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Katherine Huber

Mrs. Cramer

Comp I pd. 2

5 March 2019

College Application Narrative

Throughout my childhood I wasn’t the most liked person. I stuck out from the crowd of

“cool kids” and I never hung out with anyone whom they were friends with. I guess, I always felt

like an outsider, someone who never fit in with that group of kids, especially one girl in my

grade. During my ninth-grade year I went through multiple cases of bullying and depression. As

I grew older, I realized that it doesn’t matter how big your friend group is, but which of those

friends you can trust and depend on in a real-life crisis.

On August 25, 2016, I started my first day of high school! I was extremely excited to be

called a high schooler and walk the halls of Bradford Area High. I wanted to focus on school and

make sure I did everything possible to make sure my grades were well-kept, and my golf career

could start. As the year was going by, I started having problems with a certain group of people.

They, of course, were part of this one girl's friend group and would do anything to stay in it. All

the people who wanted to be in her group but weren’t, would also do whatever it took to become

her friend.

I remember walking into my favorite class-English-and just thinking it was going to be a

great 45 minutes. Well, I can tell you now that I thought wrong. As soon as I sat down, that girl

and a few of her friends started laughing. I couldn’t tell what they were laughing at, so I just
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ignored it at first. Then, they started saying, “Riley, Riley, can you help me Riley?” I didn’t

know who they were talking to or about, so I turned around casually and looked at them. Then

they all laughed and said, “yes you Riley!” I couldn’t figure out how they found out my middle

name or what made them think it was okay to make fun of me like that. Next thing I remember, I

was sitting in a bathroom stall bawling my eyes out because a group of kids just made fun of my

middle name and thought it was funny. I never thought people could just be rude for no reason

and think it's funny.

I never understood why this girl didn’t like me and why she went out of her way to be

rude. I remember other incidents where she called me names, talked about me to all her friends,

and started nasty rumors and even got the sport teams to go against me. This led to a depression

state where I ended up going to therapy and talking to someone to figure out how I could deal

with these types of people. After freshman year I realized she didn’t have to bother me, but she

did because it’s what she wanted to do.

Overall, my freshman year wasn’t as pleasant as most people. Going into it, I thought it

could be a new beginning, a way to show everyone who I was but instead it turned out to be a

horrifying and well learned experience that I had to go through. I realized that those type of

people don’t have to be in my way. Now, as a junior, I see the way things could have gone and

what I could have done to prevent those situations from happening. If I could go back and

change my freshman year, I would have stuck up for myself instead of heading to the bathroom.

All I know is that everyone goes through a tough challenge in their lives, and this was one of my

big challenges that I ended up overcoming and making myself stronger because of it. The point I

learned was to be strong, stay true to myself, and not let people push me around.

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