''1 Kal fut. I pers. s. with parag. H; inaSK'N (§8. rem. 15)
. .
\for -1; R. D'-b see .
TASK'S '1 pr. name of a son of Gomer, Ge. lo. ?, and
id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. D)b a province called after him.
id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. . nib
"ISCJ'X noun masc. sing, (no vowel change) . . "13b
id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. Dib "13^
''';]n3bK id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. . . .

id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. (§ 2 rem. 3) . Dib

'D"l3bX "I Piel fut. 1 p. s., suff. 3 p. pi. m.; 1 for 1 -)2b
id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. (id.) n)b
Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. -)^b
Z&'Jl? masc. the tamarisk, a middle-sized prickly tree.
id. with paragogic H . . , . yb ^"}- Piel fut. 1 pers. sing. 1 for . nbb
; .
Hi*^^. 1.

noun fem. sing. dec. 10. . -)bii

^vhbV^ ] Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 8. rem.-j
\ id. pi. with masc. term, and suff. 3 piers.
IV " I" -; "'"*''
rii'bK *1 & 'Jj
15) ;
for -1 conv. . .
pi. masc. ; 1 before
'n^b^. Piel flit. 1 pers. sing, [for r6' § 15. rem. 1] rhb
id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc.

Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. R. tJ'''5J' see b^b *nn^bK T. id., suff. 3 pers. sing, fem.; 1 for 1. . rhb
)_ noun fem. sing. dec. 10; J before . bba nnj>bK J,
id. with paragogic n ; 1 id. . . T^b
IT -;

id., with pi. masc. term., construct state bba nn?bS 1 & "I Kal fut. 1 p. s.with parag. H Ifor;

1 conv. vhb

« Ho. 14. 9.
g]tyx-innStyN* LI t)^«HJ^1SJ^i<

'•inn^N 1 Piel fut. 1 pers. s., suff. 3 p. s. rn. ; "I id. noun fem., pi. abs. from njDK'S dec. 12 a

iinpB'X •^'I^j id., suflf. 2 pers. sing. m. (§ 2. rem. 2) n 1 id. with suff. 1 pers. sing.

'',1 I for t . . . .
Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . . nob
j J

"1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (n^C^S), suff. 2

"nnp'B'Ni ''1 id. with parag. T\ . n»b
i'-:iT : V ^"\ Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. ; 1 for -1 conv. . nDB>
sing. masc. (§ 16. rem. 12) .

id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc.

1 id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc.
1, '1, id., suff. 3 pers. pi. m.; 1 for -I conv.
Piel fut. 1 pers. s., suff. 3 p. s. m. (§ 2. r. 3) rhiy
'''^1 adj. m., pi. of DB'X dec. 5c ; 1 before
s"\ Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing.
Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing.
1 id. with paragogic H ; 1 for • 1 conversive *'1 id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc.
T * ; ~

1^ id. defect, for '^'hip^ q. v. ; 1 id. 1 id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc.

1 id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. ; ^ id. .

n. m. s., suff. 3 pers. pi. m. from DCN dec.4c. ma
masc. '"DStJ'X Hiph. fut. 1 p. s. [DB'X], suff. 3 pers. pi. m.
1 id., suff. 3 pers. pi. ; 1 id.

defect, for DP''bK q. v. ; 1 for 1. D1B»
'1 Piel. fut. 1 pers. sing.

IT : - -:
}id. \with paragogic

15) ; 1 for 1 .
H; (comp. § 8. rem. "Ul

P'l, 1') id.



for -I-

with parag.
pers. sing.

conv. .... H ;
(§ 8.

1 id.
rem. 15)

'•DiypB'jsi 1 defect, for DJJ^pB^SI (q. v.) J?DB'

DkI^X j I. to be or become guilty, to transgress, Kal fut. 1 pers. sing.

with b of the person against whom, and 7, 2 of id. with parag. n (§ 8. rem. 15)
the thing in which.— II. to feel one's guilt. — III. 'nnpB>K "I,
for -1 conv.

to bear one's guilt, suffer punishment. — IV. to be noun fem., pi. of rt*1-"lOB*N, sing, const.

laid waste, i. q. DK*J DOt^', Eze. 6. 6. Niph. to be nibB'K (§ 39. No. 4) '

destroyed, Joel i. i8. Hiph. to bring the con- 1 Kal. future, 1 p. s. ("ibB'X), suff. 3 p. s. f. IDB'
sequences of sin upon any one, Ps. 5.11. T ; VT T i
Kal pret. 2 p. s. m. [for ppB'XI § 8. r. 7] ma
DK'X masc. dec. 4 c. — I. guilt. — II. damage. — id. pret. 2 pers. sing. fem. . nm
III. a sacrifice for guilt, trespass-offering. noun fem. sing., const, of HO' dec. 12 a.

QK^i^ adj. masc. dec. .5 c. guilty. id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. Dm
IT : -
fem. dec. 12 a.
^ .
— I. prop.
'^ ^
inf. (§ 8. rem. *Dnpb'N id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. ma
10), n3 nOK^Xp to trespass therein. — II. gjiilt,
•"1 id., suff. 1 pers. pi. . . . am
trespass. — III. tresjiass-offering, Le. 5. 24. Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . . a:b
OB'S noun masc. sing. dec. 4 c. . . . DK'K n. masc. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing, from 33K'N'



aefect. for

inf. absolute,
D^bN (q. v.)

compare DIK'K
from DOK^
. .


Piel fut.
dec. 8a. (§ 37.

{fortified) pr.
1 pers. sing.

No. 3)
of two cities in the tribe

Kal fut. 1 p. s. (§ 18. r. 14), or n^Z 1

\ n. com. s., suff. 3 pi. m. from B'K dec. 8 b. B^N of Judah, Jos. 15. 2,2,, 4.3 ; from jB^X Arab.

'nV 1 Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing, with paragogic H bxcb* tobe strong, to which Root Pr. 20. 20, (Keri)

Kal pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. is referred.

1 . . DK'N
rXO"^^ Kal fut. 1 pers. sing.
1 defect, for (q. v.) . . . Dib
Kal pret. 3 p. pi. [for •lOB'ii § 8. rem. DB'K 1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, [for Hj;' § 24. r. 18]
\ 1]

noun fem. sing. dec. 12 a. . . . DB'N ) Niph. fut. 1 pers. sing.

n. m. s.,' suff. 3 p.
'^ s. m. from DB'K dec. 4 c. DB^N I pr. name of a place . . •
I T -; T r

'niDB'S Kh. lie, K. ~I0' Kal fut. 1 p. s. (§ 8. r. 18) -\'m

1 noun fem. s., constr. Jl'lbB'S, pi miDB'K Root not used ; Syr. to use enchantment, perhaps

(§ 39. No. 4) . . . .
" . IJDB' primarily to coiner.

• Ps.81.13. * Ne. 13.8. • P8.41.ll. • Le. 4. 13. '' Am. 2. 9. *1 Sa.9.27. » Da. 8. 13. s Eze. 22. 4. ' Ps. 139. 21.
»Ge. S2.27. De.9.21. P Le. 5. 19. ' Ps. 89. 29. ' Eze. 25. 7. ' Nu. 18. 9. ' De. 4. 10. • Kzr. 10. 10. / Pr. 7. 6.
«Ge.31.27. * Kx. .32. 24. f Is. 42. 14. y Ps. 90. 4. /De.9. 14. " Eze. 20. 26. • Ps. 59. 10. " I.e. 5. 24. g Ps. 89. 35.
1 Sa. 9. iS. ' De.
0. 17. ' Is. 66. 24. "3Ch.28. 10. «rGe. 42. 21. » De. 1. 13. « Ps. 119. 55. » Ezr. 10. 19. * 1 Sa. 2G. 8.
• .los. 18. 4. Ji)ii.2. 10. • Ge. 13. 9. » P8.69.6. * Ezr. 10. 19. • Je. 8. 6. » Ps. U9. .34. ' 2 Ch. 28. 13 < Ps. 119. 117.
f Is. 10. 6. » Pr. 20. 22. ' Na.5.6. ' P». 31. 8. ' Je. 18. 2. r Nu. 9. 8. ' Pr. 80. 10. <<
Eir. 9. 6. * Ju.16.26.
t Zee. 11. 13. '1 .Sa. 28. 2-2. «Ps.9.3. "Is. 48. 3.
j^^^ne^^-ns&j'x LII *^2^^K-^£52r^{

Pjti'N Chald. dec. 2b. (prop, participle), an en- iK^CN Root not used, probably i. q. "IDX to bind.

chanter, magician. 7X"}^N (whom God has bound) pr. name masc.
CJK'S masc. id. pi. D'-SK^S; Chald. Da. 2. 2. 1 Ch.4. 16.

n3K'{<l fern, (no pi.) a quiver, 'X ''J? ^^m of the ?N"'"1CJ'S {vow of God) pr. name masc. Pa-

quiver, arrows. tronym. '•^Snb'X Nu. 26.31.

i. e.

- noun ° dec. 10.
fern. sing. HDt^


Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 8. rem. 18) . t2DB' ["nK^ij* J to go straight on, Pr. 9. 6. Pi. — I. to guide, direct

TjiSK^St Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 8. rem. 18) .

"P^ aright. — 11. to pronounce happy, to call blessed.

tOS'i'X Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . t3DK' Pu. — I. to be guided. Is. 9. 15. — II. to be made or

»t3QK't< Niph. fut. 1 pers. sing. (X § 10. rem. .5) . DQE^ pronounced happy, blessed.

•ntpSK^K ) id. with parag. H . . . . tDStT IK^K {happy, blessed) pr. name — I. a son of
''^tSSK'SI Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (DSK'Nl), suff. 2 pers. Jacob, from whom came the tribe of Asher, Gent,
sing. masc. [for jjps'] . . . t3DB' n. ''X'K Ju. 1.32. — II. of a city near Sichem,
"DDBK'X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . t3DB' Jos. 17. 7.

r from LrntJ'Sl
I.. tJ
dec. 2b. ClK^N
IT" -;'
IT" -;
fem. dec. 10. pi.
*^ HI & D*-.
0''BK'X Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing 7BK' English version after the Sept. and Vulg. " grove."

I'^SK'N Chald. noun m. pi. abs. from \y\^^'\ dec. 2 b. SjK'K Modern interpreters, fortune, goddess of fortune,

TISK^X '^1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. ; 1 for -1 conv. . ~pi} put for the image of Astarte, and in the pi. images.

/naSK'SI ) id. with parag. H . . . . "JQK^ Prof. Lee conjectures, shrine, shnnes.

rTJQCN'l pr. name of one of the eunuchs of Nebu- "l^N masc. happiness, blessedness; only in pi.
r- : : -'


chadnezzar, Da. 1.3.

noun masc.
f. s., suff.

3 p. s.
m. from HS' dec. 10.

constr. in the character of an interj.

the happiness of the

happy art thou!

inCi'N!, -iniSrS, for
! With


T'l^'N, &c.
^niriBB'S noun HB^'K
pi. f.,

§ 37.
No. 3)
a sing. nriB'^X; or

... nSB'
see § 35. rem. 16, for -IH-, § 3. rem.

"ItJ'X masc. dec. 6 c. happiness, Ge. 30. 13.

1, 5.

n'ipK^K Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . TpK'

"l•lt^'^| or I-'IEJ'K fem. dec. 1 or 3 a. — I. step, going.
'Hi'JB'K *'^1 Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing.;
for -1 conv, , r\pV}
— II. wood of the box-tree, Eze. 27. 6.


(§ 8.

fut. I

rem. 14)
pers. sing.

... [p5^5<] with parag.

pers. sing. (§ 8. rem. 18)


"l-IK'NI fem. —
Assyria, the Assyrian empire.
I. step. Job 31. 7. — II. pr. name

^"I'lE^X pr. name of an Arabian tribe, Ge. 25.3.

"HtOI^.^X id. with parag. H, Kh. naii^K^iSt, K. ntO^.^N
called n-ltJ'X 2 Sa. 2. 9.
(§8. rem. 14) . . . DpB'
n^KIK'tJl {uptight towards God ) pr. name masc.
'"y1ipB'^il Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 8. rem. 18) . !?pE^
1 Ch. 25. 2. written also n^Xlb*'. v. 14.
» n^lpK'S 1 id. with parag. H Kh. n'pipK'K, K. rhp^^
NJ'IK'K Chald. masc. a wall, Ezr. 5.3.


(§ 8.

rem. 14)
fut. 1 pers. sing

; 1 for

pers. sing. (npC^X), suff. 2 pers.

....-1 conv. . bpV)

"IK^K '1
I-IEJ'SP masc. the box-tree.

pr. name of a man and a place . . ^t^'X

*")^*X ) Piel imp. sing. masc. . . . "IJi'K

sing. masc. (§ 24. rem. 21) T^p^
Kalfut.lp.s. [pp5K],suff.2p.s.m. (§16.r.l2)
. .

"IB'N '1 — I. relat. pron. of both genders and numbers, who,
*^pf^ which; often including the pers. pronoun, he
"VpSJ'S Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. ; 1 for •] conv. . ?ptJ'
J which, she which, what, that which; "l'i<Pl Itf'StJ

'H^l?^^ ,1
^^- '^^'^^ P'^^'^S- '1 (§8. rem. 14) ;
id. ^pV) and he whom thou cursest, DnySH 1?3f? 'X that
" "'1^5.^9





if from

of a place

pers. sing.



3 pers.

which the yo'ing men have eaten; especially after
prepositions, "1?J'>??

1I^J4"n&{ him who, that which, "12J*SP

to him who, to them who,
from or of
sing. fem. (§ 2. rem. 3, & § 24. rem. 21) HpK' that which; when the prep, refers to place,

"tpK'K Piel fut. 1 pers. sing. . . "IpE^ -IC'X^ whither, "lK'X3 where, see No. IV.— II.

Eze. 20. 36.

LIIl J;^J;nty^?-ns2^'N

note of the relative before adverbs and pronouns 9 X^'lg'ij 1 Chald. noun masc. sing. . . . "IK^X

QK^n^jJl where; D^D Tt^'iit whevce; ''0 i<in X'N 'S^lb'X ^1 Kal fut. 1 pers. sing., 1 for •
5 conv. . Pjlb

which liveth; Sh "l^Jj; to whom; 12 "IK'X in "Hi^'lB'X Kal fut. 1 pers. sing, with parag. PI . p"lK*

whom; lib'V 1^*? w/tose fong-we; ISJJTIX "iti'X

uj/iic/i dits^ ace. *nb< "It/'X me, tti/toTO ; "IK'K \^ U^ Root not used ; Arab, to found, make firm.
^^riiriB thee whom I have chosen. — III. 7 "ItJ'X
C^t^X masc. dec. 3a. foundation. Is. i6. 7.
circumscribing the genitive, X'X D''"l''^r! T'K^ iW''^^ fem. dec. 10. pi. ni & D*-, cake.
nbPK^p //le song- o/ songs of Solomon, i. e. Solo-
'ni'^N ap. for nri^'S q.v. (§24.r.3) ; 1 for -1 conv. 7\m
mon's Song of Songs. — IV. conj. (a) that, to
"l noun fem. sing. abs. and const, dec. 13 b.
the end that (b) because, because that (c)
; ; if, '
(see n^X § 45) . . . . tJ'-N
when; of place, where; (/) with
that if ; (d) (e)
yr\f^ noun fem., pi. of H^X dec. 10. (§ 45) . m^
prefixes, 1t?'X3 in that, because, see also No. I.;
— "15^X3 according to, as; as if; because; when;
'1] , .

— 1t^'^5p since, see also No. I.

nnnK'X ^ Chald. noun masc. sing. . . . mK'
"IK'S 1 Kh. "ICKI, K. nSTKI (q.v.) 2V^ nnV? '1. Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . nnC'
IB'X pr. name of a people, for l-IEi^'K IPlK'X '1 noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. m. from

?K")E^K 1 pr. name masc. ; \ before ,

nE^^S| dec. 13 c. (see H^S § 45) . . ET^N

n?S"lE^S 1 pr. name masc. ; 1 id. "•iJp^iriCJ'K [for •I'pyiC'nX by Syriacism for 'WnT) § 12.
:- -:
T I" 1-

niSJ'X noun fern. sing. dec. 10. rem. 3] Hithpo. pret. 3 pers. pi. . bb^
IT", ":

'•innti'S noun m. pi., suff. 3 pers. s. m. [from "IK'N *DpintJ'X Chald. [for DlOi^i'nX] Ithpo. pret. 3 pers. s.

dec. 6a. for -inn.^X § 35. r. 16, & § 4. r. 1] "IK'X masc. (comp. § 21. rem. 20) . . DJDC*

<nB^K Piel imp. pi. masc. . . . . TkJ'X 'DO'WXV

I- :
Hithpoel, ' '
fut. Ip.s.;
^ '
for -1 conv. DOK*

<'>r\j^^ Kal imp. pi. masc "IK'K jintJ'X "I pr. name masc 6^''S

'•TIE^S i Piel pret. 3 pers. pi. . . . "lEJ'N 'JJ^PlB'X [for J3itJ'i;iNI] Hithpal. fut. 1 pers. sing.

/^J-IIK'S id. pret. 3 pers. pi., suff. 1 pers. sing. . "IK'X (comp. § 21. rem. 20) . . . pt^

«-nilij'K noun fem., pi. of HT, dec. 10, . . "W^ ninp^'X ^'\, ^% Hithpal. fut. 1 pers. s. [for nnn^'riSI

HK'X '1 noun masc. pi. const, [from "IK'S dec. 6 a. § 24. r. 25, & § 6. No. 2] ; 1 for "l conv. nHK^

§ 35. rem. 16] . . . . "W^ 'ril^N noun fem. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing, from H^'X

'IK'S ) noun masc. pi., suff. 1 pers. sing, [from dec. 13b. (see H^'X § 45) . . EJ'^X
*'^^^' l-l^^.' 01" "'l^'? dec. or 3 a.] *1''riK'X ''1 Chald. Peal pret. 3 pers. pi. masc. with
j 1

X VH^ ^n:}

noun m.

s., suff.

name masc.
noun fem. with
1 p. s.

masc. term, and
-\W^ dec. lb.]

nK'i< i-jin^x

noun fem.
[for § 55.

sing., suff. 2 pers. sing.

rem. 1]


..• ..

from n^X dec. 13c. (§ 45, & 44. r.3)

3 pers. pi. masc. from m^S dec. 10. lE^'S jiriK'x



L- •

MnEJ'S id. with suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . . IK'S '•I3^n^x Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. [PPl^'X], suff. 3 pers.

VI^X noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. [from sing. masc. (§ 8. rem. 14, & § 2. rem. 3) 7T\V}
I^X dec. 6a. for in^K § 35. rem. 16] . IC'X n'Qmi^ \, VS'Om^, J^b^f^ "I., pr. name of

"inK^X noun m. pi. with suff. 3 pers. s. m. see ''X'^< "It^S a place V^^
T?.^^ noun masc. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. [from 'OpriK'X 1^ [forirs^nX] Hlth.fut. l pers.s.; 1 for -1 105?'

X'S dec. 6a. for "^n^X § 35. rem. 16] IK^X " mrsriEJ'X
IT - :V : IT
1 id. with parag.
^ °
H . . . . IDB^
"Ijn.Si'S id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. [for "qtl^^il]; id- "ICTX o-ianSJ'X Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. (JT'EJ'X), suff. 3 pers.
' Dnn.K^X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . . . It^S sing. masc. (§ 2. rem. 3) R. 0"'^ See JTltJ'

POn.^X '1 n. f. with pi. m. term, from niK'K dec. 10. "I^K f IsnC^X Chald. [for 'B*nX] Ithpa. pret. 3 pers. sing.
nnK'S pr. name of a people, pi. of n.-IEJ'S . . "it^K masc, K. '3'; Kh. -13' or 13' 3 pers. pi. m. X3tr
'•U^l.trSil noun m. s., suff. 1 p. pi. from "I-'IK'N dec. lb lEJ^N iV^'Hp^^ [for '^iriX] Hithpalp. fut. 1 pers. sing.]
' •li^K'X noun m. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing, (see '1l<?'^5.) "It^fr? ry^ynK^X U (§ 6. No. 4) . . .1

•Eze.3, 15.
annx-nt^ liv "jnK-nx

/. [HN;] masc. with suflf. Sm, pi. W^m & U^m (§ 37. DnnX (nS), sign of the accus. with sufF. 3 pers.

rem. 5) ploughshare. pi. masc. (§ 5) . . . . DK

innXi "'1 id. with suff. 3 pers. pi. fem. . . DN
II. i\^i "^^ sign of — I. the accusative. — II. the nomina- p\m Ch. Peal pret. 3 p. pi. m. R. XJlS see HnX
tive with verbs passive and neuter; ^JOK'TINI i^tlP!
?inX noun m. s., suff. 3 p. s. m. from DS (q. v.) DK
thy name shall

land be given; "12'^nTIK Vl^ ?5<

displease. With
be called,

sufif. '•n'S, ''Ji)^,


the thing not


see § 5.
the 'iniJi



R. sriK see
id. imp.

prep. (riN) with sufF. 3 pers. sing. masc.


.... masc. ; 1
before ,

For ^rilND see the following. \^ ins "I prop. [niX] sign of the accus. with suff.

3 pers. sing. masc. see flX (§ 5) . . nX

III. HNI, "HX with suff. '»ns, j\m, -^m, "^m fem. &c. •niJinSI 1 Hith. fut. 1 p.s. (§20.No.l); Uor-I conv. m*
prep. — I. with, by, near. — II. with, in company 'yijin^ [foj" W] Hith. fut. 1 pers. sing. (§ 20. No. 1) Vy
with. — III. towards. — IV. HNO prop, from with, "''ninX Chald. noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.
i. e. from, '•RttD from me, "^riXD from thee, &c. from [nS] dec. la. . . .HIS
but also '•nixo, "^iJiixn. 'l-inS Chald. noun com. sing. dec. la. [for |-13riX] pn
^r!{< {near) pr. name — I. 2 Sa. 15. 19; 18. 2. J-W-inS 1 Chald. id. emph. st pH
II. 2 Sa. 23. 29, written also '•FfS q. v. nbinX noun fem., pi. of priN dec. 3 a. . . JDX

IT -
'1 Kh., K. nnX pron. pers. 2 pers. sing. masc. n3N --Sn''i5iriK ) Kh. 'WX, K. "'m, noun m. pi., suff. 3 pers.

s. f. (§ 4. r. 5) [from p-inS or p^RNI q. v.] pHN

id. 2 pers. sing. fem.
^m Kal fut. 1 pers. sing C'n:

Kal pret. 3 pers. s. m. for nnS (§ 24. r. 18) nin'S noun com., pi. of niS dec. la.. . HIK
Chald. Peal pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. see VninX id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . . HIS
^ Hith. fut. 1 pers. s. with parag. H; "1 for -1
"•'13''ninN id., suff. 1 pers. pi mK
'pSKijix "ij
Hith. fut.

1 for

Hithpal. fut.

pers. sing. (§ 12. rem. 1);|

pers. sing.
. .

(§21. rem.
for 'nn
(§ 12.

(§ 12.
rem. 3) Hith. pret. 3 pers. sing,
rem. 1)

pers. sing, [for ]y § 12.

... -an
1 1 |3nnNI -^',1 Hith. fut. 1 r. 1]

/"I I
20) ; 1 for •")
conv. '-pnnK id. before Mak. [for JSH'] . \:n
[with Baal) pr. name of a king of Sidon, •nS In pause for the following . . T

1 Ki. 16. 31. ^HK ') Kh. '•riK, K. nX pers. pron. 2 pers. sing. I n:K
ennnj;is Chald. Ithpe. pret. 3 pers.

"1, '^^^^{ (§ 24. rem. 18.


fem. (§ 49.

20, & § 2.5.

r. 1)

No. 2 c)



fem. (§

name masc.
(nX) with
1. rem. 2)


pers. sing.

to come, const, with ?, 1]l of the pers. to whom TIK '1 prop. [niX] sign of the accus. with suff.

part. nVriiS (§ 24. rem. 4) things to come. 1 pers. sing, see HX (§5) nx
nriK Chald. (§ 55. rem. 1 note. & § 56. No. 2) 'X*riX Chald. noun m. pi. emph. from [HX] dec. la. mX
to come, const, with 7V, of the pers. A ph. to cause masc; [for -VriK § 19. rem. 6,
•VnX Kal imp. pi.

to come, to bring. § 25. No. 2, & § 24. rem. 5] . . HnS

pn^^5 masc. entrance, Eze. 40. 15. Keri. Kal part. act. pi. fem., as if from a masc.
/nVnil? )

T \.T
'1] pers. pron. 3 pers. sing, masc; for"l [•n'X § 24. rem. 4, & § 39. No. 2] . HnX
nPiK see lett.
^^^ m. from nX (q.v.) flX
'1, *'lf 1 1 . . . j ffD5''r){< noun m. pi., suff. 2 p. pi.

Ch. Peal pret. 3 pers. s. m. (§ 55. r. 1 note) nOX *)''nX Chald. noun masc, pi. of [JlX] dec. la. . HIX
Chald. id. part. act. sing. masc. (id.) . njlN '•'lt33;''riX Chald. Ithpa. pret. 3 pers. pi. masc. . ^V
IT •
prep. (HK) with suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. . DH *n2-V!riNI ] Hith. fut. 1 pers. sing. . . . 3V'

Hith. fut.
prop, [nii^] sign of the accus. with

3 pers. sing. fem. see

1 pers. sing.
(§ 5)


. nX


noun masc.
id. pi.,

sing. dec. fb.

absolute state

(nX) with suff.

.... .

2 pers. sing, fem., or

. . p-TlS


id. with parag. H . . . . "j^n in pause for the following . . flS


« In. 21. 12.

nnnxi-n l.VI "lnl^^{n-l

M everywhere with Sheva except in the following pref. 3 X noun fem. with pi. masc. term.,

cases :
— 21 before a word beginning with Sheva, as constr. St. from |3X dec. 6 a.. . |3X
IB'ZIS for IB'ZIB ; — 2, 3, 3 before the composites 2\33X3 '•1
pref. 3 for ri3, • 113 X id. pi. abs. st. ; -1 bef. lab. pX
as h6i 3, (and contr. '•nXS for ^31X3), D13X3 pref. 3 X pr. name masc, see Dri"13X . 3X
.., I, y.,

"ibij 3, (contr] "nSxS for '•H'^KS), nn 3 ;—3, pref. id. X noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing.

3, 3, when displacing the art. H (q. v.), as W12 masc. from m3X (no pi. absolute) . 13X
for n'nn3. pN3 for p«n3, ^'?n3 for ^'?nn3 ;— Di^K^?X3 pref. id. X pr. name masc. . . . 3X
~ T : V I V T
T T V I T ; ' T T T T V :

3 rarely before the tone-syllable, as nT3, Dri3. nSxi pref. id. X pr. name of a place . . 31X
For 3 with suffixes see § 5.
" T-ribxi pref. 3 before X noun masc. with pi. fem.
term, and 2 p. s. m. from 3X irr. (§ 45) 3X
Prep. — I. of place and time, in, within, among,

2 p. pi. m.; 3X
and rarely after verbs of motion, into. — II. noting

pref. id.

3 for
X id. pi., suff.

HS, 'nil X noun masc. with

-1 bef. lab.

nearness, at, near, by, on, before, (in the presence
fem. term, from ||X dec. 1. (§ 30. rem. 1) pX
of), and of motion, to, unto, upon, against; for,
pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. . . . C]~I3
of price and exchange ; for, on account of, because
'nnixi pref. 3 for HS, 113 X n.f.,pl.of ni^X dec. 13a. IJX
of. — III. noting accompaniment and instrument,
3 X noun masc. sing.

with, by, through. —IV. after verbs often lost in



pref. 3 X pr- name of a people and country D*1X

. .

the translation, as 13""iy!l^1 and he rebuked him,

pnxi Chald. pref. 3, contr. for adv. jHX
Ge. 37. 10, comp. v. 11. —V. prefixed to the inf.
'Ttixs pref. 3 X adj. masc. sing. dec. lb.

of verbs, in or when.
^'•1 pref.3fromn3,-n3"j n. m. s.; also (Jos. "j

K3 Kal pret. 3 pers. sing. masc.

'-1 before lab. ; -1 N13 mx3 IT T ;
''•1 pref. 3 q.v. j 3. 16) pr. name i- DTX
N3 "IT id. part. act. s. m. dec. la; for T1 see lett. )
IT •
N13 of a place ; -1 before labial . .
N3IT id. inf. abs. and const. (§
21.No.2) T
id. ' ;
1 KU DhX3 pref. 3 before X P^- name of a people . DIX
N3 id. imp. sing. masc.
"'-I before lab. ; •! . K13 no'ixs pref. 3 bef. ^..^ X n. f. s. dec. lie. (§ 42. r. 1) DIX
*n3K3 pref. 3 before

X Kal inf. constr.; id. , ,

-I ISX »3"nx3 pref. 3, contr. for "'3TX3 X noun masc. pi.

'fn3N3 pref. 3 for ri3, ri3 X noun masc. sing. •

n3K the name of God, different from *3', pi. suff. JH
«'D^DK3 -1 pref. 3 X Kal inf. with suff. 3 pers. pi. m.; ^3nx3 pref. 3 id. X noun masc. sing., sufF. 1 pers.
•1 bef.
13X sing, for {HX dec. 3 a. . . • jH
•113X3 pref. id. X noun m. s., constr. of [|Y] dec.2a. 13K "V11X3 Chald. pref. 3 X noun com. sing. . J?"n
/i3K3,suff. 3 [3K'] dec.8b. 33X '•1
pref. id. X pr. n. of a place [for ''J/."1"|X] ; -1 bef.
^'DD^niSXS pref. 3 before ,
X noun m. with pi. f. term.
^in-i'ixi pref. id. X noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing.
and suflF. 2 p. pi. m. from 3X irr. (§ 45) 3X masc. from nn'nX dec. 13 a. . . . mX
*"'3X3 pref. 3 X n. m. pi. constr. from [3X] dec. 8b. 33X <^nx3 Kh. nX3 K. X3T^*
(q.v.) X"13
XT*q.v., . .

7*^3X3 pref. 3 before , .

X P''-
name fem. 3X u' nx3T IT
Kal part. act. s. fem. dec. 10, from X3 masc. X13
[?P^3X3 pref. id. X pr. name masc. 3X nx3 '•1 id. pret. 3 pers. sing, fem.; -1 for ] conv. XH
01^3X3 pref. id. X pr- name masc. 3X »nx3
T 1
^') id. imp. sing. masc. with parag. H (§ 25. I
?3X3 pref. 3 X pr. name of a place bx No. 2) ; for 1 see lett. 1 . . . Xn
n?3N3 pref. id. X id- vvith parag. H id. . bx ^nsnxii pref. 3 for 113, -nil X noun fem. s. (no pi.) 3nX
J3NI3 pref.] ] noun f. s. (suff.] ''
T t; in
pref. 3 before ,_^ for 3 X noun masc, pi.
„ > 3 for n3,
' n3 i._..^

>il^^I „
") pref.) ^ ^ -=
i:3SI) d.
6a;l px [of 311X dec 6. § 35. rem. 9] . . 3nX
J3N3 *'1 pref. 3 q. v. J
1 before labial pref. 3 X noun f. s. constr. of n3nX (no pi.) 3nX
'1333X3 pref, 3 for n3,'n3"j noun masc. sing, dec] 'rinsnxs pref. id. X 'd-, suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. . 3nX
"£333X3 •"!
pref. 3 q.v. j lb; before ^.^ in3nx3 pref. id. X id., sufF. 3 pers. sing. masc. . 3ntf

" Est. 5. 14.':>nKn LVII ^nn^<n-l
7n*K3 pref. 3 for nil, -nil'j noun m. sing. dec. 6."j ijTX3 pref. 3 X n. f. s., suff. 3 p.s. ttX dec. 6c. }fX
bnXl "'-I pref. II q. V. J (§ 35.r.9) -1 before lab.j *3TX3
vt: is :
pref. id. X id. du. suflf. 1 pers. sing. ITX
ipnSIl pref. II X id-. sufF. 3 pers. sing. masc. bna *:rx3
J-; ce :

vnXIl pref. id. X id- pl-. construct state ^nx ^3TX3 '-1 pref. id. X id. du., constr. St.; -1 before , . irx

nn^^nXIl pref. id. id. pi., sufif. 3 pers. pi. masc. ^nx Dn-3TX3 pref. id. X id- du., suflf. 3 pers. pl. masc. jrx
'V3TX3'--''''•1 pref. id. X id. du., suflf. 3 p. s. m.; -1 bef. , ITX
•^^JpnXIl pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 2 p. s. m. (X § 35. r. 9) •pnx IT-.* :

pref. id. X id. du., suflf. 2 pers. sing. fem. nx

''DQvn'^? pref- id. X id- pi-, suff. 2 pers. pi. masc.
n>3rx3 '•1
pref. id. X id. du., suflf. 2 p. s. m.; -1 bef. )TX
Whria^ pref. 3. before , , for 3 X id- pl-, abs. st. !?nx
D3''JTX3 id. du., suflf. 2 pers. pl. masc.
IV " a :
pref. id. X }TX

pref. id. X id. du., suflf 1 pers. pl. jtX
f 2 X
^ id. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. "pnx
«^SnX3 J
' :
l|-- IT
pref. 3, contr. from 'X3, 'Xn3 X noun
pnXII •")
pref. id. X pr. name masc. ; -1 before , , . "inx masc. pl. of [pTX] dec. 8 b. ppr
•is3 '•!, '"1, Kal pret. 3 p. pl. ;
for 1, 1 see lett. 1 X13 •1 pref. 3 X noun com. s. dec. lb ; -1 bef. y"ir

is'3 id. inf. (X13) suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. dec. 1 a. "niTxi pref. 3 for n3, -nil X n. m. s. dec. 2b. mr
(§ 25. No. 2) X13 'niTxii •1 pref. 3 X id., construct state ; -1 bef.
•1N3 '•!, '1, id. imp. (or pret. Je. 27. 18. § 21. r. 2) •'"ipxii Kh. ~inX3 q. v., K. nnX3 (q. v.) . *inx
pl. masc. ; -1 for 1 , "I see lett. 1 X13 *i'p^53 pref. 3 X constr. of the following inn
31X3 pref. 3 for ri3, -nil X noun m. s. dec. la. 31X nnx3 s') pref. id.
X num. card. masc. irr. (§45) nnx
'D>1K3 pref. id. X noun m. s., pl. c. ''tp7^, dec. 8 a. hx *-inx3 pref. 3, for 113, -PlS X noun fem. sing, mx
Wp-lX3 pref. 3 X noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. '")inx3 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 3 a.
pref. "inx
masc. from Tw^ii dec. 13 a. ^ix *Tnx3 pref. 3 bef. X ^.al inf. constr. rnx
/ijiK3 -1 pref. id. X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. injnx3 pref. 3 before X noun fem. sing., suflf. ,

sing. masc. from jlS dec. la; -1 before JIX 3 pers. sing. masc. from n*nX dec. 10. tnx
«-n''3QiX3 pref. 3 for n3. -Ha X noun masc, pl. of pref. id. X id., suflf. 3 pers. pl. masc. tnx
JQIK dec. 8d. (§ 37. rem. 2 & 3) . jQX '
I* T :
pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., suflf. 3 pers. sing.

''ni"lV1K3 pref. 3 X noun masc. with pl. fem. term., masc. from PIX irr. (§ 45) nx
abs. St. from "l^iS
dec. 2 b. "i:;x vnx3 "'•1 pref. id. X id., suflf. 3 p. s. m.; -1 bef. nx
nhV'lX3 '-1 pref. id. X id. const, st.; -1 before ,
"IVX vnx3 pref. id. X id. pl-» suflf. 3 pers. sing, masc,

*'^'*ni"iyiX3 pref. id. X id-, suflf. 2 pers. sing. masc. "IVX (as if from HX R. PinX see § 45) nx
'71^nnVii53 -1 pref. id. X id-, suflf. 2 pers. s. f.; -1 bef.
I^X •^mxii pref. id. X id. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. nx
•'n'lVi^Il pref. id. X id., suff. I pers. pl. [for ^p'] "IVX » D3''nxn •1 pref. 3 before X 'd. pl , sufif. 2 pers. pl.

Vm^iXIl pref. id. X id., sufl". 3 pers. sing. masc. . -1!»'X masc comp. VnX3 ; 1 before labial nx
'""11X3 pref. 3 for PIS,' •n3 X noun m. s. dec. la. nix xn?pnx3 pref. 3 X pr. name of a place, see XflOnX
1 T '^ T T : - '^ :

""1-1X3 pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. la. iix pn^h'nxii
IT -:r T
pref. 3 for ri3, -nil X adj. f. s. fr. flinX masc. inX
"11X3 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 1 a. "11 «nnx3 pref. 3 X n. m. pl. constr. from "IPIX (q. v.) "inX
n''inx3 X noun fem. dec. lb; "inX
"l-IXIl pref. id. X n. m. s. dec. I a; also pr. n. of a place -iix pref. id. s. -1 bef. , ,

POn-lxi pref. 3 for n3, •n3 X id- pl-, abs. st. "I1X •nnnnx3 pref. id. X id-, suflf. 3 pers. sing. fem. . inX
'jlllXIl pref. 3 X n.m.s., suflF. 2 p.s. "I1X dec. 1 a. 11 'innnxgi •1 pref. id. X id., suflf. 3 pers. s. m.; -1 bef.

'XriK'-lxil -1 Ch. adj. fem. s., emph. of [X^1X3 dec. 8a. ^nnnxi pref. id. X id., suflf. 2 p. s. m. [for ^Jl'inX] "inX
fr. C'-IXIl masc. § 67. rem. ] ; -1 bef. labial m2 'i^'inxi defect, for HJiinXS (q. v.) , . mx
niX3 "-I KaJ part. act. fem., pl. of nX3 dec. 10, nnx3
I" I
"'•1 pref. 3 X num. card., [for ITinX], fem.
from X3 masc. ; -1 id. X13 of "inX irr. (§ 45) ; -1 before ^.^ . . "inX
'n-1X3 pref. 3 X n. f. s., constr. of [H-IX] dec. 10. nix 'nnx3 pref. id. X id- in pause (comp. VnX under
"''0-1X3 pref. id. X id-, suflf. 1 pers. sing, . mx nx § 45) . ,
. . . . nnx
'3iTX3 -1 pref. 3 for n3, -HIl
*nnnx3 pref. 3 bef. X noun fem. sing., suflf. 3 pers.
..;lv>'Z ^ -,
^ '' '
r noun masc. sing.
^ . 3TX
y31TX3 pref. 3 q. v. J
sing. fem. from flinX irr. (§ 45) . . HX

LVIII d:d?2x:i-^N3

*K3 Kal part. act. pi. constr. from i^3 dec. 1 a. X13 D5^?3 Kal inf. (X'l3), suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. dec. la.

"Xa id. inf. (Xi3j, sufT. 1 p. s. dec. 1 a. (§ 25. No. 2) (§ 25. No. 2) xn
"'i<3 '-1 id. imp. sing. fern. ; -1 bef. labial X13 '?S3 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. la. i?1X

°n2"'J<3 pref. 3 X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. • 3^X *'nT'X3 pref. 3, for n3, -HS X noun fem. sing. hx
*^3''K3 Y the with p.s.; 3\S
r:i:'pref. -1 id. '
foil, suff. 1
-1 bef. ,
(:), n?N3 pref. id.bef. tone-syl. s. 3 X com. ^x
"S^SS pref. id. X part. act. pi. constr. masc.
n^N3 pref. 3 X noun fem. sing, dec 10. (§ 42. r. 2) n'?x
from 3.''.i^« dec. 7 b. 3"^
n?SI3 -'1 pref. id.
X pron. demon, pi. com.; -1 bef. bx
'D51^l!?3 pref. id. X n. m. s., suff. 2 p. T'NI d. 1 a.

N3 N13 "nnbSS Chald. pref. 3 contr. [for'!f53] X noun masc.

''n''K3 Kal part. act. pi. m., suff. 3 p.s.f. fr. dec. 1 a.
sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. rl7X dec. 1 a. nbx
31*K3 pref. 3 X pr. name masc. 3"'N
*n?X3 *'-1 pref. id. X noun masc. pi., suff. 1 pers.
\*X3 pref. id X constr. of the following : Is. 24. ig.

W*Vi2, pref. 3, for HS, -PIS X noun masc, pi. of '•K

sing, from nvS dec. 1 ; -I bef. lab. n'?x
'n?K5 "''I pref. id. X id., construct state; •! id. . nSx
dec. 8. (§ 37. No. 4) .

"TTirpXIl pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. R^X

'^^jSt3 pref. id. X noun m. s. dec. 6 h. (§ 35. r. 12)
''Dn^n'^K^ •I pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. m.; -I bef. lab. n'px
7''K3 pref. 3 X id-, construct state
rn$«3 /'-I pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. s. m.; •")
id. n'px
fl?*S3 pref. id. X pr. name of a place
e ^'•npSS pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . Pl'?X
tYh*^2 X n.f., pi. of n)»S or n^»S (§ 42.r.5)
''D5''n^X3 pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. n!?x
•'D v'*SI3 pref. id. X noun masc, pi. of ?)X dec. 6 h.
D'>n${<3 pref. 3 for n3, -H? ]
D7'''X3 -1 pref. id. X pr- name of a place ; -1 bef. lab. f.^Li,i:!I
D'nP6<3 pref. 3,
. ^ [for ''o-,T
X3] r 'd- pl-> absolute st. n'?x
CKa '-1 Kal part. act. m., pi. of X3 dec. 1 a; -1 id. X13 •irn$K3 pref. id. id., suff. pers. pi. Pl'?X
X 1

«'nO''N3 pref. 3 X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. 'P)-1?St3 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. la. . e|^x
*D^P"'N3 -1 pref. 3 for n3, -nS X noun masc. pi. of
{J'•17^<3 pref. id. X pr. name of a place. tJ'^x
[D''K, or DJX']; -1 bef. lab. .

*D^'?''^i<3 pref. 3 for n3, •n3 X n. m., pi. of h'h\< d. 1 a. b^x

PK3 "•"! pref. 3 X ^-dv., prop, noun masc. sing.,
'D^^N3 -)
constr. of dec. 6h; id. " 7X hx
X noun masc, of

L > pref. id. pi. dec. 1 a.

ti'^X3 pref. 3,
f. PIS,' -113
t -
") noun masc. s. dec. 1
r T • : : I

K^iNS pref. 3 q. V. (comp. § 45) "D^X3 -1 pref. 3 X n. m. s. for dS-1K q.v.; -1 bef.

*P!E'"'X3 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. "VnbppXS pref. id. X noun fem. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing.

'|-1tJ'''«3 Kh. |iK'''K3 see the following, K. |•"l^^{^,pref. masc. from HJD^X
T T - ;
dec. 11a. D^X
3 X noun masc. sing. R. \m "PXII pref. id. X n. m. pi. constr. from JvX dec. 1 b. ^1X
"PC*S<3 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing.
t)?X;3 pref. id. X noun m. s., (suff. ''Sp^) dec. 6a. fl^x
"irCNS pref. id. X noun m. sing, (no vowel change)
\S?SI3 pref. 3 before , , X 'd. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing.
"11X3 ) Kh. TjXh-l (q.v.?), K. •?IX3';, defect, for
masc, K. V^^' (§ 4. rem. 1) Pl^X
^^«^T(q.v.) .
'." . K13
"•DbX!! pref. 3 X id- pi., construct state t]^X
^K3 '•1")
Kal inf. (Xi3), suff. 2 pers. sing, masc
^"T|K*3 dec. la. (§ 25. No. 2); -1 bef. lab.
I :
-1 pref.
r id. X
n. f. s., suff. 3 p.
s. m.; •"!
bef. ,
( . ,
n3S;3 id. for ^1^2 (§ 3. rem. 2) . . . K13
DN3 Kalinf. (X'l3) (§25.No.2) X13

3 ^3X nt3N3 pref. 3 for n3, -HS X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. DX
*'?bN3 pref. bef. , , X Kal inf. constr.
?nDX3 pref. 3 X n. f. s., suff. 3 p. s. f. fr. DX d. 8b. DX
'PDXS pref. 3 for HS, -113 X Kal part. act. s.m. d. 7 b.
n^-IOXS pref. 3 bef. .
^ X noun fem. sing, dec 10. px
•?5*^? ? X noun masc. sing. dec. 6c.
P''^*^- .
in>"lOX3 pref. id. X 'd., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. px
"73X3 X Kal part. act. pi. constr. masc.
pref. id.
'''JlM^XS pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. sing. . px
from bya dec.7b. ^3X 'Tjnj-IDXS pref. id. suff. 2 pers. s. m. [for ^^ni'] px
X id.,
n)DV55?3 pref. 3 bef. X Kal inf., suff. 2 pers. pi. m. masc. px
^..^ Dn3-ipX3 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi.

D?DK3 pref. 3 X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. .

'ni»X3 pref. 3 for n3, -n3 X n. f., pi. of n»X d. 10. DX
"•uippXa pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. pi. "DSffiXS pref. 3 X n. f. s., suff". 2 p. pi. m. fr. DX d.8b. DX

« Nu. 35. 21. / Eze. 40. 38. ' Pr.20.20. 1 Nu. 26. 10. " Ex. 6. 3. ' Is. 48. 1. * .Tos. 24. 27. » Eze. 40. 39. - Ps. 89. 34.
» Ps.54. 9. g Ezr. 3 3. "Pr. 7.9. ' Mai. 3. 11. y 2 Sa. 18. 9, 10. rfllo. 14. 1. ' Ml. 7. 5. « Is. 13.22. • Ps. 89. 50.
' Pr. 1.26. * .Te.50.38. "Ge. 49. 24. « I.a. 1.11. « Nu.26. 64, ' Nu.33.4. * Ps. 97. 7. p De.29.11. ' Eze. 43. 13.
* Pr. 2. 19. ' Pr.26. 20. " Ex. 13.11. ' Nu. 1.5.19. « Da. 6.24. / Is. 8. 21. ' Is. 57. 5. </Mi. 7. 6. « Ho. 2.4
' Da. *Nu.5.27. P Ki. 2. 13. « Ex. Ps. 18. 30. g IIo. 12. •' Ex. U.

8. 7. 1 16. 3. » 7. 15.
LIX n^5n-^xn

njDN3 defect, for HJ-IOX]! (q. v.) . px ''5]X3 pref. 3=n3, -113] noun masc. sing. dec. 8d."J
•=n3pK3 pref. 3 X noun fem. sing. . px C1X3 '-1 pref. i q. v. '
for [5|3X] ; -l bef.
^, , j

*^n3pN5 pref. 3 bef. X noun fem. . , sing., suff. 2 pers. ^2X3 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. e|3X

sing. masc. from H^-IDX dec. 10. . 1?DX ^2X3 pref id. X id., suff. 1 pers. sing. !13X

OYSSa pref. II X Piel inf. O^SX), suff. 3 p. s. m. d. 7 b. ytDn 1''2X3 pref. id. X id. du., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. P13X

IT ;i~ ; — pref.
3" bef. ,
, X
name masc. . }*nx 'D^2X3 pref. id. X id. du., absolute state .

*lbS3 pref. 3 bef. X inf. constr. nox *n''i?''DX3 pref. 3 for HS, -nS X n.m.,pl.of [p''DX] d.3a. p2X
npK3 pref. 3 X n. m. pi. constr. fr. [IDK] dec. 6 b. "inx '?J2X3 "] pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., suff. 2 pers.")
npsi "'-I pref. id. X Kal inf., suff. 1 p. s.; 1 bef.
nox ^2X3 J
sing. masc. from PjX dec. 8d. J

'D5*"}PK3 -1 pref. id. X noun masc. pi., suff. 2 pers. pi. '032X3 -1 pref. id. X id., suff. 2 p. pl. m. ; -1 bef.

masc. from ["ipS] dec. 6b ; -1 id. -lOX '"?2X3 pref. 3 for n3, -HS X noun masc. sing. ^2X
/DnpS3 pref. id. X Kal part. act. m., pi. of IDS d.7b. nnx n?2X3 pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. (§ 42. r. 4) '?2X
D5"ipN3 pref. 3 bef. X id. inf., suff. 2 pers. pi. m. IDX " ni^QX3 pref. 3 before ^.., X id- pl- • ^2X
DipN3 pref. 3 X id. id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. 10X
"02X3 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., with suff. 3 pers.
t'^nipSCS pref. id. X noun fem. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing.
pl. masc. from fjX dec. 8d. . ei3X
masc. from [n"JpS] dec. 12 b. [for JIHY] nnx
DSX3 '-I pref. id. X noun masc. sing., as an adv. also
*npK3 pref. id. X noun f. s., constr. of HSX dec. 10. nx
pr. name masc. DDX bef. labial D2X
0''P"n ; -I

npj<!l "-1 pref. 3 before -

X noun fem. sing. (suff.
p2X3 pref. 3 before ,
X pr- name of a place . p2X
inpN) dec. 6 b. [for HJOK] ; -l bef. lab. . px ^12X3 3 n3
pref. for 113, X noun masc. sine. -I2X
»nnripK3 pref. 3 X noun f. s. dec. 13a. (§44. No. 1) nno 12X
"12X3 pref. id. X noun masc. sing.
^J^nripX3 pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. sing. nno
0)12X3 •")
pref. 3 X pr. name of a tribe ; -I before -1SX
D5''D'^?P^? P^'^f- id. X id-, suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. . nno nn"l2X3 12X
pref. id. X pr. name of a place
"irnhPipXS pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. pi. nnjD
V3VX3 pref. 3 X noun fem. sing. dec. 2b. (§ 31. r. 5) V3V
?ir)pS3 ") pref. 3 before X noun fem. sing., suff.")
3 pers. sing. masc.
|DX ij?3VX3 pref. id. X id., suff. J?3^
2 p. s. m. from nnS (q.v.) dec. 8b.J
pref. id. id., suff. 2 pers. sing, m., [for y3V
^ll^lVxil X j|j;3']
p'n:^2 Kal inf. (S13), fem. (§4.r.5) d. 1 a. X13
'Vn'yilVXS pref. id. X id. pl., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. y3i{
•1:K3 «'-1 id. pret. 1 pers. pi. (§ 25. 2); -1 bef. lab. xn
n'nV'^? ''"I pr^f- id. X noun masc. with pl. fem. term.,
••13X3 id. inf. (Ni3), suff. 1 pers. pi. dec. la. X13
constr. state from "1^'iX dec. 2b; -I before , -i\*x
K'i3K3 pref. 3 bef. X n. m. s. (comp. ^''ii § 45) K'3X
•••ri'lV'X? pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. sing [for "'H'] nvx
'nmX3 pref. 3 for n3, •n3Xn.f.s.d.Ilc. (§42.r. I) n3x
iT'n'lV'XS pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem.
•ririiSS pref. 3 X id. with suff. 1 pers. sing. n3X
'*3>^3 pref. 3 before X noun masc. sing. n3x
"^3X3 pref. 3 X n.m.s., suff. 1 p. s. from pX dec. 1 a. px 1X3 Kal not used ; Pi. — I. to engrare, as upon a tablet,

IT • t:it
3T for 713,
•113 X noun fem. sine.
- -^ ;
' ^ ;
dec. 10. n3x Hab. 2. 2. — II. to expound, explain.

nV3S3 y'-1 pref.

^ 3n before , , X
-^ id. pl.
r ; -1 bef. lab. n3x 1X3 fem. with suff. ^nX3, pl. nnX3, constr
-Tiir (t:)


pref. 3 bef.
^...^ X Kal inf. constr. p3X ni"lX3 (§ 35. rem. 10). — I. a well, cistern. — II.

'•{^'3X3 "'-I pref. 3 X constr. of the foil. ; -1 bef.

C'3X pit. — III. pr. name of a station of the Israelites in

D*K>3X3 pref. 3 for ri3, -^l^) n. m. pl., as if from] the desert, probably the same which is called "1X3

* D^t^jxia pref. 3 before ^..^ X J [^.5*?] d. 6, see \i^m]

DvX (well of heroes) in Is. 15. 8. — IV. a place in

v:iv I
-1 Ch. pref.
*^ 3» bef. , ,
(v:) X
n.m.s. d. 1 a;' 1 bef. lab. "IDX Judah, Ju. 9. 21.

''T'PDS3 pref. 3 bef. X noun masc. pl., suff. 2 pers. •X"! TD "1X3 pr. name of the well where the

sing. masc. [from DDX] rox angel appeared to Hagar. The etymology accord-
" well of life of vision,"
'"'SpSl3 pref. id. X noun masc. pl. constr. [from E|DX ing to Ge. 16. 14 is, i. e.

dec. 8 c. § 37. No. 3.] . t]DX life retained notwithstanding the vision of God.

^SpX3 pref. 3 X Kal inf., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . eiDX "X'") in pause for "XV^X"}. (comp. § 35. rem. 14)
'0320X3 pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. pl. masc. e]DX probably to avoid the concurrence of this accent
*'D"lpX3 pref. id. X Kal inf., suff. 3 pers. pl. masc. . "IDX with that of the preceding ""n?.

"E»t.2.2(). /Ps.122.1. 'Ge.42.28. ? 2 Sa. 17. 12. 'Jon. 1.5. ' Da. 4. 12, 20. * La.8.48; I».U.6.»' Ps.91. fi. » Pr.6.18.
*P«.14:i.l. irP9.1I9.133,148. -"Ge.W.ffl. 'Ex.10.26. J'Da.11.40. ''De.28.8. M)ii.ll.20. "Is. 59.9. '•2Ki.l6.8.
'l'r.8.28. «De.3. 11. "00.43.18,22. 'Ps.Sl.ll. '£26.26. 15. 'Ne. 12.25. * Ezc. 34. 13. • Ge.49. «. • 2 Ki. 20. 15.
'' r.ze. 3:i. 14, <.Ios. 24.14. ''P8.54.7. »lKi.9.27. «2Sa.2.31. /I.e. 2:5.39. ' Am. 4. 10. P 1 Ki. 20. 38. « Je. 49. 4.
•Joi<32. 14. *Ge.44. 12. P Je.S.l. «De.26.]4. » 1 Sa. 17. 12. «- Ho. 10. 10.
linDnnn-nxn LX t^'«!l-'^^^3

J?5^ *1^? {w<^ll of oath) pr. name of a city in 'nX3 "1

pref. 3 for n3, -HS X noun masc. sing.,

«nX3 '•nX dec. Ca. (§

the tribe of Judah, afterwards of Simeon. J
pi. c. 3.5. rem. 2)

N1Sl3 {well) pr. name masc. 1 Ch. 7.37. '^^nX3 pref. 3 before , ,
X id. pi. with suflF. 2 p. s. m. nx
mSS (id.) pr. name masc. 1 Ch. 5.6.
Dn"lX3 pref. 3 for n3, •
n3 X id. pl-, absolute state nx
nilXIl [wells) pr. name of a city in the tribe
niXa pref. 3 X noun com. sing. dec. 6 c. . mx
of Benjamin.

''33 nnxa
Gent, noun ''ri"IN3

[welU of the sons of Jaakan)

and contr. ^ri"l2.

,. .. .
pref. id.


name masc.
X id. pl., suff.

for 7M1, •
n3 X
3 p. s. m. (X

n. m., pl. of "l-IX dec.

§ 35. r. 9)

1 a.
pr. name of a station of the Israelites in the desert.
"TjIXS pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 6 c. . "i"IX
De. 10. 6, called ]pV^_ ^3? iri Nu. 33. 31.
'''JIXIl pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., suflf. 2 pers. sing.
'"1X3 (belonging to a well) pr. name. — I. the
masc. from "1X3 dec. 1 & 6. (§ 35. rem. 10) "1X3
lather of Hosea, Ho. i. i.— II. father-in-law of
"ijIXS pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 6 c. inx
Esau, Ge. 26. 34.
pi. m"lS3
)S3=-|b<3) masc. dec. la.
i. q. 113 a cistern.

pi. nh3.—


pref. id.
and region

X pr- name
X P^"-

of a region
name of a people

I. pit. — II. cistern. — III. dungeon or prison ; n*3
"J101X3 pref. id. X noun masc. sing. (§ 37. rem. 6) D"IX
"113 n prison-house. — IV. grave, sepulchre.
'n''nijp"lX3 pref. id. X id- pl., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem.
niDn "113 {cistern of departure) pr. name of a
as if from [npblX § 44. rem. 5] . Q"1X
place, 2 Sa. 3. 26.
ynn"'ni3?P"!X3 pref. id. X id. pl., suff. 3 pers. pl. masc. D"1X
"1_^3 i. q. "1K3 a cistern, Je. 6. 7, Keri.
*^*r!l3p"lX3 pref. id. X id. pl-, suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. D"IX
^la (for ^"1X3 q. v.) pr. name masc. 1 Ch. 7. 36.
13^ni3Pl'x3 pref. id. id. pl., suff. 1 pe'rs. pl. D"1X
nrn")3, ""rinS {my well) pr. name of a city 113*1X3 pref. id. X pr- name of a region pi
between Damascus and Hamath, Eze. 47, 16; XSnX3 "'-I Chald. pref. id. X noun fem. sing., emph.
2 Sa. 8. 8. of [V1X] dec. 3a; -1 before lab. J/"IX

Piel inf.; -1 before labial . . . ")S3 pX3 '-1 pref. 3 for n3, n3| noun fem.•
sing., (sufif.-j

id. pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. "1X3 pX3 pref. 3 q.v. dec. Ga; -lid.)
. . '-1
j ^V1^)
noun fem.sing. (§ 35. r. 10) ; ^ before labial ")X3 iV"lX3 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. px
•1 pr. name masc. ; 1 before ... . . "IN3 nivixi pref. 3T for n3, •n3-

pref. 3, for HS, • n3 X noun masc. sing. . n3"l



pref. 3 before
T : ' •-

id. pl., absolute state px

, ,

I \-:iT
pref. id. X noun fem., pi. of n3"1X dec. 10 * n'iy"!X3 pref. 3 X id. pl., construct state . px
also pr. name of a place . . . aiN *^"!X3 pref. id. X id. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing. px
pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. sufF. 3 pers. pi.

masc. from [3"1X] dec. 6 c. . . 3"1X

y3-)N3 '•1 num.card.f.(§ 30.r.5) ; -1 before j;3"l '1]V")X3 pref. id. X id. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem.
*'-1 id.m.constr.nj?3' (§ 42. r. 5); -1 id. y3~l D3 V"!^?3 '' '-1
pref. id. X id. s., suff. 2 p. pl. m. ; -1 before

pref. id. X id. pi. com. (§ 30. rem. 5) . )i2~\ D^"!X3 pref. id. X id. sing., suff. 3 pers. pl. masc. id.s.m., constr. of nj;3")X (§ 42.r.5) y3") •13^"1X3 pref. id. X id. sing., suff. 1 pers. pl.

•1 pref. id. X n. m. s. ; -1 before labial, see R. 'J1X 'n "1X3

'if pref. id. X id. pl., construct state

pref. 3 X for n3, •

03 ; noun masc. sing. T3"l Dn'V")X3 pref. id. X id. pl., suff. 3 pers. pl. masc. .

MT T ; - IT


pref. id.

name masc.
X noun masc.
of a place (1X3) with local
sing. ; -1 id.


id. pl.
fem., pl. constr,

constr., dec. 6. (§ 35. rem. 10)

from "1X3, dec. la. .

pref. 3 [for 'X3 j X pr- name of a place . D"1X ^5n-1 •! to stink. Niph. metaph. to become odious to any
pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 3 a. . n~lX one, const, with 3, JIX of pers. Hiph. — I. to

pref. 3 before .,
X id-, construct state . mX cause to stink, Ec. lo. i. — II. metaph. to make loath-

pr. name of a place . . . "1X3 some, odious, const, with 3. — III. intrans. to stink:

noun m.with pi. fem. term, from "1X3, dec. 1 a. "1X3 metaph. to be odious, 1 Sa. 27. 12. — IV. to act

iin;!:nnn-^i^n LXI iin^n::i-nxn
badly, wickedly, Pr. 13. 5. Hit.hp. to make oneself nK3
Ksd pret. 2 pers. sing. fem. ; -1 id. X13
odious, const, with DJ/, 1 Ch. 19. 6. «:ps3 :[
^Vi2 Chald. to be evil, only Da. 6. 15, const, *nris3 id. pret. 2 pers. s. m. for nN3 (§ 8. rem. 5) xn
with by, to be displeased at. 'nins3
I :
pref. 3 X noun com., pi. of fTli^ dec la.

L*^K3 masc. with suff. iCJ^Na (§ 35. r. 10) stench. [for nix] ; -l before lab. . mx
W^ii2 masc. pi. bad, unripe or sour grapes. '•1 Kal pret. 1 pers. sing. (§ 29. rem. 2); -1 id. X13
Is. 5.2,4. '•1 id. pret. 2 pers. pi. masc. ; 1 id. N13
K'-'lNa Chald. masc. adj. (§ 67. rem.) bad, pref. 3 X pr- name of a place Dn»
wicked, Ezr. 4. 12. Kal pret. 3 pers. sing, fem., suff. 1 pers. pi. X13
ntJ*X3 fern, a bad plant, weed. Job 3 1 40. . /npS3 Chald. pref. 3 [contr. "10X3] X noun m. s. inx
C^X3 "'I pref. 3 for n3, -nill n. com. sing. dec. nhx3 defect, for ninX3 (q. v.) . . , mx
^a 3 X Kal constr. (§21.r.2); X13
tJ'Nl *'-1 pref. 2 J
8b; -1 before lab. '•1
pref. inf. -l bef.

*in^K2 '-1 pref. id. X pr. name of a place; -1 id. . llli} ^nS33 pref. 3 for HS X noun fem. sing. . XI

'nnB>sil -1 pref. 3 for n2, -H^ X n. fem., pi. of TMiyH' *ns33 pref. 3 X Kal inf. (Xi3) with parag.H (§21.r.2) X13
dec. lie. (§ 42. rem. 4) ; -I id. . IJi'X 1 pref. id. X id. with suff. 3 p. s. f.; -1 bef, X13
''^B'^?a '-l noun fem. s. dec. 10. (comp. § 45) ; -I id. mn iX33 '•1
pref. id. X id. with suff. 3 pers. s. m.; -1 id. xn
"nj^si noun fem. sing li'Hl pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. sing. xn
AiyVi2 noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing, masc
pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. xn
from K'Sa dec. G. (§ 35. rem. 10) . B'.Xl

Dfi^l ') pref. 3X pr. name of a country; -1 before ^.^

'T}^ pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. . X13
«-D''K'Ki noun masc. pi EJ'Kl DS33 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. X13
^nW''B'S3 pref. 3 for n3, • n3 X n.f.,pl.of n^''m dec. 10. C^B^X pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. fem. . xn
9i3B>K3 pref. id. X "o^n masc. sing., pi. nPSETK
pref. 3 bef. X P^- n. in compos. ^5!?' 1X3 "1X3

(§ 36. rem. 6. & § 44. rem. 5) . . ^SK' ^333 pref. 3 X pr. name of a city and country

DK'KS n.m.s.,suff.3pl.m.from:j'N3dec.6.(§35.r.lO) ^m •"n333 pref. id. X noun f. s., constr. of [n33] d. 10. 3U
'HDK'NS pref, 3 X noun fem. sing. dec. 12 a. . . DK'S "•7333
- pref. 3 for n3 X in pause as if from ["=133

VDK^NS 3 before § 25. rem. ".

X noun masc. pi., suflf.
pref. 3 pers. 2.] . . ,

sing. masc. from L^H dec. 4 c.. . DK'X pref. id."| noun masc. sing, (with suff. nJS)
"D"'3)?K'X3 pref.3forn3,-n3Xn.m.,pl.of[IOK'X]dec.8a. \m pref 3 J
dec. 6a. . . .

"nnOK'KS pref. 3 X noun fem., pi. of H-JIDK'SI dec. 10. "IDti^ '"11^33 pref. id. X id., Ge.39. 1 2 (inf. Ex.2 1 .8) suff. 3 p.s m , 123
nnbK'NS pref. id. X id. s., constr. st. (§ 39. No. 3. rem.4) IJOC' pref. id. X id. pl.suff.3 VT (§4.r.l) 133
TipK^xi pref. id. X n. f. s., constr. of niOEj'X dec. 12 a. U^H pref. id. X id. pi., constr. st. in
«-1J''nbK'N3 pref. id. X id.suif. 1 (for ••
see § 4.r.3) DK^X pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. "IJ3

'DHDB'XS pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . . Dti^N pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.

'1jnipB^N3 1 pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. pi.; -1 before ^.^

DCJ^X 'Dn:33 pref. 3 for 113 X id. pi., absolute state . in
Mn2K^X3 ""133 3 X noun masc.
pref. id. X noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. pref. sing. dec. 8 d. .

masc. from nStJ'X (no vowel change) . ^l^H Chald. pref. 3 before X noun fem. sing, hn2
'^l?*?^^ ''I pref- 5 before X pfon. relat. and conj. . "It^K pref. 3 for n| X n. f. s. dec. 10. (§ 42. No. 3) hn2
"1EJ'K3 '-1 pref. 3 X pr. name of a tribe ; -1 before ^E^X N/ non33 '•1 pref. id. "| X "O"" f- »• dec. 11 (§42.
"TIK'KS pref. 3 before , ,
X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 *"! pref. 3 bef. (.J r.5); •1bef.lab.*Ezr.i.4

pers. sing. masc. from ["Wei's] dec. 3 a. "1w'i< 'ni»n33 pref. 3 X id. ph, constr. st. (cornp. § 42. r. 1) nn3
'nK'KS pref.3 X n.m.s.,suff. 1 p.s.from [IK'S] dec.6c. "l^i'N ''npn33 pref. id. X id. sing., constr. state (comp. id.) Dn3
nC'xi -1 pref. id. X noun f. s. dec. 13 c; -I before ^.^
EJ'^X •1 pref. 3 bef.
^.^ X id- sing., suff 2 pers. sing.

yiriEJ'5<3 =^'-1
pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing, m.; -1 id. l^^H masc. [from npn3 dec. 13. see § 44. r. 3] ni2
i;bnb'S3 pref. id. X pr- name of a place . . yoe* '^•ijnDn33 •1 pref. id. X id. sing., suff. 1 pers. pi. see the

riK3 '•! Kalpret. 2 p.s.m. f§ 25. No.2.f.); -"I bef.lab. KU preceding ; 'l bef. labial C12

' 2 Sa. 23. 7.

pnn:in-mnnn LXII Yrg^^-rnrinn
•n"in32 pref. 3 for 113 X noun fern, sins;., pi. niinS n'?33
id. with pai'ag. H . . . ^?3
(§ 42. No. 3, & § 44. rem. 5) . . "inn nn'?33 •1 pref. 3 X pr- name fem. ; -1 bef. ., . rV?2
it: • :

Sni '•) pref. 3 X Kal inf. constr. dec. 1. (§21.

'>?3 pref. 3 bef. ,.) X (prop. subst.) adv. . n73
rem. 2) ;
-1 bef. • • • • ^13
(.) N'''?33
i"T ; -
Chald. pr. name of a people, pi. emph. [from
ixi33 pre£ id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . N13
'^33 § 63] hb2
DK133 pref. id. \ id., suflF. 3 pers. pi. masc. . N13
pref. 3 X Piel inf. constr. . . . J?^3
*{Xi33 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. fem. . ^513
n|?33 pref. 3 for n3 X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. . D13
'p33 -1 pref. 3 for 03 X noun m. s. ; •"!
bef. labial
Y)2 ni»33 pref. id. id- pi D13

"1133 '''•1 pref. id.") noun masc. sing. dec.

ec. 1, for]
"(-13 'Dni»33 pref. 3 X id. pi., suflF. 3 pers. pi. m. (§ 4. r. 2) ni3
nn3 pref. 3 q.v.J nK3 q v.; but Jobg ,30, see R.J

!r|33 pref. id. X noun m. s. constr. of |3 irr. (§ 45) 1133

n-T33 -I i)ref.
f. 3 f. HS
^ '
} noun smg. fem. X -l id. TT3 1 pref. 3 bef. ^. X id., suflF. 3 p.s.f.; -1 bef. lab. n:3
^-,,-- , . IT ; • ^
/n-|33 -1 pref. 3 q. v.
-'1333 pref. id. X id., suflF. 3 pers. sing. masc. . 1133
PT33 -)

"Dm? pref. id. • al inf. constr. bef. lab. il33

^ril pref. id. X pr- name of a place (5 35. r. 2) pT3 •1
X ; •)

ni333 pref. id. X noun fem. pi., constr. of ni33 see
D''")n33 pref. id. X pr- name of a place in3
n3 irr. (§45) n:3
«nntp33 -1 pref. id. X noun sing, fem.; -1 bef.
n'' 151333 •1 pref. id. X id., suflF. 3 pers. s. f. ; -l bef. lab. 1133
|t333 pref. 3 for n3 1^ noun fem. sing. (suff. ''Jp3)
* '^)n'l333 pref. id. X Kal inf. (ni:3), suff. 2 p.s.f. for "qH' n:3
|t?33 pref. 3 q. v. dec. Ga. .
J pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. . n33
n3p33 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. . ]*i33
•'li'n'b':?? •1 pref. id. X noun fem. pi. (ni33), suff. 1 pers.
i3p33 pref. id. X id., suflF. 3 pers. sing. masc. . 1123
pi. see n3 irr. (§ 45) ; -1 bef. labial .123
*'^JP33 pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. [for jl?'] ]^2
'•1 X, constr. of W'^2, see j3 irr.

<1Ij;p33 pref. id. X id., suflf. 2 pers. sing. fem. . |t33

(§45); also pr.n. in compos, pj?.''. \333;-l id. 1123
''33 [for ''22'] pr. name masc. etymon not known.
«.T:33 •1 pref. 3 X id. pi., suff. 3 pers. s. f.; -1 id. n23
*P33 pref. 3 X prep., prop, constr. of [\\2] d. Gh. |''3
pref. id. X id-, pi. suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.
'nrsi pref. 3 for n3 X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. .
P3 ^^•333 *'•! pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 2 p. s. m.; •! bef. , n23
"'Kril''33 Ch. pref. 3 x"n. f. s., emph. of [N"J''3] d.8a. TS : ^

0^33 pref. 3 for 113 X id. pi-, absolute state
'ri^33 -) " T

pref. 3 X pr. name of a tribe, see PP'J3 n23
"' "'
~ noun masc.
^._ ._
sing. irr. ^^ ,^, ^^^
n^33 ' =
(§ 45)
J f-
'••'iyil33 pref. 3 X noun masc. pi. (D'33), suff. 1 pers.
I" T :
ni'^S pref. 3 q. V. J pi., see |3 irr. (§ 45) . .123
N n^33 '•")
pref. id. X id. constr. St. Heb.&Ch.(§ 68), also
•1 pref. 3 bef. X noun fem. pi. (niJ3),
pr. n. in compos. ?N'n''33, &c.; -I bef. , ,

suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. see Jl? irr (§ 45) .123

nni Kh. nn3, K. IT'S (q. V.) .
D3rijl?3 pref. id. X Kal inf. (ni33), suff. 2 pers. pi. 1123
"Pin''33 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing.
pref. for 113 X n. m. s. dec. 6d, also pr.] .

fem., from n^3 irr. 45)

^y33 name m compos, as pDH y]l22, &c.
in"'33 "'-I pref. id. X id., sufF. 3 pers. s. m. ; -1 bef.
pref. 3 bef.
^.j X id. pL, suff. 3 pers. s. m. ^^3
*ri''33 pref. id. X id., suflf. 1 pers. sing. Heb. and
'"fi3 pref. 3 for .13 X noun masc. sing. . . pV3
Chald. (§ 68) ; -1 id
"yv33 pref. 3 X n. m. s., (suff. ij?V3) d.G a (§ 35. r. 5) ]}^2
\n^33 name 1V3
pref. id. id., suflf. 2 pers. sing. masc. nnv33 pref. id. X pr- of a place . .

j' pref. 3 for 113 X noun fem. sing. dec. 12 b.
: :
n'^i?33 .
«Dnn3333 pref. 3 bef. X noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers
pref. 3 X id., construct state
nj^i?33 . . J/p3
pi. masc. from "1133 dec. la.. ip33 i-'-l pref. 3 for 113 X n. m. s. d. 4a; -l bef. lab. Ip3
llTT -
'333 pref. 3 for PIS ") noun masc. sing. dec. 6i.
"11533 '•1
pref. id. X n. m. s. d. 6 c. (§ 35. r. 9); id. -1

'333 '•'1
pref. 3 bef. (§ 35. r. 14); bef. lab.
^. J -1

pref. id. X noun masc, pi. of lp3 dec. 4 a. Ip3 .

0333 pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 1 a.

pref. 3 bef. X id- sing., suff. 2 pers. s. m. "Ip2
'11333 pref. id. X id., suflF. 3 pers. sing. masc. •1 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. m.; -l bef. lab. Ip3
'•13-1P33 •1 pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. pi. ; •! id. . Ip3

• Le. 13. 25. 26. /Da. ll.;«. I

Job 39. 17. 1 Ps. 136. 10. ' Ps. 78. 58. ' Jos. 22. 16. K Ex. 13. 13. ' Jos. 22. 19. ;'lCli.l2.40.
« Eze. 42. 13. *Is.30. 15. "' Ezr. 6. 2. -•
Joel 2. 12. y 28. 56.
l")e. '' Ex. 10. 9. * 2 Ch. 21.14. '" Ex. 21. 29. 1 De. 15. 19.
»2Cli.2. 13. * Pr.22. 18. " Pr.7. U. » De.
15. 19, ' Ex.32. 29. ' De.28.57. ' Ex. 10. 9. » Je.S8.22. -•
Ho. 5. 6.
^ Je. 38. 6. ' Ge. 25.23. • 2Ch.7. U, ' Jos. 6. 26. • E7.e. 17. 17. / 1 Sa. 16. 1. * Ne.11.28. • Is. 33. 15. • Ex. 10. 9.
• Ps. 88. 7. P Is. 3.7. • Hab. 1. 13. » Eze. le. 31. "Pr.n. 2. "Am. 6. 12.
pn^m-^na^pnn LXIIl pnM-mnnn
pref. a X n. f. s., sutf. 1 p. s. from ni?'i?a d. 10. C'pa * 031133 pref. 3 X noun fem. sing., sutf. 2 pers. pi.

4-133 pref. 3 for na X noun masc. sing, [for 13'] ~l"ia masc. from 113 irr. (§ 45) . . . 7)22

pref. a X noun masc. sing. dec. la.. . TQ

pref. 3 for n3 X noun m. s. ; bef. -1 lab. 1*13 [J5] M'-i' only Eze. 25. 7. Kheth. (K. T3) found be-
sides in the compound 33J1S q. v.
1 pref. id. X noun masc. with pi. fem. term.

from "113 dec. 1 ; -I id. . . . ")S3 niS33 pref. id. X noun fem. sing, (no vowel change) ilXJ

pref. 3 X noun f. s., sutF. 1 pers. sing. d. 1 b. n")3 jiwil pref. 3 bef.
^ . ^ X n. m. s., constr. of |1K| d. 3 a. ilKJ

^•1 pref. 3 f. n3) noun masc. sing.; 1 before]

'D31i<jl3 pref. id. X id., suflf. 3 pers. pi. masc. . nUi
l^T-a *ri1K33 pref. 3 X noun fem. sing., constr. of niX|
'•1 pref. a labial, *2 Ch. 2. 6
J .J
(no vowel change) HNi
*o"i?i pref. 3 bef. , ,
X ^^1 inf. constr. ma . . .

ma n-1N3a pref- id- X noun fem. sing. . . . HSJ

pref. 3 X id., suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc.
'"iniK33 '"'-1 pref. id. X noun fem. sing., 3 pers.

pref. id. X id-, suflf. I pers. sing. ma suflf.

I* :
sing. masc. from niX| (q. v.) bef. HNJ
pref. id. X id-, suflf. 2 pers. sing, masc, . m3 ; -1

pref. 3 for n3
3^3 pref. id. X pr. name of a place . . 31J
noun fem. sing. dec. la. m3 "il3J3 pref. id. X noun masc.sing. dec. 6c. (§ 35. r. 5) il33

r '
pref. 3 bef. , .
in333 pref. id. id-, suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. rl33
pref. id. X id., suflf. 3 pers. sing, masc ma X .

"0(1333 pref. id. id-, suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. rl33

pref. id. X id-, suflf. 1 pers. sing. ma X .

m3 >13jI3 pref. 3 bef. X noun masc. sing. dec. la. 733

pref. id. X id., suflf. 2 pers. s. m. [for Jin^^3]
P'?I^^'?-1333 pref. id. X id- pi-, suflf. 2 pers. s- m. [for 'rj)]?'] ^33
pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. lie. . "TI3
pref. 3 X Piel inf. CT?3), suflf. 3 pers. sing.
?D?-ia33 pref. id. X id. sing., suflf. 3 pers. pi. masc. . 733

masc. [for 1313 dec. 7 b.] . . . "|na '•13.'?-1333 pref. id. X id. sing., suflf. 1 pers. pi. . ^33
pref. id. X n. f. s., constr. of ""1313 dec. 1 1 c. "jia •11333 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. lb. . . 133
pref. 3 for HS X noun m., pi. of CbS dec. 6. 0^3 ni-ia33 pref. 3 bef. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. 133

pref. id. pr. name of a region bef. lab. \\i^2

'nil'13'33 pref. id. X id- pi 133
X ;

1^2 Onni? pref. 3 for HS X noun m., pi. of 11311 dec. 1 b. 133
IT T -
pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 4 c. .

-ibna pref. 3 bef. id-, construct state "IC^^a

"ni-1333 pref. 3 bef.
^.^ X
noun fem. sing., constr. of
... X .

^11^^22 pref. id. id-, suflf. 3 pers. sing. fem. "It^a

ni-133 dec. 10. . . .133
X .

'*'^'?'22 pref. id. id., suff. 1 pers. sing. bef. lab. "1^3 'ni-1333 pref. id. X id. pi 133
X ; -1

pref. id. id., suflf. 2 pers. pi. masc. ")ti'3 'ini-1333 pref. id. X id. sing., suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc. 133
X .

''b"ib'22 pref. id. id-, suflf. 3 pers. pi. m. bef. lab. "02 yVm-1333 pref. id. X id. pi-, suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc. 133
X ; -1

n^aa "'•1
3 X noun fem. sing. dec. 13 c. "jini-nn -1 pref. id. X id- s-, suff. 2 p. s. m. ; -1 bef. lab. 133
pref. (§ 39.

No. 4. d.) ; -1 id J^13 "DniWJIl pref. id. X id. sing., suflf. 3 pers. pi. masc. . 133

'•IJriK'22 pref. id. id-, suflf. pers. pi. K^13 *nn333 pref. 3 for ri3 X ncun fem. sing. dec. 13a. 1133
X 1

nai nJ3 iJin333 pref. 3 X id-, suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc. 1133
X noun fem.
pref. id. sing. irr. (§ 43)
*pm'aa •
•1 pref. id. X id-, suflf. 3 pers. sing. fem. 17333 pref. 3 bef. , ,
X noun masc. sing., suflf. 3
IT ;

comp. dec. 8e; -1 bef. n:3 pers. sing. masc. from >133 dec. la. . 733
'?,??-ij"'2a pref. 3 bef. name of a place, see '^55333 pref-id.Xid.,suflf.2p.s.m. [for^^3^ = '?I^-133] ^33
X P""-

bx-inS ; -1 id. ''Jl$333 pref. id. X noun fem., pi. of [n^-133] dec. 10. ^33
"n^^^-in^a pref. 3 bef. / . X noun masc. pi., suflf. 3 pers. V2i2 pref. 3 X pr- name of a place . . y33
sing. fem. [from ?-in3 dec. la.] ^n: ny3]l3 pref. 3 for -113 X pr- name of a place . y33
h. ^naa '•1 pref. a X noun masc. constr. of W'T\2, |i3;333 pref. 3 X pr- name of a place bef. ^33
^ I"* :
pi., .
; -1

see n*'? irr. (§ 45) ;

-1 bef.
. . n''3 ny333 pref. 3 X n. f. s., constr. of nj?33 dec. 12 b,
IV "ii :
•1 pref. id. X id. pi., suflf. 3 pers. pi. masc. n''3 also pr. name pp;33 n:;;333 . . y33
*"l^Piaa •1 pref. id. X id. pi., suflf. 2 p. pi. m.; -I bef.
^ . ^
n''3 "^11333 pref. 3 bef.
^.^ X "• fem., pi. of ni-13| d. 10. 133
D2^ii}22 pref. id. X id. pi-, suflf. 2 pers. pi. masc. . 71*3 •'^'1111333 pref. id. X id. smg., suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc. 133
D^naa pref. 3 for 113 X id. pi., absolute state . n''3 11)1333 pref. 3 X pr- name of a place . . , 333

" Est. 7. 3.
^nnn::-^Jl LXIV

1_ 1j3j to act covertly, to deal falsely, treacherously, const, MPI133 Kal pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. (§ 8. rem. 5) . 133
absol. also with }D, oftener with II ;
part. T^'t^ id. pret. 1 pers. sing, [for ''fll33 § 8. r. 7] 133
'^\1'1^3 noun masc. with fem. term, and 2 pers.
V treacherous person. pi. suff.

'1M2 adj. only fern. HHIJ^ (Kamets impure, sing. masc. from 133 dec 6 a. . . 133
§ 39. No. 3. rem. 2) treachejvus, Je. 3. 7, 10. Kal pret. 2 pers. pi. masc. . . . 133
13? masc. with suff. '•'IJ? dec. 6 a. (but in pause '*'i33 }Ch. pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., constr. of

— — """^

Je. 12. I.
§ 35.

rem. 2
garment. —
— IV. rapine,
& 4)
I. a covering, wrapper.

riolence. Is. 24. 16.

treachery, 3133

13 irr. (§ 68)

inf. abs
of a place
.... 7. 15. . . |
'11*133 adj. fem. s. [from 1133 m, § 39. No. 3. r. 2] 133
rtl33 fem. pi. treachery, Zeph. 3. 4. IT IT

K13 "^•133 T Ch. pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., suflf. 3]

«n33 Kh. nj3 (pref. 2) n. m.; K. 13 N3 v.)| V 113
" (q.
113 M133 J
pers. sing. fem. from 13 irr. (§ 68) j

1.33 in pause, as if from [133 § 35. r. 2] and

Ch. pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing, masc 113
133 '-1 n.m.s. (suff. '•133) dec. 6a; bef. lab. Chald. pref. id. X noun fem. sing. 1X3
*133 Kal part. act. sing. masc. dec. 7 b. 1i3
pr. name masc. etymon doubtful.
ni33 id. pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. . 133
«ni33 id. part. act. s. f. fr. 133 m. (§ 39. No. 3. r. 4) 133 ••ii? pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. la. . ni3

pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 3 p. pi. m. (§ 4. r. 1) 113
id. pret. 3 pers. pi. (§ 8. rem. 7) 133 D;'.133 '1 pref. 3 f. 13-)
id. pi., absolute state 113
1133 n. m. s., suff. 3 pers. s. m. from 133 dec. 6a. 133 «D;.i33 pref. 3 q. v.

''1-11il3 pref. 3 for 13 X noun masc. sing. dec. 1 a. 113 pref. 3 bef. , ,
(:} X
n. f. s., constr. of 11*13 d. 10.

713 'C3ri»133 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. 113
»/il33 pref. id. X adj. masc. sing. dec. 3 a. .

/nn33 noun fem. pi 133 1^133 •/'•I pref. 3 for 13 X noun fem. sing.; •I bef. lab. lb
*133 n.m. pL.suff. 1 p. s.from133 d. 6. (§35.r.3) 133 pref. 3 bef. X Kal inf. constr. . yi3

'•133 '-1
id. pi., construct state ; -I bef. lab. . 133 "1-133 pref. 3 X pr. name in compos. ?J^3"1-133 113

s'''133 id. sing., suflf. 1 pers. sing. . . . 133 pref. 3 f. 13")

noun masc. sing. dec. 2 b. t>13
*'133 ni3 ^113? pref. 3 q. v.
pref. 3 bef. X noun masc. sing. dec. 6i.
•lllill Kal part act. pi. constr. m. from 133 d. 7 b. 133 *rt3i pref. id. X id., constnict state b-^3

nn33 noun m. pi., suff. 3 pers. s. f. from 133 d. 6 a. 133 'ni^ii33

pref. id. X id. pi., absolute state ^13
T ivt: ^ ' ^ •••*.

Dn''133 id. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . . 133 pref. id. X id. s., sufT. 2 p. s. m. [for v'' ] Sl3
V133 '-1 id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing, masc; •I bef. , . 133 'nm pref. 3 for 13 X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. TT3

••;jn33 pref. 3 bef. X ^al inf. constr. , . TTi

id. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. 133
>- T' •
«nn33 pref. 3 X noun fem. sing. in
^"•133 ''-1
id. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. ; -I bef. lab. 133 "hm '''•1
pref. id. X noun masc. sing.

D3n33'"'^1 id. pi., suff. 2 pers. pi masc; •I id. . 133 ini

pref. id. X pr. name of a place (§ 35. r. 2) 1T3
nn33 '•! id. pi., absolute state ; -I id. . . 133 1T33
Dn3'3 Kal part. act. masc, pi. of 133 dec. 7 b. 133 Tiir'iii pref. 3 bef.
^ . ^ X n. f. s., constr. of 11T3 d. 10. 1T3
"•'13''133 n. m. pi., suff. I pers. pi. from 133 dec. 6a. 133 I'lnii? pref. 3 X ?>• name of a stream . . n''3

'''?133 pref. 3 bef.

