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-greet all

So much of growing up is an unbearable waiting. A constant longing for another time. Another
season.Sonia Sanchez U.S. poet and writer.

-thank parents

Why study?
Why go to school?

Instead of “we can’t afford that”, ask how can we afford that?”

Graduating from the elementary is just the beginning of all.

Índeed it is already an achievement , but here is just the first step of life.

-elem experience

Don’t be afraid of rejections.

Try harder to earn good grades. But never be afraid.

Go where you’re wanted

Don’t lose the chance of a better life.

-through schooling

Visualize yourself in the future, and start acting as one.

Don’t complain. Be part of the solution, never the problem.-elon

Sometimes you need bad things to happen, to inspire you to change and grow.

Don’t wait until you have enough money. You need only determination to succeed. -henry sy

Use pressure to grow your self-discipline.

Don’t make excuses. Make things happen.

Study to get a job or build a business.

Never forget our God, who makes everything happen. The blessings from the Lord makes one
rich and He adds no sorrow with it.

Things that matter the most, are rarely said. So, if you were inspired by my story, thank you for
listening. Again congratulations graduates and God bless on your journey!

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