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Claire Taylor 1

Claire Taylor

Professor Loudermilk

English Composition 11 1201.523

20 January 2019

Research Proposal

In the last few years the occurrence of dead diseases are on the rise due unvaccinated
individuals. This week on my neighborhood facebook a community member posted the
mandatory vaccines needed in our School system. I noticed when reading through the comments
that parents were very upset and thought they they should particular have the right to choose
which shots there children should get. I was very interested in this topic when i started looking
into the required vaccines I will need for my health program through sinclair.

I feel that parents don't have the right to refuse immunizations under most circumstances
except if there is a medical implication that doesn't allow you to receive the immunization. I
think this topic is a very controversial topic that will have lots of information supporting both
sides of the argument. I believe that this topic is important for our community and population
and our overall world health. I know that we do have recommended guidelines for kids by ages
and that a consent is necessary to receive the vaccine. I also know that there may be risks and
side effects that come along with receiving certain vaccines.

Do parents have the legal right in my state to Refuse vaccines for their children? WHat is
the impact on the individual child if a vaccine is not received? What is the impact on the
community and the population if children are not vaccinated? I think a great place to start
looking for information would be reputably sources such as; Centers for Disease Control, The
American Academy of Pediatrics, and The World Health Organization.

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