^ .
, X n. m. s., constr. of "pnil d. 3 a. ^13 pref. 3 for 13 X noun com. sing. irr. (§ 45) X''3

?133 •I pref. 3 X noun mas'^. sing. dec. 6c ;

713 ^33 "•1 pref. 3X id., constr. st. (§ 37.r. 6); -1 bef.

''i?133 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . 7l3

> pref. 3 for 13 X noun com. sing. irr. (§ 45) ^'•3
rniVlJS pref. 3 bef.
^.^ X adj. fem., pi. of nVllJI dec.

10, from S'n3 masc ?13 pref. 3 X id., construct state (§ 37. rem. 6) K''3

TI^IJS pref. 3X n.m.s., suff. 2 p. s.m. fr. ^ij d. 6c !?13 "1^33 pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. la.. . 1*3

n'ni33 pref. 3 for 13 X noun fem., pi. of illlil dec. 'in'''33 pref. id. X i'^al inf., suff. 3 pers. sing, masc 1*3

lie (§ 42. rem. 4) . . . 113 i'D^?i3 Kheth., but Keri 0*133 (q. v.) . . 113

• Ge. 30. 11.

^nnin-yib:!^ LXV

pref. 3 for il2 X pr- name of a place ^^3 /3n33 •1 pref. id. X noun masc. sing. ; •! id. . 313

pref. id. X noun m. s. dec. 8d. (§ 37. No. 2) ^^3 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 3 a.. . 113
23n^3 pref. 3 bef. X id-, suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. 113
pref. id. X pr. name of a place
'*n-n33 pref. 3 X noun fem. sing. . . . 113
•1 pref. 3 X noun masc. pi. constr. from [P-l?!]
11^33 pref. 3 for 13 X noun masc. sing. . . T13
d. lb; -I bef.
*^)-|33 pref. 3 X n. m. s., suff. 1 p. s. fr. ^113 d. 2 b. ^13
pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc; -"I id.
pref. 3 f. 13-)
pref. id. X id. pL, sufF. 3 pers. sing. masc. „ _ • > noun fem. sing. dec. 6 c. . pa
pref. 3 q. v.J
•1 pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 2 p. s. f.; -1 bef.
^.^ in:?3 pref. 3 bef. , . X P""- name of a place 113
'D9\V-1|533 •1 pref. id. X id- pL, suff. 2 pers. pi. m.; id.
n-1^33 pref. id. X pr- name of a place, see 1-"1CJ'3

pref. 3 bef. ,
X[Dv|]d. la. •"pnp^33 Ch. pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers

pref. 3, contr. for ifl'DinS, Hiph. inf., suff. pi. masc. [from DK'I dec. 3. § 59] D*^'3

3 pers. sing. masc. (§ 11. rem. 3) "riB;33 pref. id. X Kal inf. constr. dec. 13 a. . C^33
•1 pref. 3 X Piel inf. [npjl], suff. 3 pers. sing. DnB'iiii pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc.
IT : • :

masc. ; -1 before ,. •
°n33 pref. 3 f. .13-)
„ _ • > noun fem. sing. dec. 6e.
^^^53 pref. 3 for HS X pr- name of a region ''033 pref. 3 q. v.J

"•1 pref. 3 bef. ,.-, X prep.; prop, noun masc. Nn33 IT ; •
pr. name of a eu«uch of Ahasuerus, Est. i. lo.

constr. of T'/Y dec. 4 c ; -1 id. hb: iri33 pr. name of a eunuch of Ahasuerus,
»^^Sa3 pref. 3X[7/a]d.6. (§35.r.3.) hb: N3n33
T IT :

Est. 2. 21 ; 6. 2.

'#?? pref. 3 bef. X noun masc. sing., suff. 2 pers. 13

> noun masc. sing. dec. 8d. . . 113
sing. masc. from 773' dec. 4a.. hb: 13
pref. id. X id-, suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. ^^3
to devise, feign.
03^Vj3 pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. !?^3
'^3X13 3
pref. bef.
^.^ X noun fem. s. ; -1 bef. lab. 3K1
pref. 3 f. n3l .
pref. 3 for 13 X noun masc. sing. . . 131
> pr. name of a region, see 1^73
pref. 3 q. V.J n3'i3 '•1 pref. id. X noun m. s. dec. 4a; -1 bef. lab. 131
pref. 3 for HS X noun masc, pi. of 703 •.- VT -
"•I") pref. 3 for 13 X noun masc. sing.")
dec. 8a. (§ 37. rem. 2) . . . bi2: -I3p »'-"lj dec. 6 a. (§ 35. r. 2) ; -1 bef. lab.

'}33 pref. id.|

id. )3'i3 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 4 a. . 131
noun com. sing. dec. 8d. 133
pref. 3 J
"•1 pref. id.
X Piel inf. constr. d. 7 b ; -I bef.
»n"'33J3 pref. id. X noun m. s. dec. lb. (§ 30. No. 3) 333 1313 pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 6 a. . . 131
pref. 3 bef. X noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. 1?13 y'-l pref. 3 bef. X noun masc. sing., constr.

sing. masc. from n333 dec. 10. 333 of 131 dec. 4a; -1 bef. lab. . . 131
•ni3|3 pref. 3 for X noun n3 f., pi. of n33' dec 10. i")3"13 '•1
pref. 3 X Piel inf. (131), suff. 3 pers.

*n33? •1 pref. 3 X noun masc. pi. constr. from [T33J sing. masc. dec. 7 b ; 1 id. . . . 131
dec. 6b bef.; -I T33 *''n3n3
IT :

pref. 3 bef. ..^ X noun masc. sing., suff. 3

D"'333 pref. 3 for n3 X n. com., pi. of \5 dec. 8d. pers. sing. masc. from 131 dec. 4 a. . 131
"bya3 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. bvi "^^313 *'-1 pref. 3 X Piel inf. (131), suff. 1 pers.

pref.3Xn.f.s.,constr.of n'i;^§42.r.l) *iy3 sing. dec. 7b; •"!

bef. ^
. . . . 131
pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. sing, 1J?3
"1.313 pref. id. X n. m. pi. constr. from 131 d. 4 a. 131
pref. id. X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. '*i]3n3 pref. 3 bef. X id- pl-, suff. 1 pers. sing. 131
masc. from [f]3] dec.8d. pia3 ''nn3i3
T T !-.• :

pref. id. X id. pl., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. 131
*'-1 pref. 5 for D? X noun com. sing., (suff. "17,313 pref. id. X id- pl-, suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . 131
\3p3) dec. fia; -"I bef. labial tS3 '^•1313 pref. id. X id. pl., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. 131
r T -
pref. id. X 'd. pi., absolute state
•1 pref. id. X id- id. (Kh. ^^313), K. 1"]313
'133 »'? pref. id. X noun m. s. dec. la; •")
bef. lab. 113 sing, with suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . 131

-r^pi-DDnnn LXYl ny2:ni-D:Dnn-Tn
pref. 2 X id. pi., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. 131
pref. 3 for ri3]
id. pi., absolute state
pref. 3 bef. _

'TO pref. 3 X Kal inf., suff. 2 p. s. m. [for

pref. 3 bef. X noun m. sing., suff. 2 pers.

sing. masc. [for T!3"|3] from "13*^ dec. 4a.

pref. 3 X Piel inf. 011). suff. 2 pers. pi.

masc. dec. 7 b. (§ 36. rem. 3)

pref. id. X id-, suff. 3 pers. pi. masc.
pref. 3 bef. ^^ X [for ^j?"7?] noun ra. sing.

dec. 6. (§ 35. rem. 10)

pref. 3 X pr. name of a place, for riK^3"1

•^nai? pref. 3 bef. X n. f. s., constr. of HJ"! d. 11 a.

to be sepaiiite, solitary, only part. Tl.13 solitary.

:v.?] 1.

— II. in the deriv. to devise, feiorn, comp. Nn3, Xt33,

-^ see 13 below.

^^3 masc. prop, separation, only as an adv.

ni37 and 113 solitary, alone.

113 {separation) pr. name masc. Ge. 36. 35.

13 masc. dec. 8d. — I. apart. — II. pi. D"'13parfs
of a body, members, limbs. — III. branches. — IV.
staves, poles; metaph. princes. Ho. 11. 6. —V. 13,
fine linen, pi. linen garments. —VI. pi, lies, comp.
113 No. II.—VII. 13^ separately, alone; »13^,

113?, '1137, &c. /, thou, he alone; {p 13^ and

13^P besides; h^ 13^, Eze. 1,6, and 1^^, l^jip,

Nu. 6. 21. besides that which.

ma ITT

name masc.
3 for 13 X noun masc.
.... sing. pi. 0^1-11

& Dnjl (§ 35. rem. 13) . . . IH

pref. 3 X pr. name masc. . . . Ill

I" T I : X n.m. pi. constr. [from Hll §35.r.l5] 111
pref. 3 for il3 X noun m., pi. of 111 d. 1 a. Ill
•1 pref. id. X (§35.r. 13) ; -1 bef.labial 111
Tm pref. 3 X pr. name masc. . . . Ill
*-i'i*ni pref. 3 f. il3

nm pref. 3 q.v.

noun masc. pi. constr. from 13 dec. 8d,

7.? pref. 3 X prep., prop, subst. masc. constr. of

^1 dec. 8d. (§ 37. rem. 6) . . H

pref. id. X pr. name of a place . .311
T ff-
noun m. pi., suff. 3 pers. s. f. from 13 d. 8d. 113
(perh. for H'' 1>?3 in the strength of the Lord,
IT : I"

comp. R. 11i<) pr. name m. Ezr. 10. 35.

nS^nn-niy^nn LXVII nb^ni-D^Dnnn;!

pref. 3 f. n2 ^
pt;'pnn3 pref. id. X pr- name of a place . . \>V.2'~\
^ absolute state
> id. pi.,
pref. 2bef.^.jj pref. id. X noun m. with pl. fem. term, and

pref. 2 X id. sing., suff. I pers. sing. suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. from IM dec. 1 a. IIT
pref. 3 for n3 X n. m. s., (pl. c. ''^f'T) d. 6 a. }2^1

pref. id. X P^- name of a place
Ch. pref. 3 X noun fem. s. (constr.) d. lb. m
''pb'012 •1 pref. 3 bef.
^.j X noun m. s. ; -1 bef. lab. pbJDl '^113 Chald. pref. id. X id- construct state . . m
pref. 3 X proper name of a place . . pi "KNiriiii Ch.pref. id. Xn.m.s., emph. of [Xn*?.] d.3b. Km
(for |^"|2 Danite, comp. "II^I?) proper name, »nsm3 Chald. pref. id. X id. by Hebraism . Km
raasc—I. I Sa. 12. u. — II. 1 Ch. 7. 17. pref. id. X n- f- s. dec. 1 a. (but constr. JTT) m
1" • IT
piuf. II X pr- name masc. pref. id. X pr- name of a place, see jm
") pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 13a.| n3
'1 pref. prep. 3 with suff. 3 pers. s. fem. (§ 5) 2

'•1J (§ 44. No. 1); -1 before

^.^ .J Chald. id. with suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . 3
pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. Kh. n3 q. v., K. 13 q. V. 3 . .

npani pref. id. X pr- name of a place pDT 'ii:33xn3 pref. 3 X Niph.inf. [p3Sn],suff.3p.s.m.d.7b p3X
'it; »!

^'•'l pref. id. X Hiph. inf. constr. ; -1 before *T1N

[pill Arab, tu tear, rend, in Heb. only as denom. of ^i*^3ni pref. 3 before X Hiph. inf. (KUH), suff.

pl3 to repair a breach, 2 Ch. 34. 10. 1 pers. sing., dec. 3 a.. . . K13
P73 masc. dec. 6 a, with sufF. "^pIS a breach, pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. pl. masc. . S13
rupture, in a building. pref. 3 X Hiph. inf suff. 1 p. sing., , dec. 1 b. £233

s-pns in pause ; Seg. n. as if from [p13] *^3n3 pref. 3 for n3 X n. m. s. dec. 6a. (§ 35. r. 4) ?3n
noun m. sing. dec. 6 a. (see the following) J pref. 3 X id- pl-, construct state . . ?3n
id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. \>12, ci,Q''I?3n3 pref. id. X id. pl., suff. 3 pers. pl. masc. . ?3n
*^pS . . .

"IpJlS (for 1p'^"|3 son of stabbing, i. e. slabber, pref. id. X Niph. inf., suff. 3 p. s. m., dec. 1 b. TMI
comp. *T v3) pr. name masc, 2 Ki. 9. 25. ""DS")3n3

pref. id. X Nipii- i"f- [**?.3n], suff. 3 pers.
IT :iT :

pl. masc, dec. 7 b.. . i<"l3

Chald. Pa. to scatter. Da. 4. 11. "''i''?n3 pref. 3 bef. X noun masc. sing., suff. 1 p.

pref. 3 X noun masc. sing, for IH . IH sing, from [i''an] dec. 3a. . . . JJn

*-i"»i3 •1 Ch. Pael pret. 3 pers. pi. m. ; -l bef. labial "112 •1 pref. 3 X Hiph. inf. constr. dec. 1 b; -1 bef.

'Dn"=j3 pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc. sing, [for Dl'^l'n] T\1 pref. id. X Hiph. inf. construct dec. 1 a. . TOl

-m pref. 3 f. nS" pref. id. X Niph. inf. construct . HPJ

pref. id. noun com. sing., (suff. ''3")'!!)"| '*ni?jn3 pref. id. X Hiph. inf., suff. I pers. s. dec. 1 b. Tv?l
pref. 3 q. V. dec. 6a; -1 before labial
.J i.tJ^.iiL'.3 pref. 3 before X P'- name masc. . HTn
'•I pref. id. pref. id. X Kal inf. construct . . C)*Tn

•1 pref. id. X id. s. with suff. 3 pers. s. m.; -1 id. "]"n nnn3 pref. 3 for n3, n3 X noun m. sing. dec. 4 c. IIH
IT T :

pref. 3 bef.
^.^ X id- pl-, sufif. 3 pers. sing. "*"^7l]3 pref. 3 before X id-, suff. I pers. sing. . "ITH

masc. (for VD' § 4. rem. I) . . "TIT '7163 pref. 3 X id. pl., construct state "nn . .

'',5113 ?'•"!
pref. 3 X id pl., constr. state; 1 bef.
1"n pref.n art. & 3 X, (suff."'3"lM) dec 6a. "yn
\?"il3 pref. 3 before X id- pl-i suff. 1 pers. sing. "^1 i.|JjniQ3 pref. 3 bef. (,.\ X P^- name m., see "1Ty"1"in T\?\

Dp/bii? pref. 3 X id. pl-, suff. 3 pers. pl. masc. . 'y\1 n"inn3 pref. 3 X noun fem. sing, constr. [of HilQ
|'n>5"il3 pref. id. X id. pl-. suif. 3 pers. pl. fem. . TlT decile, § 42. rem. 1] . . "nn
V3"j"13 pref. 3 bef. , .
X id- pl-. suff. 3 pers. sing. m. "|"n

^',5113 pref. id. X id- pl-. suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. '\T\ Root not used ; Arab. in3 to be void. Hence

pref. 3 X id- sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. Til "I (for in3) masc. emptiness.

'w T :•


masc. for
3 X


id. sing., suff.

X id- pl-. suff.

(§ 4. rem.
3 pers.
2 pers. sing.


. "]Tl


•1 pref.

•1 before
3 X Hiph.,bef.monos.forn>in
inf. constr. (§ 25. No. 2)

La. 2. 11.
j;nnn-D^SSinn LXVIII nitons -t^hh):nn

• D vpina pref. 5 for 113 X Kal part. act. masc, pi. of 'lypns pref. 3 before ^..^ X Hiph. inf. (r?n), suff
[^."pin] dec. 7 b hhr\ 3 pers. sing, masc, dec. 3 a. P3
pnS Chald. pref. prep. 3 with sufF. 3 p. pi. masc. 3 i'n''^^3n3 pref. 3 X Hiph. inf. construct .

'Dnp-inil],suff.3p.s.m.,dec.7b. ID"' '1:^33113 -l pref. id. X Niph. inf. (yjSn § 36. rem S)

iX^Vini pref. id. X Hiph. inf., suff. 3 p. s. m., dec. lb. J*^'' suff. 3 pers. sing, masc; -1 before W3
^X-iVinil pref. id. X id.. sufF. 1 pers. sing. . . XV*
^S''^in3 pref. id. 2 pers. sing. masc. XV* '"7.3113
pref. id. X Hiph. inf. construct dec. 1 b, m3
X id., suflf. .

•DX"'V'ini? -I pref. id. X id., suff. .3 pers. pi. m.; -1 bef. ^.^
SV' 'JllSnS pref. id. X Niph. inf. construct n"i3

"nnini"lin),suff.lp.s., nT ''D^B'Sn? -1 pref. id. X Niph. inf. [V?n], suff. 3 pers.

yK'inS pref. id. X pr. name masc. . . . V^'' pi. masc, dec. 7b ;
before ,..

X Hiph. n33

-1 pref. id.

dec. 10

pref. id.
X noun

-I before

fem. sing., constr. of [H-IH]

3 pers. sing. masc.



Niph. — to

he agitated, terrified, amazed.

1 pers.s. (§ 25.No.2)

X I. II. to

«D5*nn-Tn3 pref. id. X Niph. inf. [nnjH], suff. 2 pers. hasten, with ? after Pr. 28. 22. — III. to be ruined.

pi. masc, dec. lb. contrary to rule, for // Pi. — 1. to terrify, confound. — II. to cause to hurry,
Dnnn-rri; comp. '^^nins, Eze. 16.31. hasten, const, ace, 3, 7J?.— Pu. part, hurried,

*X3nn3 pref. id. X Niph. inf. construct K3n hnstfned. Hiph. i. q. Piel.

*DrQnn3 pref. id. X Kb. DtSnnS, Niph. inf. [TSHH 7113 Chald. Ithpe.inf./tosfe. Pa. to terrify, alarm,

dec. 7 b], K. DTSnS Kal inf., suff. 3 p. pi. m. Tsn n?n3 fem., pi. m?n3 fear, terror.

•1?''n3 Chald. fem. haste, Ezr. 4. 23.

DnS masc. a species of marbli', only Est. i. 6. /nSn3 noun f. s. dec. 10. (§ 42. No. 3 comp. note) ^113
nVnS pref. 3 bef.
^.^ X Kal inf. constr. (nrn § 13 «-i>>n| pref. 3 X Kal inf. ["pH § 18. rem. 3], suff. 3 p.
rem. 13, comp. rem. 1 and 2) sing. masc. dec. 8e.
invnS pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. .
'Tli^nS -1 n. f. pi. abs. from n^n3 (q. v.); •")
bef. lab. ^n3
*^rii*ri3 pref. id. X id-, suff. 2 pers. sing. fem.
')r^rhr\3, pref. 3 X Niph. inf. [DH^n], suff. 3 pers.
DDrii^nS pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc.
sing, masc, dec. 7 b..
./ Dn1^n3 pref. id. X id-, suff. 3 pers. pi. mtisc. .
IT T -: 1-

r 3- bef. ,
noun f. ft
pi., K.
'•UnVnS pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. pi.
Dn3' sing, with suff. from llS^n dec. 10. "pn
-"U^P^nS pref. 3 X Hiph. inf., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. 312'' "•"1
pref. 3 X Piel inf. constr.; -l before •p^r
73*n3 pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc. sing., dec. 2 b. ?3^^
b5\n3 pref. 3 X id-; construct state . . . PD'H
Root not used ; Arab, to be dumb.
•X^S'ipi Chald. pref. id. X n.m.,emph.of [^3^^] dec.2a. ^S-'H
nonil fem. constr. JlDIlS, pi. 7110113, constr.
ipp^nS "'•I pref. id. X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. niDn3 (comp. § 42. rem. 4) sing, with suff.

smg. masc. from 73''n dec. 2b; -I bef.

inpris (as if from nOHS § 42. rem. 5).— I.
vD'nS pref. id. X id. pi., construct state cattle. — IT. wild beast. By the plural, in Job 40. 1

' v3^n3 Chald. pref. id. X noun masc. sing., suff. 1 p. some stupendous quadruped is understood, accord-



from 73"'n
masc. sing.
before ,.. Y Kal
dec. 2 a.


constr. dec. la,

. . 73\"I

"in3 D113
ing to

some the hippopotamus,
pref. prep. 3

3 X pr. name of a region

with suff. m.(§ 5);
others, the elephant.

-1 id.

. JlDil

comp. nvn? n\T n?i)n3 pref. 3 q. V. X pron. pers. 3 pi. masc. with
in''n3 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . n\"l paragogic il (§ 5. rem. 7) . . DH
"••733113 pref.3XNiph.inf. n33n],suff.lp.s.,dec.7b. 133 npn3 '•"!
n. f. s. dec 11. (§ 42. r. 4 & 5); -1 bef.
'"•riisnS pref. id. X Hiph. inf., suff. 1 pers. s., dec. lb, "VltpilS pref. 3 X Niph. inf. construct, dec. lb. ^10
(§ 25. No. 2) . . . . . HD: "jipnS pref. 9 before, . X construct of the following ilDil

"P3n3 pref. 3 with the relat. art. for n3 (comp. PpOnil pref. ^ for 113, -113 X noun masc. s. dec. 3 a. il?3n

2 Ch. 29. 36) ; Hiph. pret. 3 pers. sing. m. ps niDn3 construct of the following . . . Dn3

• Ps. 73. 3. / Ps. 52. 9. ' 1 Sa. 25. 15. P Da. 4.1. ' Kze.32.15. « 2 Ch. 12. 12. •i
Da. 11. 34. * Je. 15.8. "Mai. 2. 17.
P8.31.14. f Eze. 6. 8. «" Ex. 30. 7. ? Job 37.21. «2Ch.l.4. • 1 Ki. 18. 4. Ex. 12. 13. 2 Ki. 8. 29. " Ge. 37. 22.
'2Ch.34.14. * Da. 10. 7. » Ezr. 5. 15. > Ex. 19. 16. ' Pr. 8. 27. »1 Sa.20. 15. / Le. 26. 16. * Na.2.6. Je.51.42.
<< Eze. 31. 16. ' 2 Ki.7.15. • Ps. 29. 9. • Ex. 14 18. y I'r. 25. 8. Ps. 37. 34. ir Job 29. 8. 2Ch.5.13. P Ec. 5. 9,
« Pr. 11. 6. * Eze. 16. 22.
jnnn-niDnn LXIX j;nnn-D^':>Sini

nitpni nnriBdcc. llc.(§42.r.4&5) Uni nSynS pref. id. X Niph. inf. construct . . IVy
•Tpn3 pref. 3 X Hiph. inf. construct . . . TIO •^3^^ari3 -1 Hiph. inf., suff. 2 p. pi. m. d. lb; -I bef.
*iysn2 pref. id. X Niph. inf., suflF. 3 p. s. m. dec. 1 b. PV3 «-''V''Sn3 pref.3bef.^..^XHiph.inf.[}*''E)n],suff.lp.s.d.3a. p2
iS>13nil pref. id. X Niph. inf. (X>'^n), suff. 3 pers. *'=I*Sn3 pref. id. X Kal inf. construct . . . "ISH

sing. masc. dec. 7 b. . . . i4VD 'hnQn3 pref. 3 X Hiph. inf., suff. 3 p. s. m. dec lb. T12
'Dnhprin -l pref. id. X Hiph. inf., suff. 3 p. pl.m.; -1 bef.
niD *inV'in3 pref. id. X Hiph. inf., suff. 3 p. s. m. dec lb. nV3
n.f.s.,constr.ofnpn3 decile. (§42. r.4&5)
id. pi.,

absolute state

id.sing., suff.3 p.s.f.

[fromnonS]; -I bef.
'Dp-Vni pref. id.

pll^ Root not used;

X id., suff.

3 p.

pi. m.

be white,shimng.
(§ 25. No. 2)



inpnS id. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . Dn3 pn'3 masc. only Le. 13.39, ^ ''i'^d of harmless

leprosy, consisting of dull whitish spots.

id. sing., suff. 2 pers. sin^ •ibef.
"•^^Sj^n? " '-1
pref. 3 X Niph. inf. construct ; -1 bef.
'QSFipnri '''-"I id. sing., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc; -1 id. ^K'nipni pref. id. X Niph. inf. [k^li^n] , suff. 1 p. s. d. 7 b. K'lp
Dnpn2 *'-1 id. sing., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc; •"!
id. •S'lriipnfl -1 pref. id. X Hiph. inf. constr. ; 1 before ^.^
'•linoni "•'•1 id. sing., suff. 1 pers. pi.; -1 id. .
pbi^^t)2 pref. id. X Niph. inf. construct . • /Hp
^yp.yji pref. id. X Hiph. inf. construct . . y)p
'^'•ViPOi pref. id. X Hiph. inf. construct . ^jVp
iilj Root not used ; Arab, to shut up.

•D3npn3 suff.3 lb. 3"lp
]T}3 masc, pi. niynZl (as if ])r[2 § 3").

— D33npn3 masc. 3"1p

rem. 9). — I. the thumb. II. the great toe.
pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. .

'D3npri3 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . .

jri3 {thumb) of a son of Reuben; whence

"nnb'pni pref. id. X Hiph. inf., suff. 3 p. s. f. dec. lb. HB'P
|n3"|3S,thenameofaplaceinJudah, Jos.i5.6;i8.i7.

jnS pref. 3, see lett. 3X, fem. of DH DH "ins Root not used ; Arab, to shine.
pref. prep.


noun fem.
3 with
of a place

sing., pi.

3 pers. sing. fem. (§ 5)

(§ 35. rem. 9) .

§ 44.
nnn3 fem., pi. nnn?
rem. 5) a shining, whitish scurf, sinking in the
(§ 42. No. 3 note, and

skin and having white hair.

"i«33n3 pref.3XNiph.inf.(X3|n), suff.3 p.s.m.,d.7b. i«33
T'nS masc. adj. bright, shining. Job 37.21.
•ins'33n3 pref. id. X id. [from niX33n § 23. rem. 9) i«33
'•1pref.3f.n3,-n3-) noun m. dec (§37.
"in3 s. 8.
P!133n3 pref. id. X Niph. inf. construct . . ^'ji
in3 '-1 pref.3 q. v. J
rem. 7); 1 before ^.^

n3n3 pref. 3, see lett. 3X pron. pers. pi. fem. with

pr. name of a mountain "Iin
*1*n3 pref. id. X .

parag. H, from DH masc. . . . DH m. HXI

'ini^nnk pref. id. X Niph. inf., suff. 3 p. s. dec. 1 b.
»m3n3 noun fem., pi. of |n3 (§ 3.5. rem. 9) . jn3 m. dec. HS")
y'ln'XinS pref. id. X Hiph. inf., suff. 3 p. s. 1 b.
pref.3 X Hiph.inf.constr.for^''mn (§ ll.r.2) ^TO
3*"in3 pref. 3 before .
X ^^i i^^f- construct . 3"in
pref. id. X Hiph. inf. construct dec. 3 a. . 1113
*2"in3 pref. 3 [for 3-inn3. 3-inn3],Niph. inf. constr.
'sb'3n3 •1 pref. id. X Niph. inf. constr. d. 7 b; -1 bef. ^£^3
(§ 13. rem. 8) . . . .

«DSb^3n3 -1 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc; -1 id. Nb'3 " D"'3-'l"in3 pref. 3 before X Kal part. pass, masc, pi.
-)'3yn3 pref. id. X Hiph. inf. construct dec. 1 b. . 13y of [J-nn] dec. 3 a 3"in
'iniyns pref. id. X Hiph. inf., suff. 3 p. s. m. dec. 1 b. Hiy
•1713 "'I pref. 3 X noui) masc. pi. constr. [for '•'^tn]

J'!l"'t3yn3 -1 pref. id. X Hiph. inf. construct; -1 before^., ^QV from "in dec 8. (§ 37. rem. 7); 1 bef. Tin

ni!pyn3 pref. id. X Hiph inf. construct dec. lb. . T^V ''innnS pref. 3 bef. X Hiph. inf. [nnH], suff.
'rm^r\2 "'-Ipref. id. X Niph. inf. constr.; -l bef.
rhv 3 pers. sing. masc. dec. 3 a. . . niT
»*ni^j;n3 \ pref. id. X foil, with suff. 1 p^rs. smg.; 1 id. nh]} D^in? pref. 3 for HS, -HS X noun m. [for n''"in],

•n$yn3 l pref. id. X Hiph. inf. constr. dec. lb; -1 id. nbv pi. of in dec 8. (§ 37. rem. 7) . . "Tin

'irvj?n3 1 pref. id. X Niph. inf. with suff. 3 pers. sing. ''D3P''nn3 pref. 3 before ^..^ X Hiph. inf. (Dnn), suff.

masc. dec. 1 b; -I id. . . . H ?y 2 pers. pi. masc. dec. 3 a. . . Dll

pref- id. X Hiph. inf., suff. 2 p. s. m. dec. 1 b. vb]} 'J^nnS pref. 3 X Hiph. inf. constr. . . . J/n

• P«. 46. 3.
K^^n-n^n:n ^.xx

n.ina pref. 3 X "• m. pi. constr. from [inn] d. 4 c. inn

"DTinS pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . . TIH
n"in3 noun letn. sing, see the following . . "IHS
*n'"in3 id. pi. absolute (§ 42. No. 3. & § 44. rem. .')) "in3

'j;'>3K>n3 pref. 3 X Hiph. inf. construct . . . ]}2^

''niynk Kh.nn.B'nsprefr n&2, K.contr.'nnbs.q.v. mb'
'Vab'nS pref. 3 X Hiph. inf. absolute as subst. . ^Sb
/'?''3K^n3 1 pref. id. X id. inf constr.; -1 before labial ^2b>
i-nsb'ni pref. 3 X nst?^n3 (comp. ^bnj for -^jn*)

Hoph. inf. construct (§ 18. rem. 14) . D»K^

* n:p^n3 preflF. H art. &3 X n. m. pi. [of
§ 38. r. 2) HD^
'•yip^ni pref. 3 X Niph. inf. construct . . . Vb^
''^2V.^ni ") pref. id. X N'ph. inf. Q^fPi), suff. 2 pers.

sing, masc, dec. 7b; -I before . jyjj^

"'bjyt^riS -I pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc; -1 id. ]W

"\:)^fr\i pref. id. X Niph. inf. constr. dec. 7 b. . bSB'
it3DK'n3 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers.- sing, masc . tODK^

f*jp^,"ib.p^n3 pref. id. X a Chald. form of Ilithpal. inf.

[nM^nntJ'ri § 47. r. 5] and suff. 1 p. 8. nnEj'

'•^SFlB'n? pref. id. X Hithpa. inf. constr. [for "^Q^'rin]

•FlDXnn3 pref. id. X Hithpa. inf. constr.

n^.nsnnS ' 'l Ch. pref. id. X Ith|)e. inf. (§ 47. rem. o)

•'ni?^nn3 pref. id. X Hithpa. inf. constr.

'^^^iDnnS pref. id. X Hithpa. inf. CSJ^nnn), suff. 2 pers.

sing. masc. dec. 7 b. (§ 16. r. 15.&§36.r.3)
''V'^in'?? l""ef. id. X Hithpa. inf. constr. (§ 20. rem. 1) W
T!|nnn3 pref. id. X Hithpa. inf. [-|3nnn], suff. 2 pers.
sing, masc d. 7 b. (§ 16. r. 1.5. &§ 36. r.3) "I3n
-IpinnnS i)ref. id. X Hithpa. inf. [|3rHin], suff. 3 pers.

sing. masc. dec. 7 b. (§ 10. rem. 7) . pn

* bn;:nn3 pref. id. X Hithpa. inf. constr.d. 7b. (§ 14. r. 1) bn»
'3]i;nn3 pref. id. X Hithpa. inf. constr. dec. 7 b. . 313
''XK^3nn3 pref. id. X Hithpa. inf. constr. . . m:
PjJSJjnni pref. id. X inf. constr. dec. 7 b. . ^D]}
' DQtSynnS pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc . PJIOJ?

'i^^Snn? pref. id. X Hithpa. inf. ("p.^Sn?!), suff. 3 pers.

sing. masc. dec. 7 b. (§ 10. rem. 7) . . ??D

V "13 '•! pref. prep. 3 with suff. 3 pers. s. m. (§ .5) 3

—^ Niil fut. K'13^ (4 21.r.2,3. & § 25. No. 2 f).— 1. to enter,

come or go in, const, with 3, ?X, p, also ace;

^^fn K3 the sun went down ; ^131 flXV to go

out and come in, i. e. to manage one's affairs,

with Oyn ""pQ? to go before, lead on a people


*T-13 pr. name of the father of the prophet Eze- down, (profane). Hoph. part, trodden under font.

kiel, Eze. 1.3. Is. 14. 19. Hithpal. part. id. Eze. 16.6, 22.

Ti3 Kal inf. abs Til ^03 {trampler) pr. name of a man.

T-12 ^'-l & "I noun masc. sing, also pr. name; 1 bef. D-13* (place trodden doion) the ancient name of

labial, for 1 see lett. I . . . T12 Jerusalem. Gent. n. "'D-'I3\

part. act. sing. masc. dec. 9 a.

fern. sing.
.... . . HTl

iT :

nD-13R fem. dec. 10 a. a

a treading down.
^ down, destruc-


Kal part.
id. pi.,

act. s.

constr. state

name masc.
m. (HTn),

suff. 3p. s, m.d.9a. nT2


Kal part.
Pilel pret.
2 Ch. 22. 7.

act. pi.

3 pers.
(§ 21.

... rem. 2) . D13

*nn'n -l pi. of nna q.v. -l before labial . . • ntl
^:n3 pr. name, see ""JTia in^ . . . IHti' 7 J^13 Root not used ; Chald. to boil, to swell up.

ni3'l3 Kal part. act. sing. masc. . . . nt23 riV3V3t$ fem. Mains, pustules, Ex. 9.9, 10.

nt3i3 '-I Kal part. act. sing. masc. dec. 7b; -I bef. lab. ntD2
Root not used; Arab, to be white, shining.
"'55 pr. name masc. Ne. ii. 18.
|'-13 masc.^ne linen, byssu^.

nT2 (Chald. nj?''3 & nyS) fem. dec. 10. only

Tl^S . Niph. part, perplexed, confused.
pi. C^S eggs.
n3-13?p fem. dec. 10. perplexity, confusion.
*V3 (white) pr. name of a man.
T\y\2 -1 Kal part. act. sing. masc. dec. 9 a. . . 1133
^•13 '^ noun masc. sing. ; -1 before labial . • }*13


id. pi.

noun masc.
fem. (§ 24.

absolute masc.

rem. 4)
. . . n33

part. act. sing. masc.

name of a rock .... . . . S?V3


'D7"I3 -1 Kal part. act. sing. masc. ; -I bef. labial . D?3

p'lS Root not used ; i. q. pp3 to empty.
?lpyi3 1 Kal part. act. sing. masc. [p!?i3], sufF. 3
np13 fem. emptiness, devastation, Na. 2. 11.
pers. sing. fem. dec. 7 b -1 id. . . p73

np-'l3p fem. emptiness, Na. 2. 11.

'np'13 noun fem. sing. p13

D'lil Root not used; probably to be high, Syr. D''3 a
J^pi3 Kal part. act. sing. masc. . . . i?p3
raised place,

pp"l3 Kal part. act. sing. masc. dec. 7 b. . pp3
n03 f. dec. 10. (pi. c. ^ni?D3 Kh. with double '1pi3 noun masc. sing. )p3
plural, ''n03 K. see § 36. r. 6).— I. high place,

hill, hillock, usually dedicated to religious worship, L1*IjJ cogn. TIS to examine, prove, Eccl. 9. i.

whether true or false ; niD3n '•^13 houses or

"1)2 Kh. "113 q. v., K. 1^,3 noun masc. sing. . 1K3
temples erected upon high places ; niD3n ''JHId "1*13 ''-1 noun masc. sing. dec. la. . . . ")N3
idolatrous priests. Metaph. spoken of the waves Kal part. act. s. m. dec. 7 b bef. labial X"I3
i<ni3 '-1 ; -1

of the sea. Job 9. 8 ; of the clouds, Is. 14. [4.

id. pi., suflF. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . N13
II. height, strong place.
*i"li3 noun m. s., sufF. 3 pers. s. m. fr. ~li3 d. la. 1N3
niOS (heights) and ^y3 DIOS (heights of Baal)

pr. name of a town in Moab on the river Arnon.

^^ (§ 21. r. 2, 3, 6) — I. to be ashamed, const, with |ID.

n3-13 ^ (discretion) ir.])2 i.q. |'*3)pr.n.m.lCh.2.25. — II. to be disappointed, to be confused, poylexed,

Kal part.

constr. state

name masc,
act. sing.

see ""33
masc. dec. 9 a. . . 1133


Pil. to delay.

Hithpal. to be ashamed.
to make ashamed, cause shame,

nK'-13 fem. shame, ignominy.

. . .

'>Vy\2 Kal part,, sufif. 3 p. s. m. fr. n3i3 d. 9 a. n33 n3K'3 fem. shame, Hos. 10. 6.
IT X :

Wy\2, p'^ id. pi., absolute state . . . n33 nK^3 fem. dec. 13c. (§ 39. No. 4d). — I. shame,
confuMon. — II. ignominy. — III. an idol.

lD^^J to trample upon, tread under foot. Pil. to tread K'-130 m. d. 3 a., only in pi. secret parts, De. 25. 1 1.

• Ca. 8. 7. •i
Pr. 14, 2. g Pr. 12. 18. * Job 40. 20. » Ps. 147. 2. I Zee. 10. 5. • Na.2. 11. '.Ie.6.7. J'Ec. 12. 1.
» Job Sl.'w. ' Mai. 1.6. • 2 Sa. 1.5.30. ' Am. 7. 14. » Ps.127. 1. ' la. 63. 18. 'Am. 7. 14. '
L«.11.86. ' U.36.16.
• Ne. ». 86. /2Ch.36. IC. ' La.l.lC. "111.24.1. p Ne.4. 12.
m>fin!i-tj^n LXXII l^m^n-tyQ


noun fem.
inf., or pret. 3 pers.

pret. 3 pers. sing,

sing. .....

m. (§21.
-1 bef. labial
r. 2)
tJ'n 'biT3

Kal pret. 3 pers. sing. masc.
Kal imp.
pref. 3 X

n. m.
s., suff. 3 p.
.... s. m. fr.

311 d.

1 a,

•"l^iil Kal imp. pi. m., or pret. (§21.r.2) tJ'U «nT3 Kal part. pass. sing. masc. . . . TT3
''^)2 id. imp. sing. fem. . . . . B'13 Kal part. pass. sing. masc. dec. 3 a. . . nT3
»D>^i3 id. part. act. sing. masc. (§21. rem. 2) . K'la '^•"IT3 •1 id., constr. state ; -I bef. lab. . . nT3
« 030^^3 Poel inf. [02^)2 § 6. No. 1] , sufif. 2 p. pi. m. id., fem. of ^-ITS nT3
[for D3pK>i2 or n?DtJ'i3 comp. § 16.r. 15] DtTl *nVvr3 pref. 3 for HS X Kal part. pass. sing. fem.

dec. 10. [from n3iT masc] . . Hit

|_n-|3j Ch. to pass the night. Da. 6. 19. Hence com- Kal pret. 1 pers. pi. . . . . TT3
monly derived D)! a house, q. v.

T3 Kal part. act. sing. masc. . . t13 *•!

(§ 18. rem. 13) to take as a prey, to spoil,

"Tja Kal pret. 3 p. s. m. (as if fr. TT^ § 21. r. 22) TU plunder. Niph. to be spoiled. Pu. id. Jer. 50. 37.

T3 noun masc. sing. dec. 8 e. . . . TT3 T3 masc. dec. 8 e. prey, spoil, booty ; T3/ ilVT

to become a prey; T37 |ri3 to give as a p-ey, to

[5^|il] i. q. TT3 to spoil. Is. 18. 2, 7. Others, i. q. J;T3 to be spoiled.

cleave, divide. n-T3 fem. pi'ey, booty.

'•1XT3 Kal pret. 3 pers. pi XriT3 {prey for Xfl-JS) pr. name of a eunuch

nxja /'-I pref. 3 for S', of Ahasuerus, Est. i. 10.

pron. demon, fem. s., see HT
nii.]2 pref. 3 q. v. '
J -•1TT3
pret. 3 pers. pi. (§ 18. r. 13. & § 8.
•'•ins tKal rT3
j»L-j_ f
pref. 3 bef. X pr- "• of ^ tribe; -1 bef. lab. br •nn
r. 7) -"ins anom. for -ITTS; -1 bef. lab.j

^n?!? pref. 3 for n3"j noun masc.sing., (suff. ""nillT)] '•ITJ3 •1 Pual pret. 3 p. pi. [for -irfS comp. § 8. r. 7) TT3
*n3T3 pref. 3q.v. dec. 6a. (§ 35. rem. 5) /n-ifn •1 Kal pret. 3 p. pi., suff. 3 p. pi. m.; -1 bef.lab tr3
'in3T3 pref. id. X Kal inf., suflF. 3 pers. sing. masc. n3T id. part. act. masc, pi. of [T.T3] dec. 7 b. . Tt3

*''n3T3 pref. id.

from n3T dec. 6a.

X noun masc. sing., suff.

(§ 35. rem. 5)
1 pers. sing.

. . n3T
id. pi., suff.

id. pi., absolute state

2 pers. sing. fem.

.... . , tt3
'«\n3|3 -1 pref.

before labial
^.^ X id.

.... pL, suff. 1 pers. pi.;

Kal pret.
"I Kal part.
1 pers. pi.

act. pi. masc,

. .

suff. 1

pers. pi.




3 X noun masc.

to despise,
sing. d. 3 a. (§ 32.

contemn, const, with ace,

r. 6)

?, ?J/.

n^nVT3 •
noun masc.
•1 pr. name
dec. 9 a


of a place
-1 id

IT ; 1:

Niph. part, despised. Hiph. to render contemptible. Kal pret, 1 pers, sing. . . . nt3
Est. I. 17. •1 pref, 3 X noun pi, fem, for fllpj (comp,
nT3 adj. masc. dec. 3 a, despised. Is. 49. 7. § 18. r, 12 note) from a sing. [pT for p3T] pJT

fV-TS masc. contempt, Est. 1. 18. Kal pret, 2 pers, sing. fem. . . , nT3
n^ni''t3 {contempt of the Lord) pr. name of a id, pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. , . nr3
town in Judah, Jos. 15. 28. ?-"13-OT3 pref. 3 X Kal inf., suff. 1 pers. pi, , . 13T
nT3p3 contemptible, 1 Sa. 15.9, Niph. part, de- m.from ???
pref. id. X Kal part. pi. constr. d. 7 b. P?r
nom. of a subst. nT3D. DDT
t; " pref. id. X noun, fem, sing, dec, 10, .

nt3 "'-1 pref. 3, see 3 "|

pron. demon. sing.~l •Dn^3ttT3 pref, 3 bef. ,., X noun masc. pL, suff, 3 pers,
P nj3

noun masc.
noun m.
3 for ri3



3 pers. sing.


bef. labial

T3 d. 8 e.
TT3 «b:T3

pref. id.

pref, id,
masc. from

X n. m. with

X n.m.s.,suff. 3 p.s.m, from33T d.4a.

dec. 8 a.

pi. f. term, from



d, 1 a.
. jDT



anp '•"!
pref. 3 f. n3
=,suff.3 p.s.f, [from |-13r d. 1 a.] HiJr
„ .\3 J>
n. m. s. d.4a: -1 bef. labial 3nr
2 p. s. f, from n-IJT d.
-1 pref. q. v, y "q:ri-13T3 pref. id. X n. f pi., suff. 1 a. Hit

«l8.24.«5, /2Ch.l9.2. ' Jos. 22. 27, 1 Da. U. 38. ' Ps. 22. 6. «Nu.81.9, * Je. 30, 16. "Mai. 1.6, • Est. 9. 81.
i Eze, 32. 30. gl Sa. 16.3,5. "£26,17.18. ' Pr. 1. 7. y Ec. 9. 16, <'Nu.31..''>3. ' 2 Ch. 20. 25, • Is. 50. 11. ' Ps.95.2.
' Am, 5, 11. * 1 Sa. 3. 14, « Est. 2. 13. • Na.2.10. ' Joel 4. 3. • Je. 50. 37, * De. 2. 35. p 2 Sa. 12. 9. « Ex. 4.4.
'' Zee, 4. 10. ' 2 Sa. 15. 12, <'lSa.21.11, ' Le, 15. 8. «De.3.7. / Je.20.5. ' 1 Sa. 2. 30, 1 Ps. 137. 1. 'Na.8. 4.
« Is. 18, 2. 7. * 1 Sa. 2. 29. f Eze. 29. 19. > Is, 42. 22. * Eze. 29. la. t Eze. 89. 10. "Est. 1.18. ' Pr,23.20. » Je,8.2.
ni^inn-^niJTi LXXIII n^^:inn-K^^n

pref. id. X Kal inf. [niJT'] suff. 2 pers. s. f. nJT '?3n3 pref. 3f. nS^ noun m. sing. dec. 6a. (§ 35.") / X n.f.s.,suff. 3 p. pi. m. from n-13T d.l a. HJt ''?3n3 "•1 pref. 3 q. V.J rem. 4); -l before lab. .

'dvt3 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 6 d. . Dyt '''•I pref. id. X id. pi., construct state ;
id. 7311
pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 6d. . . ^]}^ 'n"'^^3n3 pref. 3 bef. , ,
X noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers.
Kal 3 p. m. bef. f\yy
•1 inf., suflF. s. (§ 1 6. r. 10) ; -1
^.^ sing. fem. from blT] dec. 6. (§ 35. rem. 6) ?3n
pref. id. X Kal inf., suflF. 2 p. s. f. (§ 16. r. 10) p]}t pref. id. X n. m. pi. of ^3n dec. 6. (§ 35. r. 4) bin
pref. id. X n. f. s., construct of [nj;.T] dec. 10. yf pref. 3 X pr. name of a place . . . ISH
•"i pref. 5 for r\2 X for nar, n. f. s. ; -1 bef. lab. f\)t /'^n3n3 pref. 3 for ij2 X noun masc. pL, suff. 2 p.
sing. fem. from 130 dec. 6 a. . . ")3n

Root not used

A'n"T3n3 pref. 3 for ri3 X noun fem. sing, for [JTlin] "13n
; Syr. and Chald. to scatter.
* in"]3n3 •1 pref. 3 bef. X noun fem. sing, with suff.
pT3 masc. lightning, Eze. i. 14.

pT3 (lightning) pr. name of a Canaanitish city,

3 p. s. m. from [n"13n] dec. 10; -1 bef. lab. ISH
pref. 3 for n3, n3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 8 a. HU
pr. name, see p.T3 '3TNI . . . jH
3n3 '•1
pref. 3 X id. construct state; -1 before Jjn
pref. 3 f. r\2

fn^'?T3 pref. 3
noun masc. pi. [of pT dec. 8 b.] ppf pref. id. X noun masc. pi. constr. [of D"'53n] HiU
q. v.
'D*in3 *'-1 pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc, pi. of JPI
pref. 3 for n3 X adj. masc. sing. dec. 5a. .

dec. 8a; -1 before labial . . . Jjn

pref. 3 X noun com. sing. dec. 4 a. Ipf
pref. 3 X id. sing., suff. 2 p. s. m. [for "^iTl] HH
pref. 3 before X i^^- construct state

pref. id.

•1 adj. pi.
X id., suff.

masc, suff.
3 pers. sing. masc.

1 pers. pi. from


"innjini pref. 3 bef. ^..^ X n.
Chald. noun fem. sing.

f. s.,

constr.of the
.... mn
const, of

foil. (§

d. 10. liH

dec. 5 a; -I before labial . . . jpT
'"i^.n? pref. 3 for n3 "|

onn3V •.*VT
pref. 13 &
3 f. n3, HS ! noun masc. s. dec. 6.
to scatter, disperse. Da. 11. 24. Pi. id. Ps. 68.31. mn3
WT 35. rem. 4)
pref. 3 q. V. & n
Piel pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . . "1T3 Tins

pref. 3 X Kal part. s. f. dec. 10. from IT masc. "lit
pref. id. X id. pi., const, state ; -1 bef. . *nn
pref. 3 bef. X 'i- com. s. d. la; . -1 bef. lab. yiT pref. 3 bef. X id. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. m. "lin
pref. id. id., suflF. 1 pers. sing.; id. yiT '•1
pref. 3 f. riS]
X -1 .

noun masc. sin?;, dec. 6 c. K'ln

pref. 3 X Kal part. act. m. pi. of IT dec. 1 a. "lit pref. 3 q. v.

pref.3bef.,.^Xn-m.s., constr.ofy"ir(§35.r.7) yit pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. . tJ'TPI

•Jilt? •1 defect, for, yhrS q.v. . . . yiT i^inii pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . K'ln
pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., sufiF. 3 pers. sing. •1 pref. 3 for n3, HS X,abs. st.; -1 bef. lab. C'lH
masc. from yiT dec. 6a. (§ 35. rem. 7) . yiT •1 pref. 3 X " ni- sing. d. 1 a. & 6; -1 bef. lab. niPl

•ly-ira pref. 3 bef. X noun com. sing., suff. 3 pers. 1j pref. 3 for 113 X id. pi. absolute (§ 35.")
sing. masc. from yilT dec. la. yiT rem. 13)^.1 id.
. .
r I
- J . . .
'•1] pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., suff. 2 pers.") pref. id. X noun masc. sing.' . . . 7in
J sing. masc. from y^T dec. 6a; 1 bef. lab. n»'in3 "'•1 pref. id. ")

„ _ > noun f. s. dec. 10; -I bef. lab. riDIl

•1 pref. 3 bef. X noun com. sing., suff. 2 p. *nDin3 pref. 3 J
sing. masc. from yi"lT dec. la; -1 id. . yiT npin? "'•I pref. id. X id., construct state; •1 id. . ilDIl

yaynn pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., sufiF. 3 pers. pi. "nbini pref. id. X id. pi niDH


masc. from yiT dec. 6a. (§ 35. rem. 7)
name masc.
for n3 X noun fem. sing.
.... . .



pref. id.

masc. sing.
X id. pi., suff.

X noun masc.
.... s.
1 pers. sing.;

(for ^111) ; -1

id. mOfl
Kal pret. 2 pers. s. m. (n''T3), suff. 1 p. s. nT3 pni pref. 3 for ri3 X noun masc. sing. dec. la.. y^H
•1 pr. name of a river; •! before . . ")3n pref. id. ]
,. ^ r id- pl. with fem. term.; -1 bef. ,.> T'lH
pref. 3X n.m.8.,suff. 1 p.s. [from 311 dec.Sc] 33n nivin3 /
•] pref.
31 '•) '

• Eze. 23. 31). g Ph. 149. 8. » Ps.68.31. ' De. 4. 37. 4Joh 31.33. ' Is. 53. 5. • Ex. 7. 28. • Job 40. 26. «2Ch.87.8.
» Eze. 43. 7. » 18.3.5. • Pr. 5. 20. "18.40.11. 'P8.78.55. ' Eze. 45. 17. PJu.16.9. '1 Sa. 13.6. '<Ne.2.I3.
«2Ch.26. 19. ' I.e. 13.29. ? Je.27.5. •f
Ge. 28. 14. ' Pr. 5. 22. * Eze. 46. U. 1 Ju. 16. 12. y2Ch.33. U. • 18.66.5.
* Is. 57. 13. 2Sa.20.9. 1 De. 32. 16. y De. 10. 15. « Is. 26. 17. ' De. 16.14. Ec. 10. 20. ' Ex. 2. 12. /Je.6.27.
« Ge. 3. 19. ' 1 Sa. 17 34. ' »a.2. 43. ' U.40.
12. / Is. 47. 12. -1 Ki.2.5. • Is. 26. 20. .Tos. 2. 15. S De. 1. 7.
/Ex. 2. 3. "Ex. 10.9. • De.5. 15. • 2 Sa. 12. 10. t Ei.3«i.4, 10. • i;zr. 6. 16. ' Je.2.24. ' Is. 30. 13. *Je.7.17. Job40.25.
nDnn-n^ni^inn LXXIV np^nn-n^niifin!!

n^niV-ln3 pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. fern. . pPI "^"•niXbnn pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. Kt^n
"•13"'nW-in3 pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 1 pers. pi. . . pPI *-12*ni{<bn3 pref. id. X id. pL, suff. 1 pers. pi. Ktsn
»nV-in3 pref. id. X id. pi., defect, for nWin }*in "^
D'^NtanS pref. 3 for n3 X n. m., pi. of [Nt2n] d. 1 b. N'nn
VnV-ina pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 3 pers. s. m. Is. 15.3. flH ''•'13''jSipn3 pref. 3 bef.X noun masc. pi., suff. 1 pers.

'^ip-in3 prof. id. X Kal inf., suff. 3 pers. sing, masc, pi. from Ntpn dec. 6. (§ 3.5. rem. 6) Nt3n
for ipn (§ 18. rem. 12) . ppn 'nXtanS pref. 3 X noun f. s. (§ 39. No. 4d. & 44. r. 5) Stan
''''p-in3 pref. id. X noun masc. pi. constr. (for IpPI' /n^^bnS pref. id. X id. pi. construct state [for niSlSn

§ 37. rem. 2) from pT] dec. 8c. ppn comp. § 23. rem. 4] . . . son
-1 Kal inf. absolute; -1 before lab. 'Is. 7. 15, 16. "IHS A'inSiann "\ pref. id. X id. sing., suff. 3 p. s. m.; 1 bef. SDn
l-inS '-1 id. part. pass. sing. masc. dec. 3 a; -1 id. . "in3 '' vhNKinn 1 pref. id. X id. pL, with suff. (Kh. Vfixbrin),

l-ina n. m. s. [for "l-IH?], pi. Dnin? (dag. for impl.) nrO K. inxjans (q. v.) ; -i id. . .
. Nt3n
'"^•'pn-ina noun f. pi. (nii-ins), suff. 2 p. s. m. dec. 10. "inn '^inXJSnS pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. NDn
**"1-in3 ") noun masc. pi., suff. 1 pers. sing, from DnXtSnS pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . xt2n
nin'n -Ij l-inn (q.v.); -l before lab. . *^^n3 pref. id. X noun masc. with pi. fem. term.,

^1-1 nn ^''\ id. pi., construct state ;

-1 id. . . "inn construct state from ntSn ntan
*>inn Kal part. pass. pi. constr. m. from "l-lnn d. 3 a. "inn 'ipS"'nd.8d.(§37.r.6) '^n

nn-ini n. m. pi., suff. 3 p. s. f. from "i-in3 [for n^R?] "inn ni-fni i

pref. id. X noun fem., pi. of nT'n dec. 10. "II n
Dn'i'T.inn id. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . . "inn "nTn?
Vn-inn «"-1 id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing, masc; ) bef. lab. "inn ''
P''^f- ? f°^ '^? X n. f. s. dec. 10; -1 bef. lab
D5'''lin3 id. pi., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. . . . "inn "VnS Kh., for K. r^n3 (q. v. & § 4. rem. 1)

D''1-'inn *''1 id. pi.,

1 '
abs. state, also pr. name; -1 bef. lab. "inn *^n3 "j pref. 3 X noun masc. pi., suff. 1 pers.
,. I-

'Dn-inn pref. n for nn X n. m., pi. of [l-in] dec. la. "iin /""^ni J
sing, from ''11
dec. 8d. (§ 37. rem. 6)
*X1Tn3 Chald.prfef. n'x n.m.s.,emph. of[1jn]dec.3c. Xtn 'n^'riil pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem.
inni Chald. pref. id. X id. pi. construct state . XTn Dn^.^nS pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . *^n

"^Tnn Chald. pref. id. X id. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing. NTn Vf]^ pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . •"•n

"jitrin pref. 3 bef. X construct of the following : nrn ''?J''*n3 pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . "n
pref. n• f. nn, r\2) D'*^n3 pref. 3 for 113 X id. pL, absolute state . ^^n
• •
• > noun masc. smg. dec. 3 a. nrn
"inns pref. n q.v. & nj 'P*n3 pref. id. X, absolute state, Chald. form "n
•IniTnn pref. n before ,
X "Kal inf. construct nrn 'P^fnS Chald. pref. 3 X adj. ra., pi. of '•n dec. 5a. .

pn'ltnn -l
X noun masc. sing, construct
pref. id. [of
"7^n3 1
pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 6 h. (§ 35.
niTn]dec. 3a; 1 before lab. . ntn h'ni rem. 12), Chald. dec 3d. . .
»prnn pref. n X adj. m. s. dec. 4c. (§ 33. rem. l) prn /"•nS pref. id. id., construct st. Chald. Da. 4. 32. b)n
pfnn pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 6 c. . prn
'np^nS Chald. pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem.
npinn '"•l pref. id. X noun fern, sing.; before -1 ptn
yn?""!!!! pref. id. X noun fem. sing. hn
••iJpfnn pref. id. X n. m. s., suff. 1 p. pi. from p.jh d. 6c. pTn
* ip^nS pref. id. X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 per£. sing,
<np.Tnn pref. id. X noun fern, sing., constr. of nj^Tn'

(no vowel change) . . . ptn

masc. from ?*n dec. 6h. (§ 35. rem. 12) bm
*D''nn3 pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc, pi. of nPI § 37. pref. id. X id-, suff. 2 pers. sing. masc.
rem. 7. (as if from a Root VJ?) see . nin »^^m3
'Stpnn -1 pref. 3 X n. m. s. d. 6. (§35. r. 6) ; -1 bef. NtSn 1]7.''n3 pref. id. X id-, suff. 2 pers. sing. fem.

ynspni pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. s. f. (for n without "Vi'^nS Kh. VrnS, K. VfinS, noun masc. pi. with

Mak. § 3. rem. 3) . . . . Xtin suff. from [pn3 or Jin?] . inn

'li^pnS pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . XDn ''j'lX^nn •! pref. 3 for n3 X adj. masc. sing.; -1 bef. lab. pn
niS'^nn "-l pref. id. X n. f. pi. [for JTiUm comp. § 23. 'p''n3 pref. id.

> noun masc. smg. dec. 1 a. pm
No. 4]J construct of n'lS^tSn,
-' T
from nSlSn

(§ 39, No. 4 d. & 44. rem. 5) . . Wnn np"*)!!! pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. pin

• Ps. 144. IS.

nj:nn-'!D''nn LXXV n2:nn-n^ni!iinn
') pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. pin "''hhni -1 pref. 3 X Piel inf. (!?.v'n), suff. 3 pers. sing.

pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. sing. . . pin masc. dec. 7b; -1 bef , . . T>?n
pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. s. m. [for ^p''n'] p)n 3 hbn
*Q>.^j?q3 pref. bef.
^..^ X noun m., pi. of h'^hn d. 3a.
adj. masc. sing., constr. of [TnS] dec. 3a. . "im D^nS E?n
pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 1 a. .

id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . iriQ

nilp^nS pref. id. X id. pi. with fem. term. thfl

> id. pi., suff. 1 pers. sing. . . . "1113 '''u?n2 pref. id. X id. sing., suff. I pers. sing. . D?n
id. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing. . . . IPin LJ'''P?n3 pref. 3 for 113 X noun masc. sing. dec. 3 c. rhn
id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . "1113 p?n3 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 6b. (§ 35. p?n
id. pi., suff 2 pers. sing. masc. . "1113 '"'^i^rD? l""ef. 3 for n3 X noun fem. sing. dec. 12 b. pbn
/h»nii pref. 3 X noun fem. s., constr. of n*n d. 10. riTl
^^ii?^n,? pref. 3 bef. X id- pl- absolute state , pbn
hsnii pref. id. X noun fem. sing,
IT - :
"'^'^ip^nS pref. id. X noun fem., pl. of [Hi?^!!] dec. 10. phn
pref. id. X n. m. s., suff. 1 p. s. fr. '^T) d, 8 b.
*''i?.rD? pref. 3 X noun masc. pl. constr. from pbu
pref. 5 for D? ] n. f. s. (no vowel change);")
D3n with dag. euph. (§ 35. rem. 17) . bn
nnpna pref. 3q. V. &nj Chald. fDa.2.30) d.8a.|
'J^il'i'i'P^Di? pref. 3 bef.
^..^ X n. pl. fem. [from phphn^ pbn
pref. id. X id-> suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. D3n
* Qi^bnil pref. 3X Piel inf. [p^ll] , suff. 3 p. pl. m. d. 7 b. phn
pref. id. X id-, suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. D3n
•1 pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. sing. ; -1 bef. D3n nip.pni pref. id. X noun f. s., constr. of Hi^^H d. 12 b. pbn
pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . D3n 'in'SnS pref. 3 bef.
^..^ X Kal inf., suff. 3 p. s. m. d. 1 a. n^H
i' : IT : !£ :

Dn3 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. . . . DJOn

I. as in Syr. to loathe, with 3, Zee. 11. 8. — II. as in •"NOni by Chaldaism for nnnS (q. V.) . . DIl''

Arab, to be greedy, only Pu. part, greedily gotten, "Jlinnn^ -l pref. 3

X noun;
bef. bef. lab. 1?Dn

Prov. 20. 21. Kheth. nori3 '-1pref. 3 X noun fem. sing. dec. lib; id. Dn* -1

'bn3 pref. 3 f. n3~) "il^nS pref. id. X noun s. fem. by syncope for HXpn KOH
„ > V noun masc. sing.
^ dec. 1 a. ^in
•"^n3 pref. 3 q. v.J firpni pref. id. X Kal inf. (011), suff. 3 p. s. m. d. 8c. CJDH
pref. 3 bef. Xn-m.s., constr. of [37)1] d.5c. 3^n OniOrii pref. 3 bef. ^..^ X Kal part. pass. [l-IOn], suff

"3)n3 3 noun masc. 3 pers. sing. masc. dec 3 a. ICIl

pref. for 113, 113 X sing. dec. 4 c. 3^n . . .

'D"'11?Dn3 pref. id. X noun masc, pl. of "I'lOn dec. la. lOn
pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing.
'Ti:'nion3 3 X n.m.pi.,suff. 2
pref. p.s.m. fr. nbin d. 10. r\i:n
masc. from 3jpn dec. 6. (§ 35. rem. 6) 3^n
M^ipnj prof. 3 for n3 X num. ord. sing. masc. . C'y^n
prof. id. X id. pi., construct state . 3^n
" n^pnS pref. 3 X noun fem. sing., constr. of Iippn ^Dn
Kal pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. ^n3
'inbpn3 -1 pref. id. X id-, suff. 3 pers. s. m. ; -1 bef.
^.^ h^H
pref. 3 bef. X noun masc. sing. dec. la. D^n
ynrsnil pref.ld. X Kal inf. (nn),suff.3 d.8c. DDH
pref. id. X id., suff. I pers. sing. Ge. 40 9,16- o'pn
= |*p'n3 pref. 3 for 113 X noun masc. sing. . . y^H
Dnbi^njs pref. id. X id- pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. abn n. m. s. d. la;
°lbn3 -1 pref. 3 bef.
^..^ X
-1 bef. lab. "IX:>n

pref. 3 f. 113^ *ipn3 pref. 3 for 113 X novm masc. sing. *Ex. 2. 3. lOil
noun com. sins:, dec. la. bhn
pref. 3 q. v. *"lDn3 pref- id. ")

"°"" ""''''- '*""• *^^- ''^-

i3"':.i^n3 pref. id. X id. pi-, suff. 1 pers. pi. . hhn *ipn3 pref 3 J

' cni'pni pref. 3 bef.

^..^ X Kal inf., suff. 3 p. pi. m. d. 1 b. r\bn nnbnh ^'-l pref. 3 bef. ,„^ X noun masc, pl. of lion

pref. id. pr- name of a province rhn dec. 1 a ; -1 bef. lab. . . . IDH
''C'SJnS pref. id. X num. card. sing. fem. constr. of
i:r ;
pref. 3 X n. m. a., suff. 3 p. s. m. fr. vll d. C'k. nhn
K'pn (§ 34. rem. 1) . . . . C^OH
pref. 3 bef. X id- pi. absolute state rhn
riK^lOnS '-1 pref. id. X id. masc, constr. n&on . EJ'On
pref. 3 for 113, HS X noun masc. sing. dec. 3 a. hhn 3 from C'nn ^fJ2n
'•J^pn? pref. for 113 X num. ord. m. s.

pref. 3 bef. X constr. of the following hhn C'B'rpnS pref. 3 bef. X num. card, com., pl. of K^lOll K'OH

pref. 3 for 113, n3 X adj. masc. sing. dec. 4 c. n^ns pref. id. X pr- name of a place . . nDH

«2Sii.21.6. g .Toll 33. 2. "Ca.5. 12. ' .Te.9.20. * 1 Ki.1.40. » 18.57.6. • .Tob20. B. ' Zee. 7. 5. • De.22. 10.
« Ps. 106. 21. * 2 Sa. 20. 22. » .lol) 15. 27. « Ps. 35. 13. f Oe. 41 17, 22.
. ' Da. 11.21,84. p .Tob 6. 17. " Ge.19.16. 4 Ex. 1.14.
'I... 65. 22. ' Ik. 10. 13. i'2Ch.W.X, -'2 Cli-21. 1.-.. '' .I"b 28. !t. *!».!). 2. 7 Job 20. 20. ^ Is. 63. 9. ' Ge.47. 17.
'' Ts.ffi.
9. *K7,c.28.4. 1 Zee. II. R. y l!..30. 2il. ' 2 Ki. 9. 20,20. ' U.38.9. ' 1 Ch. 12. 40. y .Ic.5I.39. '' Eze. 45. 2.
' p». m;.:,. ' 2 S:i.aO. 1.5. ' .le. 23. 27. ' Nil. I!>. 10. / Ps.73. 18. "'Da. 11.44. • Eze. 26. 9. • Ru. 2. 14. < Eze. 30. 1.
/Ho. 4. 3. "1 K 1.21.2:$. Pr. 7. C. « 1 Ch.5. 1. *• Da. 11.32. " Da. 11.38
mnn-riDnn lxxvi

non? pref. id. X »• f- s., constr. of HOn dec. lib. DH* piBnS pref. id. X noun masc. sing. . . *sn
"rinbnS pref. id. X noun fern, sing., sufF. 3 pars. sing. *tDn3 pref. id. X Kal inf., suflf. 1 pers. sing. . TSPl

fem. from [n'lOn] dec. 3 a. . . . DH 'ViSnil Xn.m.du., [||lh]d.Gc |Sn

*inDn2 ''•1 pref. id. X noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. "|*Dn3 pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 6b. (§ 35. r. 6) ^Sn
sing. masc. from rUDPI dec. lib; bef. lab. -1 DH' ")Wri3 pref. id. X pr- name of a place . . "I^fn

•riOnS '•"!
pref. id. X id-, suff. 1 pers. sing. ; -I id. UW myn3 -l noun masc. with pi. fem. term. def. for

'^niOni '-I pref. id. X id., suflF. 2 pers. sing, masc; -1 id. DH' niV-in from )^-in dec la; -1 bef.
^ ^
. pn
*Xn3 pref. 3 bef. ,~) noun masc. sing, dec 6i.

"•Vn? pref. 3 for nif (§ 35. rem. 14)

[pa] to try, prove, test. Niph. to be tried. Pu. id.
D^-^n3 *'-1 pref. id."] noun masc, pi. of }^n dec.Sb;
Eze. 21. 1 8, but see 1(13.
'W'^n'l -1 pref. 3 J
-1 bef. lab.
jnS masc. watch-tower, Is. 32. 14.
''J^nS pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 6 c.
k jn3 masc.
refer also Eze. 21. 18, see the verb.
proof, trial. Is. 28. 16, to which some
"I^XnS pref. 3 for n3, 113 X noun masc. sing. dec. 4 c. }*Vn

|in3 masc. adj. trier, assayer of metals, Je. 6. 27.

Vvn4 of a place, see ipn pVVn, f XH
r P''^^-'^ ^
J-in3- (after the form SltSi?) a watch-tower.

Is. 23. 13 Keri, ^nS Kheth.


pref. 3 bef. ^..^ X n. f., pi. of rriv'^q d. 10. ivn

1 noun masc.
noun masc.

part. act. sing. masc.

sing. ; for

.... J
see lett.

; -I bef. labial

also pr.
3 bfef.

, ,

X constr. of the following;

compos, as D''p-1D ")^n3 ^i*^

3V for T\H,

- X noun com. sing. dec. 5 c. "'^fil
I" : :

/•13n3 id. pret. 3 pers. pi. . . . jnn

/nvn3 pref. 3 bef.
^..^ X id-, suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc. "IVn
^^p-13nil id. id., suff. I pers. sing.
n'nvnS pref. id. X id., pi. abs. st. and pr. name of a place "iVn
*\>'13n3 1 id. imp. [|n3], pL masc, suff. I pers. sing
fem. term. "iXn
n'nVD? ^'"I pref. 3 X id. pL, constr. st. .

(§ 16. rem. 11) ; -1 bef. lab.

masc term. HVPI
"^'IVD? pref. id. \ id. pi. constr. .

JT'Jna '-"l pref. 3 bef.

^..^ X n. fem. sing. d. la; -1 id. H^H 3 pers. pi. masc. "IXil
Dn''"lVn3 pref. id. id-, pl-, suflf.
X .

ilT'jn? pref. id X id., suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc. . iUn masc "Tin
*Tl"i?Di pref. 3 bef.
^„j X id- pl-, suflf. 2 pers. sing,
*n33n5 pref. id. X noun fem. sing., constr. of n33n name
*D*")Vn3 pref. id. X id. pl- masc, as a pr. of a place "l^fl

dec 10; -1 bef. lab. . . . "I^H

pref- 3 X id- pl- fem., suflf. 3 pers. pl. m. IVP
'Dn''ri"lVD? -1

''pains pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc. sing. . .7JD3n

3 for n3 X noun m. sing, for p^H d. a. pin
'«pn3 pref. 1

'^33113 Kal pret. 3 pers. sing, masc, suff. 1 pers. sing. |n3
"ipn3 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 8 c. . ppn
*35n3 imp. m.. [jn^], suff. 1 p. s. (§ 16. r. 1 ;n3
id. s. 1)
nipni pref. id. X noun fem., pl. of nj^n dec. 10. . p^n
"'•aanS pref. 3 X noun m. pi. constr. from Pjjn d. 5c. ^l^n ppn
^niprii pref. id. id- with suff. 1 pers. sing.
X .

"n3n3 Kal pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . |n3 pin

X n. m. pers. p''n d.
suff. s. fr. a.
T r T: »^pn3 pref. id. s., 1 1

n3n3 -1 id. id.; ace shifted by -1 (bef. lab. for 1)

m. pl., suff. 1 p. s. fr. pn d. 6 c. ppn
IT- : IT ^pni pref. id., X n.
conv. (§ 8. rem. 7) . . • . \n2 ppn
pVpris pref. id. X id-, suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. .

TliinS -1 pref. 3 bef. \ Kal inf. constr.; -1 bef. lab. n:n masc. ppn
pref. id. id-, suff. 2 pers. sing.
?l"'pn3 X .

D*ri3n3 Kal pret. 1 pers. s., suff. 3 pers. pi. m.; -1 id. jnS 6b; ~\pn
»"lpn3 -1 pref. id. X noun masc. sing. d. -1 bef.
P-ianinS id. pret. 2 pers. sing, masc, suflf. 1 pers. pi. |n3 ppn
•npnS pref. id. X noun fem., pl. of njpn dec. 10. .

npn? pref. 3 for n3| noun m. sing., (suflf. Hpn) id-, suff. pers. sing.; bef. ppn
non 'ripn3 ''-1 pref. id. X 1 -1
1Dn3 '-I pref. 3 q. v.J dec. 6a; -1 bef.
^.^ id., suff. 3 pers. pl. masc; id. ppn
<Dn'»ripn3 -l pref. id. X

"Vn'pnil pref. id. id-, suff. 3 pers. sing, masc; -1 id. ppn
pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. s. •1 id. IDH -1
'?j''r)pn3 pref. id. X id-, suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. ppn
'Pipnil Chald. pref. 3 bef.
^..^ X noun m. s. dec. 3 a. ?lDn

•"Ipn3 pref. id. X adj. masc. sing, constr. of "ipPI d. h c "lOn

npn3 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. . . . IDn .

^ni '•!
I. to prove, examine (so in the Syr.) Job 34. 3 ;

non Is. 48. 10; and 2 Ch.34. 6. Kheth.— II. to choose,

"lp'n3 ''-I pref. id. X noun masc. sing.; -1 bef. ,

fem. TSn elect, select, const, with ace, ?, 7, once 7V., with
IT : 153 ;
pref. id.
X Kal inf., suflf. 3 pers. sing

* Ne. 13. 7. « Pr. 8. 27. Je. 44. 10.

/Mal.3.15. 'JobiS.lO. P». 143. 12. •Do.28.48. ' Eze. 39. 9.
•Mi. 7.6. 7
Ps. 84.11. • Job 19. 27. i.e. 18. 3.
•Est. 7. 7. *Ps.95.9. "Ps.SS. 16. > Da.
2. 41,43. y2Sa.4.4. <> Is. 49. 22. *

Je. 44. 23.

Pr. 30. 4. « La.3. Ifi. * De. 2. 23. Pl Ki.8.61. '

' De. 29. 22. * Mai. 3. 10. " Ps. 17. 3. • Pr. 10. 21 •
/ 2 Sa. 17. 18. ' Ne.8. l(i. 1 Job 38. IG. '
Fs. 119. 16.
'Ps.6.2. <Ne.l2,27. -Nu.l.Sl. '.Tob30.;i. «Pr.31.13.
* P». 78. 47. « De. 28. 57. ' 1Ch. 12. 2. ^Ne.8. 16. "Pr.21.l-t.
Is. 32 14. '' P». 66. 10.
mnn-nnn LXXVII mnn-n^Dna
IP to be better than. Niph. part, chosen, choice, 01103
pref. 3 bef. X P^- name of a place 110

excellent, with 7 by ; with jp more. no3

VKal pret. 3 pers. pi. (§ 8. r. 7) ; 1 bef. lab 103
n-in3 (for l-in?) masc, pi. Dnin3 (dag. forte

implied), a youth, prop, choice for vigour and id. imp. pi. masc. . . 103
activity. '•07-1103 pref. 3 bef. , ., X noun masc. pi. [of T-110] no
D*iri3 (place of youVis) pr. name of a town in pref. id. X noun m. s., constr. of |110 d. 3 a. 010
the tribe of Judah, Gent. n. ^P"l"in3, 1 Ch. 1 1. 33. •1 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. s. m.; -1 bef. lab. 010
and transp. *pn"l3, 2 Sa. 23.31. pref. 3 for 03, bef. for 03 X n. m. s. d. 3 a. po
C^ina masc. pi. (prop, from a sing. "l-"in3 § 26. ' ri'iios pref. 3, bef. ., X Kal inf. constr. 010
No. 13) youth, youthful a^e, see the prec. Nu. 1 1.28. i'T'niipii noun f. pi. [01103], suff. 2 pers. sing. m. 103

ni"in3 fem. pi. id. Ec. 11.9; 12. i. -1 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. ; -1 bef. 110
"I*n3 masc. dec. 3 a, chosen, elect. "tiipi pref. 3 for 03
noun masc. sins 1310
"in3*, (whom He chooses) pr. name of a son of *t3iq3 pref. 3 q. v.

David. 'Drstsios pref. 3 for 03 X noun masc. pi. [of DOIO

in3p masc. dec. 2b. — I. choice, best. — II. pr. dec. 8c. §37. No. 4] . . . . 1310

name masc. 1 Ch. 11.38. pref. 3 bef. , .. X noun masc. sing. 010
"linZip masc. id. 2 Ki. 3. 19 ; 19. 23. "nos Kal inf., suff. 1 pers. sing. (§ 16. rem. 8) 103
m. for "in3 (§ 8.
'ono's noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. (dag.
""in3 Kal pret. 3 pers. sing. r. 7) "1113
forte impl. in 0) from 1-103 [for R3] 103

-1 id. inf. absolute ; -1 bef. labial . . 103

ins id. imp. sing. masc. "1113

•1 id. with suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. X "I bef. lab. 103

•DH'-nh nn3 Kh. n''ri3 ins q. v.; K.

3 X noun fem. pi., suflf.
3 pers. pi.




3 X n. m. pi., suff.
name of a place
defect, for D''1-103 (q.v.)
.... 3 p. 110 d. 1 a. 110
from 3in dec. 6 a. . . . . 3"in
•1 pref. 3 bef. X noun masc. pi. const, fr.
ins pref.SXpr.n. in compos., see '"ran "in under R. 11}
[piO] dec. 3a; bef. labial
-1 .
''ins Kal part. act. sing. masc. . . . "1113
"ti'''103 pref. 3 for 03, bef. for 03 X n. m. s. d. 3 a. EJ'in
n3 1''-Ipref.Sf.
_ . _« L- noun fem. s. (suflf. *3"in)~) ^ D"5.n3 pref. 3 for 03 X noun m. s. d. 6 (§ 35. r. 6) D10
03 ^

3"in3 pref. 3 n3, f. -.-H 3-)n •

„" L dec. 6a; 010103 3 X name
3103 ; ^
-Ipref. 3q.v.&nj
bef. ,
( > ^f
' I -I
pref. pr. of a place Din
3103 pref. id. X pr- name of a place;
'-1 bef. 310 -1
, , .
*ioioi pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . D10
for 03
pref. id. X id., suff. I pers. sing, Din
pref 3 for 03, bef.
r T - X noun f. s. 310
... ... . » :

pref. id. pr- name of a place iin

•^'13103 pref. 3 X noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing.
s^'-l 'to X
•"D103 •1 pref. 3 for 03, bef. for 03 X noun m. sing.,
masc. from 310 dec. 6 a. 310 . . V\.T V

for Dip' dec. 6a. (§ 35. r. 1); -1 bef. labial D10

* '.313103 pref. id. X noun masc. pi. c. [from 11310 d.

32. No. 2] Milel before monos. 310

-1 pref. 3 for 03 X noun m. s. dec. 6c; -1 id. ?lin
3 c. § ; .

'013103 pref. 3 for 03 X n. f. pi. abs. fr. 310 d. 6a. 310

•'•1 pref. 3 X noun fem. sing. dec. 12b ; -1 id.

0310 310 pref. id. X Piel inf., PjlO suff. 3 pers. pi. m. pjin
013103 pref. 3 bef. , , X n f. pi. abs. fr. d. I2c.

* 0*13103 pref. 3 X noun fem. pi., constr. of ni310 » 01^103 pref. 3 bef. .
X ^dj. pi. fem. from piO m. pn
from 310 dec. 6 a. 310 •1 defect, for ''!in03 (q.v.) yin
^ 3V for 03,
V :
- :
X noun fem.
pi. abs. from •otJ'iris pref. 3 for 03 X noun masc. sing. (EJ'lhj

0310 dec. 12 c 310 with parag. dec. 6c. (§ 35. rem. 18) . B'lO
"1*013103 pref. 3 X noun fem. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. 'D"'IJ'103
1- tt:i-/
•1 pref. 3 for 03, bef. p for 03 X id. pi. abs.;

masc. from 310 dec. 6 a. . 310 -1 bef. labial . , . . .

0013103 pref. id. X id. pL, suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. 310 riK'ios •1 pref. 3 bef. X noun fem. sing., also pr.

"^SIOS pref. id. X id. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing. 310 name, see DJ130 '0 . . . trio
^3103 pref. id. X id- sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. 310 nio3
Kal pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. (§ 8. rem. 7) 103
"03103 pref. id. X 'd- sing. 3 pers. pi. masc. . 310 nio3

•P».78.67. / 18.27.1. ' Eze. 33. 27. f Is. 56. 4. 'P8.134.3. 'Ex. 9. 11. * Je. 31. 13. •1)6.28.27. t Am. 1.3.
» 1 Sa. 2. 28. g 18.66.10. " Eze. 26. 9. ' Ca. 1.10. J'Kc.12. 1. << Eze. 20. 5. * 1 Ch. 20. 3. « Zee. 14. 8. ' 2 Sa. 12. 31.
' 2 Ch. 34. 6. * Ps.32.4. « Ge. 48. 22. » Na. 1.6. • De. 28. 22. ' Je.51.3. * Hill). 1.15. • Ne. 1.3. • ISu.23.15,18t
' 1 Sa. 20. :iO. ' 1 Ki.18. 28. • P.f. 44. 4. ' P8.2.5. • Ex. 32. 4. /2Ki.8.12. ' Eze. 32. 3. PiSa.. 23. 9. > 2 Ch. 27 4.
' De. 28 22. * Eze. 32, 12. r Ik. 66.3. « Is. 28. 27. • Is. 8. 1. g Zee. 14. 12. 'Ex. 84. 21.
5«vn-n")ni LXXVIII iStDn-nin:]i

'J3>"in5 I id. id. ace. shifted by 1 (bef. labial for 1; of a city i;i Syria, 2 Sa. 8.8, for which nn3t:
conv. (§ 8. r. 7) . . . . ina 1 Ch. 18.8.
nnpS fem. confidence. Is. 30. 15.
id. pret. 1 pers. sing.; -I bef. labial nn3
)in!23 masc. confidence, hope.
"•^l^ri-in? id. id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. -inn
W _ mnp3 fem. pi. security, tranquillity. Job 12.6.
id. pret. 2 pers. pi. masc. -inn n''t33X masc. melon, by transp. from 11313 Arab,
pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. 3K'n to cook, ripen, Nu. 11. 5.
pref. id. X PJ"- name of a place nt33p masc. with suff. ^nD3p dec. 2b, but also
Chald. pref. 3 bef. X noun masc. sing., 'nt33p (§ 37. rem. 7) trust, confidence, security;
emph. of ['^ICJ'n] dec. la. "pn meton. object of confidence.

'''i pref. 3 for n3 X n. m. s. d. 6c; -1 bef. lab.

Kal preter. 3 pers. sing. masc. for ni33
pref. 3 bef. ,_, X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. .
(comp. §
IT" -: I- 8. rem. I and 7) . . nt33
pref. 3 X pr. name of a place
'n'^3 defect, for H-IDS (q. v.) . . . . nD3
pref. id. X noun masc. sing, pn nt33 y'l noun masc. sin";.;
O tor 1 see letter 1 . nt33
T ' T
*Dn:nn2 pref id.X n. f. s., sufF. 3' nnn np3 '''1 Kal imp. sing, masc; -1 before labial . nt33
pref. id. X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing.
np3 '•1
id. part. act. sing. masc. dec. 7b; •"!
id. . nD3
masc. from DrilH (no vowel change) Dnn "nriDS id. pret. 3 pers. sing. f. [for nnpS § 8. r. 7] niD3
id. preter. 3 pers. pi. . . . . nt33

iSt23. Pi.

to utter,

N!23p masc. rash

or talk rashly, or unadvisedly, comp.

utterance, Nu. 30. 7, 9.

«pn^3 noun masc. sing.

nin^3 pref. 3 for 113 X noun

id. imp. pi.

masc; -1

before labial

pi. [of Hn-ID]

pref. 3 for n3 X pl- abs. from the following •1 noun fem. pi. [of nnt23] ; -I before labial nt33

3 X noun fem. sing. (§ 4. rem. 5) "•"•ninips Kal part. act. f., pi. of nntpS'd. lO.from nt33m. nt33
pref. . y3L3
*ny2i3i pref. id. id. pL, construct state y3t3
•1 pref. 3 for nS X Kal part. act. masc, pi.
X . .

of [npl dec. la; -I before labial . nit3

n"'nt?3 Kal part. act. masc, pi. of [0^3] dec. 7 b. . rit33

/J ^^5 >• q- **9|. only part. nt?3 an idle talker, Pr. 12. 18.
Kal inf. [np3], suff. 2 p. s. m. (§ ifi. r. 10) nt:3
'lin!23 pref. 3 for n3 X adj. m. s. d. 3a (§ 32. r. 7) nnt2 •13nt03 id. pret. 1 pers. pi. [for -IJnpS § 8. rem. 7] nt33
tt: li
*^ ^^ ' ^
I tt: T ^ 1 -'

35t23 pref. 3 for TMl) adj. and subst. masc. sine.") id. pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. (§ 8 rem. 7) nD3
" -"u
mn3 pref.
3 q. V.
j dec..
. .

«-nnD3 •I id. id. ; ace. shifted by -I (before labial for 1)
IT - : IT
nitp3 " -1 pref. id. X noun m. s. dec. 1 a; -1 before ... 31D conversive (§ 8. rem. 7) . . . 11133
•n3iJ25 pref. 3 for n3 X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. . 3113
• : VT T
> id. pret. pers. sins 8. rem. 7) nj33
X noun
«'-1 pref. niasc. sing., suff. 2 pers. 1
sing. masc. from 3-1t3 dec. la; -1 before 3"ID pref. 3 for n3"j
•n 31133 pref. id. X noun f. s., constr. of n31t3 dec. 10. 31L3 noun masc smg. . X1t3
*t3''p3 pref. 3 q. V. J
pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . 31t3 •1 pref. 3 X noun fem. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi.
Kal inf. absolute nD3 masc. from [n"l^t3] dec. 10; -1 before ,
-• ,
T '- •
«mt33 id. part. pass. sing. masc. . . . (1133

StD3 to cease, rest from, Ec 12.3.

nuS prop, to cling to, comp. Hiph., hence — I. to rely
bt33 Chald. (§ 47. rem. 6) id. Ezr. 4. 24. Pa.'
upon, trust, confide in, const, with 3, ?J<I, 7j^. — II.
to cause to cease, to hinder.
abs. to be confident, secure, in a good and bad sense.

