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Shivangi Saxena, BCA (VI th Sem)


Trinity Institute of Professional Studies

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Phone: 011- 45636921/22/23




Artificial intelligence (AI) aims to mimic There is no universally agreed definition of

human cognitive functions. It is bringing a AI. The term broadly refers to computing
paradigm shift to healthcare, powered by technologies that resemble processes
increasing availability of healthcare data associated with human intelligence, such as
and rapid progress of analytics techniques. reasoning, learning and adaptation, sensory
We survey the current status of AI understanding, and interaction.1 Currently,
applications in healthcare and discuss its most applications of AI are narrow, in that
future. AI can be applied to various types of they are only able to carry out specific tasks
healthcare data (structured and or solve pre-defined problems.
unstructured). Popular AI techniques
include machine learning methods for OVERVEIW OF THE MEDICAL
structured data, such as the classical support ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI)
vector machine and neural network, and the RESEARCH
modern deep learning, as well as natural
language processing for unstructured data. Recently AI techniques have sent vast
Major disease areas that use AI tools waves across healthcare, even fuelling an
include cancer, neurology and cardiology. active discussion of whether AI doctors will
We then review in more details the AI eventually replace human physicians in the
applications in stroke, in the three major future. We believe that human physicians
areas of early detection and diagnosis, will not be replaced by machines in the
treatment, as well as outcome prediction foreseeable future, but AI can definitely
and prognosis evaluation. assist physicians to make better clinical
decisions or even replace human judgement
in certain functional areas of healthcare (eg,
radiology). Guided by relevant clinical
questions, powerful AI techniques can
unlock clinically relevant information HEALTHCARE DATA
hidden in the massive amount of data,
which in turn can assist clinical decision
Before AI systems can be deployed in
healthcare applications, they need to be
‘trained’ through data that are generated
In this article, we survey the current status
from clinical activities, such as screening,
of AI in healthcare, as well as discuss its
diagnosis, treatment assignment and so on,
future. We first briefly review four relevant
so that they can learn similar groups of
aspects from medical investigators’
subjects, associations between subject
features and outcomes of interest. These
1. motivations of applying AI in clinical data often exist in but not limited to
healthcare the form of demographics, medical notes,
electronic recordings from medical devices,
2. data types that have be analysed by
physical examinations and clinical
AI systems laboratory and images.
3. mechanisms that enable AI systems Specifically, in the diagnosis stage, a
to generate clinical meaningful substantial proportion of the AI literature
results analyses data from diagnosis imaging,
4. disease types that the AI genetic testing and electrodiagnosis (figure
communities are currently tackling. 1)


The advantages of AI have been

extensively discussed in the medical
literature. AI can use sophisticated
algorithms to ‘learn’ features from a large
volume of healthcare data, and then use the
obtained insights to assist clinical practice.
It can also be equipped with learning and
self-correcting abilities to improve its
accuracy based on feedback. An AI system
can assist physicians by providing up-to-
date medical information from journals,
textbooks and clinical practices to inform
proper patient care. In addition, an AI Figure 1
system can help to reduce diagnostic and The data types considered in the
therapeutic errors that are inevitable in the artificial intelligence artificial (AI)
human clinical practice Moreover, an AI literature. The comparison is obtained
system extracts useful information from a through searching the diagnosis
large patient population to assist making techniques in the AI literature on the
real-time inferences for health risk alert and PubMed database.
health outcome prediction. IMPACT ON HEALTHCARE

More engaged and discerning consumers

are exerting greater influence on health
systems and driving new business models. Widening choices in a growing global
This trend is opening the door for new health market have opened the doors for
entrants from industries such as retail, new players like telecommunications to
telecommunications, technology, and access the broad healthcare consumer base.
wellness and fitness. At the same time, new
products, services and delivery systems are
helping to democratise and decentralise

