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Mangled Connection

Hoarder ​Hoarder’s Child

I wish she’d visit me I wish I could visit her

It’s been what seems like two years I can’t remember the last time I was there
I miss her. I miss her.

Her smell The stench

Strawberries Rotten
Her hugs The enclosement feeling
I wish our relationship could be like before. I wish my childhood house could return.

Why has she stopped visiting?

I could no longer see the walls.
What changed?
The house was no longer a house.
Who drove her away?
Your overflow of items drove me away.
When did she forget about me?
Never have. You lost yourself.
Does she even think of me anymore?
I think about you every day. I worry about
your safety. I want you in my life.

I love her I love her

I love my item I hate her obsession
I can’t choose. Why must she choose materials over

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