3 Hiph. — I. to cause to cling to or han<r upon, Ps.22.10.
1 Chald. pref. 3 X noun m. s.; •"!
before labial 77t3

— II. to cause to trust, confide, with ?X, 7^.
Chald. Peal part. act. fem. [of m.] 7133

np3 masc. — I. trust, confidence, security ; np3? D"'5<^t23 pref. 3 for n3 X pr. name of a place, see vll3 T0\^

and nt?3 confidently, securely, safely. — II. pr. name .«

.-1^103 •1 Kal pret. 3 pers. pi. ; -1 before labial . 7133

>De.30. 19. • Ec.6.4.4. ' 1 Ki.21.8.

8 Ch. 7. 12. / Ps. 82. 5.
19.41.8,9. ir Ex. 28.29.
Da.. 2. 22. * E»e. 32. 30.
-tes LXXIX li^vn-mnn
*'-1 Chald. Pael pret. 3 p. pi. m. (§47.r.l); -1 id. hu2 n^^2f3 pref. 3 for n3 X noun fem. sing, 5^3*

Chald. Peal pret. 3 pers. sing. f. Ezr. 4. 24. hl22 n?'3J3 pref. 3 X pr- name of a place, H parag. :^2'

pref. 3 X adj. m. sing. dec. 5 a. (§ 34. rem. I) 'nK^3>3 pref. 3 for HS X noun f. s. for rit^3y . {^•3»

pref. id. X Piel inf. (NSt?), suff. 2 pers. pi. pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 3 a..
masc. dec. 7 b. (§ 36. rem. 3) T3it;
pref. id. X noun com. s. d. 2a; -1 bef. , ,

/nssp3 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. y2 '•1

pref. id. X id., constr. st. (Ch. d. 2 a); -1 id.

pref. id. X noun f. s., constr. of HSpp d. 10. pref. id. X id-, suff. 3 pers. sing. fem.
pref. id. X id., sufiF. 2 pers. sing. masc. NOD ,.. .
Chald. pref. 3 [for Pll^S, '^3] ; noun fem.
pref. id. X id-, suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. XrDtD sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. from 1]| d. 2 a.

pref. 3 for i]2 X Kal part. pass. sing. masc. 'C'71J3 Chald. pref. 3 X id-, suff. 3 pers. pi. masc.
iT3 '1 pref. 3 X noun com. sing., suff. 3 pers.

JD3 "^, feminine, dec. 6a. (with suff. ''3^3). — I. belly. sing. masc. from IJ dec. 2a; -1 bef.

— II. womb ; )L33 "'HS fruit of the womb, i. e. off- n^3

pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. sing. .

spring ; ""JPS "15 mine own son ; *3P3 ''ill mine *;i^3 pref. 3 [for n.'S, '*3] X id. du., constr. st.

own children. — III. the inmost part, spoken of the nn.j3 pref. 3 X id. du., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem.

heart, the mind, also of ^IN?^. —IV. a protuber- Qn'T3 pref. 3 [f. "'y2, ';3] X id. du., sufl". 3

ance in a column, 1 Ki. 7. 20. —V. pr. name of a 'in"""!!*? pref. id. X id. du., suff. 3 pers. pi. fem. .

town in Asher, Jos. 19. 25. ''rT^3 "'•1 pref. 3X id. du., suff. 3 pers. s. m.; -1 bef. ,

|tD'3 masc. only pi. D'3p3 (§ 35. rem. 16) pis- pref. id. X id. du., suff. 2 masc. (Kh. T'TS),
tachio nuts, Ge. 43. u. K. q-^
ni? •

D''3t33 (pistachio nuts) pr. name of a town in cDDn'3

IV r •'
•1 pref. 3 [for "<'V2, "'2']
X id. du. with suff.

Gad, Jos. 13. 26. 2 pers. pi. masc. ; -1 bef. labial .

}D2 for jp3 Seg. n. as if from [|P3 § 35. r. 2] Jt33

pref. 3 X id. du., absolute state

pref. 2 for HS X n. m. s. (suff. '^NpP) d. 6 a. NJD Chald. pref. 3 [for "1*3, '^3] ; noun fem ,

?I3t33 •
noun f. s., suff. 3 pers. s. f. from Jt53 d. 6a. Jt33 du. of 11 dec. 2 a..
IT :

i3t32 id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. ItD3 }pref. 3 X noun com. sing., suff. 2 peits.")
I : •

id., suff. 1 pers. sing.; 1 bef. labial P3 sing. masc. from HJ dec. 2 a; -1 bef. A
n»3bn •1 pr. name of a place; 1 id. . tt33 pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem.

noun masc. pi. [of |t3'3 § 35. r. 16] Jt23 Chald. pref. 3 [for ^jn^il, '^3] ; noun fem
r : X ' IT •

noun fem., suff. 2 pers. s. m. fr. )t33 d. 6a, 1123 sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. m. from H^ d. 2 a.
id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. p3 D3T|I pref 3 X noun com. sing., suff. 2 pers. pi

id., suff. 3 pfis. pi. masc; -I bef. labial }t03 masc. from 1* dec. 2 a. (§31. rem. 2)

id., suff. 1 pers. pi. . . . . |J03 '|3i:.3 pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. pi. fem.

Chald. pref. 3 bef.

^.^ X noun m. s. d. 3a. DJ?t2 bn^3
pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc.

pref. 3 for n3 X noun m. s. for ^IQ' d. 8d. flDtS •"I3^J3 pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. pi.

Kh. Di-ip2 pref. 3 X adv., K. D^PS (q.v.) UID It?

pref. id. X abbrev. from Hin^ (qv.) mn
••I pref. 3 X adv.; -I bef.
. . . DnL3 pref. 3, for [n-in*3] ; pr. name of a country m'
particle of entreaty ; always with '?~IN, ^JIN /
IT |.
'1 pref. id. X pr. name of a tribe and country m'
pray my Lord. It is supposed to be contr. nin*3
pref. 3 X the most sacred name of God,

from *J?3 entreaty. R. n^3. nin\withthevowelsof"'5hN(3)contr."'5nN3 mn

pref. prep. 3 with suff. 1 pers. sing. (§ 5) 2 n-in'3 pref. 3, [for n-ini3] X gent. n. m. fr. nnin»
pref. 3 for •r\2 X id. pi., Kh. D""!'. K. D-n' nT*
pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc. sing. d. la. IN"'
ip3in''3 pref. 3, [for 'in^3] X W- name masc. nin
pref id. X id. pi. absolute . "IN' flpin''3 pref. id. ;
pr. name masc.
pref. id. X noun m. s. d. 7b; -1 bef. lab. b2> pref. id. X pr- name masc. . mn
^^3^3 pref 3 X pr. name of a place .
^2'< n'yn>3 pref. 3 X pr- name of a place rn'
•5^3»3 pref.
[for S^'S;?, '^3] ; Kal inf. constr. K^2'' pref. id. X pr- name masc. mn
• Ezr. f< 5. • Le. 18. 28. ' Pr. 13. 25. Ge.43. 11. P Da. 5. 2. • Le. 25. 81. 'Ezr. 5. 8. "2 011.6.4. ^ Pr. 80. 28.
' Ezr. 4. 23. /Le. 15.31. *De.26.2. '
Jol) 15. 35. » Ru.3. 14. »18.27. U. y Eze. 2.8.37,45. 4 jos. 10. 8. • Da. 2. 34, 35.
' Kzr. 4. 34. g Eze. 24. 18. ' P». 31. 10. Ps. 44. 26. ••
Na. 3. 8. •Ex. 4. 9. •Ex. 17. 12. «Je.44.25. Eze. 13. 21.
< Ue. ie. 14. i Job 40. 13. "Nu.31.17.
ne^^n-Qvn LXXX "irniyn-cv::
'•1pref.3f. n3] "\rp^3 )
, _ >n. com. s. irr. (§ 45) : -1 bef. , ^ j-.y,j2,l > pi'ef. id. X id., suflf. 2 pers. sing. JD'
pref. 3 q. V.J ( = )

Chald. pref. id. X id., emph. st.

pref. id. X id., suif. 3 pers. sing. masc. nv

r?' [•]3 I. to distinguish, discern, — II. to mark,
•1 Ch. pref. id. X id- pi., constr. St.; -1 bef. or attend. — III. to umiersiand, know ; const, with
•1 Ch. pref. id. X id. pi., sufF. 3 p. pi. m.; -1 id. nv 7^, 3, ? ?^. —IV. abs. to have understanding, he

pref. id. X id. sing., suflf. 3 pers. pi. masc. . DV intelligent, wise. Niph. i. q. Kal No. IV. ; pajt.
pref. 3 [for jVIl, "13] ; noun masc. sing., constr. P33 intelligent, discreet, knowing, Pil. to make to

of |V' dec. 5a. (§ 34. rem. 1) . \^' discern, to instruct, De. 32. 10. Hiph. I. to cause

' ITT i:
pref. 3 X pr- name masc, see |rijin^_ nin to understand, to explain, to teach. — II. i. q. Kal

I" : I
'•1 pref. id. X Kal part. act. pi. constr. masc. No. I. II. III. const, with 3, ^X; part. pSD in-

from ni^'r dec. 7b; 1 bef.

,.^ . telligent, wise. Hithpal. I. to mark, attend to

pref. 2 for HS X noun masc. sing, for [I?T\] vv const, with ?X, 3, ?J?, IJ^. — II. to understand.
pref. 3 X pr. name of a place . Job 26. 14. — III. to be wise, Ps. 119. 100.
pref. id. X W- name of a place 3D^ \)p dec. 6h.— I. interval, midst, D^Bn £^'»X a
middle man, umpire, 1 Sa. 17. 4. — II. prep, between,

J ' '
noun m.s.dec.Gh; -1 bef. lab. betwixt ; and within, of space and time. ? —pS
*i:;3 pref. 3 q. V.
J P.3'1 — p3, P3? — p3 between — anrf, sometimes also

'" '-1
pref. id. X id. construct state ; -1 id. whither — or; P3"?X and niJ''3"?X between,among,

"I.b'3 pref. 3 for 113 X n. m. s. (pi. c. ''ihl) d. 6 a. with motion implied ; p33 as among, Is. 44. 4 ,

pref. 3X n. f. s., sufT. 2 nn^^ d. 1 b. psp and h ni3''3p from between, out of; PS"!?^;
among, with motion implied.
•1 pref. id. X noun masc. pi. constr. from 1.7.1

P3 Chald. between. Da. 7. 5, 8.

dec. 6a; -I bef. ,., .

defect, for "'T^'S (q. v.) .

ny3 fem. dec. 10, understanding, intelligence,

discernment, prudence.
pref. 3 X Piel inf. ["1?2] , suff. 2 pers. pt masc.
n3''3 Chald. id. Da. 2. 21.
IT •
dec. 7 b. (§ 16. rem. 15)

3 noun masc.

P3* (whom He knows) pr. name — I. of two

,.. . ,.
pref. [for '
y ^3 , '^3] ; pi. constr.
Canaanitish kings. — Ju. 4. 2; Ps.
II. 8.3. 10.
from [I'hl] dec. 3 a.
CJISp masc. pi. wisdom, for concr. wise teachers,
•1 pref. 3 for 113 X noun masc. s.; -I bef. lab
2Ch.2S.'3 Kheth.; Keri D^^Sp.
pref. 3 for 113 X noun masc. sing dec. 8 a.
|-13n masc d.3 a, understanding, prudence, Ho. 13. 2.
pref. 3 X id-, construct state .

"'»''3 com. pi., suff. 1 p. s. [as n3-13ri fem. dec. 10. id,; also intelligent words.
j pref. id. X n. if
DV or speeches, Job 32. n.
•1j from DJ] see UV (§ 45)
pref. 3 [for '•D^S, '^3] X id. pi., constr. st. DV nn-in id. Job 26. 12. Kheth.

'Dp^P^3 pref. id. X id- pi-, suflf. 3 pers. pi. masc. DV '•1 prep. ; prop, constr. of [P3] dec. 6 h. . p3
V0J3 pref. 3 X id. pi., suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc. or '.")
Kalinf.abs.orimp.8.m.&;1bef.lab. ^3
pref. id. X id. pi-, suflf. 2 pers. sing. masc. . or T r
id. imp. sing. masc. with parag. H . , p3
' '-I pref. 3 [for "ip^S, '^3] X id- pi., suflf. 2 p. pi. m. nv '•1
noun masc. sing, dec 10; -1 bef. lab. .
pref. 3f. n3 "'•t prep. P3 [prop, from p.3 dec. 6h] with pi.
id. pi., absolute state DV IT •*

*n''pj3 ''•1 pref. 3 q. V. suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc. (§ 4. rem. 1) . p3

pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc, pi. of DJ dec. 8 a. D'' id. sing., suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc. . .
I !• T-
Kh. pp;?, K. pp»p (pref. 3 or P) n. m. s. d. 3 a. ]^> •13>3 Kal imp. pi. masc. . . . '1^3
pref. 3 [for YD\2, '^3] X id., construct state "^12^3 prep.; pi. fem. of p3, constr. of [p3] d. 6h. p3-

pref. id. X id-, suflf. 3 pers. sing. fem. P> noun fem., pi. of 110^3 dec. 10. . . p3
pref. id. X id-, suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc. . •i:^ni3''3 prep. p3 [prop, from p3 dec. 6h] with pi,

pref. id. X id-, suflf. 1 pers. sing. fem., suflf. 1 pers. pi, , . . .

• Da. 6. 11. /2Ch.20.23. 'Eze.27. 18. /> Is. 8. 6. » 1 Sa. 17. 40. «Je,16.9. ''2Ki.l2. 10. * Ps. 17. 7. ">Jos.8. U.
*Da.5.11, *Eze.44.18. •"Da,1.8. ?2Sa.21.18, « Ps. 116. 2. « Ju, 18. 1. '18.41.10. 'Ps.16,11, "Jos.3.4.
<'Da.2.44. *Est.l.lO. 'Ge.42.22. 'Ex.l.lC. 'P8.44.2. »Eze.38,17. /Pr,3.16. *Pr.23,l, «Eze.l0.2.7.
''Ne.g. 19. 'De. 14.26. 'Ec. 11.9, '2 88.21.16. y 1 Ki, 11. 12. 'Da, 11.20. ir la. 44. 20. ' r8,5.2. yIs.27,U.
• P«. 69, 3, » Pr. 9, 5,
nv:Di-lintr*n LXXXII nn^a-pn^j^^::

''|nK'''3 pref. 3. [for '^12, "'2'] ; noun masc. sing. IK''' of the vineyard) in the tribe of Judah. — n''3

*rn^12 -l pref. 3 X noun fem. sing, constr. [of nn^.^ nix 3? {house of limesses) in the tribe of

or nj^)}: -1 bef.
. . . '
-\^' Simeon, Jos. 19. 6. — Dn? n'3 {house of bread)

nDK'K';? '-1 pref. ? X pr. name' of a tribe; -1 id. . ')2b {a) in the tribe of Judah, Gent. n. "pn^'n IT'S;
(6)in the tribe of Zebulun, Jos. 19.15. — jiVP n^3
T)^2 ] masc. irr. (§ 45). — I. home, dwelling; n*3""|3, see 7j?3 '3. — HDJjp n''3 {house of Maachah,
n'Q ')j nj3 I'^^l, home-hom slave; D^iyn D^S ZoTig' R. "^yO.) on the foot of Hermon, 2 Sa. 20. 14.
home, i. e. the grave ; "l^?'n ''R3 houses of clay, pn")pn n^3 {house of remoteness, R. pPlI) place

of the human bodies; D''K^3n '3 harem; B'''3|iy '3 near the brook of Kedron, 2 Sa. 15. 17. — n*3
spider's web — II. tent, tabernacle. — III. temple, ni33"ipn {house of chariots, R. 33"1) in the

of God or idols. — IV. palace. —V. place, space, tribe of Simeon. — HIDJ n''3 {house of pure

a receptacle in general ; JJ'SJ *n3 perfume boxes; water, R. ")D3), also JT^p:, in the tribe of
D'''^3? D*n3 places, receptacles for the bars. — Gad; hence Is. 15. 6, D''")PJ ''P limpid waters

VI. the inside, within (opposed to f^Vl without, for the waters of Nimrah. — jlj/ T?2 {house of

out of doors); nri^3, riJ3p, np^SD within; pleasantness) a town near Damascus, Am. 1.5.

h n*3, h n^3p, h jt'so, h n'»3p^ within.— wu. niOry rfS, and niorj; a vUlage in Judah or
household, family; 3K IT'S father's house, family Benjamin, see TTJ?. PP^H 0^3 {house of the —
tribe. — VIII. put before pr. names of towns. valley) a place in the tribe of Asher, Jos. 19.

Wa IT'S {hmise of vanity, idols) in the tribe of 27. — n'Uy. n"'3 {house of answer, R. H}]}) in

Benjamin. — ?SI n*3 {house of God) between Judah, Jos. 15. 59. — n3J| IT'S (id.) in Naph-
Jerusalem and Sichem (formerly m Ge. 28. tali. — D'lyin Ipj;? IT'S (Aoimc 0/ the shepherds'

19) ; Gent. n. ''"?Sn n^3.— 'pVKH n''3 {house union) a place near Samaria, 2 Ki. 10. 12, and

of firmness, 7\'K Arab, to take root) Mi.i.ii. — without D^yin ver. 14. — n3"Tyn n*3 {house

^K31« n''3 {house of God's ambush, for !?K 3n>?) of the desert) on the confines of Judah and

in Galilee. Ho. 10. 14.— fiyp ^J?? D^S, pV'p Benjamin, also without IT'S. u7S 0^3 {house

?y3 and jij?p IT'S {house of habitation) in the of escape) in the tribe of Judah, Jos. 15. 27.

tribe of Reuben. — ^^"13 IT'S {house of Biri, or "liyS n'3, {temple of Peor, see lyS) in the tribe

my making) in the tribe of Simeon, 1 Ch. of Judah. Y^^ ri"'3 {house of dispersion) in

31.— nn3 n''3 (for nil^, JT-S Aomsc of pas-

the tribe of Issachar, Jos. 19. 21.
— "11V IT'S

sage) a place near Jordan, Ju. 7. 24.

— "I'll n''3 {house of the rock) in the mountains of Judah.

{house of wall) in the tribe of Judah, 1 Ch. 2. 3'n") IT'S {house of streets) a city in Syria,

51. — ?|7ll IT'S Ne. 12. 29, i. q. ?|?| q. v. see D1S. — |X^ IT'S {hou^e of quiet) contr.

R. bbi. — >1?Dil n''3 {house of the weaned child jK*, ]'^ IT'S in the tribe of Manasseh.— n*3
or camel, see 7^5) in the land of Moab, Je. 48. n^K'n {acacia-house, see HtSp*) a place near

23.— D^n^3'l IT'S see D;'n^3'1.— pi"! n^3 Jordan, Ju. 7. 22. V^'QV} IT'S (Aowse 0/ f/ie

{temple of Dagon, see R. Hin), (a) in the tribe sun) {a) a Levitical city in the tribe of Judah.

of Judah, Jos. 15. 41 {b) in the tribe of Asher, Gent. n. ^K'pB'n 71^3 ;
{b) a city in Naphtali

Jos. 19. 27. — din IT'S {house of the height, R. (c) in Issachar, Jos. 19. 22; {d) in Egypt, i.e.

D"in) in the tribe of Gad, Jos. 13. 27, called Heliopolis, i. q. j"X Je. 43. 13. — niQri n*3
pn rj*3 Nu. 32. 36. — ^/^n rfS {partridge- {house of apples) a place in Judah, Jos. 15. 53.

house; see n?3n) in the tribe of Benjamin, n^3 Chald. irr. (§ 68) house, palace, temple.

pn IT'S {house of Hanan or grace) in the |ri''3 masc. dec. 2 b, a great house, palace.

tribe of Judah or Dan, 1 Ki. 4. 9. — |'n'n n''3 V n''^ '-1 Heb. and Chald. noun masc, constr. o*"

{hou^e of cavern, R. 1111) two towns in the tribe nj3 (§ 45) ; -1 bef. labial . n»3
of Ephraim. — niD"'tJ'jn IT'S {house desolations, Nn^3 Chald. id. emph. state n>3
R. DE/'^) in the tribe of Reuben near the Dead 'iri*3 pref. 3 for HS X noun com. sing. dec. 5 a. . in*
Sea. — 13 IT'S {house of pasture, R. TIB) in the nri.''3 'y\ noun masc. sing, with parag. H from n*3")
tribe of Judah, 1 Sa. 7. 11. — DISH 0^3 {house ''nni'S j irr. (§45) ; for 1 see lett. 1 .
nvsn-nn^i LXXXIII nr^n-pn^^n
••nn''n *'-1
Chald. noun masc. sing, (for Xri^3), emph. ^"22 {weepers) pr. name of a place near Gilgal,

of n:? irr. (§ 68) ; -1 bef. labial n"'2 Ju. 2. I, 5.

Chald. id., sufif. 3 per sing. masc. ; -I id. ni33 fem. a weejnng, mourning, Ge. 35.8-

T I"

noun masc.
fiom D)2 irr.

constr. slate with paragogic


(§ 45)

... 3 pers. sing. fern.

H n*2
133 Kal inf. abs.
n''33 fem. dec.
bef. lab.

133 "'1 pref. prep. 3 with suff. 2 p. s. m. (§ 5);

; -1
1 a, id. Ge. 50. 4.
. .

-1 id.
. 133
id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. ; -1 bef. labial '133 noun masc. sing. . . . 133
id., suff. 1 pers. sing. ; -1 id. n''2 133 pref. 3 X adv. Je. 41. 6. . . . 13
133 Kal part. act. sing. masc. dec. 9a; 1 bef.
lab. 133
id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. ; -1 id. n''2
^^,.31.23 pref. 3 X n. m. pi. constr. from |13 dec. 7 b. |13
''•1 id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. ; -1 id. n^2 pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . }13
"I id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. ; -l id. n''2 2'''i?n"25
"'1 pref. 3 for 13 X id. pi-, abs. St.; 1 bef. lab. P3
id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. n''2 '
'^?? *'-1 Kal inf. abs. (§ 24. rem. 2) ; •! id. . 133
noun masc, constr. of [jri'"?] dec. 2 b. n''2 •133 "^'-1
id. pret. 3 pers. pi. ; 1 id. . 133
pref. 2 X pr. name of a place "•133 "'-1 id. imp. pi. masc. ; -1 id. 133
*'•! pref. id. X noun masc. sing., (suff. ^'\^\\) /D"'^3i33 pref. 3 X noun masc, pi. of y3i3 dec. 2

dec. 6 a ; -1 bef.
^ .
, • (§ 31. rem. 5) . y33
pref. prep. 2 with suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. (§ 5) 3 fin'33i33-
r T I
pref. 3 for 13 X n. m., pi. of 3213 dec 2b 333
'T) ") id.,
id.. with suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. (§ 5) 1132 noun masc sing. dec. I. 133
bef. , ,, for 1 see 1
} 1133 pref. 3 X pr- name in compos. jtJ'i? 113 . 113

n:]3 Root not used ; i. q. 1132 to weep.



pref. id.

noun fem.
X noun masc.

3 pers.
.... sing,

m. from 1133
N32 masc. dec. 4 a. — I. a weeping, only as a pr.
n. s., suff. s. dec. la.

7133 id. pi., constr. state . . .

name N32n pPJ? {valley of weeping), a valley in

Palestine, Ps. 84. 7. — II. the name of a shrub dis-
id. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing. . . .


noun masc,
a white sort of acrid gum.

pi. of i^32' dec. 4 a. . . N22

n-133 *'1

noun masc.
b ; 1 bef. lab.
pi. const,

.... from [1133] dec.



for 112

bef. ,
X noun masc.
X noun masc.
sing. dec. 5a.

sing., suff. 1 pers.


id. pi.,

id. pi.,

pr. name masc.


absolute state
2 pers. sing,
masc . . 133
^ from ^'l2^ dec 3 a . . . ^23
pref. 3 X pr- name of a country . . ^^13
pref. id. X noun fem. sing. , . . ^33

3 X noun masc.
3 bef. Y id., suff.
sing. dec. 3 a.

3 pers. sing. masc.

. ^33
"TlllB'iS? pref.
noun fem.
3 for 13 X noun fem. pi. [of 11^13]

3 X Piel inf. [3-T3] suff. 2 p. pi. m.

.... , d. 7 b.
•1 pref. id. X id-, suff. 3 pers. pi. m.; -I bef. lab. 133
pref. 3 bef. X pr- name of a place
, . ^ 3T3
pref. 3 X Piel inf-i suff. 2 pers. s. m., dec. 1 b. 133
n'33 pref. 3 f. 1?
pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 6 a. 733 noun masc. sing. dec. 1 a. 113
n'3? pref. 3 q. v.
pref. 3 X id. pi-, constr. st. . . . ?33
inbi pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. ni3
pref. 3 for n3 X noun fem. sing. . . 133
pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. sing. . ni3
pref. id. X noun masc, pi. of IJ'33 dec. 6a. K'33
pref. id. id-, suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. ni3
pref. id. X noun com. sing. dec. 8d. . . 113
«K'ri33 pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 6d. B'lS
••D1''K^n33 -1 pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 3 p. pi. m.; -1 bef. , , K'13
nD!!l I. to weep. — II. to mourn, lament ; const, with
noun m. s. dec. fii (§ 35. rem. 14); -1 id. 133
ace, ?]l, ^^> ?• Pi- '0 mourn, deplore, const, ace, 7J?. ^33
^ n33 masc. a weeping, Ezr. 10. i. ';iT33 pref. 3 for 13
— 1^3
noun masc.
*33 masc. dec. 6i. — I. a weeping, lamentation. -1 pref. 3 q. v.J
sing. ; -1 id.

II. a dropping or trickling of water, Job 28. 11. 'li>33 pref. 3 for 13 X noun masc. sing. dec. 1 b. 113

• Exr. 6. 15. /Est. 1.15. ' Ere. 21. 26. » Ps. 149. 8. ' Ezr. 10. 1. Eze.27. 31. ' Is. 48. 10. "Ge.35.8. • Est. 4. 8.
» Eir. 5. 12. K Jos. 23. 12. "Ex. 29. 43. ' Am.
9. 9. y 1 Sa. 22. 17. ' Je. 22. 10. ' Mi. 7.1. » Eze. 13. 19. ' Jo8.8.18,18,26.
' Jos. 2. 19. * De.28.54. » i;x. 14. 25. • Nu. 15. 11. » Ps. 99. 6. Joel 1.5. *Ne. 10.36. ;'Je.27.5. « 1 Su. 17. 45.
''2 Ki.8. 1. ' Nu.21.7. • Is. CI. 6. ' 1 Ki. 17. 12. ' Ezr. 8. 15. '
Je.40.4. ' Le.2. 14. 1 Ho. 12. 1. ' 1 Sa. 2. 14.
' Nu.18.Sl. * 2 Sa. 5. 23. P Pi. 105. 18. » Ex. 7. 29. « Je. 50. 4. r Is. 47. 13. -Ps.68.7. ' Ho. 7. 3. "£16.32.7.
DDin'^i-^^ni LXXXIV iDn-^^Di
noun m. s., sufF. 1 pers. s. from ^33 dec. 6i. n33 pref. 3 bef.
^ .^ X id- du., suff. 3 pers. s. m. S]33

Kal part.
id. imp.

id. pret.
act. m., pi. of



pers. pi.

d.9a. (also) pr. n.

n33 n'!n333
pref. id.

pref. id.


3 X noun

du., suff. 2 pers. sing.

du., suff-

masc. with
2 pers- sing. masc.

pl. fem. term.

masc. f)33


pref. 3 for H? X Kh. D^3' q. v., K. 013' (q. v.) D13 from "1133 dec- lb; -1 before . . 133
I pref. 3 X noun m. sing. dec. la; ")
bef. , D13 'nD33 pref- 3 for n3 X noun masc. s. [for Xp3] t<D3
pref. id. X id., sufF. 2 pers. sing. masc. . D13 D'J)^ip33 pref. id. X noun masc, pl. of ?''p3 dec. 1 a. 7D3
pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc. sing. -i:r3
pref. 3 X name of a month, see "iPpS *Zec. 7. (.
n. fem. s., suflf. 3 p. s. m.from [n"'33] dec. 1 a. n33
pref. id. X noun masc. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing.
'*^^?? Kal pret. 1 pers. sing. .133
masc. from ?p3 dec. 6a. . . ?D3
id. pret. 2 pers. pi. masc. n33
pref. 3 X noun m. s., constr. of "133 dec. 2b. "n3 pref. 3 f. n3]
P1D33 noun masc. sing., dec. 6 a.")
pref. id. id- dual, in the constr. for 0^133 1-13 5)03
X (§35. rem. 2);-'lbef.lab.J
pref. 3 for 1131 pref. 3 q. v.
noun masc. sing. dec. 8c;")
^D33" '•1

^b "XSp33 Chald. pref. id. X noun masc. sing., emph.

Ipref. ?q-v.j -1 bef.
. .
of P|p3 dec. 3a P1D3

pref. id. X pr- name in compos. 'DNl 3?3 3^ pref. id. X P"'-
name of a place f)D3
. 'r
"'pn?33 Chald. pref. id. X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 6d. Dj;3
pers. pi. masc. (§ 61. rem.) ^i9J?33 pref. id. X id-, suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . Dj;3

«nfe3 pref. 3 bef.

( . ^ X Kal inf. constr. nb 1
pref. 3 f. n3
pref. 3 X Piei inf-. suflf. 1 pers. sing. dec. 1 b. ••^133 >• noun fem. sing, dec- 8d. 5123

pref. id. X id., sufif. 2 pers. sing. masc. pref- 3 q.v.


pref. id. X noun masc. sing. \ iS33 pref. id. X id-, suff- 3 pers. sing. masc. . 5123
pref. 3 for PIS X noun masc. sing. irr.|
^^J>pref. id. id- du., suff. p. s.; bef. f)D3
X 1 -I , .^
(§ 45. & § 35. rem. 14) .
.J •233 pref. id. id- sing., suff. pers. sing, flQ3
X 1
'•1 pref. 3 bef. X id- pi-, constr. St.; •"!
bef. lab. n^3
pref. id. X id- du-, suff. 3 pers. pl. masc. fiS3
') pref. id. X id- sing., absolute state -1 id.
^^?3 ;
pref. 3 for n3 n. m. pl. [of f]3] bef. lab.
X ; -1

''Dn\'?33 pref. id. X id- pi-, suflf. 3 pers. pi. masc.

'1233 Kh. •^^33 q. v., K. f)?? (q. v.) S123

'V^3? •1 pref. 3 X id. pi-, suflf- 3 p. s- m.; -1 bef.

^.^ pref. 3 X n. f- s., suff. 2 p. s. m. fr. Pl? d. 8d. ^123

pref- 3 bef-
(.J X id- pl-, suff. 2 pers. pi. m. nb pref. id. X noun masc. s. (du. D v23) d. 6a. ?D3

yn^)33 pref. 3 for n3 X id- pl-, absolute state .

«J233 •1pref. id. X noun masc. sing.; bef. ... JS3 •")

. »n^^33 pref- 3 X n- f. pl-, suff. Ip-s-fr. [HJ^S] d. 12b. pref. 3 for HS X noun masc. sing. dec. 6 c. "123
IT : •

pref. 3 X Piel inf. ("123), suff. 1 pers. s. d.7b. 123

"0^3 IT'-. :
pref- id. X n. m. s-, suff. 3 p. pl. m. fr. 73 (q.v.) ^^3
"•I pref. 3 for ri3 X n. m., pl. of [-I23] d. 4 a. -)23
pref. 3 for HS X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. . n^3
m. 3 /Dn333 pref. id. X noun masc, pl- of -1^23 dec. la. "123
23? pref. prep. 3 with suff. 2 pers. pl- (§ 5)
«"jI"!S33 pref. 3 X Piel inf- (">23), suff. 2 pers. sing-
•1 pref- ? X adv-; -1 bef-
^.^ n^
masc. dec- 7 b. (§ 16. rem. 15) . . -|23
-11333 pref- 3 f- n3 ) ^ u s -^
_ •
Vnoun masc- smg- d-
1 b; •) id. -133 AnnnB33 pref. id. X noun masc. pl., suff. 3 pers. sing.
«'-1 pref. 3 q-v-j
fem. from -)'n23 dec. 1 b -in23
pref- 3 for n|l X gent. n. fr. |y33 . J?33
pref. 3 bef. X »• f- «•. constr. of ^l^S d. 4 a.

<'iD3?3 pref. id. X


id-, suff.

3 pers. sing. masc. . fl33 IDS T

Kal not used; Arab, to be early. Pi. — I. In bear

'niD?3? Ijref. 3 X id- pl-, constr. state (§ 33- rem. 1) fl33


early fruit, Ezc 47. 12. — II. to constitute (one)

3 pers. sing. C133 first-born, De. 21.16-

n''si?3 pref. 3 bef. ^. X J
id- du., suff. f.

m.(§33.r. -|33 masc. dec 6 b, a young camel. Is. 60. 6.

Dn''B333 pref. 3 X id- du-, suff. 3 pers. pl. 1) 5)33

2Din'?n-n:)n LXXXV a:3nn,^n-01

"1313 {young camel) pr. name. — I. of a son of nib? •1 adj. fem., pi. of ni'l33 dec 10; -1 bef. ^.^ 133
Ephraim, Nu. 26. 35. Gent. n. ''"!?? i'J'd. — II. inibi noun f. s., suff. 3 pers. s. m. fr. ni133 d. 10. 133
of a son of Benjamin, Ge. 46. 2 1 id. id, suff. 1 pers. sing. . . .133
n"133 fem. a young she-camel, Je. 2. 23. '"'ni33 pref. 3 X Kal inf., suff. 1 pers. sing. . ni3
^")33 [juvenile) pr. name masc. 2 Sa. 20. i. noun f. s., suff. 2 pers. s. m. fr. ni133 d. 10. 133
-|-133 masc. dec. 1 b. first-fiuit, in the sing, only pref. f. n3 X noun m., pi. of 3^^3 d.
3 6a. 3^3
Is. 28. 4; n7-133n D'T' the feast of the first-fruits, pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. . . . 7K»3
Pentecost. •1 pref. 3 [for i'rtJ'SnS §10. r. 6]; Niph. inf.

n^-133, nn-133 (Je. 24. 2) f. the early fig. Ho. 9. ["pK^Sn], 3 pers. s. m. d. 7b; -1 bef. lab. h^'Z
' n\Q^33 3
10; Mi. 7. 1. pref. bef. ,
X noun masc. pL, suff. 3 pers.
"1133 masc. dec. la. the first-born, firstling, sing. fem. from [^Iti^?] dec. 6. . . C]5J'3

both of man and beast; D''?! '•1133 the first-bom y}ilS^33 •1 pref. 3 X noun masc. s.; bef. lab. -1 . 15^*3

of the poor, i.e. the poorest; HID "1133 mortal disease. 3ri33 *'-1 pref. 3 bef. X noun m. s. d. la; - -1 id. 303
Pni33, n-l33 fem. dec. 10.— I. first-born, first- "13)^33 pref. 3 X Kal inf., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. 303
ling both of man and beast. — II. earlier birth, 'D''3n33 pref. 3 for H? Xidpt. p.m., pi. of 3-1113 d.3a. 3113

primogeniture; n"n33ri DStJ'P birth-right. «nri33 •1 Kal pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. ; -1 bef. labial 1133
ni133 {primogeniture) pr. name m. 1 Sa. 9. i. <'3in33 pref. 3 bef. ,
X Kal inf. constr.
, . . 303
"1^33 masc. adj., only fem. first-bom daughter. 'S»'?n33 Chald. pref. 3 X noun masc. pi. emph. [from
IT- : •.. :

•"1-|3'3 (for N-in -)33 he is the first-bom) pr. n. m. !?n3§59b]

in pause for -|33 (q. v.)

pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. d. 8.

... (§ 37. r. 7)
pref. id.

X noun masc.
3 X noun fem.

pi., suff.

3 pers. pi. masc.



IT ;

-123 '1
name masc; for 1T see lett. "I . "133 [from nih3 dec. 13 c. § 44. No. 2] . |n3
noun masc. sing. dec. la. for 1133 , .
"133 pref. 3 for n3 )
*„ ^ • > noun f. s. dec. ob; bef. ^TO

, ,

IT :
noun fem. sing. dec. 10. for rTn'l33 . 133 8-Fin33
-1 pref. Sq.v.j (=)

noun fem. sing. 133 pref. 3 bef. /.> X ^^-^ suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. 51113

'nba noun m. s., suff. 3 pers. s. m. fr. 1133 d. la. 133 *in33 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. . . , 103
proper name masc. . . . .133 Chald. masc. the heart, Da. 6. 15.

"n'nba noun fem., pi. of ni133 dec. 10. . . 133 ^3 '•1

adv.; -1 before labial .1^3

'732 noun
noun m.

s., suff.

pi. constr.

of a man.
1 pers. sing.

from [133] dec.

fr. 1133 d. 1

6 b.
a. 133
% proper


3 X

name masc.
adv. .....
of an idol


pref. 3 X [f.DnS] fr.13d.8. (§37.r.7) 113

^ n. m. s., suff. 2 pers. s. m. fr. 1133 d. 1 a. 133



pref. id.
pref. as
for 113

an adv.

X noun masc,
X prop. Kal
.... pi. of

with the

dec. 8 c. .

> pref. 3 X pr- name of a place . . "]13 '3S3 '•1^ pref. 3 X n. masc. sing. dec. 8 b. (comp
•1 pref. 3 for PIS X noun f. pi. ; -1 bef. labial 113 '^ J § 36. rem. 3) ;
-1 bef. ^.^ .

< 0-133 '•1 pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 4b; -1 id. 33?
ipref.3 X n.m.s.d.6a. (seethefolL); -Ibef.^ D13
D."T33 '"3,?^? pref. 3 bef. , ,
X ^^-y construct state . 33?
pref. id. X ''I
P^-. constr. state D13 n33^3 pref. id. id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. 33?
T IT :
• X .

'S'-pSsj •1 pref. 3 f, n3 X n. m. s.; -1 bef. lab. see '?''to13

"'•1 pref. id. X id-, suff. 3 p. s. m. ; -1 bef. lab.
" D'>0-133
"'•1 pref. id. X noun masc, pi. of D13, (suff.
r t;
\33^3 pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. sing. . . 33?
•JDI?) dec 6a; -1 id. D13
pref. id. "inoun masc. sing. dec. 8 b. (§
37.) pref. id. X id., suff. 2 p. s. m.; -1 bef lab. 33?
D13 ^33^3 »'-1
'•"I pref. 3 3 rem. 5) also pr. name; -1

^'-riS33 pref. 3 bef. X Kal inf.

^ . ^
constr. with Mak. pref. id. X id-, suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. . 33b
forhlS' (§8. rem. 18) ni3 0333^3 pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. 33^


IT T ; •
pref. id. X id-, suflF. 3 pers. pi. masc. 22h
irb^'] I. to urow old. — II. to waste away. Pi. to cause
pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. to waste away, to consume.
fem. from 2? dec. 8 b. 13^ i??Il Pa. to destroy, Da. 7. 25.

3 pers. sing. masc. 33"? nbs

pref. id. X id., sufF. nb3 masc. dec. 9, adj., fem. ; old, worn out.

IT : •
pref. 3 bef. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. .
n?3 pr. name of a place, Jos. 19. 3, for Hilb? q.v.

pi'ef. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 1 a. v3 Chald. masc. custom, tax.

pref. id. X id-, suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. ^ib? masc. only pi. com. .''ibs & ''Nibs (like

3 [n^p] 3nb D'^SriB for D^jriS) old clothes, rags.

'Dni3^3 pref. X noun fem., pi. of dec. 10.

'3^3 pref. id. X noun masc. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing.

?3 adv. — I. not. — II. nothing.

from 3? dec. 8b, Chald. dec. 5b. . 33^ y3 masc. — I. consumption, destruction. Is. 38. 17.

pref. id. id-, suff. 2 pers. sing, m., for 33b

— II. want, only adverbially, not ; without ; ''722,
X JI^lp'
v3b without ; v3p because not ; lit. from want
pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. 33^
O of; v3 *TJ? as long as, lit. until the wanting of;
n3'?3 pref. id. X id-, suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. 33b vS 73^ because not, Ge. 31. 20.
pref. id. X pr- name masc. . Pb npvS (compounded of y2 & nO not any
IT : • ;
pref. id. X pr- name of a place Pb thing) nothing. Job 26. 7.

'•1 pref. 3 for n3 X W- n. of a region; -I bef. lab. T'yvS (compounded of v3 without, and bj?^

"DV3^3 •1 pref. 3 bef. , ,

X n. fem. with pi. m. term.
use). — I. worthlessness. — II. wickedness, '2 C'X a

from n:3> d. lie. (§ 42. r. 4); "1

bef. lab. P^
wickedman; also ellipt. without K'^N. — III. injury,

/Dn\K'3^3 pref. id. X noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi.
"•lyb? (compounded of b? not, and ''ly to,
masc. from K'-13p dec. la.
R. nij;), also nybs, with suff. njjb?, ^i^bs,
pref. 3 X noun
contr. for HZHl/'] ....
fem. sing., constr. of [HS?

Ge. 14. 24

I. not,

41. 16.
or nothi^ig

— II. besides,
to, as far as regards,


nbs, with suff. ^ribs, ^iribs only Ho. 13.4, &

Kal not used ; Arab, to open ; to shine ; hence 1 Sa.2.2, elsewhere ''Typ2 with parag. Yod. — I. adv.
Hiph. — I. to open, or cause to break out, upon, with not, 1 Sa. 20. 26. — II. without, besides. — III. conj.

by, Am. 5. 9. — II. to make cheerful, to enliven, with besides that except that, unless; DX ''P02 unless


D^3Q the face, also without it, to be cheerful, glad. it be that; ""rib^b chiefly as the negation before an

nabs (joy) pr. name masc. Ne. 12. 5, 18, written inf. (bbX ^rib3b for bb^b '•ribs) not to, so that

*ab3 chap. 10. 9. not; ''Fb212 because not; ''F02 !]}_ until not; so

IT'VbsO fem. exhilaration, cheerfulness, Je.8.i8. long as.

name masc. 73X adv.— I. nay nay —

IT ; •

pr. name masc.


..... . . . 3b3
ib3 certainly.



III. but, yet, nevertheless.

fem. dec. lb, destruction.



10. 25.

'•1 (for T]b'P ^^^ of strife, 11? Arab, to strive,

•1 pr. name ofa place, contr. for nnb?; -I bef.lab. nbl

seejK^b?) pr.n.of afriendof Job; -1 bef. lab.

3 X '•nbs Piel pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . . n?2

nnb? pref. ^^1 inf- constr. dec. 13 b. . nb^

id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem.

*3nb? pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 6d. . SPlb
nnibii pref. id. X
*n3nb3 •1 pref. id. X n. fem. sing. dec. Ha; -1 bef. 3nb
'^3nb3 pref. id. X n. m. pi. constr. from 3nb dec.Cd. 3nb
Pi. to harass, trouble, Ezr. 4. 4. Keri.
1- T

— —
fem. dec. 11a.

{feebleness) pr. name

I. terror.

— I.

of a hand-maid of
calamity. '«nnb3 noun fem.
pr. name
sing. dec. 11a.

fem. .... . . . n?3

Rachel. — II. of a place in the tribe of Simeon, nin^a
1T -
noun fem. pi., of nn?3 dec. 11a. . . ri?3

1 ch. 4. 29, comp. nby3. "Dinba id. pi., construct state . . . n?3
}nb3 (feeble) pr. name masc. — I. Ge. 36. 27. «'Dn''pnb3 pref. 3 X noun masc. pi. with suff. for Dn''pb'

II. 1 Ch. 7. 10. (comp. Ex. 7. 22). R. nib, or from tSnb . tSnb

« Is. 43. 28. ' Ps. 125. 4. ' l8. 47. 10. f Ex. 8. 2. ' Ju. 13. 20. ' Is. 66. 15. "18.17.14. '
Job 24. 17.
* Ii. 63. 1. 1 Pr. 2. 10. / La. 4. 14. 'La.S.i. * Da. 11.33. «Ex.l.l4.
ySn-pSn LXXXVII j^n-DnnS:
pr. name masc.
Kal pret. 3 pers. pi.
... .



i pref.
3 f. n3 noun m.
s. {b'h 6h)j
6:b d. 6h)
withparag. H; -Ibef. lab. j
Chald. noun masc. sing. .
nb pref. 3 q. v.

pref. 3 X pr. n. in compos. "I3T 1?, see 13*1 N? '^^^ noun m. s., suff. 3 pers. s. m. fr. ?v3 d. 1 a. ??3
pref. 3X adv. more frequently k?'; -l bef.^.^ i6 I
** - pref. 3 for 113 X noun masc. with pi. fem.

for^i"??, V.i'?31ikeD''XnS forD^lin? (§35.r.l5) nb term, from 7v dec. 6h. . . , bw

'»^? pref. 3 X pr. name of a place . it: ••
Chald. pref. 3 X noun m. s. emph., [fr. v v] ?v

pref. id. pr. name masc. adj. masc, pi. of [ilbS] dec. 9b. . . n?3
I :
X .

noun masc. pi. constr. [for V.^-'? f™'" '^''?
compound of v3 & Htt see . . nb
comp. § 3. rem. 1]; -1 bef. ^^ nb >noun m. s., compound of v3 & 7^^ rh2
D>1^3 pref. 3 for HS X patronym., pi. of '•1.7 dec. 8 f.

';'i('3 Kal part. pass. sing. masc. .

n3^3 '•1 pref. 3 X Kal inf. constr. dec 13. (§44.
rem. 3) ; -I bef.
(., •

id. fem. dec. 10. .

pref. id. X id., sufF. 3 pers. sing, masc

•1 pref. 3 X noun m., pi. of ['?-l'?]; -1 bef.
pref. id. X id., sufF. 2 pers. s. m.; -1 bef.
Kal part. pass, fem.,
from 7-1?3

of n>1T'3 dec. 10.

oriD^: ''•1
pref. id.

pref. id.
X id.,

id., sufF.
sufF. 3 pers.

3 pers.

masc; -1 id.

f X pi. .
'ni^3 adj. fem., pi. of n^3', fr. [n^3] masc. . nhi
pref. 3 bef: X noun masc. sing., sufF.

3 pers. sing. masc. from [D-IH?]

^i I. to suffuse, Ps. 92.3. — II. to mingle, mix, con-

pref. 3 for n3 X pr- name of a place, for

found. — III. to give fodder, Ju. 19. 21, denom. of

?v3. Hithpo. to mix oneself, to be mixed, Ho. 7.8.

"•n^ (§ 35. rem. 14) . . . nrh
?33 (for 73p3 confusion) Babylon; also used
«^n^3 pref. 3 bef. ,.) X noun masc. sing. dec. 6 i.
for the kingdom of Babylon, Babylonia.
(§ 3.5. rem. 14. & 15)
v33 Chald. only pi. emph. Ny33 Babylonians,
pref. id. X id. du. (D^.!n^) with suff. 2 p. s. m.
'iv T :

Ezr. 4. 9.

?''p3 masc. dec. 1 a, mixed provender, fodder.

pref. 3 for HS noun com. sing, dec")
Dn^3 / Dn^ ?3R masc. mixture or confusion of species by
6a; -Ibef. lab. J
pref. 3 q. v.
bestiality, or of relation by incest.

ipn^3 pref. id. id., sufF. 3 pers. sing. masc. on"? ?p3ri masc. some disorder or blemish in the
eye, Le. 21. 20.
**»n^3 pref. id. X id., sufF. 1 pers. sing. .

pref. 3 for 113 X noun pi. fem. defect, [for

?3 pref. id. X id-, suff. 2 pers. s. m. from "^tprh' nrh
niX^-l'? fr. ^^-l!? comp. §35. r. 15, notel bib
pref. 3 f. n^l^
noun masc. sing. dec. 6d. yrh
pref. 3 q. v.
to bind, to bridle, Ps. 32. 9.
IT -
pref. 3
pref. as

3 X
for 113

an adv.
X prop. Kal
.... part., with the


3 X Kal
id. X a-dj-
inf., sufF.


pers. sing.

suff. 1 pers. sing,

. . l^b

pref. id. as a subst. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi.

fr. 113^ dec. lb... . l^b
i^^sk^p!?3 -I pr. name given to Daniel at the court of

-|-'iXK'D'?3 J Nebuchadnezzar.
to pluck or gather figs. Am. 7. 14.
Kh. •>% q. v., K. ^3 q. V. .

noun masc. sing. (Is. 38. 17), otherwise adv. nb I. to swallow. — II. to consume, to destroy. Niph
pref. 3 for n3 X Kh. 7)^ noun masc. sing. to be swallowed up, lost. Pi. i. q. Kal. Pu. to

dec.Ch, K.'nj'^i'? (q.v.) be destroyed, to perish. Hithpa. id.

o^^'?3 3 X id., constr. state

pref. . y^3 m.d.6a.(§35.r.5) with sufF. ''y!'}^— Lathing

noun masc. sing. dec. la. svmllowed, Je. 51. 44. — II. destruction, Ps. 52. 6.

Iii.55. 1. ^lKi.6.8. t Ge. 47. 19.

Je.38. 12. « Jos. 9. 5. 11, 11. /Job 20. 23.
niSn^n-y^i LXXXVIIl tii)yf:i:i-vh:i

III. pr. name (a) of a city near the Dead sea. * 0315^^3 •"!
pref. id. X id., suff. 3 p. pi. m.; -1 bef. lab. JK^
Gent. n. 'J/?3 (b) of a man. 'r\^^3, 3
; pref. for ri3 X noun fem. pi. ahs. from
DJ^7? (for ^V y- 5 tt-'o-sting of the people) pr. nStt'V dec. 12b "pb
name. — I. of the prophet Balaam. — II. of a city
rilKvS pref. 3 X id. sing., constr. state . . *]C^?
in Manasseh, called also D]^^?^ (for D^ V^'^,))
° nbB'^3 pref. id. X id. pi., constr. state . . 1^^
[forJ?^2] noun m.

Piel imp. sing. masc.


(suff. iy^2) dec. 6 a. yhl
l^^pS (for |t?0")3 son of tongue,

?np3) pr. name of a man.

i. e. eloquent, comp.

k '•1
pr. name of a man and city \h'2 nn?3 n?3
Kal pret. 3 pers. sing. fem.

, .
. .

' '-1
id. pret. 3 pers. sing, masc; -1 bef. labial y72 *''n?3 Kal pret. 1 pers. sing. b^3
pref. 3 X adj. pi. const, masc. fr. [JJ/V] d. 5. J^^ ^^n$3 Kal inf. [ni'?3], suff. 1 pers. sing. . n^3
"•073 adv. and prep., [n?3 with parag. ''] . . n73
the following with suff. 1 pers. sing.
j-t; • ''W3 prep. [ri23] with suff. I pers. sing. . n?3
adv., in form pi. constr., compound of 72 & '^r)?3 id., suff. 2 pers. sing, masc, [for '^Jyi?3] . Twl
ny see -A D3 •'^'•1
pref. prep. 3 with suff. 3 pers. pi. m.
•1 id. with suff. 2 pers. sing. m. ; -1 bef. lab. (§ 5) ; -1 bef. lab 3
*nyV3 •1 Kal pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. ; -1 bef. lab. nspS pref. 3 bef.
^.^ X adv niX
it: it

noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.

nxp3 pref. 3 X noun fem. sing. dec. lib. . riND
^:TXbi pref. id. X n. m. du. constr. fr. [i.TND] d. 7 b. JTN
fr. [j;^2] dec. Ga. (§35. rem. 5) vhi
fi-i«»5TSb3 Chald. pref. id. X id. du., emph. state . }TN
Piel pret. 3 p. pi. [for -ly^iS comp. § 8. r. 7] y^^
'•"i3-"iyV3 Kal pret. 3 pers. pi., suff. 1 pers. pi. . yp3
•j-x 1 : -^

id. inf. [y^3] , suff. 1 pers. sing. (§ 16. r. 10) y^3 *3nKm pref. id. X n. m. s., constr. of [3nXD] d. 2 b. 31K
pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. •'n^Xrsi pref. 3 for HS X noun f. s. dec. 10. ("§ 42. r. 3) "IIX
m. [for ^yV fr. y$] . . . . vh ^i^3?^3 pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 3 a. . . N13
'•1 pr. name masc. ; -I bef. lab. . . y?3 *in3p3 pref. 3 X n. m. s., constr. of ["Ip???] d.2b. in3
Kal pret. 3 pers. sing, masc, suff., Kh. -Ijy',
'Tj^QjpZipil pref. id. X noun masc. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing.

1 pers. pi., K. -Iiy 1 pers. sing. . . yhl masc. fr. [ntpiO] dec 2 b. (§ 37. rem. 7) nD3
comp. '"|''3P3 pref. id. X Hiph. part. sing. masc. .
Piel pret. 1 p. pi. [for -IJy^^S § 8. r. 7] y^3
" nnVIipS pref. id. X noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing.
id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . )j71
I ^:i- •
fem. fr. "IMO dec 2 b. . . . n^'3
3 ") pref. 3 for HS X noun masc, pi. of T'S?] i
"DnynpS pref. id. X id. pi., abs. state . . "1V3
3 J dec. lb J Pp\)2Jp3, pref. 3 bef. Piel part. pi. constr. masc
dec. 7b. (comp. § 10. rem. 7) . . K*p3

[p/ilj to empty out, make waste. Is. 24. i. Pu. to be 9Vt^3p3 pref. id. X noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing.

made waste, Na. 2. 11. Hence masc from [C^-UQ] dec 3 a. . . ^)2
VnUpS pref. 3 X pr. name of a place bn
. .
p73 '-I (empty) pr. name of a king of Moab in

the time of Moses 'n'iP'njS? -1 pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc with pi. fem.

term, from ^"lap dec. 2 b.; -1 bef. lab. . ^13

l-ViiK'pS pr. name of the last of the Chaldean kings,
•T]^n"l'?'^3r?il 3 X id. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem.
pref. blj
written "1-V^K^3 in Da. 7. i.
'ni3'^?l?3 pref. 3 for n3 X noun fem. pi.;
•"! bef. lab. liD -1

'f\^2, pref. 3 for n3]

.r r
noun com. s. d. 3 a: -1 bef. ,.,
3i3D3 pref. 3 X pr- name of a region 313 . .

«|'lip7? -1 pref. ? q. v.J

« m-13p? pref. 3 for HS X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. 113 .

'fltJ^S pref. 3 bef. X id., constr, state

(.^ '')'''l-"13p3 pref. 3 bef. , .
X noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers.

iyiE'j'S pref. id. X id., suff., 3 pers. sing. masc. sing. masc. from [>'13D] dec. 3 a. . 113

*3iB'^3 pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. sing. . y D>"13P3 pref. id. X id- pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . "113

« P». 52. 6.
niSnto:i-r\nnm LXXXIX r\hr^^^-]h:i
•1 pref. 3 X noun fem. pi. constr. from [mTJDJ ''Dn^riWyim pref. id. X noun fem. pi., suflf. 3 pers. pi.
dec. lib; -1 bef.
"ITJ masc. from [nyyiD] dec. lib. ,

pref. 3 for n3 X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. .

D''riSip3 -1 pref. id. X noun masc, pi. of ns'ltt dec.
pref. 3 bef. X i^., construct state 7 b; •")

pref. 3 f. n3 'pV-103 pref. id. X noun masc. sing, for PV'IO' piv
noun fern. sins. dec. 10.
pref. 3 q. V. ftiyif\jp2 pref. id. X noun masc, pi. of C'piD dec. 7 b. tJ'p'

pref. 3 for HS X n. fem. s. dec. 10. (§ 42. r. 3) -1-13 '''N^1JD3 -1 pref. id. \ noun masc. sing. dec. lb. (§ 31.
"nn.jpn •1 pref. id. X id. pi. ; -1 bef. lab. . rem. 1 & 3) ; -I bef. lab.

pref. 3 X pr. name of a place . "IJD s'D"'X"liD3 -1 pref. id. X id. pi., absolute state ; -1 id. . NT
pref. 3 for 113 X noun m. s. dec. 2b; -1 id. "131 *Tli?33 pref.3f. n3^
"°"" "'^''- ^^"S- dec 2 b. TT-
pref. 3 X id., construct state "I3T "initt? pref. ? q. y.| .

pref. 3 f. n3 ^^1D3 pref. id. X id. construct state IT

mm nrjp2 3
noun fern, singr. dec. 10. mo 3^*103
pref. q. v. -1 pref. id. X noun masc. sing., constr. of 2^)D
pref. id. X pr. name of a region, see ^IQ dec. 2b; -1 bef.
^.^ • 3K'>

t,VlP? pref. id. X pr- name oi a region R. |"''n see in nnhp-im pref. id. X id. pi., suflf. 3 pers. pi. masc
pref. 3 for il2 X n. fem. s. dec. 10. R. )'''1 see tn niS3 pref. 3 for HS X noun masc. sing. dec. 6g. nio
pref. 3 for HS niD3
'-1 n.f.,pl.of
TT d. 10,also '; »
-1 bef.lab. D13
id. pi. in nip3 3X
pref. bef. ,
''-1 pref. n. m.s., constr. of n.lD dec.6g; -1 id. nio
Ch. pref. id. X n.f. s., constr. of [WnO] d.8a. in init33 pref. id. X id., suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc.

'npnp? pref. 3 for il2 X noun fem. sing, in *nim

I" _ IT
noun fem. pi.
suflf. 1 pers.
s. from n?33
dec. 10. on
pref. 3 X n. m. s., suff. 2 pers. s. m. from V^D *niD3 id. constr. St.,' Kh. ^1103, K. 'n'D2,
" r; r ' ' (§
I" t;it r* IT

pref. id. X n. m. s., constr. of [K'lip] dec. 2 b. •"•'nim pref. 3X n. m. s., suflf. 1 p. s. fr. DID dec. 6g. mo
rimT noun fem. sing. dec. 10. (pi. c. ^rip3) D13 "VniD3IT IT
n. fem. pi.,
^ ' suflf. 3 p.
r s. m. from nD3
y y
dec. 1 0.

IT -
'" '-1
pref.3 forn3Xpron.interrog.inpause(2 Ki. "^•rtDS id. pi., suflf. 2 pers. sing. masc. DU
22. 2f; 2Ch.i8.2o),andbef.thegutt. X& H 'jyUyry\D2 a. pi., suflf. 2 pers. pi. masc. nn
pref. id."j pron. interrog. bef. non-gutt., and"j piC^n^OS id. pi., suflf. 3 pers. pi. masc.
no DniD3 id. pi., suflf. 3 pers. masc. rem. 2) on
3 J once (2 Ch. 7. 21) bef. J/
pi. (§ 4.
•1 (for bnp'JS circumcised, ?nD i.q. 71Dcomp. ?Dri1D3 '-1 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., suflf. 3 pers. pi.

IT :

DyySj pr. name masc. 1 Ch. 7.33.

masc. from Jlip dec. 6g; -1 bef. ma
«nnbnm pref. nSTp? pref. 3 for T\2 X noun masc. sing. dec. 7 c. n3T
id. X noun fem. pi. .

pinm pref. id. X noun masc. sing, -inn

^••nirSTOS pref. 3 bef.
^ .
X n. fem.. pi. of nOTO dec. 10. DOT
?nnnm 3 »nni?Tm pref. 3 for ri3 X n.fem., pi. [nnorrDi'dec 1 1 b. lor
pref. bef. , .
X noun fem. sing. .

pref. 3 with the parag. syllable, ID q. v.

'n"1TD3 -1 pref. id.)
„Jl\L- ^ _ f-
noun masc. sing.;
° -1 bef. lab. .

pref. 3 X pi'- name of a people and country,
"n7.Tp3 pref. 3 J

'•"ipTpi pref. id. Y n. m. pi. constr. fr. p^TO dec. 2 b. PIT

see 3NiD ; -1 bef. , ,

3 nn3n^3 ^
pref. for 113 X noun masc. sing. dec. 1 a. .
^ri[p,»- r pref. for 113 X noun fem. sing. dec. 13 a. )3n
't21D3 ''•1 pref. 3 X Kal inf. constr. ; -1 bef.

pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 2 b.

yn!l-inD3 1 pref. id. X noun fem. sing.; -1 bef. lab. Jin

Hi?)?? pref. 3 X n.m.s., suflf. 3 p. s. m. fr. l^SlD d. 7 b. ?inD3 pref. 3 X noun masc sing. dec. 3 a. ^in
pref. id. X id. pi., suflf. 3 pers. sing. fem. *?inp3 pref. 3 bef. X id-, , construct state h^n
T iv^: I :

pref. id. X noun masc. pi., suflf. 3 pers. sing. " nTnm pref. 3 for 113 X noun masc. sing. dec. 9 a. nrn
masc. from njj'lD] dec. 2 b. TTipS pref. 3 bef. ,
X noun masc. sing. dec. 1 a. ino
X noun masc.
pref. id. pi., suflF. 2 pers. ''Dil^TnpS pref. id. X id. pi., suflf. 3 pers. pi. masc. . nno
pi. masc. from H^ID dec. 7 b; -1 bef. lab. . ly^ Tl.'pnm pref. 3 X n. m. s. constr. of [H^n??] dec. 9 a. n^n
»D'nyiD3 '•1
pref. 3 for n3 X id. pi., abs. state; -1 id. -iy» "Tll^np? -1 pref. 3 bef.
^.^ X noun fem., pi. of [H^Iip]

pref. 3 X id. sing., suflf. 3 pers. pi. masc. ny^ dec. 10; -1 bef. lab. ^^n

«2Sa.l2.31. «^Est.P 16. " Ec. 3. 2^2. ' P8.46.3. » Eze. 46. 9, U. * Jos. 7. 5. " 2 Ch. 32. 12. • Is. 18.5. « Jc.31.4.
« Je. 3f>. 6. * Da. 3. 1, 30. • Ps. 140. 11. «Pr.4. 13. ' Le.23.4. ' Mi. 1.4. "2 88.1.19,25. » la. 30. 24. « Ge. 15. 1.
< Nu.
Ps. 40. 8. ' 11.8. P 1 Sa. 18. 25. 'Eze.36.38. rf
Ps. 81. 13. *Nu.31. 10. ;-l)e.33. 29. "Je. 15.7. » Ps.44.13.
'Eze.a*. 16. * Ec 10. 20. ? Ec. 4. 12. y Is. 14.31. ' Joi) 37. 10. ' Est. 2. 7. '/2Sa. 1.23. * Am.6. 6. '^2Ch.21.15.
' 1 Ch.20.3. '5fCh.lH.22. • Nu.13.23 • Nu.29.39. / Job 40. 24. "1 Ki.l3. .31. ' Ps. 10. 2. y Is. 44. 13. <<
Is. a. 19.
f La. 1.1. >»2Sa.21.3. • Ps. 38. 17. 'Nu.10.10. i^De. 4. 34. •""Job 28. 25. "Je.32.21. yy Kze. 6. 3.
XC ]'h^:i-r\htif22

niyn?33 pref. 2 for n2 ) noun fern., pi. of [rhm] ^ , ^D';^^5P3 pref. 3 X noun masc. pl. [of 'P-l^pP]

"nipnpn -Ipref-Sbef. dec. 10; bef. lab. /^apppi pref. id. X n. m. pl. constr. from [\6^'0] d. 8 a. P3
^.J -1

*D"'*'?rip3 pref. 3 X noun masc, pi. of [^^nn] dec. lb. H^H s'VlDppS pref. id. X noun masc. pl., suff. 3 pers. sing.
masc. from [ibpP] dec. lb. 103
«niij)^nm pref. id. X noun fem., pi. of nipPHO dec. 13 c. phn
''1Flip3p3 pref. id. X noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing,
''Dn''nii?^nD3 pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. phn
masc. from Dippp dec. 13 a. . 103
'DD^nippC^? pref. id. X id- pl-. sufF. 2 pers. pi. masc. p?n B'pppS pref. id. X pr. name of a place, see DOpp . D03
/nnip^nD3 pref. id. X id. pl., sufF. 3 pers. pl. m. (§ 4.r. 2) p^H n3bp3 -1 pref. 3 bef. X P^- name of a place ; -I bef.

ef]\^r\pbriip2 Chald. pref. id. X noun fem. pl., suff. 3 pers. "npSpS pref. 3 X n. m. s., constr. of HDpp dec. 9 a. ilDD


Chald. pref.
masc. from [Nj^pnO] dec. 9a.

? bef.
. ,
X n. fem., pl. of

3 X Peal inf. (dag. forte impl.inn)pn


d. 10.
pref. id.

X noun fem. sing., constr. [of ilDDp],
for HS

X pr. name
.... of a region .
n^npS pref. 3 for n3 X noun com. sing. dec. 9a. n^Pl . »D''pt^3P3 pref. id. X Piel part, m., pl. of ^^^ip dec. 7b.

n3n?03 pref. 3 X id., construct state . . H^PI 3ri3p3 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 2 b. . 3n3
^nipnisi pref. 3 for n3 X id. pl. fem. . . . HJH *3|i)3p3 -1 pref. id. X id., construct state; -1 bef. lab. 3n3
D^5DP? pref. 3 X W- name of a place . . niPl 'Cripp3 pref. 3 for 113 X noun masc. sing. E'JID

'pp'npi pref. 3 bef. ^.^ X Poel part. sing. m. dec. 7b. ppn ""inJlDpS pref. 3 bef. , < X noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers.

'"TjK'npS pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 8 a. . . "IKTI sing. masc. from [Iinpp] dec. 10. nna
D"',?^np3 pref. id. id. pl. absolute "pn "mN$p3 pref. id. X Kal inf. constr. [for niw^^p=^p
X . . .

J^l'linpS pref. 3 for 113 X noun fem. sing. . . "inn nx'pp § 23. rem. 2. 4. & 9] .

"NpXtpi03 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. . . . X1D nDXppS pref. 3 for 113 X n. fem. s. see under the R.

ritSOS pref. 3 for 113 X noun masc. sing. dec. 9 a. nt33 TI-ISS^PS pref. 3 X n. f! s., constr. of [DISX^P] d. 3a.

^''ntSpS pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. . . nn3 P''3K?p3 pref. id. X constr. from "^sVp dec. 2b.
•intSpS pref. 3Xn.m.s.,suff. n^)Ddec.9a. nt23
3 pers. m.;
?1"'3N^P3 -I pref. id. X id., suff. s. -1 bef. lab.
-nitpbi pref. 3 for 113 X n. fem., pl. of ntDID dec. 10. 1310
'TlDSpp? pref. 3 for nS") noun fem. sing., constr. of
^VaipS pref.,£ipdec.9a. nt33
n3X^p3 pref. 3 bef.
(. J r[^i^'^^ (§ 42. rem. 5)
JTItSpil pref. id. X id. s., suff. 2 pers. s. m. [for ^^tSD'] nt33

Kh. im q.v., K. ^»? q.v.

mpNypS pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.

*p3 pref. 3 X noun masc. pl., constr. of D\'0, 'ni6jp2 -"I pref. id. X Kal inf. constr. (see mxSpS);
[sing. § 38. rem. 2. & 45] '•n
•1 bef. lab N^O
^P § . .

'Dn'X?p3 pref. 3 X noun fem. pl., suff. 3 pers. pl. masc.

^P3 pref. id. X pron. interrog. , . . ''D

from [n^t-l^p] dec. 10. n'po

'°'>bk Kh. '•03 q. v.. K. IDS q. v.
"|37P3 pref. 3 for 113 X noun masc. sing.
Op^pi pref. 3 X n. m. s., constr. of [3p"'P] dec. 2 b. 30^
n^03 '^ ' n*1?b3 -1 pref. 3 X pr. name of a place ; 1 bef. .

•" • 1
V pref.3 f. n3 I n. m., pl. [of "P § 38.r. 2.^
"o 'nsi^03 '-I pref. 3 bef. , , X Kal inf. constr., see
§ 45]" ; -1 bef. lab. . j
D^P3 '1
3 q. v. J
I ' niN7p3; -1 bef. lab.

WP3 "'-I pref. 3 f. n? "j

yDri"K-1^p3 pref. 3X n. fem. pl., suff. fr. [HX-l^p] dec. 10.

l'lK'"'P3 ''-1 pref. 3 q. v. I noun m. sing.; -I bef. lab. |i?l33 pref. 3 for 113 X noun masc. sing. dec. 3 a .

ylb'^pS pref. 3 for HS J = n?p3 pref. id. X n. masc. sing, (segolate § 35. r. 5) n'?o
D''1EJ'''P3 pref. 3 X noun masc. pl., also as an adv. -i:^'>
riDnppS pref. id.") noun fem. sing. dec. 11a. (comp.")
'^"•"in^pS pref. id. X noun masc. pl., suff. 2 pers. sing. nn*?
"HOn^P? '^pref.3 J § 42. rem. 5); -1 bef.
^.^ .j
masc. from [ITT'P] dec. 2 b. in''
''r\)'0npD2 -1 pref. id. X id. pl., construct state; -1 id. . Dn^
3iX3p3 pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. lb.. 3N3
*niDp3 pref. 3 HS X noun fem. sing. dec. 10.
'O^P? pref. 3 for 113 X noun masc. sing. 0^0
D''pp3 pref. 3 noun fem. with pl. masc. term.")
«n3i3p3 X noun fem. sing. dec. 10.
pref. id.
IpbpS pref. 3 bef. ( ^ X n. m. pl. constr. fr. flSO d. 3 a.
\'hip2 pref. id. J from H^p dec. 10. . j

«Ju.n.S4. «'Exr.6.18. »Is.l4.23. »Ge.47.6,n. »Le.l3.25. * Ps. 141. 10. "Is.SO.H. 'SCh. 13.10. ! Ex. 28.20.
«2Ch.24.25. 'Ex. 15. 20. »lCli.l5. 15. "2Ch.26. 10. MKi.T.SS. * Hal). 1. 15. «.lob 20. 22. «Le. 12.6. » I.e. 2. 13.
'2Ch.31.15. 'Da.4.24. PHab.3.14. Mai. 2.6. ^ Is. 18. 4. ' Ex. 12. 4. » Hag. 1. 13. 'Ex.39.13, 11.20. "Da.
^2Ch.31,17. *Zec. 14. 15. » Ex. 8.1. ^.105.20. 8. «Eze. 27.24. *2Ch.35. 4. r2Ch.36. 16. »Je. 4.3.9. .30. 32. ' Is.
«2Ch.S5.4. 'Nu.21.18. 'Job9.30. «Ps.21.13. /Da.11.43. 'Pr.27.22. f Job 4. 18. '2 Sa. 12. 31. Je. 43. 9.' Je. 43. 9.
/2Ch.8.14. -I8.29.15. "18.25.10. • Job 33. 19. '''Sa. 19. 15. «Nu.4.8, 11,12. nMal.S.S. 'Est.1.5.
jiy^Di-^^c^Saa XCI
«\>*'!?P3 pref. 3 bef. X Hiph. part. pi. constr. masc- "n''j;pj;jp3 S
^.^ -l pref. bef.
^.^ X noun m. pi. [for "'V^V^P
from yi^D dec. 3 b.. fr. Vmp. V.'y § 36. r. 5] ; -1 bef. labial '.

IJ^Sa pref. a for n3) n^iip3 pref. 3 for n3 X noun fem.

s. dec. 10; •")
_l1_ ^ ,
y noun masc. sing. dec. 6 a.
^70^ pref. 3 q. V. J *i3p03 pref. 3 bef. X noun masc. sing., suff. 3
i^'j'M Kh.:]'^p3,K.?i'^J?P;pref.3orpXKalinf.constr p. s. m. fr. 3pp d. 8e. (§ 37. No.2, &r.3)
'nappS 3 n3 nDS3 pref. 3 f. nH]
pref. for X noun fern. sing. dec. 12a,
P'" "''"^' °^ ^ P'^^^' ^^^^^
riDp? '-1 pref. ? q.v.j
pref. ? X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing
"^033003 pref. id. X noun fem. sing. .
masc. fr. "iJ^Q dec. 6 a.
' pref.3f. n3l
P^^^- •'^ X inf., suff. 3 pers. sing, masc, ' noun fem. smg.
*^?r?l 'i'
' '•

V ^ dec. 10.
"TVPDm pref.3bf.(.J
n-13?p3 pref. 3 f. n|l| n. f. s. d. lb. Ch. constr. of
'Dif'plp? pref. 3 for HS X id. pi. .
n-13^»:jl '-Ipref.Sq.v.j -l^^D dec. 8c ; -1
/Dni^PP3 pref. 3 bef.
^.^ X id. pL, suff. 3 pers. pi. m.
Kn-13?P? Ch. pref. id. X n. f. s., emph. of -13^0 d. 8 c.
ri?pp3 pref. id. X id. sing., constr. state
in-"ID7P3 pref. id. X noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing.
masc. ni^Vp ^inpppS pref. id. X id. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.
fr. dec. lb.

'*n-1D?l?3 Chald. pref.

* ni'ipppZ pref. 3 X noun masc. with pi. fem. term. fr.
id. X noun fem. sing., suff. 1 pers.
sing. fr. -ISpp dec. 8c. PPPP] dec. 7 b

/^n-ISppa 'D"'10pp3 pref. id. X id. with pi. masc. term.

-1 pref. id. X noun fem. sing., suff. 1 pers.
sing. fr. niDpO dec. lb.; -1 bef. ^ .
*'^,??PP? •"! pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 7 c. (§ 36.

rem. 1); -1 bef. .

'^in-'l^pP? Chald. pref. X noun fem.
. . .
id. sing., suff. 2 pers. ^.^
")Spp3 ''-1 pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 2b; -1 id.
sing. masc. fr. -inpp dec. 8 c.
nSppa '1 pref. id. X id., constr. state
*Dn-137P^pref. id. X noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. pi.
DnSpp^l pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc.
masc. fr. n-IDPQ dec. lb.
n"npb3 pref. id. X pr. name of a place, see "ID^O
C3''2?P3 pref. 3 for H? X noun m., pi. of IJ^^ dec. 6a.
'"D^pb3 -1 pref. id. X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers.
''^3pP? -1 pref. 4I
X id. pi., constr. st.; -1 bef.
pi. masc. fr. [Ipb] ; -1 bef. .
0270^ pref. id. X id. sing., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. «n"lbD3 pref. id. X noun fem. sing, [for JTlbxp]
*|3^G)3 pref. 3 for H^l X Kh. perh. JS^D D3^p TlbpS
X noun fem., pi. HpP
(i. pref. id. of dec. 10.
the name of an idol, and meton. for the IFIppS 3
pref. for 113 X noun masc. sing. dec. 2 b.
temple) ; K. |37P, noun masc. sing. Dnnb03
pref. id.]
'np?»3 pref. 3 X n. m. s., constr. of n»^)?] d. 2 b. Dnnpp? p,ef. 2 I
'd- pi-' absolute state .

"Q^Pi^P^? pref. id. X noun masc, du. of [np^O] d. 2 b. ^n3j;.p|l pref. id. X n. m. s., constr. of [n3j;p] d. 9 b.
" n3^D?33 3
pref. f. n3-) » ?5yp3 pref. 3 for 113 X noun masc. sing. dec. 2 b.
"'"" ''"• ''"^ ^§ "'• '''^- '^
-nDSpp? 3 | ••^*ni7|yp|
I X noun fem. pi., suff.
pref. q. v." pref. 2 pers. sing.
''D^3N3P3 -1 pref. 3 for n3 X Piel part, masc, pi. of masc. fr. n?3yp dec. 11a..
flWrp dec. 7 b ; -1 bef. labial • Dn'l?jiyp:|l pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. .

«nm3p3 -1 pref. 3 bef.

^.^ X noun fem., pi. of HnUp "h^V^^ pref. id. X n. m. pi. constr. fr. hi^lK) d. 2 b.
dec. 10; -1 id.
'DpPIVP? pref. id. X noun fem. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi.
Ttp-ljpS -1 pref. id. X noun fem. sing, dec 10; -1 id. masc fr. nS|j;P dec 11a..
•nn3K)3 pref. 3 f. n3] "I^p3
"°"" ^- ^^'''
pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 7 b.
nn?p^ "Ipref.^q.v.l
^- '• '^ ^ef.
"'nj?b^ pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.
"nnjip3 -1 pref. id. X id., constr. state; -1 id. mo 'D3'''TJ?b|l pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc .
'*nn?p? -1 pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. sing.; id. -1
mo *"'I!!VP? pref. 3 for HS X noun masc. sing.
pref. id. X noun m., pi. of [|P] dec. 8b. .
riyp^ pref. 3 X noun masc. s. (suff. i-TJ?p) dec. 8c.
•^.^'^P? pref. 3 bef.X pr. name of a tribe
(., pippS pref. id. pr. name of a place
'Q,'!?''PJ?^P3 pref. 3 X noun masc pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. 3
'Pyp3 pref. bef.
^.^ X noun masc. sing., constr.
masc. fr. [D^jpj dec 8 a.
•2Ch.32.31. g Da. 5. 11. ">I8.6.6. -
Is. 52. 12.
* 2 Ki.23.33. y Pr. ISO. 4. '' 1 Sa. 6. 12. Is. 41. 7. " De.
* Ne.9.35. " Am. 9. 8. • Ge. 82.
21. • Ps. 141. 4. • Ju. 20. 81, 45.
4. .S4. ' Is. 59. 8.
' Est. 1. 15. ' Sa. 14. 47.
1 • Is. 19. 2.
* Joel 2. 12. /• 1 Ki.7.46. « De. 81. 10.
< 1 Sa. 3. 14. " 2 Su. 6. 5. /
''Is. 8. 21. * 2 Sa. 12. 31. p Mai. 3. 5. «
Is. 59. 7. ' 1 Ch. 9. 28. ? I Sa. 26. 5, 7. 'Nu. 15.3.
Ezr. 9. 5. * Ca. 1. 12. < Joel 2.8. »'Joh33. 16. < Ps. 17. 5.
' Kzr. 7. 13. ' .lu. 3. 31. f Is. * Is. 7. 25.
32. 18. ' 1 Sa. 2. 29, ' De.8.9. *
/ 1 Ch. 17. U. ''Nu.9.3,7.13. Je. 10.4 • Ezc. 20. 37. • Pr. 2. 15. • Ps. es. 6.
iiD^j^^sn-niiiy^:! XCII inp^2D:2-m3ij;on

•niyiym pref. I for n3 X noun f., pi. H^iyp dec. 10 pref. id. X id. pl., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. .

3 2 pers. sing. fem.

*n''ni:i3;pa pref. bef. id. pi., suir. 3 pers. sing s-ti';b'y'o3 pref. id. X id- pl-, suff.
^.^ X
fem.; -1 bef. labial pref. id. X id- pl-, suff. 1 pers. pl.

«-l:''ni:i3;p3 pref. id. X W. pi., suff. l pers. pi. py pref. id. X Hiph. part. sing. masc.

''^•Ty03 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing

pref. id. X noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. pl.

fr. Ti?D dec. 8c. (§37.rem.4) ny masc. from n?SP dec. 13 a.

't2J?D3 ) npDn3 pref. id. X n. m. s., constr. of [Ipsp] d. 2 b.

> pref. 21 bef. , ,
X noun masc. sing. d. 8d nyo

fi'''J/02 pref.

3 X noun masc.
[yp] dec. 7 a.

(§36. rem. 4)
suff. 1 pers. sing

. y» "'D^{V»3



X Kal

; -1
bef. lab.

X noun masc,
suff. 2 pers. pl.
pl. of

masc. [for

*"'y»3 pref. 3 bef. (.) X id- pl-, constr. state yo DDXyb=D3NV0 § 16. rem. 9]

VypS pref. 3 X id- pl-. suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. y» pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc. sing. dec. la.
'^^yp3 pref. id. X id- pl-, suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. . °nn^^3 pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. .

*?''yp3 pref. 3 bef. ,, X noun masc. sing. dec. la. pref. id. X noun masc. with pl. fem. term.
pref.3f.n3-) from IVp dec. la.
„ _ > noun masc. sing.

^ dec. 6d. ^yo
•"^ypS pref. 3 q. V. j pref. id. X noun fem., pl. of [miXp] dec. 10.

"7yb3 pref. id. X noun masc. sing. nh]} ?nny)p3 pref. 3 bef. , ,
X n. masc, pl. of T^p dec. 1 a.

" "^
j^y.'?? P^'sf- ? for nS X noun masc. sing. dec. 9 a. nn-iv^3 pref. 3 for ri3 X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. .

rhyJ22 pref. 3 X id-, constr. state rh]} •nni^ibs pref. 3 bef. , ^ X ncun fem. sing. dec. 10.

"•rin-ivps pref. n.f.'s., suff. [HTIVp] d. 10.

X n.m.s.orinf.,suff.3 8.m. fr.^ya d.6d "pyo
id. X 1 p.
"l^ypi pref. id. ,

P'-Ipref. 3 f. nSjnoun fem., pl. of nSyO 'niv^3 •1 pref. 3 for 03 X n. fem. s. dec. 10; -1 bef. lab.
n'"lSy.?33 ^p\
rhv 3
« rh))iD2 pref. bef. -. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. .
ni^y»3 »'•"! pref. q. v.j dec. 10; -1 bef.
pref. id. X id. pl. . . . .

'DnvpypS pref. id. X noun masc. pl., suff. 3 pers. pl.

masc. [for "'.'p^yp] from "p^yp dec. 2 b. .

nVi:i!p3 pref. id. X noun fem., pl. of [nVlVp] dec. 1 0.

piyb3 •1 pref. 3 X noun masc sing. ; -1 bef. ,

1v7y?03 pref. id. X id. pl-, suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.
pref. 3 f. n|
pref. 3 q. v.
'r6yD3 pref. id. X noun fem., pl. of HPyp dec. 10. nbv •1 pref.3forn3Xn.f.,pl.of n-'^P d.lO; -1 bef.Iab.
^ iri^yD3 pref. id. X id- pl-, 3 pers. sing. masc. (K. VH' pref. 3 X n. fem. s., constr. of Hiyp dec. 10.

§ 4. rem. 1) . rh]}
rnivp? "'•1 pref. id. id. pl., suff. 3 p. s. m.; bef.
= X -1

••pDyrDS pref. id. X n. m. pl. constr. from [p^y.J?] d.8a. P?3y pref. id. id- pl., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc.
*71'''nivp"? X .

Tljybil pref. id. X n. m. s., constr. of njyO dec. 9 b. niv invps pref. id. n. m. 8.,suff. 3 p. s. m. fr. HVP d. 6e.
yTVyt?3 pref. 3 for 113 X noun masc. sing, T^y pref. 3 for HS X n. fem. s. (for H^-I^ip) d. 10.
IT •.. : -
niyybs pref. 3 X noun m., pl. of [n>'yi?D] dec. lib. TV'
pref. 3 bef.
^ X noun fem., pl. ilVlVp dec. 1 0.
'Dni'iJyb? pref. id. X id. pl-, suff. 3 pers. pl. masc. TV'
pref. 3 X Hiph. pail. sing. masc.
" TjZliyOS pref. id. X noun masc. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing,

[3iyp] dec. 2 b. 3ny pref. 3 for 113 1 n.fem.,du. of [H^Vp] d. 1

fem. from

my?33 pref. 3 for nS X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. . -iiy

•1 pref. 3 bef.
I 13 c (comp. § 39. No. I
•VT : • ; •

innjjrS? "^'-I pref. id. '•1 pref. id. 4. rem. 1) ; -1 bef. lab.
id. pl. "rty
•TlinVP? pref- 3 bef. /najvp:? •1 pref. 3 X noun fem. sing. ; 1 id.


3 for ri3

3 X noun fem. sing.

X noun fem.
sing. dec. 11a. w rvnyvm
IT^ : - ;
pref. id. X noun masc.
masc. from [nj;VP] dec. 2
pl., suff.

3 pers. sing.

/np3;p3 pref. 3 bef. ^ .^ X n. f. s., constr. of nijjp d. 1 0. iiy 'n^.VP3 pref. id. X n. m. s., constr. of "IJ^VP dec. 2 b.

ntJ'yOS pref. 3 X n. m. s., constr. of nb'y.D dec. 9 a. nb'y HQVPi pref. 3 for n3 X pr- name of a place

"•'CJ'yJOS pref. id. X id. pl-, construct state nby 'iripvps pref. 3 X noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing.

DH^If'yOS pref. id. X id. pl., suff. 3 pers. pl. masc. . nb'y masc. from [Hp^P] dec. 13 a. .