An era of patient-centric health systems is

emerging. We are seeing a general shift
away from fragmented care to integrated
models: organisations, communities and
social care providers coordinating their
services, with patients as active partners in
their health across the continuum.
Informed consumers will demand
increasing accountability, integrity and
transparency from their health systems. Our analysis of mHealth reveals mobile is
Meanwhile, the pressure is on governments positioned to have a huge impact on how
to provide sustainable care in the face of healthcare is delivered. It offers
anticipated significant increases in opportunities to address one of the most
healthcare costs. The private sector offers pressing global challenges: making
partnership opportunities to satisfying healthcare more accessible, faster, better
consumer demands. As financial and cheaper.
performance is tied to clinical outcomes,
patient engagement will also become Mobile is accelerating trends in
increasingly important. The private sector healthcare
has the resources and innovative Three major trends already happening in
technologies to meet the outcomes that healthcare lend themselves to the revolution
informed consumers increasingly value. in mobile technology:
These companies can invest in insights and
have the versatility to adapt to satisfy
consumer needs. • Ageing population: Ageing populations
and chronic illness are driving regulatory
reform. Public sector healthcare is seeking
mHealth services are already replacing better access and quality, and it’s looking to
visits to nurses and doctors. Wireless the private sector for innovation and
technology will improve access to health efficiency. mHealth improves access and
for people around the world. As the quality, and offers dramatic innovation and
technologies improve and patients discover cost reduction.
they hold the power of self-care on their
personal devices, they will expect to have • Foundations already in place: The
greater access to these services. Mobile foundations of industrialisation of
technologies will improve the quality of healthcare are already in place — electronic
care they receive while easing some of the medical records, remote monitoring and
pressures on the health system. communications. ‘Care anywhere’ is
already emerging. The platform for now be done through a mobile phone and
mHealth is set. wirelessly sent to a physician.

• Personalisation: Healthcare, like other

industries, is getting personal. mHealth can Patients are taking a greater interest in their
offer personal toolkits for predictive, care and are more willing to self-manage.
participatory and preventative care. They want to be more empowered when it
comes to their health. Leveraging available
health information, new technology, and
mobile health (mHealth), the empowered
consumer knows more, wants more and is
CURRENT MARKET SITUATION able to do more for themselves.
An era of patient-centric health systems is
emerging, with a shift away from
More demanding and discerning consumers fragmented care to integrated models.
are opening doors for new entrants in
healthcare provision. Consumers are taking
advantage of unprecedented access to
information to become more diligent and
informed about their health. The growing
power of the patient as discerning consumer
is creating new global markets and
informing new models for care.

