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Member of Group

Risa Dyas Pratiwi Novi Ida Wulandari Rosalia Wahyu Juniarti

Qurotul Ainiyah L Ahmad Nabil M M. Mustagfirin Tj
Alwi Rismona Silvina Najani

Aini : In a house at Surakartaa city, there is Mr Nabil’s little family. He has a wife called
Wulan, they live together with wulan’s grandmother called Najani. Wulan
pregnants her first 34 week . They speak about Wulan’s
Wulan : Dear, let’s check my pregnancy at the midwife tomorrow. I’m so

Nabil : Okay, we will go to Midwife rosa tomorrow

Aini : as usually, the driver carrying Mr. nabil and Mrs. wulan to their office.
After 2 o’clock,after teaching activity finished, they go home.
Nabil : Please bring us to permata bunda hospital at 4 o’clock. We want to
check Mr.wulan’s pregnancy
TJ : oke sir. I will arrive here at 4 o’clock
Wulan : don’t forget it
Tj : Yes mam
Aini : the clock shows 4:00 p.m. ,, Mr.Nabil's family and wulan's mother
get ready for a pregnancy checkup for wulan's
Tj : Are you ready,Mam..?
Najani : Yes,I am.. please wait me in your car
Tj : Yes mam
Aini : together with the private driver of their house, the clan, Mr. Nabil
even get ready to go
Najani : Come on, bil, let's get our wulan get, sir. The driver is ready
Nabil wulan : Yes grandma
Najani : let's go
Tj : Yes ma
Aini : Arriving PERMATA BUNDA hospital
Silvina: let's go down, I will help you
TJ: I said goodbye , I waited while drinking coffee in the StarBucks
Wulan: yes later when it's finished on the phone

Aini : they are heading to the client registration site

Nabil: good afternoon, miss

Risa: yes good afternoon, can I help you ?
Wulan: Yes mam, I will check my pregnant

Risa : Can you give me your identity ?

Nabil: Yes mis

Risa : Please come in
Wulan: asalamualaikum .... (all answer greetings)
Rosa: Good afternoon, this is with mom Wulan ?
Wulan: Yes ma'am
Rosa : How about the donor that I told you yesterday ?
Nabil: we have contacted ma'am. They already want to came.
Rosa: well, Mrs. Risa can you check Mrs wulan first ?
Risa; Yes mam I will check Mrs. Wulan first
Wulan : how about my condition ?
Rosa : Your interpretation of birth is June 11, 2010.
Aini : When the midwife disscution with Nabil’s family. The donor’s come.
Mona : Assalamualikum, iam mona , I am one of those people who nabil’s already
contact. Me as your wife donor.
Risa : Okay mom mona, remember the date is June 11, 2010 mom wulan will birth at
the day. Or waiting my information.
Mona : Oke mom. Thank you ya. Believe me it will gonna be okay.
Rosa; Oh ya mam. After that we have mini sosalitation in the waiting room, the
information so important for you
Aini : Then the sosalitation held in trhe waiting room

Risa : Yes Sir Well Sir / Ma'am, let's look at my explanation

Explain signs of labor:

a. The contraction starts from the distance between one and the next
contraction quite long,
b. Opening of the birth canal:
which can last 24-48 hours,
c. Ruptured membranes: the appearance of cloudy white fluid from the

Aini: Then explain about the danger signs of pregnancy by Rosa.

Rosa: These are some of the danger signs of pregnancy, Mother Wulan
a Blood flow from the birth canal
b High fever
c Swollen feet, hands and face, severe headaches, heartburn
d before the premature discharge of amniotic fluid
e Infants in the womb are reduced or immovable

Furthermore, pregnant women often experience anemia, so it is recommended

to take FE tablets or blood enhancers with the rule of Fe Tablet taken 1 day a
day. mother sleep left side. After childbirth and childbirth may use hormonal
birth control
contains the hormone KB progesterone does not affect production
ASI and injectable types of birth control include: depropovera (3
month) whereas birth control pills for example excluton, and so on. Besides
it may also use non-hormonal birth control, for example: IUD

Rosa : OK ... I continued my explanation. I will read it about childbirth preparation, if

you don't understand it may be asked:
a) Maternity Savings
Promote pregnant women to prepare and recalculate
saving pregnancy, for preparation for labor.
b) Place
Encourage mothers to give birth at health services,
for example: BPS, maternity homes, maternity homes, hospitals.
c) Helper.
Encourage the mother, when labor is helped by health workers
trained, for example midwives or doctors obgyn.
d) Decision Making.
Advise the mother to determine who made the decision
in the act of labor.
e) Blood donors.
Advise the mother to immediately seek blood donors accordingly
His blood type, four people. In anticipation of bleeding.
f) Transportation
Transportation must be prepared for labor later.
g) Needs for newborns
Baby equipment, diaper clothes, jarik, whether labor or baby.

Rosa: Any question?

Wulan : No mam,
Risa : Oke thank you for your attention. See you on next Socialization.
Aini: after pay off the administration of the family Mr. Nabil call the driver to go home, donors
come home each. Hopefully Ms. Wulan and Mr. Nabil get a healthy baby, complete no disability
whatever, hopefully. Amen

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