- .lob .S8. 40. * Jon. 2.1. » Ne. 12. 37. " Eze. 40. 6. ' Eze. ,33. 27. 1 Job 36. 32. p Eze. 19. 9. '1110.7.19. ''Ps.88.7.
" Job 37. 8. *Nu.5. 22. P Kze. 40. 49. ' Pr. 15. 23. ils. 2. 19. * Pr. 29. 16. ? 1Sa.24. 1. * Ju.6.21. ' Pa. 37. 7.
' .Ie,21.13. *1 Ch.15.27. » Eze. 40. 22. J'Je. 10.3. ' Is. 10. 33. ' De.26. 8. r Ec.9. 12. « Ps. 112. 1. / l.e.16.4.
•(is.aT.s. ' Ezr. 9. 2. r Ps. 106. 29. ' Mi. 6. 16. / Ge. .W. 13. " Ge. 32. 20. • Eze. 12. 13. «2Ch. 17.4. (TDa. 11.43.
' 1 Sa. 14. 6. '" Jos. 22. 22. » Pr.20. 11. » Eze. 27. 19. ^Je.48.7. »1 Ch.11.7. ' 2C11.31. 21. » Ps. 119.47, 66. *2Ch.24. 24.
/ Da. 11.23. « Ne.8.6. ' Ex. 20. 26. » 1 Sa. 13. 6. * Ezr. 9. 13. "2Sa.5.9. " Ps. 107.24. = Zee. 1.8. 2C11.4.3.
g Ruth 1. 11,
113^^:1-0^^2:3 xcin iiDSJ^Dn-m^iyx:!

"•S'l'lDS pref. id. X pr- name masc, see

pref. 2 X Pi"- name of a country .

,} n"l>D3 pref. id. X pi- name of a fountain

•1 pref. ? f. n3| noun fem., pi. of [Hnjjp] ; D'1"I?33 pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 3 a. Dn
3P3 Dn
ninipp? •1 pref. 3 q. v. J bef. lab. -I s'Di")D3 pref. 3 bef. , , X id., construct state

pref. id. X pr- name of a place np: * VJD'npS pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . Dn
pref. id. X n. m. s., constr. of iy'^\>^ dec. 2 b, trip D''pi"ip3 pref. 3 for n3 X id. p)., absolute state . Din
' icj'"!ji?pi pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. t^np '
DnnpS pref. id. X noun masi,., pi. of 11)112'] dec. 3 a. iia
^,E^''ni?p2 pref. id. X id., suff. I pers. sing. i^ip 3n"!P3 pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 2 b. 3m
'nij'riippii pref. id. X noun pi. fem. and masc. [from * D>|tiri"ip3 -1 pref. id. X n.m., pi. of pnyD d. 8a; -1 bef. lab. pm
'D''^npp3 !?npp § 36. No. 1] .
'riK'nipS pref. id. X noun fem. sing. . ^n-\

nfnipp? pref. id. X pr. name of a place hnp "•n3np3 pref. 3 bef.
^.^ X n.f.s., constr. of n3np d. 10. 3n
s''^ pref. 3 f. n3] noun com. sing. dec. 3 a ;
« pref. 3 X n. m. s., sufif. 3 p. pi. m. fr. np d. 6 i. TOO
pref. 3 q. V. J
-1 bef. lab. Tinnph -1 pref. 3 bef.
^.^ X
noun fem. sing.; -I bef. lab. mo
'•I pref. 3 bef. X '^l- constr. state; 1 id. . Dip n33-}!2i3 P'-1 pref. 3 for H? X n. fem. s. (§ 42. r. 5) ; -1 id. 32-1

ii2ipp3 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. mp 'D^JD'ipS pref. 3 X id. construct state 33-1

'•iDpippa pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. pi. . Dip '1D33'ip3 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . 33T
pref. 3 for HS X n. m. s. dec. 7 b. (§ 36. r. 1) bpJ2 *
'^fl73")P3 pref. id. X noun fem. sing., sufif. 2 pers. sing.

*S'?p? •1 pref. 3 X id., constr. st. ; -1 bef. , hpf2 fem. from [n^'iS'iP] dec. 13 c. bn
pref. 3 for PIS X id. pi. [for Dl^pP comp. npip3 "-1 pref. id. X n. fem. sing. dec. 10 ;
bef. lab.

§ 10. rem. 7] " ny^pS pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 9 b.

"^iPP? pref. 3 X id. sing., suff . 1 p. s. [for vpP comp. id.] hpD D'lppi pref. 3 for 113 X Hiph. part, masc, pi. of

pref. id. X noun com. sing, for DIpP dec. 3 a. Dip nP [for J?ip] dec 3 b.

"irpppi pref. 3 bef. , ,

X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. Dip 'Dni
T r..: •
3 bef. ,
: )
X Kb. DniV',
'^ t » K. DH^', pi.
t t ^ or '

pref. 3 f. T}2) sing, with sufif. 3 pers. pi. m. from [nV-1"ip]

„ _ f- noun m. s. dec. 9a; -1 bef. , , r\:p
1 pref. 3 J
^ = ' yj^^ip? pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc sing.

''1-^i?P? •1 pref. id. X id., constr. st. ; -1 id. . n^p ''nni]3")P^ pref. 3 X noun fem. sing. npT
'DD-'Jppil pref. id. X id. pi., sufif. 2 pers. pi. masc. n:p "NtJ'M pref. 3f. n3
noun m. s. d. la. (§ 31. r. 1)
''^?i?P3 pref. id. X sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. nip NtypS pref. 3 q. v.

rm pref. id. X pr. name of a place Y^? ^flSB'PS pref. id. X noun masc. sing.
'j;ypp3 pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. lb.. V)ip '
'^^nilS5^'p3 -I pref. id. X noun fem. pi., suff. 2 pers.
"iiiyypp? pref. 3 for ri3 X n. fem., pi. of [nj;VI?P] d. 10. V)ip s. m. fr. [nwp] d. 13a; -1 bef.
'xnpp? pref. id. X noun m. sing. dec. lb. (§ 31. r. I) K"lp ''ISK'PS pref. id. X noun masc. sing., constr. of "13^P
i'ne'ppa pref. 3 X noun fem. sing., [for HX^pp] ii^p (§. 36. rem. 1) 13EJ'

"ipi pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 8. (§ 37. r. 7) ''Dn3^f03 pref. id. X noun masc. pi., sufif. 3 pers. pi.

•§31.r.l.&2); -Ibef.^.^ masc. fr. nC'ID dec. 2 b. . 3K^»


nsiP5 pref. 3 for n3 X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. . ntJ'DZl '-1 pref. id. X pr. name masc; -1 bef.

pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 9 a. ^lEJ'pil pref. 3 bef. ^^.^ X Kal inf. constr. .

nixnpa pref. 3 X noun fem., pi. of ni<")p dec. 10. . nx-i /m-lbm -1 pref. 3 f. n3]
-l!^.;..j.«-. , -. .. ( noun fem. sing.
^ ; -1 bef. lab. "lib
pref. id. X Kh. ""SIP', K. HXnp' n. m. pi. s n^-IK'pil pref. 3 !_
"'i^^lP? •I .
^ .
or sing, constr. from HNfip dec. 9 a. . nxi nypi pref. id. X noun m. s., constr. of rftJ^p d. 3 a. mi2
*n!|<-)p3 pref. id. X noun fem., pi. of nN"ip' dec. 10. nx-i >n''t^p3 pref. id. X id- pi-, sufif. 1 pers. sing, for "TI^E^P'

•n*3"ipi •1 pref. id. X noun fem. s. dec. 1 b ; -l bef. nm *1]^D3 pref. 3 X Kal part. act. sing. masc. dec. 7 b. •p^
IT •• : -
pref. id. X noun fem. sing, DJ-I 1]b*p3 pref. 3 bef. X id- inf. , constr.

pref. id. X noun masc. sing, niD 'SSK'pil pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 2 b. 33^^

pref. id. X ^^^1 part. pi. constr. masc. from ^naSK'pil pref. 3 X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem.
: I :

[nniO] dec. 7 b. . . . . iSSK'pS pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. 3:5^*

« Is. 44. 12.

nin-iDJ^Dn XCIV ^«^:3in-i:Djr2:n

"IDtJ'DJl pref. 3 X ^al inf., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. 'np3 pref. 3 for n3|
4 -_ j^- f Ti „ „ r ^^ P^^*- ^i"^o- iTfiasc. d. 1 a. niD
»ni>3bnil pref. id. X n. f., pl.of JTSLi'D (§ 39. No.4.r. 1) f.
? q. V. I
•'jBtJ^pi -I pref. id. X noun masc. sing. d. 2b; 1 bef. , , 'jnpi pref. id. X n. m. s., (suff. '•IIJ^P) d. 6a. . jnO
'TliJSK'pn -1 id. pi. fem., constr. state ; -1 id. . inb3 pref. id. X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers.

'insb'DIl pref. id. X noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing, s. m. fr. nip dec. 6g. . . . niD
masc. fr. JT'Sb'lO dec. lb.. "'""pbil noun fem. pi., suff. 1 pers. s. fr. ni03 d. 10. D13
/7^?03 pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 4 a. ^K^P ^nm I" t; IT
id. pi. constr. [fr.
^ *-
r t; T
§ 4. r. 2. & § 36.r.6]
sbi^D^l -1 pref. 2 bef.
^.^ X Kal inf. constr. •"!
bef. lab. ^np3 pref. 3 bef. ,.n X noun masc. pi. constr. [fr.

*\3PK'pa -l pref. 3 X noun masc. pi. constr. fr. [itttTD] np § 36. r. 5] nno
dec. 8 a; •1 id. . VnbS IT IT
noun f. pi.,
'^ '
suff. 3 pers.
s. m. fr. n?D3
d. 10. D13
Dn\3aK^p3 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . p\^ "VnbS pref. 3 X noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing.

*'1''3PEJ'P3 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. masc. fr. JllO dec. 6g. . . . mO
"ipK^03 pref.2f. n3- "^••nbS noun f. pi., suff. 2 pers. s. m. fr. np3 d. 10. 013
noun masc. sing. dec. 2 b.
npC'pS pref.3q.v. PD5''nb3 id. pi., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. . . . D13
"ipK^pi pref. id. X id., constr. state «D''np3 pref. 3 for ri3 X Kal part, ra., pi. of fip d. 1 a. HIO
•"ilDK'pS pref. id. X id-, suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . nnJSnpS pref. 3 X noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing.

"Dn''nnpP'p3 |pref. id. X noun f. pi., suff. 3 pers.] fem. fr. npnp dec. 13 c. . pH
''n^!^"lpi^'pil. j
pi. nnpt^p d. i3a.(§4.r.2)j •in33np3 -1 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 p. s. m.; -1 bef. ^.^ . pfl
P VIDLJ'pi -1 pref. 3 X noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. Dnb3 pref. id. X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. pi.

masc. fr. "IDEj'a dec.

2b;' -1 bef. , , masc. fr. niO dec. 6g. . . niD
: • (:)
?n'|lDK'D3 pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 13 a, pi. 'D5''D''^'?^? W^^- id- X noun fem, pL, suff. 2 pers. pi.

nilDtt'a (§44. rem. 5) . masc. fr. n3nD

T T -
dec. 11a. . . . triJ

-nn'"ipi;:^p3 pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 3 p. pi. m. (§ 4. r. 2) « Dn^3np3 pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 2 p. pi. m. (§ 4. r. 2) |n3

n3^p3 pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 9 a. Dn''3riD3 pref. id. X noun masc, d'* , suff. 3 pers. pi.

OiyK'pS pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. masc. fr. [jrib] dec. 6 c.. . . jflD

'nij?K'p3 pref. id. X noun fem. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. ^ V3riD3 pref. id. X id- du., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. jHO
m. fr. njy.K'P dec. 13 a. . "I3^3n»3 pref. id. X id. du., suff. 1 pers. pi. . . {DO
pref. id. X noun fem. pi., suff. 3 pers."| npnpS pref. id. X pr- name of a place . . pnP
pi. masc. fr. nnSE^p, constr. of !- •"nPiP? pref. id. X noun fem. sing., [for ri3rip] . 1713

nnS' (§ 42. r. 5. & § 4. r. 2)
']3 Kh. p q. v., K. n3 (q. v.) . . . .133

yinnSK'P? -l pref. id. X id. s., suff. 3 p. s. m.; -1 bef.

^.^ P '•! n. m. s. irr. (§ 4.5), also pr. n. m.; -1 bef. lab. n33
DQC'P? pref. 3 for 113 ] noun masc. sing. dec. 2b;
p '-1 id., constr. state (§36. r. 3), also pr. name
tDSp'pS "-Ipref. 3 q. v.|
..^ •1
, bef.
_..^.^ in compos, as ''31N"P, &c. . . r!33
« DSK'pS pref. id. X id., constr. state . DDK' }3 " '-1
id. constr. state ; -1 id. . . 1133

^t3Q^P3 '-1 pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 1 pers. s.; -1 bef.^.^ i<33 pref. 3 X pr- n. of a place, see N3

» Dn''pSl^p3 •^•1 pref. id. X id. pL, suff. 3 p. pi. m.; -1 id. t2D5^ '•JinKbil pref. id. X n. m. s., suff. 2 p. s. m. fr. 1X3 d. I a. nj<3

''^"•pSK'm -1 pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 2 pers. s. m.; ) id. "01X33 pref. 3 bef. ,
X "o^n fem. pi. constr. fr.

'pipK'P? pref. id. X noun masc. sing. [nX3] dec. 11a 1X3
^pK'ffii pref. 3 f. n3-) *''3pX33 pref. 3 X Niph. part. pi. constr. [for \3pX3]
bg^fe pref.?q.v.|"°"""^"^'^-'^"S-'^'"-2^- "
fr. jnX3 dec. 2 b. . . . '
.6ipK^p3 pref. id. X id., constr. state 333 pref. id. X pr. name of a place . . (133

s'Vp'^pS pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . «''X333 -1 defect, for "'Xpp' q. v. . . X33
*niD"lb>p3 -1 pref. id. X noun f. pi. constr. fr. [HSnb'P] ''nX-1333 Ch. pref. 3 befw., X noun fem. sing., constr.

dec. 11a; -1 bef.

• of nX-133 dec. 8 a
T :
nRB*p3 pref. id. X noun masc. sing., constr. of ''X''333 -1 pref. 3 X noun m. s. dec. 3a; -1 bef. lab. X33
nntro dec. 9a nriK' /''Xp33 -1 pref. 3 bef. X id. pi. constr. J
state . X33

«Ps. 10.9. rPr.29. 2. « 2 Ch. ."il. 17. «Nu.21. 18. »Eze.23.24. *Je.3-l.5. »Je. 17.3. 'Eze.20.26. 'Ps. 101.6.
«Pr.25.11. *Da.ll.24. "2Ch.31.16. •'lCh.6.45. <^Eze.7.27. -Nu. 19.18. pLe.26.30. • 2 Ch. 11. iS. «Je.23.14.
'2Sa.7.6. ' P». 78. 31. pNe.13.14. 'lCh.4.38. ''Ne.9.29. * Nu.
19.11,13,16. 9 Ps. 88. 6. j'Jon.4.10. ''Ezr.6.14.
''Is. 32. 18. * Is. 10. 16. « Nu. 4. 27. y Le. 20. 5. ' Eze. 4. 10. ' Ps. 32. 9. ' Ex. 30. 37. « Ps. 56. 9. « Ho. 12. 14, 14.
'Pr. 18. 11. ' Ge.40.4. ••Nu.8.26. «Ho. 2. 21. /lCh.28. 15. "2Sa.22.34. "Ex. .30. 82. "P8.23.2. /Je.23.13.
/ P8.78.2. "Ne.7.8. •Nu.22.24. •Nu.27.21. ifGe.43.21. »Is.53.9. ' Eze. 20. 39. ««Pr.23.14.
nj3-^N^nja xcv

pref. id. X id. pi., suff.

1 pers. sing, X2J prSj; *J? Ammonites; applied to the inhabitants of
pref. id. X id. pi., 3 pers. sing. masc.
^23 a country p»y ^^3 inhabitants of Zion.—]V.
metaph, njO"|3 son of death, one worthy of or
pref. 2 for HZl X id. pi., absolute state N3:
i. e.

destined for death; ni3n-I2 worthy of stripes,

pi. constr 7)n |2 sow of strength, i. e, warrior ; ^j;?>^2"12 son
\^n3. dec. 6 b. & a.
of wickedness, a wicked man;
i, e. n^iyji son of
'•1 pref. 3 bef. X id. pL, abs. at.; -1 id.
I* ;

^.j ,
perverseness, i. e. a perverse man ; *J^"|2 son of
^ X noun fern, sing., constr. of ilhz^ affliction, i. e. afflicted. —V. with a genit. of time,
dec. 11. (§42. rem. 4) .
'"'^^"t? *0" "/ « 2/«a'". i- e. a year old ; D'^JID^"}?
pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fern. nJK' eighty years old
hi: ; Tlh''b-\2 a night old.—Vl.
pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. .
the young of brutes ; ijhS"|3 son of the ass, i. e.

'•I pref. 3 f.
n^i^ noun masc. sing. dec. 6.")
foal ; i^:V~\2 young dove ; applied to plants,
pref. |1 q. V.
J (§ 35. rem. 3) .
2i: n"nS"}3 a twig of a fruitful tree. —VII. pr. name
pref. 2 for n2 X id. with parag. H .
masc. 1 Ch. 15. 18.
Ch. pref. 5 X noun masc. sing., emph. of J3 Chald. masc. dec. 2 b, son.

rI3 J dec. 3 e. . '',^^^"11 («ow of my sorrow) pr. name given to

pref. 3 bef.
^.j X n. f., pi. of [HJ-JJ] d. 10. Benjamin by his mother, Ge. 35. 18.

pref. id. X id. "I^D."1| (son of Hadad, an Assyrian idol)

pi., suff. 1 pers. sing, for '•n' pr.
defect, for ni^JJ (q. v.) name of the kings of Damascus.
pref. 2 f. n^ ) noun masc. sing. (d. 6 a. pi '.^P"!?
{son of strength) pr. name of a man,
pref. q. V. J constr. 2 Ch. 17.
^ ''J?J3 § 35. r. 5) 7,

pref. id. X Kal inf., suflF. 3 pers. sing. masc. ItP'II ^*°" "/ ^^« gracious) pr. name of a man,
•1 pref. id. X constr. of the following .
1 Ch, 4. 20.

vt: •
•1 pref. 2 bef.
^.^ X noun masc, pi. of ]!): rpri? (^o** of my right hand) pr. name masc.
dec. 6 a. (§ 35. rem. 5) ; •"!
bef. labial v::
of two different persons.

'ism pref.
^ X Kal inf., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . f\:: ^133 {building) pr. name masc. of several persons.
pref. id. X Kal part. act. pi. masc.suff. 3 pers. P^?"''.'?f {sons of Berak, i. e. of lightning) pr,
pi. masc. fr. bjl) dec. 7 b. .
name of a town in the tribe of Dan, Jos. 19. 45.
pref. 2 bef.
^_^ X noun fem. sing. dec. lie. ]\^V^,. \^^ pr. name of a place, see '» '3 nhNj
pref. id. X noun masc, pi. of inj dec. 3 a. 2i: *:3 {built up) pr. name masc. of several persons.
l)ref. 5 X noun fem. sing. dec. 10, . ii: ^33 {built up) pr. name of two different men.
pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. n^33 (whom the Lord built up) pr. name masc.
of several persons.

mJZI •1'1^? (id.) pr, name masc. of several persons.

1 I. to build, to construct, as a house, temple, &c.
iTJ3 fem. a building, Eze. 41. 13.
The materials of which something is built is mostly
put in the ace. but »rely with rp,*?3, ip^33 {son of my right hand) pr, name
3; the place
of Benjamin the youngest son of Jacob, and
where, with 3, 7^.— II, to repair,' restore.— 111. the

tribe descended from him, Gent, n. ''3''10*-?3,
to establish, prosper h T\\2 nJ2
; to build
a house *;i'P!n-|3, >yD\ ^^^, andellipt. ^^D) BenjamLue.
to or for any one, to give him posterity, or
increase his family. 1^:2 masc. a building. In Chald. id. only emph.
Niph.— I, pass, of Kal Nos.
I. & II.— II. to be built up, i. e, obtain children,
&53J3 Ezr,5.4.
•13''3? {our son, from Seg. pr. name masc.
spoken of a woman, Ge. i6. 2.

Ne. ID. 14.

'It?' ^^? Chald. to build. Ithpe. to be built.
n3 fem. irr, (§ 45),— I, daughter.— U. foster-
12 masc.
irr. (§ 45).— I. a son; also used for daughter. — III. a female descendant ; ^N"lb'» 0133
")3T |3 male-child.— U. foster-sun hence
; the daughters of Israel, i. e, Hebrew women';
applied to pupils.— 111. descendant, as
a grandson, D^ri^p^n ni3^ PhUtstine women ; and applied to
&c. D>J2 ^:^ grandsom; h^'\^\ >^
Israelitesj the inhabitants of a place,
jVV 71133 the daughters.

• 1 Ch. 16. 22. ' Ps. 88. 2. Le,n.24,27.S6.

* 1 Sa, 18, 24,
g Jog. 15. 21. (
Hab. 3. 19, De. 24, 8.
'' Le. U, an. Ju. 1. 10, t Dr. *
» 2 Sa. 7. 14. P Ex. 12. 27, Le. 15. 1»,
6. 20. Le. 13. 3, •Le.U.23, • P». 89. S3. « Is. 14, 2. 9U,33.
nny^n-n^n XCVI Dn^njn-nin
female inhabitants, of Zion ; in the sing, collect, •133 pref. prep. 3 with suff. 1 pers. pl. (§ 5) 3
for JVV'nB daughter of Zion for the inhabitants in Kh. 133 q. v., K. ''3|l (q. v.) 033
general, so "IXTI? Tynans; ''JSJ^TlB my country i'33 '•1 noun m. s., suff. 3 p. s. m. or (Nu. 24. 3, 15)

people. — IV. with the genit. of time, HJK' W]!^Fi~r\^ with 1 parag. from |3 irr. (§ 45) ; •! bef.
a woman ninety years old. —V. metaph. I^yn? *in •1 Chald. Peal pret. 3 pers. pl. masc. ; -I id. 033
daughter of the eye, i.e. the pupil; TtJ'n 01321 •133 '•1 Kal imp. pl. masc. ; -1 id. . 033
daughters of song, i. e. songstresses ; applied to the 0133 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 9 b. 013

produce of animals, trees, and places ; lUy^n 03 pref. 3 bef. X id., construct state . 013

the female ostrich; pi. mJ3 branches, Gen. 49. 22; 'im33T Kal
pret. 3 pers. pl., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. n33
by daughters, when spoken of a city, are understood ''Oi33 •1 Chald. n. m. pl., suff. 3 p. s. m. fr. |3 d. 2b. 033
the small towns and villages dependent upon it. '"^33 Kal part. pass. sing. masc. dec. 3 a. 033
D"'3"]"n3 {daughter of many) pr. name of a gate ^•133 '•1 pr. name masc. ; -1 bef. lab. . 033

Heshbon, Ca.
yiB'Tl? {daughter of
of Uriah,
7. 5.


of David,
pr. name
mother of
of the


part. pass, [for D''^133

3 X Kh.
^•133 dec. 3 a. ....
0^13, K. ni''3' of a place
comp. § 3. rem. 1]

Solomon. Dp-133 pref. id. X Kal inf. (D-13), suff. 3 p. pl. m. d. 1 a. D13
n''ri3 {daughter, i. e. worshipper of the Lord) 0133T '•"I noun fem. pl. [as if from 033 dec. 11a]

pr. name fem. 1 Ch. 4. 18. see 03 irr. (§ 45) ; •I bef. lab. n33
(133* (which He causes to be built) pr. name of 0133 '•1 id., construct state; or Kal inf. constr.; -I id. 033
a town of the Philistines. '"•ni33 '•1
id., suff. 1 pers. sing. ; -I id. 033
?S33i (which God causes to be built) pr. name o''rii3? '•1
id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. ; -l id. . 033
of a town — I. in the tribe of Judah, Jos. 1.5. 11, '•1
id., suff. 3 pers. pl. masc. ; -1 id. 033
II. in Naphtali, Jos. 19.3.3. '"vni3? •1 id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. ; ) id. . 033
n"'331 (whom the Lord will build up) pr. name p^!rii33
|> id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. ; •I bef. lab. 033
masc. 1 Ch. 9. 8. ^^pi33
n*331 (id.) pr. name masc. 1 Ch. 9. 8. '•1 id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. ; -1 id. 033
n33p masc. dec. 9, a building, Eze. 40. 2. Q3^ni3? "'•1
id., suff. 2 pers. pl. masc. ; •I id. . 033
•330 {built up) pr. name of a warrior of David, ••'i3'rii3? "•1 id., suff. 1 pers. pl. ; •! id. n33
2 Sa. 23. 27, elsewhere ''?3p q. ""10133 3 part. sing. masc. "10^
v. pref. for 113 X Niph.
*33ri (for n*33ri building of the Lord) pr. name ''p.j,?.3 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. . PT3

1 Ki. 16. 21, 22.

fem. dec. lb.


— I. model. — II. form, re-
yo'miii •1 pref. id.

masc. ;
X Kal
-1 bef. lab.
inf. (0-13'), suff.

.... 3 pers. sing,


1 T

inf. abs.

3X n.m.s.,
III. building,

sufiF. 3 J3 irr. (§ 45)



pref. 3'


q. v.
' '

> noun masc. smg. j
c ^
d. ^03

Chald. Peal part. pass. sing. masc.

Kal imp.
id. part. act. sing.
sing. masc. ....
masc. dec. 9 a.
. 033
nj>n33 pref.


q. v.
noun fem. sing. 12d. ^03

X constr. of the following
. .
pref. id.

Chald. Peal pret. 3 p. m., suff. 3 p. m. 033

s. s.
D"''?033 *'-1 pref. 3 for 113 X noun masc, pl. of 703
pref. 3 for 03 X noun masc. sing. dec. 4 a. . ^^3
dec. 6 d ; •! bef. lab. ^03
"1,0?? pref. 3 bef.
f.^ X i^-» construct state .
pref. 3 X n. fem. s., constr. of 0703 dec. 12d. ?03
•I pref. 3 for 03 X id. pi. f., abs. st.; -1 bef. lab. "in3
iobqn "^'•1
pref. id. X id-, suff. 3 pers. s. m.; •! bef. lab. 703
pref. id. X id. pl- masc, absolute state . 103
" ^0)03?
pref. 3 X id. pl. fem., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. "103
pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . 703
' ?in^033
s-'-l Kh. for 1''33 (q. v. § 4. rem. I) . 033
'•1 Kal pret. 3 pers. pl. ; -1 bef. lab. •
. . 033 ^c?J??n33 pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. pl. masc. . P03

Kal pret. 1 pers. pl. for •13K3 (§ 25. No. 2. f.) t<13 00^033 pref. id. X id. sing., suff. 3 pers. pl. masc. . ?03

" 1 Ki. 8. 13.


•Jipma pref. 3 X Piel inf.

2 pers. sing. masc. dec. 7 b

(Dm § 14. rem.

1), suft.

•|;33 noun masc.
Chald. id., emph.
sing. ....
state dec. la . .

niJ'njia '-l pref. 2 for ri3l noun fern. sing. dec. 13c; "'•1 noun masc pi. (D''33), suflf. 1 pers. pi., irr.
I" T
*n;^m3 -l pref.2bef.
-1 bef. lab. of |3 (§ 45) ; -1 bef. lab. . . n33
Qimn)2§35.r.8) K'TO '•13*33 •1 Kal pret. 1 pers. pi. ; -I id. . . . 1133

*nn5|l pref. 3 X noun fem. sing. . . . niJ

defect, for •13\3"'? (q v.)


name masc.
3 X pr- name
of a place, see 1113*3
. . . p3

tOi!l Root not used ;

probably to bind, comp. Pers
'n*33 '•1
Kal pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. ; •! bef. lab. 1133
bando. Germ, and Eng. band.

0J3K masc. dec. lb, a girdle worn by the priests

id. pret., Kh. ^2 2 p. s. m., K. *n''33 1 p. s. n33
*n*|33 id. pret. 2 pers. sing. fem. . . . n33
•*pt533 pref. 3 bef. /.^ X Kal inf. constr., suff. 1 pers.
«nn*33 Chald. Peal pret. 1 p. s., suflf. 3 p. s. fem., see il33
sing. dec. la. nt33
Kal pret. pers. sing. ; -1 bef. lab. (133
1, .

noun m. pi. (CJIS), suff. 1 pers. sing.^

I?? J 3 pers. sing. fem. !133
n33 •1 id. id., suflf. ; -1 id. .

^J3 "•1J
irr. of |3 (§ 45) ; -I bef. lab. .
y- T ««D''n''33 •1 id. id., suflf. 3 pers. pi. masc. ; -1 i^. . 5133
pr. name masc. ; -I id. n33
id. pret. 2 pers. pi. masc. . . . n33
/»33 Kb. ^:3 q.v., K. |3 (q.v.) n33
in pause for ^33 (q. v.) . . . n33
*33 '•1
n. m. pi., constr. of W22, irr. of |3 (§ 45) ;
I": ''•1 noun masc. sing., suflf. 2 pers. sing. fem.
also pr. name in compos, as p'13"''33 &c. n33
from |3 irr. (§ 45) ;
-1 bef. lab. . . n33
id. sing, construct state (Ge. 49. 11), or
id., suflf. 2 pers. sing. masc. ; -1 id. . n33
with suff. 1 pers. sing. ; -1 bef. lab. n33
/n33|3 3


Kal n33d.9a;
name masc. ..... -1 id. nj3

2 &
for 113

8 (§ 37. rem. 5)
X Niph., suflf. 3 p. pi.

part. sing. masc. dec.

fr.['?33]d. 6 b
*-1 noun masc. pi. (D''33), suff. 3 pers. sing.
4n"'p333 pref. 3 bef.
^.^ X no*^!^ m., pi. of [D33] dec. 6a D33
fem. irr. of |3 (§ 45) ; -"I bef. lab. n33
noun m. s., suflf. I pers. pi. frora }3 irr. (§ 45) [137
iT33 '•1
pr. name masc. ; -1 id. n33
pr. name masc. ; -"I id. n33
Chald. to be angry. Da. 2. 12.
Ch. n. m. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. m. from |3 d. 2 b 1133

'•I id. pi., suflf. 3 pers. pi. masc; •"!

bef. . 1133 •1 pref. 3 for 113 X noun masc, pi. of ^03 dec
"Dn-jii pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. pi. 6b; -1 bef. lab. . . .
. ^DS
masc. [from ""3
for ""HJ] . nn3 "•1 pref. 3 bef.
^.^ X Kal inf. constr. ; -1 id. yD3
"'•1 noun masc. pi. (0*33), sufif. 3 pers. pi. D^;?D33 pref. 3 X id-, suflf. 3 pers. pi. masc. . . V02
fem. irr. of |3 (§ 45) ;
-1 bef. lab. . n33
> pr. name of a man, 1 Ch. 8. 37 ; 9. 43.
V33 '•1
id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. ; -1 id. n33

pref. 3 bef. ,
X noun masc. pi., suflf. 3 pers.
id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. n33
^*33 sing. fem. frora [l-iy?] dec. la. . iy3
'•I id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. ; -1 bef. lab n33 "Dnnips pref. id. X id., suflf. 3 pers. pi. masc. . "lyj

/-=j:3.3 Kal part. act. pi. masc, suflf. 2 pers. sing. pref. id. X id., suflf. 3 pers. pi. fem. . *iy3

fem. from n33 dec. 9a . . . 1133 fVT:1]i?33 pref. id. X id., suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc. . ")y3

«''3)33 noun masc. pi. (D''33), suflf. 2 pers. sing. fem. cp'-yiis pref. 3 for H? X adj. m., pi. of CT-yS dec. 3a ny3
Kh. '>y:2 (§ 4. r. 4) K. "TJ)33, see |3 (§ 45) n33 ?'1^J?3? •1 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers.
id. pi., suflf. 2 pers. pK masc. ; -1 bef. lab. il33 sing. masc. from 7y3 dec. 6d; -1 bef. lab. /V^
'•1 id. pi. absolute state ; 1 id. . . . 1133 D*)y33 pref. 3 for 113 X id- pi., absolute state . ?y3
-•Dyi? pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. . . . Dys
pr. name masc. ; 1 id. n33
|'lp*33 pref. 3 for HS X noun masc. sing. dec. 6 d iy3
"'•l Chald. Peal part. act. masc, pi. of [N33] ny33 pref. id. X noun masc. sing. . . . "lyj

dec. 6a; -1 id. see . . . . 1133 • rf-iy33 pref. 3 X noun f. pi. constr. fr. iTiys d. 12d "lyi

Eze. 10. 54.

XCVIII ^nDn-ny3n
«nyj3 pref. 3 X noun m- pl- constr. fr. "1:^5 d. 6d. pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc. with pl. f. term.

*n*"TJ?33 pref. 3 bef. X noun , , masc. pi., suff. 3 pei-s. fr. "IJ dec. la., -I1J

sing. fem. fr. ["I-"IJ?J] dec. la.. pref. 3 X Kal inf., suff. 1 pers. sing. .




dec. 6 d


for 113


bef. labial
X noun masc,
id- pl-. suff. 1 pers. pi.
pi. of "1^:



pref. 3 f. 03 X Niph. part. pl. m.


3 X
the following with
-1 bef. labial .

-1 bef. lab.

2 pers.

t]!)3 '-I pref. 3X pr. n. of a place, see P|b; -^ bef. pref. 3 for n3 X noun fem. with pl. masc.
r T-
'niD33 -1 pref. id. X nounf., pi. of [nS3] d. 10; •"!
id. ^): term, see DK'X in (§ 45)
^"ijDbll pref. id. X noun masc. sing. is: pref. id.

^£333 pref. 3 bef.

^.^ X Kal inf. constr. . pref. 3 V noun masc sing. (§ 35. rem. 2)

^'niS^sb -1 pref. 3 X Niph. part. pi. abs. fr. [HnJ)?):] pref. id

dec. 1 1 a, fr. K?D3 masc. pref. 3 f. n3"j noim masc. sing., (suff.

*^*rfK7S33 pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. pref. ? q.v. iSB^3) dec 6a.
'Vn^pBiS pref. id. X id- pl-. suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.
"P^.i? pref.
noun masc. smg. p^2
D vD1|3 pref. 3 for n3 X Kal part. act. masc, pl. of pref. ?q.v.;
^DJdec7b nn33
IT ;iT
Kal pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. nj3
CESS pref. id. ") noun com. sing., (suff. ''^'£53)") Kal pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. (§ 8. rem. 5) .

B'sin *'-1 pref.

3J dec 6a; -"1
bef.^.^ .
?nn33 Kal pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. (§ 8. rem. 5) ni3
^B'WZl '-l pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing, m.; -1 id. 'p33 noun fem. pl. (ni33), suff. 1 pers. sing. irr.

nK'SaS pref. id. X id., suff., Kh. IB'Qa 3 pers. sing, of n? (§45) m3
masc. K. ^K'SJ 1 pers. sing. . pref. 3 bef. (,^ X noun masc. sing., constr.

D3"'riiK'Q33 pref. id. X id. pl., suff. 2 pers. pl. masc. . ofS'-njdecSa 3nj
DniB^a:3 pref. id. X id. pl., suff. 3 pers. pl. m. (§4. r.2) ' nb^n33I • :
pref. id. X noun fem., pl. of nrfJIJ dec. 10. 3nj
ipp^2 ""-1 pref. id. X id. s., suff. 1 pers. s.; bef. pref. id. id. pl-, suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. 3n3

^^^ X
"1]^Q33 pref. id. X id. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem.
IT I- :

pref. id. X id- pl-, suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. 3n3
"DK'SJZl pref. id. X id. sing., suff. 3 pers. pl. masc.
noun fem. pl. (niJ3), suff. 3 pers. sing.
IV :

''13K'D3? pref. id. X id. sing., suff. 1 pers. pl. . fem., irr. of n3 (§ 45) ; -1 bef.
»Dnb>a53 pref. id. X id. pl., suff. 3 pers. pl. m. (§4. r.2)
id. pl., suff. 3 pers. pl. masc. nj3
IV I :

TIS^S pref. id. X noun f. s., constr. of [HW] d. 10. S11J '-1
id. pl., suff. 3 pers. sing, masc . nj3
vFIWS '-1 pref. id. X pr. name of a tribe . •1 id. pl., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. n:2
' Dn-1V33 •")
pref. 3 for ri3 X Kal part. p. masc, pl. of '•1
id. pl., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . nj3
"1-1 VJ dec 3a; -1 bef. lab. D3*nJ3 '-1
id. pl., suff. 2 pers. pl. masc. nj3
'nnv!l3 pref. 3 X noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. •ii\ri!)3 '-1 id. pl., suff. ] pers. pl. . n:2
fem. fr. [ny'l3] dec. 10. . id. pl., suff. 3 pers. pl. masc. (§ 4. rem. 2)

"13i533 pref. id. X inf., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. 3PJ pref. 3 for HS X noun masc. sing.

'Dn.pii pref. 3 for HS X noun m., pl. of Ipj d. 7 b. np: -n!sipxp3 pref. 3 X noun fem. sing. . nxD
'I'lijipS pref. 3 bef. ^..^ X Kal inf. constr. np: pref. id. X Kal part. act. pl. constr. masc.
*p*p33 pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. la. pp: from K3b dec. 7 b.. X3D
|Vp33 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 3 c.. np3 ^3^303 •
•1 pref. 3 X noun masc. pl.
bef. , , constr.
r- ' :

"fVpi^, -I pref. id. X id., constr. state ; -I bef. labial np^ from 3*3p dec 3a; bef. labial -1 33D
*''|TpJ3 -1 pref. 3 bef. , ,
X noun masc. pl. constr. *'n3ip3 pref. 3 for HS X noun masc. sing, 13D
fr. p"-!??' dec 1 a; -1 id pp: pref. 3 bef. , .
X n. m. s. with mak. [for "^30] 13D
'D}333 pref. id. X Kal inf. constr. np: pref. 3 X noun masc. pl. constr. [for *5?P
''nOpJS pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. lie. Cp3 without metheg fr. "JJ^D dec. 6b; or per-

'ni")pil3 pref. 3 X noun fem., pl. of [nn;?:] dec. lie npj haps from "^30 § 35. rem. 10] . 130
^rn\>i^ pref. id. X id. sing., constr. state ip: ?3D3 pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc. sing.

• I Ki. 20. U.
mnyn-DnSnon XCIX

IT •
pref. 3 X noun fem. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. 1pp3 Pilel pret. 3 pers. pi. Je. I2. lo. . . D13
: :

masc. [§ 4. rem. 2; from n73p or n73p] bo ifjij^pa pref. 3 bef. ,

X noun masc. sing. dec. la. Pj^D

IB? pref. 3 for ri3 X noun masc. sing, mo •1 pref. id. X id. pi., constr. st. ; -1 bef. labial ^IVD

IT :
pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., sulF. 3 pers. pi. pref. id. X id- pi-, suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . P|J/D

masc. from IID dec. la. . 'rnbiyDs

IT * : •
pref. id. X noun fem. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing.

Dhpa pref. 3 bef. X pr. name of a place mo masc. from [HSyp] dec. 10. . . f)yD

4-1J.1D3 pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc. sing, pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 6d. . . "1>'D

pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. d. la. [for IID^] ID' ^ n"ij?D3

IT^ t;
pref. 3 for HS X noun fem. sing. . . "lyD

pref. id.

X id., suff.
name masc.
pref. id. X noun masc.
1 pers. sing.

sing. dec. la.



pref. id.


pref. id.
3 X
X noun fem.

X noun masc.
pL, construct state
sing. dec. 1

sing., suff. 2 pers. sing.

1 c. (§ 42.

r. 1)



pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 3 p. s. m. (§ 4. r. 1) DID masc. [for JJiyp], from lyp dec. 6d. lyD
'•I pref. 3 f. n3] id. pi., absolute state; -I]
DID lpref.3f.n3
/D'p1D3 pref. 3 q. V. bef. labial .
E)p3 noun masc sing. dec. 8e. . Pl2D
pref. 3 for HS X noun masc. sing. PjlD ».pjp3 pref. 3 q. V.
ACjipa pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. la. f\)D "D'-Slpi pref. 3 n3 X id- pi-, absolute state
for . PlSD

pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. . f\)D "D'-TSp? pref. id. X noun masc, pi. of "fSD dec. 1 b. "ISD

> pr. name masc. .... D13

3 X noun masc sing,
3 for n3"j
noun masc. sing. dec. 6b.

•1 pref. 3 X noun fem., suff. 2 pers. sing. "ISM pref. Sq.v.'l
masc. fr. nS-"lD dec. 10; -I bef. labial fjlD nspi Chald. pref. 3 bef.
^.^ X noun m. s. dec 3b. "12D
pref. 3 for n3 X noun com. sing. dec. 1 a. TD ^;i?p? pref. id. X pr- name of a region . . TlSD
*niTD3 pref. id.") Dnapa pref. 3 for 113 X n. m., pi. of ISD dec. 6b. "ISD
fem. TD
'niTp? ••\nnDp3 pref. 3 X n. f. s., suff. 2 p. s. m. [for ^O^^'fr. niSp] *1QP
pref. 3 for HS X id. pi. masc TD
pref. id. X noun masc. sing, 13D IDS Root not used ; Arab, to do any thing too soon ;
I" T
<'n3D3 pref. id
also to look sour.
noun fem. sing. dec. 10. 13D
pn3p3 pref. 3 "103 m. d.6b, coll. unripe, sour grapes. Job 15.33.
I \ :
pref. id. X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. Also
sing. masc. (§ 3. rem. 3) fr. ["TJD] dec. 8c. 13D "iph "I noun masc. i. q. "Ip3 ; -1 bef. lab. . . "ID3
ni3D3 pref. 3 for ri3 X noun f., pi. of HSp d. 10. 13D 3 X noun masc
'pnv3"lD3 Chald. pref. pi., suff. 3 pers.
»n63p3 pref. 3 X noun fem. sing, ^3D pi. masc. from [?31p] dec. 1 a. . 73"ID
nbp3 pref. 3 for n3 X noun f., pi. of HSD dec. 1 0. "|3D
"'npS n. m. s., suff. 3 p. s. m. from [1p3] dec. 6b. "1D3
n'3D3 pref. 3 X pr- name of a place .
'iinpS pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing.

masc. from [fVID] dec. 1 b. see . . mit'

.„,pref. 3 f. n3 1 noun
1 masc. sing. dec.
'7D3 J'2nD3 ^ pref. id. X Kal part. pass. sing. masc. for
\ ^ \ 8d; 1 bef. lab. .

"^? pref. 3 q. V.
J D-inD dec3a; -1 bef. , ,
. . DflD
T ' ( :;
•1 pref. id. X pr. name of a place ; -1 id.
"iriD3 pref. 3 for 113 X seg. n. in pause [as if from
y^,s3 pref. 3 f. n3~j noun masc. s., (suiT. *ypp) inD=inp § 35. rem. 2] see the following: IJID
pref. 3q. V. j" dec. 6 a. (§35. rem. 5) . inp3 pref. id.
_ •} noun masc.
, ^ dec. 6 b.
sing. , . IDD
yD''J?bp3 •1 pref. 3 for ri3 X id. pi., abs. st.; -"I bef. lab. -inp3 pref. ? J
pref. 3 X Kal part. act. pi. constr. masc. 'Xyil Chald. Peal part. act. sing, masc dec. 6 a. ii]!2

from "^pb dec. 7 b.. I^D «Ny3 *'•! Chald. Peal pret. 3 pers. s. m.; -1 bef. ^.^ HV2
pref. 3 for 113 X noun masc, pi. of ["Il3p] '3y3 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., constr. of 33,?, as if

°r3DilD3 pref. 3 X noun masc. pi., suflF. 3 pers. sing. from n2]}. see 3j; R. . . . 3iy
masc. from [IP3p] dec. Be. PD nihyS pref. 3 for 113 X noun fem. sing, dec 10. . 12]}

- Ge. 49. 6. t Kx.2.3. » Pk. 42. 5. « Ge.40. 17. ' Ju. 15. 8. 4-2X1.2.1.
• Eze. 19. 9. »2Ch.20. 16. • Job 38. 40. "I.c.8.31. « 18.2.21.
' Je.23.22. ' 1'8.83. 16. r P». 31. 21. ' J u. 20.47; 21.13. <<
Is. 17. 6.
'' Eze. 26. 7. * 2 Cli. 35. 13. » Ec. 2. 3. ylSa. 13.6. « Eze. 31. 6.
• 2 Ki. 5. 9. ' .Km.i.i. ' Ex. 29. 3, 32. • Ps. 54. 0. / Am. 1. 14.
' Ho. 1.7. "II0.2.8. • Ju.6. 19. •Cu.7.9.
pref. 3 X n- m. s., suff. 3 p. s. m. fr. H^y nny
d.Ga. !• T*:i-
pref. 3 bef. , ,
X id. pi. absolute state . 7iV
pref. id. X id., suflF. 1 pers. sing. . nny pref. 3 X n. f. s., suff. 1 p. s. from H^jy d. 12 b. *?
pref. 5 bef. ,
X id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. m. nay

pref. id. id. pi., suff. 2 p. s. m.; bef. lab. nay

X -1
Root not used ; Arab, to be distant. Hence
n3y '•1, [and ny3'] dec. 6d. (§ 35. rem. 10) prep.— I.
pref. 3 X id. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc.
after, behind, about; 7 nyap behind. — II. about,
pref. 3 bef. X n-f-s-. constr. of niby d. 10.
T round about, and especially after the verbs of
pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc.
shutting up, &c. — III. for, in behaf of.
pref. 3X n.f.s., suff. [n-H^y] d. 10.
pref. 3 'X prop, inf., used as an adv. . .my
'•1 pref. 3 bef. , ,
X P'"ep- and conj.; -1 bef. lab.
•^nys prep. [ny3 dec. 6 d] with suff. 3 pers. s. fem. nya
pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem.
^nny's pref. 3 forn3, -HS X n. fem. s. dec. lib. 'M}>
pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. sing.
prep. [ny3] with suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. nya
pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. s. m. [for jl^-ny^]
* rninj^a •1 pref. 3 X noun fem. pi., suff. 3 pers. s. m.
pref. id. X id-, suff. 2 pers. sing. fem.
from n-ny (comp. Ch. dec. 8c); -1 bef.
pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc.
•1 pref. id. X id-, suff. 2 pers. sing. m. ; -I id. my
pref. id. X n.m.s., euff. 3 p. s. m. fr. Diay d. 1 a.
J *ny3 pref. 3 bef. ,
X noun masc. sing., (suff. Vny)
pref. id. X Houn masc. sing.
dec. 6i. (§ 35. rem. 14) . . . nny
pref. 3 X the following with suff. 3 pers. s. ra.
prep. [ny3 dec. 6d] with suff. 1 pers. sing ny3
pref.if. n3, n?
'•i^'-nys id. pi., suff. 1 pers. pi. . . . . ^y3
pref. 3 q. v.
•"^'ny3 id. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. . . ny3
Chald. pref. 3 bef. X ^oan masc. sing.
^.^ .

"^m 2 pers. sing. masc. lya

pref. id. X Kal inf. constr. .
id. sing., suff. . .

"i^yia defect, for >13y3 (q. v.) . . .

id. sing., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. . . nya
pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 6. (§ 35. r. fi)
Dny.3 id. sing., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . . nya
Kh. -I3y3 q.v., K. layo (q.v.) .

iny'i pref. 3 X pr- name of a place . . ]'^]}

pref. 3 X noun fem. sing. dec. 12 b. .

Chald. pref. m. s., emph. of jny IIV
•K2nyi id. X n. dec. lb.
pref. id. X Kal inf., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.
•"'^nya prep, [nys dec. 6d] with suff. 1 pers. pi. . nya
»ni"jiyi pref. id. X n. fem. pi., constr. from iTIiy d. 12 a.
^'iinys id. with suff. 1 pers. sing. . . . "^l!^
'nn|y3 pref. id. X Kh. constr. of ni3y.' q. v., K.
pref. ^ forn3, -HS X Kal part. s. m. d. 7 b. f\ll}
nbny? (q.v.)
•nn]^3 pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 6. (§ 35. r. 6) iny X n.m. pi. "I3y d.6.(§35.r.6) -i3y •innj;? pref. 3 X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . nny
pref. id. X Kal inf., suff. 2 pers. s. m. for "^yi^l' i3y '"nnp pref. id. id. pi., construct state Tl]}
X . .

pref. id. id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. lay

X nnya pref. 3 bef.
^..^ X n.f.s., constr. of nny dec. 1 1 b. IV
nJSfiyi pref. id. X pr- name of a place nay pref. 3 X n. f. pi., suff. 2 p. s. m. fr. nny d. 10. my
n?3yi pref. id. X «• feni. s., constr. of H'lSy. d. 12^. nay 'onnyi 3 bef.
pref. X noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers.
'innnyi pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. nay sing. fem. from PI""", dec. lib. . . ny
pref. id. X id-, suff. 1 pers. sing. . nay

pref. id.

pref. 3
for ri3
id., suff. 2 pers. sing.

X noun com. with pi. fem. term.

m. [for ^H^'] nay
m I. to

ask, request.
make to swell,

boil up. Is. 64. i.

I. to swell out.

II. to seek,

30. 13.
from nhy dec. la. . nay II. to be sought out, Obad. 6.
pref. id. X id. pi. masc. nay —
Xy3 Chald. I. to seek, search after, const, with
'nj>jy3 pref. 3 f. nS, -nSi noun fem. sing. dec. 1 1 c
ace— II. to ask, request, with jO, Dnj^. |p. Pa.
pref. 3 before .A (§ 42.. rem. 1) .
> to search after, with ?.

»nib2y2 pref. id. X id. pi-, absolute state •iy3 fem. dec. 8 c. petition. Da. 6. 8, 14.

3 *y3 masc. prayer. Job 30. 24 comp. '3

X noun masc. from 7jy ;
pref. pi. constr.

dec. 6. (§ 35. rem. C) . . ^ny.a Chald. Peal part. act. s. m . [for Ky3 § 62] d. G a. nya

• Nu.12.8.
73-iy:i CI

•1Chald. id. pret. 3 p. pi. m. R. NJJ^; ,1^3

-"I bef. ^'''p-iy;? noun fem. pi. constr. from [n-iy3] dec. lb. ny2
Chald. noun fem. sing. dec. 8 c. ni?3
. ,
''fsniys id. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . riy3
pref. 4I X adv. dec. la; -1 bef.
^.^ . 1)^ ''•ry3 pref. ? X noun masc. sing. dec. 8 c. . . TTy
pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. . D^} ryi '1 ^alacrity) pr. name — I. of the husband of
pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. sing. . . Tiy Ruth. — of a pillar in Solomon's temple,
pref. id.

pref id.

(verbal) suff. 3 p.s.m. (§ 2. note)

(verbal) suff. 1 p. s. (§ 2. note)

1)]} *'n:'3bTy3

3 X
pref. id.

pr. name masc.

X noun masc. pi.,
suff. 2 pers. sing.")

pref. |l X noun masc. sing. dec. 3 a. . . Tl)]} '•^^Jbiys fem. from \)2^^^ dec. 3 c. j"
J . .

pref.3f.n3,n3) . ->
'' ^ = " • L noun m. s., for Ty dec. 8 •"D?3iy3 pref. 3 bef. X Kal inf., suff. 2 p. pi. m. 3Ty
c. (. TTW
pref. 3 q. V. j- '


J pref. id., suff. 3 pers. masc.
^ X pi. . . 3Ty
pref. id. X noun masc. sing. (§ 35. rem. 11) h)V pref. id. pr- name of a place
X . . TTy
pref. id. X noun masc. sing, for ^V dec. 8 c. hb]3 name masc.
pref. id. X pr. . . .TTy
pref. id. X noun fem. sing. . . ^)]} «Vr;^3
X noun masc.
pref. id. sing., suff. 3 pers.
pref. id. X noun fem., contr. for D^iy R.
"piy sing. masc. fr. ty dec. 8 c. . , TTy
(Is. 61.8): or for nVy (q. v.) " . . rhv pref. .5 bef. X Kal inf. constr. . TTy
^..^ .

Kal part. p. sing. fem. dec. 10, from m. ^^3 D^-ryn »'-1
3 -n^ X noun
[!?-"iy2] pref. for H^l,
1'^ IT fem., pi. of

^ X noun m.
"'•1 pref. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. Ty dec. 8b; -1 bef. labial TTy
masc. from 7)V (§ 35. rem. 11); •")
bef. lab. ^IJ?
^•ry? ) pref. Ip
X noun m. s., with suff. 2 p. s.")

pref. id. X noun fem., pi. of rh)]} dec. 10. . rhv 'TO J masc. from Ty dec. 8 c. (§ 37. rem. 2)j

;^ pref. id. X n. fem. sing. (H^l^) with parag. H •1 Ch. pref. id. X noun fem. sing., constr. of
TIT ; h)V
pref. 3 bef.
^..^ X constr. for the following : Hlj;
Ki^jy dec. 8a; -1 bef. ^..^ . . . pTy
I for H^l, H? X noun masc. sing. dec. 3a. my pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. pTy
3 bef. ^_.j X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. '"ijyi pref.
X Kal inf. constr.
Hiy I bef. ^,__^ . . -)Ty

pref. id. X id,, suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . Hiy

pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., suff. 1 pers.
pref. id. X id. pi. fem. term. sing, from ITy dec. 6. (§ 35. rem. 6) nTy
; -I bef. lab. mj? .

i'-'-Ttys pref. id.

iJref. id. X id. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing. my X id., suff. 1 pers. sing. . . iTy
Kh. "-yiys (pref. 3J, in pause for R. r\:]};
pref. id. X Kal part. act. pi., suff. 1 pers.
K- V'V.2, t^y with suff.
sing, from "ITy dec. 7 b. . . -|Ty
1 pers. sing,
pref. 5 bef. "wn masc.
pref. id. X noun sing, masc, suff. 2 pers.
^__^ X sing., suff. 2
pers. sing. masc. sing. masc. [for from n.Ty
from f\y dec. 3a.
"^yV.! (§ 3. r. 6) It]}

pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. mj? '"'Pity? pref. id. X noun fem. sing., suff. 1 pers.

pref. id. sing, from PTIT;^ (no pi. absolute) ITy

X id. pi. fem., suff. 2 pers. sing. m. my .

pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 1 pers. pi.; •"!

id. my 'mm pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. . ITy
pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. my
''1 3f.n3, -nsi noun masc.
pref. sing.; -1^ Dy3 I. to kick, kick up, Deu. 32. 15.— II. to kick, sjmm
•Ipref.^q.v.' '/ bef. . | ^^^ at, with 3 1 Sa. 2. 29.
^.^ .

pref. id. X Pilel inf. [?isiy], suff. 1 pers. ^^.? pref. ? X noun masc. sing. . . . 12)]}
sing. dec. 7 b.
'PlbyS pref. 3 bef. ^_.^ X Kal inf. constr. . . ;)by
pref. 3f.n3,-n3|

name masc.
q. V.
noun masc.

sing. dec. 1 a.

my "^^y^


(§ 10.

? fo»"

rem. 6)



X noun fem.
Niph. inf.

sing., constr.


pref. 3 for Tll^

^"^M (§ 42. rem. 5) . . . . -|t3y
•Ipref. Ilq.v.l"^""'"^^^-^'"^- '
^^3 pref. id. X pr. name of a place . . niy
pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 1 a. iiy f''}}2 m. R. ny3, or pref. 3,
n. s. >]} n. m. s. R. my
Ch. noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. sirig. masc s'-V^^ Kal imp. pi. masc. (§ 24. rem. 5) . . ny3
from •'iy3 dec. 8 c. ny3 I'.'yS pref. 3 X n. m. pi. constr. pr. n., Dn3yn >?y niy
• Da. 2. IS, • Eze. 33. 13. •P». 31.11.
• Da. 6. 8.
» Eze. 32. 10. » P«.88. 17. • Ps. 78. 26. "1 Ch.15.26. PS.61..1.
* Pr. 24. 5. • Pit. 125. 3. • 2 Sa. 16. 12.
' U. 7. 8,
' Zee. 12. 4. ' Ml. 5. 3. P Pr. 8. 28. ' Ps. 146. 5. Lh. 2.
* Pr.31. 17. ;> Is. 59.3. * Ho. 14.2,
''U.28.4. De. 28. 28.
'' * Eze. 27. 16. » I,e.22. 19. y Ex. 18. 4. Ca.3.
* Eze. 28. 18. 7 Je.51.6. • l8. 43. 24,
' 11,
<)e.25.«. .lob 19. 20.
« ' Eze. 27. 19. ' Fs.21.14. » P8. 118.7,

' Dp. 21.8. ' I.e.26.39. "Ezr.9.7. / Job 30. 24.
De.31.27. / Da. 6. 14. '«1 Ki.lB. 18. • Da. 6. 18.
" Eze. 18. 26. • Da. 9. 16. ' Le. 20. 25,
" Ps. 85. 2. #I».2I.12,
I Jub6. 4. "2Ch.28.C. ' Ua. 6. 18. ' Na. 3. 9.
'j^^p-aS^yi CII
IT " pref. a X P""*
nsiniG of a piovince, see D?^V band; pass. fem. n>iy3 and ?J?3 n^-iy3 one

for D^y?, pref. 3 bef. , .

X " ^- ^- constr. married. — III. to disdain, despise, const, with 3.

Ch. Peal part. act. m., pi. R.Nj;|l see X^3, d. 6a. nj?3 Niph. to be married.

pref. 3, f. nil, -nip") noun com. sing, dec"! ?y3 masc. dec. 6d. — I. lord, possessor, owner,
'•1 pref. 2 q. V.
6 h., also p. n.;^ bef. lab.
and sometimes pi. majest. D^py3 lord, &c. — II.

pref. id. X id., constr. state, also pr. name husband. — III. from the idea of possessor various

in compos, as "1N"n |'J^

&c. . phrases are formed, as DpK' ''/J^?
inhabitants of

T 1-*
Ch. Peal pret. 1 pers. pi. R. X;^2 see ny3 Shechem, Shechemites; D.^J"lipn 7J1?3 having two
Kh. for Vy^2 Keri (q. v. § 4. rem. 1) horns; D*333 h]}2 winged; flb^nn h^2 the
pref. 3 X noun com. sing., suflF. 3 pers. sing. dreamer; DHS 7^3 confederate; D^'13'J 7^3 one
masc. from \)'^ dec. 6h. .
having a law-suit, — IV. 7^3 H pr. name Baal,

the tutelary god of the Pheniclans ; in pi, images

pref. id. X id., du., suff. 1 pers. sing.
cf Baal. He was worshipped also under the
pref. id. id. du., constr. state; bef. lab.
X •!
following names, as OHS ?jl?3 lord of covenant;
pref. id. X id. du., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. .
3-1 3T h]Q fly -god, fly -destroyer; "liyS ^^3 see
pref. id. X id. du., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. rv "I'lySl. — ^V. pr. name of a town on the borders
pref. id. X id. du., suff. 3 pers. pi. fem. .
of Simeon, 1 Ch. 4. 33, probably the same as
pref. id. X id. du., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. .
1X3 nbys Jos. 19. 8. — VI. compounded in the
Kt ••
pref. id. id. du., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem.
names of towns: HJI 7^3 {Baal of fortune) a town
X pj?

pref. id. id. du., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc.

at the foot of Hermon, Jos. ii. 17. —pOH ?J?3
X {place of multitude) at the foot of Lebanon,
pref. id. X id- du., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. TV Cant. 8. II.
—"li^n 7^3 {having a village) a town
3 for HS, -nS X du. abs. pr. n.

3 X
id. st. PV in the tribe of Benjamin, 2 Sa. 13. 23. —jiCIH 7^3

defect." for

for "fynS
id. du.,

pref. 3 X

(q. v.)


m. with the
pers. pi.

... .

art. R. T-y
mount Hermon.
in the tribe of Reuben,
f\V^ ?23 (jjlace

see 'D n*3.

of dwell-


D''V?l {place of defeats) where David routed the

q.v.; or, better (T'Vn) Hiph. constr.

pref. 3f. ri3, -nS") noun fem.


sing, irr
Philistines, comp. 2 Sa. 5. 20. —pDV bVJ^ {place

of Typhon, a divinity) a town in Egypt near the

pref. 3 q. V. J (§ 45)
Red sea. — HK^pK' 7^3 place in the district of
pref. id. X noun masc. sing. . . .
Shalishah, 2 Ki. 4. 42, comp. 1 Sa. 9. 4.
— "IDFl 7y3
noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.
{place of palms) not far from Gibeah, Ju. 20. ^^.
from n^V?] dec. la.. •li?3
—VII. 75^3 pr. name masc. of two different per-
"'•1 3 X noun fem. sing., 3 pers.

masc. from
sons. ?J/3 {lord of grace) pr. name {a) of a
sing. "I^J? irr. (§45); -1 bef. , ,
king of Edom; {b) 1 Ch. 27. 28.
pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. sing,
''TV? ?y3 Ch. masc. lord, Ez. 4. 8, 9, 1 7, see DJ^p.
noun masc. sing., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc.
from [T"];?] dec. la.. iy3
n?]^? fem. — I. a mistress, comp. 3iX ; Twy2
D''SK>3 a sorceress. — II. pr. name (a) of a city in the
''•1 id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc; 1 bef. , ,

north of Judah, called also bV2 nni? & Dnj;»

'2TV? •1 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 8c; -1 id. my 'jp;

{b) another in the south of Judah, Jos. 15. 29,

•1 noun masc. sing., suff. 1 pers. pi. from
perhaps the same as n?3, HiipS.
n"'J/3] dec. 1 a; -1 id. . . . nj?3

pref. 3 X K^^i P^rt. act. pi., suff. 1 pers. nibyil pr. name of a city in the tribe of Judah,

sing, from "IDJ? dec. 7 b.

Jos. 15. 24.
nbys pr. name of a city in the tribe of Dan.

/yJ ^ I. 'o have dominion, be lord over, possess any For -)i<3 n^p see hv2 No. VI.
thing. — II. to become a husband of any one, to ]}'T'b]}2 (whom the Lord knows) pr. name of a

marry a vnfe; part. pi. ^ vy3 thy (sc. God'sj hus- son of David, 1 Ch. 14. 7, called VT^^N 2 Sa. 5. 16.

Is. 11.15. ''Da. 2.23. * Est. 1.17. * De. 15. 18.

Da.e.."). « Le. 21.20. *Ge.l6.6.
1 Sa. 29. 1. / Oe. 16. 4, 5. '1 Sa. 1. 23.
cm i7t:r;:i-th'v^

n vy3 (whose name masc. " of n*7y; d. 10.

lord is the Lord) pr. ^^V2 pref. id. X n. f. sing., constr.

1 Ch. 12.5. ''nri''j'y3 Ch. pref. 3 X noun. fem. sing., suff. 3 pers.

?3 (contr. from 7^3 i. q. 7^3) pr. name of sing. masc. from [vy] dec. 8 c. . rhv
the god of the Babylonians. *invy3 pref. 3 bef. , ,
X noun fem. sing., suff. 3

pxbs (whose lord is Baal) pr. name of a king pers. sing. masc. from n*7y dec. 10. . rh]}

of Babylon, father of Merodach-Baladan, 2 Ki. 20. 1 2. ynOpyS pref. 3 X noun fem. sing. dec. I2a. . D^y
hv2 ) n. m. s. d. 6d, also pr. n. of an idol, and Jb^y3 pref. id. X pr. name of a place, D^n^3'^ ph]}',
} hv2 D^

Ch, noun masc.

in compos, as n'"]3 ?I^3 &c.
sing. .... 7yD 'Y^V.2 pref.
with parag. H
3 bef.
^^^ X Kal
Nu. 33. 46.
inf. constr. yhv

H7y3 noun

3 X noun masc.
name of a place
masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. fern. dec.
sing. dec. 8 c. . 77V
n 7y3
n7y3 noun
'•! pr. name of a place

fem. sing., constr. of [HpyS]

; -1 bef. labial

, also pr.

name in compos. 1N3 DPyS hv2

Gd. [for n^y3 § S."-). rem. b] ^y3 n^y3 Kal part. p. fem., constr. of n^-iy3, [from
'pbv^ •"!
Kal pret. 3 pers. sing, masc, suff. 3 pers. 7-iy3 masc] ^y3
sing, fern.; -1 bef. labial hV2 nnbys pr. name of a place (flPyS) with loc D bV2
'•17^3 id. pret. 3 pers. pi. . hv2 "nnpyil -l Kal pret. 2 pers. sing, masc, suff. 3 pers.
'•"lJl'?J?3 id. id., suflF. 1 pers. pi hV2 sing. fem. ; -I bef. labial . hv2
nr?V2 pref. 3 bef.
^_^ X Kal inf. constr. . rhv *ir6y3 pref. 3 bef. X Kal inf. (ni'py} , suff. 3

/ni?y3 Kb. i. q. prec; K. ni'py? (q.v.) rhv pers. sing. masc. dec. la. . nhy
n'l 7^3 -1 pr. name of a place ;
-1 bef. , . ^
• hv2 *Pl7y3 Ksd pret. 1 pers. sing. hv2
fTVhv^. pref. 3 X noun fern., pi. of H^y dec. 10. . nhv '''\PV.2 pref. 3 bef.
^..^ X Kal inf., suff. 1 p. s. d. 1 a. nbv
'nn^^yS 3 '''^npyS pref. id. suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. n'py
pref. bef.
^..^ X Kal inf., suff. 3 pers. sing. X id.,

fem. dec. la... rhv D][?3 pref. 3f n3, -HS , noun com. s. d.8, pi. irr.'j
'irivy? pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. rhv ny.3 '-I pref. 3 'q. v. "
J (§ 45) ; 1 bef.
^.^ J
'•IJ^rivyS pref. 3 X noun fem. pi., suff. 1 pers. pi. /ipy3 -1 defect, for im]} (q. v.) . im
from nh'V dec. 10 rhv s-'npyS pref. 3 X Kal inf., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.

DnibyS pref..3 bef. ^..^ X Kal inf., suff. 3 p. pi. m. d. 1 a. n^y DnpW *-1 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 p. pi. m.; 1 bef.
ntp7y3 pref. 3 for i13, -HS X noun fem. sing. Dhv IDyS pref. id. X noun com. sing., suff. 3 pers.

vy.3 ''-1 n. m. pi. constr. fr. hV2 d. fid; -1 bef. lab. ^y3 sing. masc. from Dy or Dy dec 8. (§45) D?oy
yV.? id. sing, with suff. 1 pers. sing. . . 7y3 n-ir3y3 '-l pref. id. X noun m. s. dec. lb; -1 bef. lab. noy
noun com Dy

yJ(!? pref.

3 for

name masc;
n3 X noun masc.
sing. . . roV
'*Dy3 pref. id. X
or D;^ dec. 8. (§ 45)

constr. from


-1 . .
-l ,

^tsy3 pref. id. X id. sing., suff. ) pers. sing. DDy

Hvyil -1 pr. name masc; -1 id. 7y3
VJSyS pref. id. X id- pl-. suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. Dtty
n^i?y3 noun m. pi., suff. 3 p. s. f. fr. h^2 dec. Cd. hv2 ^^Dy3 pref. id. X id. pl-, suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. Doy
•|n''.'?y3 id., suff. 3 pers. pi. fem. hV2
. , ,
"•rsyi pref. 3 n3, -nS X id. pi. abs
f. Doy
1vy3 id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . . 7y3 *T'py3 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. . -^Dy
''I'VpyS pref. 3 X adj. masc. sing. dec. lb. . TV]} in"'Dy3 pref. 3 bef. X noun fem. sing., suff. 3

JTJiSyS Kal part. act. pi , suff. 2 p. s. f fr. ['py^] dec. 7 b bv2 pers. sing. masc. from [H^py] dec. 3 a. nm
^byV^ pref. 3 bef. X noun masc. sing. . 77y ''^f5y3 '•!] pref. 3 X noun com. s., suff. 2 pers. sin
'"^^2 masc from Dy or Dj; dec. 8. (§ 45)
X noun fem.

'^'•ni Vyy.? •"!
pref. id. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. '-IJ

masc. from T^'^bv, dee. 10; -1 bef. labial hh]} 7tDy3 pref. 3 bef. , , X constr. for the following •pny

'Dni^^)y3 -1 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi.; -1 id. hbv ""PDy^ "'1 pref. 3 for HS, •113 X noun masc. sing.

dec. 4 c; bef. labial !?»y

D'^byS [for D^^JTI? son of exultation, R. ob]} comp. .
"I . . .

K3y3] pr. name of a king of the Am- yDyS pref. 3 bef. X idi suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.

monites, Je. 40. 14. ''^^^V.2 -1 pref. id. X id., suff. 2 p. s. m.; -1 bef. lab. ^»y

• Elr.4.8,9,17.
CIV *ip-DS;by3
pref. id. id., suff. 3 pers. masc. 3
X pi. ''T'p-IVya pref. bef.
^_j X noun masc. pi. (D''I?-1^'y),

pref. id. X pr- name of a people . sufiF. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . . D^'V
pref. id. X noun com. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. '^ya '-1 pref. 3 bef. .... X noun masc. pi. constr. from
' IV T -:r
masc. irr. of Dy (§ 45) DDy I'y dec. 7 a. (§
36. rem. 2); -1 bef. lab. HVy
''1 pref. 2 f. na.-nai noun masc. sing. dec. }Vyy3 pref. 3 X pr. name in compos. -132 frVJ? • '"IVy
pref. 3 q. V. j fib; -1 bef. lab. D'':»y3 •")
pref. 3f. n3, -HS") noun masc. pi. abs. fr.")

pref. id. id. pL, construct state p^v 'D^Vya pref. ? q. V. VV. dec.7a; Uef.lab.J
X .
'D^iljipyi pref. 3 f. na, -na-) iWya pr. name defect, for I'rvy (q. V.) . . nvy
^ L
, ^J
> id. pi., absolute state
PW •''D^ri^VyS pref.3 bef.
^..^ X n.fem.,dual of [n^Vy] d. 13a. bvy

pref. a for HS, -HS X noun masc. sing. dec. 6 c. )oy sDVp pref. 3 for nil] n. f. s., (suff. '"PV^) dec. 6a,|
DVp ^^
''Dnoiya pref. id. X id. pi. absolute state "iDy pref. 5 q.v.J alsopr.n.ofaplace;-1bef.^
•1 pr. name see fiVP ^y? 0*3 under n>a *D^3 pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 6 c. D^*y . .

[for 5<3y"|3 son of affliction R. Hjy, see 'n^O^ya -l pref. a bef. ^..j X noun fem. pi. abs. from
u pref.
Dpti'S] pr.

3 bef. , ,
name m.
X "• ™- s.
of several persons,

(constr. st.) d. 6k. * nifpvy?

pref. id.
dec. 6a. (comp. the following)

X id- pi-, construct state .


pref. a X id., suff. 3 i)ers. sing. masc. n2V '•'nilOVyS pref- id. X id. pi., suff. 1 pers. sing. . DVy
pref. id. X id-, suff. 1 pers. sing. . njy VniDVy? pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . DVy
pref. id. X noun m. s., constr. of pjy dec. 2 b. "'P^yS pref. 3 bef.
^..^ X id- pl- m-, suff. 1 pers. sing. D^'y
•"'•1 pref.3forri3,n3 X n.m.s.d.4c; -1 bef.lab. "npV^^ pref. 3 X n. fem. s. constr. [of npVJ?; no pl.] DVi
pref. 3 X Pi^l inf- [|.?y], suff. 1 pers. sing. " ""riDVyS pref. 3 X noun fem. pl., suff. 1 pers. sing.")
dec. 7 b. [for *33y comp. § 10. rem. 7] . "^pbvyi I from D>:y dec. 6a. . . .

•'),suflF. 3m.s.[fr.fl3y]d.3a. f Da^nnVyS pref. id. n. 2 pers. pl. masc.

X f. pl., suff.

pref. a for Ha, -nS X pr. name of a people, from Ti'\'^^ dec. lie. (§ 42. rem. 1) . "IVy

pi. of p:]}, pjy nvy3 pref. 3 bef.

^..^ X
n. f. s., constr. of HVy d. 1 1 b. fV
pref. a bef.^..jX Kal inf.c, for tJ'jy.' (§ 8. r. 18) t^•3y '•^nVyS pref. id. X id., sufF. 2 pers. sing. masc. .
ninjya Dnvy3 pref. id. X id-, suff. 3 pers. pl. masc. . .
pref. id. X pr. name of a place .

r>*n3J?3 •ap.y.a pref. id. X constr. of the following (§ 34. r. 1) apy

pref. 3 for 713, -HS X pr. name of a place ^ey •ap^a pref. a X noun masc. sing, dec 5. (§ 35. r. 4) apy
vT T
'napya pref. id. X noun sing. fem. . . apj?
?'-1 K. Dnnti)?; pref. 3 , n. m. pi. R. IPID ;

•""apya ai;)j;d.5.(§35.r.4) apy

Kh. n''^ay3 ,
pref. 3, pi. of h^V dec. 6c. . ^ay
D'^anpyi pref. 3 for ns -ns X, n. m., pl. of 3npy d. 8 a. anpy
••^Bysya pref. 3 X n. m. du. constr. fr. [^ypy] dec.Sd. fjiy

•n^syaya pref. id. X id-, suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. fjiy iVll I. to consume, burnup with fire; metaph. of anger,
'"iaj;3 ''•1
pref. 3 for na, 113 X noun m. s. dec. 4c. nay const, mostly with 3. — II. intrans. to bum. — III.

pref. 3 X pr- name of a place . nay denom. of "l^ya, to be brutish, pait. D^yS brutish

pref. id. X pr- name masc. . nay men. Niph. to become brutish. Pi. — I. to feed
r: «:
pref. id. X pr. name of a place, constr. of may nay O- upon, to consume, as a field, vineyard, with 3.

pref. 3 f. nS, -na"! noun masc. sing. dec. 7 a. II. to consume with fire ; to kindle, to set on fire,
"•1 pref. 3 q. V. j (§ 36. rem. 2) with 3. — III. to remove, to destroy, with |P, ""nnx,
pref. id. X noun masc. sing., dec. 6 a. avy Pu. to be kindled, to burn. Hiph. — I. to feed upon. —
pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 6 c. 3vy II. to consume with fire; to kindle, to set on fire,

"I'ln-^fyii pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 3 c.. 3!^y with a. — III. to remove, destroy.

•I pref. id. X noun fem. sing, constr., [as if "lya masc. stupid, brutish.

from na-Vy] see na-^*y ; -l bef. lab. . 3\'y XnyS {stupid) pr. name fem. 1 Ch. 8. 8.

nvya pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. lib. yv' myS fem. a burning, Ex. 22.5.

'ivya pref. id. X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. myS (torch) — I. of the father of Balaam.

masc. from }*y dec. 7 a. (§ 36. rem. 2) . — II. of the father of Bela king of the Edomites.

" Ec. 4. 9.
p^^fn-Dn^^yl CVI
pref. 3 X num. card. com. gen., pi. of rTlby POn-ITripS -1 pref. id. X noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. pi.

see "lb;j "iby masc. from [niTnS] dec. 1 ; -1 bef. lab. . THE
pref. 3 bef. ^...^ X Kal inf. (nib'J^) suff. 3 pers. »DnQ3 pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc. sing. . DnS
sing. fem. dec. la.. . . . nB*y ^Q^ ''•1 pref. 3 X n. m. s. constr., or with suff. 1 p.
pref. id. X id., sufF. 3 pers. sing. masc. ntJ'V from HS
s. [for '•NS] irr. (§ 45); -1 bef.
pref. 3 X n. m. pi. constr. from ntJ'y dec. 6 a. DK^J? n^BS pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. la. . . T^D
(for mritJ'y^ it's temple of A$tarte) pr. name '^TD3 pref. id. X 'd., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . T'S
of a Levitical city in Manasseh, Jos. 21. 27. n''B? pref. id. X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing.
called mWV. 1 Ch. 6. 56. fem. from HS irr. (§ 45) . . , pINS
•irriM pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . nX3
> pref. 3 X pr. name of a place, see ITlh^'J/
Dp^Q^ pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . . ilSD
pref. id. X pr. name in compos. D)3")i? mJ|lK^y VM pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . nXS
see D'y^p]},. ^^23 pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . HXS
"^•DS pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. . nX2
m^ Niph.
<o be teirified, const, with \3Sp.

alarm. — II. <o come upon suddenly, 1

Pi. —
I. to DD'^Q? pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. . nX3
pref. id. X noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing.
nny3 fem. terror.
masc. from ^h''^ dec. 6a. (§ 35. rem. 16) Ei'j'?3
Cn-iyS masc. pi. (of niyS dec. 1 b) terrors.
* ''tJ*??''S3 pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. sing. . . K'j'ps
n)j?3 '•1 pref. 3 f. n3, -nS") noun com. sing, dec")
'"l?3"'D3 pref. id. X noun masc.
'•"I pref.

noun fem.
3 (q. v.)

sing. .... 8b; -1 bef.

ny3 ni^i'p3 pref.

(§ 45)
n. fem., pi. of
sing., suff.

3 pers.

d. 10.

(. J
pref. 3 X noun com. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing
"jinnapSlS Chald. pref. id. X noun fem. pi., suff. 3 pers.
fem. from ny dec. 8 b. my pi. masc. from [Hi 72] dec. 8 a. . J72
'•I'lnys Piel (dag. forte impl. § 14. rem. 1) pret. 3 pers.
*'q?23 pref. 3 for Hijl X n. m. s., [suff. in^2'] d. 6a. 1^2
pi., suflf. 3 pers. sing, msisc. [for •in-iny3] ny3
iriy3 pref. 3 X noun com. sing., sufF. 3 pers. sing.
<'D'')^|)3 pref. 3 bef.
^.^ X n. m., pi. of ['?''^2] d.3a. !?':>a

masc. from ny dec. 8 b.. ''D?23 pref. 3 for nS X noun masc. sing. . . d!?2
'•1 pref. 3 f. n3, 'nil") id. pi., absolute state; D''riK>7S3 '-1 pref. id. X gent, noun masc, pi. of ''Tph^
pref. 3 q. V.
-1 bef. lab. from nSJ'jPB . . . .
pref. 3 bef. X pr- name of a place iny '023 Chald. pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 3 c. . Q12
Driys pref. 2! X id. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. /na23 Chald. pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. D12
•1 Piel pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. [HriyS § 14. «-nni:23 pref. 3 bef.
^.^ X Kal inf. (71132) , suff 3 pers.

rem. 1], sufF. 3 pers. s. m. [for -irinnyS] ny3 pi. masc. dec. la. . . . . n32
id., suff. 1 pers. sing, [for ""jinnyS] . ny3 *^323 pref. 3 X noun masc. pi., suff. 1 pers. sing.

*hjStp3 pref. 3 bef. ,

X noun fem. sing., constr. of from [n32] dec. 9 b. . . . nj2
nK3 dec. lib HKO '^323 pref. 3 bef.
^.^ X id- pi-, constr. state . n32
•ij;^a3 pref. 3 X Kal inf. (yja), suff. 3 pers. sing. *n^323 pref. 3 X id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. nJ2 .

masc. (§ 16. rem. 10) . . . yjS Dn\323 pref. 3 bef. ^.^ X id- pi-, su^: 3 pers. pi. m. nj2
*\"n?B3 "•1 pref. id. X noun masc. pi. constr. from V323 pref. 3 X id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. nJ2 .

1.52 dec. Ga; -"I bef.

. . . IJS ^*3?? pref- id. X id- pl-, suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. n32
0Q3 pref. id. X pr. name in compos. DIK {"IB pS D5\323 pref. ? bef. ^.^ X id- pl-, suff. 2 pers. pl. m. n:2
pref. id. X noun masc. sing, [for nt<S § 45] PINS 'D^323 pref. 3 X id. pl., absolute state n32 . .

^•1S3 pref. 3 for HS X noun masc. sing. "JIB "'"'P''3S3 pref. 3 for n3 X adj. masc. sing. dec. la. D32
}J-1Q3 pref. 3 X pr. name of a place . •
''D'l D23 pref. id. X pr- n. of a place, see D''J3'1 D2S
»t33 pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc. sing. . TfD "Dnv''p23 1 pref. 3 bef. X noun masc. pl., suff. 3

VT -
pref. id. X for HSl, n.m. s., pi. D^nS (§ 37.r.7) nns pers. pl. masc. from [7''p2] dec. 3 a. . 7D3
•nn23 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 6d. . . inS "^023 pref. 3 for 113 X for ''D? noun masc. sing. ?D2

« Le. 4. 27. /ISa. 16. 14. * Is. 66. 24. •Ge.31.58.

» Is. 60. 22. <rls.21.4. ' Eze.43.7.
« Job 18. 11. « Am. 3. 12. "Pr. 11.9.
''Da. U.6. ' Nu. 35. 19,21. «La.4.2.
Ne. 13. 61.
np-ivn-nn^^DSi CVII ipnvn-Dnsj^yn

defect, for nn\^''pa3 ^q.v.) 'D'SnpS pref. 3 X adv. for Dyj;i3 . yJlS

pref. 2 X noun masc. sing. dec. 6f. . /J3n33 pref. id. X n. m. s., constr. of [J3n3] d. 2 b. jflhs

pref. id. X id., sufF. 2 pers. s. m., for '^7^3' «^''Jl'inS3 -I pref 3 bef. X noun masc. pi. constr.

pref. id. id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. fr. [nin3] dec. 1 a ; -I bef. labial nns
pref. 5 for 113'} *nns3
pref. 3 f. ns I noun masc. sing., d. 6 a,
") noun fern. sing. dec. 6 d. DJ/Q 'nri33 nns
Vpref. 3 q. V.
(sufif. ^nn3 § 35. r. 5)
nriSS pref. 3 q. v,

pref. 3 bef. X Kal inf. constr. np3 *'nnD3 "1 pref. id. X id. pi., constr. state; -1 bef.

pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. . IpD "'"'nri33 pref. id. X Kal inf. [nri3], suff. 1 pers. sing.

pref. 3 X noun masc. pi., suff. 2 pers (§ 35. rem. 5) . . . . 11113

sing. masc. [1-1^2] dec. 1 b. " n'nri33 pref. 3 bef. , ,
X noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers.

pref. 3 for nS"! noun masc. sing. pi. DHS] sing. fem. (see 111133) . . . nJ13
pref. 3 q. V. j (§37. rem. 7) . .
| ^••pM pref. id. X n. m. s., constr. of ^'113 d. 3 a. ^JIB
•1 pref. 3 n3 X noun masc, pi.
for of T13 yri33 pref. 3 X prop. masc. n., used as an adv. yjl3

(suff. nnS) dec. 6a; bef. labial -1 . ni3 D1"in33 pref. id. X pr- name of a region, see 011113

pref. id. X noun masc. sing, 113 jKiifi '•! pref. 3 f. H?

noun masc sing. dec. la. |KTf
pref. id. X noun m., pi. of IHS, see 13"|3 IX'is pref. 3 q. V.



pref. id.

pref. id.
bef. ,.-.X
X pr- n. of a people;

X noun masc.
^al inf. constr.

s. d. 6i;
-1 bef. labial

-I bef. lab.


pref. id.
pref. id.

1 bef. labial


id-, sufT.
id-, suff.

3 pers.
2 pers. sing. masc.

pi. masc.
pref. 3 X id., suft'. 3 pers. sing. masc. m3 '••"133KV3 pref. id. X id-, suff. 1 pers. pi.

pref. id. X noun m., pi. of "13 (§ 37. r. 7) ni3 nsvil pref. id. X Kal inf. constr. [for Hi^V § 25
No. 2, comp. § 23. rem. 2 & 4] .

> pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. (§ 35. r. 2) 113

inXVa '-1 pref. id. X id., sufif. 3 pers. s. m.; -1 bef,
pref. id. X noun fem., pi. of nD"13 dec. 12a. D13 On^^'SS noun fem. pi., sufif. 3 pers. sing, masc, for
pref. 3 bef. . ,
X ^^i inf- constr, , y-i3 [rnVSIl] from n-^3 dec. 10. .
pref. 3 X pr> name masc, see ny")2 *nS.V3 pref. 3 X Kal inf. with suff. 1 p. s. comp. ni«V3 iS^f

pref. id. X pr- name of a place j;i3

pref. id. X id-, sufif. 2 pers. sing. masc. N^**
pref. 3 for 113 X no\in masc. sing. (pi. with
suff. Drc;;-)?)) dec. 6a. . }*13 ' DDJlNVS pref. id. X id., sufif. 2 pers. pi. masc.

pref. id. X id- pl-» absolute state fl3 DrisV3 '-1 pref. id. id-, suff. 3 p. pi. m.; bef. lab.
X -1

'b"ID3 pref. 3 X Piel inf. constr. . bi3 K3-;S3 pref. 3 for HS X n. m. s. d. 4 a. (§ 34. r. 2) N3:f
•1 pref. id. X noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. mSlV? P'^cf- ? ^^^-
(.) X noun masc. with pi. fem.
m. fr. K^13 dec. lb. (§ 30. r. 1); -l bef.
E'lB term, from ''2'$ dec. 6i. (§35. rem. 15) iinV
•1 pref. id. X id. pi-, absolute state ; -I id. Bh3 •"13'niS3V3 ]pref. 3 X n. m., with pi. fem. term. &
•1 pref. id. X Piel inf. (b'lB), suff. 2 pers. "•13*nS3V3 J
sufif. 1 pers. pi. from KSV dec 4 a.

pi. ma'c. dec. 7b; 1 id. . b'lB 'Q'2V3 -1 pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc, pi. of 3y
niS3 pref. 3 bef. , . X pr- name of a river m3 dec. 8 a; -I bef. labial 33V
pref. 3 for HS X noun masc. sing. "IV3 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 8e. .

pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., d. 6 a. (suff.^ yrTl^S pref. id. X id-, suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. mv
j '•yK'3 dec6a. §35. rem. 5) .
J ^n'^V? pref. 3 bef. , ,
X noun fem. sing. my
*«DD^J?K^D3 •1 pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 2 p. pi. m.; -1 bef. ,
D5''"nV? pref- 2 X noun masc. pi., suflF. 2 pers. pi.

pref. id. X constr. of the following n^3 masc. from TV dec.Se. . 11

«D^n^B3 pref. 3 for 113 X noun fem. with pi. masc. "p'l-TiS pref. a f. n3|noun masc. sing., suflf. ^71V
term. fr. nriK'S dec. 10. .
P7,V3 pref. 3 q. V. J dec 6 a.
'D*NnB3 pref. id. X n. m., pi. of '113 d. 6i. (§35.r.l5) nn3 ^ilpTyS Chald. pref. id. X noun fem. sing.