Patients are demanding more sophisticated,

convenient, transparent, affordable and ETHICAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES
personalised service. As a result, an agile
private sector has gained a strong foothold Many ethical and social issues raised by AI
in the delivery and financing of healthcare. overlap with those raised by data use;
In a recent PwC consumer survey, almost automation; the reliance on technologies
half of respondents said they would more broadly; and issues that arise with the
consider having procedures like wound use of assistive technologies and
treatment, stitches or staples removed at a ‘telehealth’.
retail clinic or pharmacy. One-third said
they would get an MRI at a retail venue. • RELIABILITY AND SAFETY
The underlying message is that patients are Reliability and safety are key issues where
accepting greater accountability for their AI is used to control equipment, deliver
health. treatment, or make decisions in healthcare.
AI could make errors and, if an error is
difficult to detect or
Patients are also welcoming the flexibility has knock-on effects, this could have
that technology brings to their care. serious implications. For example, in a
Increasingly, they are willing to be 2015 clinical trial, an AI app was used to
monitored wirelessly for their conditions, predict which patients were likely to
and to consider receiving traditionally develop complications following
hospital-based medical treatments, such as pneumonia, and therefore should be
chemotherapy, at home. Obtaining readings hospitalised. This app erroneously
from devices like electrocardiograms, instructed doctors to send home patients
pacemakers or defibrillators, which with asthma due to its inability to take
generally requires an in-person visit, can contextual information into account. The
performance of symptom checker apps reflect and reinforce biases in the data used
using AI, has been questioned. For to train them. Concerns have been raised
example, it has been found that about
recommendations from apps might be the potential of AI to lead to discrimination
overly cautious, potentially increasing in ways that may be hidden or which may
demand for unnecessary tests and not align with legally protected
treatments. characteristics, such as gender, ethnicity,
disability, and age. The House of Lords
• TRANSPARENCY AND Select Committee on AI has cautioned that
ACCOUNTABILITY datasets used to train AI systems are often
It can be difficult or impossible to poorly representative of the wider
determine the underlying logic that population and, as a result, could make
generates the outputs unfair decisions that reflect wider
produced by AI. Some AI is proprietary and prejudices in society. The Committee also
deliberately kept secret, but some are found that biases can be embedded in the
simply too complex for a human to algorithms themselves, reflecting the
understand. Machine learning technologies beliefs and prejudices of AI developers.
can be particularly opaque because of the Several commentators have called for
way they continuously tweak their own increased diversity among developers to
parameters and rules as they learn. This help address this issue. The benefits of AI
creates problems for validating the outputs in healthcare might not be evenly
of AI systems, and identifying errors or distributed. AI might work less well where
biases in the data. The new EU General data are scarce or more difficult to collect
Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) states or render digitally. This could affect people
that data subjects have the right not to be with rare medical conditions, or others who
subject to a decision based solely on are underrepresented in clinical trials and
automated processing that produces legal or research data, such as Black, Asian, and
similarly significant effects. It further states minority ethnic populations.
that information provided to individuals
when data about them are used should
include “the existence of automated
decision-making, (...) meaningful
AI depends on digital data, so
information about the logic involved, as
inconsistencies in the availability and
well as the significance and the envisaged
quality of data restrict the
consequences of such processing for the
potential of AI. Also, significant computing
data subject”. However, the scope and
power is required for the analysis of large
content of these restrictions - for example,
and complex data sets. While many are
whether and how AI can be intelligible -
enthusiastic about the possible uses of AI in
and how they will apply in the UK, remain
the NHS, others point to the practical
uncertain and contested. Related questions
challenges, such as the fact that medical
include who is accountable for decisions
records are not consistently digitised across
made by AI and how anyone harmed by the
the NHS, and the lack of interoperability
use of AI can seek redress.
and standardisation in NHS IT systems,
digital record keeping, and data labelling.
There are questions about the extent to
which patients and doctors are comfortable
Although AI applications have the potential
with digital sharing of personal health
to reduce human bias and error, they can
data.40 Humans have attributes that AI
systems might not be able to authentically
possess, such as compassion. Clinical questions about whether and how ethical
practice often involves complex judgments values or principles can ever be coded or
and abilities that AI currently is unable to learnt by a machine; who, if anyone, should
replicate, such as contextual knowledge and decide on these values; and whether duties
the ability to read social cues. There is also that apply to humans can or should apply to
debate about whether some human machines, or whether new ethical principles
knowledge is tacit and cannot be taught. might be needed.
