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Camron Dillard

Gateway 1

Mr. Griffith

29 August 2017

A million dollars

If someone gave me a million dollars I would do lots of things with it. I would buy stuff I need

like clothes, food, etc. I would also invest some money in a company so I could make more

money into what I invest in. I would buy a lot of stuff that I like. I would also donate money to

charity. Helping others is very important. Especially those in need. This would help me be a

better person and show what I can do. Giving back to the community and people around me. I

would invest my money in a big successful company because they make more money than others

and that’s how it can be beneficial to me. I would also want to treat myself. I would want a lot of

nice things. If I’m not old enough for a car, I would still buy one to have until I can start driving.

I would also give some money to my family. If they need some then they could ask me. I would

rather not tell them I have a million dollars because they might continuously ask and everyone in

my family might ask. I would maybe even make my own business as well as invest. They could

both benefit me depending on how well both eventually turns out. If I don’t like how the

investment is going, I will sell away my part of the company to someone who wants it.

Hopefully we can come to a conclusion to how much he or she plans on giving me. If he or she

offers a good amount, I would gladly take the offer given to me. When I get a little more older, I

would hope to have a kid and spend money on him or her. I hope I wouldn’t spend all my million

dollars. I would be happy if I still had at least a fourth of it left. This would make me happy

because I will still have a job and not completely broke.

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