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Role Play – Job Interview

Task: act out the dialogue between the Human Resource and Trainess

Trainee : Excuse me, Sir. May I come in?

H.R : Yes. Please come, and have a seat
Trainee l : Thank you Sir.
H.R : So, your name is Fathul right?
Trainee : Yes, that is right Sir
H.R :Very well, my name is Fathul. I am the head of the human resource of this
advertising company
Trainee : Nice to meet you Sir.
H.R : How are you Fathul?
Trainee : I’m fine. Thank you and how about you?
H.R : I’m fine too. So, do you know what are you going to do?
Trainee : Yes sir, I’m going to be having an interview job session with you.
H.R :Very well, can you tell a little me about yourself?
Trainee : My name is Fathul 19 years old. I graduated from Vocational
College Kuala Selangor. I took design graphic as my major. I love to play
football and drawing. Playing football and Drawing can improve my
physical and mental health.
H.R :You applied to be our graphic designer. Do you have any experience
about this job?
Trainee :No, Sir. I am a fresh graduate. This is my first time to apply job.
H.R : What make you decide to apply for this position?
Trainee l : I think the position is an appropriate job for me. I find the work the job
scope is interesting as well and it will give me some good work
H.R : Very well. So, what is your strength and weakness?
Trainee : My strength is cheerful person. I have bright personality and I know than
I can brighten atmosphere of my workplace. I also have very good in
cooperating with my teammates. My weakness is I am afraid to fail.
H.R : Can you tell me what is the expected salary for you first job?
Trainee : I believe that I deserve to be paid no more than RM 2,000.
H.R : Alright, that explains it was a great time to have a little talk with you,
Fathul. We will announce the result of your interview in a week. Thank you
for coming here.
Trainee : Yes, thank you sir.

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