Claims that AI will be able to display
autonomy have been questioned on grounds CONCLUSION
that this is a property essential to being
human and by definition cannot be held by
We reviewed the motivation of using AI in
a machine.
healthcare, presented the various healthcare
data that AI has analysed and surveyed the
major disease types that AI has been
deployed. We then discussed in details the
AI has applications in fields that are subject
two major categories of AI devices:
to regulation, such as data protection,
ML and NLP. For ML, we focused on the
two most popular classical techniques:
and healthcare. However, AI is developing
SVM and neural network, as well as the
in a fast-moving and entrepreneurial
modern deep learning technique. We then
manner that
surveyed the three major categories of AI
might challenge these established
applications in stroke care.
frameworks. A key question is whether AI
should be regulated as a distinct area, or A successful AI system must possess the
whether different areas of regulation should ML component for handling structured data
be reviewed with the possible impact of AI (images, EP data, genetic data) and the
in mind. Further challenges include the NLP component for mining unstructured
need to ensure texts. The sophisticated algorithms then
that the way AI is developed and used is need to be trained through healthcare data
transparent, accountable, and compatible before the system can assist physicians with
with disease diagnosis and treatment
public interest, and balanced with the desire suggestions.
to drive UK innovation. Many have raised
the need for researchers, healthcare The IBM Watson system is a pioneer in this
professionals, and policy-makers to be field. The system includes both ML and
equipped with the relevant skills and NLP modules, and has made promising
knowledge to evaluate and make the best progress in oncology. For example, in a
use of AI. cancer research, 99% of the treatment
recommendations from Watson are
THE FUTURE OF AI coherent with the physician decisions.
Furthermore, Watson collaborated with
In the future, it is likely that AI systems will Quest Diagnostics to offer the AI Genetic
become more advanced and attain the Diagnostic Analysis. In addition, the
ability to system started to make impact on actual
carry out a wider range of tasks without clinical practices. For example, through
human control or input. If this comes about, analysing genetic data, Watson successfully
some have suggested that AI systems will identified the rare secondary leukaemia
need to learn to ‘be ethical’ and to make caused by myelodysplastic syndromes in
ethical decisions. This is the subject of Japan.
much philosophical debate, raising
Stroke is a chronic disease with acute system. Current healthcare environment
events. Stroke management is a rather does not provide incentives for sharing data
complicated process with a series of clinical on the system. Nevertheless, a healthcare
decision points. Traditionally clinical revolution is under way to stimulate data
research solely focused on a single or very sharing in the USA. The reform starts with
limited clinical questions, while ignoring changing the health service payment
the continuous nature of stroke scheme. Many payers, mostly insurance
management. Taking the advantage of large companies, have shifted from rewarding the
amount of data with rich information, AI is physicians by shifting the treatment volume
expected to help with studying much more to the treatment outcome. Furthermore, the
complicated yet much closer to real-life payers also reimburse for a medication or a
clinical questions, which then leads to treatment procedure by its efficiency.
better decision making in stroke Under this new environment, all the parties
management. Recently, researchers have in the healthcare system, the physicians, the
started endeavours along this direction and pharmaceutical companies and the patients,
obtained promising initial results. have greater incentives to compile and
exchange information. Similar approaches
Although the AI technologies are attracting
are being explored in China.
substantial attentions in medical research,
the real-life implementation is still facing
obstacles. The first hurdle comes from the
regulations. Current regulations lack of REFERENCES
standards to assess the safety and
efficacy of AI systems. To overcome the 1. IBM Research (5 January 2017)
difficulty, the US FDA made the first IBM 5 in 5: with AI, our words will
attempt to provide guidance for assessing be a window into our mental health.
AI systems. The first guidance classifies AI 2. STAT (5 September 2017) IBM
systems to be the ‘general wellness pitched its Watson supercomputer
products’, which are loosely regulated as as a revolution in cancer care. It’s
long as the devices intend for only general nowhere close.
wellness and present low risk to users. The 3. British Academy and Royal Society
second guidance justifies the use of real- (2017) Data management and use:
world evidence to access the performance governance in the 21st century.
of AI systems. Lastly, the guidance clarifies 4. See
the rules for the adaptive design in clinical 5.
trials, which would be widely used in
assessing the operating characteristics of AI
systems. Not long after the disclosure of
these guidances, Arterys’ medical imaging
platform became the first FDA-approved
deep learning clinical platform that can help
cardiologists to diagnose cardiac diseases.
The second hurdle is data exchange. In
order to work well, AI systems need to be
trained (continuously) by data from clinical
studies. However, once an AI system gets
deployed after initial training with
historical data, continuation of the data
supply becomes a crucial issue for further
development and improvement of the

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