« Je.8.19. f Ps. ) 19. 78. " 1 Sa. 1. 24. ' Ps. 68. 15. •Is. 50. 1. / Da. 1. 8. ' Eze. 33. ,S0. t Ho. 5. 6. 'Is. 66. 20.
» Ps. 9. 17. *Ps. 119. 13. • Eze.:i4.4. " Joel 2. 4. »Jos.a.B. g Eze. 13. 19. "' Eze. 87. 13. ' Ex. 10. 9. * Ue. 6. It;.
' Pi. 92. .). 'Kze.43.-22. ;- Le. 25. DU. '18.1.15. <Le. 13. 52. *2Ki.4. 15. "Mi. 5. 5. • Eze. 47. U. « Nu.35.20.
" Job 24. .'>. *2 Ki.23. 11. 1 Eze.2«. 11. y Job 35. 15. <* Pr. 7. 7. ' lKi.14.6. • Ge.31.41. « De.23.5, etc. » Pr.25.5.
• bx.SI). 12. 12. ' P8.92.8. ' Ju.5. 2. • Da. 8. 12. « 2Ch.29. 36. * Pr. 1.21. p Ue. 15. 19. » Ps. lOS. 12. ' Da. 4. 24.
/Le. 5.81. •'Ca.8. 11. ' £ze. U. 6,
nniipin-np-ivi CVIIl y^^n-npn^^a
pref. 3 bef.
^.^ X n- f- s. d. lie; -1 bef.lab. pnv n-l7V3 {nakedness) pr. name masc. Ezr. 2. 52,

"'ilpiv? pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. called rri^V? Ne. 7. 54.
masc. from pl^ dec. 6a. . pnv '^V3 pref. 5 for D?") noun masc. sing. dec. 8b ;'j LL^
I 't : • :
pref. id. X noun fern, sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. ^V3 '•1
pref. Sq.v.J -1 bef.
(., , .
masc. from Hpl
't t
V ;
dec. lie. pnv '•1 pref. id. X pr. name masc. . . . ??V
pers. sing.
pref. id. X id., suff. 1
pref. id. X n. m. s., suff. 3 p. s. fem. fr. ^V d. 8 b. ^W

pref. id.


bef. labial


Piel inf.
id., suff.

....2 pers. sing,

[rip"^V § 10. r.

2], suff.

pref. id.

name masc.
X id., suff.

.... 3 pers. sing. masc. P^V


2 pers. sing. fern. dec. 13b. . pnv

nn>V3 pref. 3 for ilS X noun fem. sing. . . n?V
' nin^vn •1 pref. id. X n. fem. pi. [of nPlSv] -1 bef. lab. hSv
''nnpnv3 X noun 3 pers. ;
pref. id. fern, sing., suff. pi.
IT "t : • s

masc. from Hpl^

t 't :
dec. He. pn^ pref. 3 X n. m. s., suff. 1 p. s. from Vv d. 8b. hh^i
^') noun fem. sing. dec. 10; -1 bef. labial l'V3 n')v3 pr. name masc., see n-ITJVS . . PV3
cnnp "ipref. 3 for HS X noun fem., du. of "inV| D.^V4l pref. 3 X noun m. s. dec. 6a. (see the foil.) D?V
j dec. 6f. (§35. rem. 9. & 16) .
J pref. id. id-, suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. D?V
X .

pref. 3 X n. m. s. d. 2b. (comp. § 30. r. 1)

pref. id. X pr. name of a mountain . D?V
pref. id. X id-, suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.
f nip^v? pref. id. X n. f. s., compound of ?V and flip ??V
pref. id. X id. pi-, constr. state 11V
pref. 3 for 113 noun masc. sing. dec. 1 ;
n5bi>v? pref. id. X pr. name of a place . . D7V

D1V m. D7V oW
pref. 3 q. v.j bef. .^
''12p^V3 pref. id. X n. s., suff. 1 p. pi. fr. d. 6a.

pref. id. X pr- name of a place lyv •y^V3 pref. id. X n. fem. s., constr. of y?V' dec. 4 c.

•1 pref. id. X noun masc. sing.; -I bef. piv (§ 33. No. 2. r. 3) ; also pr. name of a place y?V
n-vyi pref. 3 for HS *ni3;i'V3 pref. id. X id. ph, construct state ._ . y^V
noun masc. s. d. 1 a; -1 id. "11V
"1 pref. 3 q. v. •1 pref. id. X noun m. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing.

nn-ivii Kal part. pass. s. f. d. 10, [from "I-1V3 m.] nv3 from y^V dec. 6a. (§ 35. rem. 5) ; -1 bef. J?^V
pref. 3 for HS X noun masc. with pi. fem. nv^v3 pref. id. X pr. name of a place . 7?V
term, from 1-1V dec. la. -II
X noun m.
•1 pref. id. s. [for ?VpV, constr. of
"nn-iv3 Kal part. pass, fem., pi. of fTll^S d. 10
^V^V] for ^V comp. d.4, & 12 e; -1 bef.
[from -)-1X3 masc.]; bef.
^.j "^l?vW3,; (for^Vcomp.§36.r.5) ^^V
pref. 3 X Kal inf. const, dec. lb. niv •1 pref. id. X, absolute state; -1 bef. , . ??V
pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . niv
pref. 3
for r!3")
pref. 3 for r\2 X adj. masc. Kh. D^'n'.K. «..
r noun m. sing. dec. 4a; -1 id. XOV
•1 pref. 3 q. V.J
D''n' [pi. of'-n^nv] . . . . nnv pref. 3 for n3 n. m. s. (suff. nOV) d. 6a. nOV
•ninynv? pref. 3 X noun fem. pi. [of nnynV] nnv 'nav? pref. 3 X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. . pV
for ""V? pr. name masc. rn nia-vi pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 1 b. ")3V
pref. 3 for HS X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. n^v 3 X noun fem., pi. of n3V pV
'ni3V3 pref. dec. 10.
pref. 3 X noun masc. sing, n-'V

pref. id. X pr- name of a place n^v

1. to break, or cut off, to break in pieces. In Joel
pref. 3 for HS X noun fem., pi. of n*V d. 10. n-'v
2. 8, perhaps intrans., or the word course is to be
' D^-^3 pref. id. X noun m., pi. of ""V (comp. § 3. r. 1) n^v
implied. — II. to spoil, plunder ; hence to acquire
pref. 3 X noun fem. sing. . pv unjust gain. Pi. — I. to cut off, (as the weaver
' '1 noun masc. sing. dec. 3 a ; -1 bef. lab. -|V3
his web from the loom Is. 38. 12). — II. to defraud,
id. with suff. 2 pers. sing. fem.
Eze. 22. 12. — 111. to finish, complete. Hence
m.d.6a. (with suff. iyV3 §35. r.o.&3.2).1
y^.? — — yV3
7^3 Root not used
?V3 masc. only
; Arab,
to strip, peel.

DvVS onions Nu. ii. ^ m J

I. plunder, unjust gain.

profit in general .



' Ec. 7. 15. / Job 40. 21. ' .Toh 22. 24. ? Eze. 10. 6. ' Eze. 30. 9. "^Is. 34. 15. i-Ps. 44. 20. ' Ps. 35. 15. pLe. 13.52.
P«. 89. 17. «'.Tob41.14. '" Job 28. 10. ' Ne.4.7. » Eze. 8. 8. <<Eze. 31. 6. *Ge. 1. 26. "Job 40.31. flCli. 12.34,
Eze. 16. .52. * Ju.8.21,26. " Eze. 36. 35. » Is. 58. 11. « Le. 26. 5. «2Ch.35. 13. i2Sa. 16. 13. "Ps. 150. 5. ' 2 Sa. 5. 8.
< Eze. 14. 14, 20. ' .loel2. 12. ° Ne.9.25 ' Ps.78. 17. « Je. 48. 32. /Ju.9.15. *lKi.6.15,13,16. »2Sa. 6.5. 'Am. 4. 2.

Job 8. U. *Da. 9. 25. p 2 Sa. 18. 5. " Ps. 105.41. * Jon. 4. 5.
n-inpn-y^gn CIX nmmDn-np-fxn

"Vji^ Kal inf. constr V^^ [^^31 I. to cut off. — II. to prune the vine. — III. to gather

*y-'S2 Piel pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . J?V2 the vintage; part. 1V3 a vintager, metaph. of a

yvh "'-1 Kal part. act. sing. masc. ; -1 bef. lab. . Vi^ destructive enemy. — IV. part. pass. "1-1V3 inacces-

^•ny>"3 pref. 3 X Kal inf. [IV.^]. suff. 2 pers. sing. sible, fortified, strong, access to it being cut off
masc. (§ 16. rem. 10) . . • IV^ ^ metaph. incomprehensible, Je. t,^. 3. Niph. to be

"i^V? n.m.s., suff. 3 V^ d. 6a. (§ 35.r.5) j;^3 cut off, restrained, with jD. Pi. to make inacces-

*fl''^-y3 pref. 3 for n2 X noun masc. sing. dec. 3 a. . f\V'ii sible, to fortify.

/"n*9V? '"I P'^ef- ? bef. X adj. masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. T'V3 masc. dec. 3 a.— I. vintage. — II. adj. forti-

sing. masc. from TyV dec. 3a; 1 bef. lab. "IJ/V

fied (comp. R. No. IV.) Zee. 11.2. Keri.
ff^J7_V3 noun masc. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. [for ^y^ masc. goU, Job 36. 19.
^y.1 from yV| dec. 6a. (§ 35. rem. 5) . J?V3 "IV3 masc. dec. 6, in pause "1)^3. — I. gold. — II.

;]^>*3 id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. . . . y^3 pr. name of a city in the tribe of Reuben. —III.

U^ji^ id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . . yV3 pr. name masc. 1 Ch. 7. 37.
Kal imp. sing. masc. [VV?], suff. 3 pers. pi. 12.— II.
*DJ?V? -^
n^VI fem.— I. fold for cattle, Mic. 2.

-^^ masc. [for Dj;^?] § 16. rem. 11; 1 bef. lab. VVn pr. name of the capital of Edom.
jyV3 pref. 3 X pr- name of a place . . )i?\* )"I>V3 masc. fortress, strong-hold. Zee. 9. 12.

nhjl^^ Kh.T nn^3 fem. n'n-yS rem. 5) withhold-

pi. (§ 44.
^^^^' ''^^ '^ P*"" "^"^^ °^ ^ ^^^^^^ '^^
D*ii'm*i K. I
ing of rain, drought.
'}iD'V3 pref. n3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 3a.
3 for |SV "1V30 masc. dec. 2 b. pi. 0% & ni.— I. forti/i-

*nn3-V3 pref. id. X noun fem. sing. HnSV' HBV • •

caiion; ^V3p T'y a fortified city. — II. pr. njune of
'•i:n*BV3 pref. 3 X n.fem.s.,suff. 1 [n»SV] d. 10. HDi'
a prince of the Edomites, Ge. 36. 42.
"•13^3 ^ pref. id. X noun com. sing. (pi. DnsV § 30.
"T"^?1 pref. 3
for HS X noun masc. sing, pi."]
rem. 1) -1 before labial . . "IDV n^-
; .

>^3 J DnV (§ 37. rem. 7) .J . .

"D'':!;'ni2->*3 pref. 3 forHS X ni^V d.7b. mQV *1V3 noun masc. sing, for [*1V1] dec. 6 a. "1S3 . .

"pSi*? pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 6c. . IDi*

^1^3 noun masc. sing, [for "lV3] "IV3 . .

nV3 pref. 3 X noun m. sing., pi. OnV (§ 37. r. 7) "IIV

1V3 pr. name of a man and a place "1^3
Y'^^ Root not used Arab, to flow slowly, trickle.
; . .

yn. masc. mire,

n-V3 fem. a marsh, fen

mud, Jer. 38. 22.

; pi. with suff. ITIN-VS


perhaps noun fem.

T - 't

T T '-'

for 113 1 n.fem.s.d. 10. [for ni^V]

sing., (after the for.m


for rriV"S3.
*nn^3 "'-I pref. 3 q. v.J IV m. § 37. r. 7 ; -I bef.^
yi^Z {shining, )^V3 Arab, to shine comp. p3) .

^^1'i2 noun fem. sing. (Mic. 2. 12) ; also pr. name 1V3
pr. name of a rock near Gibeah, 1 Sa. 14. 4.
inV? P'^^^' ? ^^^- ) X noun masc. sing. dec.
( .
1 a. 11^*

nby3 pref. 3 X noun fem., pi. of iTjV dec. 10. . Tl^

to swell, spoken of the feet.
Kal part. pass, fem., of nn-1V3 dec. 10.
ni"jV? '-1 pi.

pV3 masc. dec. 5 a, dough. [from "l-l^fS masc] "1V3


pV3 noun
of Judah.
{elevation) pr.

masc. sing. dec. 5 a.

of a city in the tribe

. . . pV3



dec. 3 a

3 X noun

; -I
bef. lab.
X noun masc,

masc. pi.,
.... mv pi.

suff. 3 pers. sing.

of [Hn)']

p ni^VS Kal pret. 3 p. s. fem. [for nj^V? § 8. r. 1 . & 7] pS3 masc. from "IV (§ 37. rem. 7) . nv
«-1pV3 id. pret. 3 pers. pi. [for -IjjiVS see prec] . pV3 /?|nV3 n. m. pi., suff. 2 p. s. m. from ["IV3] dec. 6. nV3
•ipV^l n. m. s., suff. 3 pers. s. m. from pV3 dec. 5 a. pV3 DnV3 Kal part. act. m., pi. of [|V"3] dec 7 b. . "l^fQ

:!?PV3 '-I pref. 3 X pr- name of a place ; -1 bef.

^.^ ihp'i i'JTl'^? noun fem. sing., (comp. iTiy?) . . "1V3

^3?py3 pref. id. X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. *nnV3 '-1 defect, for nh-1V3 (q.v.) . . .1^2

masc. from [fl'ppVl dec. lb.
pref. id.

pr. name
X Kal
of a place
inf. constr.

; -1

bef. lab.





name masc.
for ri3

X n. f.

X noun fem.

(HIV q. v.) with

sing. dec. 10.

H panig.



• Eze. 22. 27. ' Ge.38. 14. > Ec.ll.H. " Ex. 7. 27. Ex. 12. 34. ' Job 22. 24. * Ps. 91 . 15. « Ps. 112.8. * De. 3. 5 ; 9. 1.
• I.a. 2. 17. /Jos. 0.20. * 1 Ki. 17. 12. " Je. 17.1. 2 Ki. 4. 42. y Job -Ad. I'J. ' Ne.9. 37. / Job 22. 25. ' Ps. 120.1.
' P«. 10. 3. *.Te.22. 17. ' La. 4. 17. p De. 8. 4. Job 38. 38. • Job 7. 11. << 1 Sa. 18. 6. K Je. 17. 8. * Is. 14. 20.
* U. 57. 17 » Am. 9.1. "•Le. 14.52. » Ne.9.21. ' Ps. 4. 2. • P». 10. 1.
npi-^^:nDn ex n^^':)^-''^gnDn

"732? pref. 2 X Piel inf. (|*?i?), suff. 1 p. s. d. 7 b. pp "•l^ipipS pref. id. X id., suflf. I pers. pi. . tip
"'•1 noun masc. sing. X 'I bef. lab. . D-1i?3 *'•"!
pref. id. X Kal inf. constr.; -I bef. lab. nip
•1 pr. name masc. ; -1 id. PP3 'iM^^pZ pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. Dip
•1 pr. name masc. ; -I id. pp3 ''np-1p3 -1 X Kal inf.,suflf.3p.f.s.d. la; -Ibef.lab. Dip
'1D-"lp3 pref. id. X id., suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc. Dip
- 1 pref.3f.n3 noun masc. sing. dec. 6 a.

pref. 3 q.v.
(§35. rem. 2; but with
suff. n3p)
^p-lpll -1 pref. id.

pref. id.
^IDIlp]; -Ibef.^^,

X noun fem.
id., suflf.

2 pers. sing. masc. [for

sing., suflf. 3 pers. pi.


pref. id. X id., suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc. -\2P

masc. from nOlp dec. 10. . Dip
s'^ pref. id.
X id. pi. constr. fem. . inp «^"lVip3 pref. 3 for n3 X Kal part. act. s. m. d. 7 b. IVp
pref. id. X id- sing., suff. 1 pers. sing. )3p innp3 pref. 3 X Kal inf. (nPli^ § 17. rem. 8), suff.

pref. 3 for n3 X id. pi., absolute state . -13p 3 pers. sing. masc. dec. 13 a. (§ 44. No. 1) np!?
•1 pref. 3X pr. name in compos, nixrin n"l3p nnp *'=I5Di2? pref. id. X id., suflf. 2 pers. sing. fem. np!?



3 X noun

m. from
, ,
X noun fem.
n"l'l3p dec. 10.

masc. with
sing., suff.

pi. fem. term, and

3 pers.






3 for

name masc.
3 X noun masc
n3 X adj. ni.

s., d. 3 a;


3 pers. sing.
bef. lab.


'Dm3p3 IT Ti-..':


3 pers. sing. masc. from "13p dec. 6 a.
bef. (.^

masc. from n'lnp dec. 10.

X noun f. sing., sufF.

3 pers.



masc. from N"'p dec. la..
name masc.
3 X noun
masc. sing. .
•1 pref. 3 for n3 X noun fem. sing.; -"I bef. lab. mp 'Dn^ni3''p3 pref. id. X noun fem. pi., suflf. 3 pers. pi.

pref. 3 bef. .
X ^-dj- m- s., constr. of tJ*"nj5 d.3 a. K>np masc. from tl^p dec. 10. .
pref. 3 for n3"j "'"'y''l?3 noun masc. pi. constr. of [^""pS] dec. la. yp3
noun masc. sing. dec. 6 c. . Clp 3 nS X noun
pref. 3 q. V. J Y1p2 pref. for masc. smg. 6h. .
pref. id. X pr- name of a place, also in compos. T"!"?? '•I pref. id."j noun masc. sing. dec. 1 a; -1

I??.-)? m\)' yp2 pref.3q.v.J bef. labial

pref. id. X noun masc. sing, suff. 3 pers. sing. "niTpi )

masc. from tJ'lp dec. 6 c.. mp TiTpi ^^^^' '^^'

''^" ^^' *'^""' yp

pref. 3 bef. ,
X ^^dj. pi. masc, suflf. 3 pers. ''?p3 Ch. pref. id. X noun masc. sing.
sing. masc. (§ 4. rem. 1) from ^Ip dec. 3 a. mp »n7p3 pref. id. X noun masc. sing., suflf. 3 pers.
pref. 3 X n. m. s., suff. 1 p. s. fr. mp d. 6c. mp sing. fem. from b')p dec. la. b^P
pref. 3 for 113 X n. masc. pi. of B^Hj^ dec. 5 a. m? ')h'p2 '"•'1
pref. id. X id., suflf. 3 p. s. m.; -1 bef. lab. h^P
pref. id. X noun masc, pi. of K^lp dec. 6 c. . mp 'P?p3 pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 3 a. . rhp
pref. id. ")

,„ ^ ^r noun m. sing. dec. 4a: •")

bef. lab. bnp 'nn?j53 pref. 3 for n3 X noun fem. sing. . rhp
"I pref.

^^^P3 pref. 3 X n. m. s., suflf. 1 p. s. fr. hSp d. 1 a. h^P

'pi?? ''•"I pref. 3 bef. ,
X id., constr. st. ; 1 id. hnp
"^?p3 pref. id. X id-, suflf. 2 pers. s. m., for '^?ip'
' D'?'np3
IT T ':
pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . bnp
D5?p3 pref. id. X id-, suflf. 2 pers. pi. masc. h^P
TIT "'; •
pref. id. X pr. name of a place hr\p
pref. 3 for n3 X m. d. 8a. No. 4) nip 'Sbhp^ pref. id. X Piel inf. {h^\^ § 10. rem. 7), suflf.
n. s. (§ 37.

3 X noun m. a
3 pers. sing. masc. dec. 7 b. hbp
pref. sing. dec. I ;
bef. h^?
nVipi pref. id. X id., suflf. 3 pers. sing. fem.
y-IJ^pS pref. id. X noun masc. sing., suflf. 1 pers. pi.
IT ;


from y\p dec. ^ip

''•I pref. id. X id., suflf. 3 pers. s. m.; -1 bef.
'y^p pref. 3 for n3 X n. m. s., (suflf. ')vhp) d. 6a. vhp
')ip? " '-1
pref. id. X id., suflf. 1 pers. sing. ; -1 id. •>>?
"nOpS pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. Dip
"'km pref. id. X id., suflf. 2 pers. sing. fem.
|10p3 pref. 3 X pr- name of a place Dip
pref. id. X id., suflf. 2 pers. sing. m. for '^f\p' »npjp3 •"!
defect, for nip-1p3 (q. v.) . Dip
aSips pref. id. X id., suflf. 3 pers. pi. masc. ^,P 'niDi?3 pref. 3 X noun fem., pi. of T^tDp^ dec 10. Dip

• Eie. 28. 25. * De. 9. 22. » Job 15. 15. ' Ge. 49. 6. » Pr. 28.12. y Am. 9. 13. •»Is. 22. 9. ' De. 13. 5. * De. 21.20.
» Je. 19. 1. » Ge.50.5, • Ps. 89. 36. « Is. 34. 17. ' Eze. 31. 10. * Eze. 16. 61. » 1 Ki. 6. 6. • Ho. 4. 7. • 1 Sa. 17. f>0,
'lKi.l4.,?. •Is. 65. 4. f Job 36. 14. ' Jos. 24. 24. <* Ge. 19. 33. ' Ge. 44. 12. Le. 14. H-,, 39.
• ' 1 Sa. 2. 14. » De. 16. 9.
'' Nu. 19. 18. *aCh. 16. 14. • Le. 22. 4. J- Je.3. 13. • 18.2.19,21. * P8.119.&5. /-Da. 6. 21 "Da. 9. 11. » Ge.19.35.
' Nu. 19. 16. ' Ge. 47. 30. Eze. 17. 17. • 1 Sa. 25. 35. /Eze. 31. 14. ' 2 Ch. 35. 25. Ge.21 U. ' 2 Sa. 16. 7. ' Ju. 15.5.
/ 1 Ki. 13. 30. • De. 28. iU. • Eze. 23. 24. • 2 Sa. 12. 18.
npn-nn^Dpn CXI

•• "it
pref. 3 X ^al part. pi. masc, suff. 3 pers. n]Zp3 noun fem. sing., constr. of HJ/pS dec. 12 b. yp3
rf :

pi. masc. from Dp dec. la. Dip •1 Piel pret. 1 pers. sing.; ace. shifted to ult.

pref. 3 for 113 X id. pi., absolute state Dip by conv. -1 , bef. labial for 1 (§ 8. rem. 7) ]}p2

pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., suflf. 3 pers. '"I>'p3 ' '-1 pref. 3 bef. ,
X noun masc. sing., constr.

sing. masc. fr. [y^p] dec. 6c. (§ 35. r. 8) of nVj? dec.9b; •"!
bef. lab. . . . HVp
pref. id. X noun f. s. constr. of n?pj^ d. 10. Dip pref. 3 X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . HiTp

pref. id.

masc. dec. X

Piel inf.

7 b.

§ 10.
, suff.

§23.r.2&9], suff.Sp.s.m.
rem. 7)
3 pers. sing.


pref. 3 for 113 X noun masc. sing.

3 a;

-1 bef. labial

bef. X id-, suff.

, ,
.... 1 pers. sing.



^''i pref. id. X noun sing, fem., suff. 1 pers. •1 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 6a (see

sing. fr. T]^^\? dec. 12b; -I before

N3P the following); -1 bef.
. . ^^'P
n3p3 pref. 3 f. n3|' pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. sing. . . PjVp
noun masc. sing. dec. 9 b.
pref. 3 q. v. pref. id. X id., suff. 2 p. s. m. (§35.r.3&4) 5)Vp

pref. 3 bef. X id- constr. state . n2p 33 pref. id. X Kal inf., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc.

pref. id. X inf. constr., with Mak. [for [for ^IVi^ § 1 6. rem. 7, comp. § 35. rem. 8] IVp
Cbp § 8. rem. 18] . DDP DDiyi^? •1 pref. id. X id-, suff. 2 p. pi. m.; -1 bef. lab. nvp

I. to cleave, diiide; const, \\nth 3 to break through. ppj I. to empty, make empty, as a land of its inhabit-

— II. to break or lay open, as a fortified city;

ants, to depopulate; of counsel, to empty, pour out,

feence to break open or hatch eggs. Is. 34. 15.

deprive One of it. — II. to pour itself out, of a tree,

pp13 }Q/I spreading or luxuriant vine. Ho. 10. i.

III. to rip open a woman with child, Am. i. 13.

Niph. — I. to be cleft, to divide itself. — II. to be

Niph. pass, of Kal No. 1. Po. i. q. Kal to make
empty, Je. 51. 2.
opened, laid open; to be hatched, comp. Kal No.

II. Pi.— I. i. q. Kal Nos. I. II. III.—II. to rend,

p-13p3 masc. I. a bottle. — II. pr. name of a

tear in pieces, as wild beasts. Pu. pass, of Pi.

man, Ezr. 2. 51 ; Neh. 7. 53.
iT'pSlpS {profusion of the Lord) of a man.
Hiph. I. i. q. Kal No. II.— II. with ^X to break

Hoph. 1j53p3 (for "in p3p3 profusion of the moun-

through to any one, 2 Ki. 3. 26. pass, of

Hiph. No. I. Jc. 39. 2. Hithp. to be cleft, rent.

tain) pr. name masc. 1 Ch. 9. 15.

yj^S masc. half a shekel.

"'p3 (for -in'jpS q. v.) pr. name of two different

nyp3 f.dec.l2b, a valley; also used for &low plain.

Da. 3. •in*p3 {profusion of the Lord) pr. name of a

NJ?p3 Ch. fem. dec. 8a, id. i.
man, Ch. 25.4, 13.
masc. dec. 1, fissure, cleft.

p3! {effusion) pr. name of a stream flowing

noun masc. sing. yp3
into the Jordan.
Piel pret. 3 pers. s. m. [for VjjQ § 15. r. 1] yp3
'D-1pi^3 Kal pret, 3 pers. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. pp3
^ Kal part. act. sing. masc. ; -1 bef. lab. . yp3
noun fem. ''D''pp3 id. pait. act. masc, pi. of pp13 dec. 7 b. . pp3
sing. dec. 12 b. . . . yp3
Piel pret. 3 p. pi. [for -liypS comp. § 8. r. 7] yp3
^ Kal pret. 3 pers. sing, fem.; -1 bef. lab. yp3 1p3 Kal not used; in the deriv. to plough; to break
•1 id. imp. sing. masc. [yp3] , suff. 3 pers. forth (as light) ; to search. —
Pi. I. to search, look

sing. masc. (§ 16. rem. 11) -I id. . yp3 ') after. — II. to consider, observe. — III. to take care of,

niyi?3 noun fem. pi. absolute from n^p3 dec. 12 b. yp3 ^

const, with ace 3, 7 — ^3, ?.

pref. 3 bef. .
X pr. n. of a place, see >l'?'']}p *1p3 Ch. Pa. to search, examine. Ithpe. pass.

/'^^p3 noun masc, pi. of [ypS] dec. la.. . yp3 ^ Ezr. 5. 17.

Kal inf. [yp.3] , suff. 3 p. pi. m. (§ 16. r. 10) yp3 "Ip3 com. dec. 4 a, coll. oxen, without distinc-

id. pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . yp3 tion of sex; '3 nXOn milk ofkine; n'l^y '3 mikk
riypi •; ac.shiftedbyconv.-1,bef.lab.for1 (§8.r.7) yp3 cows; ")i53-j3 a calf; '3-j3 bjy id.; rarely pi

-riypn •1 noun fem., pi. abs. of n;yp3 dec. 12b ;

-1 id. yp3 D^'IpS oxen.

• Ex. n. 25. rf l)e.23.26. t Eze. 88. 19. * P8.141.7. » Is. 84. 15. » Am. 1.18. ' Ps. 19. 5. jr Job 29. 19 » I.e 23.22.
» p». 9i. 12. « Nu.25. 11. * Eie.21.:H. ' Ge.11.2. • Ex. 14. 16. • Eze. 29. 7. • Ex. 19. 12. • Is. 60. 10. ' N'a.2.3.

'1, S. /2Sa.U.2. « Pa. 78. 18. "In. 59.5. f Am. 6. U. • Eze. 13. 13. 'Ex. 34. 21. • Ps. 38. 2. ^ Nu. 2. 3.
n-Q-nDl CXII
"lpil3 masc. herdsman, Am. 7. 14. pref- 3 X noun fem. sing., constr. of iinp
"IP2 masc. pi. Dnf?? (§ 35. rem. 9)— I. the d. 10,alsopr.n.incompos.,asy3"1Xn^'1p&c. n')p
dawn, morning (prop, day -break) ; 1p2|l , ")p.3 ? ^TH-l"?? ''-Ilpref. 3 X noun com. sing., suff. 2 pers."|
in the morning; *1p33 *1p.33, D^'IpS? every morn- ^173 'IJ sing. masc. fr. 153 d.4a; bef. -1
^.^ J
ing. — II. the morrow, adv. to-morrow; "lp32 early 0,91-?
P'"^^- ^^- X id-, suff. 2 pers. pi. masc; -1 id. "ip3
soon, Ps. 49. 15. Dnj^^ '-I
X id., suff. 3 p. pi. m.;
pref. id. id. , -1
pref- id- X noun fem. sing., (suff. ^3"tp) d.6a.
nni53 fern. dec. 10. (§ 42. No. 3) a looking ITjii?:? pp
after, caring, Eze. 34. 12.
*Xnp3 Ch. pref. id. X id., emph. state dec.Sa. .

n"1p3 fem. chastisement, Lev. 19. 20, from the

nij-jpil pref. id. X id. pi., constr. of ni:np ,

idea of searching, visiting, comp. HpS, H'^IpB.

'K»J1P^ Ch. pref. id. X id. du.. emph. state dec 3 a.

"'VJ'lpS pref. id. X id. du., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.

'•1 noun com. sing. dec. 4 a; -1 bef. labial . "IpS
'iTT 'D3\:"1p5 -1 pref. id. X id. du., suff. 2 p. pi. m.; 1 bef. np
id. constr. state . . . 1p3 ^

D*p"5p3 pref. 3 for HS X noun masc. pi. (constr.

*'1, "'1 noun m. s. d. 6c. § 35. r. 9; 1 bef. lab. "Ip3
"•Dnp) from bnp dec. 6 a. . . Dip
pref. 3 bef. .., X inf. constr. . . N"lp
^"Viy^ q pref. ? X Kal inf., suff. 1 pers. s.; -1 bef.
pref. 4I X i"!' "if- with suff. 1 pers. sing. H")p
J'p-l'?? pref. id. X noun masc. sing. , . . ypip
pref. id. X id. part. act. pi. constr. masc. fr.

- pref.
3 for 113
7 b

X noun masc. sing. dec. 1 a.


*n^p3 noun

-1 Piel pret.
3 for

fem. sing.

1 p. s.,


3 p. pi.
of a place

m.; -I bef. lab.

. "lip


s-'-l pref. 3X n.m.s., (sufif. ''3*1P) d. 6a; -1 bef.^. nip

I pref. 3 bef. X Kal inf. constr. (§ 8. r. 18) 3ip "^

^ .
J K/jVJ Pi. I. to seek, with ace, to seek after, with h-

pref. 3 X n. m. s., suff. 3 p. s. f. fr. 31"?. d.6a. 3")p njn^.TlN K^p3 to seek the Lord, to apply to him
'•1 pref. id. id., suff. 3 pers. m. bef. 3np by acts of worship, or to apply for an oracle
X s. •1

'Q C'^J t^'p3 to seek the life of any,

pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. sing. 3np i. e. to en-

pref. 3 bef. , ,
X ^^dj. masc. pi., suff. 1 pers. deavour to kill him; 'B JiyT t^3 to seek one's

sing, from ailp dec. 3 a.. 3T hurt. — II. to require, demaiul, with ace. ; jD, *l*p

pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., suff. 2 pers.") of, at the hand of any one. — III. to ask, request,
3np with ace of the thing and }P of pers.; with
sing. masc. from 3np dec. Ga.
.J SjJ

pref. id. id., suff. 2 pers, sing. fem. 3-ip to supplicate for, Pu. to be sought.
pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. mp TW^2 fem. d. 10. (§ 42. No. 3) request, petition.

IT ;'• ;
"•1 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 p. pi. m.; -1 bef ^,^
3np tJT55 *'-1 Piel imp. sing, m., inf. EC7.25; -1 bef. lab. C^p3
pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. pi. 3"ip ""t^i53 id. pret. 3 pers. masc. for ^^ . . K'pn
-nnn-ipb "'•1 pref. id.XKal inf., [n31f)' §8. rem. 10] HK'pS id. pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. (§ 10. rem. 7) K'pn
IT T :'»:

suff. 3 pers. pi. m. ; -1 bef. lab. 3np •iriK'pl id.pret. (•IK'p?), suff.3p.s.m. (§ lO.r.7) tJ'pn

^ip^l "1 id. imp. pi. masc.

•1 pref. id. X noun masc. with pi. fem. term. ; -I bef. lab. . . C'p3
from [D'TIp] dec. 8 c; -1 id. . . DTip •IK'pa 1 id. pret. 3 pers. pi. (§ 10. rem. 7) ;
-1 id. ^p2
pref. 3 for i^2 X noun fem. sing. d. 10. [for m*j."l^jp3 id. imp. pi. masc, suff. 1 pers. sing. . \i}p2

>^'^\2 § 37. rem. 7] from "Ip masc. . . "lip "'':^p2 id. pret. 3 p. pi. {^l^\^2 § 10. r. 7), suff. 1 p. s. K'P3
pref. 3 X prop. adj. with the pref. as an adv. 3"lp "TjiriK'pSJ'pS pref. 3 X noun fem. pL, suff. 2 pers. sing.

pref. 3 for n3 X n. f. s. d. 13 a (§ 44. No. 1) Hip m. from nbpZfp, d. 13 a. (§ 39. No. 4. r. I) Tlbp
pref. 3 X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . mp ^DnK'i?? pref. 3 for HS X Kal part. act. masc, pi. of

•1 Ch. Pael pret. 3 pers. pi. masc; -1 bef. lab. np3 [ISJ'p] dec' 7 b I^p
pref. 3 X n. m. s. [for np § 35. r. 14] . mp "I n. com. s., with suff. ""J^^p,
n5yp3 )
Ch. pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 8 a. n"lp pi. ninK'p, constr. ninV'p
'Ht'^P^ .
noun com., pi. of ~lp3 dec. 4 a. . . "Ip3 n treated as if radical,
m\^2 pref. 3
'•ijnpi id. pi., suff. 1 pers. pi. . . . Ip3 J comp. dec. 6 a, . .

» Nu.7. 88. /2Sa.l7. n. ' Ps. 62. 5. ? Eze. 11.3. ••2Ch.4.3. « Ex. 10. 24. • Eze. 34. 21. 1 Sa. 20. 10. ' Is. 65.1.
• hx. 16. 7. g Pr. 14. 33. "Le. 16. 1. ' Le. 13. 42. ' Ne. 10. 37. » Da. 7. 8. / Ezr. 9. 5. * Ecc. 7. 25. » Eze. 29. 4.4
' Ps. 55. 18. » Ps.27. 2. » Ex.
40. .S2. ' Le. 13. 43, 55. y Ex. 20.24. ' Da. 7. 8. g Le. 19. 20. ' Je.5. 1. ;'2Sa. 15.21,
• Je. R6. 1."!. 2 Sa. 15. 5. • Je. 46. 22. < Ezr.4. 10. • Je.5. 17. < Ge. 22. 13. * Eze. 34. U. "Is. 45. 19. I Is. 7. 21.
• Ps.99 G. * Le. 10. 3. p Job 24. 7. "Pr. 14.6.
^nnn-nni CXIV pnn-gnn
mi '•I") pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 8 c. 'D'''113 y'-l adj. masc, pi. of [n"l3] dec. 8c (§ 37.
331 n-13
nni J (§ 37. rem. 2) ; -1 bef.
^.^ .
No. 3); -1 bef.
(., •

"nni"!? X n. fern. pi. constr. from nin") d. 1 1 c. im '•SIIS pref. 3 X Kal part. act. pi. masc, suff. 1 pers.

pref. id. id. pi., sufF. 3 pers. sing, mi sing, from P1*1"J dec. 7 b..
331 "DQ113 pref. id. id- inf., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc.
»v'n33-i3 (§ 4. rem. 1) . . . X
IT r: : Jf
nil"]3 pref. id. X W- name of a place 331 nnnil * '-"l Kal inf.constr. d. 13 b. (§ 44.r. 1) IT
n3"1 "in'l'lll pref. id. X id-, suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.
nb"li pref. 3 bef. ^.^X Kal inf. constr. .

331 ''''ri'1'13 pref. id. X id-, suff. I pers. sing. TT-

«D''3''3"13 pref. id. X noun masc. pi. .

CS-IS pref. 3T n3
-T !•


pref.• 3

T :

adj. masc, pi. of 3"] dec. 8d. 331 'nn!i prop, to cut, i. q. Pi. of ^5^3; hence — I. to eat. —
II. to choose, select, iSa. 17.8. Pi. to eat, La.
-'''"'ynnS pref. 3 for n3, -nil X adj. ord. masc. I?3-|
4. 10, but see n'n3. Hiph. to give to eat.
n?3'l3 pref 3 X pr- name of a place b-1
ni"]3 fem. (after the form niflX) food, La.4.10,
nn73"l3 pref.
id. X id- with parag. H
TIT : '
but see Pi. above.
<'D3'!3 pref. 3 X noun masc, pi. of 3''1 dec. la. 3n
^ 22.
n-1"l3 fem. dec. lb. id. Ps. 69.
pref. 3 bef. ^.^ X adj. ord., fem. of ""V?"] y3-i IT
^"13 only fem. nn3 — I. adj. fat, Eze. 34. 20.
«'D'''13"13 -1 noun masc. pi. ; -I before labial . 'n3
II. subs. food.
n3"l3 pref. 3 X pr- name of a place, constr. of nST 331
TJIS pref. id.X noun masc. sing. dec. 6c. .
JT*")!! fem. dec. 1 a. — I. agreement, league, cove-

nant (from the idea of cutting, comp. n"13),

*T313 Chald. pref. 3 bef. X noun masc. sing. ni
'nTa"l3 pref. 3 X noun fem. sing.

. rn see also 7^3 Nos. III., IV. — II. sign of the cove-

nant, i. e. circumcision ; n*"}3n IjXT'D the angel

of the covenant, the Messiah, comp. Jud. 2. i.

jL'""'"; pref. id. X n. fem. sing. dec. 6a. (§ 35. r. 2)
Ro. 15.8.
Shr\2 pref. id. X id- du., suff. 3 p. s. m. (§ 4. r. 2)
IT - : m3 adj. fem. sing, for [ni2 § 37. rem. 7] from
"•i^n? Pi'^f- ^^- X id- sing-, suif. 3 pers. sing. masc. "13 m. (also pr. name in compos, see n^3) 1"I3

/ n"l3 Ch. noun m. s., suff. 3 p. s. m. from 13 d. 2 b. S13

y-"- I pref. id. id- dual, suff. 1 pers. sing.

«'''^3"I3 pref. id. X id- du., construct state



Kal imp.
3 for

HS, -nS X n.m.,pl.of
masc. .... [tin"]] d.6d. tam

r :
Chald. pref.

fem. (§ 46. parad.)

id. X id. du., suff. 3 pers. sing,


noun m.



for HS
suff. 3 pers.

.... m3
s. m. from "113 d. 1 a. 1N3

m.; bef.
nn^^n? '*'•''
P^'^f- ^^- X id- du., suff. -p. pi. -1
- IT "^ T :
n. com. s. dec. la; -I bef.
ri-n3 '-1
pref. ? q.v.
vhil^ pref. id. X id. du., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. .

in-1"l3 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. nn

"^'hi'Q pref. id. X id- du., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc.
"n-IIS pref. id. X id-, suff. 1 pers. sing. . nn
id. du., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc.
D5*5?n? P^'ef- id- X ^n-1"l3 pref. id. X id-, suff. 2 pers. sing, masc nn
Qi^anS pref. id. X id. du., absolute state
^Dpn-ni pref. id. X id-, suff. 2 pers. pi. masc nn
"^hi-Q pref. id. X id. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. '"ijni Kal inf. abs. or [for Piel inf. abs. (§ 1 0.r.2) 111
'y5"}3 "-1 pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 6. (§ 35. 1|-"1"13 '-1 id. part. pass. sing. masc. dec. 3a; also pr.

'5^i13 -.-V.T :
pref. id.

rem. 5);

X noun m.
-I bef.
s. [for C'n
§ 35. rem. 2] ^i'\ ";j.1"l3


""\ id.
name masc.
construct state

fem., -I
; -1

bef. lab.

.... .


"Tn^ ^ to hail, Is. 32. 19.

masc. adj.

Also the two following

only pi. D^nS (§ 8. No. 9)


id. pi.

id. pi.,

noun masc.
const, masc. dec. 3 a.

absolute state

pi. [of
Dil3] D13


Shur.— II.
: 1"I3 ''33N


of a man,

of a placeinthe desert|

i. q. hail Tl3



Kal imp.

3 pers.
3 X Kal



§ 21. rem. 3], suff.

T)2 -1] of 1 7. 20. J

' Zee. 6. 3. 'Ex. 34. 29. <^2Ki.l8.31. ' Jos. 24. 10. P Ps. 115. 15.
»Mi.6.7. /Nu. 15.4. ' Pr. 6. 13. f Is. 3. 16.
Ruth 5 Eie.27. 24.
» 1 Sa. 18. 7. gl Ki.5.3. >»2 Sa. 15. 18. ' Is. 54. 7. J-Ge.Sl.lO, 12. •< Ps. 30. 10. * Job 27. 22. •» 3. 10.
Zee. 4. 6. " 1 Sa. 25. 33. ' Eie. 10. 17.
' Ps.65. 11. * Da. 3. 13. "Nu.20. 19. • Job 21. 13. « Ps. 119.84. ' 2 Sa. 12. 17. '

•i Vs. 55. 18. ' Eze. 12. 18. • 1 Sa.25.27. ' Ps. 55. ir,. • De.11.4. /Da. 5. 22. * Mai. 2. 15, IS. "18.65.23. • P8.144.6.

• Job 31. 13. De. 19. ai. • Da. ? 7 19. • li. 32. 19. * Nu.U.9. "Eze. 1. X.
*nn^-"ii^i cxv

Kal part. pass. sing. masc. dec. 3 a. n. ra. p]., suff. 3 p. s. fem. from nnS d. la. m3
id. fern. dec. 10. . "T13 ''Q:m3 pref. 3 for 113, -HS X noun masc. dual, see m
id. pi. masc, dec. 3 a. nn pref. 3 X pr. name fem. . . . /Tl"!

noun masc. sing. dec. la. pref.3forn3, -HS X n.m.s.(suff. nDm),d.6a. Dm

id. pi., suft". 3 pers. sing. masc. '•?j''om3 ''1 pref. 3 X the following with suff. 2 p. s. m. Dm
id. pi., absolute state , . . . 'd''pm3 '•1 pref. id. X noun fern. pi. [for D''pm § 35.

Dm] cm
noun m. with

•l Kal
of a place


pers. sing, [for

fem. term, from "113 dec.

""nn?] ; -I bef.lab.
1 a. 1X2
-nn 'nm3
«}>m3 pref.

rem. 16, from

X Kal inf. constr.

113, -nS X noun fem.

; -1 bef.

n.m.,pl.of [ni"121] i.q. CJ'i"l3 cypr ess, Czxit.i.i 7. nnns Kal part. act. fem. of nn3 (§ 8. rem. 19) m3
nina Kh. nirna, K. nma pr. name fem. 1 Ch. noun masc. sing., either from R. n"l3, or

7.31. n3 Chald. to pierce. pref. 3 & n, (for *in) R. . . nn

""^? n. m. s., suff. I pers. s. from "13 (§ 36. r. 5) 5<"13

name masc. before labial "1N3

— pr. •")
•1 ; . .

Sini •1 masc. I. iron ; metaph. of a thing hard, in-

flexible. — II. instrument of iron.
"Km *'•! adj. masc. sing. dec. 3a; -I id. . • ^13
nitons noun fem. sing. . . •
•ppil ") {of iron, austere) pr. name — I. of an in-i >

adj. fem., pi. of nsn3'

. .

d. 10, from Kn3 m. S13

*^n3 J timate friend of David.— II. Ezr. 2. 61.J
from fc^nS 3a; 5<"I3
'-1 •1 id. m. pi. constr. d. -1 bef.

•1 defect, for nixns q. v. ; -I id. N-)3

rriS I. to pass or shoot along, as a bar Ex. 36. ss- — ^^- ^^ pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 1 a. 3n
flee constr. with 7, 7^4 of the place whither, pref. id. X id-, suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. 3n
fl }p, nXD, \32P from whom, ^inX after whom one adj. fem. sing, from [nS] masc. .
flees ; ^7 n"}3 flee, get away, Hiph. — I. i. q. Kal nn3
- rT
•1 pr, name masc. ; -1 before labial m3
No. I. — II. to cause to flee, put to flight. 0^.3 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. la. nn
> n''")3, n"}3 masc. dec. 1 b, (for rf'^iS) — I. fleeing, '•1
noun masc. sing. dec. la; before -I
fugitive. — II. pr. name masc. 1 Ch. 3. 23. nnn's
T IV •
id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. for n"'n''')?

n"*")? masc. dec. la. — I. bar, cross-bar. — II. bar, (according to some copies) m3
bolt. — III. fugitive, Is. 15. 5. "inn? id. pi., snff. 3 pers. s. m. for ITiH^l (§ 4. r. 2) m3
nilip masc. dec. 2b, fugitives, Eze. 17. 21. '•1
id. pi., construct state ;
-1 before
. m3
n"l3 adj. masc. sing, dec. lb. [for n'''^5j . JT\2 id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. . . m3
n"33 Kal imp. sing. masc. . . . n")3 *Vnn.ii '•1 id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing, masc; •! bef. ^_^ n"l3

n"}3 id. part. act. sing. masc. . . n"l3 '•vT •

id. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. [for "ij^p'] m3
''3nn3 pref. 3 for n3-) mD>nn3 noun masc. pi. [of nn3 for nnS] dec. 1 b. m3
3n-|3 pref.
^ '
q. v.
r noun * dec. 6f.
meisc. sing. 3m
'} noun masc, pi. of nn3 dec. 1 a; -1 bei. m3
'3n")3 pref. 3 bef. , ,
X noun fem. sing. dec. la. . 3m ^^
. ^

/n3m'3 pref. 3forn3,-n3Xadj.fem. s.from3mm.

itt:it*^ t t:'-:'^-' tt 3m Chald. Peal part. pass. sing. masc. .
ni3m3 ff'^i pref. id. "j noun fem., pi. of 3im_ dec")
Tt •:
'1 — I. of a sonof Ephraim lCh.7.3i,

nbhis pref. 3 bef.

^. J 1 a ;
bef. lab. .
in which passage the signification is de-

n-inhrnS '-l pref. id. X id. pi., suflf. 3 pers. 8. fem.; -1 id. 3m fined to be, in calamity, (nyn from J?n).

13''n3m3 pref. id. X id. pi., suif. 1 pers. pi. . . 3m —II. masc GC46. 17.— III. lCh.8, 13.

'*-im3 ) — IV. 1 Ch. 23. 10. —Patronym. from No.

^^ ^^'^^' '^ ^^^^' P^' ^' ^^"^' '^ "^"""^

.... m3
> :iT J
f II ^Vn3 Nu. 26. 44.

3im3 pref. 3

n3 -nS)



noun fem.
-1 bef. lab.
° dec.



noun fem.
3 X noun masc sing.

noun fem.

sing. dec.

-I bef.
la.. .

n>ni3'in")3 pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. 3m •'•1
id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. ;
id. . m3
"pim3 pref. 3 X (prop- adj.) noun m. sing. dec. 3 a. pm »''nn3 '•"1
id., suff. 1 pers. sing. ; -I id. , , m3
« lCh.7.40,
CXVI nrinn-
"^nn3 id., sufF. 2 pers. sing. fem. .
'3Dn3 K. 3-13 q.v. ; Kh. 3bn3 pref. 3, Kal inf. constr. 33"!

133"13 '"'-I pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers.

w-.Ji I,., f-
id., suflF. 2 pers. sing. masc. ; -i bef. , ,

sing. masc. from 33T dec. 6a; 'l bef. , 33T

DDri^l? id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. n-i3 '^SpnS 33"'
pref. id. X id. pi., constr. state . .

n313 "'-1 noim fem. sing. dec. lie, also pr. name
V [•^?-i]
I. fo 6end the knee, to kneel. — II. to worship, to bless, masc; -1 before labial . . .
TV\T]\ 1]-1"13 blessed be the Lord. Niph. to be

blessed. Pi. — I. to praise, adore, bless God, const, •13-13 ""'-if

^'^^ '^"'^' P^" "'^^'^' '' '^^'
' '

with ace, —
?. II. to bless, to pronounce a blessing 13^3 1 id. pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. C^"]?) , sufF.")

upon any one, of men towards men. — III. meton. ''iS'lS j .3 pers. sing. masc.

by a euphemism, to curse God, comp. Job i. 5, 1 1. '•13"}3 '') id. pret. 3 pers. pi.; -1 bef. labial . 113
— IV. to salute, greet. Pu. pass, of Pi. Nos. I. II. "13"}3 noun fem. du., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. (§4.
Hiph. to make to kneel Ge. 24. 1 1 ;
perhaps to rem. 2) fr. "T|^3 dec. 6a. .
bend the knee 41.43. Hithp. to be blessed, with '"'ni3"l3 Ch. id. du., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . 113
2 in or through whom; reflex. De. 29. 18. 3'''>13'13 Piel pret. 3 pers. pi., suff. 1 pers. sing. . 113
tj^ill Chald. — I. to kneel. — II. to bless. Pa. to 'tr-IS-is pref. 3 for ill]
noun masc. sing. dec. la. K*3")
bless, praise. °K'-13*13 '1 pref. 3 bef. ^
•^"13 fem. dec. 6a, fdu. 0^3*13) knee. n'l313
noun fem. pi.
abs. fr. n3'l3
T t:
dec. 1 1 c. 113

11^3 Chald. dec. 3 b, id. Da. 6. 11. niS'lS noun fem., pi. of n3"13 dec. 10. . 113
n3"l3 once n313 fem. dec. 1 1 c. — I. a blessing, * 7113*13 noun fem. pi. constr. fr. 11313 dec. lie. 113
either an ascription of praise to God, or blessing ''D3''rii3'l3 id. pi., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. 113
received of God. — II. gift, present. — III. peace. — P*13 Piel imp. sing. fem. 113
IV. pr. name,

masc. 1 Ch.
n3'13 fem. dec.
12. 3.

of a valley 2 Ch. 20. 26

a pool of water.
; (b) ^3"!3


noun fem.
id. du.,

-1 pr.
du., suff.

constr. state

name masc; 1


bef. labial
s. fr. ^13

d. 6a.



it: viv ' '

t]-n3 {blessed)

Jeremiah and various other men.

7Xp'13 (whom God has
pr, name of the companion of

blessed) pr. name masc.




name masc.
du., suff. 3 pers.

pi., suff. 3 pers.

.... s. f. fr.

pi. m. fr.

"^n.! d.
d. 6 a.


Job 32. 2, 6. Other MSS. read PJ^?*]?. V313 id. du., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. 113
it: viv
the Lord has blessed, for n''3"l3*l
t: vt:'
D''3"13 Kal part. pass, m., pi. of "sJ-IIS dec. 3 a. . 113
pr. name masc. — I. of a son of Zerubabel, 1 Ch. D'313 "1
noun fem., du. of '5]7!3 dec. 6 a; -1 before]
3. 20. — II. ib. 9. 16. — III. Ne. 3. 4, 30. nr3"l'3 '-IJ labial
•in"'3'l3 (id.) pr. name masc. — I. of the father of /^3T3 -llPiel pret. 3 pers. sing. m. (1)"13), suff.|
the prophet Zechariah, Zee. i. 7, but iT'S'^S ver. 1. T)3i3 '-IJ
2 pers. sing. m. (§2.r. 2); -1 bef.Iab.J

—II. 1 Ch.6. 24.— III. 2 Ch. 28. 12. ?3"13 pref. 3 X pr. name of a place .

Lord him!) m. Is.8.2. 3

•'in''3"l3'; {the blesses «''^n?313 pref. bef. ,
X noun fem. sing., suff. 2 pers.



Chald. Peal part. act. sing. masc.
Piel inf. or imp. sing. masc.

'-"I id. imp. sing. masc. ; -1 before labial





* -1^313

Piel pret.

id. id., suff.


pers. sing.
[H^p"]] dec. 10.

2 pers. pi. masc.

.... 113
''1]')3 Ch. Pael pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. (§ 47. r. 1) "1"13 *^3313 id. imp. sing. masc. (11.3), suff. 1 pers. sing. "113

^^3 '-1 ~j Piel pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. (§ 10. '*J313 id. pret. 3 pers. s. m. (113), suff. 1 pers. s. ~j-l3

^"^2 *"'1J
"^em. 1) ; -1 before labial ,

1 113
"'B'pn? defect, for EJ'ISIS (q. V.) . . . E^31

noun fem.
pr. name masc. ....
sing. (du. D^|I"13) dec. 6a.

Ch. Pael pret.
Piel pret. 2 pers. sing. masc.
1 pers. sing. .



"-1 pref.

*'•! pref.
f. n3] noun masc.
q- v. J '•33"1) d.

6a; -1 bef.

•J^313 "1
id. ace.

(§ 8.

rem. 7)
by conv.
.... -1, bef. lab. for 1;


• Zee. 9. 11.
CXVII pin-^nni
noun fem. sing., constr. of nD))3 dec. 10. ?ni3;"33 pref. 3 X noun fem., pi. of n]r\ dec. 10, fr.

noun fem.
id. pi.,

Piei pret. I
sing., constr. of

constr. state

pers. sing.
.... n3"13 dec. lie.
'IVi^13 -1
V) mase.
pref. id.

pref. id.
(§ 37.

id. pi., sufiF.

X noun masc. sing.

rem. 7)

3 pers.


-I bef.
. . njn
•1 id. ace. shifted by conv. -1, bef. lab., (§8.r.7) ^y.1? ]
pref. id. X noun masc. sing., suff. 2 pers.]
noun fem. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing, from 'Ipi J
sing. masc. fr. ]n dec. 1. (§ 36. rem.4)J
r\2-\2 dec. lie; -1 bef. lab. . "Dyi3 pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 6d. DVI
•1 Piel pret. 1 pers. s., suff. 3 pers. s. f.; "1
id. 'tJ*yi3 pref. 3 f. n3 -03]^
-nS] noun masc. sing, dec.]
•1 id., suflf. 2 pers. sing, masc; -I id. ^yi3 *'-1 pref.
f. 3
q. v.]
v.j 6d; -1 bef.
^.^ . j
noun f. s., suff. 2 pers. s. m. fr. HSIB d. lie. iny"l3 pref. id. X noun fem. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing.

iv -!•
•1 Piel pret. 2 pers. pi. masc. ; -I bef. lab. fr. n^n dec. 10, fr. J;T masc. (§ 37. r. 7) yy-i

id. pret. 2 pers. sing, masc., suff. 1 pers. s. '')n]}'a pref. 3 bef.
. .
X Kal inf., suff. 3 p. s. m. d. 1 a. ny")

"•riyiS pref. 3 X noun fem. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing.

fr. h}}") dec. 10, fr. VI masc. (§37. r, 7)

Root not used; Arab, to twist threads together.
*Tjnyn3 pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. s. m. for ^Hj^l' yyi
WDMi2 mase. pi. cloth interwoven with various
^Ijn^n:? "'-l pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. s. f.; -l bef.^.^ yyn
colours, Eze. 27. 24.
'Dpi^li -/'-I pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. m.; -l id. yy-i
D"13 Ch. adv. hut, yet, nevertheless.
s^C^jJe'lS pref. 3 kn3, -HS X Kal
for part. act. masc.,
nD"13 pref. 3 for HZl, -na X pr. name of a place D1"l
pi. orXS'l dec. 7'b. .

mp"13 pref. 3 X pr- name of a place . . D11 D"''T'Q-l3 ]

«^nD"lZl 1 pref. 2 X noun mase. sing. dec. 6c; 35. ^^^^' ^^^^' "^"^^ °^ ^ ^^^^^ '

DTQn3 i
<.:)^ P""'

rem. 5) -1 bef. lab. HD-l

''D'-naiJ pref. 3 for HS, -HS X n. m., pi. of [nSll d.6. nai
"•1 pref. 3 for 113, •
n3 X id. pi., abs. state
r T :iT
'P^"13 pref. 3 bef. ,., X noun masc. sing., constr.
(§ 35. rem. 9) ; -I id.
dec. 3a
pref. 3 X pr. name |^12 jitS") . DO"!
3 pers. sing. masc.
*1J1^"13 pref. id. X id-, suff. .

pref. 3 X Kal inf. constr., with mak [for

'^yiV"}3 -1 pref. id, X id., suff. 1 pers. sing.; -1 bef. lab. nvT
p § 18. rem. 3] . . . . pi ''lyi^'lll '"'-I pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. sing, m.; •")
id. nvi
pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. . pi nvi
"ni^*"l3 pref. id. X Kal inf. constr. dec. la. .

pref. 3 bef.
(.^ X
noun fem. sing. dec. lie. pi
**rn^"}3 pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. sing. . nv"i
pr. name, see yj)."!? B'lj? under
nV13 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing.
pref. 3 X pr- name of a place . DDI
IT •
P^-JflS pref. id. X n. m. pi. constr. fr. [Y'h dec. 8d.
pref. 3 f. n3, -ni (for V^) adj. & subst. m.
'3^*")3 -I pref. 3 bef. , ,
X noun masc. sing., suff.
y-i3 pref. 3 q. V. dec. 8. (§ 37. rem. 7)
vt: J 3 pers. pi. masc. fr. p^'1 dec. 3 c.; 1 bef. lab. nvT
{gift; coll. Arab.) pr. name of a king of
« in'^"]3 pref. id. X Kal inf. (niXl) , suff. 3 p. s. m. d. 1
Sodom, Ge. 14. 2.

pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dee. 1. (§ 3G. r. 4) ilj?")

pref. id. X noun masc. sing. p ]3 to lighten, send forth lightning, Ps. 144. 6.

'1 pref. 3 f. n3, -nS"! noun masc. sing, dec] pis masc. dec. 4 a. — I. lightning. — II. glitter of
3J?-13 pref. 3 q. V. J
4a; -1 bef. labial
a sword. Job 20. 25. — III. pr. name of an Israel-
pref. 3 bef. X noun fem. sing, iy-) itish captain who with Deborah «iefeated the
pref. 3 f. n3,-ri3"| noun fem. sing. dec. 10.] Canaanites, Jud. 4. 6, &c.
np3 pref. 3 q. v. J
[for H^l] fr. J/T m. J ni?13, n|T13 fem., a species of gem, supposed
'iy"}3 •1 defect, for Hi^nS q. v. to be the emerald.

pnV-i3 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. |i!>")3

masc. only pi. D*Ji?"!3 threshing wagons,

sing. mase. fr. J^T dee. la. or sledges furnished underneath with pointed
pref. id. X noun masc. sing., suflf. 3 pers. stones (prob. fire-stones) which were drawn over

sing. masc. fr. IH dee. 1. (§ 36. rem. 4) . nyi the grain. Symm. rpt/SoXoi briers.

Ge. 17.20. / Ge, 32. 27. ' Ps.100.2. 1 P8.88.4. « Is. 29. 6. « Nu.11.1,-.. ' Ho. 7. 3. ' Ps. loa. 4. » Pr. 16. 7.
> lie. 17. 16. g Kze. 39. 9. "'Mi. 7. 5. ' Ps. 141.5. ' 1 Ki. 19. 11. 4 2 Sa. 16. S. / Ps. 94. 2.^ * Ps.iw.e. • 1 Cli.29. 3.
Is. 44.3. * Ne. 4. 15. " Kc. 7. 3. Ec. 2. 22. y Is. 29. g 2 Ch. 16. 12.
' • 6. ' Is. 47. 10. ' Is. 60. 10. r PS.&S.31.
• Ge. 17. 16. ' 1 Ki. 18.28. • P8.2. 11. « Pr.2». 28. • Ue. 36. 24. 'Je. 3.2. * Hub. 3. 17. •• Ps. 89. IS, t Ue, 49. 6.
f 1. 18.32. * Job 38. 7. P Ex. 82. 17. "Job 34. 9.
mm^^-tn:i CXVIII nj^nSJ'l-p"!!!

p13 "'•! noun masc. sing. dec. 4 a, also pr. name pref. 3 X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. fr.

masc: -I bef. Pin yt^'T dec. 6a. (§ 3.5. rem. 5) . y{i>T

*'•! id., constr. st.; (also pr. name see ]3 R. 'Q"'J?K'-!3 pref. 3 for n3, -HS X adj. m., pi. of y^T d.4a. yLj'-i

n33) ;
id p-\2 "'•I pref. 3 X noun fem. s., constr. of tl]}^"^.

Dip"]? pr. n. m. Ezr. 2. 53; Ne. 7. 55 ; etym. uncertain. (no pi.) ;

-1 bef.

'Vp^2 noun m. pi., sufif. 3 p. s. m. fr. p"12 d. 4a. p~\2 °iri^?j'-!3 •1 pref. id. X suff. 3 pers. s. masc;
'<^- -I id. ycTT
'-1 id. pi.,
absolute state; -I bef. , , . pi2 pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 13 a. .
' (:)

V^ni? pref. 21 bef. , ,

X noun masc. sing., constr. piri^"]3 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.
of V:i?"3 dec.3a J?p1 7nii?*m.3 pref. id. X n- f- pl- Kh. Dlp^ni, K. nip-in-] pm
'TlDIP'lB pref. 3 X noun fern. sing. dec. 12b. . Dpn ••n-13 •1 n. m. with pl. f. term. fr. "113 d. 1 ; -1 bef. lab. "IK3
'71^.13 noun fern, sing.; -1 bef. lab. pl3 3 X name Dm
npni3 pref. pr- of a place .

np"^3 ") noun fem. sing.; •")

id. . p-13
V3 ''•1
Kal pret. 3 m. (§21. bef. lab. c'n
p. s. r. 2) ; -1

'^inp'13 pref. 3 X noun fem, sing., suff. 3 pers. sing.

'>n3K!^3 pref. 3 X noun fem. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing.
masc. from flj?"! dec. 10. . ppl from HiKK' dec lie. (§ 42. rem. 1) . :m
!?iNi^3 pref. 3 bef. , ,
X noun masc. sing,

1*13 I. to separate, with JO Eze. 20. 58; hence, to select, «pj<K'3 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 3 a.
choose out.—11. to purge, purify; only part. "1-1"13
pref. 3 bef. , X noun masc. sing,

pure, chaste. — III. to examine, prove. Niph. to pref. id. X noun fem. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing.
purify oneself; part. 133 pure, morally. Pi. to from n^SK^ dec. 10 & 11, (§ 42. rem. 4)
purify. Da. 11. 35. Hiph. — I. to cleanse, clear, as pref. id. X noun masc. sing.
corn. — II. to polish, furbish a sword. Hithpa. to Ch. pref. id. X n, m. s., constr. of "iXt^ d. 1 a. im
be purified. Da. 1 2.10 to show oneself pure, morally. 3 n3 aim
X noun (§ 39. No.
pref. for f. s. 4. r. 2)
")3 masc. m3 fem. (§37.r. 7) adj. — I. chosen,
*nKK'3 '•1
pref. 3 bef.
^.^ X Kal inf. constr. (§ 25. No.
beloved, Ca. 6. 9. II. pure, clear; also pure in a
2. § 39. No. 4. rem. 2) dec 1 a; -I bef. lab. m:
moral sense. — III. empty, Pr. 14. 4.
n2^2 pref. 3 X Kal inf. {2V^') , suff. 3 p. s. m. d. 1 a.
13, *13 masc. — I. corn, grain, purified from the •1 pref. 3 bef. X noun f. s. d. 10; -1 bef. lab. ynK'
chaff; also of growing corn, Ps. 65. 14. — II. open
pref. 3 for 113

X Seg. n. in pause as if for

fields, country. Job 39. 4.

[122^=122^ § 35. r. 2] , but see the foil. . D3K'
13 Ch. masc. emph. XIS (for N'HS §37.r. 7)
pref. id. ") noun com. sing. dec. 6b; -1

open fields, country. D2^

t^5K'3 ''•1
pref. 31 bef. lab.
13 masc. d. 1 a. — I. cleanness, purity. — II. soap.
pref. id. X id- pl-) constr. state J33K'
JT''13 fem. soap, Je. 2. 22 Mai. 3.2.

IT T : •
pref. 3 bef.
^ X id- pl-t suff. 3 pers. s. m. t33C^
D"'13'13 masc. pi. 1 Ki. 5.3, Vulg. birds, fowls;
«-\t93B'3 pref. 3 X id. s., suff. 2 pers. s. m. for ^t?3EJ' ^2^
Kimchi, capons; Gesenius geese, from their white-
ness; Prof. Lee, choice beasts. pref.
3 for n3 , ^. ^^ „, , .x
- - : >.
n. m. s. d.6i. (§35. r. 14) n2\i}
fjrrra Kal part. pass, f., pi. n>n3 d. 10, fr.inS m. -113
pref. 3 bef.
n;^3K'3 pref. 3 for n3 X noun fem. sing. . n3t^
t/ j!!l Root not used; signification uncertain. ''•"I pref. id. X adj. ordin. m.; -1 bef. lab. V2^
masc. dec. 1,' fir-tree.
Gesenius,' Lee,' *fl"'3K?3 pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. la. n2^
cypress. — II. any thing made of that wood, as a 'D''^^3U^3 pref. id. X noun fem. with pl. masc. term.
lance, Nah. 2. 4 ; musical instrument, 2 Sa. 6. 5. from nVsp* (§ 44. rem. 2) . b2^
»VK't3 noun m. pi., suff. 3 p. s. m. fr. K'hS d. la. ^^13 "'•1 pref. 3 X num. card. fem. (constr. y?^
'ny-\2 pref. 3 X Kal part. act. m., pi. of ^T d. la. C'll §35. rem. 7); -1 bef.
. V2iy
yK'ni pref. id. X n. m. s. d. 6a. (suff. ij?K^n; § 3.5. r. 5) J;K^~I np^3 "'•1 pref. id. X id- fem., constr. ny3K'; -1 id. V2^
yB'lS (for yB'TJ3 son of wickedness, comp. thp^) n^3f3 pref. 3 bef. , ,
X noun fem. sing., constr. of

pr. name of a king of Gomorrah, Ge. 14. 2. ny-nK' dec. lo y3tr

• Job 20. 25. /Ju.4.21,22. *Eze.31.n. » Pr. 11.5. Je. 48. 13. y Est. 9. 12. «2Sa.8.]3. rMic. 7. 14. ' Ruth 2. 2.
» Na.3.3. g Ne. 5. 18. ' Pr. 24. )9. ; Ps. 10. y. Ps. 32. 3. • Ezr. 7. 1«. "'Ne. 10.30. * Da. 11.33. "06.41.34,47.
' Ps.97.4. *2Ki.l9.23. •"De.9.5. ?lKi.6.2l. I
Am. 2. 2. « Le. 13. 10. « Ps. 78. 67. ' Zee. 7. 5. " Job .1. 19.
• Eze. 27. 7. • Pr. 22. 7. »De.9,4. ' De. 6. 11. Est. 7, 3. • Ex. 27. 7. / Ps. 105.37. *Nu.21.29. • De. 28. 7. 25.
• Eze. 28. 13.
D^JtJ^1SJ'3-D^5^n^n cxix D^:i^i^n-pnn

D^:|;3P'3 pref.2 X ynK'CIS'). r. If)) ^3^* pref. 3 X noun com. sing, irr (§ 4.5)

*nj;3D'5 '•'•1
pref. 3 for 113 X adj. ordin., fem. of pref. id. X noun masc. sing,
"y^nC*; -1 bef. lab S?3Er pref. 3 for 113 X noun masc. sing., K. NIC
''nj;3C'3 pref. 3 bef.
^ , X "• f- s-. constr.of nj;-13p' d. 10. 'I, '1 Kal pret. 3 pers. pi.. (§21. rem. 2) ;

D5*ny3ti'3 pref. 3 X noun masc. pi. fem., sufif. 2 pers. •"I bef. lab., for 1 see lett. 1 b)i
pi. masc. from j;-13K' (§ 32. rem. 1) V3CJ' pref. 3 X Kal inf. constr. for xb? (§ 17. r. 1)

^')2^'2 pref. 3 for nS"! noun masc. sing. (suff."| pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. . nsEj'
3 n3^') pref. id. X Kal inf. constr. bef.
«-niK'3 pref. q. V. j dec. 6 a.
.J ; -1 .

*|n3K^3 pref. id. X n. m. s., constr. of p3^ dec. 3 c. pref. id. X Pilel inf. (33'"i:i'), suff. 1 p. s. d. 7b. 33B'


pref. id.

pref. 3
X Kal
16. rem. 10)

for n3 X noun com.

inf. ["1355'], suff.

.... 1

sing. dec. 8 a, (but

pers. sing. n3-i{^3
pref. id.

pref. id.

pref. id.
X noun fem.
X Kal
X id-,



pers. sing.
suff. 3 pers.

s. m.
pi. ninsc' constr. nins;?') ' D3'3-15^3 pref. id. X id-, suff. 2 pers. pi. masc.

'n3K'3 pref. id. in pause seg. as for r\2y^=F\2^ pref. id. X id-, suff. 1 pers. sing. 31^^
X if .

(§ 32. rem. 2) but see the following 2^> pref. id. X pr. name in compos. D^ri''lj5 HIK' n)b
*n3B'3 pref. id.") Kal inf. and subst. fem. (sufF. pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 1 a. tilK'
n3]^3 pref. 3 J
^PinK') dec. 13 a. I'
pref. 3 for 113 X id. pi. abs.

in3K'3 pref. id. X, suff. 3 p.s.m. (see 03^3) n2^ pref. 3 X n. m. pi., suff. s. fem. fr. [h>\^] d. 1.

'in3J^3 pref. id. X Kal inf. (n3t?^), suff. 3 pers. sing. pref. 3 for ri3 X gent, noun fem. ubb
masc. dec. 13 a. pD-lb3 pref. 3 X Kal inf. constr. dec. 1 a. Dib
•'mn3K'3 "'-1 pref. 3 for 113 )( noun com. pi. abs. (see in-iEJ>3 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. Q)b
- T - '
; -1 bef". lab. . . . ^p-ib3 pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. sing. . D)b
""'ri3K'3 pref. 3 X Kal inf. (113^^), suff. 1 p. s. d. 13 a. 3£^-. D3-1C^3 pref. id. X pr. name of a place ]m
'^1^35J'3 pref. id. X id-, suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. 3E»5> •1 pref. id. X Piel inf. [VW^, suff. 3 pers. sing.

''D3ri3K'3 pref. id. X id-, suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. 3K'> masc. dec. 7 b ;
bef. , ,

'Dn3tJ'3 pref. id. X id-, suff. 3 pers. pi. msisc. . 3C»5» pref. id. X id. with suff. 1 pers. sing.
'••13Pl3tJ'3 pref. id. X id-, suff. 1 pers- pi. 3K'* "iDi'cj'i pref. 3 f. nS]
_ > noun masc. sing. dec. 2 b.


•QS^D^'?^? P''6f- id- X noun com. pi., suff. 2 pers. pi. pref. 3 q. V. j

masc. (see HSK'S) n3K^ '•1

pref. 3 f. n3-)
_ > id. pi.,

^ abs. state; -I bef. , ,

n23B'3 pref. 3 bef. ,

X noun fem. sing. dec. lie. ' nnsiK'i •1 pref. 3 q. V. j

Tpl -1 pref. id. X pr. name m., Kb. 3''3b, K. 3-1jb> pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc. sing. (pi. D''i?jy'

'UipZ preff. 3 and-K' with ! adv.; or, Kal inf. [JK' § 35. rem. 13) . pIK'

§ 18. rem. 3] with suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. ::^ pref. 3 X n. fem. pi. constr. from p)^ d. 1 a. pis:'

"pyf^S pref.3f. il3 pref. 3 for 113 X noun masc, pi. of p-lEi'

noun masc. smg.

pjj^aB'S pref. 3 q. v. (§35. rem. 13) . . . . pIK'




q. v.

f. nil]

noun masc.

^ before labial

construct state
sing. dec.

9b; '"iit^3

yniibs noun

§ 35.
3 X noun masc.
rem. 13)
fem. sing.
sing. dec.

1 a. (pi. DHILJ'

*"l.b^3 y'-1 pref. id. X id. pi., constr. st. ; -1 bef. lab. nib -n-itj'i pref. 3 X noun masc. pi., suff. 1 pers. pi. from
p-ltJ'] dec. la.
pref. 3 X id. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. mK'
«n-ib3 pref. id. X Kal inf. [l-IB'], suff. 1 pers. sing. lib'

''miDlK'3 pref. id. X noun fem. pi. constr. from Hto'lK' pref. id. X Kal part. act. pi., suff. 1 pers. sing.

dec. 11. (§ 42. rem. 4) . . . DIB' from ["IliK'] dec. 7 b.

pD'lK'3 pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc. sing. ^ib



> pref. id. X pr. name of a place ;

bef. , . m^
''Drnt/'S pref. bef. ,
X noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers. {^'16^3

pi. masc. from iTlB' dec. 9 a. . . mtJ* DijB'iiij'i

|.- - ,
pref. 3 for n3 X noun m., pi. of JB^'lB' d. 8 a. ^)b

' ne.10.22.
cxx ^nS^n-''intJ'-i
"nnt^a pref. 2 for n3] '\2p2 pref. id. X Kal inf. constr. . . . pK'
noun masc. sing.
'•1 pref. 3 for HS X n. m. sing.; -1 bef. lab. 13ti'

*pinb3 pref. 2 bef.

(.^ X Kal inf. constr. . pref. 3 bef. X n. m. s., sufif. "13^ dec. 4 a. "13£J'
T J *

''in-inB'3 pref. id. X noun fern, sing., sufF. 3 pers. sing.

masc. from [D-int^] dec. la. nnB'

1- T
I. to boil intrans. Eze.24.5. — ^^ ripen, become ripe,
DnnC'2 -1 pref. 3 X inf. [Dm], suff. 3 pers. pi. m.
Joel 4- 13. Pi. to boil, cook, seethe. Pu. pass, of
(§ 16. r. 10, comp. § 35. r. 10. & d. 6d. tancr
Pi. —Hiph. to ripen, bring to maturity, Ge. 40. 10.
•pnB'3 pref. ? for r)3| 7'^2 adj., fem. n?tJ'3 boiled, sodden, Ex. 12. o
noun masc. sing )nK' ;

\''m2 pref. 3 bef.

^.'J 6. 19.
^Dnin''n^3 pref. id. X noun fern, pi., suff. 3 pers. pi.
nijPB'Sp fem. pl. (of n.^^3p dec. 13) boilers,
masc. from [rT"!!^] dec. la. nnK'
Eze. 46. 23.
'flDnK*? pref. 3 for T\3X noun fem. sing. .

•1 adj. masc. sing. ; -I bef. lab. . . . 7{J'3

pHB*? pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 6d. . pnK'
•1 Piel imp. sing. masc. ; -I id. 7K'3
^pnK'S pref. 3 bef. ... X noun masc. sing. pm pref. 3X particle made upof the preff.K'&?
. .

see E'
D''i5riK'3 pref. 3 for n3 X n. m., pi. of pm dec. 6d. pnK'
tnJ'K'ii adj. fem. sing, from ?t^'3 masc. . . ?{^3
'iriB'S pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 6d. nnK'
n6K'3 pref. 3 X pr- name of a place, see n?''K' . Tw^
*nn|^3 pref. id. •)

'nnCJ'S pref. id. I noun fem. sing. dec. 13 a. nw Pual pret.3 p.s.fem. [for n^B'3 comp.§8.r.7] h^2
nnK'S pref. 3 "•I^K'3
: IT
Kal pret. 3 pers. pl. . . . . ^^2

"nn^3 pref. id. X Piel inf. constr. (§ 14. rem. 1) . nm "•1^3 Piel imp. pl. masc ; p. ^^2 Ex. 16. 23 . />K'3

"DnnK'3 pref. id X "• f^^i. sing., suff. 3 pers. pi. m. [for pref. 3 X pr. name of a place, see TO'^^ Tw^
DrinK^ comp. § 35. r. 5] from nHB' d. 13 a. n)^ •1^ip3 '•1
Piel pret. 3 pers. pi. ; •"!
bef. lab. . ^5^*3
D''{2K'3 pref. 3 for n3 X pr. name of a place ntDK'
'"'-1 pref. 3 X n. fem. sing, (no pi. abs.); •"!
id. flpCJ'
"fp^Z pref. id.
Pf02 -1 pref. 3/
''°"" ""^'' ''"S" ''
O '
9'>pp2 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., sufif. 1 pers. sing.

from [ibC'] dec. 6 a. .

rQ''tJ'3 pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10.

pref. 3 for T\2^ (prim, adj.) noun mascj
'in3''ii'3 pref. id. X noun fem. sing., sufif. 3 pers. sing, I T ~

masc. from n3*ti' dec. 10. .

312''' U\hf2 ''•1 pref. 3 q. v. J s. dec. 3a; •"!
before, ,j
T •

•T'^3 pref. 3 for ri3 X noun masc. sing. pref. 3 for HS X noun masc. sing. dec. lb.

"1^n^^3 -1 pref. 3 X pr- name of a river ; -1 bef. , , . pref. 3 bef. ,

X noun masc. sing., sufif. 3 pers.
IT : •

^n'K'S pref. id. X noun masc. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing, sing. fem. from Di?K' dec. 3a.
from n''K^ dec. la.
IT : •
pref. id. X num. card. masc. (constr.

pref. id. pr. name of a place nh^

from ^h^
fem. .

"^:ni^^3 pref. 3 X noun fem. pl., sufif. 2 pers. sing. fem.

-1^3 pref. 3
for r\2^ from nj^K' (no pl. abs.) . . . rhz'
> noun m. s. d. la; -1 bef.
'T^3* '-1
pref. 3 q. v.j 3 HS X Ty^
'rh^2 pref. for n. m. s. for as if from
<Dn''B'3 -1 pref. id. X id- pl-, absolute state; -1 id.
n^^ rem. 2) but with \rh^ vhu
(§ 35. sufif.

•?I33B'3 pref. id. X Kal inf. (3DB'), sufif. 3 pers. sing.

rrhm pref. 3 X Piel inf. constr. . . . vb^
~ I- :
fem. (§ 16. rem. 10) . 33K'
pref. id. X n. m. s. (suflf. in^^ § 35.r.5) d.6a. n'?K'
'i33|'3 pref. id. X id. (3bC^), sufif. 3 pers. sing. masc. 33B' :

m.; 33:^' D^f3

"'•1 pref. 3 bef. (.., X Kal inf. constr.; -l bef. lab. vh^
»'tI33^3 '-1
pref. id. X id. id., sufif. 2 p. s. •"!
oisB'S preff. 3 & K^ (q. V.) X adv. 133 *nn>K'ii pref. 3 X Piel inf. [Hp^] suflf. 3 pers. sing.

OB'S pref. 3 for ri3 X pr. name of a place r]2b fem. dec. 7 b. (§ 36. rem. 5) . . rh^
TlisbS pref. 3 X noun fem., pl. of [.13^] dec. 10. ']2b pref. id. X id. with suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. n?£J'

pref. id. X id-i sufif. 1 pers. sing. n?K'

i^ab'Il X noun m.sing.,
. .
pref. id. (sufif. Sh'^b) dec. 6 a.
DDK'S pref. 3 bef. , ,
X pr. name of a place D3CJ' pref. id. X Kal inf., sufif. 1 pers. sing. . TOU

•Is. 33. 15. <rDe.28.22. « Eze. 19. 4, 8. ' 1 Ch.13.8. 4 lCh.26. 14. * 2 Ki. 4. 38. • Da. 11. 21, 24. ' Je.29.7. «De.9.23.
4 Ju. 16. 27. I'
Pr.14. 13. • Da. 9. 26. " Ge. 19. 33, 85. ' Ge. .35. 22. ' Ec. 8. 17. P Da. 8. 25. "Je.22.21. » Is. 27. 8.
' Pr. 28. 10. ' Ho. 10. 15. pNa. 1.8. 'Ruth 3. 4. •'Is. 28. 7. *Nu.6. 19. » Ps. 30. 7. ' Job :«. 18. ' Eze. 31. 5.
<' Eze. 2.^. 39. * Job 83. 28. « 2 Sa. 19. 33. ) Pr. 6. 22. • Ex.22. 14. ' I,e.6.21. >•
Is. 55. 12. * Ex. 13. 17. ''Eze. 5. 16.
« Le. 13. 20. ' Job 9. 31. ' De. 27. 2, 4. « Ec.2.16. / Joel 4. 13. '"Eze.24.5. • Mi. 7. 3. > Job 36. 12. ' Nu.8a.8.
/i.a.4. 20. "Ge. 19.29. ' Ps.69. 31. ' Job 40. 31. t Kx. U. 9. " Le. 8. 31.
^w^-^nh^^ CXXT "l^^n-nnsyn
j'a pref. 3 X Piel inf. with suff. 2 pers. sing. m. D2J^3 Root not used; Chald. and Syr. to be sweet, plert

[strictly from the form H?^ instead of sant, fragrant.

n2^> comp. § 16. rem. 15] DCi'3 masc. dec. 4 a, the balsam-tree,» Ca. iJK. t
pref. 3 for ri3 X n. m. s. [for 'hl^ § 35. r. 14]
Dfe'3 & 0*^3 masc. pi. D''pb>3.— I. scent, odour
pref. 3 X particle h^' (from the preff. ^& ^) of perfume. — II. perfumes themselves. — III. balsam-
with suff. 1 pers. sing. tree, Ca. 5. 13; 6. 2.

''Pin •'pK': •1 pref. id. X noun fem. sing, with suff. 3 pers. Dty^2 (fragrant) pr. name. — I. of a wife of
sing. fem. [from H^^L'^]; -1 bef.
^.^ Esau. — 11. of a daughter of Solomon, 1 Ki. 4. 15.
pref. 3 for HS X adj. ordin. masc.
DK'ZIJ (pleasant) pr. name masc. Ch.
1 7. 2.

pref. id. X id- fem. defect, for D''^' .

DEJ'^P (fragrance) pr. name masc. — I. Ge. 25.
pref. 3 X noun fem. sing, 13.— II. lCh.4. 25.

IT T -
pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 4 a. "DtJ'S noun masc. ° dec. 6.
sing. . . . DCS
pref. 3 X pr. name of a place . nbi^ DK'3 '-1 pref. 3 X noun masc. s. d. 7 a; ) bef. DB'

IT : •
defect, for

Piel pret. 3 p. s.
DiV^'3 (q. v.)

m. [^K^3],

suff. 3 p. pi. m.
nb^ ''Up2

noun masc.
pref. id.

3 bef.

X noun masc.

