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Close-Reading Assignment 

For this unit, you will be writing and closing out the unit with a 
close-reading assignment. Close-reading assignments allow students to 
really “dive deep” into 1-3 quotes of the text and critically think and 
draw personal interpretation of the text and analysis. Your close 
reading will consist of: 
1. Introduction - Include a thesis statement! 
a. Leading sentence 
b. Background 
c. Thesis 
2. Analysis/Body Paragraphs (3 quotes max- dive deep into singular 
a. For every 1 quote you have, you must have at LEAST 3 
sentences of analysis to follow. 
i. Topic Sentence 
ii. Introduce Quote 
iii. Analysis 
iv. Transition 
3. Conclusion 
a. Wrap up your paper, restate your thesis! 
We will be working on this together as a class, the first draft will be 
turned in this Friday. ​The draft must be typed and color-coded: your 
thesis in red, your quotes in blue, and your analysis in green.​ Bring 
three copies to class for peer-editing. 
Your close-reading assignment must dive deep into your personal 
knowledge of the text. Some ideas for your paper: character 
development, theme, foreshadowing, etc. We will come together as a 
class to brainstorm different ideas for your papers! :) 

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