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PROSECUTION REPORT | DIVISIONSECTION INCIDENT # Dallas Police Department | CID Assaults SUMMARY 972936.2019 "SUMMARY: On April 12, 2019, at approximately 5:15 PM, Suspect Edward Thomas committed the offense of Agg. Assault SBI at 3558 Wilhurt Ave. located in Dallas, Dallas County, Texas. Suspect Edward Thomas committed this offense by punching the complainant numerous times causing a broken left wrist and a coneussion from being knocked unconscious. The complainant in this offense is Peirre Booker. ‘The facts of the case are as follows: On April 12, 2019, at about 5:15 PM, Complainant Peirre Booker was involved a motor vehicle accident inside the apartments located at 3558 Wilhurt Ave in Dallas, Texas. Complainant was backing out of a space, driving a Black Chevy SUV with a Rhode Island license plate IU704, The rear window of this vehicle was taped over with plastic and the complainant accidently backed into another vehicle. Suspect Jaguy Allison was driving the other vehicle, a Silver Chevy, 4 door with Texas temporary plate that did not coms back to that vehicle. Dallas officers N. Caley #11163 and H. Harris #11075 responded to the offense location and reported the trie plate to be Texas BGH7270. The Dallas officers spoke to Suspect Allison who provided his TD. Suspect Allison stated that the complainant had attempted to flee the scene of the accident and he had run the complainant's vehicle off the road with his vehicle to prevent the complainant from leaving, The complainant had left the scene and went to U. T. Southwestern Hospital where Dallas Officers E. Cochran #1151 and S. Warren #9904 responded. Complainant informed officers that complainant had been beaten by suspects and had been transported away from the location by unknown witnesses that had been at the location. Complainant told officers that she is transgender and identifies as a female. Complainant uses the name of Muhlaysia Booker. Complainant stated to officers that after Suspect Allison had run complainant off the road he pointed a gun at her and stated that he would not let her leave unless she paid for the damage to his vehicle. A large crowd began to gather in the complex and unknown witnesses began to filin the following incident. Suspect Edward Thomas is told by a voice on the video that he would receive 200 dollars to beat the complainant and that the money was in his pocket. The camera shows the ground and Suspect Thomas’ shadow is seen pulling on gloves. Suspect Thomas then walks over and as the complainant was facing away from him, suddenly begins to beat the complainant numerous times with his fists. Suspect Bennett joins in and begins to stomp on the complainant's face. ‘The suspect is able to get up and attempts to get away but is followed by Suspect Thomas who lands serveral more punches to the complainant's heed. Several unknown females at the location are then able to carry the complainant away to a vehicle. ‘The complainant appears to be unconscious or dazed at this time. ‘The complainant was driven away and then arrived at U. T. Southwestern and called for Dallas Police at about 9:00 PM Detective Evans #7098 was called and responded to the location and interviewed the complainant at the hospital. Detective was informed that the complainant suffered a fracture (chipped bone) to her left wrist and a concussion. Complainant had visible brusing and swelling to her face. Reporting Officers were told that as Suspect Thomas was beating her that he and other unknown people inthe crowd were yelling, "that's what your faggot ass gets," and "get that faggot out of our hood," as well as "shoot that punk ass." Scene element H316 arrived and photographed the complainant's injuries PROSECUTION REPORT | DSIONSECTION ea oer - Dallas Police Department | C12! Asus UMMARY CONTINUATION | 9729362019 52, SUMMARY CONTINUATION: Suspect Edward Thomas’ name was provided to the complainant by unknown ftiends who did not want to Bive their names for fear of retaliation. In addition, about 4 hours after the assault, Gang Unit Officer | Maddox #10464 was on routine patrol and drove into the gas station at 3003 E. Illinois and was flagged down by Suspect Thomas. The suspect spoke to Officer Maddox for several moments about an unrelated incident. Later, Officer Maddox saw the video of this assault and recognized this suspect to be the same Suspect from the video and that the suspect's AIS photograph isthe same person that he spoke to at the gas Station, The video was collected by Officer Maddox and it shows the suspect to be wearing the seme clothing and that he had a blue rag hanging out of his clothes just as he did in the video. This suspect goes by the nick name of "Big E” and on the audio of the video people could be heard calling him "E?. On April 14, 2019, Suspect Edward Thomas, was contacted by Dallas Police Officers N. Caley #11163 and H. Harris #11075 responded to 3333 E. Illinois Ave. Apartment #203, regarding a call about a suspect wanted in this offense, This caller did not want to be identified and stated the suspect was named Thomas. Officers spoke to the owner, Shankeedra Demmings who gave verbal consent on body camera video to look lent for the suspect. Suspect Edward Thomas-was found in the bathroom. -He was then detained and handcuffed for officer saftey. Suspect spoke to Detective Evans 7098 by phone and it was explained to him that he was not under arrest. The suspect stated he wanted to speak to detective and was brought down to Dallas Police Headquarters. Detective Evans read the suspect his Miranda Rights and the suspect agreed to speak to detective. The suspect then admited to commiting this offense but denied saying anything derogatory about the complainant. Detective walked the warrant for the arrest on April 14, 2019, STATE OF TEXAS AFFIDAVIT FOR ARREST WARRANT ‘COUNTY OF 7048 WHEREFORE, Affiant requests that an ares warrant be issued forthe above accused individual in accordance with the lowe, APFIANT SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME on he [Yt dayor eee 20 FA SK) Magis g@ of ldge, and or Dallas Gy, Teaar MAGISTRATE'S or JUDGES DETERMINATION OF 'YROBABLE CAUSE onthisthe (4 aay of Ark 20/4 "herby aeiawedg that avd examined he gsi amar tnd have determined that probable cause exists forthe issuance of 1m arrest warrant forthe individual accused therein. Magistrate or fudge in and for Dallas Peuhyy, Texas Conieaton: 9729 19 Thomas, Edward, Dominic

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