. X noun masc.
.... sing. irr. (§ 68)

sing., suff'. 3

(for D^K*"!? son of peace, comp. IpHS) pr. IT : • '^ •

(:) -^
L • •
L •

pers. sing. fem. from ^IXbK' dec. 1 a. . PKDCJ'

name masc. Ezr. 4. 7.

pref. 3 for HS^j

i^NbbS pref. id. X id-, suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. biilDb
IT ; - -
noun fem. sing. dec. 12 a. totJ*3 '1 pref. id. X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers.
pref. 3 q. V. J
sing. masc. from DK' dec. 7 a ; 1 bef. lab. . DK'
pref. 3 bef. X pr. name masc.
I : •
, , .
"n^mi "-1 pref. id. X num. card, fem.; -1 id. . jDK'
•1 pref. 3 bef. ^. X n. f., pi. of npVj?' d. 12a . nbb /D''jiOE'3 pref. id. id. pi. com. gen. (comp. dec. 9) \^^

2 X compound
pron. interrog.

3 bef. . ,
X ^^j.

bf (see

b^2) &

suff. 3 pers.
''D «-n^-1DB'3





HS X noun
^.^ X Kal
fem. sing. dec. 10.

inf. constr. (§ 8. r. 18)

. J?»B'

IT : •

sing. masc. from Dv'^ dec. 3 a. . nb^ "DpIO^S pref. 3 bef. ^. ^

id. with suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. DtJ>

r* T : *
•1 pref. 3 bef. X noun masc. pi., suff. 1 pers. nnpB'S pref. 3 X noun fem. sing. dec. 12 b. . riDE'

pi. from Ub^ dec. 6a; 1 bef. lab. nb^ nppbS pref. id. X id., constr. state . . . PlDB^

pref. 3 X ncun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. 'nhlobS pref. 3 bef.
^.^ X id. pi., absolute state . n»j}'

masc. from HD/^ dec. 12 a. ubb *innDb3 -1 pref. 3 X id. s., suff. 3 p. s. m.; -1 bef.
- I- T
pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc. sing, defect, for 'DSnnpb'S pref. id. X id- sing., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. nDC
li^'h^ dec. lb. (§ 32. rem. 1) . "'^bb'3 noun m. s., suff. 1 pers. s. fr. [0^3] d. 4 a. Ubl
pref. 3 X num. card. sing. fem. "'•IDB'3 pref. 3,.)X noun masc,
bef. pi., constr. of
I T ;

pref. 3 bef. ,
X id- constr. st.; -1 bef. lab.
D)ri^ [fr. sing. iJO^ comp. § 38. rem. 2] T]^
<«nK>7B'3 pref. 3 for HS^ .(..>. ^OB'3 "•I pref. id. X noun masc. sing, with suff. 1
IT ;

H id. fem. (constr. fltJ'^J^)
K'PE' pers. sing. fr. DB' dec. 7 a; -1 bef. lab. . DCJ'
pref. bef. , J •

'K'OE'3 Ch. pref. id. X noun masc. pi., emph. of

•1 pref. 3 X noun masc, pi. of K'vK' dec. lb.
!• • IT :
JDK', comp. '•ptJ'3 . . . HDB'
(§ 32. rem. 1); -1 bef. (.^ • ^b^ vVK)b2 noun m. pi., suff. 3 pers. s. m. fr. 0^3 d. 6. Db'3
IT T :
^ *
pref. 3 for PIS X adj. ordin. m., pi. of ''^'h^
•n3''PK>3 pref. 3 for n3 X noun fem. sing, see . *]0D
n\K6B?3 pref. id.
X noun m,
D;|DK'3 pref. id. pi. [of comp."|
1. card, com., pi. of U^b^ ^b^ "j

3 n)pm
pref. bef. , j
j § 38. rem. 1] . . .
V I : •
•1 pref. id. X id. sing, masc, constr. of ntJ'T'K' D'-Wl '-1
noun masc, pi. of 0^3 dec. 6a; -1 bef. , , nbl
(§ 42. rem. 5) ;
bef. lab. ^biy 'ypb2 pref. 3 X pr. name of a place . . . "IDK'

n'pB'3 1 Piel pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. ; ace. shifted ^0^*3 -1 pref. id. "1 noun m. s., suff. 2 p. s.
5. m.
by conv. -1, bef. lab. for 1 (§ 8. rem. 7) ^bK>3 pref. 3 bef.
, J fr. D?^ d. 7 a; -1 bef.

• De.15.18. / 1 Sa. 3. 8. ' 1 Ki. 11. 30. » Jos. 22. 27. * 1 Sa. 18. 6. * Ezr. 5.1. /lKi.6.1. * Pr. 14. 10. • P8.89.25.
• 2 Sa. 3. 27. * la. 6. IS. "IKi. 11.29. ' De.24. 13. y Eze.42.3. ' Pr.3. 16. fJe.51.46. ' Is. 66.5. p Da. 6. 28.
Jon. 1.12. * Jos. 7. 21. » Jos. 22. 8. • 19.40. 12. • Job 32. 3. ''2Ch.35.19. *2Sa. 11.10. "Ca.5.1. » Ca. 4. 16.
« De.28.59. 'lKi.2. 5,6. • Jon. 1.7. ' Is. 16. 14. « Ex. 80. 23. « a Ch. 34. 8. ' P». 45. 16. Ps.68.34. ' Ju. 4. 18.
• Eic.31.1. ilKi.19.21. P Fn. 55. 21. "Ju.7.8. •«2Sa.23. 18. " P3. 40. 12.
D^nti^n-n:)2:e^n CXXII ni;bS2rn-n:)2:tJ^n

pref. 2 X id- id. for ^O^ (comp. §3. r. 2) DC I pref. id. X n. m. s., constr. of "'JK^ d.3 a; -1 id. HJ^
pref. 5 for HS X noun fern. sing. dec. 12 b. 'Dn'-'ab's pref. 2X n. com. du., suff. 3' d.8b. \2^
pref. id. X id. du., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. P5^
pref. 3 X id. pi., suflf. 3 pers. pi. masc. .

pref. 2 for 112 X noun fem. with pi. fem. term.

IT ; •
pref. 21 bef. ,
X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers.

pi. masc. from U^ dec. 7 a.. from n^f dec. 11a. . . . r\2^

'D."'j31^2 pref. 2 for n2 "|

pref. 21 X noun masc. sing.; -1 bef.

noun masc. sing., dec. 6a.T

") I num. card. du. masc. . HiCi'
^pref. 2bef.^.^
^pref. 3 f. n3 «-D>3^2
(with suff. ''^ip^ §35.1
pref. id. X id., construct state only before
pref. 3 q. V.
rem. 2) .
"ib'J? ; -1 before labial . . . T):^
IT : •
pref. 21 bef. ,
X masc. of the foil., (constr.
.' '•1
pref. id. X n.f.s., constr. of HJi^ d. 1 1 a; -1 id. HiEi'
"5^2 Ch. pref. id. X n. f. s., constr. of HJK' dec. 8a. HitJ'
pref. id. X num. card, fem.; 1 bef. labial

pref. id. id. pi. com. gen. 'n3K^2 Kh. n3t^2 q. v., K. nJ^'2 (q. v.) . . HJB'

pref. id. X Kal inf. construct

pref. 21 id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.

Po. to trample upon, with 7]!, Amos 5 . 11.
pref. id. id., suff. 3 p. m., K. iyp^3 (q.v.)
pref. 2 X pr. name of a region ; -1 bef. . lyti'
X s. ,

pref. id. id., suff. 2 p. s. m., K. "ny.P'^? (q.v.)

D''2by!i??:ii •)
pref. id. X pr. name of a place ; -I id. . ?V^
pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. .
*iWtf'2 pref. id. X n.m.s., suff. 3 p. s.m. fr.['?j;b^] d.6f. hv^
pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. . y?Dz> pref. id. X n.m. pi. constr. from [hvj^] dec.Gd. hv^
pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. •"••siyVi pref. 2 before, -X noun masc, pi. of [»iyt'']
Tt: ® :

pref. id. X pr. name of a place dec. 8b. (§ 37. No. 3), see . . f^D
Chald. pref. id. X pr. name of a place 1J?B^2
pref. 2 for n2 I noun com sing. masc. ")

IT : D :
pref. id. X Kal inf., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. "1 decCd. .
, '
pref. ? f. n3 X (suff. T]??'PB') dec. 6 a. "iyK'3 pref. 2 q. V. J
pr. name, fem.; 1 before labial "'•1 pref. 2 bef. X "O^n fem. s.; -I bef. lab. 1W
pref. 21 X noun DK* d.7a. id. DLJ' pref. 2X n. com. pi. constr. from "lyK' dec. 6d. 1]}li}

DpbK'i pref. 3 before id., suff 3 pers. pi. masc. /'nni^K'2 pref. ; bef. X id- pL. suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. lyt;'
, ,
X ^.^

{light sandy soil, coll. with the Arab. Gesen.) pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. . lyiiJ'

pr. name of a region beyond Jordan, be- ?'-1 pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 2 p. s. m.; -1 bef.lab. "lyC'

tween Hermon and the brook of Jabbok. pref. 2 X id pL, suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. . "lyK*

}^213 (soft soil) pr. name of a place in pref. 2 for n2 X 'd. pi., absolute state . IW
the desert, Jos. 15.62. •1pref.2X name of a place; bef., -1 lytJ'

pref. 2 X noun com. sing. dec. 8 b. pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 11a. . HSB*
pref. id. X noun fem. sing, (no pi.) .
'TinnQEJ'2 pref. id. X noun fem. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing.,suff. 1 Wbd.7 b. Nib* masc. (for ^np'} from HnSK' dec. 1 2 b. . HStJ'

pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . 'D''t3QCJ'3

r T : '
"'•'I pref. 2 before X noun masc, pi. of

pref. id. X n. f. s., constr. of riNJtJ* (no pi.) [035^] dec. 6 ; -1 before labial . . DSB'
'•1 pref. 3 f. nS^ noun fem. sing. dec. 11a;] '\tDQ|'2 pref. 2 X Kal inf., suff. 2 p. s. m. [for '^PS^] t^BtJ'
2 before

it: e

noun fem.
Kal pret.
2 q. V.


pers. sing.

before labial

(§21. rem. 2)
. j



pref. 2
X Kal inf. construct
2 X id. suff. 2 pers. sing. masc.
for 112
, jSB'

X noun masc. sing. dec. fib.


. ^DK'

pref. 3 X Piel inf., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. i^SK'2 pref. 2 bef. , . X adj. m.s., constr. of 7SE?' d.4a. bsC^

pref. 3 for n2 X adj. ord. masc. from D.^J?' 1 pref. 2 for 112 X noun fem. sing.; -I bef. lab. ?SJJ'

pret. 2X n. com. du., suff. 1 p. s. fr. \'^ dec. 8 b. IT" :

'1 pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10; -I id. ?BK'
"'•1 pref. 3 before (.^ X num. card, masc, •1 pref. 2 X noun fem. sing.; -1 id. . PSCi*

constr. of D^3tJ'; -1 before labial . pref. id. X pr. name of a place . . DDE^'

« Je. 29. 25.

D^ntJ'n-pfi^n CXXIII D^n^n-n322tr:3

"pab'a pref. 3 X noun m. s. [for ppb § 35. rem. 2] pzt' "n"lK'3

noun m. s., suff.
3 pers.
^ s. f. from ")CJ'3
dec. 4 a. 1^2


pref. id.
5 for HZl X noun masc. sing.
'Kna"}DK^3 Ch.pref.3bef.(.^Xn.m.s.emph.[of1BnDi;']

X n. f. s., constr. of HSb dec.

dec. 2b. *1DE^

1 1 a.


noun fem.
Piel imp. pi. masc.

''-I noun masc.

sing. .

sing., suff.
.... . .

3 pers. sing. masc.


''1nDC^'3 pref. id. X id. du., suff. 3 pers. sing, masc, from 1^3
dec. 4a: -1 before ,
, . "ib'3

K. Vn' (§ 4. rem. 1) . . HSb |i"lB'3 pref. 3 for i^2 X pr. name of a region

'Dp'-niriDbS pref. 3 X id. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . HSb TT'rjnJJ'S pref. 3 X noun fem. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem.

'"^^nins'K'S pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. T]^'^ from [H-IK'] dec. 10. lltJ'

p""riQb3 pref. id. X id. du., construct state . HOb nb3 i-T :
'-1 n.m.s.,suff.lp.s.from"lK'3
^ T T
dec.4a; -1 bef.,

''^nSK'S pref. 3 before , ,

X id- du., suff. 1 pers. sing. HEiJi' »D''Tie'3 -1 pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc, pi. of 1'"']^

VnSK'3 '-I pref. id. X id. du., suff. 3 p. s. m.; -l bef. lab. HSb dec. 3a; -1 before labial .

'^^nab'S pref. id. X id. du., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . DDK' oQi'lJJ'S pref. id. X noun masc, pi. of T'p' dec. la. .

*n^nQb'3 pref. id. X id. du., absolute state . . HSb * D"'*1K'3 noun masc, pi. of "lki'3 dec. 4 a.. nK>3

'flVK'3 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. . . ^)i^ 'Dnb'il pref. 3 X noun masc pi. of "lb* (§ 37. r. 7) nb
p^k pref. 3 for n3 X for i^b* noun m. s. dec. 8d. ppb -I pref. ,id.
X noun masc, pi. of T'K' dec. 1 a.

"'\pP^ pref. 3 X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . ppli^ n-nnK'3 pref. 3 before ,
X noun fem. sing. .

Dn''V-1j?LJ^3 -1 pref. id. X noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. ' nnib'S pref. id .
X adj . m . pi constr.
. from [inK'] d .3 a.
masc. from dec. 2b before f'^'1^2, "1
noun masc. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing, masc,
f-'lpK' ; -l
^.^ .
fp^ •ib*3
W'pU'^2 pref. 3 f. ri3"j noun m., pi. of |T^ dec. 6d;'
'"} "Tb'il
j' !" I
from -)b'3
dec4a; '
-1 before

"Cjjjba pref. 3 id.

PP^ «^D3nb3 *'-1 id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc; -1 id. . -ib3
q.v.J -1 . .

b\y!^i pref. id. X noun m. s. (pi. c. \S'?^), dec. 6 a. hpl^} DIEJ'S ''-"I id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc; -1 id.

"lipjJ'S pref. 3 for 113 X noun masc. sing, for Ip^ as •IJnb'3 id., suff. 1 pers. pi 1^3
if from Ipp (§ 35. rem. 2) but see the foil. 1p^ *}*|}EJ'3 pref. 3 for HS X noun msisc sing.

"12^3 "'-I pref. id.] noun masc. sing. dec. 6 a. (see"j n-niK^3 defect, for n-nn^3 (q. v.) .

pref. 3 the foil.) ;
before labial ' 'TYi'piW^ pref. 3 for ri3 X n. f., pi. of [HnK'n^J dec. 10.

"•Dnni^E'3 pref. id. X id. pi. suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . "IpE^ "' R")K^3 -1 Piel pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. ; ace shifted by
?nini5^3 pref. id. X noun fern., pi. of [np.K'] ; (but conv. -1, before labial for 1 (§ 8. rem. 7) 1^3
comp. § 35. rem. 9, note) . . np5J* "'•Pl"]K'3 id. pret. 1 pers. sing. nb'3
« DjnnVs pref. 3 X Piel inf. (JlTi^) suff. 3 , p. pi. m. d. 7 b.

"nK^S . Pi. — I. to announce, declare. — II. to bring, tell good P^^2 ")
pref. 3 for n3 X noun masc. s.; =1 bef. lab.

tidings. —Hithp. to receit^e good tidings, 2 Sa. 18.31. C^S pref. 3 X num. card. fem.

{\ liCJ'S {cool, cold, coll. with the Arab. Gesenius) K'K;*3 Pilel pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. tri3

pr. name of a torrent near Gaza, 1 Sa.30.9, 10,21. fibb2, pref. 3 X noun m. s. dec. 3 a. (§ 32. rem. 6) b\b
mitJ*3,' mtJ'S fem.
IT : IT :
— I. good
^ tidings,
'^ '
news. — ^tJ>^3 pref. 3 for n3 X adj. ordin. masc from C^'K' bb
II. reward for good tidings, 2 Sa. 4. 10. «n''K'^3 -I pref. 3 X num. card, com., pi. of Ej'^

){^K^3 pref. 3 for 113 X noun masc. sing, [for "iK't^J

") ma'.c. dec. 4a. — I. flesh. — U. bodn. — lU. n^3 ••'•1
n. f. s. dec 13c (§ 39. No. 4); •"!
bef. lab. bn

"1i2'3"/'3 all flesh,
i. e. all creatures or animate "IKalpret. 2p.s.f.(§21.r.2); for 1 see lett. b)2
T T T ' "I

beings. —IV. near relation, consanguinity. —V. the "''Jyi^3 1 noun f. s., suff. 1 pers. s. from nK'3 (q. v.)
secret parts (viri). ^ntJ^S pref. 3 for 113
nb3 Chald. m. dec. 3b, i.q. Heb. "l'^3 Nos. I, III.
noun masc. smg
'''riK'3 pref.Sbef. (.,,

"ib'n '-1 n. m. s., constr. of IK'3 dec. 4a; -1 bef.

"1^3 iplK'3 y'-1 construct of D^ri^3 (q.v.) n:b
'•"lb'3 Chald. noun masc. sing. dec. 3 b.. . 1^3 "'PlEJ'3 Kal pret. 1 pers. sing. (§21. rem. 2) b)2
•"ib'S Piel pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. (§ 10. rem. 1) "1^3 D^riK'Zl '1 pref. 3 before ,
X num. card., constr.

Nnb>3 Chald. noun masc. s., emph. of X'3 dec. 3 b. "1^3 ''nt^', fem. of U):^ -, -l before labial

n^^3 pref. 3 for 113 X noun masc. sing. . T^ti* - D''P)£J'3 " '•"!
pref. id. X id., constr. state, only bef. ni^.

' Job 3C. 18.

nsnn-DiDna^i CXXIV DniiTnn-D:Dn2r3

•DSriB'B noun fem. sing., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. from JTlbinS pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . *lin
n^a dec. 13 c. (§ 39. No. 4) 'Dansiris pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. f. (§3. r. 5) "jin

DriK'3 id. with suff. 3 pers. pi. msisc. iSIDS pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . ^in
*n3 -I Chald. Peal pret. 3 pers. s. m. ; -1 bef. lab. ni3 "ninSinS pref. id. X n. f., pi. abs. fr. nn5'in (§ 44. r.5) n3*
03 'I noun fem. sing, irr., pi. 71133 (§ 45) ; also * niriDinS pref. id. X id. pi., constr. state n3»
pr. name in compos, as D''3'3"n3, &c. nj3 "'IPiriDiriS pref. id. X id- sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.
n3 ''1 noun masc. sing. dec. 8d. nra (prop. fr. nns'in dec. 13 a) n3»
"HJi^nS pref. 3 for n3- ''*3in3 pref. id. X noun masc. sing., suff. 1 pers.
noun fern. sing. dec. 10.
IT" : •
3 bef. sing, from t\)p\ dec. 6g. lin
„ ^

r 3- for -
pref. id.

-I pref.3 bef.,
X noun fem.,

Y noun fem.


u dec. 10.

of nK-13ri dec. 10.

-1 bef.lab.
N13 'DDa'inii
}pref. id.

(§3. rem. 2)
X id-,

suff. 2 pers. sing, fem

pref. id. X id. with suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. ^IH

n313ri3 '1 pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10 ;
id. r^ DMini
'nif13ri3 -1 pref. id. X id- pL; -1 id. •
r^ DDin? /'-I pref. id. X id., suff. 3 p. pi. m.; -1 bef.
*nmn3 pref. id. X n.m.s.,sufr.3] d.3a. •Uaini pref. 3 X id. with suff. 1 pers. pi. . . 1171

^nM3ri3 -1 pref. id. X noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing, >in3 -1 contr. for 'pN-inS q. v.
masc. from njnO dec. 10 ;
-1 before lab.
1?in3 -1 pref. 3 X pi"- name of a place; -I bef. ...
'^n3-13n3 -1 pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. sing, masc; -1 id.
r^ ^n3


pref. id.
3 X noun
X noun fem. smg.
fem. sing.

dec. 1 b. n33



noun m.
noun fem.
of the prec.

pi., suff,

° dec. 10;

1 pers.

s. fr.


d. la

''Dn''33ri3 pref. id. X id-, sufF. 3 pers. pi. masc. n33
)y3 'v-inS id. pi., constr. state
n"Ty3ri3 -l pref. id. X pr. name of a place ; -1 before , .

'riY-inS id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. ^713

|^3n3 pref. id. X pr. name of a place, see ^30 .

f KinnS Ch. pref. 3 bef. ,

X properly noun fem. s., *)n'».^-in3 Id. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. fem. . !?713

with the pref. as an adv. "in D v-in3 id. pi., absolute state ^713
TinsT noun fem. sing.,
° as if fr. n-13 or nn3 see nn3 'nyVina -"'-l pref. 3 X noun fem. s. d. 13a; -1 bef. ihn
IT T T ' ^.^
nn3 noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. n>in3
n^-in? noun fem. sing., constr. of dec. 10. 7713
from n3 irr. (§ 45) bef. lab. nn ; -1

n>iri3 id. pi. of the prec. hn2

•inpi3 pref. 3
for H?-)
_ > • noun masc. sing.: -1 bef. , ,
nnn ^n>in3 id. pi., suff. 1 pers. sing. hn2
•inh3 »
-1 pref.3 q. V.J (:'

"n^7l?-in3 id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. ^713

pref. 3 bef. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. T IV 1 ;

"VTv-inil '-1 id., suff. 3 pers. sing, masc; -I bef. . ^713

^n^innS pref. id. X id., suff. 2 p. s. m. (for ^H^nri) ^.^

m?3nn3 pref. 3 for HS X noun com. with pi. fem. ^Din? pref. 3 for HS X for Oh, noun m. s. d. 8c DD71

term, from Dinfl dec. la. . Din »Dr)i3yiri3 pref.3 X noun fem. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi.

"nbannS pref. 3 X noun fem., pi. of [n3-1Snri] d. 10. lan masc (§4. rem. 2) fr. HSyin dec lib. 3y71

W3 '-1 noun fem. sing, with suff. 3 pers. sing, •"Tlbyinn pref. id. X id. pi., absolute state . . 3yn
masc. from D? irr. (§ 45) ; -1 bef. lab. nj3 'Dn''ribj?in3 pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. 3y71

7K-in3 (for hvi b-iri3 set apart of God, comp. nnina ''-l pref. 3 nS X n. f. s. d. lO; bef. lab.
for -1 HT
7ri3) pr. name. — 1. of the father of La- "D*")in3 pref. id.X noun masc, pi. of "IIPI dec. la. "1171

ban. — II. of a place in the tribe of Simeon, n"}in3 pref. 3 X noun f. s. constr. of iTjITI d. 10. HT
1 Ch. 4. 30, called >in3 Jos. 19. 4. 'in-lini -i pref. 3 X id., suff. 3 pers. s. m.; -1 bef.^,.^ HT
min3 pref. 3 X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. ^n'linS pref. 3 X id., suff. 1 pers. sing.

'nnmi '-"l pref.

| X id. pi.; -1 bef.
. yVni'lTlS pref. id. X id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. .

1|3,P)3 pref. 3 for ri3 X noun masc. sing. dec. 6g. 1in '•^l^n-iarris -l pref.
| X noun fem- Pl-. s^ff. 2 pers.|

\/ Ijina "\ pref. 3 X id. const, state; -1 bef.

1in "U^n-l^iO? J
sing", fem. from [71-13|ri] dec. lb.
HDinS pref. 3 X id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. *Dn-13T713 pref. id. X id- sing., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc.

nsni-inbinnni cxxv nsnn-D^ntJ^n

"inP-ianna pref. 2 X noun fem. pi., suflf. 3 pers. pi. Dv-IOS masc. pi. (of ?-103) dec. la. — I. vir-

m. (§4. r. 2) from [n^-ISHFl] dec. 10. blU ginity. — II. tokens of virginity, De. 22. 14, 15, &c.

»ni^anri3 "-l pref. id. X id. pi., absolute st.; -1 bef.

hin "IK'sboS pref. 3 bef. , , X pr- n. of a region, see "ibSpO
''D''S7nn3 pref. 3 X noun m., pi. of [K-l'?nPl] d. lb. K^H >•
01^03 noun fem., pi. of 0^-103 dec 10. . . ^03
n?nri3 pref. 3 for n3 X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. ??n 'D?03 pref. 3 X noun m. sing. (pi. c ''pVo) dec. 6a. D?0
nVnnS pref. 3 bef.
^.^ X id., constr. state . . ??n 1^703 pr. name of a place ; see "l'^S?0

'D''J-130'!I? '1 pref- 3 X noun masc, pi. of [|-13nFl] '0*^03 noun fem., pi. of n'?-103 dec 10. . . ^03
dec. lb; -1 bef.
. . . pPI 'D03 pref. 3 X bef. Mak. for DO noun m. s. d. 8 c. ClfDO

DniSnril -l pref. 3 bef. , ,") pr. name of a place, see

"P0?303 pref. 3 for 03 X noun masc. sing. dec. 3 c. 000
Dmsnnn '-"i pref. 3 q. v. j Dn:snri '110003 '-1
pref. 3 X id. construct state; -1 bef.
nnn3 pref. id. X pr. name of a place, for nHPl . Hin y'lOOII pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. sin
nVrinni pref. id. x pi- of the following . . mn masc. from DO dec. 8 c. . D»0
n^rinnS pref. id. X adj. fem. sing, from PJJinri] m. mn "•003 pref. id. X id- with suff. 1 pers. sing. DDO
"•ni '-I noun masc. pi., constr. of D^P13 irr. of D''P03 '''•I pref. 3 X adj. m. sing. dec. 3a; -1 bef.
n;? (§ 45) ;
before labial . . H^ 03003 pref. id. X pi'. name in compos. D"}0 'OO &c. 030


: •


noun masc.




s. fr. 03


3 pers.





with paragogic
3 X
X pr- name, of a

masc. sing. dec. 4a.



. 030
IT T : ^ :

masc. irr. of D;? (§45); -")

bef. labial . IT'S *^l>np03 -1 pref. id. X noun masc. pi. constr. from
«^jn^ri3 -1 id., suflf. 3 pers. pi. fem.; -I id. . . n''3 p-npO declb; -1 bef. j.^ . . . pnO
*1*n3 id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . 0^3 'i0O03 pref. id. X noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing.

'1].^J?3 id., suflf. 2 pers. sing. fem. . . . n*3 masc. from 000 dec. 10. . . DOO
*^^3J13 id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . iT'3 ''^0003 pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. s. m. [for ^000] DOO
'lb''n3 '-1 Ch. id., suflf. 2 pers. pi. masc; -I bef. lab. n''3 '1303 n. fem. s., suff. I pers. pi. from 03, irr. (§45) 033
D5"'^3 Heb. id., suflf. 2 pers. pi. masc; id. 0"'3 /OiO-1303 pref. 3 bef. n. fem., pi. of 00-13F1 d. 10. D13
'-1 -1

(.^ X
D*fl3 '-1 id. pi., absolute state; -1 id. 0^3 «-"l-1303 pref. 3 f. 03^
noun masc, 03 003 ,_,'^ „_ •> noun masc. sing, dec lb. 130
D^PIS pi. of dec. 8d. *n-1303 pref. 3 q. v.J

"'ijD''F)3 (D^ri?)>
from n^3,
3 X

(§ 45)

of a region
3 pers.

... pi. masc.

0"'3 rhVni


3 X
id. pi., suff.


03 X noun
X Kal
2 p.



fem. sing. dec. 10.

-1 bef.

|0^ri3 pref. pr- *0T'y03 pref. for .

"{•riS Chald. noun masc, pi. of 03 dec. 5 a. 003 'Dn''>l7y03 pref. 3 X noun masc. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi.

•13^03 "'-I noun masc. pi. (D''03), suff. 1 pers. pi. masc. from [>l7yO] dec. lb..
from n^.3 irr. (§ 45) ; -1 before labial . 013 O/'VOS pref. 3 bef. , , X noun fem. sing., constr. of

noun fem. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing, masc OpyO dec 10 rhv
"} 033 T T :

from 03, irr. (§ 45) ; -1 bef. lab.

"'D'>3-13y03 pref. 3 for 03 X noun m., pi. of 313yO d. 1 b. 33y
I- 010303 •1 3 X noun fem.
pref, pi., constr. of 010310 ^3^03 pref. 3 X pr. name of a place, see "Jj^yO
from OnsiO (§ 44. rem. 5) ; -1 id. 03 "I

'lyriil pref. 3 X n. m. s. comp. dec. 6d [for On^O] OIJ?

03303 pref. id. X noun masc. sing., suff. 2 pers. pi.
"01V03 pref. 3 X id. suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. [for

masc. from ^10 dec. 6g. . -|10 Ony'o comp. § 35. rem. 5] . . . Olj;
0750? pi'ef- 3 for 03 X noun fem. sing. . . 730 PjOS pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 8 c. . t)SO
»D303 pref. 3 X noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. pi.
<'D''p-1S03 pref. 3 for 03 X noun m., pi. of 0-1S0 d. lb. 0S3
masc. from "^10 dec. 6g. . . . ^lO D''S03 '-1 pref. 3 X n. m., pi. of qo d.8c; -1 bef. ^ISO

pOpDOS pref. 3 for 03 X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. . ?^S

".na Root not used ; Arab, to separate. «0pS03 pref. 3 bef.
^.^ X id-, construct state . bSs
n>103 fem. dec. 10. — I. a virgin. — II. applied •
0^203 pref. 3 X Kal inf., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . bsO
to cities and countries, comp. 03. 0303 '-1 pref. id. X pr. name of a place ;
-1 bef. f^lO

Job 37. 12. / Kx. 19. 17. ' Ua.2.5. '/ Job 2. 1. 'De. 28.28. » Est. 2. 12. / Job 33. 15. * 1Ki. 18. 38. • Ca. 2. 5.
' Pr. 24. 6. g EZK. 23. 47. » Ps. 49. 12. ' Zee. 9. 17. y Pr.28.6. ' Job 2. 8. g Le. 7. 8. ' 18.66.4. P Da. 9. 21.
• Pr. 20. 18. MCh.28. 11. » Ezr.7.22,22. » Job
39. 10. = Ju.9.16,19. '' Job 2. 9. * Le. 26. 26. "08.7.7. 1 Pa. 80. 6.
•2Ch.21.19. Kze. 16. 41. » Ne.5. 3. I La. 5. 11. " Ca. 7. 9. ' Ge.84.17. i
Ex. 7. 28. > 2 Sa. 20. 8. ' Eze.39.7.
' Je.31.9. * Ex. 10. 6. p Eze. 5. 15. « Zee. 12. 4.
nn:i-pn:: CXXVl ^S^K:i-pnn

pnS. Pi. to cut, pierce, only in the following form ^nn3 noun masc. pi. constr. from [iriS] dec. 6 a. in3
"•q-lipna •"!
Piel pret. 3 p. pi., sufF. 2 p.s. fem.; -1 bef. lab. pn2 onns id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . "1113

Ch. [for ^-\m2'] pref. 3 n. m. suff.
X noun masc.
; s.,
'?l''Dpiipnn -1 pref. bef. J
pi., suff. 2
pers. s. m. from [DpipO] d. 7 b; -I bef. lab. Dip 2 pers. s. m. from inX dec. 3a; -1 bef. lab. nflN

3 'np"in3 pref. 3 X noun fem. sing. njD")

X noun masc. Vpn . .
"J/iipFia pref. for HIl sing. .

X^ijpnn -1 pref. 3 bef. ^ .^ X pr- n. of a place; 1 bef. lab. Vpn pref. 3 for n3 X noun fern. sing. dec. 1 b. HD"!

''ypriS pref. 3 X noun masc. sing. «ynn3 Chald. pref. 3 bef. X noun masc. sing. yiH
. . . ypfl
'D''QnPl3 pref. 3 for ri3 X noun masc. pi. 5|")ri
X Kal
'•'ir.phi pref. id. part. act. pi. c. fr. j;ph d. 7 b. VpT)
n)"}n3 pref. 3 X pr. name of a place nV"1
X noun masc.
^V^pjn^ pref. id. sing. dec. 6 c. .
. .

3 pref. 3 for ri3 X noun masc. sing. B'K'I

X noun masc.
«'f]i^n3 Chald. pref. bef. , s sing., a

better reading is ^pri3 . . . f]pn

*inSh3 •I pref. 3 X noun fem. sing, with suff. 3 pers.

sing. masc. from iTlin dec. 10; -1 bef. lab. PIT

pref. 3 bef. X noun fem. sing. . DltJ*
LT;i] to cut in pieces, to divide, Ge. 15. 10. Pi. id. ibid.

"iri3 m, dec. 6a. (suff. i"in3,but in pause "iri3

pref. 3 X num. card. masc. from V^F\ fem. J/EJ'jri

§ 35.r.2). — I. piece, part. — II. separation, Ca.2.17.

pins {section) pr. name of a place on the Root not used ; Arab, to cut ; to mark out, define.

Jordan, 2 Sa. 2. 29. n3 com. dec. 8d, bath, a measure for liquids,

».T T
Kal pret. 3 pers. s. m. [for 103 § 8. rem. 7] 103 the tenth part of an homer.

'•-in 3 noun masc. sing, for [103 § 35. rem. 2] dec. n3 Chald. dec. 5 a, idem.

6a, but with sufF. 1"iri3 ; also pr. name in3 nri3 fem. (for nri3) excision, desolation. Is,. i,.6.

*n^3-)n^ •1 Kh. preff. 3& -1 bef. lab.; K. JT'Sini n.f.s. HSI nn3 fem. dec. 10, clefts, fissures. Is. 7. 19.

'^-ini noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. nn3

I" ;
^ X contr. for [n:ri § 17. r. 9], Kal inf.

from ["iri3] dec. 6 a 1113 consti-uct dec. 8 b. jnj

"nnnns pref. 3 X n. f., constr. of nonri d. 10.
^ .
Dl"! *inn3 pref. id. X id-, suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. jnj
ni;-nn3 "'•"I pref. id. X noun fern. sing. d. 10; 1 bef. lab. yn *Ji>n3 pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pars. sing. . |n3
• ^rinh3 •I pref. ? X Kh. ^nhh', K. "^rC^n', n. fem. pi. •1 pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. s. fem.; -1 bef. , in:
or s., suff. 2 p. s. m. from min d. 10; -1 id. m* pref. id. X id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. ina
mn3 pref. id. X pr- name of a place, for TViFi . mn ''nrin3 pref. id. X id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc.

X3 adj. masc. sing, [for HSil] nsj II. majesty. — III. ornament, splendour. —IV. pride,


TWsA 1. to grow up, to increase, of a plant, of water. \V^X adj. masc. proud, Ps. 123.4. Kheth ; Keri

II. to be lifted, exalted, majestic. D''31'' ''S| proud oppressors.

N5 adj. masc. proud, Is. 16. 6. nia fem. (contr. for niJiil). — I. exaltation. Job
nN3 adj. masc. dec. 9b. (§ 38. Nos. I & 2).— I. 22. 29. — II. pride, arrogance.

lifted up, high. — II. proud, haughty. n^a Chald. pride. Da. 4. 34.

niKS fem.
fem. pride, haughtiness, Pr. 8. 13.

— II.
(constr. T\)}^i

ornament, splendour.
; no pi.)

— I. exaltation,

III. pride, ar-

noun fem.
inf. abs

masc. sing. dec. 9 b. (§ 38. Nos.

.... 1 & 2)



7X-1XI {majesty of God) pr.

|iS3 masc. dec. 3 a. I.
name m. Nu.
excellency, majesty.
— II.
'•isa Kal

noun fem.
pret. 3 pers. pi

name masc.
sing. dec. 10.
.... . . .
ornament, splendour. — III. pride, arrogance. Kal part. p. pi. masc, suff. 1 pers. sing., from
niK3 fem. — I. a rising up, ascending. Is. 9. 17. [•p-ISa] dec. 3 a ^KJ

• Eze. 16. 40. ' Pr.22. 26. ' Cii. 2. 17. " 14. ••
Da. 2. 8!t. •'E2e.21.26. 4 Le. 20. 4. ' Is. 16. 6. * Pr. 8. 13.
» Ps. 139. 21. C Du. 11. 17. * Pr. 28. 8. • Je. 82. Zi. • Ju.9.:n. ) Ca.5. 14. ' Eze. 16. 31 / Ex. 15. 1, 21. ' E2e.47.5.
' E«e.7. U. i' Da. 4. 27. ' Ge. 15. II). P Je. 84. 19. t Je.8.5. « Je. 41.23. li
Eze. 13. 8. g Ei. 16. 1. * Is. 63. 1.
^ F». 150. 3. I'
Ge. 15. 10. "Lcas-ia. t Je. 31. 18. •Da. 3. 19. •Le.0.21.
•5^ *_.U**n:i
v-1X_5 id. pi., construct state .
•I Kal pret. 3 pers. sing, masc,
"Iv^j suff. 3 pers
1 Ka] part. act. pi. masc, suflf. 3 pers. sin sing. masc. ; -1 bef.
masc. from PNJ dec. (:) b^,
7 b.. b^i ""! id. part. act. sing.
I "SI masc. with suff. 3 pers.
D'OHHi Kal part. act. masc. pi. of [bm] dec. 3 a. bm sing. masc. from b^'M, dec. 7 b. . . ^>{j
fl^i"'"] noun masc. sing. dec. 3 a. noun m. pi. constr. from [^Xi] comp.
pN^ id., construct state
(••t:i(b dec. 6f. ^NJ
Kal part. act. sing, masc, suff. 1 pers. sing.
If "IN*; '-1 id., sufiF. 3 pers. sing. masc. ;
-I bef.
from ?Nia dec. 7 b l,^^
*^:0iN| id. pi., suif. 2 pers. sing. fern, [for
r~; id. 8., suff 2 pers. sing. m.
(§ 36. rem. 3)
^"^- - P^^^- ^'"S- "lasc. ^N3
''^'jixil j
'Dmp id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc
'1 id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. . . ^^^
/niNJ ff'1 noun fem.sing., constr. of HINS (no
id., suff 2 pers. pi. masc.
(§ 36. rem. 3)
pi.) HNJ . ^NJ
ri-1N5 noun fem. sing. .
-^^. hb^\ Kal pret. 3 pers. sing, m., suff.
. ,
IT T ; 3 pers. pi. m. b^i
i^J-i^J *"l noun fem, sing. suff. 3 pers. sing. id. part. act. sing,
masc. masc, suff 3 pers. pi. masc.
from njKJ (no pi.) from PNiil dec. 7 b. . . _ ^^^
id., suff.
"PJ^I 1 pers. sing. .
•1i7><i id. id., suff. 1 pers. pi. t,j^j
. .

*\^3^,l id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. [for

"^ri'J "n-I^I^NJ Piel pret. 1 pers. pi., suff 2 pers. sing.
' masc. i^NJ
'^PJ^,! id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. .

"'i^^\ '1 Kal imp. sing. masc. (^N||), suff

"^^l^^.l n. com. with pi. fem. term., irr. of N^j (§ 45)
1 pers.
sing. (§ 16. rem. 10); -1
bef. Ipvi
^^^J! adj. m.,pl.of nxa d. 9b. (§ 38. Nos'. 1 & 2) HNJ
'^' ^'"^*" ^ P^'^- ^"'»- '"^^'^- rem. 7)
ihi^i I
(5 ^- kxj
1. ^0 recieem, ransom, recover, by paying
back ^n?X| noun fem. sing., constr. of vh^l dec
the value for.— II. to retribute, to 10. . ^NJ
-J avenge; part.
7Ni retieemer, ai-eng-er, nearest
*in?X| id., suff. 3 pers. sing, masc ^" .
kinsman, to whom .

was assigned the '*^?^,^ Kal pret. 1 pers. sing.; ace. shifted
right of redemption and the duty 1 by conv.
of avenging the death of any 1 (§ 8. rem. 7)
one. Niph. to be
• • . . ^NJ
redeemed, ransomed. ^^nJjNJ no-in m. sing., suff 1 p. s. from H^KJl dec 10. bv^i,
fI*J!l>N3 Kal pret. 1 pers. sing., suff 2 pers.sing.
m. ^NJ
IT. Si<ii. Niph. to be polluted, id. id., suff. 2 pers. fem. sing.;
stained, Zep.3.1. Pi. to '^^I^P^?!! -1
-1 bef. . b^i
pollute. Mai. 1.7. Vn. "
to be polluted, Mai. "iD^J?! "• ^- ^^ ^"ff- 2 P- s. m. [for ^T)'-\ nks'^
i .
7, 1 2. fr. d. 10. ^KJ
Hiph. to soil, stain, Is. 63. 3. Hithpa. to
"Sm n. m, sing., suff 3 pers. s. m. from |(x5
defile d. 3.a. HN:
oneself. Da. 1.8.
5^?a masc. "oun masc sing. dec. 8d.
pollution, only Ne. 13. 29. 'h^S^ P2I f . , . 33
comp. dec. 6f.

n?N| fem. dec. 10.— I. redemption, purchase.— K^^ Root not used ; Arab, to gather together.
II. </Mfy, rig-A^
0/ redemption.— III. price of redemp.
tion.—lY. thing redeemed, Ru.
N3| masc. dec. 6 a. — I. cistern. Is. 30. 14. II.
4. 6.— V. relation- marsh, pool, Eze. 47. 11.
ship, Eze. II. 15.
N3a noun masc. sing., emph. of 3i dec. 5
^^y. {He (God)
c. . 323
«)j7/ reaem himj pr. name of »rN3^ noun masc. pL. suff
3 pers. sing. masc.
several men.
from N3| dec 6 ; -1 bef. . . j^qj,
Kal inf. abs. . . _

''^^ ™P- '"^^^- ^'"s- JJ5 Root not used ; in the deriv.— I. C]Q3 to be
«9nj I • . . !?^<J i. q.
curved.— II. i. q, 3J> ^o dig.
PKJ id. part. act. masc. sing. dec.
7 b. .
. ^j^j
<"i^N| id. imp. m. 25 masc. dec. 8d. (pi. D^2|, HI) .-I. a fcacA.—
s. (^K^) suff 3 p. s. f. (§ 1 6. r. U) ^KJ II. boss of a shield or buckler,
i^'^" f^™- sing- dec. 10. Ipj^j Job 15. 26.— III.
Ht^I . . .
defence, mound. Job 13. 12.— IV. vault.— Y. the
•IK1.I6. U. /Pr.29.i3. 'Zep.3. 11.
* Eze. 16.56. *Is. 13. 11. 9 Ruth 4. 6. 'Ne. 13.29. * Is. 54. 8.
"£26.31.12. • P». 69. 19. / Ex. 15. 13. Ex.
'18.14. 11. iJe.48.29. y Job 19. 25. ' Is. 43. 14.
' 6. 6. « Is. 2. 10.
» Le.25. 25. ' Je.31.11. g Le. 25. 32. * Ruth
"Kx.JS.T. * Is. 18. 3. • I.e.27.13.19,31.
' Is. 44. 24. '' Mai. 1. 7. * I.e. 25. 26, 29,
4. 6. • V.ze. 16. 24.
'Zep.2. 10. *De.33.29.
Le. 25. 25. » Is. 48. 17. ' Ruth 3. 13. f Eze. 43. 13.
''Ruth 4. 4. " I». 44. 6.
' Ps. 119. 154. 29, 51, 52.
"" Pr, 8. 18. "'Eze. 11.15. » Eze. 47. lU
^ny!iJ-nn:i CXXVIIT *n:i-nij

rim or curvature of a wheel. —VI. arch of the eye- id. pi., suflf. 3 pers. sing. fem. ^33
brow, Le. 14. 9. qi^^-na id. pi. suflf. 2 pers. sing. fem. [loi >33
2i Chald. masc. dec. 5a, back. Da. 7.6. •^^^•133
' pv :
id. pi. with suflf. 2 pers. sing. masc. ba
35 Chald. masc. dec. 5 c, pit, den.

*5| {tax-gatherer Chald. 335 to raise a tax) pr. > id. sing., suflf. 2 pers sing. masc. , !?33

name masc. Ne. 11.8.

id. sing., suflf. 2 pers. sing. fem.
finsa {hilly, from a form n3| i. q. Chald. K335
hill) pr. name of a town of the Philistines in the '03^-i3a id. sing., suflf. 2 pers. pi. masc.

tribe of Dan. nl>-"i3| id. sing., suflf. 3 pers. pi. masc. !?33

"{^•133 id. sing., sufiF. 3 pers. fem. pi. . ba

n5-l "l !• ^0 ^^ high, lofty. — II. to be lifted up, exalted.
'it ;

noun fem., pi. of [n>13a] dec. 10. b3

— III. to be proud, arrogant. Hiph. to make high, to
ni33 "1 adj. masc. sing. dec. lb.. 133
raise; D^^? *n"'3!l^n who maketh high to dwell,


dwelleth on high;

adj. masc. dec. 4a, high,

CJ-IJ? •in''3|l^

theyjiyon high.



noun fem.
of the preced.

m. pi., suflf.
sing. dec. 10;

1 pers. sing.
.... -1 bef.

, ,

"lisa d. I b.
nba, n"l35 masc.
-it'-it dec. 3a. (constr. ^135), nn35
7^33 9'\ id. pi., constr. state 133
fern. d. 10. adj. — I. high, tall. — II. proud, arrogant.
id. pi., suflf. 3 pers. sing. fem. . 133
n3il masc. dec. 6c. (§ 35. rem. 5.) — I. height.
-"innisa id. pi., suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc. (§ 4. rem. 5) 133
— II. mo/esfy, Job 40. 10. — III. pride, arrogance
1 id. p]., suflf. 3 pers. pi. masc. 133
^ISI FI3I1 height of nose, i, e. insolence.
i'lniaa id. pi., suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc. 133
n-in33 fem. pride, arrogance. Is. 2. 11, 17.
id. pi., suflf. 2 pers. sing. masc. 133
nnSJ* {elevation) pr. name of a town in the
Dnisa id. pi., absolute state 133
tribe of Gad.
••Dnisa id. sing., suflf. 3 pers. pi. masc. 133
533 adj. masc. sing. dec. 3 a. . . . n33 •I Ch. noun fem. sing., emph. of [N'T-13il]

'r!*3| id., construct state . . . . rl35

dec. 8a; -I bef. ,.-. ' 133
?133 '1, "^'1 noun masc. sing. dec. 6c. (§ 35. rem. 5);
im-i33 '•"I noun fem. sing., suflf. 3 pers. s. m. from
IT I :

for 1 see lett. 1 . . . . n35 nn-na dec. lO; -l id -133

P133 '"•'I adj. masc. sing., constr. of [n33] dec. 4a;
"inn-i3a id. pi., suflf. 3 pers. sing. ma^c. (§ 4. rem. 1) "133
•1 before • • • • • i^3J
(.) id. sing., suflf. 1 pers. sing. . . . "133
'Nn35 Kal pret. 3 pers. 8. fem. [for nri3a § 8. r. 3.] ^33 fi-vnSna id. pi., suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc. 133
. .

nnhjl adj. fem. sing. dec. 10, from n3a masc. . n3J id. pi., 2 pers. sing. m?.sc.; "133
•1 suflf. 1 bef. , ,

in3ll noun masc. sing. sufiF. 3 pers. sing. masc. from

\nii3a with 2
id. sing, suflf. pers. sing. masc.

n3il dec. 6c. (§ 35. rem. 5)

Kal pret. 3 pers.

noun fem. sing.

for ^r}y
id. sing., suflf.

2 pers. sing, fem.;

. .

. -)33

'•jl'rini-iii •I id. sing., suflf. 2 pers. sing, masc; -I id. 133
jrninSa adj. fem., pi of nnha dec. 10, fr. nha masc. n3j
^Dahn-n'a id. sing., suflf. 2 pers. pi. masc. . . 133
*in3a n. m., pi. constr. of n32 d. 6c. (§35.r. 5) ^33 "•1 id. sing., suflf. 3 pers. pi. masc; -1 bef. , 133
•D^nha ^'-l adj. masc, pi. of nba dec. 3a; -1 bef. , , PI3a

'DnSa 1 noun m. pi. [for Dn''3a] sufF. 3 pers. pi.

nnn Root not used; Samar. to be high, used in the
masc. from 3a dec. 8d. . . . 333 Arab, of the forehead.
'"nn3a Kal pret. 2*pers. sing. masc. . 1^35
nsa masc. bald in the forehead, Le. i.v4i.
"rli3a 1 adj. masc. sing. dec. 3 a. . . . 1^35 nnsa fem. dec 13a. — I. baldness in the forehead,
^Wa '-1 noun masc. sing. dec. la; 1 bef. . ?33 Le. 13. 42, 43. — II. trop. bareness thread-bare,
n7-13a 3 pers. sing, fem.; 733

id., suflf. -1 id. . .
Le. 13.15.


id., suflf.

noun masc.
3 pers. sing. masc.

fem., pi. of [n^-13a] dec. 10.

s., suflf. 1 pers. s. fr.


^-ISa d. la.

. ^33
nsa noun

•SI pr.

noun masc.
masc. sing.
name masc.
constr. from 33 dec. 8d. .


•Is. 52. 13.

»nyi:-^n:i CXXIX

id. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing. 32J ""^

Root not used; cogn. 333, ^33, n33 to be high.
defect, for ""iiS n. m. pi. or collect, of 313 name
y33 [hill, comp. nj/33) pr. of a Levitical
Ch. K. niia noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. city in the tribe of Benjamin.
sing. fem. from 2i dec. -ia. . 22:
itV2i (id.) pr. name masc, 1 Ch. 2.49.
noun. m. m. 3| d. 8d. an:
pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. fr.
ny33 fem. dec. 12 b. — I. a hill. — II. pr. name of
'\ id., suff.

2 pers.
3 pers.

a city in the tribe of Judah, Jos. 15.57. —HI.
^0,3 ""SI id., suff. .

more frequently with the art. n^33n pr. name of

noun masc, pi. of [3 3] dec. 1 a, also pr. n.
a city in the tribe of Benjamin, more fully
noun masc. sing., constr. of y'23 dec. 3 a. V2:
\'m2 ny33, '3 '•33 nj;3il, called also ny33
id., suff. 1 pers. sing. . . . . V2:
?1XK^ comp. 1 Sa. 11.4, with 10. 26, as the birth-
id. pi., suff.

id. pi. abs state

3 pers. sing. fem.

.... V2i
place of


ver. 10.
and D''n^Kri
Gent. n. ""Jiyill
nj;33 1 Sa. 10. 5,

iCh. 12.3.—
noun masc.

noun m.
noun masc.



2 pers.
.... .

s. f.

fr. 2i

d. 8d.


IV. Dn3''S

of Ephraim, Jos. 24. 32-

ny33 pr. name of a city in the mount

nj?33 {hill) pr. name of a town in the tribe of

Judah, Jos. 18. 28.

I. to bound, limit. — 11. to set a boundanj. — III.
fiy33 {hill-city) pr. name of a city in the tribe
with 3 to border upon. of Benjamin. —Gent. n. *3J?33
?33 [mountain, coll. with the Arab.) pr. n. of y*33 masc. dec. 3 a. — I. cup, goblet. — II. the cup
a Phenician city, Eze.27.9. —Gent.n. 733 1 Ki.5.32.
or bell of a flower, as an ornament of the sacred
733 (id.) pr. n. of a mountainous tract in the
south of Idumea, Ps. 83.8.
ny33?p fem. only pi. my33!p mitres or bonnets
7-133, ?33 masc. d. la. — I. bound, limit, border.
of the common priests, probably of a conic form.
— II. a limited space, territory, margin, edge,

Eze. 43. 13, 17. pr. n. of a place; (§ 35. r.2) for 1 see lett. 1 J?33
n>'i33, n?33 fem. dec. 10. — I. bound, bonier. — 5<3!?33 pr. name masc. . . . . ^33
II. tenitory.

n-1/33 f. a bordering, edging, Ex. 28. 22; 39, 15.

''\ noun fem.
of a place

..... dec 12b; also pr. name



: •

of a region

of a place

only ni'?33D, Ex. 28. 14.

^ ; • '


of a man and a
of a place (py33) with parag.
place . .

H .

niy3^ '•1
n. fem. pi. abs. fr. .1:^33 d. 12b; -1
bef. y33
defect, for "p-n^ n. m. s. d. la; -1 bef. ^33
,.^ niy33 id. pi., constr. state y33
"•1^33 Kal pret. 3 pers. pi. . . . . ?33 2 pers. sing. masc. y33
^''niyii id. pi., suff. . .

noun m. s., suff. 3 p. s. m. fr. >133 d. 1 a. 733 noun masc, pi. of y'33' dec. 3 a. . . y33
^^33 '?V33 only Ex. 9. 31, 7y33 HJ^C'Sri the flax was in the
id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . 733
flower (comp. y33, ? being added as in /'On?,

73")n). Luther: the flax had knots. But the

'D3^3| id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. . . . 733
word is probably made up of the two roots
•n$3| noun fem., pi. of [n^-133] dec. 10. . ^33
y33 and ^33.
noun fem. sing, [for ni??!] . . . 733
n3p3 pr. name of a place (py33) with parag. n . y33
''in733 n. f. s., suff. 3 pers. s. m. fr. [n^-133] d. 10. !?33
noun fem. s., constr. of ny33 dec. 12.b, also

|5^ Root not used; Syr.

n3^33 f. cheese.

Job 10. 10.

coagulate, to be comlensed.

Also the two fall.



noun fem.
compos, with
of a place

pi. constr.
pr. n., as PP^33 11^33,

of n;y33 dec. 12 b.

matsc. hunchbacked. Ley. 21. 20. . . |33 '"in]!??3 pr. name of a place (ni^33) with parag. H y33
"D^SS?! [of |333 dec. 8cJ heights, summits, "Piniy?! n. f. s., suff. 3 pers. s. f. from n^33 dec 12 b. y33
Ps. 68. 16, 17 |33 "•nyiis id., suff. 1 pers. sing. . . y33

Pi. 129. 3. •'1 Ki. 7. SS. * Ge. 44. 2. * Job 28. 18. '"He. 19. 14. » Be. 82. 8. »Le.21.20. U. 40. 4. •Is. 81. 4.
Am. 7.1. « Ere. 1.18. « Ge. 44. 2. ' Kze. 16. 31, 3'J. "De.11.24. /> Is. 28. 25. ' Ps. 68.16, 17. Eze. 35 8. ' E^e. 31. 26.
Ua.7.<'. /Job 13. 12. Ge. 27. 29, 37. "Ex. 20. 84.
7ij-"q: cxxx in:i-"in:

nn:i "l (pi. •Ilia, •'l"13a). — I. to be or become strong, 'nF1133 id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. . . . 133

powerful, mighty, constr. abs.; with ]D, 7y to be

•"^ni33 1 Piel pret. 1 pers. sing. . . . 133

stronger than, to prevail against. — II. to increase, "*ni33 noun fem. s., suff. I p. s. from ni33 dec. 13 a. 133

of water ; ?^n IZil fo increase in strength. Pi.

**'ni33 noun fem. s.,' suff. 1 p.
^ s. from ni-133 dec. 10. 133
rTi-..: T^ .

to make strong, strengthen. Hiph. — 1. i. q. Kal •"'J^133 1 Piel pret. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. pi. m. 133

No. I. constr. with 7, Ps. 12.5. — II. to confirm.

f "qp133 noun f. s., suff. 2 p. s. f. from ni33 dec. 13 a. 133

Da. 9. 27. Hithp. — I. to show oneself strong, with

?y, Is. 42. 13. — II. to behave oneself stoutly, in- cOil
Root not used ; Arab, to congeal
o ;
Chald. t^33
. .

solently, with 7ii against any one. gather together.

"133 masc. dec. 6a. — I. man, i. q. t^'X. — II. IJ'''33 masc. crystal, (prop, ice). Job 28. 18.

husband. — III. warlike-man, wanior. — IV. each, K LJ''*33/X masc. hail, ?>? supposed to be i. q. ?^!l

every one ; D*"]3J?, D^"13| ? man by man. —V. pr. the article in the Arab.

name masc, 1 Ki. 4. 19. lyZi'Q {gathering) pr. name of a place or

133 Chald. masc. a man, pi. piIlJI, emph. K'13il person, Ezr. 2.30.

(as if from a sing. 13-13). ?n33 noun m. with pi. fem. term, from 33 dec. 8d. 333

133 masc.
133 Chald.
of a citj',
id. Ps. 18. 26.

dec. lb. —
Ezr. 2. 20.
I. hero. Da. 3. 20. — II. pr.

id., suff.

3 pers.
of a place
pi. masc.
.... . . 333

1133, 133 masc. dec. 1 b. — I. adj. strong, mighty, jil masc. dec. 8 a. — I. roof of a house. — II. top of
valiant. — II. subst. warrior, hero, chief; 7]U 1133
a valiant warrior, hero

; also one mighty in wealth.


construct state .... 33

ni-133 fem. dec. 10.





strength, power, might.

mighty acts.

only emph. Nril-UI 'n*ni33

133 id., suff.

id. pi. fem.

id. pi., suff.

3 pers. sing. masc.
3 pers. sing. fem.



(dec. 8a) Da. 2. 20, 23. 'Dn*ni33 )

^-.«;. r id. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. 33
1^33 masc. master, lord, Ge. 27.29, 37.
IV "I - -'

ni'33 fem.
mistress, lady, queen.

fem. dec. 13, mistress.

?N''133 {man of God) pr. name of an archangel. N*1313

noun masc.
of a

man and

a tribe


IT-: it:

in pause for 133 (q. v.) 133 Da. 3. 2, 3, comp. 13Ta.

Heb. and Chald. noun masc. sing. 133

') noun masc. s. dec. 6 a; also pr. name masc 133 I Jil prop, to cut, hence to press upon, with 7^ Ps. 94. 2 1

pr. name of a place 133 Hithpo. — 1. to cut oneself, to make incisions. — II.

(for 1133) adj. masc. sing. dec. lb. 133 to press or crowd together.
Chald. to cut or hew down. Da. > 4.
-T 11,» 20.
Kal pret. 3 pers. pi. (§ 8. rem. 133
13 masc. — I. good fortune. — II. pr. name of a
Chald. noun m., pi. constr. from [133] dec. 1. 133 son of Jacob, and the tribe descended from him.
adj. masc. pi. constr. from 1133 dec. lb. . 133 Gent, noun ''13 Gadite.
T -

— —


1 adj.
name masc.
m. pi., suff.
3 p.

s. f.
if from13-13] see 133

from 1133 dec. 1 b.

13 masc.

of an idol.

I. coriander seed.


chink,) pr.
65. 11.

II. {fortuna,) pr.

of a station of the

1 id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . 133 Israelite? in the desert, De. 10. 7 ; called in
noun masc, pi. of 133 dec. 6. .133 131311 {cavern of the cleft,) Nu. 33.32.
adj. masc, pi. of 1133 dec. lb.. . 133 riia {fortune) see '3 1^11.

Chald. n. m. pi. abs. [as if from 13-13] see 133 133 1-113 masc. dec. lb. (pi. D''— , m.) — I. a cutting,
noun fem. sing. dec. 13 a. (see the foil.) . 133
Je. 48. 37. — 11. furrow, Ps. 65. 11. — III. troop, or

*m35 detachment of an army.

« Ex. 17.11,11. " Da. 3. 23. *Je.41.16.

»2Sa. 1.23. t Je. 51. .57.
' Da.3.a0. '^aCh.3-J.3.
Si3-n-n:i CXXXI

^"13. — 1. gent, noun of 12 q. v. — II. pr. name & Syr. to twist, only in the deriv. 7*13 q. v. — II.

masc, 2 Ki. 15. 14. to be or become great, to grow. — III. to be great,

*''!l [fortunate] pr. name masc, Nu. 13. 11. exalted. Pi, — I. to make great, to cause to grow,

T'K'"'!^ {fortune of God) pr. name m., Nu. 13. 10. of hair, plants ; of children to educate. — II. to

injp, n jp {place of troops) pr. name of a city exalt, to extol. Pu. to be brought up, Ps. 144. 12.

of Manasseh situated within the borders of Issachar. Hiph. — I. to make great; HQ ?''ian to boast;

Tlin^ noun masc. with pi. f. term, from l-Hil dec. la. lH 'B QV. Ilpn 'il to show one great kindness; with
an inf. mb'y? '1 to do great things; in a bad
rn:i Root not used; Arab, to pluck out, or off; Syr. sense, to act proudly, and so ellipt. /''laH with

--i to leap. ^y of the pers.; 1 Sa. 20.41, [HlSn^] "p^ian ly

ma ITT ^ banks of a river,
fem. dec. 11a, •'
until he wept greatly'; HSZl 'H to boast. — II. to lift

^li masc. dec. 6i, a kid ; D^-JJ? Ha kid of the goats. up, Ps. 41. 10. Hithpa. to show oneself great.

nna IT : •
fem. banks of a river,'""
1 '" Kheth.
Ch. 12. i^, ?ia adj. masc. dec.5a, becoming great, Ge.26. 13;

nna fem. dec. 10, a female kid, Ca. 1.8. 1 Sa. 2. 26 ; great, Eze. 16. 26.

"!3^ pr. name in compos. tX^i "l^'H . . ")i*n

/•la masc only pi. Dvl?. — I. fringes, De.22.12.

Chald. Peal imp. pi. masc. . . . IIJ

— II. platted chain-work, 1 Ki. 7. 17.

noun masc. sing. dec. la. . . . TM 7113 masc. dec.Sa. (with Mak. "713 § 32. rem. 7),

id. pL, suff. 3 pers. s. fem. [for nn.'] . IIJ n?"lia fem. dec 10. — I. extent, number,

'''1 id. pi. construct state; •! before . na quantity, age, dignity, &c. 7113 DVjI liy it is yet

great Ihighl day, (French grand jour

id. pi., suff.

id. pi.,

'1 adj.
3 pers.
absolute state

masc. sing. dec. 3 a.





71131 jnlsn
Ex. 15. 16 ; pi.

the high-priest.

ni7ia great
e. early,

— II.

subst. greatness,

il>11|, n^-lll, n|l3 fem. dec 10.— I. great

id., construct state . . . .7*13
^nl •1 id. with Mak., Kh. ^r\l, K. bna (§ 32. r. 7) '?n3
deed or act. — II. gi-eatness, majesty, magnificence.

n"?nj ^'•1 adj. f. s. dec. 10, from !?ha m*.; •"!

bef. ^13
713 piasc. dec. 6 c (suff. 1^13, '13 § 35. rem. 8).—
IT :

•1 noun fem. sing. dec. 10; -1 id. .


. b"I3
I. greatness. — II. majesty, magnificence. — III. pride.

7I3 {over-grown, comp. § 26. No. 9) pr. name

adj. m. pi., suif. 3 pers. s. f. from 7113 dec. 3 a. 713
T IV : of two different men.

id. pi., absolute state . . . 713 {great is the Lord) pr. name of
•"Jtj"^^' '''^iTrll

IT :
id. sing., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . . 713 several men, especially of the governor of Judea,

id. fem., pi. of Tw' dec. 10,' from 7113 masc. 713 appointed by Nebuchadnezzar.
I : ' T T
noun f. s., sufF. 3 p. s. m. from Tw' dec. 10. 713 W'j!!! {I extol Him) pr. name masc. 1 Ch.25.4,29.
* T
Kal part. pass. sing. fem. . . . yi3 ^itP'^!'? ('^^
^0'"'^ ^e extolled) pr. n. m. Je. 35.4.

IT :
•1 noun fem. sing.; -I before , , . . C]13 7ip masc. dec. 2 b. (pi. D''t, HI) .—I. tower.
•1 pr. name of a man and a place ; •"!
id. . 113 — II. pulpit, Ne. 8. 4. — HI. bed in a garden,
IT :
n. f. pi., suff. 3 p. s. m. from [ilia] dec. 1 1 a. ni3 Ca. 5. 13. — IV. in compos, with pr. names, as


pr. name masc,
name masc.
noun masc.
or patronym. of 13

sing. dec. 6i; •"!

before ,
. 113
''^"'''5^9 {tower of God)

Naphtali, Jos. 19.38;

town in the tribe of Judah, Jos. 15.

a fortress in the tribe of
{tower of God) a

37 ; liy, ^13p
pr. name, see n3 PJt . . . . ^V {tower of the flock) a village near Bethlehem.

pr. name masc. . . . 113 7113D, 713^ masc. — I. tower, 2 Sa. 22. 51.
noun masc. pi., constr. from '•13 dec. Ci. • ni3 Keri. — II. pr. name of a city in Egypt.

id. pi.,

noun masc.
Kh. rnh3
absolute state


[pi. of
nn3], k. vniii
. .

. ni3

1 adj. masc
Piel inf. absolute

sing. dec. 5a.

masc. sing, for 7113 dec.Sa.


noun fem. pi., suff. from [n*ia] dec. 10. ni3 id., construct state h
^3 (with suff. *a^ia, Job 31. 18; fut. !?13.'').— 1. Arab. '^13
> Piel pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. (§ 10. rem. 1) 71.1

• Je. 48. 37.

^3"li-S*i3 CXXXII nm:i-Snj


noun masc.
name masc.
sing. dec. 6c.
.... . . ,
•yyil (id.) pr. name masc. Nu. i. 11; 2. 22.

> Piel pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. (§ 15. rem. 1) yi3

n^*13 Kal pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. . bli
"'-I adj. fern. s. dec. 10,

Piel pret. 3 p. s. f. [for rh'^l

from Vna m.;

§ 8. r. 7]
y.13n3 Pual pret. 3
'] pr.

Kal part. pass.

name masc.
p. pi.

[for -ll^ia

masc. from

[3|?-n3] dec.
§ 8. r. 7]


•1^*15 Kal pret. 3 pers. pi hn a.

\ Kal pret. 1 pers. sing.; ace. shifted to ult.


noun m.
Pie! imp. pi.
s., suff.

3 p. s.

m. from p"}} dec. 6 c. ?Tl3

by conversive 1

(§ 8. rem. 7) . . yi3


id. pret.

for i^n|
3 pars. sing, masc,

q. V. (§ 35. rem. 8)
suflf. 3 pers.


m. 713

name masc.
of a place

..... yi3

f^r\)7'^i Piel pret. 3 pers. pi., suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc. ?*73
111 Pi. to reproach, revile, blaspheme.
JvhhS adj. fem., pi. of rh')15 dec. 10, from hSti m. b'M fj-lia masc. dec. 2 b, only pi. (DV, HI) reproaches.
«-ni?1[5 noun fem., pi. of nbli dec. 10, see H^-H^ , hli nS-113 fem. reproach, Eze. 5. 15.

*Tni^nj 1 Kh.'T'ni^nj, K.^n^-nj noun fem. pi. or •iDia Piel pret. 3 pers. pi. . . . . C]13

s., suflf. 2 p.s.m. from nVlli d. 10; -I bef. ^. ^

Pl: "1 noun m. pi. constr. from [f]-1ia] dec. 1 b. P]13

•vl| adj. masc. pi. construct from bSli dec. 3 a. 71i 1 Piel pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . 5]13

*v"T3 adj. masc. pi. construct from Pli! dec. 5 a. ?U

n^pijl '-I pr. name masc; -1 before ,.^ • . bH nn3 to wall, fence up.

^riy'Ji '-1
pr. name masc. ; -1 id. . . . ?l!l
11| com. dec. 5 b. — I. wall, fence. — II. fenced
place, Ezr. 9.9.
'Vbi: '"'-I adj. m. pi., suflf. from h)li dec. 3a; 1 id. hi:
113 [wall) pr. name of a Canaanitish city,
^'hli noun masc, pi. of [?''15] dec 3 a. . ?1J Jos. 12. 13 ; i. q. 113 fl'S.
D^p'lJl adj. masc, pi. of Vni dec 3 a. . . 7li niia fem. dec He. (§ 42. rem. 4)— I. wall.—
" j)?*13 n. m. s., suff. 2 pers. s. m. from bij dec. 6c. /13 11. walled or fenced place ; |{<V n'lllll sheep folds.

''^?'!!^ Piel if^f-

(?'!!l). suflf. 2 pers. sing. masc. — III. pr. name of a city in the tribe of Judah,

(§ 15. rem. 16, & § 36. rem. 3) . hli Jos. 15.36. Gent, noun ''0113, 1 Ch. 12.4.

p''j2'13i Kal pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. {blj), suff. nil3 fem. wall, fence, Eze. 42. 12.

1 pers. sing. (comp. § 8. rem. l) . . bl} ri1"l"!!l (folds) pr. name of a town in the tribe

rip^l id. pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . b'M of Judah.

^n?!} noun f. s., constr. of H?' dec. 10, see rh)1^ bn D)ri1113 (two folds) pr. name of a town in the

tribe of Judah, Jos. 15. 36.

npl adj. f., pi. of n^na dec 10, from h^li masc. h'li
ni3 Gent, noun of 113 n*3 q.v. 1 Ch. 27. 28.


Piei pret. 2 pers. sing, m., suff. 3 pers.

id. pret.

pr. name masc.

1 pers. sing. ....
s. m. 713

Judah, Jos. 15. 58

(wall) pr. n.

I. of a

of a man,
in the tribe of

Ch. 8. 31 ; 9. 37.

113 '1 n. com. s. d. 5b. (pr. n. in compos, see n^3) 113



Kal pret.
by conversive
f. s., suff.
1 pers. sing.;

1 (§ 8.

p. s.
rem. 7)
from rhli see
shifted to ult.

. 7l3

id. construct state

name masc.
part. act. sing. masc. dec. 7 b.
..... ; also pr. name .

'^113 •/'•I n. f. s. dec lie (§42. rem. 4); -1 bef. ^.^ 113
y ]il I. to cut q^'or down. — II. to cut or break asunder. noun m. s., suff. 3 p. s. m. from 113 dec. 5 b. 113
Niph. to be cut off. Pi. to break, break in pieces. ''1 noun fem. pi. constr. from nil3 dec. 1 1 c 113
Pu. to be cut down, Is. 9. 9. ni"}"i3 •1 id. pi. abs. pr. name of a place ; •! before _ 113
Dyill (a cutting down) pr. name of a town in noun m. pi., suff. 3 pers. s. f. from 113 dec. 5 b. 113
tJie tribe of Benjamin, Ju. 20. 45. 'Villi id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. [for ^^1'] . 113

Ju. chap. 6

— 8.
pr. name of a judge in Israel, •»nii3 "'1 noun fem.
(§ 42. rem. 4)
pi. constr.

from 1113 dec. lie.

''Ne.7.4. «P».150.2. '3X1.10.6. "De.3.24. 'Jon. 4. 10. 'aCh.Sl.?. » Zep. 2. 8. /lCh.4.23. Ps.80. 13.
» Is. 51. 18. /Eze. 31. 4. * Eze. 16. 26. 'Jos. 3. 7. 'Ecc.2. 9. *Is.9.9. c Eze. 42. 10. *I9.5. 5. 'Mi. 7. 11.
"•ne..5.24. f^lCh. 17.21. '2Ki.l0.11. P Job 31. 18. »Ps.71.21. 'Is.10.33. ''Pr.24.3I. « 1 Sa. 24. 4. "Nu.82.16.
<Fs.34.4. *Ps.l45.6. "Jon. 3.7. « Est. 10. 2. "La.2.3. "ISa.a.Sl. « Ho. 2. 8. Zep.2.6. »Nu.Sa.36.
*ii:i-nn-ij CXXXIII ^ii:i-S-T:i

nma 1 id. pi., absolute state; -I before mj n*13 fem. dec. 10. — 1. boilij, person. — II. dead

1 Kal pret. 1 pers. sing.; ace. shifted to ult. body, corpse, carcase, of men and animals.

by conversive \ (§ 8. rem. 7) . . "ni "13 masc. dec. la. (with suff. M3; pi. Dfl3 § 3.

n. f. pi., suff. 3 p. s. m., from nniS (§ 42. r. 4) mj rem. 1) prop, a body of men, hence — I., a people,
1 pr. name of a place ; -1 before ,.)• • 1"! nation, generally of foreign nations; but also of
Israel, Is. 1. 4; Ge. 12. 2; in the pi. foreign,

tin^ Root not used ; Chald. to heap up. heathen nations. — II. metaph. applied to locusts,

K'nH masc. — I. sepulchral mound. Job 21.32.

Joel 1.6, to other animals, Zep. 2. 14.

II. stack of com. *'1 noun fem. sing, [for niK3] . . nN3
prob. for HT

<o AeaZ, cure.


Eze. 47. 13.

5. 13. Hence
m to pass over, Ps. 90. 10

Kal part. act. s. m., suff.


perhaps causat. Nu.

p. s. fr. [7]f\3i] d.9a.

1 1 . 31.

*'?ri3 Kal part. act. sing. masc. dec. 7 b. . ?T3
fem. healing, cure, Pr. 17. 22. nni
'^^Ti3 1 noun masc. sing. dec. 2 b. . . . ?T3

<o 6ot«,

noun masc.
tend dotcn

sing. (§ 36.

rem. 2) . . HIJ


n. m.


s. with

of a place

3 pers. sing. masc.

1 p. s.
....from 13 (§ 36. r. 2)
. ?T3

Chald. noun m. s., constr. of [13] irr. (§ 45) HIJ '1 noun masc. sing. dec. la. ni3
^i3 . .

Kal part. act. sing. masc. dec. 7 b. . 7N3 "M3 id. with suff. 1 pers. sing. (§ 3. rem. 1) . ni3
id. with sufif. 1 pers. sing. . . . ?X3 noun fem., pi. of n*13 dec. 10. ni3
Tii'ii . .

noun masc. pi. constr. of "13 d. 1 a. (§ 3. r. 1) ni3

I. Arab, to cut, cleave, only in the deriw. Hence id. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. [for ''1''.13] ni3
— II. to plough, 2 Ki. 25. 12, Kheth. "0 "1 id. sing. (Kh. ^^3), or pi. (K. ^^^3),
25 masc. dec. 1 a. — I. board, plank, 1 Ki. 6. 9. suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. . . . ni3
II. well, cistern, Je. 14.3. — III. locust. Is. 33.4. n;.i3 "1 id., pi., absolute state . . . ni3
W2i {cisterns, or locusts) pr. name of a place " nil 3 noun fem. sing, constr. of iTIJ dec. 10. . ni3
near Jerusalem, Is. 10.31. id. pi. [for nri3] '
'n»ii . . . .

3111, 33 masc. — I. locust, pi. or collect. ''2)Si, ''2'il *'-1 id. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing, masc; -1 bef. ni3
locust. Am. 7. I ; Na. 3. 17. — II. pr. name of a id. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . . ni3
place, 2 Sa. 21. 18, 19, otherwise unknown, »n3n^n»i3 id., suff. 3 pers. pi. fem. (§ 4. rem. 6) . ni3
noun masc.

... ni3
[for '•3'] pi. or collect, [of 313] 313 <^-irn>i3' id., suff. 1 pers. pi. . . . .

313 pr. name. — I. of a Reubenite, 1 Ch. 5.4. — II. of a id. sing., suff. 1 pers. pi. ni3
prince of the land of Magog. n. m.s.. suff. 2p.s.m. [for ^-13 , from 13] d.8d. ni3
313D pr. name. — I. of a son of Japheth, noun m. s., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. from 13 ni3
Ge. 10. 2.— II. of an unknown region, perhaps n. m. s., suff. 2 pers. s. fem. fr. [1|] dec. 8d. ni3
Scythia. *"q'l3 noun masc. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. from

13 (§ 36. rem. 2) . . . . ni3

Kh. ^13, K. h'i Kal inf. abs. ^''3

L n3j to press upon, cogn. 113. . .

*yi3 Kal imp. sing. masc. for ?i . . . ??3

& 1*15
Root not used 'D
; cogn. 333, n33
.^1.^ to be nj>i3 n. f. s., or (Is.49.21) fem. of tlie foil. dec. 10. n?3
rising, convex.

13 masc. dec. 8 e, a back.


Kal part.

pr. name
act. sing.

of a j)lace ....
masc. dec. 9a. . .


1| Chald. masc.

prep, in, into.

masc. dec. la.


— I.
(§ 68).

back. —

middle, midst.

middle, midst.


noun masc.

{coloured, Chald.
suff. 3 pers. pi.

sing. ....
m. from

to colour,
[13] dec. 81J

dye) pr.

Job 30. 5. name masc. — I. Ge. 46. 24, and patronym.

ni3 fem. body. Job 20. 25. Nu. 26.48.— II. 1 Ch. s. 15.

^ J^^il to expire, to die.. 1. noun masc. eing. dec. 2 b. . . 713
•piis id. sing., construct state . . . 7*13
"Jj^P \ Kal part. act. sing. masc. . . . y"l3



Kal pret. 3 pers.
id. pret.

Kal part.
1 pers. pi.

act. sing.

[-1^1.1 §


rem. 7]

. .




id., sufF.

id., pi.

id. sing., sufF.

3 pers. sing. masc.

fem. term.

1 pers. sing.
.... .



''"nWl3 id., sufF. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . . 7"13
1': IT

H-|2 Kal not used; to be hollow, co^. 333, ^133. Hiph. •^^113 id., sufF. 2 pers. sing. fem. . . . 7"13
•l"T I

to shut, Ne. 7.3. D^113

id., sufF. 3 pers. pi. masc. . . . 7"13
nSIS fern. dec. 10, dead body, corpse, 1 Ch. 10. 12.
'^i^ii;! •1 K. "5]31")3 noun masc. sing., sufF. 2 pers. sing.


noun fem.
pi. of the preceding ....
sing, constr. of fHS-IJ] dec. 10. P]13


Kal pret. 3 pers.

noun masc.
from f\1i dec.


sing. dec. 8 b.
-1 bef.

. .


. . . tT3

L^^^'J ^- '" sojourn, dwell for a time, as a stranger, const.

with 3, Oy, ace. Part. "13 dwelling; *n''3 ''7)3
masc. treasurer, Ezr. 1.8, pi. pi3t3 see the foU.
sojourners of my house, !. e. servants ; nn^3 JT13
'^*13-13 Ch. id. pi. emph. as from [13-T3] see 13T3
Aer inmate. — II. to fear, with |b, *33p. — III. to

congregate, come together, with 7V_, nX against

any one. Hithpal. — I. to sojourn, 1 Ki. 17. 20.

to cut,

comp. Eze.
cut off,

16. 4.
only part. Ps. 71. 6, for which

II. to congregate. Ho. 7. 14.

n^JI fem. a cutting, hewing, hence '3 ''33X and
"13 masc. dec. 1 a, sojourner, stranger, foreigner.
.1 simply JT'P hnim stones.
Tjl masc. id. only 2 Ch. 2. 16.
7\)l (for nril quarry) only in the Gen. n. ''3T3 1 Ch.
n-llil fem. place of sojourning, dwelling, Je.41. 1 7.
11.34, comp. the forms xhl, ih''^, ''f?^^, '''h''^.
1^3 i. q. "1-13 Won'* whelp, only pi. D**-, Dl, Je.
|ti3 (id. after the form |>13 TOl) pr. name of a
St. 38 ; Na. 2. 13.
region of Mesopotamia on
1-13 masc. dec. la. — I. a lion's whelp. — II. the
whither Shalmaneser carried
the river

away part

whelp of a jackal, La. 4. 3. — III. "l-13"n?J??5 {ascent

ten tribes.
of the

of whelps) pr. name of a place, 2 Ki. 9. 27.

^•1T3 ''1 Kal part. pass. sing. masc. . . . ?T3
7^3 1-13 {dwelling of Baal) pr. name of a town

in Arabia, 2 Ch. 26. 7.

to shear, to cut hair, wool, &c. Niph. to be
TISJ (Fe s/iaZZ dwell there) pr. name of a town Lull off,

in the tribe of Judah, Jos. 15. 21.

cut off, Na. 1. 12.

1130 masc. fear, terror; '''}13p

T3 masc. dec. 8 b, prop, a shearing, cutting, hence
pi. La. 2. 22.

(§ 32. rem. 5).

— I. the fleece. — 11. young grass after mowing.

*Vl3p masc. dec. 3 a. — I. sojourning. — II. dwelling,

n-T3 fem. dec. 10, fleece, Ju. 6. 37 — ^40. Also

residence, Ps. 55. 16. m (barber) pr. name masc. 1 Ch. 2.46. . TT3

n")13D fem. dec. 10, fear, Pr. 10. 24. Kal part. act. sing. masc. dec. 7 b. . TT3

m-"l3p fem. .iec. 10. — I. granary. — II. fear, id. pi. construct state . . . . TT3

terror. yri;t.T3 id. pi., sufF. 3 pers. sing. fem. . . TT3

rriJlSD fem. (denom. of m-12P) only pi., gamers, id. pi., absolute state . . . . TT3

storehouses, Joel i. 17. ''^•T3

> id. imp. s. fem. (§ 18. r. 4) ; for 1 see 1 TT3
nft3 Kal inf. absolute 113


Kal imp.
m. s. or pr.

sing. masc.
compos. "113

t6vJ2, ^J?3
. .
"I"I3 113

noun masc.
"'1 noun fem.

constr. from

.... T_3 dec. 8 b. .





'1 id.


m. pL,
imp. pi.

imp. sing. fem.


3 pers. s.

... .

fr. 1-13

dec. la.

7)5, 7T5
to pluck,
(§ 8. rem.
snatch away.
7).— I.

to strip

III. to spoil, rob

off, Mi. 3. 2.— II.
any one.
«fnn;13 id., suff. 3 pers. pi. fem. . . .113 Niph. to be taken away, Pr. 4. 1 6.

• Pd. 88. 16.

n^:i-Stj cxxxv

7113 masc. (no vowel change) young pigeon, Ch. id. pi., absolute state . . • 1T3

Ge. 15. 9; De. 32. 1 1. Also the three following: •1 Ch. n. f., constr. of [K"JT3] d. 8a; -1 bef. "^U

masc. rapine, plunder IT t:-

noun fem. sing., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. from

S '\

masc. id.

fem. dec. 10, idem.

Eze. 18. 18 ; Ecc. 5. 7. ^T3
n-\\i (no pi.)

noun fem. sing, constr. of n-|3 dec. 10. .



' 'I1
•pm noun masc. sing. dec. 3 a. . . . jnj
\T T

Kal pret. 3 pers. pi. (§ 8. rem. 7) pm pr. name of a stream see PIT'S . . n*3

70,3 '1 pr. name masc, see ''Tn\3 . . . N'3

noun fem., pi. of Twll dec. 10.
Kal part. act. m., suff. 1 [1113 §21. r. 2] IT-J
Kal part. act. pi. constr. m. from 7])l d. 7 b.
1 id. imp. sing, fem.; for 1 see lett. 1 . n^3
noun fem. sing., constr. of HT'Til dec. 10.

Kal pret. 1 pers. sing. bn

Root not used; Arab, to burn.

ror\^ fem. (of the form rip^j}; dag. f. impl.,

Root not used Arab, to cut, crop
; off. with suff, ^ri^n3, pi. D^^m (§ 42. No. 3 note)
DT| masc. a species of locust. Also constr. V?n3) burning coal;
yPII, suff. coal,
(dei^ourer) pr. name m. Ezr. 3.48; Ne. 7. 51. DT3 metaph. for lightning.

'1 n?n3 (q.v.) ^113

Root not used; Arab, to cut down.

id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. . . priJ

Vli masc. dec. 6a. § 3,5. rem. 5)

(suflf. ')l}]3 ; id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . 7n3
stock or trunk of a tree,
D-)n3 id. pi., absolute state ?n3
i)]}n noun masc. sing., sufF. 3 pc-s. sing. masc. from
"ri^n3 id. sing, absolute state . . , ?n3
VU. (§ 35. rem. 5) dec. 6 a. , . . Vfi
*''jp^n3 id. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing. . . . pHJ
id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . . . VTJ
it: •
Dn3 pr. name of a son of Nahor, Ge. 22. 24.

'nn I. to cut off or down, 2 Ki. 6. 4. — II. to cut in two

parts, to divide. — III. to decide, decree. Niph. — I.
jMil Root not used; Syr. and Chald. to incline, to bend.

to be cut off, separated, with }p. — II. to perish. — pn3 masc. dec. 3 a, the belly of any reptile.

III. to be decided, decreed, with '^3113 noun m. s., suff. 2 pers. s. m. fr. pn3 d. 3a. Jn3
?]l, Est. 2. i.

")T1I Chald. to decide, decree, part. P'ITi sooth-

pr. name masc. Ezr. 2. 47 ; Ne. 7. 49.
sayers. Ithpe. to be cut out. Da. 2.34, 45. in3

"1T3 masc. dec. 6 a. — I. piece, part. — II. pr. name

•3 noun com. sing., constr. of X^3 irr. (§4.5)

of a Levitical city on the west of mount Ephraim. also in compos, with pr. n. as DHil'yn &c. X''3

n"1T.3 fem. separation, solitude, Le. 16. 22.

X"1T.3 Ch. fem. d. 8 a, decision, decree. Da. 4. 14, 21. X»3 Root not used; i. q. ni3 Arab, to flow together.
mjll fem. (no pi. abs.) — I. form, figure of a X^3, N't!, N^3, ''3
com. constr. N''3 and ''3

•nan. La. 4. 7. — II. a separate place or side-chamber 5 pi. see § 46. — I. valley,

a low plain. — II. pr. n.

m the temple, Eze. 42. i, sq. N^3n a station of the Israelites in mount Pisgah.
"'^.Til pr. name of a people in the neighbourhood — niin-fa ^\l. \i and Ciin '•n \-i {valley of the

uf Philistia, I Sa. 27. 8. Keri. son or sons of Hinnom) a valley on the south-east

iTITJQ fem. dec. lib, axe, 2 Sa. 12.31. quarter of Jerusalem, also called N_^3ri Je. 2. 23.

