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For any information, contact:

Ankit Mathur (+91 9899569299)

Sanket Aggarwal (+91 9953191696)
The Theatre Society of CVS

Annual Street Production, 2016-17


The play starts with two chairs placed in the centre of the circle, two sections of people enter
the periphery, (the entire scene being in pantomime) their faces are covered with a white or a
black cloth (white cloth represents “the general category” & the black cloth represents the
three “reserved categories”, i.e., SC, ST & OBC) they divide themselves based on the cloth they
have on their faces and with no further ado two lines are formed, one, of the people with the
white cloth and the other, of people with the black cloth. *music fades in* Now one by one
people come forward from both the lines, sit on the chairs, a scroll is thrown towards them
from the periphery (the scroll depicts the opportunities people get in the form of education and
jobs). The line proceeds, and a point comes when the seat for the black clothed goes unfilled
and the queue of the white clothed is still very long. The aggression boils and the music
intensifies, then a black clothed person is seen coming towards his seat (without waiting for too
long) due to which the white clothed people lose their cool and one of the white clothed person
starts a revolt against this practice shows his aggression and hostility towards the black clothed
guy. A circle is formed in his support and a protest begins with the stomping of the white
clothed people.

The music softens and a voice in the backdrop is heard,

“s a ] +


College of Vocational Studies ,DramaNomics , अ


The white clothed guy stands up on the chair and raises his hand in revolt against the
RESERVATION POLICY and the music reaches a crescendo. The boy standing on the chair
removes his cloth along with all the other people standing in the circle in his support, one by one
they start off with their illogical rants,

Boy on the chair starts off with his rant:

“ ! उ

औ उ ?” (exits)

Guy 2, Rant 2: “६९ ? ९VEER !” (exits)

Guy 3, Rant 3: “ !औ ?” (exits)

Guy 4, Rant 4: “ ब अ ! ?” (exits)

Guy 5, Rant 5: “ ! ?”

Guy 6, Rant 6: “ ! !” (exits)

Music stops.

The end of this scene introduces two essential characters of the play; a girl of around 17-18
years named VEERA, (the girl sitting on the chair) and a boy of around 20-21 years named VEER
(who was earlier standing on the other chair). VEERA removes her cloth and looks around the
circle for her brother, VEER.

A scene with an abstract geography with the chairs in the centre and a proper choir at the edge
of the circle, where VEER is trying to convince his younger sister VEERA that why RESERVATION
is not required in the present scenario.

VEERA-(removing her black cloth, calls for her brother) !

A choir is formed on the edge of the periphery as VEER is seen entering the circle.

VEER-(irritated) ?

VEERA-(confused) अ ?

An intriguing melody starts on the baby xylophone

VEER- अ ! ब ब ?उ .. ,
,औ ब ब ब
, उ अ ?

VEERA- ! ब !

A guy wearing the black cloth comes and asks VEERA for her seat. VEERA without thinking twice
gives him her seat.

VEER- ब अ ब
ब ….

Seeing this VEER gets annoyed and scolds his sister.

The choir starts singing:

“ , , ,

, , , .

, ”

VEER- ब ब , औ अब
, ?

A girl with the black cloth enters the circle with a glass of water and offers it to VEER.
VEER- (To the girl) ! ? ?ब ब .

“ ,

, ”

VEER- ब औ , , ब अ ,
अब अ ब उठ , उ ब ?

A man with a baby in his arms enters and hands it over to VEER.

“ ,

, ”

VEER- (on the phone) ब !


VEER- ब !

VEERA- ब ?


VEERA- 76% ? ब ?

VEER- . .


VEER- , अब ब अ ?

Buntoo along with his body guard enter and asks VEER to give him his seat.
“ ,

, .

, , .”

VEER- अ औ

VEERA- ब ब .

VEER- ब , ब , ब .ब ब ,
अब ब उ ?

VEERA- ब !


After telling VEERA that why RESERVATION is not required in today’s scenario, VEER is now
really very irritated and frustrated to have all the things back on the surface of his head.
He now starts off with telling her about the so-called “loopholes” of the RESERVATION
POLICY of INDIA. The geography of the scene changes as the scene proceeds, from an
abstract geography to a theatre and then to an open Chinese restaurant.

VEER- अ ? . ब ब ब अ

March-past beat starts on the drum. The choir scatters as it marches. Six men with the white

cloth gather at the back of the chairs.

VEER- उ अ , औ ..
& .

VEERA- ,ब औ !

VEERA turns and sees the men trying to cut one of them in two pieces. She stops them.

VEERA- ब औ !ब औ !

VEER- ब , .. ,
& !!

VEERA- ब अ , अ . ब !


VEERA- अ ब अ .

