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WHEREAS, our founding fathers, in the unanimous Declaration of Independence,

acknowledged that the purpose of government is to secure natural rights; and

WHEREAS, such governments are instituted among individuals, with their consent,
to protect Life, Liberty, and Property; and

WHEREAS, the mere ability to deprive someone of Life, Liberty, or Property should
never be considered a crime in a free and just society; and

WHEREAS, evil resides in the heart of the individual, not in pieces of metal or
plastic, nor are objects in and of themselves evil; and

WHEREAS, in a free and just society, the government should not ban or restrict
their possession or use; and

WHEREAS, individuals should not have to ask permission or have to pay a tax in
order to exercise a natural right; and

WHEREAS, criminals do not follow the law, and licensing only usurps the natural
rights of individuals; and

WHEREAS, 16 States, including this year Kentucky, South Dakota, and Oklahoma
have passed Constitutional Carry; and

WHEREAS, mirroring legislation has been introduced in the Georgia House every
year since 2013, notably by Representative Charles Gregory of the 34TH (R-
Kennesaw) and Representative Matt Gurtler of the 8TH (R-Tiger); and

WHEREAS, Constitutional Carry was a centerpiece of the 2018 gubernatorial
campaign, with current Governor Kemp pledging his support.

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 11TH District Georgia Republican Party

rejects the licensing of natural rights and insists that Constitutional Carry be passed
in Georgia, affirming the right of law-abiding individuals to carry a firearm, open or
concealed; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 11TH District Georgia Republican Party is
authorized and directed to disseminate this resolution in good faith and preserve a
perpetual copy for the record, available on its website. An electronic copy shall also
be transmitted to each Representative and Senator of the Georgia General Assembly,
the Attorney General, the Secretary of State, the Lieutenant Governor, and the

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