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Wuthering Heights

Chapter Outline

Chapter 1 - Lockwood comes to Wuthering Heights

Has just moved into Thrushcross Grange.
Meets Heathcliff (his landlord).
Heathcliff leaves him with angry dogs.
Dogs are chased off by housekeeper.

Chapter 2 – Lockwood goes back to Wuthering Heights

Meets Cathy/Little Catherine, Heathcliff’s son’s widow.
Meets Hareton Earnshaw.
Tries to leave in the middle of a snow storm but no one will be his guide.
Stays the night in the house.

Chapter 3 – Cathy at the window

Lockwood stays in the study.
Reads the diary of the late Catherine Linton.
Falls asleep in the chair. Wakes up to a tapping at the window.
Tries to snap the branch off but is grabbed by an icy hand.
Books fall from the shelf, Lockwood screams, Heathcliff enters. Lockwood escapes.
Heathcliff escorts Lockwood to Thrushcross Grange the next morning.

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