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Huber 1

Katherine Huber
Mrs. Cramer
Comp Pd. 2
28 October 2018
How I Put Together My Presentation: Diction & Chiasmus

The way I presented my Power Point was simple. I also had a very interesting

background to appeal to the audiences' eye, so they would be attracted and want to learn more. I

wanted the class to be able to understand the terms.

I started with the title slide, so the audience knew what my presentation was going to be

about. In the second slide, I had two rhetorical terms to present. I listed both and their

definitions, so the audience could know what they meant. The first term Chiasmus is the

repetition of ideas in inverted order and the repetition of grammatical structures in inverted

order. The second term, diction, is the style of speaking or writing, determined by the choice of

words by a speaker or writer and it separates good writing from bad writing. The next few slides

go in order of the terms. Now the fourth slide would have been examples of the next term-

diction-but there are multiple different types of diction so that’s what I put as my fourth slide.

The last slide is the examples of diction. I decided to do this order because it is neat and easy to

follow. You don’t want a hard presentation where the audience is confused and doesn’t know

what’s going on. You want an easy and simple presentation, so the audience is confident that

they know what is going on.

I also handed out a handout for the audience, so they can see ahead of what’s going on. I

put the handout in the order of the terms, so chiasmus was the first term, so I had the definition

and examples under it. Diction was the last term, so I had the definition, types, and examples
Huber 2

under it. I feel like I put my presentation in a fashionable and nice order, to make it easy and

simple to follow.

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