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How is bacierial vaginosis treated? BV Is usually treated with a vaginal antibiotic cream or gel, or an oral antibiotic’ At this stage, no data supports douching for the treatment of BV’ Follow-up visits are unnecessary if the symptoms resolve, however, recurrence of BV is not unusual, and another treatment course may be required to treat the recurrent infection’ Routine treatment of sex partners is not recommended, as treatment of the male partner is not beneficial in the prevention of a recurrent Infection’ How can bacterial vaginosis be prevented? The following basic prevention steps can, help reduce the risk of upsetting the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina and the * Practice proper hygiene* * Avoid muttiple sexual partners* * Use a condom when having intercourse* * Avoid tight. non-absorbent underciothing? * Donot douche? * Complete the course of medicine prescribed for treatment of BV, even if the signs and symptoms go away? Ifyou think you might have BV, discuss this with your doctor. so an appropriate treatment regimen may be started. Pu Letra Ls Rig, No: SIEAIDTAI. RO Bo TENTED Santon 246 Ine ea PeUEA se LOOT Wartng oro eter word” Serna What is Bacterial vaginosis? * Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a condition where the normal bacteria in the vagina are replaced by potentially harmful bacteria Itis the mast common reason for a vaginal discharge or malodour, yet it ay go undetected in up to 1 out of 2 women’ What does bacterial vaginosis look and feel like? * Women with BV may have a thin white or grey vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odour’? Most women report a strong fish-like odour, especially after intercourse” liching or burning around the vaginal ‘area may be present, however, itis also possible that a woman may experience no symptoms att all’? How do women get bacterial vaginosis ? The cause of BV is not fully understood, yet It is associated with an imbalance in ‘the bacteria normally found in a wornan’s vagina? The vagina normally contains mostly “good” bacteria and fewer “harmful” bacteria* BV develops when there Is an increase in harmful bacteria, usually due to the fact that the acidity of the vagina has been reduced” Bacterial vaginos's is not a sexually transmitted infection and it can occur in sexually inexperienced women or those with only one sexual partner? However, certain activities or behaviours can upset the normal balance of bacteria in the vagina, and put women, at Increased tisk of BV, including? Having a new sex partner or multiple sex partners Having a sexually transmitted infection = Using an intra-uterine device (IUD) for contraception How is bacterial vaginosis diagnosed? The doctor will assess your presenting complaints’ The doctor signs of BV’ examine the vagina for The doctor may send a sample of vaginal fluld to a laboratory to test for bacteria associated with BV" Why is it important to treat bacterial vaginosis? Apart from the inconvenience caused by the symptoms, BV may Increase the risk of: Susceptibility to HIV infection’ Pelvic infection following certain gynaecological proced Having complici during pregna a premature

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