VEER- Han sab alag hain behan. Sarkaar humein alag kar rahi hai, hum mein photo daal rahi hai.
Accha ab na bore mat kar, paas mei hi mere dost ka ek play ho raha hai chal dekhne chalte hain.

Both of them turn their chairs and the scene changes into a theatre where an artist is
performing, and a few people are seated as audience. The scene proceeds as the actor takes his

ACTOR- ब !!

VEERA- अ !

VEER- ब . , ब बठ

VEERA- ? .

VEER- अ , , औ
ब . ब उ
. .

VEERA- ब औ उ
? ! .

VEER- !अ ?
VEERA- ब . .

अ .

VEER- , अ ब ब
. अ .



VEERA- अ ब .

VEER- ??

An imaginary crowd enters the circle displaying two politicians using reservation as an agenda
for vote bank politics.




VEERA- ब ,

उ उ …

… ?

VEER- ब .

VEERA- औ ?

VEER- अ !

VEERA- अ ? अ , , , औ
औ ब ब .

VEER- ब , , .अ ब
, बब ब .
VEERA- , , अब ब ब ?
अब उ औ ब ब .
VEER- ब ... उ .
अ 20 ब ?
... .

A boy enters the circle, and in this scene it is shown as to how ignorant people interact with the
people working for them, i.e. a maid, a cobbler, a garbage man and a manual scavenger. The
professions have been so rigidly stuck with the people, which is a result of a demeaning and
wanton habits and mindset of people from the upper caste.

BOY- , ?
. अब अ
औ ब , ?

Music starts

The scene is continued when the boy gets a notification on his mobile that he has been made the
admin of a Whatsapp group, named, ‘THE BEST OF INDIA’.

BOY-Someone made me the admin of the Best Of India!?

Hello guys Jai General this side!
Participant 1 - Hi jai, sanchit general this side, ?
Participant 2- Only deserving people here, i hope.
Participant 3- ,
Participant 4- Surf excel is cleaner than you Neeraj
Participant 5- My heels are higher than your standards neeraj
Participant 6- Hi guys Jagdish ST here
Participant 7- 47 messages already
Participant 8- ST, more like Social Trash
Participant 9- Hello, Hannu dalit boy here
Participant 10- !
Participant 11- Hello everyone, Shiv OBC here
Participant 12- .ब . , ?
Participant 4- Go take a bath Shiv
Participant 2- Really? BEST OF INDIA?
Participant 1- I am leaving yaar
Participant 5- Kriti genral left!
Participant 12- अ , !
BOY- 4,3,2,1 removed!
अब ब !
Participant 7- But what about the rest of India?
BOY- Removed...
Participant 12- ब
BOY- ,ब !.

This scene makes clear how socially excluded people from Reserved category are made.

The scene is shifted to a restaurant where, supposedly, the best ‘Rayeta’ is made. This scene
shows how important it is for a nation to have equal representation of people from different
classes and sects so that the growth seen is not polarized to a particular class.

BOY- अ ?
BOY- , ,औ !

Music starts

CHEF- ,उ ,औ ... औ

BOY- ? !
WAITER- , ? ब !
CHEF- अब ब ,उ औ
औ .
BOY- , ? ब !
WAITER- , ? ब !

CHEF- , ,उ औ
औ औ ...1, 2,3,4,5!
WAITER- अब ब ? !
VEERA- , ब ब .
VEER- ब ? ?
VEERA- ! ब !
VEER- अ , VEER० उ अ ?
VEERA- ब ?
VEER- ! ! औ !
VEERA- , औ
उ ब अ
उ .
VEER- ब ?
VEERA- , ब
ब औ ब . ब ,
अ उ .
VEER- घ .
VEERA- अब घ , ब औ !

The next pantomime scene starts in an era before Reservation policy was implemented. The
same group of people, black and white masked, are seen again where this time the historic
discrimination faced by the lower caste people is seen and solidifies the reason as to why
Reservation was brought into practice.

VEERA- अब ?
VEER- ? ! ब अब !
VEERA- ब .
music starts


- , अ .
- ब
- ,


अ - ? घ ?अ ब ब
बठ , ब बठ . ब !

ब !...

- ?
- .
- , ,
- /
- . . .अ घ , अ औ

2012,2013,2015 औ अ 2017 औ 2018 अ .

औ ?
VEER- ब ब ब !?
VEERA- , ब | अ
अ | अब उ |
VEER- अ ठ | ब उ ?
VEERA- ब उ , | ब ब
ब औ उ ब ब उ . अ
औ अ . अब उ , ?
VEER- अ ब ?
? अब अ ?
?औ औ .
VEER- ठ , उ ?उ बठ ?

VEERA- ,उ ब
! ब औ ब औ
ब .औ , ब
, /
VEER- ? 21 , अ ,अ ,अ
,औ अ ब , ?
VEERA- , , उ .

- ,अ , ब
, ब .
, .

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