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Case Study | ​Evaluation Round 1

Acme Consultants Pvt. Ltd. is a 12-year-old Management Consultancy based out of

Hyderabad. Over the years, they primarily relied on word of mouth, internal Network
references and digital marketing for business.

However, setting aggressive growth targets for the coming 2-3 years, which they realise
the current sales model cannot match. X realized the need to have a clear sales strategy
in place, to reach a wider audience and to ensure maximum conversions.

Can you frame a sales strategy that targets to increase the number of leads by an order
of magnitude, through all available sales channels and avenues? The strategy should
also include how to increase the reach digitally, as it can’t be left behind.

Criteria of Evaluation :

- New Approach/idea
- Presentation
- Clarity
- Does it answer the problem statement?
- Convincing your idea
- Understanding of sales process
- The practicality of applying the strategy

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