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The education of caer aty een neem ot a creative-brief writer. Yo abe cep Ibe moe than cap ‘hat wht ths ook abot A gue ep ou hone Jari lyr meee yoy om nie ‘on cee bien ehut oer oce ((K.L5.5. 11 you know this one (Keep It Simple, Stupid) yous aleadly know the essentials of writing «brillant creative Drie See, I wold you it not rocket science 1 partof your job is writing ceative briefs, allow me to ask you question point blank ‘Where did you leam how? Tam not an account planner. Be hones. ‘Ym willing to bet that unless you'e an account planner, a very specialized tile thatrequites specialize tetining, you Jeamed to write a creative bie by doing. Or more accurately by copying, You locked ata creative brie! writen by someone ‘else, your supervisor or maybe a colleague who'd been on the jab litle longer than you, and did as she dd Hey, stk one way to learn, ‘Bt you'e reading this book because—end here I'm taking 2 Jeap of flth—you thin it far from the ideal way to learn, And unless you live n Canada or the UK, there are very few places that will teach you the art of writing creative brief, 1 know I checked (Okay, it of th in advertising 1am not an account planner Tha eopywater who reads creative bres almost every aon Gsto) cao aunnnreveuls fellossrel Lets get one thing clear befor I dive in This book isnot about writing or creating a creatve-ble template. I may be going out on limb here, but [wll assume that you akeady have one of those In fact, go even further andi say that tucked vay in some dark, dusty comer, your company, agency or department has fle cabinet, or more Tkely a fie folder fon a server, inside ‘of which isan assortment of cretive-brif templates dating back to the lst millennia, ‘They all have this label: The new and improved creative brief template! The folder gets fuer each year asthe las version is laid 10 rest Forever. The creatve-bief template i just lke Glorgo Arrant closet, You want o believe he designed this very personal space to be an elegant, warm, inviting sanctuary for his ‘wardrobe, Even empsy it would be coo to see But ité the clothes, stupid! You want to know what he hangs up there! Thats the difference between a creatve-rief template and the creative brief you write Anyone can fashion (no pun intended) a thougtul template, even a clever and provocative template That the easy part ‘The ard part comes when you ryt illin the blanks with inepiring insightful, relevant information tha eeatives can use to produce ‘compelling advertising. There’ alot of alk about this agency or tha saying cars to revise its eretive brie, that it not working hazd enough. About planes who believe no to ‘creative brief should lok the same. Each project demands its own bref. Dilferent creative disciplines, in ft, require diferent templates. All val points ve sways believed that the brief should be an organic document that can adapt and change, Just remember this central rath Content rules. ng else san accessory. As Glongio might sy, everytit have suggestions about a template, of course. But my ‘gestions ee meant to show thatthe template can and probably must adapt according to ecumstances, Indeed you can INGonverte orcs aNOm LOUa writing the brief for: Continue by taking these observations to heat the creative team. Talk to your creatives before you write a creative brief. They don’t work alone. Why should you? scree tenn Te Temas dro copper anno dee. Ihab amone secre ad ago rae 1 dare neance nn who epost or ag onmuncais ore protueesre ‘Always take a point of view when you write the brief. “That covers lt of teitory, which is why Il se the generic reatve" inthis book Rule of thumb: Creatives ae jus like other people, except that theyre different. Iman article for Admap Magazine, David Barker writs that paerntecrt Remember that the creative brief is a contract between you insecure, fasted, ner deiven,subbom, and your creativeteam: protective, follow instinct nt log, trast only themselves, love fame, ae driven by thelr ovm standards and esteem, dismisive of other opinions iraeible about eritcism and often bad eto of their ose Thats why i 30 important to make the bie inspiring I you siceed in doing hat, someone very important wil Thea he adds remember who wrote che bre: You 15 ee areal Awach a eopy to your resin so you ean show it of at there’ lot you, as supplier ofthe brief, can co about that

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