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Departemen Ilmu Hubungan Internasional

Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Universitas Gadjah Mada


Studi Kawasan: ASPAC
UTS China
(SPB 1211)
Dosen Pengampu:
Dr. Nur Rachmat Yuliantoro, MA (IR)
Randy Wirasta Nandyatama, M.Sc.
Treviliana Eka Putri, M. Int.Sec.

Ketentuan pengerjaan:
1. Ujian bersifat take-home.
2. Bacalah pertanyaan dengan seksama dan jawablah dengan menggunakan bahan
bacaan/ materi yang telah disampaikan di kelas.
3. Kerjakan 2 dari 3 pertanyaan yang tersedia.
4. Jawaban harus padat, ringkas, tajam, dan substantif.
5. Jawaban ditulis sepanjang 350-500 kata.
6. Penulisan sitasi konsisten (footnote/ in-text note).
7. Jawaban untuk masing-masing pertanyaan diketik pada lembar terpisah dengan
masing-masing lembar memuat identitas mahasiswa.
8. Jawaban dikumpulkan di ruang ujian sesuai jadwal UTS yang tertera di PALAWA.

Choose 2 out of 3 questions below:

1. The total power of the Chinese Communist Party has made China been labelled by
many as an authoritarian, undemocratic country. This, they argue, may hinder China
from realising its potentials to become one of great powers. Within this context, do
you think China needs to be democratic? Why? Explain your answer.
2. China has demonstrated its capability in modernising its economy. However, this is
not without any challenges. In your opinion, what is the main socioeconomic
challenge that China faces now? And should China make fundamental political
reforms in order to sustain its economic development?
3. In his talk, ‘Understanding the Rise of China’, Martin Jacques stated that the “we
can’t understand China with Western concept”. In your opinion, what the West got
wrong about China’s rise?

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