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Financial system is a primary source of statistics used in analyzing national and international
economic activities. This system provides facilities for the transfer of purchasing power from individual
to individual and for firm to firm both within the country and internationally. This financial system
serves also as financial intermediaries that act as borrowers and lenders simultaneously.

Never in our life that we will be seeing ourselves giving second chances to the people who
basically damage us. It was just like a double kill for you or rather we can say that you were a fool for
accepting him/her, but then the heart never stops beating for the person you love. It is taking risk or
gambling for something that you don’t know if there will be a good result, whether you are the loved
one or the lover. Just like in the financial system, one of the most important components that the
economy should have. And in line with the business, this system provides different intermediaries where
we can be a borrower or a lender, either the two, you basically need to take risk for you to gain more
even if you aren’t sure of what will happen. Because as we all know if there is no financial system, there
will be no financial intermediaries, no economic growth and there will be no way we can improve our

Risking for chances that you aren’t sure of what will happen next is basically the bravest thing a
person can do, like in love we never imagined ourselves loving the same person for the second time
around. Maybe time heals all wounds, but the heart keeps on beating for the person we love even if
they damage us big time. Just like in the financial system, the system that provides facilities that will
serve as intermediaries where we can borrow or lend money or any assets that you do have. We must
take risk, just like in love, for something that maybe we don’t even know what the result will be, but for
us to improve we need to take risk. We need to gamble for something that wasn’t sure. And if it is a
good result then better, but if not then try again next time. We will never know until we try right? And
this financial system, is one of the most important components of the economy. If there will be no
financial system, there will be no financial intermediaries, no economic growth and there will be no way
we can improve our country.

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