D''K''in *3 {valley of artists) place in the borders

I pr. name of a place (§ 35. rem. 2) . "ItJ
IT5 of Judah. TiJ^TiriS^ *3 {a valley God does open)

n-)T3 id. with
noun fem.

n [for n"lT3]

.... . . . Iti


the northern part of Zebulun, Jos. 19. 14, 27


{vallt^ of salt)

{valley of passengers)
near the Dead
on the sea of

Kal imp. masc. rem. 12)

|- pi. (§ 8. . . 1T3
Galilee, Eze.39.11. — Cy^-VH \3 {valley ofhycenas)
Ch. Peal part.act. pl.emph. m.] d.2b. "ITJ in the tribe of Benjamin, 1 Sa. 13. 18. —nnQV '3

Em. 18. 16.

hh^i-«*:i CXXXVI nS3-t<^3

{valley near Zephath) in the plains of Jndah, 2 'hi

noun masc. sing. dec. 8d. . . pbi
Ch. 14. 9. ^]
^]TVi (valley of vision) and ^Tnil pr. name of Piel imp. sing. masc. ap. [for Hpl] . . n73
the servant of Elisha. Kal imp. sing. masc. (§ 18. rem. 4) . ??3
"N^l noun com. sing. irr. (§45) . . . K''3 Kal inf. or imp. sing. masc. . . . 7/3
N^J '1 id. constr. state (abs. Zee. 14.4), also in "1 Ch. Peal part. act. sing. m. R. vhi see rhi
I" T

compos, with pr. n. as njD S'3 &c. . K*3

*K>a id. absolute state . . . . N^3 Root not used; Arab, to scrape, to shave.

''fI^niK''3 \ id. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . K^3 npa masc. d. 1 b. (§ 30. No. 3), barber, Eze. 5. i.

Root not used: Arab,
«'1m.d. la,smet«,ne»Te; perhaps6anrf,Is.48.4.
to hind. Hence


noun masc.
of a region

of a place

sing. dec. 8e.

.... . .




/n.""! id. pi.,

'") id, pi.,

constr. state

absolute state

... . . .

'h6i noun

Ch. noun masc.

sing., constr.

pi., suff.
of 73' dec. 2b.

3 pers. sing. masc.

• bbi

from hsbs dec. .5. (§ 61) . . .

Ln 3 & rl-lilj , I, to break or burst forth, spoken of
*'1 noun masc.
water, of an infant from the womb. — II. trans, to
IT • : -

from hlhi dec. 8e

pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.

bring forth. Hiph. to rush forth, Ju. 20. ^^.
in^a^ja n. f. s., suff. 3 pers. s. m. fr. nh'shi d. 13c. ^^3
n''3 or n-lH Ch. Aph. to rush forth. Da. 7. 2.

Hence the two following '1'J?^a^? 1 Pilp. pret. 1 p s., suff. 2 p. s. m. (§ 6. No. 4) bhi

n''! (a fcreafting- /ort/j) pr. n. of a place, 2 Sa. 2. 24. Wi

prr*! {stream) pr. name Gihom. — I. one of the four
masc. dec. Ca, skm; only

rivers of Eden, Ge. 2. 13. — II. an aqueduct near noun m. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing. [fr. 'Vi'] *7?3

Jerusalem also called fTPK' n^3

. . .

^tn^jj pr. name masc. . . K'3 I. to make bare, open, to uncover; 'S ifi? TOi to

uncover the ear of any one, i. e. to inform him

d'H Kh.,DJia K.n.m.,pl.of ''Si d. 1 a.(comp.§3.r. 1) Hia
privately; ^1D '3 to disclose, reveal a secret. —
II. to lay bare, a city or country, i. e. to emigrate,
L/ 3 & /"lilj prop, to move in a circle, hence to exult,

rejoice; perh. to tremble. Ho. 10. 5. Hence the

to go or be carried into captiinty. — III. trop. to
•n ,

two following
pass atvay, disappear. Niph. I. to be uncovered. —
II. to be discovered, revealed. — III. to be carried
Vi *"l, '1 m. d. 1, prop, a circle, hence I. gene-
away. Is. 38. 12. Pi. I. to make naked, to un-
ration, age (comp. "IT^) Da. i. 10. — II.
cover. — II. with ni'iy to have carnal intercourse
exultation, rejoicing.
with. — III. to disclose, reveal. Pu. 1. to be un-
'n?^| fern. dec. 10, exultation, rejoicing.
covered, Na. 2. 8. — II. part, open, plain, Pr. 27.
"'•lb' J '1 Kal imp. pi. masc h'^i
Hiph. to lead away captive. Hoph.
5. pass.
V^jI "'1 id. imp. sing. fem. . . . ?''J
Hithp. I. to uncover oneself, Ge. 9. 21. — II. to dis-

"v"'! noun m. sing., suff. 1 pers. s. fr. 7*| d. la. ?^3

close oneself, Pr. iS. 2.
'Dp'S noun fem. sing., constr. of nj^| dec. 10. . P^J
iOi Ch. to reveal. Ajjh. to carry into captivity.
H3'| pr. name masc. . . . .
J33 Tr?3 {captivity) pr. name of a city in the moun-
tains of Judah. —Gent. n. "'ji?"'3 2 Sa. 15. 12.

[ I
5J masc. burnt lime-stone. Is. 27.9; Chald. plaster of npia fem. —
dec. 10. I. captivity. — II. collect.
lime, Da. 5.5. captives, a company of exiles.

'Kl""! Ch. emph. state "»*1

id., . . . .
1713 {captivity) pr. name of a city in Manasseh

•173 Ch. fem. dec. 8 c, captivity.

CJ'^JI 1 masc. clod. Job 7. 5, Kheth., mi Keri. n-173 fem. dec. 1 b. — I. captivity. — II. collect.

\^Ji, \ pr. name masc. 1 Ch. 2. 47. captives.

• 1 Sa. 17. r.2.

hh^^-rhy CXXXVII SV^->{*:i


pl. mirrors, Is. 3. 23.

masc. dec. 3c. — I. a tablet, Is. 8. i. — II. Piel imp. sing. fem. .... n!?a

> Ch. Peal part. pass. sing. m. R. N^a see

riva (eanie, capftw«) pr. name of the Philistine '""%

giant slain by David. noun m. pl., suff. 3 pers. pl. m. fr. ?| d. 8d. ^^3

(exiled) pr.

Ch. for K^a (q.v.)

inf. absolute
name masc. Nu.

34. 23.



id. with

noun masc.
suff. 3 pers. sing, msisc.

sing. dec. 3 c.
. ^^3
I T '1 noun m. pl., suff. 2 p. s. m. fr. ?! d. 8d.
•1 id. imp. sing, masc; -1 bef. , n^a
noun masc. sing., constr. of 7'0l dec. 3 a. a^3

.... masc. n^a

Piel pret. 3 pers. sing. .
noun f., pl. of TvPy^ d. 10; also pr. name 773
">? 1 pr. name of a place n^a
constr. of the following . . . 7>3
fern, of the following rh:
noun masc. pl. absolute from ? v^ ^'^^- ^ ^- ''''•'

f'\ Kal part. masc. dec. 9 a.

act. sing.
- noun masc, pl. of ?! dec. 8 d, also pr. name

IT •
\ noun masc. sing., suflT. 3 pers. sing. fern,
of a place b^3
from [?a] dec. 8 c. Kal part. act. masc, pl. of TOi dec. 9 a. , .1^3

"T Kal pret. 3 pers. pl. . nhi 'n^^a ^'\ id. pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. n^3
Piel pret. 3 pers. pl.

Kal imp. pl. masc.

. nh:
bhi J,
pr. name masc. .... n^3

id. part. pass. sing. masc. dec. 3 a. rhi 'n^a /'I Piel pret. 2 pers. sing. fem. n^3
•1 id. constr. state; -1 bef. , . rh: fnn^'pa Kal pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. n^a
T r T

noun masc. pl. constr. from [/-I?!] dec. lb. P?a '•'n^^a id. pret. 1 pers. sing. n^3

id. pl., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. . . 77^

> Piel pret. 1 pers. sing. (§ 24. rem. 11) .
id., suff. 3 pers. pl. masc. . . . ?73 "n'v>a
id., suff. 3 pers. pl. fem. . . . 7?a ^n^^a by conv. (comp.
\ id.; ace. shifted to ult. 1

id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . . P?a § 8. rem. 7)

IT •

id., suff. 2 pers. pl. masc. . . . 7?i

'iv •• I

id., suff. 2 pers. pl, fem. . . b?i [77^3 I- to I'oll, e. g. stones. — II. metaph. with ?yp to

id. pl., absolute state . . . ??a roll away, remove from any one, e. g. reproach

Kh. fhi, K. l^ia pr. name of a place . rhi nin*_ 7X, ?y 7a commit to the Lord, as one's ways

noun fem. sing. dec. lb.. . . Twi

or works. Niph. ?aa — I. to roll along. Am. 5. 24.

ni^a Kal inf. constr. n?a

— II. to be rolled together. Is. 34. 4. Poal 7?ia with

nm noun

. . . .

3 to be rolled about in. Is. 9. 4. Hithpo. — I. i. q.

fem., pl. of dec. 10. . . ?pi
Po. 2 Sa. 20. 12. — II. to roll, rush in, with 7^
Ch. noun fem. sing. emph. of [-I?!] dec. 8c. N?a
IT IT upon Ge. 43. 18. Pilp. 7373 (§ 6. No. 4) to roll

• •
"j noun
Kal pret.
f. 8.,


pers. sing.
1 pers.

.... s. fr. H-l ?a d. 1 b. Twi

down any
(§ 6.

to roll
No. 4)

away, Ge. 29.

i. q.

Hithpo. Job 30. 14.
Je. 51.25. Hithpalp.
Hiph. bin

Pi. — I. to shave, the head, beard; intrans. to shave 7?a masc. dec. 4a. — I. dung, 1 Ki. 14. 10. — II.

oneself. — II. trop. to devastate. Is. 7. 20. Pu. to prop, circumstance, cause, as a prep. 7733 because
be shaven. Hithpa. to shave oneself. of. — III. pr. name masc. of two persons.

\ Piel pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . n?a 771 Ch. heaviness, weight '3 |3NI heai^y stone.

Pual pret. 3 p. s. m. [for TVPl comp. §8.r.7] n?a ^^3 masc. dec. 6. (suff. i^^a' § 35. r.3) dung.
\ Piel pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. . . . TOl V^a pr. name masc. Ne. 12.36.
on?a \ id. pret. 3 pers. s. m., suff. 3 pers. s. m. n?a ^•173 masc. dec. I b, only in pl. idols.

'••nn^a id. pret. 1 pers. sing. , . . n^a byS masc. dec. 3a. — I. adj. rolling, turning.

:3ii^-^Si CXXXVIII

1 Ki. 6. 34. — II. ring. — III. circuit, tract of coun- patronym. ''']J??a. — II. with the art.

try; 7v^n, n?v|n, a district with twenty towns lypjin a region beyond Jordan,
in the tribe of Naphtali, Galilee. pr. name (1^73 II) with parag. H
n^yil fem. dec. 10, circuit, region. gent, noun, pl. of ^"l^ba fr. l^hi q. v.

?| masc. dec. 8 d. — I. heap of stones. — II.

spring, fountain. — III. pi. waves, billows. prob. i. q. 37^ to be white, hence to shine, Ca.
J?3?a {boiling fountain, comp. yi3) pr. name of 4. 1 ; 6. 5. Eng. Ver. " appear".
a mountain in the tribe of Issachar.
«TI^3 1 noun fem. sing. dec. 1 b, for D'Oi . . n73
"lypi {heap of testimony) pr. name of a heap

of stones raised by Jacob and Laban, Ge.31.47, 48.

?a masc. dec. 8 c, an oil-bowl or cup. Zee. 4. 2.

noun fem.
•'1 pl.
sing., constr. of n7il

of the prec.

Kal pret. 3 pers. sing. fem.

.... dec. 10. . b?i


n?a fem. dec. 10. — I. spring, fountain. — II. an IT ; IT
. . .

oil-bowl or cup. — III. bowl or globe, as an orna-

'nri^3 "•'I Piel pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. . . 1173

ment on the capitals of columns. Pual pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. . . . 1173

7i7l masc. dec. 8e. — I. wheel. — II. whirlwind. '1 Kal pret. 1 pers. sing.; ace. shifted to ult.

—III. chaff. by conv. 1 (comp. § 8. rem. 7) . ?*3

?a?| Ch. masc. dec. 5. (§ 61), wheel. Da. 7.9. D3 '] conj D03

/'Jrl masc. — I. wheel. Is. 28. 28. — II. pr. name

of a place between Jericho and Jordan. Pi. to drink in, to swallow. Job 39. 24. Hiph. to

n2il7.5 fem. dec. 13 c, scull; in counting men it give to drink, Ge. 24. 17. Hence
is used for head or poll. N03 '' '1 masc. reed, paper reed, papyrus ; T\'2T\

n?3D NDa an ark of papyrus

fem. d. 0, i^olume, roll,

.... book. Chald. 5<03

. .

1 id. .
IT :

'1 pr. name masc. ?^i

n;bii masc. a kind of measure of length, Ju. 3. 16.
Ch. noun masc. sing. . . . 773
rr - 1 masc, pl. bold warriors, Eze. 27. 11. 103
1 Kal part. act. sing. masc. . . . 7?i
Arab, to cut off ; Syr. to be bold. Others
1 id. pret. 3 pers. pi. [for l'?^3] . . ^^3
take it as a pr. name of a people.
noun m.

name masc.
m. pi.,
pi. constr. fr.

suff. 3 p.
..... pl.

m. fr.
d. 6. (§ 35. r.

["p-l^] d. lb.
3) hhi



part. p. masc. sing. dec. 3 a. (pr.

compos, see T\\2)

noun masc. sing. dec. la;
.... -I bef.


Kal part. p. pl. constr. m. from P-IDS dec. 3 a. ?D3
to wrap together, 2 Ki. 2.8.
n. m. pl., suflf. 3 pers. s. m. from 7"lt33 d. 1 a. bD3
U)7i masc. dec. la, mantle, cloak, Eze. 27. 24.
id. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. ^»3
D7a masc. dec. 6 c, embryo, prop, an unformed
id. sing., suif. 3 pers. pl. masc.
mass, as it were wrapt up together, Ps. 139. 16.
{place of sycomores Arab. T"'ID3 Chald. TUD3
n-io'pa masc. adj. — I. sterile barren. — II. famished.
sycomore) pr. name of a town in the tribe
Made up of 1^} and 173 Arab, to be
of Judah, 2 Ch. 28. 18.
hard. (Gesen.)
Chald. Peal part. pass. sing. masc. %l
1 fem. of the prec.

noun m. s., suff. 1 pers. s. fr. [D7il] d. 6 c. D73 I. to retribute, to recompense, good or evil, with
I" T

ace, 7y, —?. II. generally to do, show good or evil

one. —
Hithpa. to grow warm, become angry, irritated,
to any III. to mature, ripen fruit ; intrans.


pr. name
21 of the thing or cause.

of a place

{hard, rough, coll. with the Arab.) pr.

.... name.
to become

^p3 com.
?-103 {weaned) pr.

dec. 8. (pl.
to wean a
name masc.

§ 37.

No. 2) came'.
Ch. 24. 17.
— I. of several men; especially a son of 7-IDa masc. dec. la. — I. retribution, recompense

Machir grandson of Manasseh. Hence —II. any act done or shown to any one, good or evu

• Pr. 26. 27. '' De. 29. 16. ^ Ob. 1.20. *I,a.l.3. 'Na.2.8. P Is. 85. 7. Pr. 12. 14. ' Ps. 103.2. ' Ps. 28. 4.
» Oe.29. 3, 8. • Is. 49. 21. * Ec. 12. 6. ' Le. 20. IS. Is. 65. 19. « Is. 11.8. Is. 28.0. • Ps. 137. 8. y Ezr. 7. 18.
* Eze. 4. 15. / P». 139. 16. ' iKi.7.4l. -Is. 26. 21.
CXXXIX i")i:i-'?S:i

n>1D3 fem. dec. 10, retiibution, recompense; es- n03p fem. dec 10, troop, host, Hab. i. 9. Others

pecially benefit. desire, longing.

'h'Qi {camel-owner) pr. name masc. Nu. 13. 12.

name masc. Root not used ; Chald. to dig

?XvP| {benefit of God) pr.
1*012 masc. a pit, Ec. 10. 8.
p'lOjri masc. dec. 1 b, benefit, kindness, Ps. 1 16. 1 2.

n. com. s., pi.

Kal imp. sing. masc.

id. part. act. sing.
n'j>r;ii d.

masc. dec.
8a. (§ 37. Nos. 2

7 b..


n^5 I. to

II. intrans. to
bring to an
end, to complete, with ?y, 1i?il.

to an end, to fail,

id. inf. with suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. . . ?D3 ^ "102 Ch. id. part. pass, perfect, skilled, Ezr. 7. 12.

id. pret. 3 pers. pi. . • ^^^

102 {perfection) — I. of a son of Japheth,

. .
I :
and applied to his posterity. II. of the wife of
•1 n.m.s, suff.'p-IOad. la; -Ibef-^.^ 7»3
the prophet Hosea, Ho. 1.3.
Kal pret. 3 pers. pi. with suff. 2 pers. sing. m. ^03
iT102, -1
1^102 (whom the Lord makes perfect)

name masc.
name masc.
fem., pi. of n?-"lD3 dec. 10.

..... '?03



of a
two different

man and a people


. . 103
Kal part. act. sing. masc. . . . 103
noim com. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. from
name masc. 103
h'lDH dec. 8 a. (§ 37. No. 2) ; -I bef. , , . !?03 •"innoii
IT - : :
4 p-"- ; -1 bef.

id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. noun com. sing. dec. 8d. p.'

id. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. ^03

id. pi., absolute state; -I bef. . !?03 I. to steal; trop. to carry away, as a storm does the

Kal part. act. masc, pi. of 703 dec. 7 b. ^03 chaff. — II. to deceive, especially with 27. Niph.

id. inf. with suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. ^03

to be stolen, Ex. 22. 11. Pi. i. q. Kal. Pu. — I.

id. pret. 3 pers. sing, m., suff. 2 pers. sing. m. i?03

to be stolen. — II. to be brought secretly, with T'tjt

of the person. Job 4. 12. Hithpa. to steal oneself

n. m. s., suff. 2 pers. s. m. from >1?Dll d. la. 7133
away, 2 Sa. tg. 4.
id., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. . . . ?D3 333 masc. dec. 1 b. (§ 30. rem. 3) a thief.

Kal pret. 3 pers. sing, m., suff. 3 pers. pi. m. ?03 n332 fem. dec. 10, a thing stolen, Ex. 22. 2, 3.

d. pret. 1 pers. pi. . . . . 7D3 11332 {theft) pr. name masc. 1 Ki. ji. 20.

d. pret. 3 pers. sing, masc, suff. I pers. pi. 703 233 "'1 noun masc. sing. dec. lb. . . . 333
'333 y'l Kal inf. abs 333

r T
d. pret.

d. id.
3 pers. sing, fem.,

with dag. euph. ....

suff. 3 pers. sing. m. 703
"'1 id. part. act. sing. masc. . . . 333


*3)3 1 Pual pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . 333

d. pret. 1 pers. sing. . . . 703

'•332 id. inf. abs. 333
d. id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . ?03
1332 Kal pret. 3 pers. pi. 333
d. pret. 2 pers. sing, masc, suff. 1 pers. sing. ?03 "^•1332 id., suff. 2 pers. s. masc. . . . 333
noun masc, pi. of 333 dec. lb.. . 333
DD5 Root not used; Arab,
to be

heaped up.
conj. — I. also ; D3
to heap up, increase; intrans.

— D3 both —and ; D3 K^^


Kal pret. 2 pers. sing. masc.

name masc.
Kal pret. 3 pers. s.
fem., suff. 3 pers.
. .


R*n A
she also herself.

sake of emphasis has the nominative form though

the preceding is in the oblique case
pronoun repeated

for the

r "IT ;

id. pret.


conv. (§ 8. rem. 7)

pers. sing.

part. pass. fem. sing. [11333] with parag.

; ace. shifted to ult.

... by

bless me, me also, Ge. 27.34;

thy blood, thine also.—U. yea, truly, especially at

the beginning of a sentence; ^3'D3 although.


— III.

Pual pret.
§ 8. rem. 19)
pers. sing.

pret. 3 pers. sing, fem., suff. 3 pers. pi.

.... ;
-1 bef. ^.., .

yet, ner^ertln'.less. '3-133 id. part. pass. sing. masc. dec. 3a. . 333

•I«. 21. 7, etc.


" 0^3-133 id. id. pi., absolute state 133 '"'1 Kal pret. 3 per.s sing. fem. . . 7Vi
IT ^;iT

'>f\:'i Kal inf. abs P3 id. pret. 3 pers. pi. . . . . ?y3

I 'iiT

noun fern.,'1pi. of 1135
dec. 10. 133 "n)?^.3 id. part., act. sing. fem. (§ 8. rem. 19) . 7^3

*^rii33 Kal pret. 1 pers. sing.; ace. shifted to ult.

'D''n^j?3 id. pret. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. ?Vi
by conv. 1 (comp. § 8. rem. 7) ;33

'D3*ni33 n. fem. pi., suff. 2 pers. pi. m. from n3| d. 10. 133
I to rebuke, reprove, const, with 3
n'TiJJ fem. dec. lie. (constr. n"Ty3 § 42. rem. 1)

TOU Root not used : to cover; to collect, cogn. D33. rebuke, reproof.
T .
perhaps chests in which precious things are stored.
T3| Chald. masc. dec. 3 b, treasure.
\T3|, treasures;

Kal imp.

id. part. act. sing.

fem. rebuke, or curse, De. 28. 20.

sing. masc.
.... . . .

"Iina masc. dec. 8 d, treasury, 1 Ch. 28. 11.

noun fem. sing, (constr. JTiyS) dec. lie. . *iy3

\T3a noun masc. pi. constr. from [T33] dec. 6 a. . t33 Kal pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . "iy3

IT—: •
id. from
id. pi.,
[T3|] dec. 3b.

3 p.

m. from
... . .

d. 8.


n. fem.

id., suff.
s., constr. of

3 pers. sin^ masc.

7\yi d. 1 1 c.

(§ 42. r. 1)

. .


/V3T3| \ n. pi., suff. s. [^1133] 1 Kal pret. 1 pers. sing.; ace. shifted to ult.
r :^iT

noun com.
id. pi.,
sing., suff.

absolute state
1 pers.

s. from ]i d. 8d. 133

133 noun fem.

by conv.

my? decile.
"I (§ 8.

sing., suff.
rem. 7)
2 pers. sing. masc. from

42. rem. 1)
. . 1J?3

(§ . .

prop, to cover, whence to protect, const, with 7Nt,

^3^. Hiph. id. with hv., 1^?. to shake, tremble. Pu. to be shaken. Job 34. 20
11 com. dec. 8d, garden. Hithpa. to be moved, shaken, agitated. Hithpo.

naa and nii fem. dec. 10, id. to stagger, reel.

IT- IT •

03*3 (garden for 033 dag. forte resolved in Yod) {^yi (quaking) pr. name of one of the moun-
pr. name masc. 1 Ki. 16. 21, 22. tains of Ephraim.
lin3| {gardener) pr. name masc, also written
pr. name of a mountain [for tJ'y3] . . ^V^
^insa comp. Ne. 12.4, with ver. 16.

130 masc. dec. 8b,

shield ; trop. prince.
pi. ''33)0, HI (§ 37. rem. 4),
Dny3 T
pr. name

noun fem.
of a place [^^i} with paragogic

name masc.
pi. constr.
from [Pja] dec. 8d.


n33p fem. dec. 10, with IJ veiling, covering of

Chald. K. nQ3, Kh. rfSS, noun fem. pL, suff.

the heart. La. 3. 65.

3 pers. sing. fem. from [^i] dec. 5d. . ^iSa

r>33 noun fem. sing., constr. of [n33] dec. 10. . 133 ''ra3 *"l Chald. id. pi., absolute state . . 5133

'^n33 n. fem. s., suff. 3 pers. s. m. from 1133 d. 10.

*^n33 Root not used; i. q. 1?3, 1Q3 to be bent, curved.

> pr. name masc. 133
nn33 Hence
*y3 '\ Kal imp. sing. masc. y33 ") noun com. dec. 6a, vine; T\l^ '3


LnyilJ to low, as an ox or cow.

m '1.

id., suff.
the wild vine

3 pers. sing. fem. 133

T\Vl (lowing) pr. name of a place near Jerusa- id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. 133

lem, Je. 31.39. "^\3E)3 id., suff. 1 pers. sing, 133

Kal ny3 2 pers. sing. masc. 133

'iya \ inf. abs. (§ 24. rem. 2) . . . id., suff.

D3Q3 id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. JS3

[vJ^H] to loathe, abtior. Niph. to be cast away, 2 Sa. i 2 1


Hiph. to coit theyoung.i.e. suffer abortion. Job 21. 10. Root not used ; i. q. 333 to be bent, curved.

7^3 (loathing), pr. name masc. Ju. 9. 26, 28, 30.

f\i masc. dec. 8d. — 1. back, i.e. hillock, Pr. 9. 3.

?y3 pr.
7^3 masc. a
name masc. ....
loathing, Eze. 16. 5.

— II.

Ex. 21.3, 4.
body, person, only 1333 by himself, alone,

• Ho. 2. 14.
• Job 8. 16. " Eze. 16 45. « Is. 17. 18. ' Is. 66. 15. • Pr. 9. 3. » Da. 7. 4.
« Pr. 9. 17. Eir. 7. 20. *
/ Joel 1.7.
» / 1 Ch. 28. 11. * Ph. 144. 5. » Eze. 16. 45. ' P». 68. 81. « ^al. 8. 11. • Da. 7. 4. ' Is. 24. 7.
Is. 81. 5. d Joel 2. 22. « Je.5.17.
?Le.26.44 'Mai. 2. 8. •« Ps. 104. 7. • Da. 7. 6.
'2Ki.l9.84.elc.^Ca.4. 16. ' 1 Sa. 6. 12.

•'Am. 4. 9. *Ca.4. 15. "Le.26.30.

D"i:i-n£5J CXLI

^IjS Chald. fern. dec. 3a, wing. Da. 7. 4, 6.

h^^ Root not used ; Arab, to be gritty, stony.
51ii<. masc. only pi. D^SJi*. prop, wings, poet.
>"1| adj. with Mak, -hli harsh angry, Pr.
for armies, hosts. 19. 19.

masc. the name of a tree

H Kheth., -bli Keri.
V I ; prob. the pitch-pine,
bp masc dec 2b. (pi. ni!?niil)._I. lot, prop,
Ge. 6. 14, ID^ i. q. "123 to cover over.
the stone by which the lot was determined;
"I fem. brimstone.
7"ji5 TSn to cast lots, so also with the verbs
"'] Kal pret. 3 pers. sing, masc, part.
'1 noun masc. sing. dec. la..
act. 11 ""?:. ''i:. rm, ^^pn, jnj; Wu nv;. n^j?
. . tlj 771 J the lot fell, constr. with b]!, Sx, ^' of the
defect, [for "Vi] noun masc. sing. .
y} person. — II. lot, portion, inheritance.
'\ pr. name masc. • . . . 1")J
9>: ^^•' '*! ^- ^dj- in- s., constr. of b'lS or
Pia, with Mak. [for VlJ or
Und masc. scurf, scurvy. ^11 § 32. r! 7.]
ni^-ii noun masc with pi. fem. term., absolute state
a"T| {scurvied) pr. name— I. masc. 2 Sa. 23. 38.- from pnij dec. 2 b
II. of a hill near Jerusalem, Je. 31.39.
b m
*Dnp.5 noun masc. pi. [of -||15, § 36. rem. 5]

T^'^P^ noun fem. pi. [nh|-1J], 2 pers.

^Oh ^l?r (§35. rem. 2) masc dec. 6a.— I. bone.—U.
suflf. s. m. T13 .strength, 013 ibq simi^ aw. Ge.
L^II^J pr- name of a Canaanitish nation. 49. 14.-III.'
substance, body, 2 Ki'. 9. 13. ni^i/^n Dir^N upon
the steps themselves, the
'^?t. Hithpa. to scrape oneself, Job
very steps, comp'! DSj;.
2. 8.
Prof. Lee, frame-work.

Kal not used

D1| Chald. masc. dec. 3a, bone. Da. 6.
IT T ; prob. to produce a grating sound, 25.
whence Dpi <o |7ia«; a bone, Zep. 3. 3, fA^y shall not
f)-]i. Pi. fo excite, stir up strife. Hithpa.
to excite oneself, especially to
gnaw Ills'? m the morning, i. e. they shall leave
contention, war ; with
nothing to gnaw. Pi. id. Nu.
3 to contend with. 24, 8. Meton. of
sherds, fo gnaw, lick them
noun dec. 3 a, the throat. clean, Eze. 23.
P")! 34,
npjiri fem. dec. 10, strife, contention, ^P"l| {bony) pr. name, masc. 1 Ch.
Ps. 39. 11. 4. 19.

''1. noun fem. . "'"Plii ^^ Pi'et. 3 pers. pi.

sing, [for mil] ma

Kal pret. 3 pers.
noun m. s., suflf.

3 pers. s.
m. from l^ dec. 1 a
"P'^^ll Chald. noun masc.

from [Diaj dec 3 a.

pi., suflf.

3 pers. pi. masc.

'VD-ll noun masc pL, suflf. 3 pers. sing,
noun masc. sing. dec. 3 a masc from
mj D15 dec 6.
/'J'n'i id. suflf. pers. sing, D-IJ
id., suflf. 2 pers. sing. masc.
mj fem. dec. 6 c,
'1 Kal part. pass. s.. fem. of [C^ni] ;
Ilil pi. nm^, construct mil^ (pj Arab.
. C'lJ
'rnhi n. pi. fem., suff. <o makesmooth, level). -I. a level place
IT 3 pers. s. m. from [l-iil] d. at the gate
1 a. l)i
of the city, the /orwm of the
Hebrews, 1 Ki. 22. 10;
Niph. to be cut 2 Ch. 18. 9.— n. threshing-Jioor.
off, Ps. 31. 23. Meton. for
the grain itself. Job 39. 12.
*n| {inhabitant of a sterile land)
pr. name of e

Canaanitish nation subdued by ''"J"!^

id. with paragogic n
David, 1 Sa. 27. 8
Kheth., Keri. nn
Also the two following—
id. pi., construct state .

^^- sing., suflf. pers. sing.
Q^l"!l always witii in {mount of the Gerisites) pr. 'V-ll 1

^'^- sing., suflf. 2 pers. sing. masc.

name of a mountain near Shechem in the
'W.^. \
"dpi noun masc sing., suflf. 3 pers. pi. masc. from
tribe of Ephraim, opposite mount Ebal.
P"l| dec 3 a.
masc. an axe. . mj
'PI construct of the following . . 1
[Dl^] to 6e 6roAe«. cn«Ae</, Ps. „ 9.
'1 Kal part. act. masc, pi. of
20. Hiph. <o m«A,
-|| dec. 1 a, "nj La. 3. i6.
noun masc, pi. of lil dec. la. . -)^j

t^^l masc. dec. 6 a. (suflf. ^bll.)

id, sing., suflf. 2 pers. sing. masc. something
. l^j
crushed, bruised, perhaps
y^ -r\Di^ CXLII

"HDli Kal preter. 3 pers. sing. fern. DIJ B'njp masc. dec. 2b, pi. D''K'njp, once nW'yyQ
(prop, from HSi'^ap). — I. inf. see the root No. II.

fut. y"13). — I. to take away the beard. — II. to de- and analyt. order. — II. pasture, a place whither

tract, to withold, construed with jO ; to reserve, cattle is driven to graze. — III. any lands surround-
with 7^. — II. to diminish, with ace. Niph. to be ing a city or edifice.


Job 36. 27.

nyi{ID fem. only


Pi. to

myiJIp narrowed
draw off, ^?4 Piel inf. (Ge. 20. 10), or imp. sing. masc.

noun masc.
noun masc.
sing. ....
sing., suif. Hli'")!, dec. 6 a, see




rests, rebatements, in building, 1 Ki. 6. 6. Kal part. act. sing. masc. . . . V/~\i

*ny^| Kal part. pass. sing. fem. from [y-n|] masc. yij \ Piel pret. 3 pers. sing. fem.

Pual pret. 3 pers. pi. ... . . . E'lj


m^lJ I. to carry,

deriv. to grasp, gripe.

sweep away, Ju.
Germ, greifen.
5. 21. —
11. in the
ciiK'-ia pr.

name masc.
name masc.
Piel pret. 3 pers. pi., suff.
see D2^'">a

.... 1 pers. sing. .


Pl'nJX masc. fist, Ex. 21. 18 ; Is. 58. 4.
{a stranger there, see Ex. 2. 22, or expulsion.
HQliO fem. dec. 1 la,' clod,' Joel i. 17 ;
' so Gese- I :i"
t: V

nius and others before him.


Prof. Lee, furrow.

R. ^~\l) pr. name. — I. of a son of Moses

*DQ^5 Kal pret. 3 pers. s. m., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. fjlj
by Zipporah. — II. of a son of Levi. — III.

Ju. 18. 30.— IV. Ezr. 8. 2.

Pi. pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . tJ'13

j5J to drag, draw away. Niph. — I. to be dragged,
V id. pret. 1 pers. sing. ; ace. shifted by cony.
earned away, so nilHII Job 20. 28, which some
(comp. § 8. rem. 7) {J'lJ
derive from "1J3 .
— II. to ruminate, to chew the cud,

id. id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.

. .


. tJ''1i
Le. II. 7. Po. to be sawed, 1 Ki. 7. 9. Hithpo.
1 id. id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . BHi
to sweep away with itself, Je. 30. 23.
"Dn'-riyna n. fem. pi., suff. 2 pers. pi. m. fr. \r\^~\l] d. 10. K'la
N"13 {grain i. q. mS) pr. name of several men,
1 Piel pret. 2 pers. sing, masc, suff. 3 pers. pi. ^"M
especially of a son of Benjamin, Ge. 46. 21.

n"13 fem. — I. the

weight equal to the twentieth part of a shekel.

cud. — II. a grain, gerah, a
id. pret.
pret. 2 pers. sing.

1 pers. sing.
.... (§ 8. rem. 5) TIJ


"l"1|l pr. name of a city of the Philistines, for- Kal imp. sing. masc. (§ 17. rem. 2) mi
merly the residence of their kings Tl| ?n3 valley
id. id. with paragogic H mi
of Gerar, Ge. 26. 17.
"laij masc. only pi. D''")a"|2 (§ 36. rem. 5) benies. Vid. imp. pi. masc. (§ 17. rem. 2) ;
bef. . ^'11

Is. 17, 6.
{bridge, Chald. K"l-15i'|) pr. name of a district
ni")|"]5 fem. pi. (perhaps from a sing, mail) in Syria ; whence gent. n. ''"l-IJJ'a Geshurite,
throat, neck.
— I. De. 3. 14 ; Jos. 12. 5 , 13. 13 ; 1 Ch.

Til pr.


fem. dec. 10,' a saw.

with paragogic H
of a place ....
... Tia
2. 23. —
with paragogic
II. Jos. 13. 2

; 1

rem. 2)
Sa. 27. 8.

T^ id. imp. sing. fem. (§ 17. . .

Lk/i3J I. to cast out or up. Is. 57. 20 ; hence to drive out,

expel, divorce. — II. to plunder, spoil, Eze. 36. 5.

tim. Hiph. to cause to rain, Je. 14. 22.

Pi. to drive out, expel, with \0 of the place. Niph. DB^a masc. dec. 6 a. (pi. c. ^DK'a , but in pause

— I. to be cast out. — II. to be agitated, tossed.

DK'a § 35. rem. 5). — I. rain, heavy shower. — II.

Is. 57. 20.

pr. name masc, also called •IDK'a comp. Ne. 6.

masc. produce, fruit, De. I, 2, with ver. 6.

a, 14.

nK'*15 fem. dec. \Q, expulsion, Eze. 45. 9. DK*a masc. dec. 6c, id. Eze. 22. 24.

pC'ia {expulsion) pr. name of a son of Levi. nm Ch. m. dec. 3, (suff.HCB^a, pHO^a) body.

Patronym. "'3p'^il in pause, Seg. n. as if from DK'a (§ 35. rem. 5) DK'J

•Ph. 119. 20.


'\ noun masc.
also pr.

Chald. noun masc,

name. masc.
sing. (pi.

c. ^P^3)

3 pers. sing. fern.

dec. 6 a

Pi. to feel, grope, Is. 59. lo.

Kal inf.

dec 13 a
(riK'3) suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.
from [DK'I.] dec. 3 b. . . . DU'J

nOB'l Chald. id., suff. 3 pcrs. sing. masc. . . U^i

^HDK'il noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. from
n:i j fem. dec.Se. — I. wine-press, or rather the vat,

[DP'il] dec. 6 c. (§ 35. rem. 8) . U^i in which grapes were trodden. — II. pr. name —of
a city of the Philistines, the birth-place of Goliah.
name masc, see DK^3 DUi
•lOK'J \ pr.

noun masc. pi. construct from DK'j dec. 6 a.

. . ,

V —"Ipn na (wine-press of the well) a city in Zebu-

pn^pK'l Cliald. noun masc. pi. (Kh. |in"'PB^3) or sing. —

lun. JIS"! n| {press of the pomegranate) a city
in the tribe of Dan, Jos. 19. 45.
(K. |inp^a), suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. from

[DK'I] comp. dec3c . . . nm ''Pii gent, noun from 03 No. II. — Hence fem.

'Un''D^i n. m. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. m. from DK'^ dec. 6. DJ^a n^JJ13, the name of a musiccd instrument.

/CD^n^l id. pi., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. . . . Dtri UIFji {two wine-presses) pr. name of a city in

eWTpm id. pi., absolute state . . . DEJ'a the tribe of Benjamin, Ne. 11, 2,?>-

JB'J '1 pr. name. — I. of a region in Egypt inhabited pr. name of a place (313) with paragogic n Di
by the Israelites during their bondage. — II. nan-nna pr. name of a place ("IDH T^l) with parag. 11 03
a city in the tribe of Judah. 'niri| noun fem., pi. of 03 dec.Se. . . 03
n3K']l id. with paragogic H pr. name of a place [for DJ03] . . 03
nSK'J 1 {flattery, coll. with the Syr.) pr. name masc.
T :VT •
id. with paragogic . . . .03
Ne. 11. 21. 1 pr. name of a region in Syria, Ge. 10. 2j?

trni-nn CXLIV nnn-nm
[^5*^3 'o S'> *oftly, to creep along, only of wine to flow p31 masc. dec. 6 a. — I. soldering of metals. Is.

softly, Ca. 7. lo.

41. 7. — II. a joint in armour.

qM, in masc. dec. 8c, bear. Ch. id. Da. 7. 5. p31 adj. masc. sing. dec. 5 a. . . . p31
nST fern. dec. 10, slander, evil report. Mp'31 )

^^!1Z \ Kal pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. (§ 8. rem. 1 a) p31

'it: it j
T\'T\ Root not used; i. q. S3'=T, 33*n to flow. fem. sing, from p31
'ni531 adj. masc. . . p31
iV?*! masc, only pi. D^JV^'^ 2 Ki. 6. 25, Keri, *-1p3i )

dwes* duMg-; perhaps properly for D''3V 3T trAa^ ^^' P^^*" ^ ^^^^' P'' ^^^' ^^'"" ^^ l'^"'
'•1'?31 ""11 •
'/ : IT :J
flows from pigeons. Ch. Peal part. act. m., pi. of [p31] d. 2 b. p31
noun fem. sing. dec. 10. . . . 33T '*rip31 Kal pret. 1 pers. sing. . . . p31
mbn IT ;
pr. name fem.; 1 bef.
. . . 131 ''Drip31 -1 id. pret. 2 pers. pi. masc; -1 bef. . p31

Ch. to sacrifice. Ezr. 6. 3, i. q. Heb. PIST.

^ tQ>'l\ lo speak; primarily to range in order, to connect-
nil Ch. m. d. 3 b, a sacrifice, Ezr. 6. 3.
whence, in the derivatives, to lead, guide, drive
nSlO masc. dec. 2a, altar, Ezr. 7. 17.
to subdue, destroy. Pi. I. to speak, const, with the
Ch. Peal part. act. m., pi. of [fini] d. 2 a. nm ace of that which is spoken, as D''")31 131 to

Ch. noun masc, pi. of [n21] dec. 2 b. . nil speak words; to speak to or with any one, with
noun masc, pi. of 31 dec. 8 c. . . 331 ?K, p, D9, (rarely) flS, 3; concerning any
noun m£isc. s., also pr. name; -I bef. , 131 one, with 3, 7K, 7^; against any one, with ?y,

3; by any one, with 3; '2 3?'?y 131 to speak

Root not used; i. q. p31 to cleave, adhere.
kindly to any one; Yib'^^, "/'X 131 to speak to
^313 ChaJd. masc. d. 1, a row, layer of Hones,
oTufs own heart, i.e. to think; for which «d'?o
Ezr. 6. 4..
Sih Dy, i3^3; -^si, nx nbija "'Si to vein
kindly with any one; JIX, DU CiV^ 131
^3^ Root not used; Arab, to press together. to

rhll fem., constr. 0731 (§ 42. rem. 5), pi. speak friendly with any one; HX, DJ/ DS^O "131

Dy31, a cake of dried figs. to litigate, contend with any one; l''tJ' 131 to sing

n?31 {cake) pr. name of a city in the northern a song. — II. to destroy, 2 Ch. 22. 10. Pu. to be

borders of Palestine, Eze. 6. 14.

spoken. Niph. to speak together, comp. Dn?r

name masc. Ho. _Hiph. to subdue. Hithpa. to speak with; pan.

D.v31 {two cakes) pr. 1.3.
13ip (fcr ISin??) sjieaking.
n*n^3i (id.) Nu.33.46, & '1 n^3 je.48. 22,

pr. name of a city in Moab.

131 masc. dec. 4a. — I. word, speech, commana;

D'131 ?y3, tJ'^X a man of words, i.e. eloquent

noun fem. sing., constr. n^PIll (§ 42. r. 5) ?31
man; D''13in HlK'y the ten commandments. — II.



name masc.
pi. masc. term.

.... n?31
. . .


iDV3 UV 131


the thing
(i. e.

''131 the matter about the asses.

duty) of the day in

fern, sing., constr. of (§ 42. r. 5) its day;

name H ?31 —III. something; 131 TX nothing;

TT t6,'1.. 0» 131"^3






with parag.
of a place (H?!!!) with parag.

of a place

il .
.... . . .
every thing.

one who has law-suits.


suit at

cause, reason;
law; D''131
T ; V.T T : •
"•131 h^ hticause of.

'[ [also p31 comp. Job 29. lo; 41.15] — I. to J 131 m. d. 6 a, (in pause 131) plague, pestilence.
cleave, adhere. — II. to reach, overtake. Const, 131 m., with Mak. "IH"'] word, Je.5.13; Ho. 1.2.

with 3, (>, ?X, ^in^jl. Pu. to cleave together, >^^ 131 m. d. 6 c, pasture, whither flocks are driven.

with 3. Hiph. I. to make adhere. — II. to follow ni3l fem. words, sayings, only De. ^^. 3.

close, to pursue, with ^IQ^- ^^^- '" overtake; Tl"'riil3ip ii^l he shall receive of thy sayings ; but

causat. De. 28.21. Hoph.part.df;ai'e/as<,Ps.22.i6. it may better be regarded as a participle of Hithp.

p31 Chald. to adhere, Da. 2.43. things spoken by thee, i. e. thy sayings, precepts.
p31 m. d. 5a, f. np31, adj. cleaving, adhering. ni31 fem. (no pi.) with parag. Vod ''0131.

• Err. 6. S. *2K1.2.24. ' 1 Sa. 30. 12. S'Ge.2.24. 1 2 Ch. 8. 12. ' 2 Sa. 20. 2. '
Ps. 119. SI.
* Eir 6.3. 1*1 Ki.6. 19. /2Ki.20.7. * Job 29. 10. k Job 41. 15. "06.28.60.
K^m-^in CXLV 2j^m-nn
1. manner, mode, order, Ps. 110.4. — II. cause, *nn3i noun lem., pi. of [ril31] dec. 13. 13-1

— •nil

because of.
Job 5. 8. III. cause, reason; T\'}21~?)) Pi.


§ 8.

imp. sing. fem. (Ju.

rem. 7)
fem. in

pause for the

12); or inf. (131)


i<"12'n Chald. fem. dec. 8a, cause, reason.

^l?! (perhaps for n*"}Il"^ promise of the Lord, with suff. 1 pers. sing. dec. 7 b., 131
'13'il=~13'n) pr. name masc. Le. 24. 11. n3i ~) noun masc. pi., suff. 1 pers. sing, for 131
T\'}2'^ & n'l^'l, ICh. {pasture, comp. {131 dec. 4 a ; -I before , . ^

6. 57, '•TJ

IZlM) pr. name of a Levitical city in the tribe of n3i

id. sing., suff. 1 pers. sing. 131
Isfiachar, Jos. 19. 12; 21. 28. n3i '1 id. pi., construct state 131
n^sM fem. dec. 13a, Jluat, raft, 1 Ki. 5. 23. nil pr. name masc. . . . . . 131
Kal part. m. pi. constr. from 131 d. 7 b. 131
ny\21, mhl fem. d. lO. (pi. nnh'^).— I. a bee.

—II. pr. name of a prophetess who judged Israel.

nn3i noun m. pi., suff. 3 p. s. fem. from 131 d. 4 a. 131
id. pi., sufi". 3 pers. pi. masc. 131
III. pr. name of the nurse of Rebekah, Ge. 35.8.
3 pers. sing, masc; 131
— '1 bef.
id. id., suff. , ,

T'^'n masc. 1. oracle, seat of the oracle, that

id. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. (K. 1131),
part of the temple from whence the Lord spoke ;

Kh. V131 (q.v.) . . . . 131

and issued his orders and directions, and where
id. pi. with suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. [for 7]^'] 131
the ark of the covenant was placed, comp. 1 Ki.
^n3i 2 pers. sing. masc. 131
<). 19, also called Holy of Holies. — II. pr. name of
' '•!

noun m.
id. pi., suff.

2 p. m. from 131
; -I bef.

dec. 6 a.

the king of Eglon, Jos. 10.3. — III. pr. name of a
pi., suff. s.

Kh. "?|n31 q. v.. K. ^131 (q. v.) 131

city in the tribe of Judah.
m. m. from 131 4 a. 131
"l^np masc. d. 2 b. — I. a large plain, in which
n. pi., suff. 2 pers. pi. d.

before 131
rattle are driven for pasture. — II. a desert or wil-
id. pi., absolute state ; ^ .

m. term, from 11131' 131

derness. — III. speech, Ca. 4. 3.
n. fem. with pi. dec. 10.

"Dm"! Kal part. act. masc, pi. of 131 dec 7 b. 131

Kh. nn'i q.v., K. la-nn (q.v.) . . i^n
Piel inf. (131), suff. 2 p.s. m.d.7 b. (§ 1 6.r. 15) 131
nnn '\ noun masc. sing. dec. 4 a. . . "13T
^131 ] noun masc. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing, masc
noun sing. masc. d. 6a, for "IST (§ 35. "12T 131
r. 2)
^1131 Jf
from 131 dec. 4 a..
"1 Piel inf., or imp. sing. masc. . , in T T

Pielinf.(131),§ 16.r.l5) 131

\ id. with Mak 'Q.I
" -13^.31 noun m. sing., suff. 1 pers. pi. fr. 131 d. 4a. 131
Kal part. pass. sing. masc. [defect, for "l-12'n] "13T
Piel pret. 1 pers. sing. . . . . 131
"111 '1, ''1 noun masc. s. d. 6 a; for 1 see lett. 1 12T
ni3i .ni31 pr. name of a place 131
pi name, see 13T 1? . . . . "12T
Piel pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. . 131
n m. s., constr. of 12"'7 d. 4 a, -1 bef. "131; ace shifted to ult. by conv. (§ 8.r.7) 13'7
pi?"! 1 \
pi name of a place, defect, for T'll'n . "131
1 id. pret. 2 pers. sing. fem. 131
Piel pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . . "in
noun fem., constr. of [1131; no vowel change] 131
'\ id. id. (§ 10. rem. 1) or inf. (§ 10. rem. 2);
'ni3i Kal part. act. pi. fem. from 131 masc. 131
or perhaps subst. (Ho. 1.2). . . "131
Piel pret. 1 pers. sing. 131
1 Kal part. act. sing. masc. dec. 7 b. . 131
1 id. id.; ace. shifted to ult. by conv. \ (§8.r.7) 131

of a place (1*31)


Piel pret. 3 pers. sing. fem.

..... with


H 131
id. pret. 2 pers.

ril31 (§ 8.
sing, fem.,

rem. 5) .
Kh. ''JjllSl, K.

id. inf.


imp. pi.
suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. d. 7 b.

masc. (comp. § 8. rem. 7)


noun fem.

no vowel change]
with suff.

with parag.

pers. sing.
.... ^ from [1131;
Dniiii "1 Piel pret. 2 pers. pi. masc 131
noun m. s., suff. 3 pers. s. m. fr. 131 d. 4 a. 131
Piel pret. 3 pers. sing, m., suff. 3 pers. s. m. 131
K/^l '^ masc. dec. 6 b, (§ 35. rem. 10), honey.
id. pret. 3 pers. pi. (comp. § 8. rem. 7) 131
•nan L ti'31"[ {sweet as honey) pr. name masc. 1 Ch. 4. 3.

' Je.40.8. <Kie. 14.21. <rDe. 18.21,22. *lKi.l.I4. "Ho, 13. 14.
nab.3.5. •G«.87.4. *lKi.5.23. ' 2 Sa. 7. -in. " Ju.
Pr. 25. U. / J u. 19.30. » 2Sa.U.12.

"tJ'ni '-1 id. in pause ; -1 bef.

(:) Hithpa. to proceed softly, gently, submissively.
*''^2'1 id. with sufiF. 1 pers. sing. . . . tJ'SI
ill n. m. s., suff. 3 pers. s. m. from 111 dec. 1 a. Ill
nSJ'B'l fern. — I. the bunchorhump of a camel. Is. 30. 6.
id., suff. 1 pers. sing. in
— II. pr. name of a place, Jos. 19. 11.
pr. name masc. Kheth. HI, K. Ill
. .


n31 ''"I noun fern. sin", constr. of HS'I
dec. 10. 33*1
*^ •
noun masc. from [11] dec. 8 d. 11

I- :
pi. constr.
'^rmT lid., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . 331
id., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. 11
Dri3''l id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . . 33T
noun m. pi., suff. 3 p. pi. fem. from 111 d. 1 a. Ill
/J'l noun masc. sing. dec. 2 a. . . . T]i1
'^)ii n. m. pi., suff. 2 pers. s. fem. fr. [11] d. 8 d. 11
j'-T'ii n. m. pL, suff. 2 pers. s. m. from 111 dec. la. Ill
[nni to multiply, be increased, Ge. 48. 16. *"qni id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. . . . Ill
masc. dec. 2a,> fish;» once,. with the mater
IT ./ Dni id. pi., absolute state . . . Ill
lectionis, 3X"^ Ne. 13. 16.
"PI id. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . Ill
nH'^ fem. dec. II a, a fish ; mostly collect. _/?s/i.
'1 pr. of a people and a region in the
pH'n {large fish) pr. name of an idol of the
north of Arabia.
Philistines worshipped at Ashdod. n3i*i •1 id. with parag. H ; •! bef.
JJ"! masc. dec. 4a, corn, grain; meton. for bread.
T I* I
1 pr. name of a people descended from Javan,
La. 2. 12.
Ge. 10. 4, written D"'3in in 1 Ch. i. 7.

»n3*1 noun fem. sing. dec. 11a. gen. n., pi. of *311 from J11
*>1J'l Kal part. pass. sing, meisc. . inn'i n. fem. s., suff. 3 p. s. m. from [illll] d. 10. Ill
pj'n pr. name of an idol (and pr. name in compos, id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . Ill
with n*3 q. V.) nan
'JT n. pi. constr. from 31
m. ^ dec. 2 a: -1 bef., HJI
(:) :irn •1 Chald. masc. dec. 3 a, i. q. Heb. 311 gold.
'D"'n id. pi., absolute state . . . njT n3niD fem. Is. 14.4, gold-making, i.e. exact'
ress of gold ; others, place of gold.

bn I.

of /3n)
to be marked, signalized, Ca.
to set up a banner, Ps. 20.
5. 10. — II.

•1 id. in pause; •! bef. ,.) ' . . 3m
6. to
K3ni "l-j
furnished with banners, Ca. 6. 4, i o. Hence n3ni
,,'•> Chald. id. emph. St.; -1 id. . 3m
masc. dec. 6 a, fiag banner, standard. sirii
1"T IV
pr. name of a people who were colonised in
*'1 id, suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. Samaria, Ezr. 4. X'ni
q, Keri
* -" "T V
in '1 noun masc. sins;, dec. 4 a. nan
pn pr. name, see pjl IT'S, see. n^3 -7 [_uri -IJ. Niph. to be overwhelmed, overcome, Je. 14.9.
'I3T -1 id. constr. state; -I bef. , , n3i
""•Jin id., suff. 1 pers. sing.
L^lillJ. to move quickly, spoken of a horse, to prance^
Na. 3. 2.
id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. n3n
v':iT : mni fem. only pi. mini prancings, Ju. 5.22.
"^aan id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. n3T inin masc. the name of a tree ; Vulg. ulmus,
id.,' suff. 3 ^
pers. pi.
'^ masc. n3T the elm. Is. 41. 19 ; 60. 13.

^111 Kal part. act. sing. masc. . . . Ill

L iJ -IJ to hatch, brood over eggs. Aniiqi noun fem., pi. of [1111] . . . Ill
" "131 Kal pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. [for "131 § 8. r. 7] *13T 3x'ii pr. name masc, see 3N1 . . . 3N1

f m3T 1 id. pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. . .


' 7131 noun fem. sing., constr. of

dec. 11a. . n31 Hiph. to cause to waste, or pine away, Le. 26. 16.
I- :

T IT ;
id.,' suff. 3 pers.
"^ pi.
^ masc. . . n3"I }13*1 (a pining, wasting away) pr. name — I of

a city in the borders of Moab built by the Gadites.

LT^J masc. dec. 8d, the breast; only in the dual, breasts. — II. of a city in the tribe of Judah, Ne. ix. 25,

l'l noun masc. sing, defect, for 111 dec. la. . "Ill called naiCI in Jos. 15. 22,

<> 1 Sa. 14. 26. • Ge. 37. 2. ' Job 40. 31. »De.ll.l4. 'Je. 32. 8, 9, 13. "Nu.Se.U. • Ca. 4. 10, 10.
»Ca.5.1. /Jon. 2.1. *Ca.2.4. » Is.62. 8. • Eze. 23. 3, 8. ' Eze. 23. 21.
»Eze. 36.3. ^De.4. 18. 'Ps.78.24. Pis. 34. 15. «Pr.5. 19. J-Ca. 1.2,4.
''Pr.25. 10. 'Ca.5.10. "Ho. 2. 11. « Eze. 29. 4, 4, 5. "J e. 17. 11.
|n-nnn CXLVII ])i~^:ii

"22)'^ Kal part. act. sing. masc. • . 32T ^•11 masc. sick, faint.

*n3'Tn Kal part. act. pi. c. masc. from "111 dec. 7 b. ~12T M.l \11 (comp. § 38. rem. 2). —
sickness, Ps. 41.4. — II. something sickening, loath'
some. Job 6. 7.
l^n, i^*l] to fish, Je. i6. i6.

masc. dec. lb,' fisher.
Also nnO masc. dec 9 a, sickness, disease.

TIJ-I'I fem. a fishing. Am. 4. 2, niH n'lTD fishing- nn fem. of the following . . . nil
hooks adj. masc. sing. . . . . iTlT

'D''3-n noun masc, pi. of [J-H] dec. la. an

n-l-T. Hiph. I. to cast out, expel, Je. 31. 54. — II. to

— —
1rr\ Root not used
i. q. 1'V
l-IT masc.
to love.

— I.
I. Syr. to disturb, agitate

pot, boiler, or cauldron, pi. DHI'I



VT :


noun masc.
wash away.

sing, [for *11]

..... . . .
(§ 35. rem. 13).— II. basket, pi. Dn-H. pr. name masc. for JNl (q. v.) . . 2NT
in, 11 masc. — I. love, but only in the plural. TilT I'
pr. name masc, see 1)1 . . . Ill
II. for concr. beloved, friend. — III. uncle, father's

brother. to pound, bray in a mortar, Nu. 1 1. 8.

*in, T'n {beloved; passive form § 26. No. 5) nSlD

IT :
fem. mortar, Nu. 11. 8.

pr. name of the son of Jesse, king of Israel. [n3"'5n] fem. the name of an unclesm bird; Vulg.

m'n, IT '
mi IT
fem. dec. 10,' aunt. upupa, the hoopoe, Le. 11. 19 ; De. 14. 18.
SlSl {His, sc. God's, beloved, comp. HH) pr.

name masc. of several persons. Dm M Root not used, i. q. DDl to be silent, still.

•inn'n {love of the Lord, for -innn) pr. name HD-ll fem. — I. silence, death. Meton. place of the
masc. 2 Ch. 20.37. dead, the grave. — II. pr. name of a tribe and dis-
n-n masc. only pi. D''S'l-n (§ 35. rem. 15 note). trict in Arabia.

— I. baskets, comp. *T"n, Je. 24. i. — II. mandrakes, n*p-11 fem. — I. silence, quietness, Ps. 22.3; adv.
the apples of the Madragora (Atropa Mandragora silently, Ps. 39. 3. — II. silent resignation sc. to the

of Linn.) will of God; Ps. 62. 2, ''^Zi2 '1 my soul is silent

nn name masc.
'1 pr.

noun masc.
{beloved) pr.

name masc.
sing. dec. la.
.... .

Ch. 27.4.


n?nn n*pi
i. e.

redounds to thy praise, or

is perfectly

"^p to thee sUent resignation is praise,


is that by which
Ps. 65. 2.

'NTII constr. of the following : . . . TH thou art to be praised.

'D'»K'l-n nounmasc, pi. of Pin § 35.rem. 15 note] IH D?D-11

masc. — I. silence,' dumbness,' Hab. 2. 10.

-'mn noun masc. sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. from II. adv. in silence, silently,

*i'n dec. la. . . . . nn Dll Kal imp. sing. masc. for Dl . . . DO!
\ nn
id., sufT.

pr. name masc.

3 pers. sing. masc.

..... . .


. '^)1

noun fem.
part. act. sing. masc.

° .... . . . riDl



name masc.

name masc.
pi., sufF. 1
pers. sing., from IH d. la.


Kal imp.
noun fem.
pr. name of a tribe and region

sing. fem. for

sing, from Cp-ll] m.

^»1 .

(§ 39.
. .

No. 2)
nn TH D—,comp.D!in,DOV&c
pers. sing.

... "'ladv.withtheterm. Dll

') id. sing., suflf. 1 . . . DID-n *^
IT : T T' T • '

*Dnh id. pi., absolute state Ill •^JJipDil 1 Poel pret. I pers. sing. . . . DO!
^"in id. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. . . Til pK'DIl pr. name, see pb^l
!• I
name, see D*3lM
' T •

[)n & [n] pret. )1; imp. pi; fut. fll* & PT.— I. to

|_M| -IJ to be languid, sick, in the verb only used of the rule, govern, perhaps so in I Sa. 2. 10; Zee 3. 7.

female periodical sickness; Le. 12. 2. — II. to judge. — III. to plead, defend the cause of
n nn masc, nil fem. adj. — I. sick, specially of any one. — IV. to judge, punish, witli ace. 3.
a woman in the menses. — II. sad, unhappy. V. to contend, strive, with DJ^, Ec. 6. 10; Ge. 6. 3.

Ca. 7. 10.

0*1X2 ""n-l") I'n^'X? my spirit shall nut with ver. 5. — II. 2 Ch. 17. 8. — III. Ne. 10. 17,
always strive with man, sc. in testifying against called Dp^JlX {lord of the enemy, part, of D-"lp)

him, but judgment must ensue. Niph. to contend, in Ezr. 2. 13. Comp. Ezr. 8. 13 ; Ne. 7. 18.

strive together, 2 Sa. 19. 10. Dl^inX {the Lord is exalted, part, of D-ll) pr.

]n Chald. to judge, Ezr. 7. 25. name of an officer under David, called also DIIIX
{•n masc. judgment, Job rg. 29, JHC' K. that comp. 1 Ki. 4. 6, with 12. 18, and again D")Tn
there is a judgment, Kb. {"'''IB^. 2Ch. 10. 18.

[^"n masc. dec. 1 a. — I. judgment. — II. cause for pnj {He judges) pr. name of a man, Ne. 3. 7. •

judgment ; p"! ]'! ,

pT HK'y fo defend a cau^e. — ;nip masc. pi. n^Jnp or D"'Jnp (§ 32. rem. 8,

III. controversy, strife, Pr. 22. 10. & 35. rem. 13) only in Kheth. — I. contention,

pHD man
P"! Chald. masc. dec. 1 a. — I. judgment. — II,
strife ; tJ'''X of contention, pass. i. e. a
meton. tribunal, court of judgment. — III. justice,
contended with, Je. 15. 10. (see also R. T]1D)

right. — IV. punishment, Ezr. 7. 26.

Kb. D'jinp riK'X,

K'''X act. contentious man,
woman; K. D^pHp. II. object 80.
p'n masc. (construct |*'1 § 30 rem. 1.) — I. a
— name of a city of the Canaanites.
of strife, Ps. 7.

judge, 1 Sa. 24. 16. — II. defender, Ps. 68. 6. ;



masc. dec. 2b. — I. contention, strife, see the

Chald. Ezr. 7. 25.
preceding. — II. pr. name of a son of Abraham by
nj^'n (judged) pr. name of the daughter of Jacob.
Keturah and the tribe descended from the same.
N.''.yi Chald. masc. pi. pr. name of a people of
—Gent, noun *jnO, •T :
D^— •
, fem. l^"*—

Assyria, Ezr. 4. 9.
njnp fem. dec. 10, prop, juriidiction, hence

p [judge) pr. name. — I. of a son of Jacob I. province. — 11. region, country.

and the tribe descended from him. Gent, noun WnP Chald. fem. dec. 8, id.

''3'n, Danite. — II. of a city in the north of Palestine, ]1J2 masc. — I. contention, strife, only pi. D^Jip
called also B*)^ & D^h. — II. pr. name of a son of Abraham by Keturah.
^.*3'n, !?X?T W^dge of God) pr. name of the ^jnp gent, noun contr. for ""J^P (comp. p^HD

P*7X masc. dec. 3
Hebrew prophet

more frequently used

at the court of Babylon.

master, lord.

as a Plur. excellentiae,
PI. D^jllX

noun masc
]'\^) Midianite, Ge. 37. 36,


part. act. sing. masc.

.... .

ver. 28.

lord; y^^n \nX lord of the land; n^p^ D'-JIX a
hard master ; *JX D''31X"aX // / am Lord. Note Lr-l "IJ to leap, exult. Job 41. 14.
others derive this and the following word from
pX, whence is }*1X a base.
p)'^ Root not used ; Chald. and Syr. to look round,
^jnX, once ""ynX (Ju. 13. 8) Lord, the Lord, look out ; Arab. conj. IV. to surround.
exclusively applied to God. Grammarians dis-
pp masc. watch-tower ; but on account of the
agree about the termination ''— , which some regard word 3''I1D with which it occurs, others under-
as a pi. form for ''— i. q. D'— , to distinguish it from stand it to signify, a wall or line of circumi^allation.
"'i*7X my lords ; others, as the suflf. of 1 pers. with LXX. TrepiVetxos a surrounding wall.
pi. nouns, prop, denoting my Lord, the force of

the possessive pronoun being neglected. Others

[W'] I. to dwell, Ps. 84. II. — II. in the deriv., according
again regard it as an adjective termination,
to the Arab., to move in a circle, go round.
"'jhX ruling, governing, and in the same way
"1-n Chald. to dwell.
explain ''ML*' Almighty.
"l-l'l masc. — I. a circle. Is. 29. 3. — II. a ball.

pT5"*3nX (lord of Bezek) pr. name of a king of

Is. 22. 18. — III. a round pile of bones, Eze. 24. 5.
the Canaanitish city Bezek, Ju. i. 5, 6, 7. in, Tl masc. dec. la, pi. D"'-7 & HI, prop.
p*1V"^{nX {lord of righteousness) pr. name of a revolution, hence, — I. age, generation ; im Tt age
Canaanitish king of Jerusalem, Jos. 10. 1, 3. and age, i. e. for ever ; so likewise D^IH in
•"in*31X [the Lord is my Lord) pr. name. — I. of "im liT^DIl throughout all ages or generations.

a son of David, called also n*3hX, comp. 1 Ki. i. 8, So Vi nn?,' ii) "in^, "ihj ii iv., "i"'^ nip.—

• Ps. 68. 3. ''ca.5.8.

Dijn-")n CXLIX
II. habitation. Is. 38. 12; meton. for sepulchre '•1
Kal part. p. pi. of [Pl-IITT] dec. 3a; -1 bef. 5im
Ps. 49. 20. — III. pr. name of a city, see HSJ.

K^-n Chald. pr. name of a valley in Babylonia, Niph. to be thrust down, Je. 23. 12.
Da. 3. I.
Chald. Peal part. p. sing. masc.
inp . . ^riT
Chald. masc. dec. 1 a, habitation.
Chald. fem. of the preceding
inp Chald. masc. dec. la,
. . . ^ni
id. Da. 2. 11.

nnnp fem. dec. 10, pile of fuel.

''•an-ni Kal pret. 2 pers. sing, masc, suff. 1 pers. sing, nm
NT.''1^ Chald. fem. revolution, hence N"inn3
Chald. to fear, be afraid; part. pass, fearful, terri-
continually. Da. 6. 17.
ble. Pa. to terrify. Da. 4. 2.
*in '1 noun masc. sing.

... dec. a also

'1., I ; pr.
1 Ch. Peal part. act. m., pi. of ['pH'^] dec 2b. ^n*T

Xlll pr.
noun masc.
for 1

see lett.

of a place.

masc. millet, Eze. 4.

*nn noun m. 3., sufT. 3 pers. s. m. from IH dec, - a. "IH to impel, urge, hasten. Niph. to urge oneself, to
'ni")n id. fem. with term. in
pi. . . .
'IJ^nh^'n id. pi., suff. 1 pers. pi. in '"'SD'15 fem. ruin, destruction, Ps. 140. 12.
id. sing., suflF.

id. pi.,

1 Kal part.
absolute state

act. sing.
pers. sing.

masc. dec. 7 b.

, in
LpClJ to press upon ; part, pfh oppressor.

'DH-'pni Kal part. act. pi., suff. 3 pers.

K'T.n Kal part.
] pi. masc.
act. sing. masc. dec. 7 b. . . V}T[
from [pnM] dec. 7 b. . . , pm
l_Kn^, s^ to tread down, tread under foot.—U.
"ilj I.

tread out com, to thresh. —

7 1 Chald. — I. relat. pron. who, which, what, i. q.
III. metaph. Am.
K'-n Chald. to thresh, Da.
i. 3.
Heb. )r^?; |\3K n which they i. e. which;
tJ".*! masc. threshing-time, Le. 26.
J^'""!"]? n u-Aose dwelling; nsn n where.—
II. a sign of the genitive;
pt^n. masc. — I. a species of gazelle or antelope,
state N3bp n Xtp"^^

the captain of the king;

the emphatic

De. 14. 5.— II. pr. name (a) of a son of Seir and of
a region called after his name
after the construct state, "1-13 n "inj a stream 0/
(b) of a grandson of
//•e; pleon. after suff. as ^rhii n rlDB' for
•^n^.^ ^"7 ^^ the name of God.— III. conj.' that;
tK'n pr. name of the third son of Seir and a
region called after him.
so that ; because that ; ns when ; n. |p /rom fA«

HK'np fem. dec. 10, a threshing.

<ime ifjAen, after ; n "I]; Mniii.
Is. 21. 10.
^i?l ""T.
("/ 0°^'^) pr- name of a place in the
^''^n \ Kal imp. sing. fem. ; for 1 see lett. 1 . Ei^n desert of Sinai, De. i . i
*DE^-n id. inf. [mi], suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc. dec. 1 a. iy)1
•n [in pause for n] noun m. dec. 8d, constr. n_
•nnn. Kal mf. [nhj, suAF. Spers. sing. fem. dec. 1 a. Hn (§ 37. rem. 6). — sufficiency, what
I. is mf.
ficient, hence adverbially, enough ; 3^n n_
[•^013 '" P^^' '^'"^^ '^''iv^: part. n;:-in'1 thmst down. enough of milk nb n
; as much as is
Niph, to be thrust down. Pu. id., Ps. 36. 13. sufficient for a lamb ; iO^XJ ''12 sufficient
^IQ"?! Chald. fem. only ])rn Da.
f pi. 6. 19, a for its redemption ; ^n, Dn sufficient for
sort of musical instrument.
thee, them. — II. in the construct state it
"'Vi'l masc. only in pause ''ni (§ 35. rem. 14) is sometimes affixed to the prepositions
stumbling, falling.
3, 3, IP, as ''1'^ for ; whenever; ns as;
nn']P masc. fall, ruin, Pr. 26. 28.
according to ; nO as often as, whenever
nhl Kal inf. absolute nriT from. Etymo. doubtful.
'nn'n Kal part. act. sing. masc. .
nm n. "1. id. construct state. . . . . ^^
"irp Pual pret. 3 pers. pi. [for "ini] nm 'n-i:n \
Kal pret. 3 pers. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc.
"PJQ'I 1. Chald. noun masc, pi. of [Njn'n] d. 8 a. nm R. Jn see an
Eie. 24.5. ' Jos. 22. 27. *Mi.4. * Ps. 118. 13.
» IS.5S.8.
Da. 6. 19. P Est. 8. 14. Da. 7. 7,
' Is. 38. 12. * Am. 1.3. ' Ps. .S5. 5. Est. 3, 15.
19. ' Ju.2. 18. ' Pr. 27. 27.
'I».51.9. / Job 9. 8. Le.
t Da. 2. 31. I
Ps. 118, 13. Mai,
13, 2. " Ps, 36. 13. 3, 10. / Je. 16. 16.
n2:n-pm CL nSi-pnn

doors, gates. — II. leaves or valves of gates. — III. jiDp'n {weeper?) pr. name of a son of Haman,
leaves or columns of a roll or book, Je. 36. 23. Est. 9. 7.

'•p'n masc. bucket, Is. 40. 15. ^"V, {shedding tears) pr. name of a son of

name m.




of several persons.
24. 7, see

"I v'TD
Lord has delivered)'
analyt. order.

Nahor, Ge. 22. 22.

'"I noun sing. masc. .... ^?T

n'hl f. only pi. nV^T (§ 39, 4. rem. 1) boughs,


pret. 3 pers. sing. fem.

name masc. .... . . . ^?1


Kal inf. abs. . . . rhi

Lp7*^J fut- Pc'^.\- — '• '" burn, consume, const, with 2.

Kal pret. 3 pers. pi. . . . hhi II. applied metaph. to the affections of the mind;

id. pret. 1 pers. pi. . . . bhi Pr. 26. 23 D^i??''! Djnsb' burning lips, i. e. pro-

1 adj. fem., pi. of n?'^ dec. 10, from 71 masc. bhl fessing ardent love; to bum with anguish, Ps. 10.

2; const, with ^"HnX to pursue ardently. Hiph. to

Piel pret. 1 pers. sing. bhl
kindle, infame.
p2''\ Chald. to bum. Da. 7. 9.
to trouble or disturb water by trampling in it,
T\\^y[ fem. burning fever, De. 28. 22.
Eze. 32. 2, 13.
•pbl Chald. Peal part. act. sing. masc. . . p?T
'•1 pr. name masc. ; -1 bef. . , . t\?l
'•"IpS^T 1 Kal pret. 3 pers. pi. . . . p^T
•1 pr. name masc; -1 id. . . . tl/T
"D^ppT Kal part. act. masc, pi. of [p.?"'!] dec. 7b. p7T
Piel imp. pi. m., R. rhl (§ 24. r. 13 note) or bhl
"•13p7''J Kal pret. 3 pers. pi., suff. 1 pers. pi. . p7T
') noun fem. pi., suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc. [fr.
IT •
"np?"'! Kal pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. p?T

. .

n''^'=J § 39, 4. rem, 1] . . . . nhl

noun fem.
.... ??T
fT\P'\ ''1 sing., constr. of T\v'\ dec. 10.
pr. name fem. 77T
"1 adj. masc, pi. of 71 dec. 8 d. . . 7?T
'717"^ noun fem. sing. (q. v.) \w1

defect, for VflV^'n rhl nin^l id. pi., constr. of the foil. (§ 44. rem. 1) H^l
(q. v.) . . .

• IT ' •
Piel pret. 2 pers. sing, masc, suflF. 1 pers. s. Twl n'lD/'l^'-l id. pi. abs. st.

'Dn"'riinp1 \
radical; -I

id. pi., suff.


3 pers. pi. masc.

5) H treated as if

pret. •l'?^"^ and -1^ (§ 18. rem. 13); imp. •V^'H (but

see § 24. r. 13 note). — I. to hang down. — II. to be

'l^niripT "'1 id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.

languid, be weakened, feeble. Niph. to be brought ''Xbl 1 'd- du., constr. of [H^'H] dec. 1 1 a. (for \
low, be reduced. comp. § 44. rem. 1) .

''^Tpl id. du., suff. 1 pers. sing.

?1 m. pi. Dy"^, f. ni?"^ adj. lotv, weak, poor. .

n?"! fem. dec. 10. — I. thin thread, spoken of n^n?''!

T IV T :
id. du.,' suff. 3 pers.
^ ^ fem.

the threads or thrums which tie the web to the y^^n?"'] id. du., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc.

weaver's beam. —
head, Ca. 7.6.


Is. 38. 12.

III. lowness,

{languishing, languid)
II. hair or locks of the



name fem. a
"frh"^. id. du. (Kh. T-n^*?); K. ^rh'^_
2 pers. sing. masc. .... sing., suff.

paramour of Samson. .J'Ji' . > id. du., absolute state; -1 bef., . .

•V.TT : J
Kal pret. 3 pers. pi. . . . . 77*7 '••rih?! suff. pers. sing, from 07*5 n7T
id. pi., 1 (q. v.)

1 (j)lace of gourds, Chald. T\yb'l a gourd) Vnh/'^ id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . H?*!

Jos. 15.38.
of a city in the tribe of Judah,



Kal imp.
noun masc.
constr. state



d. 2 a; for

see lett. 1 D"tK
[^^11 I. to drop, drip, Ec. 10. 18. — II. to shed tears, to

weep. !• T\l2r\ to be or become like,' to resemble,' const, with ?,' 7X.

IT T ; V
P|7'1 masc. rain-drop, Pr. 19. 13; 27. 15. ^-4 Niph. to become like, to resemble, const, with 3,

•Ex. 2. 19.
^jnDi-nJbn CLII
dso with ace. Pi. — I. to liken, compare, with ?,?*?. «n^p^ Piel pret. 2 pers. sing. masc.
— II. to imagine think, meditate; 2 Sa. 2[.5 ''1 Kal pret. 1 pers. sing. .

^3? ntS'l meditated against us, sc. destruction. Piel pret. 1 pers. sing. . rtDn
Hithp. fut. I pers. TllZl^ (for n^^inx) to become id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. .

like, Is. 14. 14.

n [nU-\j I. to be dumb, silent, quiet. — II. meton. to re- 'DSD-n

i» ; •

duce to silence, to destroy. Niph. to be destroyed,

cut off. [CPU

nO'T Chald. to be like,' similar,
IT :

D"! masc. likeness, similitude, so according to

some in Eze. 19. 10.

~^sl n-ICn fem. dec. 1 a. — I. similitude, likeness. — II.

model, pattern, 2 Ki. i6. 10. — III. adv. as, like. Is.

13.4; so n-IDnS Ps. 58.5.

"•O"!, ^P'n mjisc. silence, quiet, rest.

jVP"^ masc. dec. lb, likeness, Ps. 17. 12.

noun m. s., sufF. 3 pers.
s. fem. fr. W^T d. 2a. DIN
•nD"n Ch. Peal part. act. sing. masc. (§ 47. rem. 4) nOT
npT "-1 Kal imp. sing, masc; -1 bef.
'nS'l Piel pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . . ni3T
^DT ') n. m. s., suff. 3 pers. s. m. from D'^l d. 2 a. D^N DOT
*-1b'n Kal pret. 3 pers. pi. . HDT
•IS^ Kal pret. 3 pers. pi. [for -IDTj .

/•1©T Piel pret. 3 pers. pi. .

'•IST '1. Kal imp. pi. masc.

n-1DT '-l noun fem. sing. dec. 1 a ; •"!
bef. , ,

* V3T 1 Kal imp. sing. fem. ; for 1 see lett. 1


"1 n. m.


noun masc.

n. m., pi. constr. of


I pers.

s. from

dec. 2 a;

dec. 2 a.

'n^jp't Chald. Peal part. sing, fem., of iip'T masc.

(§ 47. rem. 4) HOI

• IT l\
defect, for n*D-n
noun fem.

° . DH
n. m. pi.,
3 pers.
s. fem. from D1T d. 2 a. DIN
Dn'*P"1 id., sufF. 3 pers. pi. masc. . . , DIN
VJ3T ""} id., sufF. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . DIN
•ti'^D-J! id. (Kh. ''I^P'n), suflF. 2 pers. sing, masc, K.

y?1 (q. V.)' DIN

'"njP'l id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. . . . DHN
D'pi pr. name, see D^P'1 DSN . . , DSN
D''P'J "! noun masc, pi. of D'H dec. 2a. . . D^N
s-IJ^P"!! Kal pret. 1 pers. pi HDl
'•'i:^P"7 Piel pret. 1 pers. pi HDI
'lyp'l noun masc. sing., suflf. 3 pers. sing. masc.

from [frp'^] dec. lb. . . . HDT

'n*P^ Kal pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. . T\'01
^rpT-pro-T CLIII *jipi-nDi
sometimes pP'D")'!, p^JS-n (Syriac or- Kal inf. constr. (§ 20. r. 3) or subst.
' VVT - yT
pens*! '1( thography) pr. name — I. Damascus, i 'V fem. dec. 13 a;' for 1
see lett..1/

the metropolis of Syria on the river Chry- id. inf.jsufif. 1 p. s. [for ^ny.l comp. § 35.r.5] yn*
sorrhoas. — II. concrete for Damascene, id. subst., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. yn*
Ge. 15.2. 1 id. id., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem.

pK'p'n (in many MSS. pb'D"^) damask, 1 id. id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. y*T
silk cloth made at Damascus, Am. 3. 12.

Kal pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. . . HDT Root not used ; Arab, to thrust, push. Hence
IT ; rr IT T
Chald. emph. n^"! pron. demonstr. com. gen. this, /-/
[for '•Q'^l §35. rem. 14] stroke,ruin,destmcf'nn,
that ; n3*]3 like thii, such ; as this, thus ; HJ"'} /J? nsT
Ps. 50. 20. . . . . .

thereupon, therefore ; nJ") ^'inX afterwards.

'\ pr. name of a man and a tribe (see also

I. to beat, knock, Ca. 5. 2. — II. to drive, overdrive,
jni lett. 1) in Ge. ^^. 13. Hithp. to knock, Ju. 19. 22.
Kal pret. 3 p. s. m. (Je. 22. 16); or part. act. ' pT
npD''I {cattle-driving) pr. name of a station of
defect, for '?S*3"1 (q. v.) . . JH the Israelites in the desert, Nu. 33. 12.

•1 Kal pret. 3 pers. pi. with suff. 3 pers. pi.

Root not used ; whence masc. ; -1 bef. ptn

r T ,

JJIl masc. wax.

Kal pret. 3 pers. masc. or adj. masc. sing, pi^'l
nn- IT
1 pr. name of a town in the tribe of Judah,

Jos. 15.49. adj., fem. of the preceding . . . ^p"^

*'-1 Chald. pron. demon, com. emph. of [J*!!] ]1 '•Ip-l Chald. Peal pret. 3 pers. pi. masc. [for •Ip'H] p\>'^

pr. name of a town in Edom, Ge. 36.32; "\ adj. fem., pi. of nj?! d. 10, from p"! masc. pp'i

1 Ch. 1.43- •
(i. q. Chald. NPp'l palm-tree) pr. name of a
IT 1;

I" • IT

pret. 3 pers. pi.

name masc.
pret. 3 p. sing,

.... .

sufiF. I

pers. sing.
. ])1

district in Arabia,

pret. plJ, fut. pT. —

Ge. 10. 27.

I. to beat or giind small, — II.

•r T
Vi Kal, or (Da. 6. 16) Ch. Peal, imp. sing."| intrans. to be beaten or ground small, Ex. 32. 20 ;

'ij masc. (§ 20. rem. 1) .

-J De. 9. 21. Hiph. pTH to heat small, break in

noun fem. sing. dec. 10, from 3^"^ masc. . yT" pieces ; inf. plH adv. very small, fine, and so plQ}
Kal imp. sing. masc. (V"^) with parag. H (§ 20. (§ 18. r. 10). Hoph. to be ground small. Is. 28. 28.

rem. 1 & 3) . . . . . VT ppy] Ch. to be beaten, broken in pieces. Da. 2. 35.

id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. (comp. § I6.r. 12) J/T Aph. p''},'], fut. p'nn, p"nri to beat or grind small.
'1 id. imp. pi. masc. ;
^ _
. . VT" p'^, fem. np'n adj. — I. small, thin, fine, hence as

(invocation of God ; PIVT Arab, to invoke) pr. a subst. small dust. — II. slender, thin, withered.

name masc, called also ^X-iyi, comp. Nu. pM masc. thin, fine cloth. Is. 40. 22.

7. 42, with 2. 14.

noun fem., pi. of H^'l dec. 10. . . yi* [ipl] to thrust through, to pierce. Niph. to be thrust
Kal imp. sing, fem.; -1 bef. . . yT" through. Is. 13. 15. Pu. to be thrust through
noun masc sing, from y^. dec. 1 a. (§ 36. r. 2) yi* metaph. by want. La. 4. 9.

id. p!., absolute state . . yi^ "^P/}. i*^

stabbing) pr. name masc. 1 Ki. 4.9.

nnpir? fem. pi. constr. (fr. n^j^lD or

to go out, be extinguished, as a light ; trop. to be piercings of the sword, Pr. 12. 18.

destroyed. Niph. to become extinct, of water to be -ip3. pr. name masc. JPT
dried up. Job 6. 17. Pu. to be quenched, destroyed, Kal pret. 3 pers. pi. [for np-^ § 8. r. 7] . npn
Ps. 118. 12. •T id. id., suff. 3 pers. sing, masc; 1 bef.
imp. sing, masc, suff. pers. sing. npn
... •<y\pi id. 1
Kal pret. 3 pers. pi ']V1 : B

Pual pret. 3 pers. pi. lyT •1 id. pret. 3 pers. pi., suff. 3 p. s. m.; -1 bef. npT
1 —.1 (:)

\^^-T\pl CLIV

•ri)?! 1 adj. fern., pi. of ni5"n d. 10, from pl m. ppl as if from '^*Tt). — I. a going, way, journey;
"nIT 1

IT '1


noun masc.
defect, for
noun masc.


(q. v.)

° . . "Ill



a day's journey

way, path
"Jl^n <o g-o one's

"^"IT HK'y

iray ;

'^^ king's high-




l^'lXn to go the way of all the earth, i. e. to die.

I •?
Root not used ; Arab, to excite evil. — III. mode, manner, custom ; ^IKrivS '•I^'i!?

masc, Nos. & after the manner of all the earth, i. e. all mankind.
pj^'J'n constr. fW^/l (§ 32. 1 2)

abhorrence, contempt, Da. 12. 2. Also ^TTjp masc. place trodden upon, footing, De. 2. 5.

fiyrn (for fiy^'^.) m. abhorrence. Is. 66. 24. I

n. com. sing. d. 6 a. (§ 35. r. 2)

'\, for 1 see lett. 1 .

] f

"Jj ,

J j M Root not used ; Arab, to be pointed. ' '1 Kal part. act. sing. masc. dec. 7 b. . "TTl

pSI/n only in pi. nUS^'T goads, Ec. 12. 11. Kal pret. 3 pers. sing. fern. . . , '\y^
IT :iT

p"!'^ masc. goad, 1 Sa. 13.21. noun com. s., suff. 3 p. s. f. from "i]")/}^ d. 6 a. "^lil

J ] "T Root not used ; Arab, to ascend by steps.


pers. sing.

id. pi., suff.

suff., Kh.
13' 3 pers.

3 p. sing. masc. K. V3' (§ 4.

s. m., K.



nyrijp tem. steep place, precipice,Ca.. 2.14 ; Eze.
P'\ Kal pret. 3 pers. pi 1"n
38. 20. I :iT
?'1 n. com. s., suff. 3 p. s. m. from ^^"1 d.6a. yTt
y'n'll 1 {pearl of wisdom ; "1*1 Arab, pearl) pr.
'nb-ii. Kal part. pass, fem., pi. from n3-1"T^ (q. v.) "XM
name masc. 1 Ki. 5. 11, called y']'^ 1 Ch.
noun com. pi. constr. from "sj^/^ dec. 6 a. *]ni

T'T'l'l 1
2. 6.

noun masc. sing. .... id. sing., suff. I pers. sing. . . . ^IT


Kal part. pass.

noun masc.
fern. sing. dec.

sing, [for DT^'l]

1 0, [from '^)1'^

/- T

I" :

> id. pi., suff.


part. act. pi. constr.

pers. sing. .

m. from




*1^^T ' '•"!

noun masc. sing. ; -1 bef.
n. com. pi., suff. 3 pers. s. f. from "tj"]"^ d. 6a. "]"T7

/nC-m. Kal part. pass. fern. sing, (see the foil.)

id. pi., suff. 3 pers. pi. m. . . . TlT
masc, '•I id. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing, masc; -1 bef. , "yTf
id. pi. of ["^^-^r] dec. 3 a.. IT T :

n\ii defect, for nHl (q. v.) -in

> id. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. "yUl
1 ^
pr. name Darius. — I. Darius the Mede,' i.e.
. .

