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Staying Motivated

Discipline is key to achieving your goal but motivation is a major factor to success. Here
a few tips to help get motivated :

 Knowing your goal

If you don’t know your goal you will probably find it more difficult to get

 Motivating other
It sounds strange but encouraging others to get to work can often inspire you to
work also.

 Look at others work

If you see others working you’ll want to too!

 Make a to-do list

Writing out what you have to do will clear out your mind and also make you
excited to get stuff done!

 Buy new stationery

It will make you want to use it. It doesn’t have to be anything too expensive;
pens, sticky notes, notebooks are all great!

 Whatch videos on what you’re going to be studying.

It a lot more entertaining, especially if you’re a visual learner and an auditory

 Prepare your study space

Have everything you’ll need around but keep the area clean and spacious.

 Set learning outcomes

What do you want to know by the end of your study session?

 Rewards
Set rewards for yourself, take breaks after studying for a certain amoun of time.

 Listen to music
Music can be super helpful however it’s important you pick motivating, inspiring
music avoid ballads, chill-out or lounge music. Websites like track are great for
these kind of playlists.

 Exercise
A brisk walk or jog or even a few star jumps are enough to energise and
 Quotes
Scroll through some quotes to inspire yourself, just make sure you’re motivating
yourself and not procrastinating.

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