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Finally it is my turn to do the microteaching.

My topic was the preparation of

ethanoic acid and physical properties of carboxylic acid. I bring spoiled soy milk
to the class as a set induction to make them more understanding on what they
going to learn during my class.
The other presenter were Nurliyana Isa and Amir Akram. Alhamdulilah all of
us get the positive feedback from sir Hisyam. Overall we have tried our best in
this asessment. He said that one of the most importance thing to be an educator
is to grab their attention first during our teaching process. For me, during my
microteaching session, I tried to be someone else to get my student’s attention.
To be honest, it comes spontaneously and it turned out so well as they give a
respond during my teaching process.
I also want said thank you to all my classmates for their good cooperation.
Their good respond, attention and reaction made me feel motivated to teach
them and it made me feel less nervous on that time. Thank you so much guys!

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