Cyaxares, comp. Da. 6. i. — II. Darius

''1 id. pi., suff. 2 pers. sing, masc; •"!
bef. ^
. "]"n

id. pi., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. . .

Hystaspis, king of Persia, comp. Hag. i.i.

— III. Darius Nothus, king of Persia, Ne. id. dual, absolute state (as if from "^1"^'^) . *l"n
id. pi., absolute state . . .

Kal part. act. masc, pi. of '^'}/l dec. 7 b. . 1^1

I* : I

noun com. pi., suff. 1 pers. pi. from "^"nT d. Ga. "^n
to tread upon any thing ; with 11 to tread, e. g. a id. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. for ^3' . "]"n

way ; hence to tread in or upon, to enter ; with id. sing., suff. 2 pers. sing. fem. . I'll

IP to tread forth, come forth, out of a place ; me- id. pi., suff. 2 pers. s. masc defect, for ^''3' Tn
taph. to tread down enemies ; D/T, HI 'ij'T.'l to id. sing., suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. . . TIT
tread the wine-press ; T\'^l, \^l '"'I, to tread the id. sing, suff., 3 pers. pi. masc. . . Til
grapes, the olives ; n^'|5 '"T to bend the bow ; and
masc. pi. darics, a Persian coin.
meton. W'iri H to bend the arrows, for, the bow.
Hiph. — I. to cause to tread, go, walk, to lead. — '

•"133"il n. com. s., suff. 1 pers. pi. from '^'}/}, d. 6 a. "pTl

II. i.

a threshing-floor

tongue, like a
q. Kal to tread a way, to walk in

; metaph.
; to tread
to tread

down enemies.
it ;

or bend the
to tread Kal
id. pret.
pret. 2 pers. sing. masc.

1 pers. sing. .... . . . "l^T


pr. name, see pK^S'1.

^n'n com. dec. 6 a, with suff. *2"1'1 (Du. D)?"]^.

jtj^-T-j^-n CLV \ii^i-r\pi

Chald. Heb. J?nT the arm. Da.

') id. part. act. sing. masc. dec. 7 b. . K'll
i. q. 2. 32.

J?"1"7N Chald. id. with prosthetic K Ezr. 4. 23. id. pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. . . . ^Tf
id. pret. 3 pers. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. tJ^ll
*y"l'lN, in pause ^^Tli? {strong, mighty; Simonis,
for ^V") TIS /ar^e pasture) pr. name. — I. of the
j- id. pret. 3 pers. pi. (§ 8. rem. 7) . . l^'il
metropolis of Bashan, afterwards belonging to the

tribe of Manasseh.
Naphtali, Jos. 19. 37.
— II. of a town in the tribe of id. inf., suff.


id. imp.
id. pret.

3 p.
3 pers. sing. masc.

pi., suff.
3 p. s. m.

; I bef.

y"n 1 pr. name, for VT^, see y^lT ^.^

id. id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . . CJ'TT

**n^Sm. -1 Chald. n. com. pi., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc.
id. id., suff. 1 pers. pi. . . . . CIT
from [J?")'^] dec. la J?-n
id. imp. pi. masc, suff. 1 pers. sing. . CHT
f^P'VL P""'
name masc. Ezr. 2. 56.
'"! id. part. act. pi. c. masc. from Ji'"}/! d. 7 b. t^*'^^

id. id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . B^IT

*11j? Root not used ; Arab, to fly round, cogn. HH ,
IT : I

id. id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . t^lT

<o radiate ; fo ^ow freely.
id. pret. 3 pers. pi. . . . . K'lT
"1"^ m. Est. 1 . 6, pearl ; others, mother of pearl,
id. id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. . l^"l*7
or some kind of alabaster resembling it.
id. pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. l^Ti
"lIT'l m. — I. swallow. — 11. a spontaneous flowing,
by conv.
. . .

riK>in 1 id. id. ; acc. shifted \ (§ 8 r. 7) tJ'Tl

— -

Eze. 30. 23. III. liberty.
DITn m. (for D'I'^'I) the south, the southern > id. pret. 1 pers. sing. B'Tl
quarter. Poet, for the south wind. Job 37. 17.
"Win 1 id. id. ; acc. shifted by conv. 1 (§ 8. r. 7) ^Tl
y^rn ^- bramUes ; others, weeds, as growing
id. pret., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. . . C'lT
noun masc. with pi. fem. term, and suff.

2 pers. pl. masc. from "IH dec. 1 a. . Ill

tJ^*11 fut. JJ^TIV — I. to seek unto, visit or frequent, e. g.
id. with suff. 1 pers. pl. . . . "IH
I" I

a place, const, with the ace. of the place or person, '^1 Kal pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . . K'n
with ?X, ?. — II. to seek, search for, with an ace.
of the thing ; with "IPIX to seek after. — III. to ask,

inquire, especially to inquire of or consult an oracle,

l^tQ to spring, sprout forth, Joel 2. 22. Hiph. to send

forth grass, Ge. i. 11.

the Lord ; to inquire about any thing, with ace, 7 ;
i^K''! masc. tender grass, young herbage.
with ?y of the person of whom, and the thing

Oyp, nSp,


made (2 Ch. 31. 9)
of the person through
noun masc.
part. fem. sing, [for HLJ^'n

sing. .... from CH masc] £^'11


whom God is consulted. —IV. to ask for, demand I : IT

Kal pret. 3 pers. pl. . . . Kl^T

back, require, with the ace. of the thing and

with IP, Dyp, liJ2, m^ of person; 0"^ l^^l, I to grow fat, De. 31. 20. Pi. — 1. to make fat,

"T*P, Dyp to require the blood of any one, i. e. to Pr. 15. 30. — II. to anoint, Ps. 23. 5. — III. to regard
punish bloodshed. — ^V, to seek, apply oneself unto, as fat, an offering, i. e. acceBt_it, Ps. 20. 4. —IV.
to promote ; 'B Dh/K* KH't to promote the welfare denom. of jK^'H. to remove the ashes. Pu. to be

of any one ; "ip){ HK'^"'! applieth herself to wool made fat, be abundantly satisfied, Hothpa. |K'"nn

hence to care for, regard. Niph. — I. to be sought for l^^^nn (§ 6. No. 10 note) to be besmeared

for, I Ch. 26. 31. — 11. pass, of Kal No. III., with with fat. Is. 34. 6.

*?.— III. pass, of Kal No. IV., Ge. 42. 22. jK^'n adj. masc. dec. 5a. — I. fat, of soil ; of trees,

{J'Tip m.d.2h,commentary, 2Ch. 13. 22 ; 24. 27. full of sap. — II. rich, opulent, Ps. 22. 30.


id. inf.


3 pers.

imp. sing. masc. for CJh'n (§8. rem. 18)


m. for K'TT (§ 8. r. 7) B'm
J^T masc.
ness,fat ;
dec. 6a.

troTp. fertility.

from the victims consumed upon the

(with suff.

II. ashes,
^JK''^.).— I. fat-

especially those


'&^i id. inf. constr C'ln

•l" T
adj. masc. sing. dec. 5 a. . . . IK'T

' Da. 2. 32. <'Pr.31.13. <^P».78. 84. * Am.5.4. "Ps.9. a. ' Eze. 34. 10, 11. « Le. 23. 43. • 1Ch. 21. 20. » Joel 2. 22.
aCh.17.4. ' Zep. 1.6. « Je. 8. 2. ' Vs. 69. 33. •P8.84.6. ^Ps. 119. 10. 'Jos. 22. 28. <Je.50. U. 'Ii.SO. 23.
De. 22. 3. '2Ch.S6.6. 1«. 66. 10. "2Ch.U-<5-
^pinrKn-jt:^n CLVI Drnn^n-je^T

ir3 noun masc. sing. dec. 6a. (§ 35. rem. 2, Chald. masc. emph. i^XO'l tender grass, i. q. Heb.
,} but comp. *3K'''J) ; for 1 see lett Vi mi. Da. 4. 12, 20.
\Sn ') pr. name masc, for pti'n

'1 Chald. noun fem. emph. of T\l dec. 1 b. m
*^3B>T 1 Piel pref. 1 pers. pi. . . .

pi IT-; IT
Chald. noun masc. pi. emph. of [ISJT'J] . m
*\3B''1 adj. masc. pi., constr. of |t^^ dec. 5a.
"I noun fem. s., suff. 3 pers. s. m. fr. TT'l dec. 1 a.
<'''3K''n noun m. s., sufF. 1 pers. s. from |tJ''n dec. 6a, pi Heb. & Chald. id. pi. construct state . m
•D\3B'"=1 adj. masc., pi. of l^"! dec. 5a. pi I"

(two wells, Chald. r\l a well) Ge. 37. 17,

/FlJ^T Piel pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. pi
contracted \r\l 2 Ki. 6. 13, pr. name of a
'^'ritJ'"! \ Kal. pret. 1 pers. sing. ; ace. shifted to ult,
place in the north of Samaria.
by conv. ) (§ 8. rem. 7.) 1^)1
id. with local H
'on^rn noun fem.
') fem. dec.

& Chald.

(but also r\l construct, and jbril)
I. law, statute. — II. edict, decree.
IV IT ••

dec. la.
pi., suflf.

id. sing., sufF.

3 pers.

2 pers. pi.

masc. from Til

m. dec. 1 b.
l^r\l Chald. masc. judge or lawyer, pi. emph. '1 pr. name of one of the conspirators with
Knarrn Da. 3. 2, 3. Korah

'H (followed by dag. forte) before letters not guttu- n before letters not guttural ; rarely followed by dag.
ral, as D"lDn ; — H (Pattah lengthened into Kamets) forte, like the article, especially before sheva
before the gutturals and 1 ; but invariably so before (comp. |5?n Ge. 17. 17, ri3n3n 37. 32) ; n before

K and n,' as DK^XH,

T T T '
• T '
^^"in,' tJ'Xhn
before gutturals, as "J]?Xn ; H before gutturals having

n and n only in the monosyllabic words, *inn kamets, as ^SbXH, pTPin ; a sign of interrogation.

\ TITT,"
"T (n^snn,
^ T|"T'
''nn ce. 6. 19;
"T -'
I. of direct interrogation ; Job 2. 3, "^3,7 HOK'n
before ]} not having kamets for its vowel, as 31'X ^''Iliy/SI hast thou considei'ed my servant Job?

TJjy.n, T'yn, or having kamets in a monosyllabic,

— II. in indirect interrogation, whether , De. 13. 4,
or dissyllabic word vnth the accent on the penult, to know n'^n^nX D'^nnX D3K')n whether ye love

as —
Dyn, ^)}1; n (not followed by dag. forte) the Lord.

before H and fl where dag. is said to be implied

{dag. forte implicitum, occultum), as X-inn, "i]?nn, t^n Chald. inteij. lo I behold I Da. 3. 25.

"^fnn, TTnn ; before y only in Q-'^iVl, r\2pr\, Xn Heb. & Chald. id. Ge. 47. 23 ; Eze. 16. 43 ;

Pr. 2. 13, 17, "'iP'iyn Ge. 10. 17, D^llVI Is. 59. 10.
i Da. 2. 43.
in which the best copies agree ; —H (dag. forte «nxn pref. n for -H X noun masc. sing. irr. (§45) 3X
impl.) before a guttural having kamets, especially •mnxn IT •• -; IT
pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. . ^3X
before n, as D3nn, ^^nn, Jnn, '•nn; before n /nnnxnT I : I
pref. id. X Kal part. act. fem. pi. from JTl^'X
and y only in polysyllabic words, as D''"inn, dec. 13 a. (§ 8. rem. 19) . , 12X
pyn, Onyn;
-T V' 't't V •^V '
the Hebrew article. ?nnnxn
pref. id. X id. masc, pi. of T^X dec. 7 b. . 13N
r : I

I. prop. pron. demonstr. this; DVn this day; Tiinxn pref. id. X id. fem. sing. dec. 13 a. . 13X
Oysn this time. — II. for the definite article the. — 1/j Hiph.pret. 2 pers. sing, masc; ace. shifted]

III. for the indefinite article, a ; DVH on a day,

by conv. 1 (§ 8. rem. 7, & § 13. rem. 10) J
once. Comp. our expression, <« on a certain day ; *rnnxn
,. ,-
"I id. pret. 1 pers. sing. ; ace shifted to ult.

a certain man," in which there is both definiteness by conv. ) (comp. id.) . . . *73X
and indefiniteness. — IV. for the vocative ; "^^^H
'Tp1?^P 1 id. id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. (comp. id.) IQX
king. —V. pron. relat. who, which, XID/'nn who "•q^mnxn \ id. id., sufiT. 2 pers. sing. fem. (comp. id.) 13X
had gone, Jcs. 10. 24; Hyyn that which is above 'Drn'nxn
IT - -: I- ;
1 id. id. 2 pers. sing, masc, suff. 3 pers.

her, 1 Sa. 9. 24. pi. masc. (comp. id.) . . . Tit'

" P». 63. 6.

*nnT«n-n"ii«n CLVIl *^'^T^<n~t^^

ni3i<n "1 pref. n for n Y noun masc. with fern. term. n'pnxn
IT v: T
pref. id. X id. wi^h local n . . . •pnx

from 3X irr. (§ 45) 3X »»!?nxn pref. id. X id., suff. 1 pers. sing. . ^nx
r T:ia5iT
nnxn pref- id. X noun masc. with pi. fern. term, 'Dn-ixn pref. id. X noun masc, pl. of ^•'1X dec. 1 a. . mx
from sis dec. la. . ... SIX Tixn pref. id. X Kal part. act. sing. masc. dec. 7 b. n-'X

•D^n^aSn pref. id. X noun m., pi. of [n'':i)3t<] dec. 1 a. "b^ixn pref. id. X (prim, adj.), noun m. sing. dec. 1 a. ^ix
3*^^?^ pref. id. X name of a month. nnx '"^pix'n pref. n interr. for n X Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. bx
*n^3Xn Hiph. inf. construct nnx /"pn-ixn pref. id. X Hoph. fut. 1 pers. sing. ^n>
'^^3^<l^ \ id. pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. •73X ob-ixn '1 pref. n for -n X noun masc. sing., dec. 8a. ^ix
'"n^ZlXn id. inf , smf. 3 pers. sing. masc. dec. lb. nnx ^nxn
pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 6g. px
*P''3tj!n pref. H for -11
X adj. noun m. s. dec. 1 b. nnx *E|''pixn
pref. n interr. for Q X Hiph. fut. 1 pers. s. fjO*
'^nsVllXn pref. id. X noun fem. sing. nnx 'plpixn
^D^aVasn 1 pref. id. X adj. masc, pi. of jV^X; dec. 1 a. nnx *n"'sixn pref. n for -n X Kal part. act., pl. of nSX d.9a. nSX
*n33Sn pref. H interr. for H X Kal fut. I pers. sing, nna |Qixn
pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 8a & d. )DX
bnxn pref. n for -n X n. m. s. dec. 6b. (§ 35. rem. 6) bx
vDXn pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 2b. D'-SDixn "I pref. id. X id. pl., absolute state . . |SX
*''n75.'^n Hiph. pret. 1 pers. sing. bx nvix'n pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 2 b. . ")VX

pSn "I pref. n X n. fem. s. (suff. IjnX)

for -n dec. fi a. px '«nnvixn pref. id. X id. with pl. fem. term., constr. st. "IXX

'DJlXn pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. la. "I'lxn ""I pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. la. . 11X
D''33Xn "I pref. id. X noun fem., pi. from pX (suff. 1 pref. id. X Kal part, act., pl. of nniX d. 7 b. 3")X

1J2X) dec. r>a px Dn;"ix'n pref. id. X noun masc, pl. of ["I-1X] dec. la. IIX
D*31Xn pref. id. X noun fem., dual of [p'X] dec. f>c. px nHixn

IT :i ;iT
pref. id. X Kh. n^niX, K. Wn^il pr. name m. pX
""llXn pref. id. X noun masc. sing. 13X -nixnT I
pref. id. X noun com. sing. dec. la. . niX
"•JJXn pref. id. X gent, noun masc. from 32X J3X p^nixn pref. n interr. for n X as if from [mX] with
«D"'?33Xn pref. id. X noun masc. pi. of D5X dec. 8. DiX suff. 1 pers. sing., see nX sign of the accu. JlX

•nijaXn pref. id. X noun masc. with pi. fem. term.

> pref. n for -n X noun masc. sing. . . 3TX
from ]5X dec. lb. . px
'n^llXn pref. id. X »oun fem. sing. dec. 13 a. 13X pref. id. X noun masc. sing. "ITK

''O^nXn pref. id. X gent, noun masc. from DHX mx •tnxn

Hiph. pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. (§ 13. r. 10) jTX
I'nxn pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 3 a. 'Pjxn
pref. id.

I'X pref. id.

pref. id.



X noun. masc. sing.

pi. of I'l'^X dec.

sing., pL D'lSlX

dec. 8 c.
b. TTX

imp. sing. masc. with parag.


id. pret.
imp. pl.

3 pers. pl.
.... n |TX


(§ 37. Nos. 2 & 3) . D"tX "^pnxn 1 id. imp. sing. fem. (comp. § 13. rem. 10) JTX

T IT -: IT
"^ id. X n. fem.
s. dec. He (§ 42. r. 1) DIX 'niTxn pref. n interr. n X Kal fut. 1 pers. sing.

"p'lXn pref. id. X gent, noun masc. from DIX . D1X ^.jxn pref. n for n X U^r 7TX] pr. name see pX px.
|hXn pref. id.

pref. id.

1 pref. id.
X noun masc.
X 'd- pl-

X noun masc.
sing. dec. 3 a.


(constr. ^JIX)

Hiph. imp.

9. &
§ 25.

for -n


X pr- name masc.

fem. [for n33.rxn § 17. rem.

. . .

r a IT :

from [pX] dec. 6a. px y-in*2Txn 1 Hiph. pret. 3 pers. pl. ; a mixed form from

'ynXn pref. n interr. Pt X Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. the Chald. •in''3TX, and Heb. -in^iTn TOT
"J^'TnXn pref. id. X Niph. inf. absolute [for C^'I'^^nn] 1 id. pret. 2 pers. sing, masc, ace shifted to
' nilXn pref. n for -n X n. fem. s. (suff. WIIX.) d. 1 3 a. -nx ult. by conv. 1 (§ 8. rem. 7. & § 13. rem. 10) JTX
nanXnT pref.
'^ id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. . nnx «D''i5TXn [for D"'i5TXn] pref. n; noun masc. pl. of
IT -: 1-

> na-inxn pref. id. X Kal part. pass. fem. from 2-inX m. nnx [prX] dec. 8 b P?^
'b'nxn Kheth. hn'iin q. v.. Ken H^Xn
V T (q. v.) n^x niTxn pref. n for -n X noun masc. sing. dec. 2 b. n-iT
• •/!•• T V T »

Sn'XnT ") pref. nT for -n X n. m. s. d. 6.(§ 35. r. 9) ^nx pref. id. X patronym. masc, from H^TX mi
V I :

•Nu.H.5. * Is. 41. 17.

» 2 Ki. 10. 19.
' Nu.24.19.
' Oe. 15.7,9.
£c. 12. 5.
msxn-riNn CLVIII hi^T]-riNn

nNn interj. of joy or scorn, aha ! ^7.?J?.''?'? P''^'"- C for D Xpatronym. m. from "iTy^nX (q.v.) nX
HD^Xn pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. P]*X
TlXn pref. n for 'H X noun fem. sing. . . nni<

*"I^Xn 1 Hiph. pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. *11X

»inxn Kh. inxn q.v. k. nnsi (q. v.) . . nnx . .

m*Xn id. imp. sing. masc. with parag. H . TlX
^^S1^ '\ pref. for -n X num. card.masc. irr. (§ 45) IPtX
'nTXn id. pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. "11X
• mnxn pref. id. X noun fem. sing. . . . nj<
. . .

•ITiXn id. pret. 3 pers. pl *11X

pref. id.

Niph. imp.
X Kal part.

for -n
pi. masc.

X Kal
p. s.

m. for T-inX dec. 3 a.

part. pass. fem. pi. from



'\ noun masc.
Chald. pref. H
sing. dec. la.

interr. for Q X


. EJ'^X

with suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. JT'X

MnK masc. dag. f. euph. . . . TPIX
. .

''^p.^>3 pref. n id. X Hiph. fut. 1 pers. sing. . n33

*nnXn X patronym. masc. from ninX
pref. id. . nPlX
/n."'nKn pref. n Interr. for H X Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. riTI
y^nXn pref. n interr. for H, Q X Kal inf. abs. . ^3X
'n^''3Xn pref. n for -n X noun fem^ sing. ^DX
X noun masc. 2 pers. .
1 DD''^^?^ pref. id. pi., suff. pl. .

masc. from nX irr. (§ 45) . . nX "•inypXn Hiph. imp. sing, masc, suff. 3 pers. sing. m. PDX
^pn'^nxn pref. nfor-nXpatronym.m.fromOTnX (q.v.) HX *-in/>''3Xn ) id. imp. pl. masc, suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. ?DX
"inxn pref. id. X adj. masc. sing. irr. (§ 45) . inX 75'Xn n m. ^3X
"I pref. for -H X Kal part. act. s. d. 7 b.
l^nxn *"| pref. id.
X adj. masc. sing. dec. lb. . "inX
Pp'Xn pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 6 c. . ?DX
^pxri Niph. inf. abs b^X
'•in?pXn 1 Hiph. imp. pl. masc, suff. 3 pers. sing. m. 73X
JTinXn pref. id. X adj. fem. s. from "inx m. irr. (§ 45) "inX
DvD'Xn pref. n for -n X Kal part. act. masc, pl. of
*D'J3"}1K'riXn *'1 pref. id.
X noun masc. pl. of QS'] Tltj'nX

nnK^nxn pref. id. X pr. name masc. . . . TltJ'nX "75'Xdec7b ^3X

'Q^nn;J'nNn n.^DXn pref. id. X id. sing. fem. (§ 8. rem. 19) ^3X
X noun masc, pl. of [|T] nriK'nX .
pref. id.

rinXn '11 pref. id. X num. card. fem. [for JTinX]"! ''^n^Dxn -)

Hiph. pret. 1 pers. sing. (§ 13. r. 9 & 10) 73X

nnxn J
from im m.for
comp. HX §45) J

^t3X^ pref. id. X pr- name of a place . . HDX •^'^^|i>/'?"?i?,D ] id. id., suff. 2 pers. s. m. & fem. (§ 13
*7^Xn pref. Id. X noun masc. sing. . . 1DX rem. 9 & 10)
^'T'P^P^p ))
"D^JSXn pref. id. X noun masc, pl. of t3X dec. 8e. . CDX ''D^ri^pXn *! id. id., suff. 3 pers. pl. masc. (§ 13. r. 9 & 10) ^3X
"•niOtSXn pref. id. X Kal part. pass. pl. fem. from
'Dn?5.'i?'!1 id. pret. 2 pers. sing, masc, suff. 3 pers. pl. m. 7DX
[D-IDX] masc Dt3X
''^0 *"1 pref. n for -n X noun masc. sing. dec. la. ?1X
•Xn pref. id. X noun m. sing. dec. 8f. (§ 37. No. 4) HIX
0''Xn defect, for n-'ixn (q. V.) . . . Q-X
/Xn pref. id. X pron. demon, pl. com. . . H^X
njXn n niX '?Xn pref. n interr. for H X noun masc sing. d. a. 71X
X noun fem.
pref. for -n sing. . .

D'>Xn pref. id. n. m., pl. of ''X dec. 8f. (§ 37. 4) H'-X ""^^D pref. id. X prep. see ^X . . . !?X
X r.

"D^D-lS^Xn by transpos. for '•aO^X q.v.

?'Xn -^ noun masc. ^1X
J" pref.
'^ id. X sing.
° dec. 1 b.
. IT- IT

^??p pref. n for -H X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. n7X

L^JtL P^^" ^^' ^ ^oun masc. sing. dec. 6h. . ^IX
n?Xn pref. id. X noun fem. sing. . . . ??X
Dv'Xn pref. id. X noun masc, pl. of ?*X dec. lb ^1X n^Xn pref. id. X pr. name of a valley . . ?1X

" n^Xn pref. id. X noun fem. sing. . . . n^X

t y pref. id. X noun masc, pl.
f of ?''X dec. 6h. ?"|X
' ..
np^xn / n?Xn pref. id. Xpron. demon, pl. com. . . ?X
D''P''Xn pref. id. X pr. name of a people . . D''X
"STpXH pref. n interr. for QX constr. of the following H^X
I'Xn pref. n interr. for H X adv., prop., noun masc.
D^n?Xn '1 pref. ilfor-n art."! noun masc, pl. of] i

sing, constr. of |^X dec. 6h. . . |1X '

P D"'n'^Xn pref. n interr. for nj ni'pX dec. 1 a. .

»|*Xn pref. n for -H X noun masc, pl. of ''X dec. 8f.

No. 4) nix *P?Xn pref. n for -H X noun masc. sing. dec. lb. . ??X
(§ 37. . . . .

'IJ''Xn pref. n interr. for PI
X adv. (suflf. 2 pers. sing. ni'?Xn pref. id. X noun fem., pl. of H^X dec. 10. H^X
masc. for px) dec. 6h. . . . pX ••^Xn pref. id. X gent, noun, see "•'pXH D'Z . n^3

•Je. 36. 22, 23.

•ni»^n- -nhi^n
CLIX msxn-nxn
pref, n for -n X adj. m., pi. of Q'bX] dec.
"'"I pref. n for -n X noun fern. sing, r \-: IT 1

8c. (§37. No. 3) .

*^>?^ pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. la.

pref. n interr. for Q X Kal. inf. constr. . -)t:x

> pref. id. X id- pi-, absolute state pref. n for -n X id. part. act. masc. dec. 7 b. inx
""iroxn pref. n interr. for 0, Q X id. pret. 3 p. s. m. "IDX
pref. id. X noun masc, pi. of ?.''S dec. 6h.
!• •• IT pref. id. X id. inf. absolute "1DX
pref. n interr. for H X Kal fut. 1 pers. sing
pref. n for -n IDX id- part, act., f. of "IDX m.
pref. n for-n X noun masc. sing. dec. 8a. pnnpxn X pref. id. nnpX d. 13 a. nDX
id. pi. d. 10, or from

pref. id. X noun masc. pi., see D^iip/S pref. id. X gent, noun masc.
'1 lOX
'1 pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 11a. .
nnp'xn pref. id. X Kal part. m. pi. of "ip'X dec. 7 b. nox
,tt: -,x
Six ?ri-ipxn Hiph. pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. IDX .

I* I" T
pref. id. X patronym. m. from P?S .

ripxn '1 pref. n for -n | noun f.s. (sufif.inpX

n §37. No. 3)
I pref. id. X noun m. s. d. 6a. (§ 35. r. 2) Tipxri pref. interr. for HJ d. 13 a.

!• '
1* T -;

: V


pref. id.
pref. id. X id. pi.,

X gent, noun masc, see

absolute state

pref. id.

pref. n
X noun masc.
inf. constr.

interr. for n X
s. (comp. K'^X

pron. pers., 1

p. sing.
45) K'JX

pref. id. X n. f., pi. of H^K d. 10. (§ 42. r. 2) 1 pref. n art. for -n X noun fem. sing. d. 10. njx
1 T IT 'Ht^^'P
""I pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 8b. DN *D!ixn pref. n interr. for H, H X pron. pers. 1 p. s. i:x


""1 pref. id.

interr. for

H X particle
-H X noun fem. sing. irr. (§ 45)

X noun fem. sing. dec.IO.


T -; IT





n for -n


for -n
X noun fem. sing.

X noun fem. sing. dec. 11 c.

. qjx
T -:
i^yjx'n '1 n. m. pi., as if from B'.JX dec. 6, see K^13X E^':x
1 IT
I pref. id. X n. f. pi. abs. of npS irr. (§ 45)
pref. n for -n X noun masc. sing. dec. 3 b. . IDX

pref. id. X noun masc sing. "Dnipxn pref. id. X Kh. DniDX Kal part. p. pi. of

"1 pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec.IO. px -I-1DX d. 3 a, K. Dn''DX (q. v.) . nox
pref. n H X Kal part. pass. s. m.
interr. for ''n'Dxn pref. id. X noun masc. sing, PjDX
' T !• IT

pref. n for-n X pr- name of a people 'O'i^/dXH pref. id. X Kh. Dn''pX noun m., pi. of T-DX
pref. id. X noun masc, pi. of DS< dec. 6c. .
dec 3 a, K, OniDX (q. v.) nox
Hiph. pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. px /flpxn defect, for fl^DXn (q. v.) . . . PlDX
Hiph. imp. pi. masc. . *
. |0X s'^p'xn pref. n for-n X Kal part. act. s. m. dec. 7b. ?1DX

Hiph. pret. 3 pers.
n interr. bef. , ,


pr- n. m., see P^ON pX


id. inf.
Niph. inf.

constr., or

imp. sing. masc. ppx

1 pref.

Hiph. pret. 3 pers.

pref. n

for -n

X noun masc.

s. m., suiT. 2 pers.


pi. of


[??PX] !?DX
"IDN •iBpxn




imp. sing. fem.

for -H

X noun m.,
.... pi. of [^I'DX] d.8c

! -: it ••.

pref. id. X Kal part. act. sing. masc. pX (§ 37. No. 3) flDX
«|pxn 1


pref. id.
Hiph. pret. 3 pers. masc. sing.
n for -n X
X Kal part. p. masc,
n. f., pi. of [H^pS]
pi. of [{-lOS]
px "'Slpspxn

pref. id., for

Niph. imp.

interr. for
masc. ....
f]pcpxn X noun masc.

n X Kal fut. 1 pers. sing.

sing. PlDX

dec. 3 a.. pX «ip pref. n for -PI X n.m. s. d.8d. (§ 37. No.3) ^l^X
'D"'3pKn ""I pref. id. X id. part. act. m., pi. of |P'N d. 7 b. PX I
pref. n interr. for

and the term.

D—T ....
adv. formed from |p.*{

PX nbxn

I •• IT


n n X conj.
interr. for

n for-n X noun masc. sing.

id. X noun masc. sing. d. 10,
. .

for nS''X
. 5)X

> Hiph. pret. 1 pers. sing. (§ 8. rem. 7) ps ''nsxn 1 pref. id. X Kal peirt. act. masc. sing. d. 9 a. USX
id. pret. 2 pers. pi. masc. . pK niDx'n pref. id. X noun masc. sing. . . . HEX

' Ex. 20. 22. ' 1 Ki. 17. 20. p 2 Sa. 6. 22. y2Ch.20. 20,20.
* Zee. II. 17,etc. ' 1 Sa. 17. 18. «Ge. 31.33.
' Is.2.18,&19.3. -Is. 30. 24. ' Je.52. 15.
''Le. 19. 4. 'Nu. 5. 23. 'Je.?. 28.
'2Ch.29. 22. "De.22.6,7. » Is. 11.5,
/Eze.4(».49. "De.22.6. 'Mi. 2. 7.
f 1 Ki. 10. 12. • Ex, 26. 13. • P». H7. 1.
Dn:iinn-D^sxn CLX nxn-D^fixn
n^QSn pref. id. X Kal part. act. m., pi. of HSX d. 9a. ''Pl^.n pref. id. X gent, noun fiom Q"}N . . . mN
"DQKn pref. H interr. for H X prop- subst. used
Ht^I^'vI P''^^- 'f*- X id. fem. . . ' . . QnN
adverbially . . . . . p"lNn pref. id. X noun com. sing. dec. 3a. . . n"lN
*DpSn pref. n id. for H, H X Kal pret. 3 pers. s. m. DDX "JR^INp 1 Hiph. fut. 2 pers. sing, masc; ace. shifted

*1QKn pref. n for •!!

X noun masc. sing . "ISX by conv. 1. (§ 8. rem. 7, & § 13. rem. 10) T'**
IQNn pref. id. X noun masc. sing. -)SX '"JilpINn 1 id. pret. 1 pers. sing.; ace. id. . . "]")N

''D"'nSpNn pref. id. X noun m., pi. of [nn?X] d. lb. ms yDriaiNp 1 id. pret. 2 pers. pi. masc. . . . "jIN
"•niSXri pref. id. (interr.) X gent, noun masc. i'lNn defect, for pINn (q. v.) . . . niN
^VXn pref. id. X pr. name, see ^^XH n"'3 . JT'l nipINn pref. n for n X noun fem. sing. . . 33T
id. X noun masc. with
pi. fern, term., rifji? '\ pref. id. X noun fem. sing, with the art. for

abs. from "im dec.2b. )"1N (§35. rem. 2) dec. 6a. . . pN

•Dn.V»<n pref. id. X Kal part. act. m., pi. of ["1>*S] d. 7 b. "
i^i^'l^P pref- n interr. for Q X Kal fut. 1 pers. sing. HVT
'•13P'ni2Nn pref. n interr. for H X Piel fut. 1 pers. sing., nWlNH pref. H for -n X noun fem., pi. of p.N]
suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. Dip nV-INn I (with suff. ''VIN) dec 6 a. . Vj

INH "1 Hiph. imp. sing. masc. -IIN nnNH pref. id. X gent, noun for '"lin/n) . "Tin


I" -:iT
^ nT for -H
- X K. ^XnS
..... noun m.
sing. CNn '1 pref. id. X noun com. sing. dec. 8 b. . t^'N

pref. id.

'] prf. id.

pref. id.
X pr-

X Kal part.
X noun masc.
name masc.
act. sing.

masc. dec. 7 b.
nan \^3^^P
"tJ'Nr! pref.

subst verb


for -n
for H X adv. used for

X patronym. from ^2t^'N q.\,



*3")Sn pref. id. X gent, noun from 2"!}$ nilK^Nn 1 pref. id. X gent, noun from ihp'wS . Tia>
D*3"l'Kn pref. id.
* X Kal part. act. m., pi. of SIX d. 7 b. nn'lit^Nn '1 pref. id. X id. pi. .
'. . Tl^
I* : I T

yai^n pref. id. X pr- name, see 'n n^lip under . mp '•nnSJ'Nn 1 pref. n for -n X noun masc. pi. abs. from
D^jyaiNn pref. id. X n»»m. card, masc, pi. of y3"1N C'TltJ'N] dec He (§42. rem. 4) . . lU'a
(§31. rem. 5) ym n^NH '\ pref. id. X noun fem. sing, [for HK'JN]
dec. 10. (comp. §45)
'il^n pref. id. X noun masc. sing. K'JN

aa'lNn pref. id. X pr. name of a region 33") TlEJ'Nn pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 9a. . e*N

*T3"lKn pref. id. X noun masc.

sing. Tin n-IK^NH pref. id. X gent, noun, see """l-ltJ'N .
- IT : IT '^

lOaiXiT^'l pref. id. X noun masc. sing, see |9|")^- ''•'l])3''B'Nn pref. H interr. for H X Hiph. fut. 1 pers.

n^Vin pref. n interr. for H X Kal fut. I pers. sing. n-i' sing., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. .

^inXn pref. n for -n X gent, noun from TIN T)X ""DO^K^Nn Hiph. imp. sing, masc, suff. 3 pers. pi. m. . DtJ'N

'''},y]^n pref. id. X gent, noun from lY^lA . in /^ISK^Nn pref. n for -n X noun masc s., pi. n^^21^'N

''7il5?f? pref. id. X gent, noun from nhS. Tlt< (§ 36. rem. 6) . . . . h2^
-nnnxn pref. n for -n X Kal part, pass., f. of "inS m. /K'Nn pref. id. X noun masc. sing. "PEJ'N

T15<n ) pref. id. X noun masc. sing., dec. 6 a.

pref. id.
* X noun masc.
'^ ° dec. 4 c.
sing. . Dt^N
^nibSJ^Nn pref. id. X noun fem. sing.

D''nNn pref. id. X id. pi-, absolute state TIN 'DJK'Nn pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 8a.

"PITXri pref. id. X Kal part. act. sing. masc. n-iN •Tlisij'Nn pref. id. X written fully for T\BP^T\ (q. v.) nSK'
•ni'Sn pref. n interr. for H X noun com. sing. d.6. *n*DE'Nn pref. id. X noun masc, pi. of fJ^N dec. lb. PjK'N

(§ 35. rem. .5 & 9) . n-iN nSK^NH pref. id. X noun m. s. fr. nb^ with prosth. N HDK'
^'iSn pref. n for -n X noun masc. sing. dec. 61. '•yi'pptJ'Nn pref. id. X gent, noun from pS'P^N . . "pp^^

nnNn '''1 pref. id. X id- 'with parag. H; also pr. n. m. 'IC'Nn pref. n interr. for H X pron. relat. com. . "lE^'N

»n'V)^|n pref. id. X id. pi-, absolute state . nniZ^Nn ""l pref. n for -n X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. ICJ'N

'^inXn Hiph. pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. nn^NH pref. id. X id- pi "IK'N


id. pret.


pref. n
3 pers. pi

imp. sing. fem.

for 'H
X noun masc. sing. dec. 6 c.
pref. id.


pref. id.

pref. id.
X gent, noun from
X id. with

X gent, noun from ^NriE^N


fem. term.

*3*lNn pref. id. X gent, noun from '^'^X . TIN ^ riNn pref. id. X defect, for nixn (q. v.) HIN

• 2 Sa. 9. S.
Dn:un-nnxn CLXI Dn:ii:3n-D^Dj<n

nriNn pref. n luterr. for H X pron. pers. 2 p. s. m. r\^ii *nx3n Hoph. pret. 3 pers. fem. sing. (§ 25. No. 2 f) xn
pnsn pref. n for -n X noun fern. sing. dec. 3a. . fFlN '•nnx3n
id. pret. 2 pers. s. m. (comp. id. & § 8. r. 5) xn
nin'xn pref. id. x noun com., pi. of nix d. 1. . mx ''nnx3n \, Hiph. pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. with suff.

«'n'Xn pref. n Interr. for H X as if [niH] witli suff. 3 p. s. fem. (§ 25. No. 2 f) ; 1 for \ conv. xn
1 pers. sing. (§ 5) see sign of the ace. DN 1 id., suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. ; 1 id. xn
ni*ri'Nn pref. n for -n X Kal part. act. fern. pi. [as if id. pret. 1 pers. sing. . . . . xn
from ^nX masc. § 24. rem. 4] . . nriN *nx3n 1 id. id. ; ace. shifted by conv. 1 (§ 8. r. 7) xn
'D^i^'n^n *! pref. id. X noun masc, pi. of p\"^N d. lb. pnX /n-'nxgn id. id., sufif. 3 pers. sing. fem. xn


from nriX
interr. for

id. X Kal

pers. pron. 2

pers. sing. .
m. pL,

r v-x

^1 )

\ \

id., suff.

(§ 25.
3 pers. sing. masc. (see parad. Dip)

3 pers.
No. 2 f)
pi. masc.
; \ for 1 conv
nwh^n "1 pref. n for -n X n. f., pi. of pnX d.Sa. jnN '1 id. pret. 2 pers. pi. m. ; \ for 1 conv. xn
/D^jn^n «'1 pref. id.
X (prim, adj.) n. m., pi. of |n\S' }n^ *-ijnx3n'
•• -;
id. pret. 2 pers. sing, masc, suff. 1 pers. pi. xn
defect, for nbh^nT —.
. jnx nnn '"! pref. n X noun m. s., (suff. Hn) d.6a. in
Dn/IXn pref. n for -n X pr- name of a place "inx pref. id. X id. pi., absolute state in
nhsn 1 IT
defect, for ninsnT (q.v.)
^^ -*
nix pref. id. X for 13' noun masc. sing. dec.Sd. 113
*3n Kal, or (Da. 5. 17) Peal, imp. sing. masc. . 3n' pref. id. X noun masc. sing. h3
3n 1 see 2ni under lett. 1 Hiph. pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. i'13
'Kin pref. n X Kal pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. XI "I id. 3 p.s. f.; ace shifted by conv. 1. (§ 8.r.7) h3
NSn '1 pref. n X id. part. sing. masc. dec. la. X13 id. 3 pers. sing, meisc, suff. 3 pers. m. h3
\ s.

~~V N?"^ "*'! Hiph. imp. sing. masc. . . . X13 id. pret. 3 pers. pi. . ^13
nX3n pref. n X Kal part. sing. fern. dec. 10. X13 n noun masc, 13 113
pref. id.

\ Hiph. pret.
X id. id. pi

1 pers. s. Kh. "•nixani (comp.

1 •ij'isn


Niph. imp.

pi. masc.
.... pi. of dec. 8 d.

parad. Dip), K. ^nXini. (§21. rem. 13) X13
pref. n X noun masc. sing. ^3
'Tn"IN3n 1 id. id., suflf. 2 pers. sing. masc. 1 bef. , ^
IT :

•n^'n3n Hiph. pret. 2 pers. m. ace shifted by

for 1, conv. xn : -
IT :

1 s. ;

»DniX3n 1 id. pret. 2 pers. sing, masc, suflf. 3 pers.

conv. 1 (§ 8. rem. 7) . h3
pi. m£isc.; 1 id. xn "ri^i3n id. pret. 1 pers. sing. ha
D^XSn '1 pref. n X Kal part. pi. m. fr. S3 d. 1 a. Nil "DPi^'U^n id. pret. 2 p. sing, masc, suff. 3 pers. pi. masc b-ia

K'^SIin Hiph pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . ^^1 1 id. pret. 3 pers. pi. masc. ^3
"^"kirx Kh. K'''X3n q.v., K. K'^nh (q.v.) . . e'n' preff. 3, and il interr. f. i1 X noun com. sing.
MB'''K3n Hiph. pret. 3 pers. pi. . , . K'Xa (suff. '311) dec 6 a.
"IXZin pref. n X noun fem. s. d. 1, but pi. rn"lX3 n3n
Kal. imp. sing. masc. with parag. il . in*
(§35. rem. 10) . . . .
ISn n. m. pi., suff. 1 p. s. fr. [3131] (§31.r. 5) 3i1»

nK3rt pref. id. X noun masc. s. d. 1 a. [for "iV^IlJ "1X3 Hiph. pret. 3 pers. sing, m., suff 1 pers. s. ^.13
•n'"1X3n pref. id. X noun fem., pi. of "1X3 dec. I a, '1 pref. n X noun fem. s. d. 12, constr. 00113
(pi. c nhS3 §35.rera. 10) . .1X3 (§ 42. rem. 4 & 5, & § 44. rem. 3) Dn3
"•nnXSn pref. id. X gent, noun from nhX3 *
. 1X3 pref. id. X noun f. s. pi. n'nn3 (§ 44. r. 5) 1.13
pref. id.

id. pret.
X id. pi.


2 pers. pi.


. . .


> Kal. imp. pi. masc. (§ 20. rem. 1)

pref. i1
X •'^''1 inf. absolute .
. 3.1'

'nX3q pref. n X Kal pret. 2 p. s. m. (§ 25. No. 2f) Xn "D^nxnn-;
I* 1*
I Kh.jtranspos. for D^niXIin, Hiph. pret. 1 p.

•nX3n dfefect. for niXSn (q. V.) . . . X13 sing., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc ; \ for 1 conv. xn
N/ riX3n Hiph. pret. 2 pers. sing, masc (§21.r. 13) X13 •lynn pref. n X Kal part. act. sing. masc. dec. 7 b. in
nX3n 1 id. id. ace. shifted by conv. ) (§ 8. r. 7) Xn !•: I
- pref. id. X id. pi., absolute state in

• Je. 7. 19.
nnn-m^Dnn CLXIII ran-tinn
HTpan pref. id. X adj. fem. sing, from [1''?3] m. 131 ['•^inn] masc pi. D"'?3n, (Kh. D'lnin) ebony, Eze. 2 7- 15.
"^221^ pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. la. .
from l^il perhaps i. q. J3N to be hard.
nnbin "\ id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. "133
pref. .
TT'JSn 1 pref. H X noun fem. sing. n:3
»nn33n [nn33] "133
pref. id. X noun fem., pi. of dec. 10. CJSn "I pref. id."j noun masc. pi. [as if from |3
•"iS^n gent, noun from "133 "133
pref. id. X . .
•D''33n pref. n J
dec 2] see }3 (§ 45) .

«nn33n Dn-133n "133

defect, for (q. v.) ^'D^jan pref. n X noun masc, du. of [|^3] dec. 6h.
D'33ri pref. id. X ^^ P^it. act. masc, pi. of njiS

bnr "1 masc. dec. 6. (witli suff. ''^3n, pi. c. \'?3n § 3.5.
dec. 9 a. m3
X noun masc. sing. n:3
rem. 4) — I. breath, vapour, mist, comp. Ps. 62. lo ;

pref. id.

2, and H H no*
prefif. interr. for X n. m. s. dec. 1.
Is. 57. 13, N?3n Syr. and Chald. breath, vapour.

— II. vanity, something vain, foolish. — III. idols. — i'"ip3ri pref. n X noun masc. sing.
art. -1D2
pref. n interr. for H X prep., with ny3
IV. adv. in vain, vainly. —V. pr. name of the
*"i:S;3r! suff.

(§ 35. rem. 10) . 1^2

second son of Adam.
'Pan ] pref. n art. X noun masc. sing. dec. 6d,
?3n masc. vanity, Ec. 1.2; 12. 8.
''V?'!? J
^Iso pr- name
?3n, fut. ?an% prop, to become a vapour (so
DvJ/2n pref. id. X id. pi., absolute state, pr. name by3
Sym. on Ps. 62. 11, Mij yCviarOe At/iaIs) hence to be

or become vain,

Hiph. to cause
to act vainly, foolishly, sinfully.

to act vainly, Je. 23. 16.



Hiph. pret.
conv. 1

n X noun
(§ 8.
I pers. sing.

rem. 7)
fem. sing.

ace. shifted by


id. in

noun masc.
noun masc.
pause (§35. rem. 2)



3 pers. sing. masc.

. .


n pref. id.

pref. id.
X noun masc.
X Kh.
masc. dec 3
"1-1V2 part, pass.,


K. T'V2 adj.

I : »
from hlT} d. 6. (§ 35. rem. 4) «D''^^^'2n pref. id. X noun masc, pi. of [bv?] dec. 6.

id. pi., construct state ^3n /y V2ri pref. id. X noun masc. sing, for J?V? (q- v.) yv3
id. sing. suff. 1 pers. sing. ^pV2ri pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 5a. . pV3
*nn-'^2ri pref. id. X noun fem., pi. of nn-V? dec 10. 1V3
D')3n /'I id. pi. absolute state : "I before , , bin
n)-])i2r\ i'\ X Kal part.p.fem.,pl.of nT"1^3 d. 10. )V3
f'?j>>^3ri pref. n X noun masc. sing, compd. of"|
*p2p2n pref. id. X noun masc. sing. PP3
^^3 & 'pj^ see . . . J
'nj/iP3n Hoph. pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. yp2
noun masc. sing., sufif. 2 pers. sing. masc.
nyplin pref. n X noun fem. sing. dec. 12 b. yp2
[for tI^T from ^311 (q. v.) npn
1|!?3n ') pref. id.X noun com. sing. dec. 4 a.
pref. n X gent, noun from y?3 np3n w'l pref. id. X noun masc. sing., d.6c. (§ 35.r.9) 1P2
IT T -
pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10 (pi. c.

*ri^3) ; also pr. name

pref. id. id. pi., absolute state prop, to cut, divide, so in the Arab., whence ^^Zin
"I X
preff. 3, and H interr. for H X noun masc, D^.OK^ they who divide the heavens, astrologers, Is.47.13.
pi. of n^np dec. 9 a. pref. n X noun masc. sing. . . T\2
pref. n X noun fem. sing, with paragogic H "Tisn2n Niph. inf. [i<12n] suff. 2 pers. sing. m. d. 7 b. K"I2

from nD3 (q. v.) . id. id. & verbal suff. (§ 3. r. 2) 2 p. s. m. pause N"12
"1 Hiph. imp. sing. masc. R. |"I3, see ;'Di<S2n

id. with suff. 3 jjcrs. pi. masc. . . N'12
IT :iT

tan ""I pref. 0") ?-2n2n preff. 2, & n interr. X for 2V n. m. s. d. 8c. 22"!
", - r noun masc. sing. irr. (§ 45)
pref. n 3 '"I pref. n X noun masc. sing. . . Tl2
preflF. 2 bef. ,
,, and Q X noun masc, pi. of •a''*n2n ")
pref. id. X adj. masc, pi. of [n"l2] dec. 8 c.

"in3 dec 4.
" . in3 (§ 37. Nos. 2 & 3) . . . . "n2

pref. n X Kal part. p. sing. masc. dec. 3 a. m2n pref. id. X noun masc. sing, with parag. H
pref. id. X fem. of the prec. from "l'"l2 dec. la 1N2
pref. id. X noun fem., pi. of 03 irr. (§ 45) 1133 '•1"l2n Hiph. imp. masc. pi. [for •n2n] . .

• 1 Ch.5.2.
;v:in-'nnn CLXIV

Niph. imp. pi. masc. [tor •T'lan] . "^.^an pref. id. X Kal part. act. masc sing. dec. 7 b. ^^<3

Kh.-1")anKal pret., K.'' nVxin

IT - •..:
pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. . . ?iii

pref. n X Kal part. p. m., pi. of "Mia d. 3 a. 1 pref. id. X adj. masc. sing. dec. 3 a. . naj
] pref. id. X noun masc, pi. of li>)'\2 dec. I a. inain 1.
pref. id. X noun m. sing. d. fie. (§ 35. r. 5) r\2i

''nnin pref. id. X noun masc. with pi. fem. term, from Hiph. inf. abs. or imp. sing. masc. . . naj
'nnain nX
nia dec. la

X noun masc.
pref. id. sing. ninajiri

pref. id.


id. pi.
fem. sing.

... d. 10, from r\2i m.


pref. id. X gent, noun by

from Dn-ina
pref. id. X adj.
. .
transp. for ''D'ln?

fem. sing. d. 10, from N''"ia m.

. .

<") pref. id.

pref. id.

Hiph. pret.
X id. pi.

adj. masc,

pers. sing.

of rjhi dec. 3

. .
a. P,2:

«"1 pref. id.
X id. pi ^Viaiiri Kh. ^•lajiri q. v., K. yn|n (q. v.) . . hi:
pref. id. X noun fem. sing. ^•laLn *"! pref. n X noun masc. sing. dec. la. . 72i
* '1 pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 1 a. .
-liain pref. id. X (prim, adj.) noun m. sing. dec. 1 b. "133

'•inniin Hiph. pret. 3 pers. pi. masc. .

'nniaan 1 pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. . 132
Dnnin pref. n X noun masc, pi. of H^'ia dec. 1 a. Dniaiin "1 pref. id. X noun masc ,
pi. of "1135 dec. I b. "133

pref. id. X gent, noun pi. from IXa or riilXa pref. id. X pr. name of a place . . 31
pref. id. X patronym. of ny"ia q. v. pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 3 a. . . y3J
*'1 pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. la. 'T-ajn 1 Hiph. pret. 3 pers. masc sing. . . *13j

pref. n
" interr. f.
"1 pref. n X noun fem. sing, from ~1^3il m. "133

" > noun fem. sing. dec. 1 1 c.
IT• :

pref. n art.
Hiph. imp. sing. masc. . . . P3J
pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. . . defect, for ^P-nan (q.v.) . . . ^3J
- nb-i?n pref. id. X noun fem., pi. of na'ia dec. 1 1 c. pref. nX gent. n. from bli (comp. § 35.r. 10) ^53:

pref. id. X noun fem. du. of "^^3! <^ec. C a. 1 pref. id. X id. pi ^3 J
pref. id. X noun masc. pi. [of IPI?] »n!?a:n \ Hiph. pret. 2 pers. sing, masc; ace. shifted
IT:• :

pref. id. X gent, noun from Hnxa .

by conv. 1 (§ 8. rem. 7) . . ?3J
Hiph. pret. 3 pers. pi. for •125'''3in
pref. n X n. fem. sing. d. 12 b ; also pr. name ]}2i
pref. n X pf- name of a river .
noun from |iy3|
pref. id. X gent, . . ^33
Hiph. pret. 3 pers. pi. . . .
niipajin '1 pref. id. X noun fem., pi. of n:^35 d. 12 b. ]}21
Db'iin pref. n X noun nmsc sing.

'1 pref. id. X noun masc, pi.

pref. id. X pr- name of a region

of DK'a dec. 6.
pref. id.


pref. id.
pref. id.
X gent, noun from fW^i

id. pi.

(nj^Zia) with parag.
. .


'1 pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 4 a. pref. id. X gent, noun from ny3il . )J2i
1 pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 13 c. li^n pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 6. . . *13J
•nan "laan
pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 8d. nna pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 1 b. . "13J
nan "1
nna^n '''1 pref. id. id. pi., absolute state "13J
X . .

n2D pref. id,

> noun fem. sing. irr. (§ 45) . Hja
pref. id. X noun masc. pi. of "135 dec. 6. "133
"nan pref.

njj-inan pref. n X noun fem. sing. dec. 10 hn2 Jjn Root not used; Syr. to imagine, cogn. HiH.
pref. id. id. pi.
V J'jn meisc. dec. 3a. — I. musing, meditation,

X .

Ps. 5. 2. — n. meditation, prayer, 39. 4.

'nwiin pref. id. X noun fem., pi. of [nfia] dec. 10. flfia nin
Kh. 33n q.v.,' K. njlin
T - ^
TT - ^^ •'
. . 33

D^nan pref. id. X noun masc. pi. irr. of n^a (§ 45) JT'a 3|n pref n X noun masc. sing. dec. 8 a. . ^i

j'D^nan pref. id. X noun masc, pi. of fia dec.Sd. flfia . t\:i7\ pref. id. X id. with parag. n . . .33
pref. id. X pr- name of a place . . "IDa ''013 3 pref. id. X id. with pi. fem. term. . . 33

pr. name masc. Est. 2. 3, called ^jn ver. 8, 15. n|n pref. id. X pr. name of a river . . ni3
nvNun pref. n X noun com. pi. of K^J , \a irr. (§ 45) S*J *T5n '1 Hiph. inf. or imp. sing. masc. . . ^33

• Is. 52. 11. / Ge.41.7,20. ' Ge. 27. 88. 9 I Ch.9. 29. 'Is. 7. 19. »2Ch.S. 4. /Eze. 17.24. * Da. 9. 27. • De. 10. 17.
18.47. 13. «^Ge. 41.4. ••I)e.28.2. ' Je. 3. 24. > Eze.45.14, 14. 'Da.S.S. * Jos. 1.5. 47. 'Je. 29.2. PlCh. 29.24.
' Na.2.4. » Ex.26.28. • Ju.8.7, 16. • Eze.4.5. Jl. •KiUli4.6,8. ''Is. IO.0.S. *Eze.43. 17. -Ex. 19.23. ? 1Sa. 9. 26.
* Ge. 37. 20 ' 1 CI1.8. IS. • Je. 8. 9. I lize. 45. .1. •Eie.21.31. "06.28.52. <lCli.29.11. "Ex. 19.12. -^Zep. 1.5.
• Jus. 6. 21. * 2 Ki. 17. 38. P Ge. 10. 10. Ge. 17. 17.
tr^n-nri TLXV p'^n-Ton
"Ijn "'\ id. imp. sing. masc. (§11. rem. 5) II. murmuring, sighing, Eze. 2. 10. — III. meditation,




id. inf.


pret. 3 pers. sing. masc.

compos. 15*1511 "IH

thought, Ps. 90. 9

; Prof. Lee,

n-ian fem. (construct state) meditation, thought,


maiJin pref. n X pr- name of a place ma fVajT masc. dec, 3c. (constr. fVan § 32. rem. 3)

'•nsn Hiph. imp. pi. m. for •1T'|n (comp. § 11. r. 5) naa — I. murmur or sound of the harp. — II. meditation,

mi n pref. n X noun masc. sing. dec. 1 a. ma thous:ht.

ynsn "I pref. id. X adj. masc. sing. dec. 3a. hii
'''l pref. id.

pref. id. X noun fem.

X id. fem., dec. 10,

sing. dec. 10.


. ha "nan
to separate, to

inf. abs.

noun masc.
take array,

''"), sing. see lett.
Dv'nan pref. id. X adj. masc, pi. of ?\ll dec. 3 a; also X for 1 "I

pr. name masc. bi: 'nan

Hiph. pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. na»

inan pref. id. pr- name of a place -na 'ian Kal inf. abs. [for nan § 24. rem. 2] nan
ma 'ia'n \ Poel inf. abs, [for nan comp. § 24. r. 2] nan
n^n '1 P''^^-
X patronym. of 1|
ma pref. n X Kal part. act. masc. dec. 7 b. Sxa'
''1^^ pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 6i. .

lian «'1 pref.

7^'ljn ''1 Hiph. pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. ha y\\
noun masc. sing. dec. 1 a. nia
/•l'?"'"=ljn id. pret. 3 pers. pi ha pref. n
Vnan ha D;3an y'lpref. [forD'-yia comp.§3.r. 1] ma
defect, for

defect, for 'p'''l?n

pref. nX adj.

(q. v.)

fem. sing. dec. 10, from

... 7\H m.
pref. id.

pref. id.
X noun
X gent, noun
fern. sing.


"'*a'13] from ^p-lj .


ha hian pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 2 b. ha

'Tlji'liin pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10.

rvhhin pref. id.

from Vna
X adj.

fem., pi. of

.... rh'lli dec. 10,


pref. id.


noun fem,
X noun masc.

n X noun fem. sing. dec. 10.


.... .
*niHjin pref. id. X noun fem., pi. n'^lj dec. 10. . ha
l^iTan pref. id. X gent, noun from Pita nra
D'^nan pref. id. X adj. masc, pi. of 7113 dec. 3 a. . ha pref. id. X noun fem. sing, dec 1 0. "pTa

nVnan pref. id, X id. fem. pi. of H^ha dec 10. . ha DUD

1. pref. id., X noun masc. sing, nra

Jjlpian Hiph. pret. 2 pers. sing, masc, ha nifan '''1 pref, id. X noun fem. sing, (no pi.) -1T3

w'lan id. pret. 1 pers. sing. ha 'Dnran pref. id. X noun masc, pi. of ["IT 5] dec. 6. . nra

'T'"!!l'!3 1 prf. nX P*"-

name of a place . -\ny /D"'han pref . id. X n. f .,
pi. of nha , d. 1 3 a. (suff. 'n^na) ha

m"l"Tan pref. id. X pr. name of a place ma '••an

pr, name m. Est. 2.8, 15, called Nan v. 3.
'"l"ian pref. id. X gent, noun from "l'l|"n"'3 q. v. . nn
*n"1"ian pref. id. X noun fem. sing. . ma *^5n V
"niiari pref. id. X gent, noun from r\~n_^ ma pref. n X noun com. sing. irr. (§ 45) . ^''3

n*7in Hiph. pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. naa N''an "V

JTian 1. id. id. ; ace shifted by conv. \ (§ 8. r. 7) naa »nix\an pref. id. X id. pi. abs. Kh. nis^an, K. nvNan
'nnnan id. id. written fully (§ 8. rem. 5) na: (q. V.) . . .
. . N^a

"Flian '1 id. pret. 1 pers. sing. naa noun m. s., safi". 1 p. s. from [a''an] d. 3a. aan
"Dnian "I id. pret. 2 pers. pi. masc. naa Hiph, inf, absolute . . , , Taa
\) n*an T id. pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . naj
T. [njnj fut. nani — I. to murmur, applied to the cooing t^ nn'-an id. imp. sing. masc. with parag. n . . "laj

of doves, the lamenting or sighing of men, the "HT-an '1 id. pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. . . "taa

^ growling of the lion over his prey.
utter, speak. — III. to meditate.
II. poet, to

Po. to utter, speak,

»m;an id. pret.

f'\ id. imp. pi.

3 pers. sing, masc,

masc .... suff. 3 pers. s. f. I^li


Is. 59. 13.

Is. 8. 19.

n)rj masc

to mutter, spoken of enchanters.

a muttering of thunder, Job 37. 2. 'Van

'1 id.


noun masc
pret. 3 pers. pi.

imp. sing. fem.

sing. dec. 3
.... c

(§ 32. rem. 3)
. 133


» -Tos. 7. 19.
nnn-tv^n CLXVI


constr. state

with suff. 3 pers.

.... pi. masc.
id. pret.

id. pret. 2
I pers. sing.

pers. pi. masc. (§ 24.


rem. 14)
. n73

pref. n X gent, noun from n?3 nh: n

pref. art. X noun masc. dec. 4 a. /73
adj. fern. sing, from [p^H] maSc. pn
pref. id. X noun masc, pi. of [?-1?a] d. 1 b. 773
Hipli. pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. . .

}Hiph. pret. 3 pers. s. m., suff. 3 pers.^
id. pret. 3 pers. pi. .
sing. masc. (§ 11. rem. 1) . .j
id. inf. (y^lin) with suff. 1 pers. pi. dec. lb.

pref. n X noun masc, pi. of [T'il] d. la -113 ^3^3 n

|. - |.
pref. n X gent, noun from n7a
Hiph. imp. sing. masc. with parag. D '1 pref. id. X pr- name of a region, see iy?a
\ id. pret. 3 pers. sing, m., suflf. 3 pers. s. f. pref. id. X id. with parag. n
*"! id. imp. pi. masc. . . . . m: pref. id. X gent, noun from IJ-vil q. v.
id. pret. 3 pers. pi. .

IT : m I Hoph. pret. 3 pors. fem.

1 id. pret. 3 pers. s. m., sutf. 3 pers. s. m. s. (§ 24. r. 14) n^3
\ Kal pret. 2 pers. sing. masc. run IT : : 5;

Hiph. pret. pers. sing. ace shifted by

"'] id. pret. 1 pers. sing. mn 1 I ;

conv. 1 (comp. § 8. rem. 7) . . n73

pref. n X noun masc. sing. dec. 8 d. pref. n interr. X conj. . . . DD3
"^•iD3n pref. n art. X noun masc. sing. dec. 1 a. . 7JD3
pref. id. X n. m. pi. [of 2^i d. 1 b. § 30. r. 1]
pn^io|ri pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. . 7D3
pref. id. X pr- n. of a region, see V^Di
?''3*N'??3.n Hiph. imp. sing, fem., suff. 1 pers. sing. . X03
pref. id. X noun masc. dec. 8e.
^03 n &
') pref. id.

with n^ll
X pr- n. of a place

q. V.)
(and in compos.

n X


n X

m. s.

n. m., pi. of
d. 8 a. (§ 37.

Nos. 2

d. 8a. (§ 37.
3) ^03

pref. id. X id. with parag. H .

Nos. 2 & 3) ^»3
pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 13 c. .

Hoph. pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. n^3 Root not used ; Chald. |-13n suitable, convenient.

pref. n X noun fem. sing, n^3 P^n m. adj. coiwenient, commodious, Y-ze. ^2. 12.

pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. tan pref. n X noun com. sing, for ]S dec. 8 d. pa
rh;n 331 n pref. id. X noun masc. sing. dec. 1 b. •333
> Kal pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. (§11. rem. 1) n?3
•n33n pref. n X Kal inf. absolute 233
'^iari pref. n X Kal part. act. sing. masc. 333
Hoph. pret. 3 pers. pi. . . , . n?3
pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. 333
Niph. imp. pi. masc. . . . n?3
'rtaan pref. id. X noun fem., pi. of 1133 dec.lO. P3
Hiph. pret. 3 pers. pi. . . . . T\?i
ynyan Hiph. pret. 2 pers. sing. fem. . yaa

I T -
pref. n X Kal part. p. masc. dec. 3 a. . TV?}
'•in''rij?iin 1 id. pret. 1 pers. sing., suff. 3 pers. s. m. y33
pref. id. X noun masc, pi. of [>"1?3] dec. 1 b. pbi "Dnyan 1 id. pret. 2 pers. pi. masc. y33

\ pref. id. X noun fem., pi. of nPi dec. 10. ?/' pref. n X noun com. sing. (suff. ''3 £13) d. 6 a. IS3

Hiph. inf. const, dec lb. . . . T\?i

> 0-3 Dan 1 pref. id. X id. pi-, absolute state |D3

{flight, coll. with the Arab.) pr. name of the

'nni'pjn id. with suflf. 3 pers. pi. masc. . . Ty?i
hand-maid of Sarah, the mother of Ishmael.
Ch. Aph. pret. 3 sing. masc. (§ 47. rem. 4) K?J
nan (fugitive), pi. D^an, n^t^ pr. n.

T -
pref. n X pr- name of a region . . 773
of an Arabian people,
pref. id. X id. with parag. n . . 773
Tl •
pref. id. X Kal part. sing. masc. dec. la. 113
- • ;
pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. . . 773 1 pref. id., X noun masc. sing. dec. 1 a. . 113
pref. id. X noun masc, pi. of \Vvi dec. 3 c 1173 '1 pref. id. X pr- name of a people, see ''C^*a"^a

Hiph. pret. 2 pers. sing. m. (§ 24. rem. 14) n73 pref. id. X noun fem. sing, [for n"^!] n3

• Ps. 19. 15. e Le. 2. 8. « Ps. 77. 13. »aKi.24. 14. • Je.24. 1. /Je. 29. 4, 7. 14. 'Je. 13. 19. iGe.24. )7. ' Is. 66. 17.
4 La. 3. 62. « Is. 45. 21. • Oe. 31. 46. « Is. 49. 9. » Am. 1.6. g2 Ki.l7. 27. Est. 2. 6.
•» Ge. 82. 8. r Est. 4. 14.
' Eie. 42. 12. ' 2 Sa. 17. 29. p EEe. 5. 1. * a Ki. 17. 28,Ptc. ' Eze.47.8. « 1 Ki. 14. 10. "Am. 5. 27. Je.7.9. > Eze. 13. 14.
Ec. 12. 1. * Ex. 21. 6. »2Ki.9. 35. J- Je. 32. 11. 14. •I
Is. 3. 23. ' lCh.8.7. •Joel 4. 4. Zee. 5. .3. • Ex. 12. 22.
« ISa. 14.9. ' Jos. 1.8. - Est. 2. 6. •2Ch.4. 12. ' 2 Ki. 17. 2G. * Je.20.4. P 2 Sa. 19. 37. 1 Ex. 22. 3. » Ca.2. 13.
/aCli.2. 16. " Ps. U3. 5. ' Zee. 4. 3. "Ge.21.8.
n^inn-nnn CLXVIII "nn-inn
T pref. n X noun masc, pi. DH-H and D'^n *'1 pref. n X noun masc. sing. dec. 2 a. . mS
Dnn (§ 35. rem. 12 & 13) nn QID pref. n interr. X id., construct state . DIK
pref. id. X n. m. pi. [of n-H § 3.5. r. 15 note] in 'Din elsewhere Dnn, noun masc. sing. . . tr\t\

ITT " )
pref. id. X adj. fern. sing, from HH masc. nn D^P''Tn pref. H X noun masc, pi. of D'l dec. 2 a. DIK
''1 pref. id. X noun fern. sing, 3n PP'^n Chald. noun masc.,.pl. of [D"^n] dec. la. . Din
pref. id.

noim masc.
Kal part.
X Kal

p. sing.
part. act. sing.

.... mn
masc. dec. 3 a.

. "inn

Hiph. pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. [D*in],

1 pers. pi.

n X gent,

noun from
. .




inn pref. n X noun masc. sing. dec. la.. in




Kal pEirt. p. masc,
n X Kal
of a people

.... mn
of "l-Hn

part. pass. fem. [fr. '•IITI

; 1 bef.

, . Tin



Esther, Est.

7. 2. .

the former

Hiph. pret. 1 pers. sing. mj ny'in -)

( pref. n X noun fem. sing. dec. 13a. yn*

1 id. ace. shifted by 1 conv. (§ 8. rem. 7) mj -.,,^-.

"I id. id., suff. 1 pers. sing,

id. id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. fut. fj^n*. (§ 13. rem. 5) to push, thrust, repulse.

id. id., suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. . mj isnq Kal pret. 3 pers. sing, m., suff. 3 pers. s. m. t]in
id. pret. 2 pers. s. m., suflf. 3 pers. pi. masc. ni: 1 Hiph. pret. 1 pers. s. & suff. ; 1 for 1 conv. ^7\
id. pret.


2 pers. pi. masc.

name masc.
n X noun masc, pi. of
.... [5*"^] dec. 1 a. .
jn '•ipp

inf., used adverbially
Hiph. pret. 3 pers. sing. m.
pret. 3 pers. pi. m. (§ 47.

(§ 18. r.


1 & 5)


"I pref. id. X noun fem. sing. dec. 10. nn pref. n X adj., fem. of nj?"1 dec. 10, fr. p'1 m. \>\>'l

Hiph. pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. m: Hiph. pret. 2 pers. sing. fem.

id. pret.

id. inf.
3 pers.


suff. 1

pers. sing. dec. 1 b. .

"np.'^n \

defect for niplH (q. v.)

Chald. Aph. pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. (§ 47.

... ; \ bef. , \>pl


id. pret. 3 pers. sing, masc, suff. 2 pers. s. m. ni: rem. 4, & § 49. rem. 1) . . p\>''[

id. pret. 3 pers. sing, m., suff. 3 pers. m. pi.

id. imp. sing, masc, suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. m3 /. L^l^nJ i. q. Chald. inn to turn, whence part. pass.

• VT • V;
Hiph. pret. 3 pers. sing, masc,
1 pers. pi. or sing.

Hiph. imp. sing, masc,

suff. 1

pers. .sing.
-13' or ^J'

nn pnnn id.,
uneven, crooked places.

see Buxtorf.
Is. 45. 2, Rabbin,

//. ["^inj fut. niiT (§ 13. rem. 6). — I. to adorn, decorate.

L^nnJ to throw down, tread down ; only in the foil. form.

Is. 63. I. — II. to honour, reverence, respect. Niph.
to be honoured, respected. La. 5. 12. Hithp. to show
*''I'1Q ,1
Kal. imp. sing. masc. ; 1 before , Tin
oneself glorious, Pr. 25.6.
*?'nn '"'1 pref. n X noun masc sing. dec. 8 a. .
A nnn Chald. Pa. to honour.
'D yID
pief. id.

id. pi.,

absolute ....
absolute state
>^ mn
n. honour,
masc. dec. 4 c.
Ps. 149. 9.
— 1. ornament, splendour. —

> pref. n X noun fem. sing, see TO"^
nnn masc. ornament, splendour. Da. 11. 20.
••rf - : nnn Ch. m. dec 3a, honour. Da. 4. 27, 33; 5. 18.
ninp'nn pref. id. X id. pi. absolute (§ 44. rem. 5), "inn pr. name masc. see nnn.
n treated as if radical nh nnnn or nmn fem. only construct ninn
ornament, splendour, beauty.

D jn Root not used; Arab, to Level with the ground; Dnnn pr. name of an Arab tribe descended
Syr. and Chald. (0*111) to cut in pieces. from Joktan, Ge. 10. 27.

D'^in Chald. piece, Da. 2. 5 ; 3. 29. nnn '\ noun masc sing. dec. 4c. . . . nnn
mn m. footstool, ever)'where followed by D v3"], 11D. ''1 id- construct state; 1 bef. . nnn

" Je.24.2. / Zep. 1. 9.

< Ca. 7. 14
' Le. 15. 3.3.
" Le. 11. lit.
• Oe. 14. 18.
n:innn-"nn CLXIX n:inn--inn
noun masc.
pref. n X n.

m. fr.
[3^^] with the term ]— a-n
Tin 'D-pnnn
pref. id.
id. X noun masc, pi. of Onn dec. 8 d.
(interr. Nu. 23. 19) X P^rs. pron.

IT ;
- 1 Chald. noun m. s., emph. of PIQ] d. 3 a. mn 3 pers. sing, masc . . . Kin
'1 n. m. s.. suff. 3 pers.
'^ s. fem. fr. Tin dec. 4 c. -nn Ninn pref. id. X (read hee) id. 3 p. s. f. (§ l.r.3) Nin
IT T-; I- .
'^ •

pref. n X noun masc. sing, [for DITT] ~m /ninn \ pref id. X noun masc. sing. dec. la. . Tin
pref. id. X noun masc. sing. . "m pref. id. X Kal part. act. sing. masc. dec. 7 b. yT\

pref. id. X noun masc. with pi. fem. term. K^nn

r -
pref. id. X pron. pers. 3 pers. sing. fem.

from in dec. la., -in see N-in Nin

I* T-:
noun m.

from [inn]
s., suff.

noun masc.
dec. 3
1 pers.


s. fr.


pers. sing.
4 c. "nn *aD''nn pref.


interr. for

n art.
Q X Hiph.

X noun com. sing.

inf. abs.

dec. 2 b.

*'^''7.''.'"? 1 Hiph. pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. rn 'T»''nn
,. ..
pref n interr. for n X Hiph. pret. 3 p. s. m. ID'
id. id. (or inf. § 11. rem. 4), suff. 3 pers. s. fem. pnn pref. n art. X noun masc. sing. . . pn
id. pret.


1] noun masc.
3 pers.

imp. sing, masc,




3 pers. sing. masc.

1 pers. sing.

2 pers. sin 'ppnn


sing. fem.


relat. art.
bef n for n X Kal

X Hiph. pret. 3 pers.

pret. 3 pers.

s. m.

/' :iT-;
1 j masc. from Tin dec. 4c ; 1 bef. pref. n id. X Kal part. act. sing. m. d. 7 b. "]/n
n. m. s., suff. 2 pers. s. fem. fr. "l"in dec. 4c. Tin '"X-l^'pnn pref n bef for n X Kal pret. 3 pers.
id., p
pref. n X noun com. sirig., dec. 6 a. (§ 35
pl., (§ 8. rem. 4) . . . . l'?n
j rem. 2) . . . .
N» D"'3ynn pref nid.XKalpart. actrn., pl. of^l^nd. 7 b. -["pn

pref. id. X Kal part. act. sing. masc. dec. 7 b.

riDVnn pref id. id. fem. sing. dec. 13 a.
X .

pref. n interr. X noun com. sing., suff. 1 pers.

Tibynn pref id. X id. pl. . •
sing, from "J]"1_'l dec. 6 a. TIT
pref n
-n'ppnn pref id. X Hoph. pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. [for
interr. for Q X id. pi., suff. 1 pers. s.

n n^^n comp. § 8. rem. 7] . . . ^"pn

pref. art. X id. pi., absolute state TIT
Hiph. pret. 1 pers. sing., suff. 2 pers. s. m. Dnn pref. n for n X pron. pers. 3 pers. pl. masc. DH
pr. name of a people Tin njpnn pref id. X id. with n parag. . . DH
fprpnn Kh. pDnn q.v., k. lion (q.v.) . . n»n
pr. name masc, see T^HIH mn t^an'n
• T I IV
9'1 pref.
: *
nV bef. n
for n
- X noun m.
s. d.3a. non
pref n X Kal part. act. sing. masc. dec. 7 b. t^Tl 'riDnn pref id. interr. X Hiph. inf absolute . HID

IT : -IT
\ Kal
pret. 2 pers. sing.

Chald. Pael pret. 2 pers.
1 conv. (§ 8. rem. 7)
masc. ; ace shifted to

m, 47. rem. 2)



for -n

interr. for
...... X pers. pron. 3 pers. pl. fem.,

n X Hiph. inf abs. . pD


"TOO s. f§
^'n3-iann pref n art. X Kal part. p. s. f. [fr. ^-IDp m.] -|Dn
noun fem. sing, constr. [of iTnn or HTin
from Tin or Tin masc. dec. 11 or 12] . Tin 'IjSinn Hoph. pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. . . ^Sn
Chald. Pael pret. 1 pers. sing. •nn"
"n3pnn pref. n X noun fem. sing. . . . -[Sn

pref. n X noun m. s. dec. 6a. (with]

'*DQnn pref. id. X Kal part. act. sing. masc. with
IK'n parag. ' (§ 8. rem. 19) . . "JSn
:„} 8uff."'JB>'l, though pause ]^'^^ § 35.r.2)
Hoph. pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. pi yQ^DShn pref. id. X id. pl. dec 7 b. . . . ISH
""1 pref. n X noun fem. sing. dec. 1 a. m .•17''-inn

interr. for

id. inf absolute

n X Hiph. pret. 3 pers. pl. h'i'i

X . . .

"rivVnO P^^^- '^* X Hiph. pret. 3 pers. sing. masc. TO'i

(in interj. expressive of ginef. Ah I Eze. 30. 2. ^CJ'nipnn pref id. X Hiph. pret. 3 pers. sing, masc C-np
?5,DD pref. n X noun m. s. dec. 6. (§ 35. rem. 4) !?nn "innT
'^ nT for -n
- X
with the art. for "in

C^KIJnp pref. id. X pl- of the following . njn noun masc. dec. 8. (§37. rem. 7) . "nn
nn name n X noun ^^nX mX
... n
'"13 pref. id. pr. of a people -13 masc. sing, see
X •^.^^IDp 1 pref. .

Q'»<'lJDp pref id. X id. pl. njn n3"inn pref n X noun sing. fem. . . . mn
•Da.11.20. *Ts.4I.4. "£26.27.10. 'Le.19.32. *Ig.34.6. *Hab.l.6. "Jos.10.24. 'Je.Ze.W. yAm.5.7.
»lSa.l3.21. «Mi.2.9. • Eze. 18. 25. "Da.S.Z.'i. 'K8t.4.8. »Jon. 4.4,9. »lSa.25.42. 'Nu. 22.30. •2Ki. 18.33.
«Da. 5. 18. ' Da. 4. 27, 33. ? Eze. 18. 2!). 'Pr. 14.28. '' Est.3. 15,etc. 'Je.2. U. » Eze. 26. 17. 'Job 30. 15. «
^'La.1.6. *li..ll.l5. 9 i:ze.2l.26. yl3a.4.31. ' Zee. 1.8, 10, 11. * Joel 1. 2. ;'2K1.7.1.3. "06.19.29. »lCh. 26.28.
ln.5.14. 'Je.5I.33, '•Pr.4.11. « Le. 1. 16. /^lCh.29.11. •2Ch. 29.36. f 1 Sa. 14. 19. 'Ps.lU.8. 'Eze.4S.15.
'^Bze.46. 17. "P».45.4. 'Eze. 14. 10. •Je.31.40. •<'I,a.4.6.
CLXXI nin-rrinn

^^rij?*lin id. id., suff. 2 pers. sing. masc. viation, and that probably from the first two letters,

* DPiyiin 1 id. pret. 2 pers. s. m., suff. 3 pers. pi. m. Kamets being added to assist the enunciation.

'Driyiin 1 id. pret. 2 pers. pi. masc. vr When affixed to proper names the Mappik in H
'Xinyiin Chald. Aph. pret. 2 pers. sing, masc, suff. 1 is omitted, as Hv??; the form is also sometimes (§ 47. rem. 4 &9) . vr prolonged to ^^=111^ (comp. nin^), as -irivX.

^jnyi^n Heb. & Ch. Hlph. or Aph. pret. 2 pers. sing, TnXinj {the Lord holds him) pr. name — I. of a

masc, suff. 1 pers. sing. (§ 4. rem. 4 & 9) king of Israel, son of Jehu, comp. 2 Ki. 13. i
— 9.

— II. of a king of Judah, son of Josiah, comp. 2

rnini imp. mn, Xm fut. Xin> (§24. rem. Se & 20).—

Ki. 23.31 —34, also called THXl' comp. 2 Ch. 36.

I. (Arab, to breathe) to exist, to be. — II. in the deriv.

1 with 2.

Lord has bestowed him.R.

to desire, comp. H-IH. — III. to fall, descend, Job37.6.
IT :
t^-1X coll.

nin, Kin chaw. to be. Fut. Nin\ nin\

with the Arab, to give) pr. name. — I. of a king of

Judah, son of Ahaziah, written also K^XV, comp

with the pref. b, Nin^, mn^, pn^, jMH^,
2 Ki. 12. I with 20. — II. of a king of Israel, son
see analyt. order.
of Jehoahaz, called also K'XV, comp. 2 Ki. 13.
fem. dec. 10. — I. desire, lust. — II. fall, ca-
10 with 9.
Inmity, destruction, for which twice is found H'H
*13Tin^ {the Lord has bestowed him) pr. name
in Kheth. Job 6. 2; 30. 13.
of several men.
nin fem. fall, calamity.
pn'in^ {the Lord has grnciously bestowed him)
mn^ the most sacred name of God, expressive
pr. name of several men, especially a commander
of His eternal. Self-existence, first communicated
under Jehoshaphat, comp. 2 Ch. 17. 15.
to the Hebrews, Ex. 3. 14, comp. chap. 6. 3. This
yi^in^ (whom the Lord knows, i. e. cares for)
name appears to be composed of 'IT, (fut. of nin,
pr. name of several men, especially of a priest of
like M_^ from H^n) and HI (preterite by aphse-
great authority, comp. 2 Ki. 11. 4.
resis for Hiri), the verb to be being twice repeated

as in Ex. 3. 14. If we supply X*S between pD^in) {the Lord will establish him, R. jlS) pr.

these words we obtain nearly the same sense as ex- name of a king of Judah, son of Jehoiakim, comp.

pressed there in the words T\^T]^ "IJi'X H'lnK. The 2 Ki. 24. 6, 8, sq.; also written fB^V Eze. i.

Jews who (from an early date) believed this name 2, n^^33^ comp. Est. 2. 6, •injSp^ Je. 24. i, Kh.,

incommunicable, substituted, in the pronunciation, •in*J3, comp. Je. 22. 24.

the vowels being O'lp^Jin* {the Lord will establish him, R. D-lp) pr.
the consonants of ''31X,
T -: ^ alike in
both words (with the exception of simple and name of a king of Judah, son of Josiah.

composite Sheva), and according to these the DnMrr*. l^l'V '

{the Lord will defend
' his cause)'
i-T rr I : I

punctuators suited the vowels of the prefixes when pr. name of a distinguished priest at Jerusalem.

HirTB, ninv, 313in' " bestowed him)

coming to stand before nin*, as '
3131'' (the Lord liberally '

nin''D according to ''piil , *3hX^ , ^jhxp . Where, pr. name of two different men.

however, Hin^ is already preceded by ''31X, to |ri3in), in^V (whom the Lord has given) pr.
avoid repetition, they furnished it with the vowels name of several men, especially of a son of Saul,

of D''nPX, in order that it be pronounced with the friend of David.

its consonants, so that nin^_ ''31X is to be read rrnyin^ (whom the Lord adorns) pr. name masc.
D''n7X '^TX. The punctuators seem to intimate 1 Ch. 8.36, called ni^l chap. 9.42.
the originality of the vowels of TV\T\1 by not point- pyin^ {the Lord is her ornament) pr. name
ing Yod with Hhateph-Pattah (Hin^) to indicate fem. 2 Ki. 14. 2.

the reading of ''JIX just as they point it with Hha- pTVin^ pT^'V {the Lord is righteous) pr. name
teph-Segol to indicate the reading of D^rPX. We of the father of Joshua the high-priest.
could, moreover, not account for the abbreviated Dlin*. WiV {the Lord is exalted) pr. name m.
forms inj, V prefixed to so many proper names, — I. of a king of Judah, son of Jehoshaphat,
unless we consider the vowels of nin^ original, comp. 2 Ki. 8. 16 — 24.— II. of a king of Israel,

rl'' i. q. nin^ from which it may be an abbre- son of Ahab, comp. 2 Ki. chap. 3.

« Pr. W. 19. » De. 4. 9. '

Jot. 4. 32. •'1)8.2.28.
\^^^in-n"in CLXXII i^S^n-np
V^^'^i^l {the Lord is her oaLh) pr. name of a DnV {the Lord is perfect R. DDH) pr. name.
daughter of king Joram, 2 Ki. ii. 2. I. of a son of Gideon, Ju. 9. 5.— II. of a king of

J?-1Knn^ W\T\) {the Lord is his salvation) pr. Judah, son of Uzziah, comp. 2 Ki. 15. 32 — ^38.

name —

of several men, especially


— II.
his sxiccessor,

of a high-;^>riest contemporary
of the minister

called also "ni.n

IT -;
Ch. Peal pret. 3 pers.
Kal imp. sing. masc.
noun fern. sing.
sing. masc. nin

with Zerubbabel, called also J^-IK'.I. Kal part. act. sing. masc. nin
tiDtJ'inj (whom the Lord judges) pr, name. — I. Dn'in (perh. for Dnin*_ Lord of multitude) pr. name
of a king of Judah son of Asa, comp. 1 Ki. 22. of a king of Hebron, Jos. 10. 3.

—51.— of the recorder of king David, comp.


2 Sa.8.

3nV {the

16.— III.
I Ki.4.
is his
17.— IV. 2Ki.9.
father) pr. name
2, 14.

of seve- nViii

Ch. Peal pret. 3 pers.
id. imp. pi. masc.
fem., pi. of [Hiri] dec. 10.
.... pi. m. ;

1 bef. nin
ral men, especially of the chief military officer of Hoph. pret. 3 pers. sing. fem. . mn


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