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Coraline is among of the best fantasy novels of the 21th century, since its lessons outgo the
sole purpose of being a book for children. The book whose name shares with the main
character not only provides us with how a hero was made in such hard situation, but also a
look at the beauty of the imperfection. As human beings are not like any god-like figures
whose actions are always for good sakes, we cannot but accept and deal with the fact that
we have our own mistakes. This study discusses how the way Neil Gaiman builds his
fantasy world and his own kind of protagonist can allow readers to learn about the true
sense of beauty in both one’s flaws and one’s reality of the world around them. Containing
four main parts, the study analyzes and looks closely at a number of relevant research to
emphasize and comes to a practical meaning that can be applied in daily life.

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