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Crossman 1

Gabrielle Crossman

Kjirsten Goeller

English 1201

20 January 2019

Research Proposal

I chose to research why marijuana is still illegal (even for medicinal use) in some states

but alcohol is legal in all states. I chose this topic for many reasons. One reason I chose this topic

is my grandmother died from liver failure because she was an alcoholic. I know a lot of people

whose lives have been destroyed or strongly affected by alcoholism. I just don’t understand why

alcohol doesn’t get the same reputation as every other drug. Another reason I chose this topic is

my mom has a government clearance and isn’t allowed to use CBD oil to help with one of her

medical issues because it comes from the marijuana plant. CBD oil doesn’t even get you high. I

think this is ridiculous because it’s completely legal for my mom to intoxicated through alcohol,

but she can’t use an oil from a plant to help her chronic pain. Overall, I just think alcohol causes

way more damage than marijuana and there aren’t very many benefits to ingesting alcohol.

I feel strongly about this topic. I think alcohol is a lot more harmful than marijuana. I

think marijuana should be legalized. I believe there would be a lot less accidents if alcohol was

illegal. I know a decent amount of car accidents are due to a drunk driver. I know alcohol is

addictive and a depressant.

One thing I need to research for this topic is the harmful affects of marijuana. To make an

educated decision whilst debating a controversial topic you should know both sides. I only know
Crossman 2

the harmful effects of alcohol. Another thing I need to research is the benefits of ingesting

alcohol. The only beneficial thing I know about alcohol is that it can be used as a disinfectant.

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